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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1884)
Chicao General Store. 4f ZZV OPERA BLOCK THURSDAY , MAY 29th ! The Largest and Most Complete Stock West of Lincoln , consisting of Sta-ple and Fancy Millinery , Feather HATS CAP . . . . , 2 vsxfa TS jf.jt.ji * A. n st e Carpet , Oil Cloth , Boots and Shoes. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES ! @R06KEfY ( AED GLASSWARE , And Everything Usually Carried in a FirstClassStore. . All are invited to inspect our goods and be convinced that they can be suited in quality and prices that have not been heard of or seen west of any large city. COME AND COME ALL. Jos. MENARD , Proprietor , ' McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. Saddles f Harness. [ OITOSITK HOTEL OX THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Sidles , Cow-Boy out lits , and Spurs. R. H. HAMILTON. NEW MEAT MARKET. Chas. H. DUNGAN , DEALER EST Fresh f Sell Meal OF ALL KIXUS. CUIJEK ftf1 Ham and Breakfast Bacon. Pure Lnrd of OJr own rendering. Highest cash price paid for Hides Furs of all kinds and Pelts. One door west of t > ic City Itakcry. C. II. DUXGAX. Proprietor. A. PROBST &BRO. PUOPUIKTOES. WE KEEP OJf HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , Gil All AM BllEAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Iloom in connection , where you can iict hot coffee , etc. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. THE EHTERPETSE WIND MILL 1 ! wliat is known : ia ! " -olid wheel" mill : md ilK- pen-c- with all sliding shafts and pitman * , mid all segment { rear , which are liable to liccoine iuopcra- tie from MIOW or tied. It has no superfluous joints , weights and levers , to wear and admit of lost motion or make noise. Its multiplying Hall Got ernor is the simplest , most diici-t and < niiekest In use. It is the most sensitive to varying winds , it Is manufactured l > y a company of loni ; standing and experience in the wind mill lmsine.-s , with large capital invested in special machinery , extensive works , iwd an ellieient corps of skilled workmen. They are neat in appear ance , noiseless in operation , and an ornament to the grounds. Parties desiring estimates and costs on an outfit , can obtain them l > y addressing us , giving plan ol ground , depth of well , points of delivery , etc. AVe manufacture lion rumps , Urass Cylinders , Tanks and everything connected with faim , city or railway water supply. SAUDTTICE E1TIB2P.ISS CO. , SKfcrich , 111. n .V. 31. IKW1X , Agent , McCook , l purify and enrich the 3LOOD , rcpilate the LIVER and KIDNEYS , ami ResTOitE Tltr. HEALTH andVIGOKof YOTJTK ! In all tln. ; e diseases requiring a certain and ellicicn TOXIC1 , especially Dyspepsla.'VVaiitor A ii ] ettc.linilpcs- ! tion , Lack of Strength , etc. , its use is nmrl.ed with immediate ami wonderiul results , hones , /ruiifclcs and nerves recehe new force. Lumens the mind and supplies lirain I'onrr. H A ESO ! suffering Ironi all complaints In * G I BSi& peculiar to their tcx will find 1:1 DK. HAHTER'S IRON TONIC a sale and speedy cure. It gives a clear and litaltliy complexion. Tiie strongest testimony to the value 01 lu. HAKTKK'S lno : TONIC is that ( rcwtetit attempts at counterfeiting have only added to tin. pi.pi.lar. Ity of the original. Ifjoii earnestly ileshf In a li do not experiment-get the OIMGIIJAL AND UI.&T your address to The Dr. Hnrter Mc.-d.Co. V CSend . Mo. , for onr "DKEAai BCCK. " pj Full of strange and nstfal ir.f jriuatioa.iieo. j # OR. HARTER'S IRON TONIC is For : SALZ n : .TJ. DRUGGISTS ANO DEAUCKS EvEuv..hCf-.j- . be iiainetl after the original Judge Lynch. Ho was a. pious north of Tre- land man who settled on the banks of the river where there was a pass in the mountains of either side , to establish a ferry. Wlien he got his boat built and in good running order lie was pained to perceive that many of his customers were horse thieves escaping with their booty. After some study of the situation he applied to the governor for-a commission as justice of the peace. Then Justice Lynch formed a little band amateur detectives and improvised constabulary to watch for the thieves who came down to his ferry. When they embarked on his boat they were easily cornered and captured. The ferryman immediately called court to order' and proceeded to a preliminary examination. If he and his posse were convinced of the mult of the accused thev