Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1905)
l v t tt u t 3 TWENTY FOURTH YEAR mkt Getting Down to Business The carnival committee of the McCook commercial club was in important ses sion Wednesday night arranging for the street fair and harvest festival to be held it this city during the week of August 28th Septomber 2nd Various details were disposed of The Parker Amusement Co has been secured to entertain the people and in this art they are recommended as ex perts who fail not One of the especial features of the car nival will be the display of live stock and agricultural products This is a year of plenty and our visitors may ex pect to see something marvelous in this line Stockmen and farmers for many miles around are entering into this matter and the result will be a display to delight the heart of all our guests during the carnival The matter of decoration of the city during the week will receive attention Electricity will have a prominent place A Miraculous Merger The Indianola Independent was this week sold by S R Smith to Frank Lackey foreman of the Indianola Re ported and next week the combined newspapers will appear with Frank Lackey as editor J S Phillips retiring temporarily at least from the tripod Indianola can and doubtless will sup port one good newspaper We hope she will Its business FINE CHINA We have recently received a large line of Japanese and hand-painted china New shapes New designs New colorings Suitable for presents and for your own table McConnell Druggist Live Stock Show At a meeting of the street -fair com mittee Wednesday evening it was de cided to devote the first part of the car nival to the live stock and agricultural exhibit Monday Tuesday and Wed nesday will be live stock days Entries can be made up to Monday at 6 p m The judging will take place Tuesday and the stock released after the parade at 10 a m Wednesday Free accom modations will be furnished stock but a small fee charged for hay and grain if desired A premium schedule is being arranged and entry blanks may be had by applying to E J Mitchell superin tendent of the live stock exhibit or any of the superintendents of the various classes The list will be made public as soon as completed It is urged that special premiums be offered to create an interest in this feature Any person or firm desiring to assist in this matter will kindly notify the superintendent E J Mitchell A Little Family Affair As a result of a little family and neighborhood affair Tom Morrissey and A S Gibbs had an impromptu mill on Main street last Friday evening Police Judge Berry adjudicated the matter later in the evening It cost Morrissey 8300 and costs and Gibbs got off free Morrissey was evidently the aggressor striking Gibbs several times even after Gibbs was in the hands of the night policeman W H Ferguson Sells Pictou Maitland lump coal at 775 ton Best lump threshing at 700 ton Best nut threshing coal at 6 50 ton Best egg coal at 575 ton He also pays the highest market price for all kinds of grain Try him Prohibition State Convention The Prohibitionists of Nebraska will hold their state convention in the aud itorium Lincoln on August 8th 1905 at 10 oclock Red Willow county is entitled to eight delegates under the call Red Willow County Fair The county fair management an nounces its dates for the coming fall exhibition as September 26 27 28 and 29 The premium list will be ready for distribution shortly Helpful Rest can be secured by purchasing a com fortable hammock at McMillens drug store Dinner sets tea sets toilets sets plain ware decorated ware good cheap dishes fine dishes everything in the line at Ludwicks Best quality apron check ginghams5c yd at Thompsons Large gingham aprons of best quality 20c at Thompsons BesU quality table oil cloth 15cyd at Thompsons Mens black undershirts and drawers 33c at Thompsons Use McMillens Cream Lotion for sun burn and tan MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE John Cordeal is spending the week in Colorado Charles D Ritchie is a new clerk in W S Morlana law office G F Washburn of Giltner this state is a guest nf his brother Fred Mrs Steve Dwire is down from Den ver guest of McCook relatives Mrs J F Kenyon was a passenger on No 1 Wednesday for Denver Miss Winnie Browne left Monday for Malmo where she is visiting friends Miss Mary Templeton of Pikeview Colo is a guest in J H Moores home Mrs Vina Wood joined her father yesterday on a trip to PortlandOregon