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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1884)
TEAIN WRECKERS AT WORK. II. & M. "Cnnnon Itall" Thrown Down an Einbnnlcmeut Near IXubbolI. The worst accident that over occur red on a Nebraska railroad took place on the B. & Ji. one mile west of Hubbell on the night of the 17lb. The track at that point approaches a bridge ICO feet long and 40 feet high , by a long steep grade. The Cannon Ball train was running 4'J miles an hour , aud was thrown from the track in Uio middle of the bridge. The engine , baggage car and smoking car ran across on the tics , left the embankment 170 leet frem the end of the bridge , and rolled over twice before reaching the bottom , CO leot below. The baggage car was found at the bottom , under the smoker , smashed to pieces. The other coaches and sleepers re mained on the bridge , which was badly torn up. Ono coach was standing nearly perpendicular. Engineer Alex Stuart was thrown from the cab and had a leg broken below the knee. Baggageman J. McNaughton had his skull fractured and It fatally Injured. Conductor Pat Lymanhad both legs broken below the kneo. Ho will lose one and prob ably both. Of the thirty passengers fifteen were injured , two perhaps fatally. The fireman staid in the cab and went to the bottom of the ditch uninjured. He went to Hubbpll for help. Physicians from Hubbell , Wymore and Red Cloud , re sponded. Superintendent Calvert and As sistant Superintendent McDonnlff went on a special at 4 a. m. , and tbe wounded were taken to Wymoro at G a. m. The wounded conductor was sent to Atchison on a spe cial. Investigation showed that the fish-plate had been removed from the Joint of the mludle bridge and the spikes pulled out , and barbed wire sixty feet long was passed through the bridge and to the bank. The perpetrators had waited until the train ap preached and pulled the raii from its place. One suspicious character was arrested and others are being shadowed. A claw-barand wrench stolen from the section house at Chester the nipht before were found at the scene of the accident. EUROPEAN DIFFICULTIES. The Situation in Empt a Subject Engross ing Much Attention. M. Waddington , French embassador to London , had a long private conference with Gladstone on the 14th. The fact caused much speculation in newspaper cir cles , and extraordinary efforts nave been made to ascertain what transpired at the meeting. It has been learned from good authority that at least ono thing was de cided on : It was agreed and arranged that Gladstone and Prime Minister Ferry should make similar and simultaneous statements , the former to the house of commons , the latter to the French chambers , concerning a mutual understanding arrived at by the respective governments concerning the at titude they have agreed with each other to assume at the coming conference of powers upon the Egyptian question. It was de cided to ruiiko these statements either Thursday or "Friday. There can be no doubt that public opinion In England is bitterly hostile to the arrange ment with France , because Englishmen gen erally believe it to be secured by concessions derogatory to the national honor aud pres tige of England. On one band , the French people are equally opposed to ihe arrange ment , because they-believe France did not obtain as much as her allowance. In the rural districts of France tbe belief is prow- ing that Gladstone has practically outwitted the French cabinet and secured an alliance for the conference , tbe purpose of which is certain to be resisted by Germany , and to bring new trouble upon tbe republic. The belief is energetically stimulated by Ferry's enemies , and is finding robust expression In the provincial press. THE COMING CONVENTION. Circular from the Sub-Committee Re- gardlng Tickets of Admission. The sub-committee on arrangements > c. of the national democratic committee has issued the following : The applications made to members of the national committee for tickets of admission to the democratic national convention indi cate a misunderstanding of the method by which they are distributed. Tickets are printed and issued by the committee ac cording to the rules which have been followed at previous conventions. They cannot be given as a favor to any per son. The hall will have 10,500seats , and of these 2,000 will be occupied by delegates , alternates , officers and committees. About 00 seats will be allotted to the press. Sub scribers to the fund to pay expenses will receive 750 tickets , and 750 more will be used for distribution amung the local com mittees of city and county officers. It