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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1905)
I I V pT J r ft V 5r -- w T J J V- A- je TWENTY FOURTH YEAR There is only ouo SAM JONES And this distinguished lecturer will be hero on Friday July -21 1903 830 i m AT METHODIST CHUIICH Admission fire fit McConnells The great audience hears Sam Jones Georgias boss evangelist A char acteristic talk embracing religious political and social current topics The Rev Sam Jones heid the boards at OBriens opera house last evening very successfully His audience was large filling every part of the house No paid lecturer ever appeared in Birmingham to a larger crowd Beecber Talmage and lu gersoll not excepted All the steam whistles made a frightful din when Col Alex McClure of Philadelphia came here to warn us about not ing to the gold standard and repeat ed the wild infernal racket adver tising to accommodate an enter 1 prising merchant The whistles j ought to have screamed yesterday for Sam Jones As a drawer ho is not only an artistbut a whole bureau 1 full of drawers with living every day pictures in them lie talked against shams There were to hear him all kinds of people from Birmingham and tire suburbs He highly enter tained them Ho did that most familiar to his auditors as a bold and and original crusader against sin there was curiosity to learn whether he could attaia any wider character istic latitude than radiates from his pulpit performances Birmingham -I - a5S Stokes the grocer tmKfmmfff13 J McCook City Affairs The city council was in regular ses sion Monday evening mayor and all councilmen present Bills as follows were allowed C E Eldred 81030 P M Kimmell 21S0 Barnes Mitchell 220 McCook Electrice Light Co 9940 McCook Loan and Trust Co 7500 L W McConnell 40 On motion the purchase was authoriz ed of 300 feet of Alpha hose of 400 lbs pressure test at 65 cents per foot - Police judges report for June was read and referred to the city attorney Ordinance IIS covering the annual propriation and levy was passed and duly signed by the mayor The ordinance appropriates for all municipal purposes 92027S The levy calls for a total of 16 mills of which 10 mills is for general fund 3 mills each for water and electric light The total assessment of the city is 352800 The entire revenue of the city for the year ending May 1st 1905 was 81360601 The expenses of the city for the same period of time was 91647S An Unappreciated Soaking J A Wilcox Son got more water than they could use last Friday night and Saturday morning The roof was being replaced over their store and the rains caught them between the time the old was removed and the new put on And there was something doing in the baling business for several hours result ing in much inconvenience and consi derable damage Those occupying the flat over the store came in for something of the same sort it is fair to presume Congregatlonalists Call a Pastor At a special called business meeting of the church Tuesday evening in the church building the members of the Congregational church voted unani mously to call Rev George B Hawks of Canton S D to the pastorate of the McCook church It is hoped that he will accept the call and that he will be on the ground by the first Sunday in August if possible Desirable Residence For Sale My residence on corner of Marshall and Dakota streets Inquire at resi dence M U Clyde Helpful Rest can bo secured by purchasing a com fortable store hammock at McMillens drug Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun burn and tan See that road wagon at Colemans for 3850 its a peach The mills of tho Gods grind slowly but never grind finer flour than Doans mills produce r We have nowln our employe a first class shoemaker who will attend to all your shoes needing repair The Bee Hive First in the hearts of all good bread lovers is Doans 91 patent You need the flour to keep well fed Doan needs your trade to knead your bread WSL VtsV rS MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Dr W A DeMay was over from Dan bury Sunday evening Miss Bessie Crites of Hastings is a guest of Miss Lottie Knipple Mrs C E Cose is entertaining her mother Mrs Clark of Kansas City Mrs O R Amice of Oxford has been the guest of her sister Mrs Pisk this week Mi axu Mrs Emerson Hanson re turned Tuesday from their sad trip to Illinois John Unzicker of Griswold Illinois has been visiting in this city his former home since last week Robert Pate of Minden is a guest of his son Dispatcher W P Pate and an admirer of the new grandson Miss Vera Hileman came home from Omaha Wednesday night to spend a short vacation with the family Dr W F Jones and bride arrived home