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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1894)
TWELFTH YEAR. MeCOOK, RED WILLOW COUNTY, NEBRASKA. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 10 1894. NUMBER 48. DON’T BEL IMPOSED ---UPON! Don’t be milled by the statements of merchants ... .claiming that they can.,.. SAVE YOU MONEY! I am selling first-class groceries right along as low as those who elaim they can save yon money it you will trade with them. Below we giro a few items. Pickets, per bottle, - $ .10 Onions, per bottle, - - .10 Chow Chow, per bottle, .10 Catsup, per bottle, .20 Raisins, per pound, .05 Best Tea in McCook, lb, .50 Syrup, per pail, .65 Jell, per pail, .65 Mince Meat, per package, .10 Clothes Pins, per dozen, .02 Peas, per can, - - - .10 Com, per can, ... .10 Alaska Salmon, per can, .12£ Every thing else in proportion. Always the Lowest and Best Values Can be Found at C. M. NOBLE’S. WAY DOWN! Goods Were Never So Cheap As at the Present Time. We have a fall » . . . stock of . . GINGHAMS, MUSLINS, DBESS GOODS, CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., all marked to suit the . . Hard Times. . . * . We will not make any quotations, bat simply ask a comparison of prices. We have the lar gest stock and will make the lowest prices. Bargain louse. C. Li. DeGROFF & CO. i Tlly/TB TABLE. GOING EAST—CENTRAL TIME—LEAVES. No. I. through passenger.5:40 A. M. No. 4. Iocs! passenger.0:10 P. M. No. 78. might.8:45 A. M. No. 54. freight. . . 4:30 A. M. No. 80. freight .10:00 A.M. No. 148. freight, made up here. 5:00 A. M. GOINO WEST—MOUNTAIN TIME—LEAVES. No. 8. through passenger.11:85 P.M. No. 5. local passscnger. *:26 P. M. No. 88. freight.5:0b P. M. No. 77. freight.4;* P. M. No. 140. freight, made up here.8.-00 A. M. IMPERIAL LINE.—MOUNTAIN TIMB. No. 175. leaves at.8:00 A. M. No. 178. arrives at. 5:40 P. M. BP"Notb:—No. 88 carries passengers for (Stratton, Renkelman and Hatgier. All trains run dally excepting 148.140 aod 176. whtoh run dally except Sunday. No. 8 stops at Benkelman and Wray. No. t slops at Indianola, Cambridge and Ar apahoe. No. 80 will carry passengers for Indianola, Cambridge and Arapahoe. Nos. 4.5.148,140 and 176 carry passengers for all stations. Tou can purchase at this office tickets to all principal points in the United States snd Can ada and baggage checked through to destina tion without extra charge of transfer. For information regarding rates, etc. call on or address C. B MAONER. Agent. CHEAP EXCURSION TO TEXAS. Another opportunity of visiting Texas at nominal cost On March 13th the Burlington Route will sell round-trip tickets at the one-way rate. Ask the company’s local agent for full in formation and make sure your ticket reads “via the Burlington.” the best line to all southern points. J. Francis, General Passen ger & Ticket Agent Omaha, Neb. MIDWINTER FAIR RATES ARE DOWN. The Burlington Route is now selling round trip tickets to San Francisco at {35.50. One way {20. Think of it! Four thousand miles for less than forty dollars. See the company’s local agent and get full information, or write to J. Francis, General Passenger agent Omaha, Neb. Saturday was pay day. It was hard lines railroading on the western division, Saturday. Mrs. J. F. Forbes is entertaining her mother from Arapahoe, this week. Supt. Campbell went up to Denver,Tuesday night, on division business. Auditor Brandt dropped in the city, Tues day night, on business of that department. Master Mechanic Archibald is having his commodious residence artistically painted. Mrs. Samuel Rogers went up to Longmont, Colo., Tuesday night, on a visit to relatives. Ed Ellis and baby, Hi Thrailkill’s children and Brakeman Cassell are tussling with the measles. Felix Kennedy also visited in the city, first of the week, his wife having been here for a week or two. Quite a number of the new machines are fctill not connected with shafting and power, at the round house. The Burlington’s net earnings for February, 1894, were over 872,000 in excess of those of the same month of 1893. Z. L. Kay and Sam Rogers are having the thirty acres bought from Vance McManigal recently, broken up, and will put in alfalfa for the hogs. The board of transportation has decided that Nebraska’s railroads must provide trans fer switches, in certain cases, at least, where the necessities of traffic require them. Wolff and Moench shipped their hogs down from Imperial, Friday evening, and the same, about 60 head, were hauled out to their ranch at the west river bridge, Saturday morning. The boys have a fine little hog ranch to be sure. There was over fifty carloads of stock shipped off this branch Wednesday. Wilson ville was right in line with six cars, five cars of hogs and one of cattle. A.W. Hunt shipped 3 cars of hogs, Rice & Son one of hogs and one of cattle, and C. Callaway one of hogs. The regular stock train had more than it could do and an extra train was sent up the line as far as Wilsonville.