is supposed 1,200 tickets will be given to sen ators and representatives in congress , vet erans and other eminent men of the country who will attend the convention , ind 950 tickets will be reserved by the national com mittee for contingencies. The remainder of the tickets will be given to delegates , making six tickets to each for distribution to the public. No Mark ? . Mr. T. M. Casad , editor of the Cory- don , Iowa , Times , writes that his little girl burned her foot severely on a stove. One application of St. Jacobs Oil , the great pain-reliever , cured it complete ly , leaving no marks. By two applica tions of St. Jacobs Oil he cured him self of a torturing pain in the side. THE UNION PACIFIC. An Interview "With the Secretary of the Interior. Charles Francis Adams , representing the Union Pacific railroad company , with the chief book-keeper of the company , had an interview on the 17th with the secretary of the interior and the commissioner of railroads in regard to the report upon the financial condition of the company , pre pared by experts for transmission to the ludiciary committee of the senate. Rep resentatives of the Union Pacific rail road company asserted that the report did not correctly represent the finan cial condition of the company , and the sec retary , after hearing their arguments , de cided that the report should in some re spects be modified. Secretary Teller has notified tbe govern ment experts to report to the Union Pacific company , and the officials of the road now declare themselves better satisfied. The point of difference is understood to be that the experts failed to place among the assets certain amounts due tbe company. The counsel for the railroad , it is said , convinced Secretary Teller that these sums are clearly assets , hence the modification. The report , as modified , will be considerably more favorable to the road than the original draft. ' Further Particulars of the Wreck. The fireman of the Burlington & Missouri train which was wrecked near Hubbell on the night of the 17th says that just before the engine plunged down the . embankment , he saw four men Jump out of : the brush at the side of the bridge and run across the country. When the investigation was made , after the wreck , a rope of barb wire which had been torn from a neighbor- ine fence , was found attached to the mis placed rail , the otner end reaching to the bu bes from which the men were seen to lump. The manner in which the job was carried out leads to the belief that it was the work of tramps , aeainst whom a sort of war has been carried on by railway men this spring , and who have been quite revengeful ot late. On tbo other hand th Blcallijg of the claw bar nnd wrench frou tlio section Louse tbe < lty huforc the wreck gives color lo Uio rumor thut robbery wu the object of the fiends. Up to a lute hou on the 18th there wore no new develop nienti. either us regards the wreck itself its perpetrators , or the condition of tbe in Jurwd. The company offers a reward o $1,000 for the arrest of tbc culprits , an ; will use every meuus at its command t hunt them down. The Western Delegates in the East The western delegation , accompa nled by several prominent persons o Augusta , Maine , visited the national sol dlers' home at Augusta on the 10th. They were received by Gen. Luther Stephenson. the governor of the home , and saluted will thirty-eight guns. The hall was surround cd by a large body of soldiers in line. Tni governor delivered a brief address , giving a short history of the home. In the evening there was an informal private reception given by Mr. Biaine to the delegation. A small number of invitations were issued to prominent citizens and about 100 persons were in attendance. The guests were re ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Biaine and a very pleasant hour spent in social conversation A U. S. Consul Shot. At a balloon ascension in the Quin cane , Bordeaux , France , on the 15th George W. Roosevelt , United States consul , and wife were present. A 'French soldier fired a pistol at the Americans and the bul let passed through Kooaevelt's hat and con tused his brain , knocking him over. The wounded man pointed out the soldier , bu the latter with two companions escaped. I is supposed the soldier mistook the consu for an officer in civilian's dress agains whom he had a grudge. The commande : at Bordeaux ordered an inquiry. The Increasing sales of Plso'a Care attests it clalmas tne best cough remedy. Beautiful Shop Girls. New York Sun. "There are more beautiful women among the shop girls of New York than there are among the avenues , ' said