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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1883)
i a OOK VOLUME 2. MTCOOK ; RED WELLOW COUNTY , , THURSDAY , OCT. 11 , 1883. , NUMBER , 19. Business Cards , I. J. STARBUJCK , AttorneyatLaw - . > ; KR. "Will Kite KH-U special attriulCTV lo the jirartlcr cf _ < 1 innkliiK t-nllrrfloiK ' ? "Illc'c - * ' ' wt S-t-omlbloefc north o'iJcivitr2' < leers uorll ) TCt-n'i ) druj : btorf. JOHN A. LEE. MERCHANT TAILOR * . NMra ka. Pag Ti. Francis , , > County SUrveyor ounty. K ( > pp < certittecli jiMts-of' Inmls in tlic 11 ItclicoL'k laud district. Special attention jrivfii to nil suclnlrnsincsK. Corrchpondence t-oltcit- < * 'i' . * i-noStno /O.TWiir.KY. St. ! > L. LEE JnuxcoK. M. I.T to 11. M. K II. Ort > du3tc Wooster. O. Drs. Willey & Johnson , McCOOK. - - NEB. ill xt tend to all calls In tliGi city or country , day . tifflce : Henrof CISzens' llnnlc. \ ' " JO IIS * H. COLLINS , ( ? OTTtractor and Builder. "V Estimates viiee-rfiillyt pivcn on nil kirtds of vorJc. Bst of rrferemjcs. : Addivt > s6r the ; ire v t by ninil. 18lyr. McCOOK. - - NEBRASKA. GONGDON -CLIFF , . BRIGKLAYBRS & PLASTERERS , All Job's-Promptly attended to. R * H : CRISWELL , ' XOTAKY PUBLIC. Attorneyat-L a w9 , Real Estate and 'Collection Agent , \ iMH.vNOLAjk. KEHBASKA. Pre-EmptlimnJIoniMtcail' and Timber rultnrc Kn [ > " rici , and all kinds of Law traslncxs promptly attend- IllM ; , SANDERSON , Ho use & -Signi Pain ter. JI'COOK , - NEB. All work guaranteed. Give me e call. Fred Treble , TONSOBIKL ARTiST. McCOOK , - NEB All nwk promptly attended to. WM. McINTYKE , Contnactor aad. Builder j OF LOUG EXPERIENCE : All work warranted. All material furnished "if/desired. , Vork done on phoit notice.- Employ ; the Beat Workmen Me Cook , 17TtL Nebraska. McGDOK HOTEL. T.CST HOTEL Uv TOWX. GOOD ACCOMMODA TION'S. Y Board bjp Day ; or WfeeR GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS. csr : STANDARD' LAUNDRY. WAX ! ( Preserves Lie'i , givesa beautiful finish , prsvsKts the Iron from sticking" saves 5 - Pake ; Ask your Storekeeper for it. 3Iadc by Standard. Oil Co. , omo - - - - O. LATOURETTE , I ! DEALER IX | | - Agricultural Implements The- Largest Stock and' Lowest Prices in | Red Willow County. ' , Sign of the BIG AX. Three Doors South : of P. 0. IHcCook , . Red Willow * Sounty , - Nebraska. , M. A. SPALDING , AGENT FOR THE" STORY X GAWP . AND. - Estey Cabinet Orgians' ! Sold. low- , for cash , or 011 easy payments , orrented' until the rent'pay for the organ. . Catalogue With Price-List and Full Description Free. 'ML. A. SFOLDING , Agent. McCOOK , - NEBRASKA * ' A\ WEEK ! \\'G can fmarnrtop the above amount to aooif , active , cncrgcticr Lndics ns well as Kcntlemcn , make nsuecess in the bHsincs.- ' . Very little capital required. Woliuvca hbiiMihold articleas sahUiIe as tlour. IT SELLS ITSELF It isiic < l every day in every family. Toil do not need to explain its merits. Thtnrte si rich harvest Tor all who embrace this tfoldun oppor tunity. Jt costs you only one rent to learn what'yfur biiine < tt5s. fiuy a postal card and write"us , and we-will seudyou oucprot-pectus uudTiiil particulursr And ivo-lsnowyou will derive moro { rood than you have any .dea of. Our reputation ax a manufacturing company is such that we can not afford to deci-h ? . AVrite to us on a postal ' and cive your address plainly and receive full particulars. particulars.BUCKEYE'M'FG CO. . 