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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1909)
L BUto UUt LlUittllfttt COSTER COUNTY REPUBL M , 70L. XXVIII BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 30 , 1909 NO. 17 HERSHEY , HOME OF CHOCOLATE KING. Opening of Camp of 1st Regiment at Mount Grctna. Baltimore's Attractive Surroundings. Mus. AMANDA L. XANDKKS. The town of Horahoy Btands nl most In the center of 1700 acres of flio funning land , with hero and tlicro tracts of timber , tiwuy off to the north stretches the Bine Moun tains , shrouded In hazy mist. The country Is like rolling parnrn , heautl fiuj by stately trees and homos. All the land within the range of ordinary vision Is owned by "the chocolate manufacturer , Hershey , whc started In business in New York , but owing to a combination of unfortu nate circumstances , ho was obliged tc throw up the Idea of making that place his permanent home. He re turned to his native state , to Lan caster , In the vicinity of his present home , where , after some years of trlaU aad successes , he finally sold out at a handsome figure and at once began to Invest the proceeds In farms until now he owns and controls 1700 acres in the center of which Is the lively new town of Hershey. There are Hershey houses , Hershey stores llershey Trust Co. or bank , Hershey public schools , eighteen miles of Her shey railway , an Immense Hershey earage , a fully equipped , up-to-date fire department with 150. members Tli * second floor contains a comblna lion blliard and pool table , reading table and writing table , all free foi the exclusive use for the firemen A fine large park full of at tractions. This day the Sunday Schools of Myorstown were holding their annual union picnic in the park Myerstown Is east of LeUpnon , sC llie-schoola came on hie1 ateam cars It was a bright , beautiful day and many people from the towns and country around , came to the picnic so that there was little wonder , thai after leaving our marketing at a near by Hardware Store , we found the big summer trolley car , crowded from end to end and all along the sides At first glance , we thought it hope less to try to get aboard , but aftei Borne desperate effort on the part oi a few kindly disposed passengers , w succeeded in finding standing room llany people were compelled to wall an hour for the next car. We stood until wo reached Annville. quite H largo town and known far and wide for Us co-educational Institution 01 College , under the jurisdiction of the United Brethren church. Another ride of four miles , up hill ( Continued on last page. ) COUNCIL ANNULS EARLY'S FRANCHISE. Revokes it Because no Work Has Been Done. Sells After it Again. J. W. Early's electric lighting franchise was annulled at a meet ing of the city council held last Friday. Early was granted a franchise last May. The council at first asked for a $500.00 forfeit. 'Early asked that it be lowered to (100 00 and the council after some consideration of tbe matter consented. He was given sixty days in which to commence the erection of his plant. His sixty days was up the 10th of July. On August 18th at his request he was giyen thirty days from that date , That gave him until the 18th of September to commence his work or about fou - months from tbe time his franchise was granted. He has done nothing and gave no indication of doing anything up to the time of the council meeting last week so the council voted to. annul his t fran chise on { he ground that he bad 1 not fulfilled 1m agreement to commence work on the dates stated. O.'P. Sells , of Sterling , Col. , has a proposition bclorc the council and it is quite probable that he will be granted a fran chise. His franchise this time gives the city better rates than any franchise he has submitted before. CONFIDENCE MAN AWAITING TRIAL , Alan Who Changes Names Often to Secure Goods Without Paying for Them is in Jail. Sheriff Kennedy rcturncil lust Fri ilny morning from Levnnon , .Missouri whore he went the Monday previous to got u man who was hero on June first and claimed to represent a commission firm in Denver. When the man was hero hu claimed that Ills name was F. E. Parker and that ho was out representing Parker Bros Commission firm of Denver mul was shipping produce Jo them. lie obtained $10.00 worth of eggs from Walter Harris anil wrote him a alght draft on the Parker Commission firm of Denver. When ( he draft reached Denver .the hank marked It no funds and Informed Harris 'that no sncli 'irm was doing business In Denver 'le also ran a hotel bill of about $1,1 at the Grand Central and paid it with one of his worthless slghtdrafts. Information was received hero which Indicated that he wna nndei arrest in Levanon and was serving a jail .sentence. Harris went to Le- vanon on September 5th and Identi fied him as the man who had gotten Us eggs on Juno 1st. Sheriff Kennedy went to Jefferson City with requlsi tlon japere and returned Friday . - . , * > _ uorning with his man. When here in June ho claimed that