last night from their extended honeymoon on the Pacific coast Rev E R Earle was iru the city fore part of tho week haviug returned recently from his vacation in the east Miss Carrie Ashmoke was in the city Tuesday on her waj up to Palisado on a visit Miss Carrie lived her early life in Indianola Mr Thompson an employee on the Tecumseh Republican was in the city last Saturday on his way home from a visit to friends in Stockville Misses Stangland were the amiable hostesses at tho regular fortnightly con vivial convocation of the charming Awl Os Tuesday evening Miss Pearl Zint is now book keeper and stenographer for W T Coleman Miss Nellie Smith going into L W McConnells employ in a similar capa city Miss Minnie Rowell departed Tues day for the coast She will make visits in Sheridan Wyoming and Portland Oregon during her absence of several weeks Miss Marion Anderson departed for her home in Fulberton Nebraska close of last week after spending a few weeks in her former home guest of Master Mechanic and Mrs R B Archibald Rev J J Loughran of St Patricks church doparted last Thursday evening for Wisconsin on a vacation of a few weeks Father Damien is looking after the spiritual welfare of his flock mean while Mrs Ned Ellis formerly of our city but late of Moberly Missouri died at the home of her daughter in that city Saturday morning June 24th 1905 The remains were buried in Numa Iowa Deceased was for many years a resident of our city Dr and Mrs Elias Smith and Miss Carrie parents and sister of Mrs C H Meeker arrived close of last week from Farmington 111 and are the guests of Mr and Mrs Meeker They are on their way to Pasadena California their pres ent home from a visit to the old home back in Illinois Dr J D Hare has just returned home from eastern Iowa where he was called to attend the burial of his mother who died at the age of S8 years in Cali fornia and was taken to tho family burial ground at Mt Pleasant Tho doctors mother was a native of the Isle of Mann and spoke the Manx language W M Sullivan departed Tuesday night for Grand Island in response to a telegram announcing the death of his aged mother who passed away to her reward that day after an illness of a few weeks from the infirmities of old age Deceased was 74 years of age Burial was made in Grand Island on Wednesday Take your ease this summer in one of our comfortable hammocks Prices from 100 to 8750 McConnell Druggist Death of James H Short James H Short who has resided for about a year on the old Rider farm seven miles north of McCook died on Friday of last week July 9th after an illness of three weeks with typhoid pneumonia James H Short was born in Dela ware in 1860 Came to Red Willow county Nebraska in 1904 settling on the old Rider farm seven miles north of McCook Deceased leaves a wife and five children three sisters and two brothers to mourn his departure May his soul rest in peace The remains were buried in the Box Elder cemetery Sunday services being held by Rev Kerr Deceased was a model husband a kind father and an excellent neighbor Two brothers and one sister were present at the burial A Neighbor zOi i v -- mk stia Distressing Fatal Accident Last Saturday afternoon at about 500 oclock at a point about one and a half miles east of the little town of Kanona Kansas on the Burlingtons Republican City Oberlin line occurred one of the most distressing wrecks in tho history of the McCook division Resulting as it did in the instant death of two persons and the serious injury of several more while still others sustained minor in juries sucn as uruises scaip wounas etc The dead are MISS MILLIE KOLL Republican City Neb HARRY Mexico Mo Those severely injured are Mrs W L Egbert Republican City Nob Dr A A Allen Topeka Kas Ed Bender Hastings Neb William Langmade Oberlin Kas Tho train was composed of an engine way car and two box cars and was in charge of Conductor Aithur Lyman with engineer William Koll and Fireman W L Egbert on the engine This liuo suffered a serious washout Sunday July 2nd in the valley near Republican City and until repairs were completed on the 11th no trains had been able to cross Conductor Lyman and crew were on the west side of the washout at tno time ana alter arrange ments for transferring passengers ox- press and mail had been effected were used to ply between the washout and Oberlin Tho families of tho crews all live in Republican City and owicg to the con tinued absence of husbands and fathers it had been arranged for the members of tho families to go on the ill fated train to Oberlin where the crews would spend Sunday The party was made up of Engineer Kolls wife and daughters Millie and Mary Fireman Egberts wife aud