a policeman abruptly as a group o : dashing looking women passed. "You can see some of them on Broadway ; but the place to catch them in shoals if down on the East side. Whenever have any friends come over to see me from out of town , or whenever my business makes it necessary for me to show some ono around the city , which occasionally happens , I take the visitor down on the East side. In the course of seventeen years I have steered a good many men down on East Broad way , and 1 never yet failed to amaze them by the crowds of handsome women. The best way to see them is to start along Grand street from the Bowery about half-past four o'clock in the afternoon , take the south side of the street , and follow it east as far as East Broadway ; there yon will see hundreds of girls that will make you gasp for breath. There are faces more beauti ful than any you ever see on Broadway , and f gurcs that no man can find fault with. After you turn into East Broad way and proceed downward you will catch the diamond in the rough. You will see girls there almost in rags who are more beautiful than any girl you can find in New York above Fourth street , I don't care who she is. They live in the tenement houses and over the shops along Broadway. It is a social quarter every one knows every one else , and the women are taken up with the gossip of the neighborhood. "The girls don't know" much when you come to talk with them , and their ideas about 'ladies' they won't talk of nothin' else but 'ladies , ' you know would make you smile. They work late and work hard. Their fun consists in sitting on the front steps at night , walking arm in arm up the block , and going to occasional picnics and cheap excursions. We know them to be the best girls in the city. This is because they ain't educated above their station , and because they live with their fam- i'ies. They are the beauties of New York. " PATENTS. No Patent. No Pay. Send modeler or drawing. Stoddart & Co. , 412 G. Street , Washington , D. C. , Patent At torneys. The Sonl of Honor. Virginia City Chronicle. It is extremely refreshing to notice the fine sense of honor possessed by some of the rising generation in Vir ginia City. Last evening two youths , each aged about 14 , met on C street , when the following dialogue took place : "I Bill knife. " "No say , , you got my , I ain't. " " 'Pon yer word ? " "Ton me word. " " 'Pon yer soul ? " " 'Pon me soul. " "Hope you may die if you have ? " "Hope I may die if I have. " "You ain't got my knife ? " "I ain't got your knife. " The querist seemed to be still incredulous , but was on the point of giving it up in despair , when a bright idea occurred to him and he returned to the attack with : " 'Pon yer honor ? " "Oh , " said the other , "now you touch me honor , take your clanged old knire , " and he handed the article over. "Well done , Bill , " said his chum ; "I allue knowed you was a honorable chap. " Papillon Cough Cure does not contain any drugs or chemicals ; it is purely vegetable , [ t cures Whoopiu ? Couuh , Bronchial Cough , or tickling in the throat , and Win ter Cough so prevalent in older people. Let us be like trees thut yield their fruit to those who throw stones at them. Papillon'Cough Cure is an unfailing rem edy for Whooping Cough. Try it , and re lit ve your child. The Mexican Treaty. In the report accompanying the bill to carry into effect the Mexican treaty , pre pared by A. S. Hewitt and reported from ; ne ways and means committee , the com mittee says Mexico is the gate through which this country will nnd its connections with Central and South America. The time has already arrived when we must adopt a continental policy , laying its foun dations broad and deep in the mutual in terests of intimate commercial and political sympathies. The Monroe doctrine must be asserted and enforced. It is essential for DUT safety as well as our prosperity that we shall exercise a controlling influence in the affairs of the western world. HOUGH OJT ITCH" cures humors , ernp- .ions ring-worm , tetter , salt rheum , frosted leet , hllblalns. Women now serve on juries in Washing ton Territory. Two western inventors have recently Detained patents for the use of saw- Just , instead of sand in plastering com positions. If you want to make a dude mad ask irini .t which misfit store he bought his clothes. [ The Hatchet. THE STAGE-DRIVER'S STORY. How General Scott' * J.lfo Was Saved and How Ills Driver Twice Erfcnpcd Death. The traveler of the present day , as he is hurried along by the lightning express , in its buffet cars and palace sleepers , seldom reverts in thought to the time whsn the stage