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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1883)
NEBRASKA , 'THURSDAY , OCT. 25 , 1833. NUMBER 21i * } _ Business Cards , i.TTyf ARBifck ; si ttor-n at-Law syatLaw , t MCCOOK - flC&RHSXA. " " ' "VlllK'u-K'U- i > or'il aUrnllon to the jiractlre of i Inv. nitd uuUIn vullttMlnni- . i t iyo.Hei' b..i < iiiJliliiciiiLir.h of depot , " * * " * " > Sn-i-n-H ' . I driiK a'orc. JOHM A. LEE. IMEBGHANT TAILOR Fit and Workmanaliiiv.Guarantecd. KVCCCCK : : NeSnASKA. , FAGK T. FK'ANCIS , County Surveyor. Red ! Willow County. cnrtjflcfl pl.its of 11 Jitnds lt > the intvhcoc < cl.uiJilintfitt. Special attcutloa Riven i < > all csuoli Ij-.jbiucji' . Corrcapuudbncc solicit- * ! . 13-tf. L. LKE JIOHNSO-N , 31. D. , Physician and Surgeon , OOlru In rear of O'.ttzrn'H Hunk , where tu can In * fouml vjma not profcfVoually JOHN F. COLLINS , \t ' Contractor and Builder. MuCOO * * . . - - NEBRASKA. E tinmlos chpcrfuH } ' ivca. on nil kind-4 offer for the t l.y mail. Iti Jyr. CONG-DON & CLIFF ; ricklayers & , Plasterers. ) s Promptly nttsnultnl to. H. CliJSWELL , XOT.A11.Y PUBLJ.C. ' . . Estate and Collection Agent. Tn'J ! > i > , Homcstcsd and Timber culture V.i\ TflCS , . . < .ill kinds-o ? ? I < a < v btuincsj prumptly attuiul- > JJ tjd to. \ AM. . . SANDE Pointer. m 3lcOOK , . - ' AJ1 work guaranteed : Give me a. call. Fred Treble , TONSORrAL.ARTIST. . McCoox : : NEBRASKA. I All A\ork promptIv atteii J to. . McINTYRE , Contraetor stod- Builder OF LONG. All work v rranted. AJ1 mattrial fjurnishcd. if desired. , "V ork , do c on &hort notice. Employ the Brest Workmen , I Me'Uook , I7-tt : Nebraska. . | H , . . . ,3qst. , Hotel in Board by Dayor W GOOD SAMPLE RO.QMS , LIVJERY IN CO ffC LAUNDRY WAX ! reserves , gves c oeauiifiil jlxisk , prevents the i-roti fro : ; * , siiffcxg. saves 5 Cents a Cak e. your Storekeeper for it. , Oil Co. , r li DEALER IN If- HARD WARE EENSWAEE , STOYE8Q i , j Agricultural Implements The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in- Red Willow County , Sign of the BIG AX. Dears Scmth &f P. 0. KlcCooR , Red Willow County , Nebraska. AGENT FOR THS Estey Sold ; low for § aslit or 01 easy payx pnta , oz- ; ; until the rent ? pa ' for the- organ , ' Catalogue With Pfeice-tist and Firf ! OescriptiGfr , Free. . AT A. SPALDIlgG , Agent. KEBKASKA. - - - $10.0.Q0 ; A.WEgK ! We can g vwmto > the above amount to , cncrgutlc as MCI ! as ppntlcmeu , in tnp liurincfp. Very little ejipjtul , mn irfc l. schol article HA p. lable as. Hour. IT It J.SKSC every day in every fauvily. . Vow do Jiotueetl to etplain it jnuriti. Then1 is a rich bnrvivt forellwhoembKiCQ th' > poUleuOTpor- nniity. It costs you only cnc.ccnt toleara wbiit your hudiuc is . Uuy a postal card ani ] i\ rile us. nuil wo will tunU you our projpcctcs hcti full particulars FREE rprp I MlL And wo u-il . . . jou.qav.ea'ny .u a of. Our rujmtfiff n as a manafacturinjy company in ! < ucu thwfc e1 can not affordtodocci 2. AVrito to.usion a.postal and jriveyour.nddrtiis plainly aqd recaTe.ful , * ' particulars. "BUCKEYE M.'F'G CO. . . IC'-lvr. Marion. Ohio. SADDLES & HARNESS. . . . Opposite Hotel or..t.l c lull. Manufacturer and O.ea'er-n ! SADDLES , BRIDLES , COLLABS . B BUSHES , , COMBS' WHI'Ps. Saddles , Cow-Boy out , tits , and Sj i R , . LOAN AGENCY ; L. LAV S , WILL SECURE TOWN1 PROPERTY in AlcCook , and on DEEDED CLAIMS In Red WUlow and adjacent counties. Ofllcr : Land nftlcn. RHEUMATISM ! Immediatfi Relief in all Cases. By , Dr. Bush's . . , ROOT OIL Cure d > o Rfceumatism m 2f Hquys , BUFFALO. J ? . Y.r .May 2. ! 8tJ. Dr. Uusli'u MclcaV-Aa ocl tSc : - GENTL3\tH * . T hae bci'n trouVUri Tilth rLe&m * tkmfor twt . } tsr * . I tried all the l > e.xt ollR anj ! Inlnrnt . riirt-in'my wlthotrtTflU't Tl'.clastDr r\nit d ; Ic. KfrkiVf "Btcou I OT OIL. " 1 fun . liottle fc ? fifjy. cent" , and ai > pl/eJ I : , in t o lioure I w * r lIi Vfd and now I nn cntlrr.'y % rrl. lt tffeetasw : vondcrful. ana 1 believe It tbc only tlilnj in the ivtirlil whlcli xlil cure rlit-uiu-xtl'-ir , Truly joura. JOIIX HrT'JKJNOX. 89 Erie M. . Ii'ilal ! : . N T , DKRUSH'S BLOOD R09T * OIL bss no fijoal In thp world ai.a Ltslnicat or ' 'II. It is u cheap , a ire , lnjpc ! nnd sere oxtpraaj remedy : ci ni iv nnd btsst It ucer ral d to cure RHEUMATISM ! . Sciatica , I.umbnvo. fl.iciaclir. S jrcn tt ( A j tlic t'hcj-t , ( njut , Quln-y , Serf "Throat , 5wil ni j.i ] Kpraluc. Uurna * ntf fells. . C ctrl Hi-IIir I'a'At , Toot ! ) , tar : .aJ Heailachc. 1'rftJtf.d t uet nnd IJarJ , ir.t ; all other 1'tins nnd Ac'ica. Jt ii r ut cj > li two . ! zc < . Price 25 aad 50 c-Wi1. Si ! d ! iy dr-ssi uvvr } wc , or ecnt tilrec : upon rucipt oj rriciby On. l.fdt. ' : , Muudi , .V. T . V. SV Woman's Health Journal Contains valuable inforrantlon on- the V-vzzr * of vromoa only. ruMieheU fcy Lady Phyu- ciaas if bo huve roaiJe these peculiar v.t.av nOsscrf of the hex tbcir solo jtudy tor juars. It jrivcs the caused , H.vcjptoinc. and a ' &yr borne tr/'ajaifiiu ibf jrahip.-'U > > Uwrl or Kalilag of the- Womb , inliaiAntiou nnd L'IceruUoa ol the worab and airdsbpihcctacnt * . Iuucorrbaa or Whites. Irregular , aupprcabsd oc pf ! alijl JlenstrutttJon , i'lootimj. , biok nnd Nervous Ht > ndache"Iiiilirn3loa ( , Dyapcjis'tt , Heartburn , wnahncss in ll.ick and etomfoh , 8crofu ! . Psinii iu Side. Uuiaiuca Kidney CcoiplaJa : , B rrcnpes3 , Nervous JTcgtratioc. Pv'pn-dt'ioti of Spirits , Oect-ral Debility o2 Women ccO chnofre of lifo. Kent on r ceipt of nix r * > nta In Htainps. Addrrcd , Dr. Rueh'd Hediotil tioa , NunJa , .New.Tori. . . GENERAL NEWS. I. . . T. , .sfifp from to 5.000 bushda of flax daily. CAPT. MAYXB HJKD , the eelebratrd' English iiovt-ltiat , died on Sunday even ing , aged sixty-five. Two gcnlluuu'n in frage county havr Su partnership- that Kent 1,725 rat > < home to Kl ° r3' > withiw the part year. Tinr better a man treats himself , tin- more fie will think ol" himself , and' the better a- man thinks of himself , tin- better he will behave. Tlie federal grand jury at Leaven wortlt had f'ounil a true bill against Oklahoma Payne , for conspiracy ti violate the IJLWH of. the United Slate ? . A coitfiCJENCE contribution , of § GOf - was received at tke treaaury department. Sunday , in a letter pobt-marked A-Hu- ghency C t. > . i'a.f and feigned "Clergy - man. " VJCTOHTA has ' monument to her Jate gillie , Johu Brown , at Bal- jnoral- and has ordered two other- , one at Windsor and another at Froze , . norc. TnK breach of promise suit brought- bo Miss Aggie Hill aguiu L Senator Sharron ha.i been dismissed. . The suit was evidently brought to extort money , but Aggie "rccjconcd. without he.