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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
T j * * -j * ' . . - SEVENTEENTH YEAR McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 7 , 1899. NUMBER 4T The Republicans Win. The city election passed off very qui ly , Tuesday , the entire Republican tic ! " safe . 1 "being elected by pluralities. exciting element in the elect : the interest taken by the ladies the afternoon in the selection of me Tiers of the school board. This but adc to the pluralities of the Republican no "inees for those positions. The vote 'detail was as follows : FIRST WARD MAYOR. J. E. Kelley , Republican 188- U. J. Warren , Citizens 121 CLERK. C. I. Hall , Republican 160- J. B. Taylor , Citizens 143. TREASURER. J. J. Garrard , Republican 203 J. N. Purvis , Citizens 104 ENGINEER. H. P. Sutton , Republican 199- C. H. Meeker , Citizens 106 COUNCILMAN. "NV. S. Perry , Republican 192- D , C. Marsh , Citizens 117 BOARD OK EDUCATION. A. Campbell , Republican 218-1 Mrs. E. E Utter , Citizens 93 "W. F. Lawson , Republican 217- ] ' . .Mrs. A. J. Clute , Citizens 93 BOND PROPOSITION. For 176- -A gainst lee SECOND WARD MAYOR. jf. E. Kelley , Republican 114 fj. J. Warren , Citizens 82 CLERK. 'C. I. Hall , Republican too X B. Taylor , Citizens 96 TREASURER. 3. J. Garrard , Republican 125 J. N. Purvis , Citizens 74 ENGINEER. 'H. P. Sutton , Republican 123 C. H. Meeker , Citizens 73 COUNCILMAN. "R. M. Osborn , Republican 125 "V. D. Selby , Citizens 73 BOARD OF EDUCATION. -A , Campbell. Republican 122 3klrs. E E. Utter , Citizens 71 W. F. Lawson , Republican 122 "Mrs. A. J. Clute , Citizens 71 BOND PROPOSITION. iFor 96 -Against 73 Five votes more than the uecessa three-fifths to carry the bond propo Uion were cast. Of a total of 445,2 vwere required and 272 received. jSaby Wardrobe Patterns. 'Twenty-seven patterns for differe articles in long clothes with full ai complete directions for making sam showing necessary materials , sent pos ipaid for 250 in stamps. Fifteen patter of short clothes 250 or both for 40 " * 'Information to Mothers" sent free wi each order. Address Downey Patte Co. , Butler , Indiana. Says He Is a Pop. A Daubury friend sends us the folio ing card in response to an invitation "become a TRIBUNE reader and su scriber : "i am a pop of the first water to hi svith your black abilition paper i an reader of the Courier the best paper JRedwillow Co. " Advertised Letters. The following letters were advertisi Iby the McCook postoffice on April 2 D. H. Henry , Emil Eberling , W. B. Stotes , J. Melliug. In calling for any of these letters , plea say that they are advertised. F. M. KiMMELL , Postmaster. School of Instruction. It Commencing on April loth and co Winning two days and two nights , J. 4 "Tulleys of Red Cloud , grand custodia -A. F. & A. M. , will hold a Mason school of instruction in McCook , inloc Rodge rooms. Eggs for Hatching. WMB BVaMB % 1 v/ill sell a few sittings from my big - scoring pen of White Plymouth Rod -specially mated by Judge Hewes. Eg | I $2.00 per 13. D. CuLLEN , 610 Monroe St. , McCook , Neb. The Ladles Circle. The Ladies circle , G. A. R. , will me 5n regular session , Saturday , April 8th , a'o'clock , in the Odd Fellow hall. MRS. ELLEN UTTER , President. Miss BLANCHE STARR , Secretary. Almost Lost a Leg. Tred Baughn , of the Morlan ranc' . almost lost a leg , Monday , by falling c of plow. His leg was terribly cut , bi 5ie is getting along very nicely * at th writing. . Spring Colors. The time for fresh paint is in tl spring. The best spring for it is th spring. Eevey gallon guaranteed. A. McMiLLEN. S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Pail best to cover best to wear. Sold t L , . W. MCCONNEM. & Co. MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE. A. BARNETT was in Lincoln on b ness , Monday. J. W. DOLAN of Indianola had busin with us , Monday. C. A. LEACH is visiting at the home