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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1884)
Atv- RIBUNE VOLUME III. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 3 , 1884. NUMBER 5. 4 , , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES LANDOFFICE McCook , Nebraska. 0. L. UWB , Bolster. C. . F. CAECOOE , Beeclvcr. OmcK Jlotms : Froin-n A. M. to 12II. , mill 1 to 4 P. M. , mountain time. . J. E. COCI1KAN , ' ATTORNEY AT. LAW , " UeC602 , 2ED WILLOW COTOTT , HSB. Pmctlco In tiHy Courts of tlm state and Kau nas , and thu government Land OHIco of tins Blstrlct , tinil before the Land Department at Washington. ' Satisfaction guaranteed , and terms reasonable. OHicc 1st door smith of the U. S. Lund OIHcH. - - JENNINGS & STAHBUGK , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , McCooK , - ' NEBRASKA. special at t flit Ion to tlic practice of law , nuil iiiiikltiK collections. taroillce Sccondljlucknorth of ik-pot , 'J < loorn north Green's ilrug gtorc. . 2J. . JOHN A. LEE , MERCHANT TAILOR , MCCOOK , : : NEBRASKA. fST'Fit and "Workmanship guaranteed. Alsa agent fr the " \Vhcelcr & Wilson Scwinj Muehine. PAGE T. FKANOIS , COUNTY SURVEYOR , Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands in the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicited. S-iS. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SUBGEQN , Graduate Medical leparteest Univcrcity Wcsstcr. OFFICE : Two doors cast of the > une Office , where he can be tound when not pro fessionally engaged , llesidence , corner of Jefferson and Madison streets Dii. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. I will 1)0 found t S. L. Green's Druj ? Store for the present. All orders left there will re- eeive prompt attention. T. 13. STUTZMAN , M. D. , PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Ollicc one door east of Tun TIUHUSI : ollicc , where all calls will receive prompt attention , day or night. Dii. A. J. WILLED SURGEON B. & M. Railroad. [ OFFICE AT 15. & M. PHARMACY , ] 'McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. A. UATEWOOD , SURGEON DENTIST. [ OFFICE AT McCOOK HOTEL. ] { Preservation of the teeth a specialty. JOHN F. COLLI2CS , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. JoliblnB will rccchc prompt attention ntmybliop on DrnnlMtn St. , opposite McCooU Mouse. 1'l.xns and specifications furnished If desired. CONGDON & CLIFF , BRICKLAYERS & PLASTERERS McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Eg All jobs promptly attended to. Superintendent Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Jndianola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing tit fl o'clock. A. M. ' W. M. SANDERSON , HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER , NEBRASKA. McCooK , - { 35T-.A11 work guaranteed. Give me a call. WILLIAM McINTYRE , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. HINMAN & CO. , Painters , Cramers , Paper Hangers McCOOK , 2-36. NEBRASKA. furnished for Celling Decorations , In paper er Fresco Painting. _ BER SHOP JACKSON TUBBS Barter Shop on TVcst Bcnnlson A. C. TOWNE , REAL BSTATB AGENT McCOOS , for sale Deeded Lands , Timber Claims and Also , will locate parties on Govern- Saddles f Harness , [ OITOSITK HOTEL OX T1IK HILL. ] i . i > Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , 'WHIPS. Stock Saddles , C'ow-Boy .out tits , and Spurs. ' R. H. HAMILTON. CITY BAKERY" A. PROBST &BRO. PllOPlllETOHS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD. PIES & CAKES , GJ1AKAM UIIEAD. i Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room iu connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. ' BARBER SHOP , Go to A. P , Sharp's for FIRST-CLASS SHAVE or HAIR CUT , HOT AND COLD BATHS ON SHORT NOTICE. and Children's Hair ) rcssing a specialt } * . ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Arc you distuibcd at iifelit and lnokcu of your rest iy a .sick child MiITerliijj and crj inj ; with pain of cut- In" tcctli' ! If MIcnd at unci ! and jjet a liottlc of Irs. . Winstar's Ssthitg Syrup fsr Children Tcettog. t ! < value ! > incnlculniilc. It will relieve the poor ittlc sufferer inimedi.itcly. Depend upon it , mothers heie K no mistake almut it. It etnes dysentery and Harrlioea , regulates tlie stomach and bowels , cures \lndcollc , Miftcns the gums , reduces inflammation , mil stives * tone and energy to the whole sy&tein. its. Wiile ' : Scotliss Srsp for CHliica Tcetnhg is ilea&nnt to the t\ftc , and Is the piescrlptlou of one > f the oltlc and best female nurses and physicians u the United States , unit is fur s.ile by all druggists lirunsliunt the world. Price 25 cents a bottle. for the working class. Send ID cents for postage , and vis will mall you free , a loyal , valuable bo of sample goods _ _ that will put jon in thu way of making nore money in a few d.iyt > than \ oil ccr thought pos sible at any business. Capital not i equired. AVe will start j on. You can work all the time or In spare time onlj. The woik Is uni\ adapted to both sexes , young and old. You ea ily cam from 30 cents to P3 e\ery Mi-Bins. Tint all who want'work may test lie business' , we make this uiip.n.xlleledoffer ; to all who are not well hatisflvdv \\ill send $1 to pay for he tixmblu of writing us. Full p.u ticiilarb , diiectious , Jtc. , sent free. Fortunes will lie made by those who give their whole time to the work. Great success absolutely Mire. Don't delay. Start now. Addicts STISSOX < fc CO. , Portland , iMalue. 