16-vr.- . Marion. Ohio. ; & HARWESS Oppo-ltc Hotel on the htll. , Manufacturer and Dealer In SADDLES ; HARNESS ; BEIDLES , . COLLARS\ \ BRUSHES , COMBS , WHIPS : Stock 'Sadclloy , Co-w-Bby out lit. ? , and Spurs. . | R ; H. HAMILTON. I 1 l LOAN AGENCY a. L. LAWS . , SEOURB : LOANS ON PROPERTY in ilcCook'j-aiul.on. DEEDED CLAIMS In Red Willow and adjacent counties. Ofllcc : Lnnd Office. MrCook. Xcbra ka. RHE.LTM.AVTISM ! clief inuill Oases-by BLOOD BOOT OIL Cured of Eheumatism-ina-Hours ; , . fW. r. . May a. 1882. Drt KilRh's Aasocliitfon : GEXTLKMEV. I imvo been troubled with 'rhpuma- tlsmifortwo jt-nrs. I .tried all the lic-.t tidvertlsed oils and liniments. nnd"nmny ijrst-cl.ii-i iiliiV.chn * nfthout relief TliclastDr I \I lti-d ri-ciuifmciidcd ln. KCSH'H "IlLooo IStlOT Olu' ' 1 jiarrhnscila latja' botth- for ttfty cents , and sppllrd It. . In two liouw I was relieved and now I am entirely wnll. 'ittt oftfeu are wonderful , ana I believe It the only thins in the \vorld which will curtrhruiiiHttMra. . Truly yours. JOHN HKTCHIKSOX. 89 EiieiJt.Uun-ali > . N. Y. RUSH'S BLOOD 'ROOT OIL hsino equil In the worlda * uLIniinent-or II. His a chcnp-safe. simple and snre external remedy for man and beat ! . . It net er falls to cure RHEUMATISM ! Kcuragla. ! , ? clatiea , I.umb o. Backache. Sureties * ol the hiwt. Gout , Quliuy. SonThrn.u. . bneilliw > .i il J'pralnsBums and Scalds , Cent-nil BoUIIy 1'aint1. 'J'ooth.har and Ilwiiirtche , Frosted Feet and all other Pains and Adieu. - It Is put up tu two -.l/ci. Price 25andoU . Sold . . cento. Hydrup.-I-t.-'eieriulitre , or sent dlicct iiion rect-ipt of-jirlcf l-y Pit. Hi > iis JlEi > ifAt.As.v > ciATtoNunda , N. Y17 S. A. Woman's Heallh Journal t Contains valuable information on the diseases of' women only. 1'uWiHhfd by flirty I'hy&i- cians who have made lh ( e peculiar w ak- iie.sses of thu sex their ole tndy for jeurd. It KJvef the caiiMn. symptoms , and si sure homo treatment for Prolapau TJtfjri or Falling of thy Womb. inUmnation and Klcerution > f thu uorab and all dispktceinenta Loucorrhiwa or Whites. "Irrcjruhir. sni > precl or painful Menstruation. Flooding 'KJlc aud r\o .5 Ilcaducho , Indijrt-.tio . Dyspop-ia. ifuaniiuit : . Weakness in Hack and stomach , scrofula. Pains in Side , Dir.7.5ni Kidney Complaint. Harrcnne-i. . NervonProstration. . Deprf-saiou of SpiritC5em nil Debility of Woiut-n and cham.'eoi'life. Sent i > n -ceiptof six cents in ? tamp- : . AddreiDr. . icnsh'e Me Ucal Ad = oeii- lion. Nunda , New Yori : . GENERAL NEWS. Dn. MAUV WALICEK irf going to re- bide in Eigandaud ! the Jioston Courier * w thinka f > he ought to take u\ ) Her resi dence hi Middlesex.