at Germantown , this week. Miss MYRTLE MEYER returned fr her Denver visit , early in the week. ED. MUNTZ of Cambridge was guest of friends in the city , Saturday Sunday. MRS. F. M. KIMMELL and Schellwt down to Hastings , this morning , or short visit. JOHN GARBER and family moved bite to their former home in Red Cloud , first of this week. MRS. J. F. KKNYON and Master D returned home , Tuesday night , fr their visit to Iowa. W. M..HINDMAN. one of the Beave successful farmers , was-in the com seat , Monday , on business. JUDGE G. W. NORRIS passed throti the city , Monday , on his way to Ha ; Center , to hold district court. CLEL POPE departed , last night on for Albia , Indiana , being summoned the bedside of a sister who is very ill. t H. H. TAUTSCH went down to Plat mouth , Tuesday morning on 12 , to spe i week there visiting relatives a Friends. Miss MAUDE CORDEAL went up Denver , Monday night on 3 , in t furtherance of her musical education a studies. MRS. NELLIE GUILD , a sister of M A. . P. Thomson , arrived from Otnal Tuesday night , and will visit the The ; on family for a few weeks. Miss INEZ YOUNG came down frc ulbertson , Friday evening last , to h < the Teunesseeans and make a brief vi ivith her sister , Mrs. Clara Harbison. DR. J. A. GUNN went down to Gene ast Friday night , to perform an ope : ion for appendicitis on a nephew at tl place. He returned home on Mend norning. COURT HOUSE NEWS. COUNTY COURT. Licenses to mary have been issued lie following parties since- our last ) ort : Henry Kern and Mrs. Christina Kei joth of McCook. John Fitchtner and Louisa Tilgm joth of McCook. Confession of judgment has been fil n the county court , this week , in t : ase of Paxton-Gallagher Co. vs. Mart Jarber et al. DISTRICT COURT. The following cases have been filed he district court , this week : Kate B. Piper vs. Morley E. Pip Divorce. John B. Meserve vs. Wm. Brumer il. Equity. Walter E. Corwin vs. Mary Corwi Divorce. Walter E. Corwin vs. Edward Farn : t al. Equity. Edward A. Reed as executor vs. t > nzo E. Crosby et at. Ebuity. Michael O'Leary vs. Jessie O'Ler.i Divorce. The March mortgage record is as f < ows : Farm mortgages filed , $18,020 ] eleased , $31,004 07. City filings , $2,3 13 ; releases , $7,556. Chattel filings , $2 ; 197 35 ; releases , $22,142 09. THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Albert Berry is out of school , tl ? eek , on account of sickness. Jessie and Ethel Pope arrived horn Saturday night , from their Lincoln vis if last week. LilHe Burnett returned home , Sail lay night on 3 , from visiting her aunt vincoln over the spring vacation. Miss Daisy Jackson brought to a hap ] lose , last Friday , her term of school listrict 16 "Driftwood. " There was i njoyable literary program of merit 1 he children , and the patrons came t ; ether on the occasion and had a bask [ inner in the school-house , which w substantial feast of good things , to 1 ure. Rev. E. O. Taylor of Chicago will d iver temperance lectures in our city t iaturday , Sunday and Monday evening ipril 15 , 16 and 17. These services wi > e union in character. The reverer entleman will handle his subjects sc ntifically. Full particulars , nest wee ! S-W P means Sherwin-Williams Pail -best to cover best to wear. Sold t , . W. McCoNNBM , & Co. Stove wood to "burn" at Bullard's. The Greatest of Them All. Easter has properly come to be greatest of all Christian festivals , ma ing as it does , the most gladsome i significant fact in the Christian religi The risen Lord is the imperial faith transcendent hope of the world ; he ; the significance and appropriateness all this post-Lenten joy , which fii pious , joyous and artistic expression special services , in song , in flowt And they who see not beyond the poi and circumstance of the day , beyc charm and fragrance of flowers , i sweet harmony of song , and the creati < of the modiste and milliner , fail signa of reaching the