R O Adams of the Grand Island Democrat was a sojourner first of the week Mrs Axel Backstrom and the chil dren are visiting Lincoln relatives for a few weeks Mrs George LeHew is visiting rela tives in Pueblo leaving for that city yesterday on 1 Mrs H A Tartsch entertained a sister Miss Vera Ballance of Platts mouth last week Ralph Guthrie a special agent of the revenue service was in the city early in the week Mrs J M Trammkll and sister Miss Piovance went up to Denver on 13 Wed nesday on a visit Mrs George Willetts and children were passengers on 13 Wednesday for Denver on a short visit G S Foxworthy of the Western Newspaper Union Omaha had business in the city on Wednesday Miss Ena Gamsby came up from In dianola close of past week and has been the guest of McCook friends a few days Mrs T A Wilburn and the children want down to Hendley Wednesday to be absent two or three weeks visiting relatives L C Stoll returned to the city early in the week from Wichita Kansas where he has been located for the past fewmonths Mrs A W Hunt and ailing baby have returned to Wilsonville The lit tle ones treatment will be discontinued for a few weeks Mrs L J Baldwin departed early in the week for her home in Merrill Mich after a visit of several weeks with Mrs L R Clyde Mrs E C Colvin and daughter Miss Gertrude departed this morning for Kearney on a visit to Mrs A O Thom as a daughter and sister Marjory Schobel entertained a com pany of little friends last Friday after noon in honor of her young guest Mar garet Copeland of Minden Supt E E Magee of Ashland an in structor in the Holdrege junior normal spent Saturday and Sunday in McCook with family and relatives Miss Mamie Chandler arrived home Sunday from her delightful Colorado visit and resumed her desk in the Bar nett Lumber office Monday morning Miss Edna Waite entertained a com pany of her young girl friends last Sat urday evening in honor of her cousin Miss Isola Neiswanger of Cambridge her guest Mrs F H Higgins and daughters Misses Anna and Katherine of Kansas City Missouri are guests of Mr and Mrs F M Kimmell while on their way homeward from a trip to the Rockies E H Batty of Hastings proprietor of the Alma Record and the Orleans Star was in the city Saturday on land business He was considering the advi siability of putting a newspaper plantain Culbertson He was greatly impressed with conditions about McCook E J Simonds assistant state secre tary of the Y M C A was in the city part of this week in the interest of the financial affairs of the association his ef fort being to raise some money here to assistin the work which is maintained by voluntary subscriptions About 1000 are required to continue the work during 1905 Rev George B Hawkes the new Congregational pastor wife and baby son arrived in the city on No 1 Thurs day noon He will deliver his first ser- mon in his new field on next Sunday morning at 11 oclock Rev Hawkes and wife come to the Congregational people highly endorsed as earnest esti mable young people and the parishion ers feel they are fortune in their selec tion of a pastor Services will conse quently be held in the church on com ing Sunday both morning and evening at the usual hours Very good Thompsons JflcCottb harvest overalls 50c at Stokes the grocer JUNIOR NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES The total enrollment this week reaches a grand total of 232 M S Pate of Trenton mingled with the normalites Wednesday Miss Grace B Murphy of Arapahoe was a normal visitor Monday v Supt G H Pickett of Hayes Center was on the ground Tuesday on a semi- occasional visit of inspection State Supt McBrien and his deputy E C Bishop each expect to spend at least one day at McCook before the nor mal closos Mr J F Winters the American Book Companys state representative came out from Lincoln Thursday on matters of business To day marks the close of the eighth week of the junior normal school There are but two weeks more this summer s session ending August 11 Instructor Hoppers class in civics has been holding a series of nominating conventions the result being the devel opment of a high order of political wire pulling The practice at least illustrates exactly how things are done Dr J A Beattie a former president of the Peru state normal and now of the Cotner university faculty at Lincoln will be hero Wednesday August 9 He will speak in the forenoon at chapel and deliver an evening address The reports indicate that the McCook