coach and packet were the only means of commu nication between distant points. It is rare that one of the real old-time stage drivers is met with now-a-dajs , and when the writer recently ran across Fayette Haskell , of Lockporr , N. Y. , he'felfc like a bibliographer over the discovery of some rare volume of "for gotten lore. " Mr. Haskell , although one of the pioneers in stage driving ( he formerly ran from Lewiston to Ni agara Falls and Buffalo ) , is hale and hearty and bids fair to live for ' many years. The strange stories of'his early adventures would fill a volume. At one time , when going down a moun tain near Lewiston with no less a per sonage than Gen. Scott as a passenger , the brakes gave way and the coach came on the heels of the wheel horses. The only remedy was to whip the lead ers to a gallop. Gaining additional momentum with each revolution of the wheels the coach swayed and pitched down the mountain side and into the streets of Lewiston. Straight ahead , at the foot of the steep hill , flowed the Niagara river , towards which the four horses dashed , apparently to certain death. Yet the firm hand never re laxed its hold nor the clear brain its conception of what must be done in the emergency. On dashed the horses until the narrow dock was reached on the river bank , when by a masterly exhibition of nerve and daring , the coach was turned in scarce its own length and the horses brought to a stand still before the pale lookers on could realize what had oc curred. A purse was raised by General Scott and presented to Mr. Haskell with high compliments for his skill and bravery. Notwithstanding all his strength and his robust constitution the strain of continuous work and exposure proved too much for Mr. Haskell's constitution. The constant jolting of the coach and the necessarily cramped position in which he was obliged to sit , contributed to this end , and at times he was obliged to abandon driving altogether. Speaking of this period he said : "I found it almost impossible to sleep at night ; my appetite left me entirely and I had a tired feeling wLich I never knew before and could not ac count for. " "Did you give up driving entirely ? " "No. I tried to keep up but it was only with the greatest effort. This state of things continued for nearly twenty years until last October when 1 went all to pieces. " "In what way ? " "Oh , I doubled all up ; could not walk without a cane and was incapable of any effort or exertion. I had a con stant desire to urinate both day and night and although I felt like passing a gallon every ten minutes only a few drops could escape and they thick with sediment. Finally it ceased to flow entirely and I thought death was very near. " "What did you do then ? " "What I should have done long be fore : listen to my wife. Under her ad vice I began a new treatment. " "And with what result ? " "Wonderful. It unstopped the closed and what was ttill more won- Passages the flow. The sedi ment vanished ; my appetite returned and I am now well and good for twenty more years wholly thiough the aid of Warners' Safe Cure that has done won ders for me as well as for so many others. " Mr. Haskell's experience is repeated every day in the lives of thousands of American men and women. An un known evil is undermining the exist ence of an innumerable number who do not realize the danger they are in until tiealth has entirely departed and death perhaps stares them in the face. To leglect such important matters is like drifting in the current of Niagara above the Falls. The Lake Voorhees cattle range of tVyoming is the greatest in the world , no doubt. It comprises 1,000,000 acres of land , 40,000 of which are enclosed with barbed fence , and has a water rontage of thirty miles. The range will freely accommodate 75,000 cattle. It has 15,000 head. " 1 do not like thee , Dr. Fell , The reason why , I cannot tell. " It has often been wondered at , the md odor this oft-quoted doctor was in. Twas probably because he , being one of the old-school doctors , made up pills as large as bullets , which nothing but an ostrich could bolt without nausea. 