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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1899)
f * * - . " v * - , -SEVENTEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 31 , 1899. NUMBER 46 Joe Cot Cay In Iowa. The following startling item of news involving a former well-known resident of our city , appears in the Daily Beacon of Ashtabula , Ohio , of March 22 : Sheriff C. D. Lukenbill , Clarke county Iowastopped at the Stoll house.Tuesday might , and left , Wednesday morning , for Franklin , Pa. , on a little errand which is calculated to culminate in making seri ous trouble for a couple of elopers. Last September , Joe Reizenstein , a cigar - ; gar maker of Osceola , Clarke county , la. , succumbed the charms of to sixteen-year- old Lottie Sanders , who was an employe 5a his cigar factory , and deserted his wife sand daughters , one of the latter of whom is older than the fair charmer in this case. Joe and Lottie decamped and managed 'to escape detection , until last week , when they were located and arrested.and ! * * > Sheriff Lukenbill is making the trip on the strength of the following telegram , nvhich he received last Monday : Oil City , Pa. , March 20. Parties under arrest in the station. Reizenstein request" ? the presence of Mrs. Gieizentein. Come immediately , answer. G M.TlMPTIM , Chief of Police. Itf "The wayward husband will no doubt "te disappointed when Sheriff Lukenbill -arrives , as Mrs. Reizenstein is not with ftitn. ftitn.The The sheriff telephoned Chief Timptim from here Wednesday morning and was instructed to stop at Franklin , where the chief will meet him with requisition papers. County Prosecutor I. A. Touet , of 'Clarke county , reached Ashtabula on an -early train Wednesday morning and join- < sd Sheriff Lukenbill. All Reasonable Privileges. "The ordinance providing certain priv ileges and rules for the government of Sot-owners in Longview cemetery , -which appears elsewhere in this issue , is sa very liberal one , and will doubtless meet with the approval of all reasonable citiEens. The privileges gran ted do away -with all reasonable objections that have 3jeen urged against the management of the city cemetery. The rules prescribed --are only such as are necessary in any -well-managed and carefully-kept bury- nng ground , and such a place Longview cemetery can claim to be It is a credit " o the city , and will in time be an at tractive and beautiful city of the dead. Card to the Public. are cordially invited to make your * cash purchases in hardware implements , carriages , etc. , of Cochran & Coleman ion April i , Saturday next. Also grocer ies and merchandise of James Me Adams , itext door. The members of the Christian church -are soliciting trade for these firms on that day in which they are mutually 'benefitted. May we not depend on your 2ielp in this way. Respectfully , COMMITTEE. Baby Wardrobe Patterns. Twenty-seven patterns for different articles in long clothes with full and complete directions for making same , -showing necessary materials , sent postpaid -paid for 250 in stamps. Fifteen patterns -of short clothes 250 or both for 400. " 'Information to Mothers" sent free with each order. Address Downey Pattern 'Co. , Butler , Indiana. School of Instruction. Commencing on April loth and con tinuing two days and two nights , J. A. Tcsaeysof Red Cloud , grand custodian , A. F. & . A. M. , will hold a Masonic school of instruction in McCook , in local 3odge rooms. W. C. T. U. First regular meeting of the W. C. T. 'U. willie held on Friday , April 7th , at arjoin the afternoon , at the home of Mrs. C. H. Boyle. A cordial invitation s extended to all women. By order of tthe president. Eggs for Hatching. I will sell a few sittings from my high scoring pen of White Plymouth Rocks specially mated by Judge Hewes. Eggs $2.00 per 13. D. CuLLEN , 610 Monroe St. , McCook , Neb. There are no "dead" issues in this < city campaign that need agitate or fright en any thoughtful citizen. But the live issues that now or that may in the next .year confront the city can and will be . 'taken care of by the gentlemen on the .Republican ticket. Vote it. What do you care how cold it gets in Alaska ? What you want is some of Sullard's coal to keep you warm here the flowers shall bloom in the spng. " - They all admit cheerfully , that the American Woven Wire is far and away tfce best wire on earth. You will use no other after trying it. S.M. Cochran & Co' S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint to cover best to wear. Sold by . W. MCCONNELI , & Co. