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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1884)
OOK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JAN. 17 , 1884. NUMBER 33. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. E. COCIIRAN , Attorney at Law , UeCOOZ , 2SD WILLOW COTOT7 , MEB. Practice In any Courts of the state and Kan sas inul the Rovornmcnt Lund Office of this District , nnd before the Lund Department at "VVnshlnk'ton. Satisfaction pninrnntucd , and t rins reasonable. Office 1st door swuth of the IT. S. Land Oilice. 28-lyr. I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. WUl trlve special Attention to the practice of law , nnd making collection ) ) . { "Office Second block north of depot , 2 doors north n's drug atoru. JOHN A. LEE , . Merchant Tailor. McCooK : : NEBRASKA. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FEANCIS , County Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps cortitied plats of all lands ii the Hitchcock land district. Special attention given to all such business. Correspondence solicit ed. 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Griduits Medical Deportseat Wvarity Weoiter. Office In rear of Citizen's Ilnnk , where he can be found whca not professionally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully given on all kinds of work. Best of references. Address for the present by uiuil. 16-ljr. COtf GDON & CLIFF , Bricklayers & , Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Supt. Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indinnola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing -ut 9 o'clock. A..31. 25-tf. W. M. SANDERSON- House & Sign -Painter. McCooir , - NEBRASKA .All work guaranteed. Give me a call. WM. McINTYRE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All \vork warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on short notice. PATENTS F. A. Lehmann. Solloltor of American nnd Foreign Patents , Washlnjrton , D. C. All business connected ivlth Patents , whether before the talent Office or the Courts , promptly attended to. No charRe made unleis a patent Is secured. Eend for circular. 23-6. Specialty- Potentcaucea before the PatentOffic and the Courts. Beuonaole terms. Opinion as to I patentability , free of charge. Send for circular. MESEEVE. Ranch , Spring Canyon oc the Frenchman River la 'Chase county , Xeb. Stock branded as above ; also 717" on left side ; " 0. L. " on left hip : " 7" on right nlpaad "L" on right shoulder ; "L" on left shoulder and "Z" on left Jaw. Half undvr-crop Jeff var.-acd square crop right car. r W. C. LaTOUBETTE , DDEALER INH HARDWARE , STOVES , QUEENSWARE , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red "Willow County. CALL AN D BE CON VINCED. Sign of BIG AX. Three Deors South P. 0. McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PROPRIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Xuts , Etc. . Billiard Pool Table CALL and ENJOY YOURSELVES SADDLES & HABNESS. . Opposite Hotel ou the bill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES COMBS , WHIPS. Stock Saddles , OowBqyout ifits , and Spurs. H. HAMILTON. RAILROAD RUMBLINGS. ON the 7th of the month the B. & M. railroad company shut down on allowing passengers to ride on freight trains under any circumstances. THE Denver & Rio Grande has just been mortgaged for $50,000,000 to the Union Trust company of New York : What it wants with so much money , unless it is to extend its sys tem to San Francisco , is what will puzzle the public. The probability is that in ease of such an extension it will be heavily backed by the Bur lington. Mrs..R. H. HAMILTON , DEALER IN Hair Goods & Millinery , Switches , Braids , Waves , " Frizzes , Etc. C5 ? Spcclal attention paid to the ii.-inufncturc of nl'kinds of HAIR GOODS. Order by mall wjll ro- cclvc prompt attention. Ladies' Furnishing Goods And Stylish Milliiery. Zephyrs .and "Woolen Goods. Notion * , Satins , Laces nnd Trimming * at the Ladies' Fashionable Bazar One Doer .South of Quick's Store , 3-2-3mas. IXDIAXOLA , NEBRASKA. NEW MEAT MARKET. DUNCAN & SHEKELS , DEALERS DT Fresh f Salt Meals OF ALL KINDS. CGBEEBrOF Hamand Breakfast Bacon , Pure Lard of oar own rendering. fEIghest fcnsh price paid for Uldec , Fnra of all kln'di , and Felts. One door west of theCljj Balcory. -DDXGAN- & SHEKELS , iPropcfctors. Miss HELEN' H. GARDNER , the lat est disciple and protege of that prince of atheists Robert Ingersoll lec tured Sunday , the 6th inst. , in Chick- eringHall , New York. After styling the Christian religion as wicked , un just , unreasonable , cowardly , and in famous , she sallied forth in this most infamous tirade against the hope of the world : "A religion which says that wo should be miserable in this world that we may be happy hereafter has a false . A religion that says that elieving .vice is holier than unbeliev ing virtue is wrong. I do not be lieve in a religion which sends Em erson and Channing to h 1 because Eve ate the forbidden fruit or sends Chastine Cox to heaven because a mob murdered Jesus Christ. Most of the church-goers are women , which will make heaven a queer kindergar ten , in whose classes will be few male voices , and those chiefly tenor. Wher ever woman is mentioned in the Bible it is an insult to her purity. A woman