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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1894)
TWELFTH YEAR. McCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 3& 1894. NUMBER DON’T BE IMPOSED -UPON! Don't be misled by the statements of merchants .... claiming that the; can- • SAVE YOU MONEY! I am selling first-class groceries right along as low as those who claim the; can save ;ou money it you will trade with them. Below we give a few items. Pickels, per bottle, - $ .10 Onions, per bottle, - - .10 Chow Chow, per bottle, .10 Catsup, per bottle, - .20 Raisins, per pound, - .05 Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50 Syrup, per pail, - - .65 Jell, per pail, - - .65 Mince Meat, per package, .10 Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02 Peas, per can, - - - .10 Corn, per can, - - - .10 Alaska Salmon, per can, .12i Everything else in proportion. Always the Lowest and Best Values Can be Found at C. M. NOBLE’S. 1 <i)n Invitation. . . [E CORDIALLY Invite you to call and inspect our New Line of Dress Goods, Ladies’ Wraps, Trimmings, etc., etc. Having spent two weeks in Eastern Markets, we have made large and choice selections and at prices that defy competition. Don’t forget our large CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. We have added some New Things in Children’s Suits. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. " targain youse. C. L. DeGROFF & CO. P. Judd’s boy is down with an attack of fever. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. L. I. Barger, last Friday. Mrs. Sam. Rogers is home from her visit to Longmont, Colorado. Miss Clara Bonnot came up from Hol drege, and spent Easter Sunday at home. Charlie Coleman's family left, first of the week, on a visit to Michigan rela tives and friends. The loss of stock along the Burling ton’s Wyoming line was appalling dur ing the recent storm. The new born babe at John Humph reys’ died, last week. The mother and another child are down with the meas les. A. I. Risher has recently filed on a claim near McCook and expects to move thereon sometime during the summer. —Oxford Standard. Dr. Thomas has surrendered his late home to Roadmaster Haley, and this week moved into Mrs. Anna Colfer’s dwelling on Marshall street. Frank Rank of the yard crew, has been transfered to McCook, and put in the train service. Mrs. Crawford who has been spending a few weeks in Red Cloud, returned to her home in McCook on Wednesday.—Red Cloud Argus. The family of the late Sanford Stapp moved over to McDonald, Kansas, this week. Their effects were forwarded there Monday, Miss Allie Morgan and O. D. Keith assisting in breaking up housekeeping and preparing for the change to their new home. The suit taken to the supreme court by George Woolley against the Burlington for damages for the accidental killing of his son in the McCook yards,a few years since, while the young man was bum ming his way, was won by the company, the court holding that the deceased was not a passenger. Mrs. V. II. Solliday and her two sisters the Misses Slaby, of McCook, arrived Wednesday morning to attend the fune ral of the little child of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark .Herb Stone has re signed his position with Sherwood & Albright and will go to McCook and take a night position at the B. & M. de pot.—Red Cloud Belt. It seems we are having imposed upon us a something in the nature df a saloon which is owned and operated just across the line in Red Willow county. The party who is running it probably thinks the fact that he is in another county will prevent the people of the town from do ing anything to interfere with his busi ness. But the supreme court has recent ly decided that question in the negative. He is just as much exposed there as if in Furnas county.—Cambridge Kaleido scope. It is not often you find a railroad-agent able to perform the duties of a minister of the gospel, but Mr. E. L. Brown, who has filled that position so acceptably to the B. & M. railroad for several years, is an exception. He preached at the M.E. church on last Sunday evening, and al though it was his first sermon in about five years, yet he delivered a very able discourse, which was listened to by a large and appreciative audience. Mr. Brown is a Dunkard and may at no dis tant day quit railroading and enter the ministry. He will occupy the pulpit at the M. E. church again on next Sunday evening.—Cambridge Kaledioscope. The annual report of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad company, shows a surplus on the main system over the 5 per cent dividends paid of $15,044, as compared with a surplus the previous year of $801,781. The financial exhibit as compared with last year is as follows: Gross earnings, $31,042,969; decrease,$1, 595.3341 net earnings, $9,818,466,decrease $714,916; miscellaneous income, $1,771, 092; increase, $489,275, total net, $ir, 589.558. decrease, $225,642; charges, $7, 614,261; decrease, $420,764; surplus, $3, 935.297I decrease, $646,406; dividends, 5 percent, $3,960,252; increase, $140,330: surplus, $15,044; decrease, $786,737. The railway interest is the largest int erest, from a business point of view, in the world. One-tenth of the labor em ployed in America is on the pay rolls of the railway companies and another tenth on the pay rolls of the manufacturers and producers of articles used only or chiefly by railways. So that one-fifth of the population of the American conti nent is sustained and maintained by an interest not yet sixty years old. Pile in one heap all of the railway stocks and bonds and in another all of the money in the country and the money would not buy the other heap. The gross receipts of American railways in a year amount to $10,000,000,000 and their gross earn ings are 10 per cent of that amount. The amount paid to