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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1884)
ELY VOLUME 2. M'COOE , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JAN. 10 , 1884. NUMBER 32. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. E. COCHRAN , Attorney at Law , MsCOOZ , BSD WILLOW CQTOT7 , NEB. Prnctlco In any Courtu of the sttite nnd Kan sas , nnd the provernmont Lund Olflce of thin District , and before the Land Dcpnrtmont at "Washington. Satisfaction jruaranteed , and terms reasonable. Office Lstdoor south of the U. S. Land Office. JiS-lyr. I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , McCoox NEBRASKA. Will clve special attention to the practice of law , and rrmUlntf collections. C3 ? OlHcc Second blocknortu of depot , 2 doors north Grceu'n drug store. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. McCooK : : NEBRASKA. Tit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FRANCIS , Oounty Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of all lands li the Hitchcock land district. Special attention Riven to all such business. Correspondence solicit ed. 13-tf. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. CrsJwto Mcilcal Sjpsrtnwt Uafrcrsity Ussier. Office In rear of Citizen's Bank , fcre fee cn lie Sound wlieu not pruCeaalonally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully { riven on nil kinds of work. Best of references. Address for the present by mail. 16-lyr. ' COJXTGDON fc CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. C. L. NETTLETON , Supt , Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations at Indinnola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at 9 o'clock. A."iE. W. M. SANDERSON , House&Sign Painter. McCooK , - NEBRASKA All work guaranteed. Give me a call. WM. McINTYEE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work warranted. All material f urnished af desired. Work done on short notice. P F. A. Lclrnann. Solicitor ot American and Foreign .Patents , Wiuhlnston. D. C. All business connected with Patents , whether before the Patent OlTlce or ihe Courts , promptly attended to. No charge made .unless a patent Is secured. .Send for circular. 25-6. J. B. KESEEVE. njanch , SprlnK Canyon on the Frenchman Rtvor In 'Chase county. Neb. Stock bunded as above : also -717" on.lcftslde ; " 0. L. " on left hip : " 7" on slght.hlpand "L" on rlsht shoulder ; "L" on lef .shoulder and "X" on left Jaw. Half undcr-crop lef car , and square crop right -car. Specialty : Patent eauMS b fora tht Pateat&Be zad the Courts. BeuonaUa terms. Opiai patentability. fre of-eharge. S nd for circular.- ' W. C. LaTOUKETTE , UDEALER IN | E , AGRICUTURAL IMPLEMENTS , The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Red "Willow County. CALL AND BE CONVINCED , Sign of BIG AX. Three Doors South P. 0. McCOOK - - NEBRASKA. CITY BAKERY , A. PROBST & BRO. PROPHTETOKS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Nuts , Etc. CALI andENJOYYOUKSELYES SADDLES & HARNESS. . Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , . Stock Saddles , Cov-Boy out fits , and Spurs. R. a HAMILTON. EAILROAD2R.TJMBLINGS. TUB impression , \vhich seems to have become rather wide spread , that the adoption of standard time will bring with it the adoption of the twen ty four hour system , is incorrect. The present system will continue to be used , and the two halves of the solar day distinguished by the terms A. M. and P. M. The only difference -will be the turning ahead of the time pieces twenty-four minutes at all places east of McCook , and turning them back thirty-six minutes at all points west. As an indication that the C. B. & Q. intends -going it alone , they now run through cars between Omaha and Chicago , it being the only road carry ing passengers between these cities without change of cars , and baggage is checked through from Omaha to destination. The "Q" has a flush hand , and can afford to run the soli tary racket. THE Chicago , Burlington & Quancy is reported as intending to build into St. Paul at an early date. Such an extension of its system is not improb able and if t"be company is convinced of its value it will be constructed without delay. NEW MEAT MARKET. DUNGAN & SHEKELS , DEALERS TS OF ALL KI5JDS. CUT.EKS OF SamandBreakfast Bacon. Pure Lard of oar oirn rendering. Highest cash price pa'd for Hides , "Furs of all kinds , and Pelts. One door west of the City Bakery. JJUNQAN& SHEKEEE , Proprietors. BY OUR ASSISTANT EDITOR , TUB editor of the Oxford Register laments the fact that a saloon is to be " established in that burg. . THK Koran says : "God is with the patient. " After the * 'inedio" is calle I in the reverse is often the case the patient is with his God. THE Globe Democrat says : "The great art of running a newspaper is ; he art of guessing where hell is lia- > le to break loose next. " A BAXGOR , Me. , young man broke lis engagement , alleging that his sweetheart couldn't cook. She re- jlied that she could "cook herrings , " and "you know darned well them's all r'ou can afford to pay for. " Ix the ruins of Pompeii the remains of a man with a satisfied smile on his iace and four jacks grasped in his dried-up hand has been unearthed. The workmen are now digging away vigorously for the other fellow to see what ho