altitude of soul to wh the occasion should inspire them. N ure was in a particularly happy moi Sunday , and gave her bright , wa smile of approval to the celebratu which were held in the various churcl of the city , being attended by overflc ing audiences everywhere. CONGREGATIONAL. There was an added element in t services at the Congregational church the presence of the members of St. Jo Couimandery , Knights Templar , in body , in full uniform and insignia rank , and the Sir Knights and othi present filled the audience room a parlor of the church to the limit. For simple beauty and appropriatem the decorations were charming and call forth many expressions of delight. E > ter lilies , and a great variety and profi ion of potted plants and cut flowi transformed the pulpit into a perfi bower of floral beauty ; while pott plants of man } ' varieties and fragra loveliness were scattered all over t church with artistic effect. A cross gold and white , and the joyous East news , "Christ is Risen , " done iu green on the wall at the side of the pulp made up the decorative effect. Rev. J. W. Turner conducted the si vices and delivered the sermon , whi was an able , earnest effort. The choir rendered an elaborate pi gram of special music , "Christ our Pai " "The Resurrectioi over" by Shilling , by Shelley , and "Sing We Alleluia Him" by Mrs. Carrie B. Adams , beii among the numbers. The collection lifted was set aside i : ionie mission purposes , and was a ge srous one. After the service at the church the J Knights returned to their asylum , whe in elegant dinner was spread , at whii the pastor and wife and the members Lhe choir were guests. Among the visiting Sir Knights wei A. . W. Hunt of Wilsonville , A. A. Tayl af Cambridge , and C. S. McElherron Republican City , all of whom were a : onipanied by their wives. METHODIST- . Easter services at the Methodist chun were largely attended. The pastor d ivered an Easter sermon on the subje jf "Victory. " with his usual earnestne md effectiveness , dwelling on the victo jver death achieved by the Redeemer : he World , with power. The Male quartet provided the speci nusical programme of the occasio which means that the musical feature he service was artistic , appropriate at lelightful. The church was handsomely decorati vith a variety and profusion of fiowei jotted and cut , disposed over the chun vith most attractive and entraucit : ffect. In the evening a Missionary couce vas given. The offerings of the day we ; ery generous and were set aside ft Missions. BAPTIST. Evangelist J. W. Thompson occnpit he pulpit at the Baptist church , preac ] ng appropriate sermons on both mon ng and evening occasions to good aud : nces. The church was handsomely and elal > rately decorated with potted plants , ci lowers and evergreens.presenting a mo ittractive appearance. "Christ is Risen vas prettily wrought in gold on the wa > ack of the pulpit , adding to the beaul f the floral effects. The choir presented a number of spei al selections in fine stylegiving a joyoi .ash of harmony to an altogether happ ind impressive event. CATHOLIC. ; Services at St. Patrick's were of tl isual solemnity and attractivenes ihere was an early service at 8 o'cloc nd another later at 10:30. : At the lat < ervice the children's choir sang , Mri ' . F. McKenna sang a solo and Re' lickey delivered the sermon. The altar was made even more attrac ve and beautiful by a liberal display < totted and cut flowers. At the early service about 150 partic tated in the communion. A special musical instrument added ( he musical feature of the celebration < he great festival of the church. GERMAN CONGREGATIONAL. Easter services were conducted by I pastor , Rev. W. F. Vogt , in the mornii no effort being made at decoration extra music. At this service a class five was confirmed , a baptismal serv bad , and the administration of conmii ion given. The names of those c < firmed are : Michael