labor is $750,000,000. Irrigation. The public meeting called for the pur pose of discussing and considering the subject of irrigation, was organized by electing H. H. Berry, chairman, and J. S. LeHew, secretary. Judge H. H. Benson, of Haigler, was present and addressed the meeting on the subject of irrigation, and the need of increased acreage of land under water. J. S. LeHew spoke on the subject of ap plied irrigation, and intensive farming. It was decided to hold a two days con vention in this city on the 2d and 3d of May, for the purpose of organizing a district association. A committe was selected with power to make all neces sary arrangements, viz: J. S. LeHew, C. J. Ryan, H. H. Benson, A. F. Moore and H. H. Berry. After the adjournment of the meeting, the committee organized, by electing C. J. Ryan, chairman, J. S. LeHew, secre tary and A. F. Moore, treasurer. It is the object of the convention to educate the agriculturist as to how to ir rigate the land, and the advantages of intensive farming, and to see what can be done in the way of locating lakes and storm basins in which to gather and pre serve storm water for irrigation. There will be experienced men present, to give lessons in applied irrigation, and civil engineers and other scientific persons who will make the convention not only interesting, but profitable. J. S. LeHew, H. H. Berry, Secretary. Chairman. The following from an eastern ex change is eminently correct: “It is an admitted fact that during the recent flur ry in financial affairs no agency did more potent work to maintain confidence among the people in the money institu tions than the country newspapers. They all swore by their towns and their banks, boosted them up as the safest in in the land, managed by able financiers and equal to any emergency. In some towns we know of, had the local papers just dropped a hint of one line that things were not exactly safe there would have been such runs on the banks that would have “busted them into smither eens.” It’s the local paper that keeps down excitement in perilous times, throws oil on the troubled waters, and makes all men better by its being pub lished in the commuity. It deserves all the support good citizens can give it.' ’ The county commissioners were called in special session by County Clerk Roper, yesterday, for the purpose of ap pointing a successor to A. H. Barnes, county treasurer, deceased. Naturally large interest attaches to this appoint ment, and the politicians and monied interests of the county have been ener getic and eager in the behalf of their favorites. No choice was arrived at yes terday, but it is expected that the ap pointment will be made today, and this exciting incident closed. The appointee’s term will last until coming January. Large delegations from here, and many in fact from all over the county have been in attendance upon the meetings. The treatment of grain seeds with hot water for the prevention of smuts has shown itself efficacious,not in this manner only, but also in the more perfect germi nation of the seed so treated. This is a result wholly reasonable, and which might have been predicted. A large portion of the seed placed in the ground ordinarily fails to germinate, although the seed may be good, but if there is not sufficient moisture the germ often shriv els and dies before it can penetrate the epidermis. By the hot water treatment or husk is softened, and the plants start into growth more quickly and with much greater uniformity than they otherwise would. The Easter edition of the McCook Tribune presented a handsome appear ance in its illuminated cover. Bro. Kim mell is keeping fully abreast of the times and his journal is second to none, in this section in quantity and quality of news.—Indianola Courier. I,. 3. Irvin of Harlan county, popu list, spoke on the subject of money in the city hall, Saturday evening. He has been speaking throughout Red Wil low county every day this week, closing at the Rea! school house, tomorrow night. The success of most of the Republican ticket may be expected with reasonable certainty. It is in the main a strong and excellent ticket, though somewhat hand icapped by at least two unfortunate nom inations. Don’t neglect to register tomorrow. It is your last opportunity. The city election will occur on Tuesday. Act promptly. Usual morning and evening services at the Lutheran church by Elder McBride, next Sunday. « .. Our Semi-Annual.. . . SPRING . . OPENING ....WILL BE HELD ON.... * THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1894> AFTERNOON AND EVENING. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THE MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK OF Dry Goods, Millinery AND CARPETS. The Finest that has Ever Been Shown in McCook EVERYBODY CORDIALLY WELCOMED. . . WE WILL BE . . Pleased to See the Ladies From out of Town. I. Lowman & Son, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY. RINGS! RINGS! Ad odd time to Advertise Rings, I know it is, but I want to call Your attention to * * * * Made by the oldest ring makers in America. Eight hundred Patterns. A Nice Assortment. .Carried by. CHAS. A. LEACH. - JEWELER - ' • »TTT - REPAIRING Promptly attended to. SAVE MONEY! Wall Paper, per roll - 3c. Gilts, per roll, - - - 6c. Mixed Paint, - - - 90c. White Lead, - - - $5.50 Linseed Oil, - - - - .05 Other Goods at Reduced Price. Painting and Papenag a>. Especially I >ow Price* Leave > - -r, v. >h the painters and paper hangers Dcn’t give middie men a crofit. McCook Paint and Waii Paper House, CORNER Or MAIN AND OOOGtASS. GEORGE ELBERT \y i; C0J,E STOCKMEN dttsfitiou! I still have a few good young Bulls that I will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All in want of anything of this kind will do well to call and examine my stock, W. N. ROGERS, proprietor Shadeland Stock Farm.