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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1883)
VOLUME 2i WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , TKUBSDA.Y , OCT118 , 1883. NUMBER 20. Business Cards. I. J. STAB BUCK , A ttorney-at-La w > .McPOOK. - Will ; : Uo fMve ppeclftl Attention to l.c practice- law.will inking collcutlOMH. J 'OiHue a. : MiiU blockiiorth of depot , 2 doom r.ortlj - rocnilrup - < JOHN A. LEE. Si Tit and "Workmanship Guaranteed' McC'm > "t. Nvfor. I : ! ! . 3'AGK T. ITU'ANCIS , County Surveyor. Red- Willow * ourvty. Kreps rertitlpd plat -of nil lAnrts li the HltciK-oek-hmd district. Special .ittftntioa jrivor. to .ill Mich business. CorrespumU'jieo solicu- ' ' ) . l.Mf. L. LEE JOriXSOX , 31. To. . Physician andi Surgeon. C.-iitiis l ' : iical Depsrssoai Udveislty VTeettsr. . OJflce In ri-nr of Citizen's Ennk. nliere he can. b * found -wla-u no : profionnlly c.ij JOIIX R COLLINS , Contractor and'BuHder. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. ra cheerfully pivcn on all kinds of nark. Bct of references. A&lrcas for the present hy mail. llyr. ( . GON&VOK& CLIFF , . Bricklayers & Plasterers. All Jobs Promptly. attended to' HI , GKISW&LL , , XOTAKY PUBLIC. A ttorney- t-L a w , r Real Estate and Collection Ag-ent , Trc-EmpMon , Homestead and Timber culture Kn trlc . aud : illkluil < > Mw bu > ! uc3s promptly titttml- > J to. to.AI \AI M. S&NDEBSON , . House & Sign Painter. ii'cooic , - MB. All work guaranteed. Give me a call. Fred Treble , TONSORIAL ARTIST. 3icCooK , - uin All Tvork promptly attended to. WM..MCINTYRE , Contractor and Builder OF-SONG EXPERIENCE ; All work , warranted. AH material furnished if desired. . Work- done on short notice. Employ tfe Best.Wor&nen McCook , 17-tf. Nebraska. MCOOQK : s. 3 3T HOTEL IlI TOTirK. -ACCOMMODA TIONS. Board'by ; Da or Week GOOD- SAMPLE : RODIV S. LTVJERY IN CQKSECTION STANDARD- LAUNDRY WAX ! 'Preserves Liner , gives a "dzc.uiif'd jiisk , prevents the ii-on from sticking , saves Lwor. & Cents a : Cake : Ask your Storekeeper.for it. 3Itulo by Standard Oii ; CO ; , - - OHIO. EL IX | IJ E , STOTES , < PEENSWABE , Agricultural Implements 3- JL J I (5 ft , I ; The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in- Red "Willow 'County. Sign , of the. BIG AX. Three Doors Smztn. of. PI GL fflcCook , , Red Willow County ; . Nebraska. AGENT FOR THE1 Sold" low. for cash , or-on easy payments ? or. ranted'1 until the rent , pays for the organ. . Catalogue With Price-list , and Full Bescriptihn. ; MA. . SPALDING , Agent. . NEBRASKA. f $100.00' A WEEK ! \Vo can Kiiirant P the above amount to need , active.euorjjt'tic Ladies aswolla ? g-cntlcineu , make n success In tlie busini'KS. Veryhttlo capital required. a household artieleiu ? t-iilublu as Hour. IT SEJLLS ITSELF It-i5i used every day in rv > ry family. You do not need to explain its merits. Theie is a. rich burv c&t for all u ho cmbnicc thisf jrolden opjior- tunity. It co < ts you only on oent to iearn what your losine-s is. Huy a postal card and write us and wov \ ill -idyou our piotpcitus and lull part FREE ! FREE ! And we know you w illdorivc raorc jrnodthan 011 hav any .iloa of. Our r putution a a mnafacturniB'coinpnnTift nuch"tJ it. we can not uiTowlto doceiv i. "VS'ritc to us on-si postal and irivr jour address plainly aud receive full particulars. particulars.HUOKEYliM'FG CO. . IG-lyr. Marion , Ohio. Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dea'er ' ! n SADDLES ; HARNESS ; BRIDLES ; ' : COLLARS , BRUSHES , GOMBS , WHIPs. Stock Saddles , Cow-Boy out lits , and Spurs. Ri Hi HAMILTOK LOAN AGEN.GJY : G. L. I/ TOLL BECURfi. TOWN PROPERTY in McCoolc , and on DEEDEDCLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent. counties. . Ofilcu : Lind OlJi-c. Mcdiok. RHEUMATISM ! Immediate Relief in all'&ises by 0 Dl3 ; Rushes C refijof Blienraatism in 2"Hours. BI-FFM o. Jo V. . vay 2. 1&82. Dr IJtRh'sJiMIcil Asic-c'-atiOH : GENTLEMEN. ! liay ! tn troubled wfth rlicurrm- tism for two years. I tried all'the liett .ilvertistd OIK and liniment . ami .many flrst-clrtss plijbtclans without rUfcf Ilielacfllr I \i < ar i nfonniieiiilvd Ui . lib'-u's "IlLooi ) ItoOT 9iu" I iiurcIuKLtlu larsu bottle for fifty cents , and applied It. In two hours 1 a rcllcit-d anil now I am entirely wrtl. Its Cifccth arc-wonderful , and I bclii-xe it the only tliiiiK in tin : voi U which will cure riruiimt [ in. Trulv youw. JOIIX H TCH1SOX. J-9 KtltrM. , IlulTRlo , . V. DR. RUSH'S BLOOD ROOT'OIlJ Ins no tqt.alin tliv worl Liniment or II. It N a clieup. Ftfe , f-inple : mii sure exti-rn. ' ! rfrr.ti'c lor m.m jnd beast It nc\ur fails to