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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1909)
8 TUB REJL'UBLIOAN , OU8TBJB COUNTY , NEBRASKA SOME RECENT CARTOONS ANOTHER ACTIVE VOLCANO WrnnWm ] HY ! THERE ! DON'T STIR UP THAT NEST THE LAST DAYS OF SCHOOL "Gee ! Won't It Ever Get March 4th17 ' ] ? ' . ! ULTI ' A POOR SKATER ON A GOOD FLOOR Dent forget the Suit , Cloak and Skirt sale at Mfivis & Co ( his Saturday. Up to date Barmen's from New York. Bally Day. The U. C. Sunday school will observe the first Sunday in Oc tober as Krilly Day. A special program will be arranged. Every member is urged to be present All are invited. Caucus. The Republican caucus of voters ers ofVst Ouster I'recincl will held at the Gustcr school I ous rm Saturday , Sept. 25 , at 2 o'- lock p. in , to place in norm- 1 ilion one township clerk , one mvnship treasurer aud to trans- tot any other business th\t may properly come before the meeting1. Joseph Uaefele , Comm. Caucus. Notice is hereby given that the Republican caucus will be held at the Ilicks school house in Cliff township on Salurnay , Oct. 2 , l'J09 , at 2 o'clock p. m , for the purpose of placing in nomination a township ticket and to transact any other business that may come before said caucus. W. J. Rice , Comm. Notice to lcliiuucnls. ) | Notice is hereby given that the rental upon the lease contracts to the following1 described school lands in Custer county , Nebraska , as set opposite the names of the holders thereof , is delinquent and if the amount which iv , due is not paid within sixty days from the date of this notice said contracts will be declared forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands and funds and said forfeiture will be ntered of record in the manner > rovidcd'by law. Advertised list , 1st , 1909. Custer county. Description. Sw. ( , Sec. 16 , T. IS , R. 17 ; Lessee , W. W. Thornton. Description. Sw. y Ne. # , Sec. K > , T. 17 , R. 19 ; N YNe. . Sc. , ' 4 , Nc. # , Soc. 16 , T. 17 , It. 19 ; Lessee , Jennie Gustafson. E. 13. Cowles , ommissioner Public Lands and Buildings. Hy C C. Haslow , Deputy. NliW HOPE. Ouitc a number from this vi cinity attended the county fair last week. All report having had a good time. No school at New Hope last Thursday and Kriday as the teacher and pupils took a vaca' lion and attended the county fair , Mrs. Laura Taylor returned home last Sunday evening from Lincoln where she has been vis iting relatives the past two weeks. Earl Hammond returned home from Lincoln county last week where he has spent the last six weeks on his claim. Miss Bertha Iluffakcr commen ced her school last Monday morn ing seven miles north of Broken Bow. Bow.Mrs. Mrs. W. II. Cline and son , Emory , returned home last Sun day evening from Saybrook , My city residence for sale or trade. Call or address W. T. Jones. Sept.-23-tf J. S. Molvncux has been drawn as a jjraml jurnr for the Omaha division ot the United States courts. lie hai been ordered to report at the federal building1 in Omaha at 2 p. in. next Monday Broken Bow in petting in line with Lincoln and Omaha in se curing a large Vacuum House Cleaner. Mr. Julc Sitnott'ion in forms in bo will be ready for or- dcra in a f w diy * with prices in reach of all. Watch for further notice. I offer for sale a new 7 room modern up to-date dwelling house , four bleaks from business centre and two blocks from school , fruit and shade , location finest , in city , in established neighbor hood overlooking city and valley. For price and terms see James Lcdwich. You are invited to attend the Harvest Home services at the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Autumn decorations will be arranged by Mrs. H. T. Bruce and Mrs. Stevenson and the music will be appropriate. Addresses will be made by Geo. B. Mair , Prof. Elliot , E. E. Squires aud Miss Fannie Drake. A short address by the pastor will close the program. Sliccp Farms. Do you know that farmers in this county arc making a big mistake that that they do not keep sheep. First get a large acreage of alfalfa. Be sure you have plenty of hay , ( alfalfa ) and grain. Buy say 100 ewes in the early fall , join with your neigh bors , and buy a car load and dis tribute them out in bunches ol one or two hundred lots. Don't be in a hurry to get a lot ot ex perience and be a big sheepman , chances are you will lose , but commence small , bread the ewes for early lambs. Give them plenty of range so they can gather up all the roughness and clean the farm of weeds. Feed enough alfalfa hay and grain during the winter so they will gain in flesh and be in fine condition at lamb ing time. Then keep crowding them along with a view of fat tcning both ewes and lambs. You should have a fine fat bunch of sheep and lambs by early sum mer which , together with the wool clip will give you three crops from your investment , one crop of wool and two of mutton and all within eight to ten mouths time. There are three things to insure your Msucccss Buying weight , plenty of feed and proper care. The market you will have to take your chan ces on. The first ( three is your business andI ; believe you wil and a good market. I hope to try it another year when' I ge more-land in alfalfa. Willis Cadwell. Map Showing Hie Proposed Lines of County Division. N. W. Qr. 730 sq miles N. E. Qr. 516 Sq. miles. S , W. Qr. 7GO sq , miles S , E. Qr. 576 sq. miles. J'OMflH'8 ' fwar Tuesday ; October 5 ; Fireworks ( Wednesday October 'Q ; Electrical Paratte I i Thursday,1 October ) ,7 , , ' Military Parade M * . Friday , ; October 8 , Coronation * Ball 'Saturday , ' Ootober O Children's Ball Frank Currie returned from Mexico Wednesday morning1. Mr. and Mrs. E , Taylor spent a few days this week on the Mid- lie Loup. George and Laucks Xanders aud Will Jenkins left Tuesday or Callaway. Mrs. Judge Kay received word Wednesday of the serious illness of her mother at Harrisonville , Mo. Fred Vaughn arrived in the Bow Thursday from Grafton , Pa. , and is the guest of his aunt , Mrs. Robert Skinner. E. W. Morrison , who has been looking after business interests in this city left Thursday for liis home at Lincoln. Mrs. Davis and children who have been spending the summer in this city , left Wednesday for their home in Salt Lake , Utah. Mrs. H , F. Townley who has been visiting1 her parents , Judge and Mrs. Benjamin , the past few weeks , left Thursday for her home at Edgcmont , S. D. Miss Twila Crawford of Ar kansas is the guest of Miss Or- cclia Lanphear. Miss Crawford will teach this winter in the Public Schools at Ocouto. The Misses Alma and Ina Sul livan and Ethel Johnson left Thursday for Lincoln. The young ladies enter the Sopho more yeai at the State Univer sity. sity.F. F. M. Rnblee and Walt George made a business trip to Arnold Wednesday in F. M's. machine. The men had quite aa experience. When in Powell's canyon the chain broke for the sixth time and "night's dusky manth" had long , longdecanded upon hill and canyon before they returned to the Bow. Mrs. O. S. Tngg of Galva , 111. , who has been visiting1 her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newman , ard sister , Mrs. Holla Towsley , for the past three weeks , left Thursday for Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Towsley accompanied her to Lincoln where they expect to spend several days visiting friends. Mrs , Ilattie Speaks returned last Thursday from a seven weeks trip to Cheyenne , Wyo. , where she met Mrs. Dodds aud John Gillings , both employed in the Land Ofiicc. Mrs. Speaks also visited in Denver , Colo. , where she took a number of lessons in painting from one of Denver's famous painters. Additional Local. S. K. WiXrrick of Alliance , is in the Bow looking after busin ess interests. Father Moser left Wednesday evening1 on a few days trip to Grand Island. Joe Baisch and son , Jake , will leave Friday for a few days visit with friends at Alliance. Sam Blackman and G. Ed. Stuckey of Oconto , were county seat visitors Wednesday. The Ladies Guild of the Epis copal church resume their week ly meetings today with Mrs. Joe Chrisman. A. J. Elliott and Rodney Her- / mon left last Saturday for Ravenna - J venna and a few days visit in Clyde , Kan. "V Rev. and Mrs. Thompson returned - turned Monday evening from the annual conference meeting held at Kearney. Mrs. Charles Oschuer and chil dren who have been visiting Mrs. Annabel Bishop left Thursday jTj for Ravenna. ' jp Miss Anna Ilaurnann who has S been visiting Mrs. Allen Adams the past week , left Monday even ing for her home at Thedford. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith left last Thursday for Mineral , 111. They were called there by the death of Mrs. Smith's mother. John Dalton who has been en joying his vacation with his par- \ cuts , left Thursday morning to A * resume his studies at Annapolis , Ind. Ind.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kiffin have had for their guest the past three weeks , Mr. Kiffin's sister , Miss Sadie Kaffin , who returned to her home at Lincoln Thursday. Miss Sara Gruninger of Cleve land , Ohio , arrived in the city Wednesday evening and will be the guest for a few weeks of Mrs. . C. L. Gutterson and Mrs. A. II. Stuckey. Miss Jean West who resides near Berwyn took the train at the Bow Thursday morning for Galva , 111. Miss West expects to become a pupil in the Episcopal - ( pal Jubilee School near Peoria , i 111. * The Young Peoples Union \ have contracted for six good en tertainments for this season- These entertainments will be the best ever given in the city and tickets will be op sale in a very few days. Meet me at the Pheonix Cafe _ _ _ \ Fresh Oysters Served any Style Private Chairs for Ladies , . C. H. KENNEDY , Proprietor.