Bendewald , Ka Ullrich , Katie Schlect , Katie Lesser a Mary Lenhart. After the regular services , Henry Kc and Mrs. Christina Kern were united marriage. In the afternoon the pasi drove over to Herndon , Kansas , a held services there on Monday. The services were largely attended. EPISCOPAL. At St. Alban's the Sacrament of t Holy Communion was administered 7:30 in the morning , Rev. Stoy offici ing. ing.At At the evening service , Rev. Stoy ( livered an excellent discourse approp ate to the day. The choir sang as offertory anthem , "He is Risen. " The decorative efforts were simple , b tasteful. CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. CATHOLIC Mass at S o'clock a. i High mass and sermon at 10:30 , a. n with choir. Sunday school at 2:30 p. 1 All are cordially welcome. REV. J. W. HiCKEY , Pastor. CHRISTIAN Bible school at 10 a. i Preaching at ir. Junior Y. P. S. C. . ' at 3 and Senior Y. P. S. C. E. at 7 p. i Evening sermon at 8 p. m. Auxilia Df the Christian Woman's Board of Mi sions meets the first Lord's day of eat month. All are cordially invited. T. P. BEALL , Pastor. EPISCOPAL Sunday morning at n : > a'clock , Morning Prayer and Litau Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock , Evenii Prayer. Sunday-school at 10:00 : a. t Friday evening lecture at 8:00 o'cloc Holy communion the first Sunday : ach month. HOWARD STOY , Rector. At the Red Willow M. E. appoii nent , next Sunday , at 3 p. m , Re 3oyd of Indianola , Rev. H. H. Berry McCook and other ministers will 1 present. A sermon will be preached ar in after-meeting held. A full attendam s desired. D. L. MATSON , Pastor. , .CONGREGATIONAL Sunday-school to. Preaching service at ir. SenL Sndeavor at 7. Preaching service al Prayer-meeting on Wednesday evenir it 7:30 All are welcome. Morning su ect , "The Bread of Life. " Evening su ect , "Henry Drummond , Evaugelis Scientist. " W. J. TURNER , Pastor. METHODIST Sunday-school at loa.r Preaching at II. Class at 12. Junit weague at 2:30 ; Epworth League at Preaching at 8. Prayer and Bible stuc m Wednesday evening at 8 p. m. Mori ng subject , "A Noble Life. " Evenir subject , "The Cost to be a Christian. The male quartette will sing. All a : velcome. JAS. A. BADCON , Pastor. BAPTIST Sunday-school at 10 a. 11 Preaching at n a. m. Junior Union at > . m. Senior Union at 7. Gospel servh it 8 p. m. Morning subject , "Obeyin Christ. " Evening theme , "Launching The ordinance of babtism will be ai ninistered at the close of the uiornit ervice. All are welcome. T. L. KETMAN , Pastor. The ladies of the Christian churc erved lunch in the old Leach stan < Saturday , with profitable results to tl reasury of their society. A Shakespeare reading aud musica' dll be given in the Congregations : hurch on Monday evening , April 241 ! iy local talent , which if carried out onpemplated will be an interesting an n trnctive event. Rev. J. A. Badcon went up to Benke ian , Tuesday morning , to marry tw aughters of Mr. A. J. VanBuskirk < hat place. The ceremony took place i eon , Wednesday. Rev. Badcon wi armerly pastor at that place. On account of so many counter attrat ions and the unsalubrious weather , la : iaturday evening , the Easter Watei jelon social by the Endeavor societ as not accorded the patronage usuall iven affairs of the society , and whic liis one also merited. The Tennesseeans sang to a full an ppreciative house at the opera hal ist Friday evening. It is the genen erdict that they are "better than eve'f , rhich means that they put up a splendi nd enjoyable entertainment iu the mus : al line. They appeared under EpwortL in auspices to the profit of the League Tfte Nebraska Wesleyan Quartet wil ppear iu the Congregational church o : IB evening of Monday , April i7th. G. J reland , whistler , A. Roy Israel , impel juator , will assist the Quartet , whicl omes highly recommended. This Quai ; t gave a most satisfactory entertain lent in our city , last