3ence the dislike. Dr. R. V. Pierce's 'Pleasant Purgative Pellets" are sugarcoated - coated and no larger than bird-snot , and are quick to do their work. For all derangements of the liver , bowels and stomach they are specific. A remarkable case of change of color s exciting the medical men of Santa Jarbara , Cal. Four years ago a man named Pina was of very dark com- ) lexion. White blotches began to ap- > ear on his skin , and now he is as white as any man , save on parts of his face ind hands. Rupture , pile tumors , fistulas and all iseases of lower bowel ( except anccr ) , radically cured. Address , Vorld's Dispensary Medical Associa- ion , Buffalo , N. Y. , and enclose two 3ct. ) stamp * for bnok. Miss Becky Jones has rivals. Seven svomen in Georgia recently made a juilt without speaking a word during he whole operation. It ought to be idded , however , that they were in mates of a deaf and dumb institution. French Grape Brandy , distilled Ex- Tact of Water Pepper or Smart Weed , Famaica Ginger and Camphor Water , as combined in Dr. Pierce's Compound Dxtract of Smart Weed , is the best pos sible remedy for colic , cholera morbus , diarrbcea , dysentery or bloody-flux ; ilso , to break np colds , fevers , and in- lammatory attacks 50 eta. Keep it on hand. Good for man or beast. Mensoton' * rcptonlred lleef Tonic , the only preparat'on of beef containing Its entire nutri tions properties. It contains blood-making , force- generating and life-sustaining properties ; Inralu able for Indirection , Dy peptu , nervous pros tratlon. and all forms of general debility ; also in nl enfeebled conditions , whether the result of exhaun Ion , nervous prostration overwork or acute disease partlcularlylf resulting from pulmonary complaints OASWELL , HAZARD * Co. , proprietors. New York Hold by druggists. Twenty-one years ago there were twelvi women doctors in the United States. Now there are 580 , and more coming. If afflicted with Sere Eyes , use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. 25c.Any Any man can make money go. 3Ien of the hour Day laborers. Save 92.00 Per Day. When you visit Omaha and wish to stop at a Rood hotel , go to tbe Metropolitan , corner Twelfth and Douglas streets. There- you can get the same accommodations at $2.00 per day as at any of the flrst-class houses that charge $4.00. The Metropolitan is famous for its llrst-class tables , Its good beds , its cleanliness and low prices. This is the hotel that accom modated ono hundred more guests than any other house during the State Fair last fall , and without any extra charge because of : i rush. It is the only $2.00 PER DAY HOTEL CENTUAIJ.Y LOCATED. To count but few things necessary is the foundation of many virtues. "BUCHTJ-PAHIA. " Quick , complete cure all annoying Kidney and Urinary Diseases , tl. Six million dollars worth of diamonds are on exhibition at the Parisian industrial ex position , which opened in Paris recently. We recommend Carter's Iron Pills to ev ery woman who is weak , nervous and dis couraged ; particularly those who have thin , pale lips , cold hands and feet , and who are without strength or ambition. These are the cases for which Carter's Iron Pills are specially prepared , and this class cannot use them without benefit. Valuable for men also. In metal boxes , at 50 cents. Sold by druggists or sent by mail. See advertisement - vertisement elsewhere. The great rule of moral conduct is , nex to God , to respect time. _ _ Ho , YEBALDHEADS ! There is Just one way , and no more , by which you may be cured use CARBOLINE , a deodorized ex tract of petroleum. It will positively pro duce new hair ; there is no substitute for this marvelous petroleum hair renewer. A decade A roustabout on a vessel. Gossip-mongers are the rag-pickers o : society. HOUGH ox COKXS. " isc. AB& for it. Complete cure , hard or soft corns , warts , bunions. A western paper announced a boiler ex plosion recently with the heading , ' 'Boiler Empty and Engineer Full. " A CARD. To all who are suffering fromer rors and indiscretions of youth , nervous weak ness , early decay , loss of manhood , &c. , I wil send a recipe that will cure you , FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send self addressed envelope to REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN Station D , New York. Sponge cake Any that may be on a free lunch table. Allen' * Iron Tonic Hitters uld digestion , All genuine bear the signature of J. P. Allen , Drug' ' gist , St. Paul , Minn. School teachers and school children in Vermont are not allowed to use tobacco in any form. Mrs. Walter Shay , or El Dorado , Kan. , formerly of Wichita , who had become para lyzed and unable to walk , has , since she commenced treatment at the surgical insti tute of Drs. Dickerson & Stark at Kansas City , so far recovered as to be able to walk all about the institete. Mr. Shay , her hus band , in the meantime has accepted a posi tion in the Meyer Bros. ' wholesale drug store. Temperance is a tree which has content ment forit3j otandpeaceforit8 _ _ _ fruit. THE MARKETS. OMAHA. WHEAT No. 2 , 6970c BARLEY No. 2 , 50(353c. ( EYE No. 6 , 50(35Jc. ( CORN No. 2 , 40J < a40 c. OATS No. 2 , 32(332 ( c. FLOUR Wheat Graham , $2 503 00. ORANGES Messina , per box , a6 00S6 ( BO. LEMONS Messina , per box , $4 00(95 ( 00. BUTTER Creamery , 18 < 320c. BUTTER Best country roll , 10(312Kc. ( EGGS Fresh. 