were held n for trial with a sullicient amount oi bonds assessed to make bail impossi ble. Then they were turned over to posse be taken to the distant jail. ] 3ut they never got there. As soon as the prisoners had been taken a convenient distance into the - wilderness ness a rope was deftly sprung around their necks and they were suspended to a handy limb and society wasfiee from their further depredations. But it was understood that Jucljje Lynch only sent up men of whose guilt there was no possible doubtand , as he saved vast amount of expense and trouble he was respected far and wide and the region was soon cleared of thieves. This was before the revolution , and long after the death of the "judge1' the town of Lynchburg was named for him. But the original Lynch court was no frenzied mob , acting in passion and incited by bad whisky. Everything was done in the best of order , the only in formality being that a commitment answered for a conviction. The deatii penalty was then in force for grand larceny and the punishment in accordance with the statutes , if the sentence was irregularly pronounced. ix the past few weeks thousands of young men and women have stepped out of colleges into the world , their O ' hearts beating with noble ambitions and their biains teeming with visions of the future they have laid out with as much regularity and confidence as O / a surveyor plats a road. Their desti nation is fixed in their minds as clearly as the picnic grounds in the eyes of a party of jolly seekers of pleasure for a day. It is a -ood and a ijlorious / cj O thing , this annual infusion of young blood into a weary and disappointed oltl world. "Were it to cease ihe stream of achievement would go dry as surely as a river whose fountain springs are choked. To make up the . rand total of human acomplishment , energy must never cease , vigilance never sleep and strength never yield. The laggard , the worn and the fallen must be ever and ever replaced. They are replaced by the active , the fresh and the young- . But , after all , how few of the roseate pictures that now brighten the eye and infuse hope into the soul of youth are ever realized. The finale may be as well , the achievements as grand , the course as comfortable , but the channel of life is seldom the one that is studied and charted in youth , ihe harbor of rest at last one that was not on the youthful map. The boy who would be a missionary may die amid the clash of arms ; he who would awaken the world from the forum may spend his days behind a pair of plodding mules ; he who would follow meek-eyud oxen in the furrow may be instead a leader of men ; he who ispires to wield a state may wear for life the garb of a convict. Life is full of cross currents and men are much the creatures of accident. Struggle OO tnd endeavor may be wholly wasted , md indolence may spurred into suc cess by thorny fate. And yet it is loble to work for the highest aims , to be actuated by the bravest pur- ) oses , to battle against adversity to the death. It pays to be manly or womanly , to nourish honorable ambi- ions , and to hold out in courage to the end. Topics. A WIT who was asked what he had "ither be during the three stages of ife , replied , "Till thirty a pretty wo- nan , till fifty a suscessful general , the rest of my life a cardinal. " the strawberries and creiunlnake girls freckled and cause them to toe in. Tt might be Well to cut this out and paste it somewhere in si ; ht. Ax Indiana girl was swinging1 in a liaiinnock when a man passed her on horseback with a'gun across the pom mel ot'his saddle. The horse stumble11 and jarred the gun. It went oil' and hit the O oirl ; in the hammock. LTer mother , who was in the kitchen wash ing the dishes , was not hurt. "T SHOULD be glad to hear you sing some day/'remarked a gentleman tea a young lady who was studying music. "I shall be delighted. I have the C3 sons' with me now , and will sing itO ' O v3 for you. " "AVhut song ? " 'Why. "Some Day. " ' "Ah ! yes. ] meant some other day when 1 shall have more leisure. " A AVIIOLE week has passed without a health bulletin from Greystone farm. Not a correspondent lias run the inumtlet of bull do js that sur- J3 Z3 rounds Mr. Tilden. The only intruders upon the old man's peace of mind are the boys who steal his cherries. Some men are born so , some achieve obliv ion and some have it thrust upon them. Uncle Sammv has achieved it , tt while many a democratic