his name" was F. E. Parker. In Mis souri he went under the name of F. E. Bell , and it Is reported that ho has been -operating in Kansas un der the name of F. E. Green. Judge Shlnn Is looking after his case and his preliminary trial will not be set until ho can get an attorney from Lincoln. ANSLEY BURGLARS .EASILY CAUGHT. Arrested in this City and Confession Secured by Sheriff licmtedy. Property Returned. E. II. Galnes store of hardware and groceries In AiiHley was broken Into last Sunday evening. About thirty knives , six razors , three or four box- PS of cigars , some smoking tobacco and three dollars In cash was taken The men took two of Dr. Ilanna's horses and his saddle and n saddle from the Chrisman livery wtable. y > y rode out of town a short dis tance and noticed a freight train an proachlng. They then unsaddled the horses , turned them loose and rode to IJroken Bow on the freight. They sold Chrlsman's saddle to J. II. Spain for ? C.50 and disposed of Ilan na's to Robinson & Tuttle for ? 5.00. Sheriff Kennedy and Deputy Slier- riff Craig received word of the rob bery and began searching for the mci They arrested one of them at the stock yards and the other was found in the feed rack of a stock train passing through the city Monday evening. When arrest ed they gave their names as Harry kueck and Elmer Johnson. The men were kept in separate cells iu jail and not allowed to see each other until they had confessed to the jobbery and told the story as given above , They had twenty-seven of the knives , some cigars and tobacco on them when arrest ed and they claimed the rest of the stuff was hid in Ausley and in Broken Bow. Bow.They They entered the store through a rear window. All of the stolen property has been found by the officers and everything will be returnee' to Mi. Gaines , * " - . CRN EYEFULrl * ) ' ' W 'hwHarrjj ' waddles down J'ha It's carlointij < jrauf towatch UU Hi * Uqlots { lourisli to + fro'4 In pridd of yndliinq Hairij qo SOCIinY ITEMS lly Mrs. Amamlu L. X LINIW SIIOWUR. Next Saturday afternoon from three to six o'clock , Ibe L/idics of the Presbyterian church , will be at home with Mrs. J. G. Bren- izer in honor of Miss Irraa James , who will leave shortly for her home at Mays Landing , N. J. Sixty invitations have been is sued. The affair will be a linen shower in appreciation of Miss James' services as pianist for the Presbyterian church. That Miss James will be fairly deluged with handsome , useful and ornamental linen there is no question. Very elaborate refreshments will be served. The decorations will be flowers and autumn foilagc. CHOIR KNTISKTAINEI ) Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Kern enter tained the members of the Pres- bytesian choir at their pleasant home in the north part of town Wednesday evening1 , in.honor of Miss L/ibbie Brenizer , who will leave next week for the east. There were four musical contests. The decorations were sweet peas aud autumn vines. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Musical designs dec orated the small cakes. Mrs. Kern was assisted ia serving by the Misses Doris Porter , Ruth Papineau and Margarita Nichol as , members of the choir. I' . B. O MEETING The regular monthly meetings of the P. E. O. were resumed last Pridy afternoon with Misb Mary Heck as hostess. There was a large attendance of mem bers. Mrs. Addie Hall , of Sid ney was the guest of honor. The afternoon was spent in a social way. Dainty refresh ments were served. NATIONAL 1' . K. O. Mrs. J. E. Wilson will leave next Monday for Mt. Plesanton , Iowa , where she goes as state delegate to attend the national meeting of the P. E. O. The first chapter was organized by seven young ladies , students at the university at that town. Mrs. Wilson will also visit in Bloom field add Red Oak before her return to Broken Bow. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. The acini-monthly meetings of the Ladies' Library Association will be resumed next Wednesday , Oct. 6lh , with Mrs. Sullivan. iioritr , SUPPUR. Friday evening a party of six young ladies took supper at the Grand Central Hotel , a table Tieing reserved for them. Later they took in the moving [ Mcture show. DANCB AT MURNA. Last Saturday a number of young people weut to Merna to attend the dance gotten up by Frank Cutler. They were the Miss Hazel Molyneux , Willa Ucan , Abbie Wilson and Mary .Morgan aud.Messers Earl and Ho mer Molyneux. LINGER T.ONGUKS MEET. The ladies of the Linger Lon- Club held a business session last Friday afternoon with the president , Mrs. J. K. Hermon. At this meeting it was decided to meet forte nightly. The first meeting to be with Mrs. Holcomb. Ur. Buckley and Herbert G. Myers were elected members of the Club. Every alternate week the ladies of tbe Club will iiave a meeting to be known s the Koffee Klotcb. Annex. The first meeting will be held with Mrs. Dorthy Maulick. c. n. SOCIAL Last Friday evening the Chris tian Endeavor Society gave a social at the PreEbytcrUn manse. There were about forty-five En deavors