should spurn the Bible and endeavor to destroy its influence ; and I mean to do all I can in such a direction. Jehovah stands condemned before the bar of every noble soul. God might have hinted to Solomon in one of their numerous conversations that he had a few more wives than necessary. The Bible might be kept in one's library as a curious old literary work , but it- should be kept on the top shelf. Don't let the children get-at it. I want to do what I can , " she said , "to show women that their mercury of self-respect must fall several degrees when they enter the church doors. " Just exactly the relationship Helen bears to Charles Guiteau is not stated , but they must be very intimately con nected their is a striking resem blance in their literary prcductions. A MAX had met a girl in a lonely place and forcibly kissed her. She was terribly indignant , and had him arrested. She * gave an account on the witness stand of how he ga/ed at her intently , and then , suddenly throwing his arras around her , imprinted a kiss upon her lips. The prisoner made no defense , and the jury was -expected to promptly convict him of assault. They returned to the court room. "The ju-ju jury w-w would like to ask the young lady two questions , " the' foreman said. The judge .con sented , and she went on the stand. ' D-d-did the that - - you wear J-j-jersey you've got on now ? " "Yes , sin , ' ' was the demure . "And reply. w-w-was your hair b-b-banged like that ? " "Yes sir. " "Then honor , , your , we acquit the p-p-prisoner on the ground cf emo-mo-motioual insanity. . ' ' North Rand Flail. THE Railroad Gazette shows that 7,200 miles of road were finished last year , as against 11.600 in 1882 , 9,800 .in 1881 , ; and 7,200 in 1880. The country has now over 120,000 miles of railroad in-operation. DK. MARY WALICER , attired in a "full" suit , fur bound overcoat , and a plug hat , paid her respects to the president New Year's day. Evident ly. Dr..Mary did not swear off. ' THE Judije suggests .that dufles O O j should .wear low necked garments as well as-other folks. Not.a bad idea. Their brains are already cut- law in the neck. A MONTANA girl died from the ef fects of an embrace. ' A svreetsmile j > layed. about her lips even .in death. BY OUR ASSISTANT EDITOR. THE marriageable young ladies of Hastings have-mapped out a plan to bust the bachelors' jassociation before the leap year wanes. DENVER seems to be the Baden- Baden of the West in gambling ; the Ninevah in regard to the social evil ; a Mecca for the invalids , and paradise for political adventurers. Thus it is a i ; good place for sensational journalists. BACHELOR bald-headed bourbon Dick of the Hastings Democrat , in the travail of his soul , gives utterance to the following piety : "In the name of God , what has become of the Christ- like people ? " And Hamlets advice has been suggested ; "Get thee to a nunnery. " "O , AMY , " .said the lu'gh school girl's friend last night , "you ought to ! have seen me catch on to Gus's arm I yesterday. " "My dear,1' replied the high school girl , "after your studies of anatomy have further progressed you will not say 'catch on to. his arm , ' but 'I grasped Iris Jiumerus with my ' phalanges. ' " OU City Derrick. AND now doth the frisky maiden Improve each shining minute , making the most of leap year , hoping there's millions in it. The society young man can now rest from his arduous duties , as it is to him and not the la dies court must be paid. But there will l > e just asraauy theatre And ball tickets paid for : by the young men as there -ever was. Tin's girl .may see him Lome according to the etiquette i of the season , but ten to-one she will have to ask him to take her homes aftejward. Leap year is all right in theory , but It is poor in practice after all. Peck's Sun. So she was going to be married 1 to ; be mistress of a house ; settle in London ; be able to go out into > the streets all alone , to shop or visit ; have a gentleman all her own , whom she jeould put her finger on any moment , and make him take her about , even to the opera and the theatre ; to give dinner parties her owuself , and even a little ball once in a w3iile to 1 > uy whatever dresses .she .thought jirojier , instead of being crippled by an allow ance ; have the legal right of speak ing first in society , instead of sitting imunchance and mock modest ; to be mistress instead of miss a contempt ible title ; cto .be a woman instead of a girl ; ; and allfihis rational liberty , do- jnestic power-and social dignity were TO be obtained by merely wedding a dear fellow who loved her and was so nice- ; and the bright career to be ushered in Avith several delights , each of them dear to a girl's very soul ; pres ents from all her . .friendsas . ; many beautiful new dresses as of cne was changing her body or her hemisphere instead of her name ; eclat- ; going to church , -.which is a good girl's theater of display and temple of vanity , and there tasting delightful publicity and whispered admiration in a heavenly long veil which she could not wear even once if she remained single. This bright and variegated picture of 3ioly wedlock , as revealed to young Jadies by feminine ttradition , though jiot the Book of Com- monPrayerso entranced her that time flew by unheeded. Charles Eeade.