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. L. A. COLTER , we are sorry to learn , is quite sick. ' * LOUIS SuESS arrived home from Chicago cage , Sunday night. Miss MAE MOORE went down to Crete , this week , on a visit. M. R. BATES has moved into the Stranahan dwelling , this week. HARRY TROTH was down from Benkel- man , Sunday , to visit the folks. A. A WE.LLER returned to Syracuse , this state , Tuesday morning on 2. JUDGE G. F. WORK of Hastings was in the city , Thursday , on legal business. EDITOR BARNES of the Republican was a capital city visitor , first of the week. JUDGE NORRIS of Beaver City was a city visitor , Monday , on his way to hold court. MRS. M. C. MAXWELL returned home , Tuesday night , from , her long visit in Iowa. W. C. WESTLAND returned , early in the week , from Denver. It was too near heaven for him HARRY TROTH came down from Ben- kelrnan , last Saturday evening , on a short visit to the family. MRS H. P. SUTTON and Mrs. Vina Wood returned "home , Tuesday night , from their Omaha visit. MR. WATERS , father of the doctor , arrived from Bethany , West Va. , Satur day on i , to visit his son. Miss EDNA DIXON returned to Lin coln , Wednesday Mrs. Dixon accom panied her as far as Hastings. JAMES MCCALLUM was in the city , over night , Thursday , on his way home to Indianola from a visit to Omaha. C. W. MEEKER and Alonzo Cunning- lam of Imperial were Commercial guests , Wednesday night on their way up the jrauch. MRS J. F. KENYON and Master Dare departed , Tuesday morning , for Iowa , on a short visit of a week or ten days with relatives. M. J. ABBOTT came down from Hayes Center Saturday evening , on his way east on business connected with the fam ous Reynolds case. Miss MAY KEETHES and Miss Marie Felton , both connected with Dodd , Mead & Co. , of Chicago , were in the city , first ot the week. NELLIE AND IDA GUNDER , who have been visiting their aunt , Mrs. A. G. Dole , for several weeks , returned to their home in Stratton , last Saturday. F. S. WlLCOX arrived home , first of the week , from Chicago , where he has been receiving treatment for his hearing , which is thought to have been improved. JUDGE F. B. BEALL of Hastings arriv ed in the city , Wednesday night , on his way up to Imperial .whither he continued bis journey on Thursday morning , on business. E. R. BANKS , A. C. Banks and W. O. Dimmick , all of Blue Hill , this state , were city visitors , part of the week , ar riving here on Tuesday night and re maining over until Thursday. Miss MABEL WILCOX came up from funiata , Friday night last , and is spend- ; ng the spring vacation at home. Miss Mabel , is teaching a very satisfactory school in Juniata , this year. MRS.-M. E. BARGER entered her 7oth fear , this week , and a few friends cele- irated the fact in a mild- but pleasant nauner. Not many women continue in ictive business at Mrs. Barger's age. MRS. J. A. WILCOX , so word from Orna- la conveys the news , is getting along nice- y now and her early discharge from the I tospital is a possibility which her many riends here will learn with greatest s ileasure. A Card of Thanks. f The fire boys that were present and . . issisted at the burning of my house in be early morning of March 17 , and all thers that assisted them and all the riends and neighbors that assisted me , . ' desire to heartily thank. The good udgmeut in carefully handling my lousehold goods saved to me my per- onal effects with scarcely any loss , for rhich I am so very thankful. MRS. L. C. DOLL. There's money in it for you , if you are . prospective buyer , to see the stock : ept by Cocbran & Co. , before making ny purchases in their line and they : eep everything , and lots of them , and , large variety. n nsi Some fall wheat has been damaged , but lost of the fall wheat will come through be winter in good shape in this part of be state. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. -fi * Licenses as follows Have been issued by the judge since our last report : William E. White and Stella J. Saunders - ders , both of Danbury. Louis Lawntson of Indianola and Marie Frederickson of McCook. They were united in marriage by Rev. W. J. Turner on Sunday afternoon at the Con gregational parsonage. In the case of the State of Nebraska vs. David Rittenhouse , James VanNort- wick and G. W. Cooley for tresspass on complaint of H' A. Bull , the defendants were each fined $50 and costs. Albert Styer , a hired man of one of the defend ants , was fined $5 and costs. Thirty acres of land , belonging to the heirs of the late Perry Plumb , are involved in this case , which is the result of the survey made last fall by County Surveyor Reeves , to which THE TRIBUNE made reference at the time. DISTRICT COURT. The following cases have been filed in the district court since the report made last week : e Joseph T. Mtirtagh vs. Marie S. Eaton et al. Equity. Sylvester Cordeal vs. Elizabeth S. Rice et cons. Equity. State of Nebraska vs. Benson Van- Steenbergh. Appeal. Sarah Murtagh vs. Hulburt A. Graham. Equity. ' FOR SALE. I have for sale , on easy terms , the fol lowing described real estate in McCook , Nebraska : Lot one in block twenty six , First Ad dition to McCook , $600 oo. Lot and building on Dennison street , occupied by the Probst bakery , $640.00. Lot eleven in block ten , First Addition to South McCook , $240 oo. Lots five and six in block one , Second Addition of McCook , $600 oo. W. S. MORLAN , McCook , Nebraska. A Telephone Franchise. As will be seen by the