- Moony : and Saiskey have gone to a foreign shore to spread the go.spel and subdnuthe unconverted. The } ; will at first" devote : i couple of weeks to the south of Irelandand , then take in Lon don in the prosecution of their laboys. Mu. VAXDEHBILT handed in his per sonal check the other iky in New York for $190,000 in payment of hid taxes- for the year. IIu * proposesto - get' even by watering th'e stock of some or. the half a dozen roads which he control : * . A COIUIESPOXDEXT who saw Alfonso , the Spanish king , at Hamburg.says he . is an insipid little creaturewho is giv- 'en to cigarettes and garlic. lie loves - to drive-out. behind fine horses , and'is ! evidently umlfcr the-irKprossion that tlic- * > people are anxious to see hitav Tun university of Edinburgh is soon- to celebrate the 30th anniversary of its . ' ' establishment. The occasion will be * commemorated'l y the expenditure of' 30000 on new buildings for the medical - . ical school , on which marly 200,000- * l - I , has been spent the last ten years. * | R..C..CORN WELL of Crete , a teacher ; i by profession , has dissappeared ! from- > that place , after embezzling a large sum of money A reward iu offered' j j ? | [ for Cornwell's arrest and detection. tarn Cornwell is about fifty years old , and" ivrhen he left Crete had along dark. ; bfeard and moustache. He has a dark complexion. with , dark hair and dark. 14- oyes-.and ii. about five feet , six : inches * % tall. . ' h THE hencF Srakeroen- oneof 'the * t Plattsmouth bridge division crews had. a very narrow escape the other morn ing. As the train' was- coining this vray throug.Ii the cut lie step from the top ofone - b ( x * car to another , * ard missing his footholfll B'e k fell between the cars , striking in.sueh.ft' manner on the couplings as to- bounce jjkltj off beyond the reach ofthe rapidly run ning car wheels. Bee. A SVXDICATE of Cleveland e.ipit -f alists has pUrchascd tuc1 Denver , Utalu & Pa iffc.-rulfead for$250.000 in cash. T and $ (500.000 ( in firfct mortgage bond ? , . , equal to $20,000 per mile. The first W move made by the new owners will be to * * the road. x thoroughly equip An effort will be made to have trains outer and i depart from the Union depot in Uftirvtr and eoninience.runnuig.'piisscnger trains , . to Longinont and Bo abler. Next year it is proposed to push fhe-exten ion of * the > rood as originally laid oat } : nu to conncctiwith. the Greeley. L'ongmont & Western. roa l and build as fg- north as J. Cheyenne. It is thought the. local traffic ficon thisroad. . will more than ( ayr good interest oii i.iic 31 R. EVA UTS-has lighted witli the X rth -J'a'cific and the empire tribiitAry. 11 iu _ ! e tUati it < coiinu ind an uiiCMiiu'tl , area ; that it i : , : /l > miles nearer China from XewYor'-c-.tii in any other through roadand , that uiith'i Xortheni'harborrf ate good. This is ail good.says-the S-.ilt-Luke ; Tribune , but the route ? not remarkable in that wnv. Its chief advantage . is that.alongJieariv CJ , / the vrhole length of tfie road there arc - places for homes.where people can nuke ja good living and swll as a madrf-nofc become - - v come too rich. Throughout moat of" the route of the Northern Pacific there : .re not ; fining to be manyvery ric.h luer. ' and veiT fev\ very poor men. Thh i3. thi hot feature of that region , for that - mean ? thousands of prosperous ? nj < rontpnt fl iaipiilit'S nnd cosfortabic itl not too eirirjut honied