12(312Kc ( CHICKENS Perdoz. , live , $350(34 ( 00. STRAWBERRIES Per case , $2 75(33 ( 50. CHICKENS Per lb. , dressed , 12(313c. ( ONIONS Per bushel , 90c(31 ( 00. POTATOES New , perbu. , 70S ( > 75. HAY Bailed , per ton , $10 00(5 ( > 12 00. MESS PORK $19 000:0 00. SHEEP 54 00(34 ( 50. STEERS $4 25(35 ( 25. HOGS 5 00(35 ( 50. CALVES $5 5006 59. CHICAGO. WHEAT Per bushel , 86XaSGXc CORN Per bushel , 55' < (355 ( * c. OATS Per bushel , 32(332 ( * c. PORK $18 00(319 ( 00. LARD $7 50(37 ( 57K. HOGS Packing and shipping , $5 10.3540. CATTLE Exports , | 6 60SG ( 85. SHEEP Medium to extra , $3 0025 00. ST. LOUIS. WHEAT Per bushel. 1 03K(3$1 ( C9. CORN Per bushel , 52(352Kc. ( OATS Per bushel , 32(333j. ( CATTLE Exports. 35 90 7 00. SHEEP Medium , $4 00(25 ( 00. HOGS Packers , 35JQ. ) 40. "The proof of the pudding is in the eat ing , " so says the old adage , and so the proof of the value of a medicine is the opin ions of those who have used it. Thos. Bass , sr. , of Steelville , says , "I have used * Prickly Ash Bitters in my family for two years for ailments of the kidneys , liver and bowels , and find there is no remedy equal to it. " Honor demanded is as worthless as insult undeserved is hurtless. Sprains , bruises , stiff Joints , burns , scalds , and rheumatism are relieved by Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Liniment. Sold by Druggists. Worms cause peevishness , fevers , con vulsions and frequently death. A pleasant , safe and certain remedy is Dr. JAQUE'S GERMAN WORM CAKES. Sold by all \ Druggists. Headache , constipation , liver complaint , biliousness are cured by that mild , cleans- ins remedy which never produces pain , EfLERT'S DAYLIGHT LIVER PILLS. Only 25 cts. Sold by Druggists- An economical man will keep the leather of his harness soft and pliable , which pre serves it from cracking or ripping. He al ways uses UNCLE SAM'S HARNESS OIL. Sold by all Harness Makers. One-third of all who die in active middle life are carried off by consumption. The most frequent cause is a neglected cold , cough , hoarseness , bronchial trouble or asthma , allot which may be permanently cured by EILERT EXTRACT OF TAK AND WILD CHERRY. Sold by Druggists. A farmer's wealth depends on the con T I dition of his stock. When scraggy and fee ble they are espeially liable to distempers fevers , colds , and all diseases which de stroy animals. Thousands of dollars are saved annually by that valuable old stand by , UNCLE SAM'S CONDITION POW DER. Restless , fretful , crying children are suf fering and need for their relief DR. WINCH- ELL'S TEETHING SYRUP , which is use ful not only for all the disorders of teething infants , but cures coughs , croups , sore throat , colic and cramps of older children , and should always be kept in every house for emergencies. Only 25 cts. Sold by all druggists. There are now 800 female physicians in the United States. When you visit or leave Now York City , via Central depot , save Baggage Expressage and $3 Carriage Hire , and stop at the Gram Union Hotel , opposite said depot. Six hundred elegant rooms fitted up at a cost o : one million dollars ; $1 and upwards per day. European plan. Elevator. Restaurant sup plied with' the best. Horse cars , stages ant elevated railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at any other first-class hotel in the city. An old timer Grandfather's clock. Off for the summer Flannels. A goat wants butt little hero below. The glory of man is his .strength. If you are weakened down through excessive study , or by early indiscretions , Allen's Brain Food will permanently restore al lost vigor , and strengthen all tbo muscles of Brain and Body. $1 ; 6 for $5. At drug gists , or by mail from J. H. Allen , 315 First Ave. , New York City. He who conquers himself IB greater than he who in battle conquers a thousand. "KOTJGH OX KAT8. " Clears out rat8mlco. flies , roacbc5 , bed-bugs , ants , vermin , chipmunks. 