infant son and the wives of Brake M R Sheldon and E O Scott Before arriving at Norcatur tho way car had been crowded with passengers but at this point a nnmber of harvest hands had left the train and at the time of tho accident about twenty passen gers still remained Of these four men were riding on the front platform one of them White losing his life after jumping in an attempt to save it There being no facilities for turning the engine was run forward on the down trip and backward returning to Oberlin the rear wheels of the tank climbing the rail caused the disaster That thev should have done this on a straight level track is without explanation At the place of accident the track is on a fill about ten fee4 high and both engine and way car fell down this embankment Millie Koll had gone over to Norcatur to ride a short distance with her father and was on the left side of the engine When it turned over she was crushed under the boiler head and afterwards her body was shockingly scalded by hot water and steam escaping from a broken waterglass Harry White was also instantly killed being crushed by the falling way car Assistance was summoned from Kan ona and in a few minutes nearly a hund red people responded to the call for helpbringing such aid for the injured as they could ufi such short notice Will ing hands then undertook the task of releasing the bodies of those killed which could only be done by excavating beneath them The bodies were then taken to Kanona and afterwards to Oberlin to secure the services of an un dertaker Brakeman Scott accompanied by his wife drove over from Oberlin Sunday to complete arrangements for burial of Miss Koll here The rest of the party drove over Monday afternoon with the re mains Services were held in the Methodist j church Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev Erasmus Smith of Alma ma6y McCook friends being present and showing their sympathy for the living and tribute of respect for tho dear one gone before There was a wealth of beautiful flowers to the memory of the dead OBITUARY Millie Koll was born at Fort Dodge Iowa Sept 29 1885 Came to McCook Nebraska August 27th 1887 Moved to Republican Citv Nebraska in the fall of 1892 She united with the M E L church on probation September 28tr 1901 and was baptized and received in full connection on Nov 12th 1902 She died July 8th 1905 aged 19 years 9 months and 9 days Funeral was held in the M E church McCook Nebraska conducted by Rev Erastus Smith of Alma Nebraska a former pastor CARD OF THANKS To our kind friends in McCook who did so much to lighten our burden and who so lovingly expressed their sympa thy in wreaths and flowers on the occa sion of our sad mission the burial of our dear Millie we wish to express our heartfelt thanks Our prayer is that if you are called upon to pass through such dark hours of sorrow you may have as loving hands to minister unto you Mr and Mrs Will Koll and Mary McCook Commercial Club The important act of McCook Com mercial club at its meeting Monday evening was the selection of a committeo to head the streot fair and carnival to be held in McCook August 2 Those composing this important com mittee are J E Ivelloy chairman E M Bigelow secretary F A Pennell treasurer G B Berry G S Scott S C Beach A Barnott Harry Barbazett II H Tartsch The Tribune expects to be able at once to report progress from this com mittee which embraces tho elements that will pushlhs matter to a success ful issue backed as they will bo by the club and citizens of McCook A few other matters of moment weio disposod of A financial report from the treasurer of the Fourth of July celebration show ed that after all bills had been paid there remains a neat balance of 2S055 in tlie fund which on motion was de posited subject to calLand direction of mo club for future affairs of like or other public projects Dr Z L Kay a member of the Jop lin Missouri commercial club and a former resident of our city was present by invitation and made some helpful remarks and suggestions showing what their club has accomplished and expect ed to do and throwing out a few ideas as to what McCook might bring to pass when its club got busy and in earnest W T Coleman and President Barnott had tho floor for stirring words along the line of the street fair and carnival and W R Starr had a suggestion to offer concerning horses speed and tho like in connection with tho stock show In general it was a satisfactory meet ing With our complete stocks and elegant assortment of toilet articles we are sure to please everybody If you want any thing out of the ordinary its likely we have it Our stock of hair brushes combs tooth brushes nail and hand