rure BHEITMATISM ! , Sci.Uic.j , Lun h.i o. li.ickai-hc. Son-ncm ol thu ! K > st. Gout , Quinsy. Sew Thro it. nelllu iind pTiIn , Itunit .mil Sialris ( Jnu-nil lUxlllv I'alnv , 'I ootli.Kar and Head iche , rro r" < l t and Kar . aiu ! all other f'ain .ind Aclu-i It I * out t-P in two l7.i-- Pncc SandWri'nti' . Sold bj dr < i 4i i- fvrwin re , o s-fit direct upon receipt of price l > y. li : . KL H'I - . .sojiTIOS. . Nunda. " .V."u s . A. Woman's. Health Joiirnai Contains \aicabTo information on the disc DJvomcn otiiv. PubliriUed by Ludy Ph > > J- uians who Imvi1mnde these peculiar - nos-o1' of thf bt'.v thuir .sole study for years : . Tt jrtv "j th > cnue. . * . * ymj > tomi > . and a suits : horns treatment tor 1'rolapsu * UtPn or J * lbur of the V.'oml ) , inll.uuntioii and I'lcin-atioti of thiromb tinrl all illxplac menl * . f.eucorrlifi > a or Whiti'N Jrrs'L'iilar. HUlI C' eJ or putnful Menstruation , Fiowlinfr. riick and Ncivou's Headsichc , Indication , iysiiui-fla , Htarburn , Wikness in Hack uml stomach. Soi-ofitla. I'jiitis in Sid" . Pizzine-1 * Kidnuy Complains , llarrtnnoa , XITVOUH I'rttstrHtion. Hfpn sion of SjiritP. ( Jenenil DnbMity of Women and chiuiKP of life. Stnit. on receipt of s-itcent-s lit HtaiupaAdtlrL * " . Dr. Uu-h's MeJical Assocta- tloa , Nunda , New York. GENERAL NEWS. < d THE prohibition amcndiiipnt in Ohio * > - was defeated by ncirfy seventy tlious- * - and mnjbrity. I So severe is tlie drouth in jffhM Hippi that driiikint ; water commands : i pre mium in Vick.sbtirg , and planters iu j that region , state that cattle arc dying- by scores. ' THK remains of Dr. Charles Blumen thai ; a prominent physician , of Xcv York , who died last wenk , were taken- to Washington , Pcnna. , and cremated. Truly , ashes to ashes. AN engine ; manned" by an ignorant Boy , ran into a > passenger train on the " , South' western , road , , near Unioutowu. at , . Ocfe' IJJth , and1 seriously injured a numbor. of pafcsengers- THB secret of tKe mysterious disap pearance ofia large number of the pret tiest' girls in St. Louis is explained. Gen. Sherman has announced that he- will live there after his retirement from * the army. THE 1,200 Chinamen wlio-ssalotl from- San Francisco , tlie other djy , took. nearly a million dollars of coin away with them. They millionaire1- in the Flowery kingdom , and will spend the balance of'th'cir lives , in luxurioiw casci CHARLES VANCE , colored , was arrest ed for larceny and jailed at , New Frank lin , 316. , Thursday. Friday night the- building was fired and Vance burned tc-i death. It is not , kwj ca' how the fire was started , whether by Vance or. per- / i sousoutside. . * * / In fs said that' tha Nihilists n'ave no- tiHed the CSKT O order hiscoffin. . But tiiis is not business. Fortunately , a , not comwc-llcct to do that , , no niatteT'wHat'tha stress ma } be. Those- he lea-e beliiiid'him aradtargud witlb. that , ungrateful tusk * ' PARSON" POXEIIOV rises to remark" that "that J-oung American beauty. ( Miss Chamberlin of Cleveland. ) who i ? courting attention in England , by re ceiving marked attention from the Prince o ? . Voiles , had better come homo and have , a little Yankee , sense spanked into her. " A GRAXI > JcNcrusx. special" tlu- Deitver Tribune , of the 13th inst.sa3v | A-ear ago the wife of IT A * . Ilerrick , , i wdl-to-do-ranehman. of this- , a - - - thiscounty left Him. Hcrrick afterwards obtained a divorca and married 3Iargaret Thomp- si | son. Mrs IJerric't. Xo.- returned , a sliort/iime since , ojid meeting Hcrrick and bis wifey. sliotami instantly killed hi.s second wife. . She was admitted to bail. nd crmmeei prouce < luigs to re cover-some of Ilerriok'a prnjiart } * . This [ afternoon while thesheriS' tmd Mi-s. . Herrick. were at the- ranch SOIIF - cattle. Jlerrick shot * , and ' killed' i > lf ? . lleirick and then ga\c him > elf up , to d : sheiiff. Excitement : is intense. i JOHN UusKix.whosc exjierience.saya die- LinculnJournal , has been the phu-Uiig of. DeaJ Spa.apploSy sizes up * fashionublu love matcho - tKnt'l-y. ' ' ' -There are no wm\s strong enoaj h' to . express the gfl'.itral da rer and degrada tion of tin. manners of mob' courtship. whiqli have bet.ome of the i'aihion : ; ! - - most the la.v in ino'ienv timt' r ; vher. in the miferabl" t-Mnfusion of candle light. moonlight , limrlight and anv tliina buc 'liyl-jiht in indecently at traetrre and in anelv xpre ivo dre < scr. * in snatched moment * . ! : * hidden corner.- in .accidental iipul o.- and dismal ignor uccs. VOUKK people smirk and ogle snr whimper and whimper and ? nenk am . stutter and fumble and blunder what thov call love. "