statesman will have it trust upon him next month. ST. JOHN , a good sort of a man liv ing in rural Kansas , who was aston ished one day to iind that the repub lican convention had , after a hitter fight between its ivai- horses , suddenly nominated him for governor as the dark animal , and who immediately aspired to be president , has bolted the Chicago nominations and proposes to punish the great party and purify it with defeat. St. John claims that his indignation is caused by the failure of national convention to insert a prohi bition plank in its platform. But any one who ever saw St. John , will rcalix.c that this is a pious whopper. What he is mad about is that Elaine got it instead of himself. Journal. WE have long held the opinion that the mosquito is an unmitigated scoun drel , who could give our own lively flea six stones and a beating over a long course , but we arc now convinced. A gentleman has examined 3Ir. Mosquito under a microscope , and his description is , to say the least , startling. It appears that in the "bill" of the little beast alone there are no fewer than five distinct surgical instruments. These are de scribed as a lance , two meat saws , a suction pump and a small Corliss steam engine. It appears that when a "skcct- cr" settles down to his work upon a nice tender portion of the human frame the lance is first pushed into the floh , then the two saws , placed back to back , begin to work up and down to enlarge the hole , then the pump is inserted and the victim's blood is siphoned up to the resurvohs carried behind , and finally , to complete the cruelty of the perfor mance , the wretch drops a quantity of poison into the wound to keep it irrita ted. Then the diminutive fiend takes a fly around just to digest your gore and makes tracks for a fresh victim , or if the first one has been of unusually good quality he returns to the same liappy hunting' ground. The mosquito's marvelous energy , combined with his -ortable operating chest , makes him at once a terror and a pest. Our .English skin grazers arc doves in comparison with them. London Sportsman. THE sudden- death of Hon. lleisler Jlymer is now attributed to a of norphinc he took the evening before lis decease. Financial reverses it is said prompted him to self-destruction. A stomach pump was used and physi cians walked him up and clown his room ) y relays all night , but it was of no ivail and he finally died in terrible agony , lis wife is very low from the shock iml her recovery is doubtful. Go to A. P , Sharp's for FIRST-CLASS SHAVE or HAIR CUT , HOT AND COLD BATHS OK SHOUT NOTICE. S" Ladie.s' and Children's Trail- Dressing u specialty. I * I GOOD GOODS The extension and new glays front being ahout completed , we litivo purchased and will next week have a full stock of Which will with our supply of ng , Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes , Notions , Etc , , Give us as good a stock of ANY IN * 1 1 Our expenses are light and we Avill give BARGAINS - IN ' ALL DEPARTMENTS , Let us quote you prices before you buy elsewhere. We want your trade and will try hard to please , and if . honest dealing and low prices will accomplish that end we know we will please you. Two Blocks West of Bunk , West Dcimisoii Street , McCook. FREES SL HOCKNELL * > C , PUOlTilKTOUS OF THE II I.HALKIS ) ! IX II. . Lumber , Lime , Cement , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Hard and Soft Coal , YAUDS AT McCook , Indianola , Cambridge , Arapahoe , and Oxford. JJH ' I II I It to , i'.y DM i Iniimrkft , 1" mx H M\H-I- , stronger Uullt. ami iln-rrtorr .1 nmn1 Ilur.ililiMil' . It is the only . . , .il > .olifi ! 1 } -'fe Mill l-iiilt ; and out of Thousands Erected During 12 . . . . . pjsi. not oir : c\er blown : tv..iy and Ii-ft IheToxvcr s > .indium. A n-eunl no other Mill can ! > huw. Y.'e oiler to put npanyofonrlM Mi'IXJJ MILI.b THIRTY DAYS TRIAL , Anif ! . don't \ , . tl.ry K\\C satisfaction will renio\e Mill .it oilr . . . own e.\pi-n-e. Av. ! Mannfactnri'nxif the Celebrated ClMlleii i * IVi'd Jlili- , Com feh'-IIer * . Iron I'lsinp with lir.i - cylinders , Iron I'ipc , Tanks. r < irtiniates , catalogues and prfee % apply to G. 3i. XETTLETOX , McCook , Neb- , Axpnt for > ontlwe-tern Xi-bratka and Xortliwestern ICansu" . - : : : _ is THK I'LAru FOK-- ce Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Nuts , CHOICE CIGARS , CANDY , ETC , JILLIAI1D ami POOL TABLE. CALL and ENJOY I'OURSELTES i :