brushes was never as complete as at the present time McConnell Druggist Death of Conductor Ed Kane The following account of the death of Edward Kane a former citizen of Mc Cook and Burlington passenger conduc tor is copied from a Fox Lake Wiscon sin newspaper of recent date Edward Kane son of Mrs E Kane of this village passed away at his home in Portage Monday morning and was buried at St Marys cemetery here on Wednesday Ed Kane was a man who laft Fox Lake a number of year ago in the pride of his early life to carve out a future for himself and his loved ones He engaged in railroading and in a short time had worked himself up into a good position as conductor on the Burlington system running from McCook Neb where he made his home to Denver He held this responsible position for some twenty years and was considered a most efficient and faithful employee by the company About thirteen years ago his health began to fail being afflicted with a sort of creeping paralysis which gradually sapped his health and life away His eyes first became affected then his hearing and finally every sense he had gradually left him until the past two years or so ic was doubtful whether he knew or realized a thing Every thing that the best of medical skill and loving care and kindness could suggest was done for him but there seemed no help and he gradually failed and wasted away until he was finally released of his troubles and passed quietly away on Monday morning aged 48 years He married Miss Carrie Liebenstein of this village who with her three children sur vive him and they the sympathy of their manv friends in their affliction Tho funeral sermon by Father Hartmann was a fine tribute to the departed and the large attendance showed the esteem in which he was held here at the old home Notice to Contractors The directors of district No 29 will re ceive sealed bids for the construction of a new school house up to July 25th 1905 Plans and specifications may be seen at either the Barnett or the Bullard lumberyard Right is reserved to re ject an and all bids O N Rector Director Were Disiappointing The Slay tons had an overflowing house Wednesday night at the Menard They were disappointing not nparly ap proaching the quality of the colored company that appeared here two years since They are long on specialities but short on singers Notice Woodmen There will be a special meeting of the Woodmen in their hall on next Tnurs day evening Important business to be transacted Refreshments will be serv ed Every Woodman is urged to be present McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 14 190S Committees Financial Report The committee having in charge tho recent Fourth of July celebration sub mits the following finnncial report which has at least one unusual item a cash balance KKCCIITS Cash turned over by 1901 committee 100 Subscriptions 1905 Concessions Balance cash iu hand 11192 TO700 sono Total 9591 KWnXDITURKS Amusement committeo SQS0 Exixnc3 of Speaker 4100 Hand and expenses 100CO Barbecue Committee tl12 Building stands lumber etc 75X0 Priutinpr and advertising 8715 Sundry expenses labor draying otc 2331 678K7 2805- Vanilla Extract Many people have never tasted a true vanilla flavor much of the vanilla sold contains no vanilla at all Try ours and you will be surprised at the dfferenco there is It has a strength and delicacy you never find in ordinary extracts Try it in your ice cream or desserts you will never use the ordinary kind again OurIemon is just as superior McCbNjfErx Druggist Sew Ads This Week Now advertisements are in this issue of The Tribune as follows The Model Shoo Storo Joe Hight contractor builder Earl Murray barber E J Mitchell auctioneer It pays to read Tribune advertise ments Bouglit the Tully Building This week C F Lehn closed a deal for the purchase of tho Luke Tully building north of Dr Fahnstocks office residence Mr Lehn will at once lower the building to grade and improvo it in every way painting etc to mako it of commercial use Celery Plants for Sale 25000 choice celery plants for sale and now is the time to plant for fall and winter use 2 50 per 1000 30 cents per 1C0 Large tomato cabbage and sweet potato plants 35 cents per 100 McCook Greenhouse McCook Nob A Special For July 20th A special teachers examination will bo held on Thursday July 20th for any not wishing to be examined on Saturday Flora B Quick County Supt Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 1 miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 1958 Emerson st Denver Col Have Pedeemed 400000 Of the 12000 bonds voted by McCook to build the court house 81000 worth have already been redeemed out of the money in the sinking