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About McCook weekly tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 188?-1886 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1883)
p- . VOLUME 2. M'COOK , RED WIXiLOW GOtCNTTlT NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , OCT. 4 , 833. NUMBER 18. Business Cards ; I J. STAEBUCK , -A ttomey- - Law , .McCOOK , - ICKll. Will frfvc ghe special ntteitloc to tl-e- practice of 16w. and niflliliiK collections. ' icc t1 cond block north of depot , 2 dotes nortli rirnon's drugstore. JOHN A. LEE. 'r1 E B JJ * i Wb TA LOR u iTHa&avJSc Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. Nebraska. Pa" I. Francis County Surveyor. Red' Willov , ' ounty. Kcopa ccrtiflc'l puits of all l .nds ii the Jlituhcockl.nul disti-ict. attcntioifriv < ; n to all such business. Correspondence . = cieit- A..7.WIIA.EY , M. I ) . , L. LES JOHNSONM. . D. . Pursrou to It. : .M. U R. Gruduatu Wooster , O. Drs. WiSiey & Johnson , McCOOK. - - NK13. AVJll nttoail to aK calls in the city or coit.itry. < l y onight. . Uttvc : Hear cf Citlzi-us' n.ip.k. JOUX F. COLLINS , * Contractor and Bui icier , iccrf silly ? iven on all kinds of ri : . Be > t of references. Address lor the present by luiiil. IB-lyr. McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. CONGDON * & CLIFF , DRI6KLAYERS & PLASTERERS , All .Fobs Promptly atteuderl to. H. C&ISWELL , . NOTARY PUBLIC. A ttffrn eya t-L a w , Real Estate and Collsction rre-Emjitlun. Ilunie tuad and Tiinbor roUurc Kn irli:3 , and all klc.ti of LJ.-.T business promptly attend- U to. IASL SANBERSOlNV House&Sign M COOK , - Min. All \vork guaranteed. Give me a call.- Jr red Treble , - TONSORfflL ARTBT. McCOOK , - NEB All work promptly attended to. WM. MdNTYKE , t Contractor and Builder OF LOH8 EXE3EI5HCE : All work warranted. All material furnished if desired. Work done on ohort notice.- Employ the Best Workmen McCook , 17-tf. Nebraska. McOOOK HOTEL , BEST HOTEL IK TOWX. GOOD ACCOMMODA TIONS. Board' by Day ' or Week GOOD SAMPLE ROOMS , LIVERY EST CQSQsECTIQST ] STANDARD - -LAUNDRY "WAX I ( Preserves Linen' , gives & beautiful finish , prevents the iron- from sticking , saves labor. 5 Cents a Cake ; Ask your Storekeeper for it. Made by Standard Oil Coi , . OLSYELAND , - - - OHIO.- Y II DEALER IN | | 1U9 cf B The Largest Stock and Lavyest Prices in. ' Red Willow County , 05 1 TFTf . . C 2l.JLJL .S3 Sign of the BIGAX' Three Doors Southof P. 0. Red Willow County , Nebraska. 1 fyW3 9. SENT FOR THE. s * & . AND P fSrasSOffS H I Sold' Ivx for cash , or 011 easy payments , or reiitecl until tlie rent pays for the organ. . j Catalogue With Price-List and Full Description Free , M. A , SPALDING , Agent. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. $100.0O A WEEK ! \Ve can puarsintoo the above amount to need , active , etiergetie Lftdicr as well as gpntlcmen , make nsuccess in the business. Very little capital required. Wchaveu houeeaold urtiele as salable us Hour. IT SELLS ITSELF It is used every day in every family. Ton do not need to explain its merits. There is u rich harvest for all who embrace this golden oppor tunity. It costs you only ono cent toiciirn what your businets is. Kuy a postal card and write us , and we will send yoc'our prospectus and full particulars FREE ! FREE ! And we know you willderive more peed than you have any .den of. Our reputation as a inanafacturin ; ? company is such that we can not afford to decciv 2. Write to us on a postal and give your address plainly and receive full " - partlcul"s-BUCKEYE : M'FG co. . 1'G-lyr. Marion , Ohio. SADDLES- & HARNESS * . Opposite Hotel on the hill. Manufacturer and Dealer ! n SADDLES' HARNESS BRIDLE&r COLLARS , BRUSHES , COMBS , . WBTP& . Stock'Saddles , Cow-Boy out" fits , and-Spurs.- R ; a HAMILTON ; A jJ J tfimmC" * > * lM fmmfm AGENO 3T Q. L. LAWS , AVILL SCCURC TOWH PROPERTY in McCouk , ativl on DEEDEDCLAIMS In Uxid Willow and adjacent counties. Office : Lnr.-l OtSi-e. McCooX Ncbnsics. RHEUMATISM ! Immediate liclief in all Cases by Dr. Rush's RI ftfln RflflT nil yLyyu iiyu y ML Cured of Ehemnatisra in 2 Hours. i o , X. Y , ay C. ' 183 Dr. IJ.t-SH's Medical Association : X.V. I have Siera trorblcrt with rheimii- tism for two jcars. I trk-iJ all ' 'm Ii3t alMjiti-crt olln an linimentsiiml ninny fir-t-cM'-s pliyslutan- v.itiwtit relief , ThcIi' s I ) ? \Mivd n-cumincn-Icd UK. Rvsn's ' -BLOOD HOOT Ou" 1 ; ) nicnstd.i ! large botiie for ilfty ci-nu. am" applied It. ! n tw hoiir- 1 was relieved autl nn.v I .im eutlre'y well. Its cITerts : uo wonderful , nmi I lnllc It tie ! only thins in the vorlJ whu-h will ctirorhfctnar'sn : : Truly youn > . . ? OH" JiT ; HIK&ON . tHEiicfct , . Hu.lalii. v. V. DK. HUSH'S BLOOD HOOT OIL his r.o equ il In the world a.i Liniment or il. If U a cheap. o.ifft simple au.lnre esu nul rt-tnedy for mau and bea t It ne\er 'ails to curt- . Sciatica , Luni'i vo , B.ickacJie , SoreiH-'ss ol the ' Itcst. Gout , Quinsy , SjnTnroat , Swellings .ind pralas Hurn-i aud fctiilds , General lodl ! > I's'ni , 'I outh.har and Head iclic , FnJed F''Ct atvJ liar- , end all other i'ulns , and Achu . It ! a put up m tv o sizes. Price 23 imd . " > 0 uenta. bold byIriiwlsl-i i-vcryvthiTC. or sent iltrtTt uK > n rcc'Mpt < * # prlitby DR. lis it's Mcnic.