junior normal heads the list at present Valentine is the smallest with something less than 100 while Alliance and North Platte stand about HO each Holdrege has 216 This gives McCook the lead by sxiteen In school law Supt OConnell has the class into a regular district school meeting where motions are made and objections entered in the same way as usually characterize such deliberations The practical value of such traiuing is much appreciated Rev Luther P Ludden will be here Friday August 11 the last day Mr Ludden is a member of the state board of education and has a wide acquaint ance over the state As Supt McBrien phrases it he is a fitting man to have present for the doxology and benedic tion Instructor C M Barr gaveihe normal teachers a delightful evening of enter tainment Wednesday with an address descriptive of last summer spent in Ari zona and New Mexico It was well il lustrated by views taken on the trip Mr Miller delighted the audience with two vocal numbers President J W Crabtree of the Peru State Normal School and President A O Thomas of the Kearney State Nor mal School have written that they will each be present one day within the next two weeks for the purpose of becoming better acquainted with the work done at the junior state normal schools Robert Knowles Beverly Blanche Pahl Cambridge Sadie Hamilton Bar tley Jennie McAleer Etta Jones Cora Schoonover Kelley Jennings Trenton Emma Keller Geneveive Barger Cul bertson John Underhill Cornell Maude Middleton McCook Katie Smith Hayes Center Ola Doling Edison entered new this week The instructors are busy preparing questions for the examinations to be conducted during the closing week for junior normal school certificates Ques tions will be prepared at each of the five representative ones will be selected and printed for the use of the teachers Advices received here from the state department of education report that it will be impossible for Frank R Rober son to keep his engagement with the junior normal schools This is due to the continued sickness of his wife Supt McBrien is in telegraphic com munication with musical talent as a special attraction in the way of enter tainment for the closing week of school While general regret is felt over Mr Robersons inability to come assurance is given that a worthy substitute will be offered The state superintendent of public in struction announces that examinations for professional state life certificates will be held at McCook in the East ward building Friday and Saturday August 4 and 5 The branches required besides those demanded for a first grade county certificate include chemistry general history English literature plane trigonometry zoology geology physical geography philosophy and rhetoric Not all the examinations need be taken this year the grades being good from year to year There is no fee It is hoped that there may be several who will desire to secure a certificate of pro fessional grade Inquiries can be made of the principal of the junior normal school I The Friday morning music rendered at the chapel today afforded pleasure to a large audience of teachers and visitors It was in detail as follows Chant School Song O Come Come Away School Vocal Solo The Two Grenadiers Me C H Millee Piano Solo Cottonfleld Danced Mrs W B Mills Vocal Solo Oh Dry those Tears Mbs Q H Thomas With Violin Obligato Miss Hazel Habe Piano Solo Pizzicati Mbs WB Mills VocalSolo I Fear No Foe Mb C H Milleb Song Lightly Row School Unique Mr Jones of Georgia Mr Sam Jones of Cartersville Geor gia ran amuck in our city last Friday evening shooting at the flock in his lanquid and quite inimitable way The subject of Sams somewhat er ratic philippic was Character and Characters but he wa3 not under bond to stick to his text and he prompt ly forgot it after announcing the same The Tribune does not want to be understood as conveying the idea that Sam Jones did not say many things worth while He did But by the same token he would have left a better im pression had he left unsaid several things he seemed to have most pleasure in say ing But robbed of his idiosyncrasies his mannerisms and masterful nerve there isnt enough meatty substance left to give the discriminating and thoughtful mind enough to instruct and entertain it He addressed a fair sized audience a larger one than would greet him on a return visit He does not measure up to reasonable expectations His appearance here was under cies of the Epworth League