16c. Cosmopolis , Wyoming , offers $100 prc- mium for the first woman settler. A clean record The laundry bill. The majority of the We of the human lodj/ arise from a derangement of ike Z.iver , affecting both the stomach and loicelt. In order to effect a cure , it ia necessary to remove the cause. Irregu- Tar and Sluggish action of the Dowels , HeadacheBUikneasatthcGtomachtPain in the Back and Loinstetf. , indicate thai the Moor ia at fault , and that nature re quires assistance to enable this organ ta throw off impurities. PTlcfely Asli Bitteraarwespecially compounded for thia purpose. They art mild in their action and effective a * a cure ; are pleasant to the taste and. taken easily by both children and adults , "c- Jen according to directions , they are a safe andplrasant cureforOye&epBla , General Debility , Habitual Con- etlpaliou , Diseased Kidneys , etc. , etc. As a. Blood Purifier they are superior to any other medicine } cleansing the system , thoroughly , and imparting new life and energy to the in valid. It it a medicine and not an Intoxicating : beverage * ASK TOUR ORtJQDIST CC2 PRICKLY ASH BITTERS , nd Uke no otliar. PBICE. { LOO per Bottle. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO..SOLE PROPRIETORS 8t. Tjnnl.1 and Kansas City. Mo. CATARRHEIy's Cream Balm when applied by the flheer into the noatn will be abrorbed. ef fectually cleansing tbe head of catarrbai vi rus. causing healthy secretions. It nllnjs inflammation , protects the membrane of the nasal passages from fresh colds , comple-e- ly heals the sores anc restores taste and smell. A few applica tions relieve. A THOR OUGH TREATMENT WILT. POBITIVELV CURE. Agreeable to use. Send Tor clrcn- inr. 50 cents at drug- ELY BROl'HEIH. Drueeists. Oweeo. N. T. Headach * is Immediately relieved Dy the use ol Piso'a Rme'v fnrf'Mflrrh. ROCKFORDWATCHES Areunequalled in EX AC TING SERVICE , Used by the Chief Mechanician of the IT. S. Coast Survey ; by the Admiral commanding in the U. S. Naval Observ atory , for Astro nomical workand by Iiocomotivo Enfrineerfl , Con. ductors and Kail- way men. Theyarc _ . recognized as .for all uses in which close [ time and durability are re * THEBES1 . Sold in principal cities and towns by the CO3I- I PANY'S exclusive Agents ( le dlngjow ler , ) who civo a Full Warranty * Fortify the system AH who have expe rienced and wit nessed the effect of Woatetter's Stomach Hittnrs upon the weak , broken down , desponding victims of dyspepsia , liver complaintf ever and ague , rheumatism , nervous debi'ltv , or premature decay , know that In this su preme tonic and al terative there exists a fpcciflc principle which reaches the v -ry source of the trouble. nd effects an absolute ana per manent cure. For rate by all Druggists and Dealers gener- \MAJifKO experienced Book and Bible Agents In 11 every County. Liberal Salaries Paid. Address , a. P. O. BIT a. u . 8t. Jxrals. Mo. DATBTMTQ f Thos. P. Bimoson , Wash- * * I Bill I O lngtonD.C. No pay asked forpatentuntilobtained. Writefor Inventor's Guide wPISO'S CURE.JFORro. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Uoush Syrup. Tastes good. PJI Use in time. Sold by druggists , f GQN SUMPTION. ' * AOJENT8 WAXTED for the best and selllng Pictorial Books and Blblea. Prices reduced iSper cent. Tf ATTOWAT PTTB. ro. . Rt. Trfinla. Mo. A new treatment. A CANCER positive core. Dr. W. C Payne. M&rshalltown.Ia. FARU T elegrnphy or short-hand nnil type tHUn witinfr hrre. Htu-itlons furnished. JJ Address Valentine Bros , 'Jnnwvllie wis. WHO Omaha 213 20 WHEN WRITING TO ADVERTISERS , please say you saw the advertisement in this paper. PAPILLON PAPILLON COUCH CURE. A delicious yrnp. perfectly bnrnilcnu , tbnt core * that distressing nnilctlon , Wnooi'l.NO Couoil , Ina few days. It prevents the paroxysmal couahlnjr , which cauro-itho who ? : * . Urnnchlal or ordinary hacking cough , so prevalent In childhood and old ago. ore permanently cured with this simple tynin. It U purely vegetable m > d can bo admlnlnerej to Infants without ttio Flighted danger. It rotlevca and cure * whoopliu coutfu and any cough ot chil dren or sdults. Wo ate constantly In receiptt > t tcstlmonlali , nnd reports from phynclnn * nnd dnurchls. prablng the ofllcioyof thta drll.lms syrup. If your cbl'rt has a cold , a few doecs of t'aiil'on Cough euro Kill pro- Tent a contnglnn nraindr. For a > hacking nUhl coiuh. this romcdr Is superior 10 all others Price. SI W per bottle. lx for IS.U ) . Direction * In ton languages accompany every bottle. For sale by all druitglits. A. Skin of ISeauty U n Joy Forever. DK. T. FELIX GOUUAUD'3 Oriental Creum , or Magical Heaatlfler. Moth-Pal che . Freckles and defies detec tion. It baa atoud tte test if tblrtr years and Is ao harmless wo taste It to bo euro the prop * ara tlon Is properly made Accept no counterfeit of _ _ similar name. i bo distinguished lr. h. A. r ayre aald to a lady of the baut tona patient ) : "AS you ladles wM use them , I recommend Gouraurt's Cream' as tbe leant harmful of all the ekln preparations. " One bottle wllllastHxmonthH.uslngiteveiy day. Alro Poudro Bubttle removes superfluous hnir without Injury to theekln. MMK.A1 B T. OOUUAUI ) . role Pr i . .43 Bund rt _ N. Y. For aal * > br all Druggists and Fancy Ooorts Dealers , lybewuro of base Imitations. 