season , and the ; remise to even more highly entertai : nd delight their audience , this yeat hey will appear under the Endeavo uspices. Loar's wall paper line is complete am p-to-date. RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS. James Mogee is now day operator Fort Morgan. Mrs. F. S. Curry visited a sister Benkelman. this week. Mrs. H. A. Beale was a Hastings \ itor , close of last week. A. A. Bates and J. H. Patterson w out west hunting , Monday. Yardmaster Pete Carty was an Indii ola visitor , one day this week. D. J. Best went up to Wray , Colorai on i this morning , on a short visit. Trainmaster Kenyon is preparing put a new shingle roof on his residen Mrs. W. O. Simons was up from ( ford , early in the week , on a short vii Mrs. A. L. Knowland indulged in short visit to Denver , early in the pres < week. Brakeman C. W. Deweyand Brakeni D. P. Crowe are on the sick-list , t week. Supt. Campbell went in to Chicaj Wednesday morning , on business of 1 position. Trainmaster Josselyu was up from ( cans , Saturday , making a trip to Dt ; er on Sunday. Dennis Cullen went up to Trentc Tuesday , on a short visit pertaining Business matters. Brakeman C. V. Kerr relieved Fls nan Barney , who is down in Lincoln < L visit to relatives. City Treasurer Zell of Denver accoi > anied Supt. Campbell on his trip Chicago , this week. Asst. Supt. Harris was do\vn fro ) enver over Sunday , attending servic rith the Sir Knights. George Enoch returned , latter part ast week , from an extended visit Jreen Bay , Wisconsin. Fred McManigal returned home , Su lay night , from spending a week up Senkelma'n , duck hunting. Mrs. S. E. Callen and Mrs. Ed. Beyr irent up to Trenton , Tuesday , on a vise o relatives and friends. T Mrs. F. L Delaware departed , tli reek , for Shell Rock , Iowa , where s' , -ill make her future home. Walter Duffey and Ora Hendric ought the festive duck in the weste iart of the state , first of the week. G. R. Johnson , A. B. Wood and R. Jarlton went down to Hastings , tl norning , to see "The Devil's Auction Mrs. Anna Clary , Mrs. Robert Saye nd Miss Anna Sepmeyer went down lastings , Wednesday on 6 , on a litt rip. Brakeman Chris. Rasser , who has bet isiting his parents at Red Cloud for tl ast two weeks , returned to work ( 'hursday ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carmichael a ere from Franceville Junction , Col ado , guests of her parents , Mr. and Mi , A. Snyder. J. E. Robison , late agent at Waunet 5 now occupying a position at E ! reek , South Dakota , just across fro ioux City , Iowa. Conductor L. E. Gilcrest and Di atelier W. B. Mills were duck huntit bout Barr and Brush , Wednesday at hursday of this week. Roadniaster T. A. Wilburn of R loud and Roaduiaster S. S. Frcdericl f Akron wers at headquarters on Satu ay last , on official business. Mrs. J. H. McManigal has been ovi t Norcatur , Kansas , since the close t ist week , nursing her son Will , who h : ecu sick at that place , where he perating for the company. Conductor G. C. Mason was do\v om Holyoke to attend the Raster se ices with St. John conunandcry of th ty , and improved the opportunity 1 isit oldtiuie friends at headquarters. R. A.Hagberg aud H.P.Suttou bagge fine lot of ducks in the neighborhoo "Benkelman , early in the week. The rought home with them the large ; tooting seen in the city in many moon : Conductor Mose Carmony returnei st Saturday night , from his trip t idiaua. He says that spring is slo1 ick there in making its appcaranci id that it has been stormy and wet an ! sagrceable. Pay Your Dog Tax. Notice is hereby given all owners c ) gs to call on the city clerk and pn ) g tax. It is hoped that all who hav tluable or prized dogs will be prouij < comply with the city ordinancewhic ill be enforced vigorously. Eu. JORDAN , Marshal. MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS. Don't fail to see Loar's wall paper. HOUSE FOR RENT Inquire of