- host. " iL pach says tticHitviFi.s spreading in the vicinity of Ennslebeu , Prussian-Saxony. Thfr doctors fear M twenty per cent , ot * the cases will be i. fatal. Herr. Bismarck should devote his energies tp the health of the Ger man swine , and. lct > Uncle Sam's alone. Gov. CROSBY , of Montana , pays that one day \\hen tjip presidential partv. 'were crossing a dry gulch ii ; Northern. Wyoming , ' they saw- written in charcoal- over a. door of a vacant cabin the fol r lowing : "Only 9 miles from water and 20 miles from 'wood. No grub in the house. . God bless ourhomc.'r i 1 Ax an , annual- meeting of1 the g.tocc ! holders of tjie Pullman.Pnlaee Gar com pany it was found that a tcr declaring-- a dividend of 9A- per cent , they Iwve a a surplus in the treasury for the year of $1,052,313 and new contracts cover ing 10,000 miles of railway and renew als of old contracts covering 7000 , ; miles were received during the year. COLONEL TOM OCUILTREE- bacl- from his visit tp th.e _ erpjwicd. heads of' Europe and allows tbat he nad a lovely. time. l i * alleged that the Colonel , improved hio time going ever , by winning. § 2,7.00 at Bob Schcnok's favorite amusement- , and thi ? , wi&h his "con gressional salary , enabled him to wear the best of. clothes that coHlcMie niade > at I'am. T : i , following 3iicgetion was given. by , Senator Vance of North Carolina to. .hit Feonndif , which is surely char acteristic : Mydcar , I am a stubborn 'fellow , and' you may anticipate trouble. Now. in the.Beginning. . while I am nl- iuisMv > , I want to.gvve you one piece of advice. If yoiit follow it , wo will get on mighty well. It is this : 3Iake , me do aa I darn plqase. " THE- largest cattle ranch in th . world is said to be that of Charles , k t Goodnight , at the head of Red liiver , Texn . He began buying land f'ou- years ago , .Tearing 270.000 acre : ? at iliiriy-fivtj cents pqr acre. In the mcnntjme the price has nduuord from $1 to $2 per acre , but lie h ? till"buying , and controls 700000 ; acre ? . To en close His lantk-d posts-'tiiiJ' 2. > 0--L'Je5. offence 13 rcaufri-'i. Ou.rhrjt h ? has 40,000. I lor. ACS Gr.EELEr kntr what } : T.-IS- Uiking about \vhcu hiin.ulc the follow ing obfcrVfctiou ? : "Then : is. nnihini ; easier than to edit a LUick uard zit-w.- paper , and n tbin : : nero dificult thai t1 get up a ncwapaper free from bi : ! jncs und bheVguardism. Fish-woiaer and b r-rooai luafers are skilled in th- ar : of bandying c-pUhiit ; and bespatter , ing each other with dirty word ? . It requirea no lrau to do thi : , but it oo < ! - . require both heart and brain * to prit4 . newspaper that a d < xent or.t cm read witho-it n Musb. "