2-35. wanted for The Lives of all the President * of thu U. S. The largest , lnnd omcst best book eer sold foi less than twice our price. The fastest selling book in Ameiica. Immense profits' to agents. All intelligent people wantlt. Any one can become a successful agent. Terms free. HALI.1JTT I5OOK CO. , Portland , M.ilnc. 2-35. ALWAYS AHEAD. Our Druggist , S. L. Green , Is distributing free sam ple bottles of Beggs' Blood Purlflcr. It will at once relieve that drowsy , heavy , tired feeling , loss of am bition , &c. , caused by a Torpid Liver and diseased Kidneys. It costs nothing to try It. a week at home , fa outfit free. Pay ab solutely sure. Koiisk. Capital not requir ed. Kcatlcr. if you want business at which persons of either sex , young or old , can make great pay all the time they work , with absolute certainty , write-for particulars to H. HALLETT & CO. Portland , Maine. 2-35 , Those Blotches , Pimples , Eruptions of the Skin , Spring Humors , &c. , can be cured by using Beggs1 Blood Purifier. "We warrant every bottle old to give satisfaction , and furnish FREE samples to all who desire to try it. S. L. Green. The call for Beggs' Blood Purifier is dally increas ing. S. L. Green is furnishing sample bottles free. It is an excellent medicine for the Liver , Kidneys and Blood. "Warranted. AEE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , Con stipation , Dizziness. Loss of Appetite , Yellow Skin ? Shlloh's Vltalizer is a positive Cure. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver complaint , yon have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's "Vltal- izer. It never fails to cure. THE Rev. Geo. H. Thayer , of Bourbon , Ind. , says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. " "WHY "WILL YOU cough when Snlloh's Cure will give Immediate relief. Price 10 eta. , 50 cts. and $1. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle ef Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve Croup , "Whooping cough and Bronchitis. "HACKMETACK. " a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by S. L. Green , druggist , McCooK , Neb. TEXAS SIKTIXCS : I nebber saw but one woumn dat couldn't talk , an , < le way she could wiggle her fingers was a plum' sight. ANYTHING that makes the human heart warmer- , anything that makes the current of affection run fuller , anything that makes gratitude and love and honor and truth and faith stronger , makes the man stronger. SCRUPULOUS fairness in estimating the doings and characters of others is not'a very common characteristic , and the man who builds much of his happiness on a recognition of his per sonal merits is very likely to be a melancholy person. A DELEGATION , of Judge Advocate General Swaim's friends are said to have besieged the. President the other day , headed by Congressman Calkins , to ask fpr the cancellation of the order for a court martial. The President merely expressed his surprise that under the circumstances the general does'not demand a court martial as his right , and declined to rescind the order. AUKOJJA , Indiana , is the seat of the latest sensation. Three or four women clubbed together and administered an orthodox tarring and feathering to another woman , whose offense was that , she was suspected of being beloved of a man "who was the divorced husband of one of the lynchers. The ground was hardly sufficient , but the job was said to have been very neatly done. BOH BUKDUTT says man , born of woman , is of few/lays and no teeth. And , indeed , it would be money in his pocket sometimes if he had less of either. As for his days , he wasteth one-third of them , and for his teeth he has convulsions when lie cuts them , and as the last one comes.through , lo ! the dentist is twisting the first one out , and the last end of that man's jaw is worse than the first , being full of porcelain , and a roof-plate built to liold blackberry seeds. Stone bruises line his pathway to manhood ; his father boxes his ears at home , the big boys cuff him in the play ground , and the teacher whips him in the school room. He buyeth Northwest ern at 110 , when he has sold short at 96 , and his neighbor unloaded upon him Iron Mountain at 63g , and it straightway brcakelh down to 42J. He riseth early and sitteth up late that lie may fill his barn and store houses , and lo ! his children's lawyers divide the spoils among themselves , and say , "Ha , ha ! " He growletli and is sore distressed because it raineth ; and he beateth upon his breast , and sayeth , "My crop is lost ! " because it raineth not. The late rains blight his wheat , and the frost biteth his peaches. If it be so that the sun shineth , even in the nineties , he say eth , " VYoe is me , for I perish ; " and if the north wind sigheth down in forty-two below , he crieth , "Would I were dead ! " If he wear sackcloth and blue jeans , men say , "He is a tramp ; " and if he goeth forth shav en and clad in purple and fine linen , all the people cry , "Shoot the dude ! " He carryeth insurance for twenty- five years , until he has paid thrice over for all his goods , and then he letteth his policy lapse one day , and the same night fire destroyeth his store. He buildeth him a house in Jersey , and his first-born is devoured by mosquitoes ; he. pitcheth his tents in New York , and tramps devour his substance. He moveth into Kansas , and a cyclone carryeth his house away over into Missouri , -while a prairie fire and ten million acres of grasshoppers fight for his crop. He settleth himself in Kentucky , and is shot