ordinance given in full in this issue , a 25-year franchise lias been given the Nebraska Telephone Co. to place and maintain an exchange in our city. The company has wisely de eded to comply in full with the reason- ible requirments insisted upon by the : ouncil in the matter of maximum rates. Fhe arrangmeut as now made seems to be rair and satisfactory to both parties. ' Tablets Below Cost. We have come into possessiou of an issortment of tablets , of different prices , vhich we will sell at cost to dispose of .hem in a hurry. If you want a good en cent tablet for five cents , call in and ice our line. We have them at from 2 or 5 cents up , and they are good quality tnd value. And some superb Crane's luperfiue paper and envelopes at a price mheard of in this city. The present is as representative an ad- uinistration as McCook has ever had or s ever likely to have. It represents as nuch brains , business sense and good irder or as any administration the city las ever had. And THE TRIBUNE cx- tects the voters to say the same on next Tuesday. There is a diversity of opinion as to ust what Colonel Corwin intends to aake of the enclosure north of the Com- tiercial house : A deer park , a jack-rab- lit preserve or what-not. The colonel limself is undecided whether to hold a ircus or a Sunday-school. Cash will buy more of the very best tnplements in the world at Cochrau & io.'s , this spring , than have ever been old before anywhere. And they are oming in now by the car-load. Two ars arrived , this week. Steve Belles says he can tell every ime when Pop Gun Smith is giving a last at McCook through the Indianola Leporter , from the peculiar hollow ound characteristic of Samuel Ran- olph. Commencing with Saturday night , the tiowfall of this week has been over six iches. While this wet weather keeps ie farmer out of the field , it is a fine ling for the wheat , all agree. In every branch of hardware business ochran & Co. lead the procession in ariety , quantity and quality , and nat- rally enough in price as well. The Temiesseeaus at the opera house might. It is claimed for them that ley are better than ever , and they are [ ways good. Paint is to a house what clothing is to ie body. It is just as important. Mc- [ illen guarantees every gallon of paint e sells. If you are repairing your house and sed a front door you should see the ock of the Barnett Lumber Co. S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Paint best to cover best to wear. Sold by . W. MCCONNKLL & Co. p CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS , CATHOLIC Mass at 8 o'clock a. m High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. m. with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HlCKEY , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Services in the Odd Fel low's liHll as follows : Bible school at 10 a.m. Sermon at n. Junior Y. P. S. C. E. at 3 and Senior Y. P. S. C. E. at 7. Evening sermon at 8. All are cordially invited. T. P. BBALL , Pastor. EPISCOPAL -Sunday morning at 11 : oo o'clock , Morning Prayer and Litany Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evening Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. m. Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'clock. Holy communion the first Sunday in each month. HOWARD STOY , Rector. CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school at 10. Preaching service at II. Senior Endeavor at 7. Preaching service at 8. Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 All are welcome. Morning sub ject. "An Easter Sermon. " Evening subject , "The Witness of the Poets to Immortality. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at Preaching at n. Class at 12. Junior League at 2:30 : , Miss M. Buker , Supl. Epworth League at 7. Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible study on Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. All come and bring your bibles. An Easier sermon at if. Subject. "Victory. " Missionary concert at 8. Male quartette will sing. All are welcome. JAS. A.BADCON , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. m. Preaching at n a. m. Junior Union at 3 p. in. Song service at 7:30. : Gospel ser- ice at 8. The Evangelist Thompson will close his work in McCook , Sunday night. He will speak at n a m.at3 p. ni. and at 8 p. ui. , next Lord's day. The ordinance of babtisni will be ad ministered at the close of both morning and evening services. All are welcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor. The protracted meetings at the Baptis church will close on coming Sunday. On Easter morning there will be ai old fashioned sunrise prayer meeting a six o'clock in the Congregational church All are invited to attend. The Knights Templar will attend ser vices , Easter morning , at the Congrega tional church. There will be specia music and appropriate decorations. The Ladies Aid society of the Metho dist church will have a supper on th 2oth of April. They will offer for sale a variety of articles at the same time. The Christian Endeavorers will hole an Easter Watermelon social in the Cole store-room , Saturday evening , to whicr the public is cordially invited. It wil be a regular ten-cent social. The ladies of the Christian church will serve lunch in the vacant store-room just north of McConnell's drug store , Saturday , April ist , any time after n o'clock. Will serve finest coffee , dough nuts , sand-wiches , pickles and pie for 15 cents. Come in and get your lunch , ind help the women and the church. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Ninth grade had charge of the ex- srcises of last Friday. The Misses Burgess entertained a large : ornpany of young friends , Wednesday jf this week. Miss Wibley , Miss Powers and Miss 2ase are spending their week's vacation it their respective homes. Bertha Burns , Arvilla Olcott , Mabel Bishop' , Myrtle Pate and Vera Hileman vhere school visitors , last Friday. Captain EH was in the city , last Wed- icsday , between trains , and visited the ichool , winding off a few yams to the : hildren. Cr.ptain Eli will give entertainments n the Congregational church , April 6th ind 7th , under auspices of the high chool. The admission is , 20 cents for idults and 10 for children. The pro- : eeds will be applied on the purchase ) rice of an encyclopedia for the high chool. The captain is an old sailor , ind will lecture on ' 'Monsters of the " " and the Deep , "Capturing Killing veviathau , " "Jonah and the Whale from : Whaler's Standpoint. " He will also xhibit a number of harpoons , lances , ilubber spades and the torpedo with t'hich the whale is killed , together with nany other implements and museum rticles. For Sale and Lease. Several good ranches located on the frenchman river and the Stinking Vater , best streams in the state. Un- imited range. Also small farms to sell t small prices. For further information , orresppud with ARTERBURN BROTHERS , Imperial , Chase county , Nebraska. While they may not be able to tell ou the distance from now till next reek , Bullards can show you the best \ \ roven wire fence made. A trial will rove it. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. Mrs. A. G. Bump was a Red Cloud vis itor , Monday. John Watkins returned from St. Joe , last night. Mrs. J. F. Custer and son are visiting in Oxford , this week. G. W. Starks was up from Oxford , Sunday , between trains. Mrs. G. J. Beck visited her relatives at Riverton , last Saturday. Lena Kidder and sister have been visit ing in Holdrege , this week. Miss Myrtle Meyer went up to Denver , close of past week , on a visit. Mrs. F. A. Stark and daughter have been visiting in Oxiord , this week. Ethel and Jessie Pope spent the spring vacation in Lincoln and Oxford with rel atives. Chris. Rasser is taking a short vaca tion , and is visiting his parents in Red Cloud. Porter John H. Watkins is in St. Joe , this week , being called there by the death of a sister. Switchman D. M. Taylor was slightly injured in the yard here , Thursday , and is laying off. Supt. Ed. Bignall was up from Lincoln , close of last week , returning on 6 , last Thursday night. Albert Randall came out from Omaha , Tuesday night , and is a guest in Agent Thomson's home. Word from J. A. O'Neii in Chicago , states that he is getting along nicely in he hospital there. Mrs. J. B. Whitwam of St. Thomas , Canada , is here on a visit to her brother , Chief Dispatcher Forbes. 150 broke in two near Ives , Monday , and the sections in coming together smashed a number of cars. Brakeman W. S. Tonilinson had busi ness in Oxford , one day , this week. A. H. Wash burn had his run. Asst. Supt. D. F. McFarland was down from Holyoke , Monday , on business at Western division headquarters. Mrs. Max Anton and the children went down to Hastings , Wednesday on 12 , on a short visit with relatives and friends. Traveling Engineer , Mrs. Dixon and Miss Edna returned home , last Sunday morning , from a visit to Denver friends ind relatives. Miss Lillie Burnett went down to Lin- : oln , Saturday morning , to remain dur ing the spring vacation , the guest of her mnt , Mrs. Bohanau. W. H. Hartmau of East McCook has iioved into his property , the C. M. tfoble residence , just vacated by I. M. 3eardslee and family. j Mrs. Mabel Strauahan and Miss Lulu 3eardslee returned home from a short risit to Denver relatives aud friends , Sunday morning last on 2. D. J. Best came in from Chicago , last light , and in a week or two will go to vork again. He is feeling much better , lis friends will learn with pleasure. j Conductor T. F.Enright arrived home , ast Saturday , from his trip to Iowa , 1 vhither he was called by the illness a sis- 1I er , who died during his visit there. I Millie Slaby and Vera Hileman of the twelfth grade went down to Red Cloud , ast Friday evening on No. 6 , to spend he spring vacation with Millie's folks icar there on a farm. Miss Venus Knowles , who has been l he guest of Mrs. Frank Neubauer for a ? eek or so , went down to Arapahoe , < iaturday morning , to work on one of E he Arapahoe papers