held. MKS. McEuiOY , the President's sis ter , and Susan B. Anthony were seen walking together in "Washington the other day. The newspaper correspon dents have not explianed the meaning of this public exhibition as yet , but it is presumed that the President is about to commit matrimony. IN view of the fact that certain very distinguished disciples of the long iince defunct Esculapius have recent ly given birth to the remarkable state ment that "the surest way to take cold is to hue O * the stove'it ' has been pertinently suggested that young men who spend Sunday evenings with their lady friends would do veil to remember this , and not put in all their time hugging the stove. THE long fight against the saloons in Topeka and Lawrence , waged , with occasional intervals of apathy , during the past two years , has finally resulted ia what appears to be a com plete victory forllie temperange pee ple. The saloons are closed not pre- tendedly , with back door openings but completely , and , it would seem , permanently. The law has triumphed in these places. Atchison Champion. of the beauties and charms of an editor's life is in his dead-heading it on all occasions. No one who has never feasted on the swdetness of that bliss can begin to take in the glory of its happiness. He does 8100 wcrth of advertising for a railroad , gets "a pass"ifor a year , rides & 25 worth , and then he is looked upon as a deadhead or-a half-blown deadbeat. He puffs a concert troupe $10 worth and gets $1 an .eomplimerrtnries , and is thcs passed in ' ? free. " It goes as part of his duty as an editor. He does more werk gratuitously for the town and. .community 'than all the rest of the population put .together , and gets cursed for it all , while Jn many in stances where aman donates aJevr dollars to A Fourth of July celebra- .tion , base ball club , or church , is gratefully remembered. Oh , it is a sweet thing to be an editor. He passes "free , " jou know.-rJSxchange. CARRICO CODINGS. Riders are out on the range driving in poor cows. Hunting rabbit and duck is exten sively engaged in by the boys. Mr. Clifford is with his family in the eastern part of the state , where his children are attending school. Father Keyler killed two fat hogs , the other day , that one further East might be proud of. S. J. Clifford and Uncle Sam Tate have alpo killed some fine porkers. There is considerable talk of organ izing Hayes county. Why not ? High , , taxes are paid , and there are no public improvements in this county , save what the settlers donate on the roads. Christmas was celebrated at Bro. Paxton's , our P. M. As to numbers , J { we were not large , but each knew the 1 other , and from beginning to end , it was one grand simoon of mirth , dancing , playing blind-man's bluff , and singing. Bro. Paxton and lady mingled in the pport , the gayest of the movers. At 24 o'clock , Mother Paxton spread a feast from which it took the bachelors three days to recover and have a relish for their pancakes and fried potatoes. An affair happened to ine last night , which may be of interest , as adding ' weight to an old vdiim : Am at S. F. Clifford's on the Willow , two miles b.- low Carrico. Am alone , Clifford being east with his family. Ate a light sup per about 8 o'clock and retired about eleven. Afcsr midnight , a strange cat got into the house and fought with the two in the room. Things were knocked froui-the table , chairs upset and general carnage reigned. Put the intruder out and slept , how long I do not know. Awoke with a feeling of suffocation. A throbbing of the arteries each side the neck , which momentarily increased in violence. Heard the soft purring of a cat , aud a Japping as if a cat were drinking milk or water. There was a strong odor , as if a cat were close to my face. The beating of the veins at my throat became terrific. I struggled and threw up an arm. At this the cat leaped to the floor and I heard her join the others by the stove. In a. short time I felt as well as ever , except a heavyness at the Jungs , which continued perhaps an hour. I went out ia the snow next morning in front of the door and labored for a season to understand the meaning of Category. I now know. ' That it is better for 99 . .gu&yto go free , than that one innocent one should perish , " now reads : Let the 90 and 9 pa-jish with the 1. Carrico , iDec. 31 , 18S3. W. VALLEY GRANGE ITEMS. Miss Lillie Leech is teaching in the Barns district. George Fredericks gave a very enjoy able dance on Christmas night. I am pleased to note fbat Miss Mollie - lie Davis , who was thrown from her horse the Hay before Christmas , and quite badly Hurt , is much improved. irour correspondent , while in the Mag ic City , last week , noticing an individ ual wandering around in an absentminded - minded way , asked him what was -the object of his search. To which he re plied , "I am looking for one of the .city fathers to hold my team .there eing no posts to be found. " An individual of thieving ; prGpensi- ities broke into Carey anU Daniel's jranch , aod stole a jug of molasses , a pockct- . .bookwagon hammer , etc. , recently. 'He-was a bout { he size of , well , the boys say , ifhe don't return the articles they will describe him so accurately thnrt there will be jio necessity to mcntiou JSf-T.