the next day by a gentlemen , a colonel , and a statesman , "because , sah , he resembles , sah , a man , sah , he did not like , sah. " Verily , there is no rest for the sole of his foot , and if he had it to do over again he would not be born at all , for "the day of death is better than the day of ones birth. " Tins is what Sir Lepel Griflin says of the American girl : "Stylish and pretty , * independence personified , but very honest and pure-minded is the American girl. She adores pleas ure , dress , luxury ; shows herself morally without concealment , such as she is , in a manner to deceive no one ; knows she is attractive and loves to attract without committing herself ; flirts all the winter with this one or that one , only to dismiss him in the spring , choosing immediately another. Her resources are capital which never lies 'idle. She goes' out alone ; she travels alone ; or , when it suits her better with male friend- with , a , - a-con fidence without limit , and in intimacy in appearance almost conjugal. ' T.he one thus elected is allowed to describe his feelings and to speak of his love from morning till night , but is not permitted to kiss even the tips of her fingers. Words without deeds she amuses herself with as much as pos sible before marriage. In one sense she has created the Paris fashions. Yet men of all nations are bewitched with her , though they do not marry her unless she has"a'larnre fortune. O With reddish hair paler than gold , frank , black eyes , which neither droop nor quail , and a figure which it is impossible to imitate , she lies back in acarriage as if it were a hammock ; a natural and easy pose , quite - unconscious scious of voluputousness. On foot she steps along briskly and uncon cernedly , her heels tapping the pave ment as she walks. Attracting many glances she is yet much occupied with herself and little with others ; a plant from the broad wilds , which , put in a narrow space , and finding itself hem med in , stretches across the glass without disquieting itself with the thin , frozen plants which vegetate around it. If understood better and criticised less , this young girl would be more truly estimated at her just value. " A UKIAT many people suffer during the warm season from worry and restlessness. They will not take life easy. Of course there is work that must be done , and duties which must be .accomplished , but due allowance should be made for the season. In the race for riches men are apt to forget the duties they owe to themselves and their families. The laws of nature cannot be broken with impunity , and yet men strain every nerve , taking no reiaxtive , paying no regard to the calls of nature for a halt until they break down under the strain. The summer is a season for relaxation. If it be impossible to entirely discard business cares , there are many ways in which a moment of rest can be snatched between times. There is nothing to be lost by giving the al mighty dollar an occasional rest. The American people- are not as a usual things , prone to take life easy. But it would be for their own good if they cultivated that habit a little more. The increase of nervous diseases in this country is becoming appalling. The continual hurry and worry is driving thousands to an early grave. And yet a great deal of this might easily be avoided if people would consult their natural comforts and necessities to a greater extent. The faculty of taking things coolly should be cultivated as naturally as a pedes trian takes the shady side of the street on a hot day. And in no season should the health and mind be guarded more carefully than during the summer months. It is the season when people are the most careless. In a hundred ways physical and mental life can be made enjoyable by the exercise of a little fore-thought , even though cir cumstances would indicate otherwise. Topics. GOVERNOR MURRAY has been reappointed - appointed and confirmed Governor of Utah. The great kick against him , engineered by the Mormons and backed by the Democrats , has come to naught. For once in their history the apostles have ascertained that there are some things in Washington that their money will not buy. W. C. LaTOURETTE , H DEALER IN | | HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , BARBED WIRE. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK NEBRASKA. LYTLE BROS. , -GENERAL DEALERS IN- HARDWARE , STOVES AND TINWARE , Agricultural Implements and Barb Wire. HEADQUARTERS FOR The Celebrated Bain Wagon The Best Wagon in the Market MANUFACTURING AND REPAIRING OF Tin , Sheet- Iron & Copperware By Practical and Experienced Workmen , Promptly and Neatly Executed. Corner Store , Opposite Citizen's Bank , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. B. . PHARMACY. HAVE IN STOCK A LINE OF FINE TOILET ARTICLES , Combs , Brushes , Perfumery , Extracts , Etc. WINES AND LIQUORS Will be sold only in cases of sickness , and then only on Physician's Prescription. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded , Day or Night. Doctor's Choice , America's Finest Five Cent Cigar. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA , THE CITIZEN'S BANK OF McCOOK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on Fdfming . "Lands , Village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets for Sale to and from Europe- C022ESP01TD2HT3 : First National Bank. Lincoln , Neb. Chaae National Bank , New York. J.W. DOLAX , President. V. FRANKLIN , Vice President. "W. F. WALLACE. Caahier.