for a while. Agent and Mrs. A. P. Thomson went a to Omaha , Monday night , to visit rel- z lives and to hear Ian McClaren. Miss \ Jlibabeth and Master Leslie acconipan- r : d them. They returned home Thurs2 ay morning. c a Agent Louis Lawntson of Indiauola f ud Marie Fredericksou of our city were nited in marriage by Rev. W.J.Turner , unday afternoon last. He is a brother f M. Lawritson of the superintendent's ffice and she is a sister of Mrs. M. Law- tson. r Conductor C. E. Pope and Brakeman ' [ . C. Wai'son had a lively scrimmage ith a couple passengers on No. 6 , Sat- rday night last The passengers in r uestion got on the train at Indianola , c ud as No. 6 does not stop at Bartley , o ie train was stopped and an effort made ti > put the passengers off the train , in c hich tbej- were finally successful , one A f the passengers receiving a scalp s ; ound in the mix-up from a lantern. c MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Don't fail to see Loar's wall paper. WANTED Short-hand pupils. L. W. Stayner. Loar's wall paper hue is complete and up-to-date. Your prescriptions will receive careful attention at Loar's. A few remnants of wall paper at re duced prices at McMillen's , the druggist. The Star of Jupiter is off the press for April. There is no assessment for April. Prices that surprise ; values that tell ; at McMillen Bros. ' harness and saddlery. They have stock tanks to burn at Cochran & Co.'s. And the price is right. The remnant or the Beardslee stock has been boxed up today and will be shipped out of the city. Both the Stars of Jupiter and the Mac cabees hail refreshments after their reg ular meetings , this week. For Baker Barb Wire , Page Woven Wire Fencing aud Poultry Netting , see the Barnett Lumber Co. You will be glad if you do , and sorry if you don't , buy your harness and sad dles from McMillen Bros S-W P means Sherwin Williams Paint best to cover best to wear. Sold by L. W. McCoNNhLL & Co. Who wants to burn a stock tank ? Bullard's Fir and Red Cypress tanks are made to hold water. Right prices. Beautiful wall paper contributes much to happy homes. Mc.Milleu's wall papers contribute much to beautiful walls. A hammock is a nice thing for summer and there is no better place to hang it than a porch. What Bullards want is to sell you the porch , not the hammock. See ? This may be tun for the weather clerk , but it's a rude joke on the coal pile and the confiding citizen who has taken down his base-burner , in confidence that spring was about here. The way goods are rolling into the immense establishment of Cochran & Co. , these days , one would think they would soon be lee full for utlerance , but call aud see and hear all about it. Easter will soon be here and the egg market will take a jump. When that is over we hope for some thawing weather and then you will want those fence posts Bullards sell so cheap. Come early. J. J. Garrard is buihting a large two- story addition lo his dwelling house , formerly Ihe A. G. Bump house , and will occupy Ihe same when the work is com pleted. He will have one of the most commodious residences in the city. The Ladies of the G. A. R. Circle made a surprise visit , Tuesday afternoon , an Mrs. M. E. Barger. It was her 7Oth birthday and at four o'clock a fine lunch was served. It was a very social affair ind was highly appreciated by Mrs. Bar- jer. There is small room for criticism or : oruplaint of our present city govern- nenl and little or no room for a Repub- ican to scratch his ticket , this spring , fust place an X in the circle under the lational bird and the canvassers will do he rest. An effort is being made to have a num- ) er of bodies from neighboring country : emeteries removed to Riverview cem- ery of our city. Already a few have ) een interred in Riverview from Osborn md others are to follow from that and > ther burying grounds. Dr. J. P. Williams , associated with Dr. V. L. Dayton of Lincoln , Neb. , will igain be in McCook , Friday aud Satur- lay , March 3ist and April ist , at the iffice of Dr. W. V. Gage , for the treat- uent of diseases of the eye , ear , nose , nd throat and the fitting of glasses. There are yet nearly two huudred call nd lock boxes for rent in the McCook lostoffice. The new quarter begins on icxt Saturday , April ist. Call boxes are 5 cents a quarter , and lock boxes 50 cuts. Start the new quarter by renting box for yourself. Uncle Sam gets the reight. We violate no confidence and inten- ionally fracture no diplomatic relations rith our esteemed and observant corres- oudent at Pleasant Ridge , in reiterat- ng the cold and apparent statement of ict , that winter is giving us auother irewell whirl of boisterous proportions , bis week. Cochran & . Co. carry 7 kinds of sreel inges at from $25 to $50 ; S makes of ook stoves at from $10 to $30 ; 4 kiuds f barb wire ; all heights of poultry net- ing ; 7 different makes of washing ma- bines ; 5 kiuds of sewing machines , .nd their entire stock is built on the nne plan the most and best and beapest price on everything.