1 1,000 Howard for arrest and poof of any ono selling the snmc. I.IFK OF III.AINK , 5,000 bv an author of his own BLAQffi , { election , II J. Hiini-- dcll. tbo distinguished Journalist. LIrcor l > UGANby Hen > er- lev 1'ooro. ! years an cfliceri-f ConKrens. Au AGENTS thentic and complete. Onevol.,050pujfcs ; " fteel ponr-ilts ; U4 lull pj-Ke fll-wtrntlona. Out- lit read v.aOcoacbaent postpaid. Addrtt-8 AHSI6GINS&CO , , LOGAN. OMAHA , NKU. . Whitman's Patent Americus , The Best Cider and Wine Mill made. Will make 3t per cent , more cider than any other. Geared outside. Perfectly Adjustable. Prices as low as any first- class Mill. Mfrs.of Horse- PowersCornSlielIersFee Cutters , Feed Mills , etc. Send for circulars. 3 SIZES YrTiitHiia Agricultural 0 . , ST. roTjis. MO. YOUR fVIONEY Will bay 25 per cent , more Groceries at tbe Old B liable Store of J. U. FKENCH < Ss CO. , OMAHA. than can be bought eleowhe'e in the state. They el 1 lb . A. Sugar for . . . . 81.OO 13 1-3 Ibi. JBxtru C " attar for - 81.OO 11 1-a Ibi. Orannlaled Sairarfor - 81.OO 14 lb > . New Orleun * Sugar for - 81.OO And other'goods In proportion 8en for Monthly Price List. J. B. KKENf'H & CO. OMAJIA. WflWTFR I .Agents for the only authorized offl- ii n i i-u . cjni campaign book , BLAINE & LOGAN Profnecly Illustrated with steel and wood engrav ings. Outfits only 50 centp. Book sells for 12.00. tie- cure territory at once. People's Publishing Co. , 15 Washington street , Chicago , Ills. J ) FOOTE'8 Original METHODS ni n CVCQ Made New without docOF ' ULU C I Lu toni.nieilicine or glasses DIIDTII RC Cured itli 'toiKration nUrlUnLor uncomfortable trufss. Cured vitliontcnttinc ; t iifwninlcsasafesuie. : uiiitj , etc. : cnus-cs - il iittonal treatment , f FiY9 PH Q fllJ I P Diseases of all kind ? Pi > ulete UnnUTIIUM , .til ! < ( l "iiiciirolile. " Address Dr. E. R. FOOTE. Ro.7SS , TV. T. CHji MECHANICS' TYPE FOU1RY MANUFACTURES FOU1RYf f And all goods used by printers , bend for specimen book. 54 & 56 Franklin St. , Chicago. JOSEPH GILLOTT Sold by ALL DEALERS thr\Jughont \ the World. old5I dml Paris Exposition , 1873. U.S.STANDARD. JONES .WAGON SCALES , Iiou Laver * . 8w l IVaring ! , Brill OF Tare Beam and Beam Uox , BnGHAMTON and JONES he p j llif freight forfcta Price Llit mention this pmp ran4 tddreu JONES OF BINQHAM . 'ON. Bln hamt m. IV. V 1000 LIVE AGENTS ! ever offered , tsel the official and authentic Biogra phies of tbecomlnc re-idem nnd Vice President. Uistory of Republican Convention , by J W. BUEL , a. * . A. fend 50 cents by return mall forcom- pleteoutflt. rallonornad s KANSAS ITV PUB- LiIStilNurO. . 100 West 9tn St. , Kansas rity. Mo. ELASTIC TRUSS 11103 a 1'ad different from all 'other ? . Is cup shape , with Self- f Adju-tlnRl&lIln center.adapta It-sflftoallpovltionsof the body while the ball in the cup presses back the intestines - - tines just as a person 33 With the finger. W > th light pressure tnelier ma Is held securely day and nijht , and a radical euro certain. It is easy , durable nntl cheap. Sent by moll. Cir culars free. rn < : i.esTO < c THIS * . . * > > . , - < nj. ' Send Stamo ror my circular , -How I man&n oultry ; $75O. S1.30O , SI. BOO a year. How to make poultry profitable. Howtomika an Incubator costing Ice ? than S5. Uow to build cheap ponltiy houses. Preserve egg ] . Cure ClioleraMake liens Lay ; General Man agement , etc. , etc. l.OOOthintrs for the poul try yard. A new book , a G. BESsEY , ABILENE. KANSAS. Breeder of Plymootij Bock fowls end Poland-China none. , canscurei > crlnn' nent employment aaJjuod saury selling Qutcll City Sample outfit Free. AJ < Ir ss Queen City Suspender Co. , Ciaciamti. O. COShotCun Revolvers. Rifles , ELECRAPHYb1 T taughtat Omaha School Telegraphy.Omaha , Neb. Send for circular. E. O. WAIT , Manager ft II T r ft I T O Pamphlet of information wntfrp < v HD I rN I N H.N. LOV/.CounscloratLawond * * * * * " B v Solicitorof Patents , Offlcc.SOi F STREET. WASHINGTON , P.O. . _ _ . > 's > p.y til Dii , J. , I .ob-ic Ohio. Positively cnre SICK-HEADACHE , Biliousness , and all LIVES and BOWEL Complaints. jIALARIA , BLOOD POISON , and Skin Diseases ( ONE PILL A 'DOSE ) . For Female Complaints these Pills have no equal. "I nnd them a valuable Cathartic and LI VPT Pill. Dr.T. M.Palmer , Konticello. Fla. " "In jny practice I use no other. J. Dennlsou. 1U3. , DeWltt , Iowa" Sold everywhere , cr sent by h tot 5s Ot . In tamp . Valuable Information FBEE. I. 8. JOHNBOIf & CO. , BOSTON. :