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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1884)
f * / * * - nOOK \ OOK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. VOLUME 2. McCOOK , 11ED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , * JANUARY 24 , 1884. NUMBER 34. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' J. E. COCHRAN , Attorney at Law , HCC03E , ESO WILLOW COTOTT , KM. Practice In any .Courts of the state nml Knn- piif , and the government Lnnd Office of this District , und before the L.-.nd Department at Waflhingfon. Satisfaction jrmiruntocd , , and terms reasonable. Office 1st door ssmth of the U. S. Land Office. 3-28. . I. J. STARBUCK , Attorney at Law , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will Rive special attention to the practice of law , ttticl making collection ! . fST'onicc Second block north of depot , 2 doom north Green's drug store. 2-22. JOHN A. LEE , Merchant Tailor. McCOOK : : NEBRASKA. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. PAGE T. FRANCIS , County . Surveyor. Red Willow County. Keeps certified plats of nil lands in the Tlitchcock land district. Special attention civen to all such business. Correspondence t-olicitcd. 2-23. L. LEE JOHNSON , M. D. , Physician and Surgeon. Graduate.Hiilcil . Dapirtasit CciTersity Wocstcr. Office In reur of Citizen's Bank , where he can be found whc : < not professionally engaged. JOHN F. COLLINS , Contractor and Builder. McCOOK , - . NEBRASKA. Estimates cheerfully piven on all kinds of work. Bast of references. Address for the present by mail. 16-lyr. CONG-DON & CLIFF , Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly attended to. s ' C. L. NETTLETON , Supt , Public Instruction Teachers' Examinations nt Indinnola on the third Saturday of every month , commencing at a o'clock. A.M. 23-tf. W. M. SANDERSON , House & Sign Painter , McCooK , - NEBRASKA All work guaranteed. Give me a call mtJMcINTYKE , Contractor and Builder OF LONG EXPERIENCE. All work -warranted. All material f urnishst if desired. "Work done on short notice. PATENTS F. A. Lrhmann , Solicitor oIJAmerican and Forelgi r.itcms , Wa-irinston , I ) . C. All business connectei with Patents , \vhether befots the Patent OlTIce o the Courts , promptly attended to. No charge mad .unless a patent b secured. Send for circular. 25-i Specialty : Potent causes before the Patent Offic andthoCourU. Seasonable term. . Opinion as to patentability , free of charge. Send for circular. Ranch. Sprlnc Canyon on. the Frenchman Hirer I Chase county. Xeb. S'ock branded as above : all 717" onleftslde ; "X.I. . " unlefthlp : " 7" o right hip and "L" on right ahouldcr ; "L" on 1C ! Shoulder and "S" onJeftJanr. Half undericropJ icar.and square crop .right car. HOW WE BUILD A NEW CITY IN THE FAE WEST AND 4 OFFER RARE CHANCES FOR THE . ARTISAN TRADESMAN & SPECULATOR. t THE TOWN OF M'COOK In Red Willow County , Nebraska , lias been surveyed , and lots in the market , for just one year and lias now a population of 1000 people. This point has been designated by the C. , JB. & Q. as the DIVISION STATION between the MISSOURI RIVER & DENVER , where the principal shops , a 15 stall round house and other R. R. facilities have been located on the Denver Line. A complete system of water works costing § 25,000 is just being completed giving all the facilities for comfort posessed of old cities. Lots will range in price from § 150 to $500 for business lots , and § 50 to § 200 for residence lots. The history of points like McCook show an increase of more than three hundred per cent , in from one to five years , and this town promises to be an exceptional chance for invest ments. For further particulars apply to R. O. PHILLIPS , Or W. F. WALLACE , Secretary , Lincoln , Neb. McCook , Nebraska. CITY BAKERY. A. PROBST &BRO. PKOPHIETORS. WE KEEP ON HAND BREAD , PIES & CAKES , GRAHAM BREAD. Cakes Made on Order. Lunch Room in connection , where you can get hot coffee , etc. D. KENDALL'S BILLIARD PARLOR AND Favorite Resort Is the place for Ice Cold Lemonade , Ginger Beer , Pop , Choice Cigars , Candy , Xuts , Etc. Billiard & Pool Table CAM andEXJOYYOURSElYES SADDLES & HARNESS. [ OPPOSITE HOTEL ON THE HILL. ] Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES , HARNESS , BRIDLES , COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS , Stock Saddles -oid , CowBoyoid fits , andjSpnrs. - R E HAMILTON. TIIKKE is quite a difference between 3hina and America. A poor China man who had been helped by a mis- ionary showed his gratitude by pray ing that Buddah would turn him ( the hinaman ) into an ass , so that the missionary might ride on him in the next life. When a-/man helps us , however , we pray that he , not we , may be turned into an ass , that we may ride on him all our days. A LINCOLN lady recently lost an § 85 diamond while feeding her barn yard pheasants. FRANK JAJIES is improving. His trial has been postponed. Mrs. R. H. HAMILTON , DEALER IN Hair Goods & Millinery , Switches , Braids , Waves , Frizzes , Etc. CS SpccIal attention paid to the mannfactare o : al < kinds of HAIR GOODS. Order by mall will r celve prompt atteatltn. Ladies' Furnishing Goods And Stylish Millinery. Zephyrs and Woolen Goods , Notions , Sutlns , Lace and Trimming ! ) at thu Ladies' Fashionable Bazai One Door South ofQuiet's Store , 3'2-3mos. IXniANOLA , NEUEASKA. NEW MEAT MARKET DUNGAN& SHEKELS , DEALERS IN Fresh Salt Meat ; OF ALL KINDS. CUBERS OF Ham and Breakfast Bacon Pure Lard of oar otrn renderlaff. Highest cas price-fc ttJ for Hides , yurs of all klnde , and Pelts. One door west of the City Bakery. J3DKGAN ofc SHEKELS , Proprietors. "VVi : see the stale slander revived and going the rounds of the press that "women talk for the sake of tell ing what they know ; men for the