fund for that pur pose Attention Farmers Acors Healing Liniment can now be secured at W W McMillens harness shop W J Goehrino Agent Cherries for Sale at the Morlan farm Pickers bring your scissors R M McDonald phone Y133 The Round Oak Chief steel range at Waites They want second hand Call telephone 31G furniture McMillens Blaekbom Balsam for summer complaint etc - Shoes repaired and work guaranteed at the old stand The Bee Hive Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire satisfaction Sold by McMillen Drug gist Get a stack coner at W T Colemans before haying and harvest You will need it All repairs on shoes bought of J H Grannis will be done free at Stulken Bauers Our Mr Meyers will make you new shoes as well as repair your old ones at The Bee Hive All shoe repairing promptly and neatly done Bring in your work The Bee Hive The finest gas engine and alfalfa grind er that has ever been placed on the market at W T Colemans Call and see it You cant do better anywhere on earth than at Marshs meat market in any article usually for sale in an up-to-date market Just try him Variety quality price treatment all guaranteed For Sale A nice front door for a residence with screen door to match Also window frame and two sashes with glass Will sell very reasonable Call at this office for further particulars Cy cO tjtj MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Ludwick for dishes McConnoll for dru gs 0 NUMBER 7 Stokes grocer phono No J0 Everything in drugs McConnell Detroit gasoline stoves at Waites Try Stokes for groceries Phone 30 McConnells Lightning Corn Cure 10c Cups and saucers 45c per set at Lud wicks Turnip Waitos and winter radish seed at Fresh butterof best quality afcMarsha meat market Wanted Second hand furniture Call telephone 316 A second hand surrey tor satephonp at V T Ooleruaas A car load of corn for sale Doren Bartley Neb - Remember phone No want nice fresh groceries o s Vn The new Presscut g Have yon seen it Phone to No 316 if jou lin ond hand furniture to sell an SU vi n vcu t iiiv sec- H P Waite Co have ia g stock of bundle and header fork3 Cream in sealed 10c and 20c bottlos for sale at Marshs meat market That sliced halibut will capture you if you try it once Stokes grocery Youll walk easier if 3 on II use Mc Connells Foot Powder 25 cents Our Mr Meyers will get your shoes repaired promptly at The Beo Hive All skoeabougbt of J U Grannis will borepaired free at Stulken Bauers Wc want your shoe repairing and will attend to it promptly Tqe Bee IIivh French canned goods peas mush rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc ery J II Grannis sale of summer dress CtnfftC nlrtuf n w v buuuji iraaamiui MUZt 15 UOW OH UO not miss it Farn ers Have you enough dishes for harvest Ludwick has the assorment to select from Lost Crystal and gold rim to a ladys gold watch Finder please leave at Tri -rune office Water coolers at W T Colemans Place one in your store and see if wont help your trade Remember that all shoes bought at The Bee Hive will be sewed and nailed free by our Mr Meyers Farm trucks at 2700 at W T Cole mans Just tho thing for your hay rack to haul grain hay and manure We take pride in getting your shoe repairing done promptly and at reason able prices The Bee Hive Why not get one of those oak water three gallon kegs to carry water to the field in Take a look at those at W T Colemans Dinner sets tea sets toilets sets plain ware decorated ware good cheap dishes fine dishes everything in the lino at Lud wicks Our living friends are not our only advertisers Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decrv the merits of Doans 91 patent Cement pavements only would go with Messrs Olcott Berry and Richardson over on Manchester street and Coglizer Bush are laying the walks Out-of-town products are not in com petition when quality and excellence are considered as factors in flour Theres none so good as Doans 91 The reduction prices on those summer dress goods dress skirts etc at J II Grannis are moving them fast Get in before the best values are taken McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in the western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments An expert gasoline stove repairer has head quarters at II P Waite Cos for one week Now is the chance to have your gasoline stove cleaned or repaired Work done at vour home You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable A few years ago all machinery was made from wood and today any piece of farm machinery that is not made of steel is out of date The latest is the steel wagon In a few years there will be nothing but steel wagons W T Cole man has them now You should call and see them I