—Review. C. P. Jude, B. & M. bridge carpenter boss, arrived in Benkelman last evening with his gang. They will be engaged during the next month repairing the railroad bridges in the vicinity of this station. Judge is a clever, big hearted man and one of the B. & M. compa ny’s most efficient and trusty boss mechanics. He is prospering well in the world and is now building a fine home in McCook.—Bee. The friends of Conductor W. G. Reddin and Dispatcher W. B. Mills are having a bushel of amusement at the expense of these two young men. And it all came about from the virtuous resolution of the conductor to treat his phaeton to a washing. Last Friday after noon was the time chosen and the Republican river the place of cleaning. The dispatcher went along as referee. All went as merry as marriage bells until an effort was made to drive onto one of the numerous sand-bars in the river, south of the middle bridge. Alas, the treacherous quick-sand settled about the wheels of the vehicle and the legs of the horse and the boys “were stuck” in midstream. The horse in its flounderings broke the harness and walked out of the vehicle, dragging the conductor through the water holding to the ribbons with a death grip. Still the phaeton had to be rescued. The quicksand baffled all attempts to pull it out, and nothing remained for the boys to do but to wade boldly in and dig it out This they succeeded in doing by dint of hard work, in an hour or so. But in the operation both were pretty thoroughly soaked, and it is most likely that such jobs will be performed in the future by the young men strictly by contract or proxy. Communicated. Mr. Editor:—In your issue ol March 2d you tell the story of a young woman who hes itated to go on in the ceremony that would have made her a wife, because she did not wish to “vow obedience" to her husband. It was only when the matter was placed before her in its “proper light;" that it was an “idle and inoperatiye form,” by some married wo men present, that she consented to a'low the ceremony to proceed. Poor little thing! Poor married women! Worthy disciples all of their Washington trousered goddess. Now it is in defense of that word “obey,” and also in de fense of home—prospective—brides who may not be so fortunately!?) surrounded by worthy matrons, capable and willing to explain away the antiquarianisms of the marriage service that I write. The term “obey" has but one meaning, whether used religiously, politically, juridi cally or otherwise. Before priest or poten tate, police judge or preacher, “obey," in the highest interpretation, in this case the only interpretation of the term, is the willing ac ceptance of a state of being in conformity with absolute right A mechanical temper of mind, obedience to mere custom, outword impulses rather than inward spirit recogniz ing no higher law than the opinions of others, no higher authority than that which drives the galley slave, is not obedience, is not “to obey.” It is simply slavishness, making of one’s self an echo, a machine, a “reel shaken by the wind,” a “straight staff bent in the pool." The development of mind illustrates the case in point very nicely. We are born into a state of lawlessness. A child knows noth ing about law, it has no notion of law: it is a little savage, very lawless; volatile; gaseous rather than solid. Little bv little it begins to learn law, natural law. As of heat, by burns; of gravitation, by falls. In society it learns other laws, of school, state, society. If these laws are obeyed the man is called moral; if disobeyed he is immoral. Now custom has made different standards of morality, but con science, the voice of God, has but one stand ard. It is absolute. Hence I will do what is right, not because of any outword authority— father or mother, legislature or society. And, to go further, not even because my own con science demands it, and not even because it is the law of God; but because God, the great Lawgiver, is love, I no longer “must,” I no longer merely obey, I wish and desire to con form to the law, to have that law part of my life, to be the natural expression of it This is obedience; then, I