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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1894)
Here ! Is a Sale That Is a Sale. fW"83 pairs of Men’s Fine Calf Lace Shoes, all size 7, worth from $3.50 to $4.25. We make the. price $2.00 For your choice. Lot 2. 60 pairs Men’s Congress Shoes, New Staple Goods, all sizes, per pair $1.00. Come Everybody. Catastrophe I —-*13 For Us— A Chance For You. ' EUT 59 pairs of Men’s Fine Calf & Kangaroo Congress Shoes, ! all sizes, slightly damaged. Former Price $4 to $6. We will sacrifice this lot at $2.50 per pair. These will not last long. Don’t You Kick If You Buy Boots Before seeing ours and find your self disappointed. We sell.... Men’s Best Chicago Kip Boots, worth $3.50, for. .$2.50 Men’s igh Grade Calf Boots, for which other dealers get $3.00, for_$2.50 Men’s Split Boots, solid_$1.25 Boys’ and Youths’ Boots at proportionote prices. The Weather These Days Is as Uncertain As Congress or a jury—Warm to day and cold to-morrow. Prepare for sudden changes. Arties, , Strictly first quality. Men’s.$1.50 Women’s.. 1.15 Misses’.95 ISIT’Cheap Arties, such as some dealers sell for firsts: Men’s.90 Women’s.75 Here They Are! OP Prices That Will Interest You. {SgrTiadies* Fine French Kip Button Boots, top or plain, $3.50 Warranted Genuine Hand Sewed Turns. Little Giant School Shoes, For Misses and Boys, regu lar price $2.00, our price, $1.50 Post Yourself ’"’■Jl i w On The Best Place To buy Boots and Shoes, and you will find the street and number agrees with the location «f Our Store. We do not handle Job Lot, Auction or Backet Goods. We guarantee all Goods to be as represented. We sew all rips in our shoes free of charge. We have a First-class repair department in our store. We also make Shoes to order. SHOE STOR£, Mixed Paints 90c a gallon at McMillen’s drug store. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. Come in early and often and see the fine line of meats at the B. & M. Meat Market. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. Special prices on White Lead at A. Mc Millen’s. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. To Whom it Way Concern: I pro pose to carry a finer line of meats lhan any other house in the city. F. S. WILCOX. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. We invite inspection and defy com petition in quality and price of Meat at the B. A M. Meat Market. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell & Co. Try the Cream Pork Sausago at the B. & M. Meat Market. White Lead $5.50 per hundred. L. W. McConnell & Co. BEWARE.—Do not buy poor truck, but go straight to the B. & M. Meat Market and get as choice a cut of meat as can be produced. DANBURY NEWS. W. A. DeMay has purchased a fine piano. B. N. Leisure’s store room is about completed. T. E. McDonald is having his porch neatly painted. C. L. East will start for Indian territory before long. Philip Gliem has become able to ride his bicycle quite handily. William Sandon has purchased a bicycle from T. E. McDonald. The dray team ran away, last Monday, and tore things up quite generally. , •The G. A. B. boys gave a bean supper, last Saturday evening, also an interesting entertainment. The Danbury social club held their last dance for the season, last Thursday night. The hall was crowded. M. M. Young is running W. F. Everist’s butcher shop, instead of Hy. Buettner, who goes to Peru, this state, this week. Subscriptions to this paper may be left at the Bank of Danbury. Also any items of news you may wish to see in print. Coroner J. H. Everist held an inquest in Danbury, last Saturday, over the remains of an infant which was found west of town. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McDonald, a daughter, March 20. Mack is setting up the cigars to the boys on the strength of the happy event The band boys met, last Friday night, to practice music for a con cert they will give before long. The band is getting in trim to give some excellent music. MraTannie, living nine miles northwest of here, ran a sewing machine needle onto her hand. It broke into three pieces. Dr.DeMay removed them all, Friday night. Mr. Robertson of Harvard,Neb., arrived here, Saturday, with a car load of farm implements, horses and household furniture. John Ambler is not a chronic kicker; but in trying to beat the record for high kicking,he fell and fractured his arm, on the night of the 15th. Dr. DeMay reduced the fracture. Last Thursday a son of John Newberry saw his dog a short dist ance