of the Meth odist church Resigned Effective September 1st John H Bennett has resigned his po sition as county commissioner the same to go into effect on the first day of Sep tember Mr Bennett expects on that date to eo to Omaha where he will en gage in the cigar and tobacco business Mr Bennett has made one of the best commissioners Red Willow county has ever had and his place will not be easily filled The removal of himself and family from McCook will be a source of much genuine regret He has also re signed from the board of directors of the McCook Cooperative Building and Savings association where his judgment and business acumen have been of value and prized This resignation becomes effective on the 1st of September also Notice to Contractors The directors of district No 29 will re ceive sealed bids for the construction of a new school house up to July 25th 1905 Plans and specifications may be seen at either the Barnett or the Bullard lumber yard Right is reserved to re ject any and all bids O N Rector Director Mens black Thompsons alpaca coats 175 at Ready made wrappers 50c 90c S125 at Thompsons Ladies linen colored shirt waist suits 150 at Thompsons For Sale My residence Inquire at house May E Goldtrap The McCook bottling works are now owned and managed by E B Odell Son who are pushing and enlarging the business junior normal scnoois ana senu in 10 excursion Since their recent fishing the state departmnet of education where ifc ig recognized that both Colonel Sutton and Dr Fahnestock push in them have considerable Wanted Oil saleman at once to can vass the farming and threshing trade Fine opportunity for a good man Ad dress The Harvey Oil Co Cleveland Ohio Dr Warrick the specialist of Hast ings will meet eye ear nose and throat patients at the Commercial hotel in Mc Cook Monday July 31st Hours from 12 to eight p m Eyes tested and prop erly fitted Dr Warrick the specialist comes very highly recommended as a man of honor and ability He spent the winter in New Ybrk hospitals taking special work in eye ear nose and throat He will make regular visits The Brotherhood of St Paul will give an entertainment musical and literary to be followed by refreshments Aug 8th It will be given and conducted by the Men Let the men do the work do the work Come and see everybody and enjoy the novelty Monday eveniug of this week Dr J F Hart who has been practicing medi cine in our city for a year or so departed for Hastings where he will locate in the practice of his profession Dr W E McDevitt succeeds to his office quarters over McMillens drug store and to his practice fflrtb McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING JULY 28 1905 MUSICAL Miss Edna M Bark and Miss Hazel Hare assisted by others MONDAY AUGUST 17 1005 at 830 p m METHODIST CHURCH Admission 35c A real musical treat is assured by these two artists and assisting friends A full house should greet them SXsXsi Cash Offer Wanted On lot 3 block 7 1st addition to McCook Neb and the southeast quart er of 22-3-29 iyz miles east of McCook Neb Address owner Benj Hammer 1958 Emerson st Denver Col Some years ago all machinery was made from wood Now all first class machinery is made from steel The latest is a steel wagon And W T Coleman has them Look out for the babys health Hes a delicate little chap and his food must be just right during hot weather Our infant foods are always fresh McConnell Druggist Get off at McCook any time between August 28th and September 2nd and have the time of your life The McCook Street Fair and Carnival dates are August 28 29 30 31 Septem ber 1 2 Lincoln Mixed Paint will give entire satisfaction Sold by McAlillen Drug gist McMillens Blackberry Balsam for summer complaint etc Four colors of Cotton Covert Skirting 13Jc at Thompsons Cylinder and all other kinds of oil for sale at Colemans Boys round straw harvest hats 10cat Thompsons Farm trucks as low as 2700 at W T Colemans Ready made sheets and pillow cases Thompsons The Round Oak Chief steel range at Waites Ladies washable skirts 100 150 at Thompsons A MOST LNTERESTING PER- sonality is that of Robert Mcln tyre who is to lecture under nor mal auspices Friday eyening next He was born in Selkirk Scot land in 1851 and came to this country when seven year3 of age He settled in Philadelphia Pa and at the age of age of eleven took his place as wage earner in a mill Owing to domestic afflic tions he was chief bread winner for a family when but a boy and took a full