\L ASSOCIATIVE. XnodJ , iN. Y . IT - . A , Woman's health , journal Contains va1 liable information on the diseases of women only. Published by f > adi' i'liys- cians who have made the e peculiar weaknesses - . nesses ol" the sex their sole stuily fur years , i It frives the causes , symptoms , anda sure | home treatment for Prolappuj Uturi or 1'allinjr cf the Womb , iullamation and Ulceration of the womb and all displacements Leucorrha-a or Whites , Irrejrular , supprd'Sse : ! or painful Menstruation , Flooding t > iek and J ervou- Headache , JniliKCstionDyspepsiii. } . Heartburn , Weakness in Back and stomach , Scrofula. Pains in Side , I > izines3 Kidney Complaint , UarrennebS. Xervons Prostration. Depression of Spirits-General Debility ot" Women and change of life. Sent on receipt of six cents in stamps. AUdres" , Dr. Rush's Medical Associa tion , Xunda , Xcw York. GENERAL NEWS. Du. OLIVKII WENDELL HOLMES' carries a horse chcsnut in his pocket' to prevent rlioiumtism. TiiniiKwcro 1.250.000 new two cent" stamps sold at the postoilicc the first- day they wore on sale in Nov. ' York. The great trot for § 5,000 between * tile celebrated trotters'Jay Eye See , and St. Julian came off at Flcotrwood'l'arl : on Saturday. Jay Eye See von m three straight heats- time 2 : 31 us. LILY L-V othY warmly doilies' that Oscar Wilde's play has failed.- She wants to repay Oscar's services in ; discovering her beauty , by her being. ' . the first to find out his dramatic geirvus.- ; WORK on the Washington moauuionty ' < * .which for the past two months has been : * temporally suspended , will be resumed- on Monday. It is expected that by the' - end oF the working season thiyearthi . , shaft will have reached a height o ' 1LK- ( feet. * * ' TniJ Department of Agriculture ha * . ; received advices from Liverpool that a.- cargo of 1.000 sheep from Canada have- , V been ordered slaughtered on account of ; one sheep said by the authorities , there * j ' to havj been infected with the scab on , landing. - : . - JOHN YSTKITH , an ccfentrfo old- man of St. Louis' , died , and two weeks- later his \\ill was found in an old st'ovc' * ; n He willed about $1.750,000 of other * , people's property to various charities- ' and left the court hout-e to evangelist' for anig Bethel. " SENATOR GtTLLOM , who succeeds" Daviswill fill -the/ David Davis- not- literally - latter's place , for' he isn't ut'ucli more than half as big. being onlv a mcdiuia-j sized man.Ho is a ire l ttlb-r. and. .like tlio a\pra < re Illinois stat'esnian. f ll 'of anecdotes and little stories. " Tin : new ship of the Guion Line , the * ' Oregon , " is said to be innch faster' than the Alaska , now the fastest ship * on the soa. The Aia-ka recently made the trip between Queenstown mid Sandy Hook in G days. 21 hours and 8 minutes - " utes fastest time ever made by a- steamship. A Tii/ir ; on tne1 Atuliison , Topeka * & Santa Fe l aiiway was attacked by : i- party of cowboys on Tuesday night at- ' n 1 Coolcdge , Kas..who kilted the en neei : " and mortally wourded the fin-man. The cx ] re- > meceTijer escaped unnurL- , and prot ( > ctod the bulHou whiih.lsad ar- trat-tcd t'ie robbers. , ' . THE situation in the railroad rate war' fc unchanged. T' isintiinatc-1 thitun- t. less a coniromi ] e is cffoct- in twenty f ' hours the old lines will enter the con flict of cutting rati-s. The Louisville ; New Albany & Chicagoca'rvied over one thousand p-iisongers hint week. * while th- old lines carried about the us ual number of passengers at full rate.- < , THK ca e of ex-Senator Sharon and his allog d : -\n"fe' will } m 'jpiught up in San Franci-co , October KL The opinion prevails in San Frrn ci.-jco fhat the c"a.-e is ' no peculiar to that city , where a prominent man is not consider ed a broken in until he has been black mailed or sued for breach of promise.- The ex-senator ift ROW at Whit& Sulphur springs. A TREMENDOUS rain fall of brief < lu-- : ration , accompanied b } quite a troni r windf visited Kansas CityOR - Monday . Cellais- and - * evening. se7erswere flooded. The rain fall in an hour and a quarter , the tiusc of the storm , was one' and one-fifth inches. The storm eamc' j from the northwest and passed east-- ward. Telegraphic communication vis. ? ' considerably injured. At one time- all wiresto St. Louistert. . ' down. Dispatches indicated that tli * I area of the storm was extensive , but Uo A serious damage was rep.oi'tcd.- "