sake of drawing out what others knowi" A long experience and ob servation and casual conversation with both sexes as much of which as pos sible has been devoted to the charm ing gentler class enables us to char acterize this silly tattle as. the sheerest rubbish. As a rule the talk of women AinoHg themselves is more instructive than that of men ; it is infinitely more free from vulgarity7 , gossip and vic- iousness. Women -meet together in o this city for example in the mainte nance of eight or ten commendable associations and societies , church and other. Their talk and chafc on such occasions is business-like , lady-like and instructive , pure and elevating. Of such social gatherings the men support one. Contrary to the general conception , men are more inveterate tattlers than women , and their pro miscuous talk is vile 'and filthy be yond all understanding. Men will tell and laugh over smutty stories by the hour a"nd lie awake nights trying tc invent new ones. They will reel ofl by the yard salacious yarns of theii personal experiences that are madt out of whole , cloth. There is a sing ular feature about the talk of men "When two are together they may con verse about solid matters in a sensible way , but the advent of of a third gen erally diverts the channel of talk iitc a dirty stream , and the accession oi one or two more invariably converts it into a cesspool. It is common tr sneer at woman's tongue , but its fruii to man has been solace , comfort and happiness. The man who believes o affects to believe in the superiority ol his debased kind to the other in wall or talk is a crank or a liar , and the Journal is happy to bear the burdei : of the statement. It is time this fus- ilade against the imaginary liglitnesJ of woman's mind should cease. If she have faults , they may all ie traced'te her unaccountable or unreasonable fondness for the coarse and gross creature we call man. Were he re moved from the scene of action , wo man would go through the work without spot or blemish. He oughi to be ashamed of and hate himself foi his detraction of the undeserved bless ing bestowed upon him , and the intti vidual who would scar a woman's ten der reputation with a foul tongu < ought to be sent scurrying instantei to the realms of Pluto. Topics. RAILROAD BTJMBLINGS. Ix view of the breezy editorial emenating from almost every pape along the B. & M. , concerning tin CD * o consolidation of the H. & St. J. , an < K.-C. , St. J. & C. B. roads with th G. B. & Q. , Assistant General Mana ger Holdredge takes occasion to in form the public that the Burlingtoi has owned tlie Hannibal & St. Joe and the Kansas-City , St. Joe & Coun cil Bluff reads for some time. IF the B. & M. builds one-half the roads Avhich tlie South Platt Journals report as contemplated , un der survey , contract , etc. , there vil be a.boom in verity in railway con struction in the spring. "We fearth most of them are of the canard specie ! THEKE ie only one native of "Wast ington an Congress. BY OUR ASSISTANT EDITOR. A .SHOUT and sweet name for Mis souri girls : Mo. lasses. Ax Ohio fanner has named one of his hogs "Maud , " because she comes into the garden so much. BACOX says : "Reading makes a full man. " Here is another tang felt want filled by a valid excuse. You can now tell your wife you've "bin to the ( hie ) readin' room. " Bismark Tribune. Cow boys along the Oregon Short line now amuse themselves with the delightful recreation of perforating ; he cab windows of the engines run- ling on that line to the evident dis- : oiufort of their drivers. THE longest line of fence in the world will be the wire fence to extend from the Indian Territory west across : he Texas Panhandle and thirty-five iiiles into New Mexico * Its purpose is to stop the drift of the northern tattle. Tliis fence will be over 200 miles long. Ax a camp-meeting , last summer , a , venerable sister began the liymu ; "Jfy soul be ou tliy uura ; Teu thousand foes arise. " She began too high. "Ten thousand" she screeched , and stopped. "Start her at five thousand , " cried a convert ed stock broker present THE Woman's Tribune contains the following clipped specimen of "woman's quick intuition. " The edi tress's fruition of the same is doubt less genuine "An Austin candidate , who had a number of negroes employ ed on his place , liad an old musket in the house , which had been loaded for about three years. As he wanted to load it up for ducks , he called Jim , one of the negroes , to take the gun out into the yard and fire it off. 'Xo , don't let Jim fire that gun off. He is going to vote for you to-morrow , and the gun may burst and kill him. Tell Jake to take the gun and fire it off. I've got my doubts about how he is going to vote ! ' exclaimed the can didate's vrife _ with the quick intuition of a woman.1' A UKILLIAXT young man died in Atchison from excessive drink , and the Champion thereupon printed a. forcible and truthful temperance lec ture , taking the case of the unfortu- * natejoung man as its text. It said notliing to which an easy conscience could take exception , but a howl was raised by a class which felt that it had been reflected upon. "VVe are glad to note that the Champion has the manly courage of its convictions , and continues. If there is a curse in this day and age-that needs extermination , it is the habit of young men collect ing for the express purpose of en fag- ing in a drunken debauch , or " 'going on a bum , " as they delight to express it. Itiis often sthe case that 2. coteriu of this sort will select a young man who would otherwise remain sdber.v and will employ every possible.device until he has entered -fully into their degrading fellowship. The -youn ; mail of sense should take -warning , and the source of danger to Should keep quiet. topics.