truly obey. The original question. One bride comes to the minister and says: “Do not ask me to say ‘obey;’ I do not wish to be a servant of my husband; I am his equal.” Another bride comes and “obeys.” Not that she wishes to be a servant, not that she is not her husband's equal, but because reverence and love are at work, desirous to make her life one with his. She looks up to him and wishes to have all her life run in the channel of his noble life. And so the child looks to and beyond the parent, so the citizen looks to and above the statute. It is one of the awful disappoint ments of life to find our trust and confidence violated; where we look for a man to find a thing; but true obedience demands high standard. May we men not be found want ing, then the brides may not be found hesitating. F. D. Invitations are out for the fourth annual ball and banquet of Harvey Division No. 95, O. R. C., to be given on Tuesday evening, April 17th. The banquet will be given under the supervision of George L. Etter, and will be 50 cents a plate. Ball tickets $i.oo. Rei zenstein’s orchestra. Mrs. Tom Wilkinson is expected home from Holyoke, tomorrow. Notice. The following-named persons have been appointed bv the mayor and council, to act as the election board, at the coming city election, to be held April 3,1894: FIRST WARD, First Precinct—J. S. LeHew, I. J. Holt, D. Cullen, judges. H. W. Cole, N. Crawford, clerks. Second Precinct—B. F. Olcott, Jacob Bie ver, Charles Weintz, judges. S. H. Colvin, D. C. Marsh,clerks. SECOND WARD, First Precinct—W. S. Morlan, L. McEntee, F. D. Burgess, judges. L T. Benjamin, Chas. Heber, clerks. Second Precinct—W. H. Roberts, A. A. Bates, John Hughes, judges. Chas. Lehn, M. W. Eaton, clerks. Dated this 15th day of March, 1894. U. J. Warren, City Clerk. Election Notice. An election will be held on April 3d, 1894, in the city of McCook, Nebraska, for the pur pose of electing officers to the following named offices, for the ensuing term: M ayor, Clerk, Treasurer, Engineer, Councilman for First Ward, Councilman for Second Ward, Two members of the Hoard of Edncation. Dated this 15th day of March, 1894. U. j. Warren, City Clerk. United States Land Office, McCook, Nebraska, March 12, 1894. Public notice is hereby given that under and by authority of instructions received from the commissioner of the general land office, the southwest quarter 01 the northeast quarter of section 4, township 3, north of range 30, west of the 6th P. M, containing 40 acres, will be offered for sale at this office on the 25th day of April, 1894, at ten o’clock, A. M, to the highest bidder for cash and at not less than 81.25 per acre, under section 2455, U. S. re vised statutes, and act of March 3d, 1891. J. P. 'Lindsay, Register. ,D. E. Bomgardner, Receiver. J. E. Kelley, Attorney. 43-Sts. Dissolution of Partnership. By mutual consent the co-partnership be tween Colvin & Beggs, is hereby dissolved. Silas H. Colvin will pay-aU-bills against said firm, and collect all accounts due same, and complete all unfinished business. Dated McCook. NeK, March 15th, 1894. Signed. - Silas H. Colvin. 43-6t. Carey T. Beggs. Notwithstanding TRK UNIVERSAL OPINION OF HARD TIMES -OUR BUYER IS NOW IN NEW YORK -SELECTING A Full and Complete STOCK OP Dry Goods, Millinery AND CARPETS. Vi,™,, 'ard bot ' Oi, so L. Lowman & Son, DRY GOODS, CARPETS, MILLINERY. Easter Opening BJrr1^ Spring Millinery! MISS CORY, Friday and Saturday, March 23rd and 24th. *▼▼▼▼▼▼» ~ Miss Cory will, on these dates, have ready for inspection of the ladies of McCook and vicinity all the latest and most fashionable creations in Spring and Summer Millinery. Don’t fail to see her display before making purchases. The prices, too, will be just exactly right. jSAVE^MONEYr**] 9 Wall Paper, per roll - 3a White Lead, - - - $5.50 1 9 Gilts, per roll, - - - 6a Linseed Oil, - - . . 65 9 9 Mixed Paint, - - - 90a Other Goods at Reduced Price. 9 P t^*Painting and Papering at Especially Low Prices. Leave your orders with V ■ the painters and paper hangers. Don’t give middle men a profit f ? McCook Paint and Wall Paper House. \ f CORNER Pf MAIN AND DOUGLASS. I f GEORGE ELBERT w R COLE, P Carson & West -OF THE SUNNY SIDE DAIRY WILL SELL MILK During the month of April for 4 cents a quart. Wait fcr their wagon. Purest of milk. Courteous and prompt treatment. STOCKMEN Attention! I still have a few good young Bulls that I will sell very cheap, if taken soon. All In want of anything of this kind will do well to call and examine my stock. W. N. ROGERS, PROPRIETOR Shadeland Stock Farm.