course of study in the University of Adversity He is bj trade a bricklayer and helped to rebuild Chicago after the great fire His education was received at the public schools and at Van derbilt University Nashville Tenn He entered the ministry in Illinois in 1878 and finding no church at his first appointment inspired the people to build an ediffice for worship doing the brick work with his own hands In ten years from this humble be ginning he was pastor of the larg est Methodist church in Chicago from which he weut to the famed Trinity church Denver and then was pastor of St Jame3 church of the strongest denomination in that city His present home is in Los Angeles California Hehas often requested the members of his churches to go to other places for evening worship and let the crowd of outsiders have access to the pews Often hundreds were turn ed away for lack of room during a series of sermon lectures Farmers Have you enough dishes for harvest Ludwick has the assorment to select from Best quality Simpsons prints 5c a yard at Thompsons For Sale A turning lathe Can be seen at D Magners Mrs Irwin The best harvest work shirts 35c 50c 65c Thompsons 4i 4iii J2 ro NUMBER 9 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Ludwick for dishes McConnell for drugs Feed mills at Colemans Stokes grocer phono No 30 Everything in drugs McConnell Detroit gasoline stoves at Waites Try Stokes for groceries Phone 30 Best harvest toweling 9c at Thomp sons Cups and saucers 45c per set at Lud wicks Harvest gloves all prices at Thomp sons Turnip and winter radish seed at Waites Mens helmet hats for harvest 20c at Thompsons Those bread mixers at Colemans are bread winners Best carpet warp on spools 19 and 21c at Thompsons Fresh butter of best quality at Marshs meat market New fall dress goods beginning to ar rive at Thompsons Fringed table cloths 4 sizes 100 to 175 at Thompsons Remember phone No 30 when you want nice fresh groceries American A 2 bushel seamless grain bags 16c at Thompsons The new Press cut glassware at Lud wicks Have you seen it Turkey red handkerchiefs for thresh ers 6 for 25c at Thompsons Coleman sells steel ranges as low as 1600 Call and see his line Good turkey red table damask for threshers 30c at Thompsons H P Waite Co have a large stock of bundle and header forks Cream in sealed 10c an 20c bottles for sale at Marshs meat market That sliced halibut will capture you if you try it once Stokes grocery Still have a good supply of fly nets W T Coleman For Sale A magic lantern with 93 slides Mrs C K Putnam French canned goods peas mush rooms sardines etc at Stokes groc ery This is weather to naturally remind you of the comfort of a lawn swing See Coleman Get the first choice of those elegant new fall waist patterns just received at Thompsons It cost Martin Donahue 100 and costs for imbibing too freely Tuesday He liquidated Ladies ready made dress skirts 200 to 850 alterations made quickly with out extra charge at Thompsons This is ideal weather for a gasoline stove The Quick Meal is still the un equalled stove W T Coleman McConnells Fragrant Lotion takes out the fire of sunburn and keeps the skin soft and health 25 cents a bottle I want to buy two or three good Jer sey cows not over five years old at fair but not fancy prices S R Smith In dianola Neb Lost a black silk jacket with appli que collar Please return to Mrs P E Benjamin or leave at the Bee Hive Re ward offered Our own make bed comforts Gx7 feet 14 yards cloth six Izzer batts inside well tacked and hemmed 185 at Thompsons Our living friends are not our only advertisers Competitive importations resort to devious methods to decry the merits of Doans 91 patent Out-of-town products are not in com petition when quality and excellence are considered a3 factors in flour Theres none so good as Doans 91 McCook has an enviable reputation as the foremost city of enterprise in the western country Doans 91 patent has been one of McCooks best advertise ments You can depend upon it every time the quality of meat you get at Marshs market Always the best and no high er than the cheaper kinds No need to experiment just remember the reliable A sidewalk is to be built along the west front of block 10 the block just south of the new Methodist church This will be a greatly appreciated im provement giving pedestrians an op portunity of going up that side of Main avenue to the church as well as improv ing the appearance of the street at that point