W. O. Norval. Colonel Comfort's maiden effort wasn't so warm either. Your prescriptions will receive careful attention at Loar's. Tom Bales had the misfortune to lose his pension voucher , yesterday. When you want the best lence you go to Bullard's and get the Elwood. A few remnants of wall paper at re duced prices at McMillen's , the druggist. Prices that surprise ; values that tell ; at McMillen Bros. ' harness and saddlerv. The "White Man's Burden" is self- imposed , so far as Uncle Sam is con cerned. No matter how high your chickens score , Bullard's poultry netting wili hold them. The quality is good and the price is right on Bullard's carpet paper. Get it when you clean house. Yon will be glad if you do. and sorry if you don't , buy your harness and sad dles from McMillen Bros. S-W P means Sherwin-V.'illiatus Paint best to cover best to wear. SoW by L , . W. MCCONNELL & . CO. Captain Eli at the Coagre alieaai rhurch again , tonight. Go laugh and DC instructed by the old sea dog. Election is over and noboov cares 50 eng as they can buy a hose repair at S. H. Cochran & Co.'s for 5 cents. Beautiful \\all paper contributes crack o happy homes. McMillen's wallpapers : ontribute much to beautiful walls. Of course we are sorry to have to re- nind you , at this season of the year , hat Bullard's is the place to buv coal. Many McCook homes % \il ! be iotpreved ind added to during the comiiig season. iVe look for quite an era of improvcaent. There are easier men in McCook t * lefeat for councilman than \V. S. Ferry , ) ut there are no better men for tbe jlace. Paint is to a house what clothing is to he body. It is just as important. Mc Millen guarantees every gallon of patst le sells. And Colonel Comfort is a prophet is- leed : Did he not forecast the election c-f he entire Republican ticket5 Well , I juess yes ! Remember Bullard when you want mrbed wire , hog wire and all kinds ot ence posts. They have a full > tock atvl t is for sale. "Nufsed" . If you are going to fence , call and sec is. We have everything in the > hapc oJ 'osts , Wire , Wire Fencing and Fonltrv setting. BARNETT LVMBER Co. Eternal vigilance is the price of lib it % > ut you can buy a lawn sprinkler at S J. Cochran & Co.'s for 25 cents. Tbev iave them at from 25 cents up to ft 50 We are about to say that those Invra no wers at SM. . Cochran & Co.'s are out if sight , but they are not tbcy will ake pleasure in showing you their UrKC election. Prices are low , from 3 to Jn. Duality is the highest. FOR SALE 13 head of cows sa l o c horoughbred Short Horn bull , coming wo years old. Half of cows have calves ud the rest will be fresh soon. Fricc 30. Call on or address , S. C. BENEDICT , Culbcrtsoa. I bought my house bill of the ; ETT LUMBER Co. , because I couUl get jst what I wanted. They have the laryr- st and best stock of lumber of all kinds 3 be found anywhere , nml thcii fvoat oors can't be beat. Look at thcii stock ud be convinced. Aguinaldo is about ready to owt , * ! 3 are the people who linvc been thvnV- tg of sending away tYvr their hose. Mnce icy have been iu their stoic ami seen ; ie Inrgc stock of garden hose kept l > v .M. Cochran & Co , who are < mris j : ecryboily by the rctnorkaMy U'\\ price icy nre selling the best 5-ply ho e l The \Voivthcr Clerk authorise" * i " unomice that spring is coming , though little otV of s-chedulc time. < uul this re liiuls us that S. M. CocUran & Co. ne ; ily asking 14 cents tor the l'cl 5-p\ nt-dcn hose. You should" l > nowe tor iwu sprinkling the sea-ton it about t ami. _ _ Now that the ladies have dU OMnl ot of liatter bou question le important cts , the next question ot vital \mjvt I- nee is the purchase of a gasoline -stove tul by the way , there isn't stove on ic market that excel * the "VjwicV. leal" gasoline stove. Thev Uti\c nil to the smaller ami zes from the range Whether you ate Yom i all patterns. and be shown. tissouri or not , come S. M. COCHKAN it Co. \