from the house eating some thing—curiosity led the boy to the spot, and to his surprise it proved to be a baby’s head. The case was brought before Coroner Everist. It will no doubt be more fully in vestigated. A farmer tells us of the follow ing circumstance that happened at his place, a few days ago: He was surprised, one morning, to find his 8 year old boy trying to draw a stocking over the nose of a fine team calf they had at the farm. Upon being asked to explain the lad said he had heard the girls say that a plump calf looked nice with a tight fitting stocking. C.A.N. Don’t you want a fanning mill ? S. M. Cochran & Co. keep them. McMillen Bros, have a splendid as sortment of Robes and Horse Blankets. Their stock of Harness and Saddlery is unequalled in western Nebraska. Sewing machines on the installment plan at Pade & Son’s. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W. McConnell 6 Co. Wall Paper, 3c per roll at A. McMillen’s drug store. Leave your orders with us for paint ing and paper-hanging. L. W. McConnell & Co. t TYRONE NEWS. Dr. Reno has moved into M. F. Davis’ house. John Kinkead drove over to Cambridge, Friday, on business. Robert Gorely, who has been ill so long, is able to go about now. Frank and J. C. Moore received a visit from John Brady, an old time Illinois friend, this week. Some members of the Epworth league here will attend the league rally at Hendley, next Saturday and Sabbath. Cochran & Co. have on display a large line of carriages, phsetons, buggies, road carta, spring wag ons, etc. Completest stock in Red Willow county. Inspect them if you want anything in that line. Well Digging. If you want a well put down in fine shape see Frank Nichols. He guaran tees his work. Leave orders at S. M. Cochran & Co.’s. We don’t sell pack ing house lard, but our own make. F. S. Wilcox. HARD TIMES PRICES. Wall Paper—3 cents a roll. L. W’. McConnell & Co. Gilt Wall Paper, 6c a roll at McMillen’s drug store. Dr. A. J. Thomas, Dentist, office in Union block, over J. F. Ganschow’s. Wanted:—Fat and stock, hogs at the B. & M. Meat Market. Mixed Paint $1.00 a gallon. L. W. McConnell & Co. MONEY TO LOAN. S. H. COLVIN. Mrs. M. E. Barger is now re ceiving her spring goods, which embrace the latest styles in mil linery, hats, bonnets, etc. Give her a call on west Dennison st., and inspect her goods and get her “hard times” prices. She carries a nice and complete stock in her line. The Tariff, Financial, Hawaiian and other questions of the day do not interest the people hereabout as much as the question where can I get the most and best groceries for the money. C. M. Noble can answer the question to the satis faction of all. Alfalfa seed at $5 to $7 per bushel; clover, timothy, red top and blue grass seeds. McCook Commission Co. Seed oats, wheat and corn of the varieties best adapted to this climate and soil. McCook Com mission Co. Buckwheat flour, oat meal, corn meal, flour, feed, and baled hay, for sale by McCook Commission Co._ Machinery repairs of all kinds kept in stock by S. M. Cochran & Co. Also the best brands of oils. All kinds of garden and field seeds fresh, and true to name and variety. McCook Commission Co. S. M. Cochran & Co. have a few tons of baled hay on hand which they will sell at $7 per ton. The Arlington House. Rates $1.00 Per Dat. Refurnished and Refitted £j£F°First-class Accommodations. J. S. CULBERTSON, Proprietor. A. J. RITTENHOUSE. C. H. BOYLE. RITTENHOUSE & BOYLE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. MoOOOK, NBB. J. E. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AGENT LINCOLN LAND CO. MCCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. Or no*: In rear of First National Bank. J. A. GUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK.NEBRASKA. ^F”Officb—Fiont rooms over Low naan & Son’s store. Rbbidbncb-402, McFarland at., two blocks north of McEntee hotel. Prompt attention to all calls. R. A. COLL, -LEADING MERCHANT - TAILOR CF MCCOOK, Has just received his fall and win ter stock of Cloths and Trimmings which will be made up as reason able as possible. Shop first door west of Barnett Lumber Co.’s of fice, on Dennison ftreet. . PATRONIZE . FRANK ALLEN’S DRAYS. TTTTw "X Graying in ail its Branches. j^jT'Sand Hauling. Safe Moving a Specialty. HO ECTSA eSASSI 70S HAULMS TSUHIS AT HIOHT jy Leave orders at coal yards, and at res idence, No. 206 Madison street, between Dennison and Dodge streets, McCook. "J-?■■■ .' ■ 1 K1'"™ ■gBBgBBBBM For farm loans call on C. J. Ryan.