with their friends pres ent. Gimes formed the evening amusement. Dainty refresh ments were served. WINNER I'AHTV Last Monday evening Mr. and j Mrs. Will Jenkins entertained at 6 o'clock dinner , in their pleas- apartments in the Dierks block , in honor of George and Laucks Xanders who have since left for the east. Covers were laid for eight. During the evening the party attended the moving - picture ture show. NOT CLAMORING FOR ALL REVENUE. Paid Out of County Treasure , Fads Show that Broken How is Not llojjinjr Everything. If the Broken Bow fellows are BO much interested in the welfare of tlio tax piyora of the oounty , why U it thut ihoy are ulBinoring for all the revenue in eight ? Oallaway Qucon. If the nbovo Btatomont waa found , tul on fact a man might bo led to be. lieve that ho ought to vote for divis ion in order to change conditions , hut it is not a atatoino&t of fact. Lot UH BOO whnt the fauln in the case \Yhnt souroeH of rovouuo are there fur which the people of thia oily may clamor ? There ia the bridge fund , the road fund , the UBO of the county's money which ia dop isitcd in banks , the printing of tlut Hup plica for the county , and tha publi cation of the road notiooB and board ) roceedingu. What was the total ouiount of tnonoy drawn trom the bridge fund n 1008 ? The trtuba of the warrants n the county clerk's ofllco show that the total amount paid out by ho county for bridges aud repairs was $ lC,75ct.OG. How much of this amount wont for bridges and repairs n Broken Bow township ? Tbo warrants show that only $089.95 of : his amount was paid out for bridg es and repairs in Broken Bow town ship.What What wan the bridge levy for 1908 ? SJJ milla. What was tbo valuation of Broken Bow township and city in luOB ? mS.liiO. How mtioh , then , did Broken Bow city and . .township pay into the bridge fund ? $1837 8 < . Broken Dow paid in $1887.80 and drew out $680.95 , then how much did Broken Bow pay towards the building aud repairing of bridges in otbor parta of thu county ? $1147 85 The county road fund is used to pay the expanses of plotting , survey ing , adverlieiug aud laying out roads in the county. What wan the total amount paid out oi the county road fund for this purprtu iu 1908 ? The atubs of the warrants in the county clerk's otlico show that $1045.25 was paid out of the read fund in 1908. How much of this amount was spent in Broktn Bow township and city ? The warrants chow thai $28 DO was used iu Broken Bow city tud township. The county read levy was mills in 1008 and the valuation of this city and townahip wan $785,120 , BO that Broken Bow township ant paid $183 78 into the road fund and and drew out $28,30 , then , how much went to pay for roads in other parts of the county ? $155.48 , The fic'.a then show that instfix of Broken Bow hogiog all of t revenue ae charged , she ia gelling the benefit of only 35 per cent o the money she pays into tbo bridge fund and onlv ID per cent of the money alio pays into the road fund She is helping to support other part of the county instead of making any thing off of them. How about the county's money whore is it deposited ? A ntatemen made by County Treasurer Cavenee on September 2let , showed that $30,384 was depoaited in banks in Broken Bow on that data and $08 , * 774 WBB deposited ia banks of the county located in other towns in tbe oounty. Broken Bow was , on that date , then getting the benefit of the uao of only 30 per cant of the money on deposit and it will bo noted thtt tbe checks in payment of wairanta are drawn on tbe Broken Bow banka and the amount of money in them varies , while the money in other banks in the oounty is about tbe tamo. How is tbo contract for printing tbo county supplies let ? Tha hoard of Biiporvibors ndvortiias for blda , and tbe contract ia let to tbo lowoit bidder. Tha newspapers outside of tbo county seat , tben , h v. tbo attna opportunity to got tha business nv the papers in Broken Bo * . If the printers in Broken. I ow gat the business it is because it iirfinancial ly to tbo county'a interest to give it to them. How did tbo county board deaino the question of who should got the publication of tbo road notice * and the county board proooudiiiga toe this ytrnt ? LJida wore submitted by the newspapers of tbe cpunty. It was given io tbo Ouster Oounty Deacon because its bid was lower than that of tbo papers outside of Urokuu Bow. Had lliu ImsinosH boon given to paper * outeido thlH city , it would hmo con the county from J2&U ( o $500 inure thxn it now costs. On the whole , U is evident , than , I hat Brukeu Bow bolpa to build tha bridged tind roudu in other parti of the count } ; that only UO per cent of the county'tt inonny is deposited in Broken Bqw banlct ; tbut the print ing of county supplies aud the pub lication of the load uoticon and th * board proceedings bjr papers in ( h 9 city it duo to the ftot that tbe ooim * ty aavoa money by doing it * The charge of tbo Oallawny Queen ia without foundation. ' TRIAL LIST IN DISTRICT COURT. The following oasoB have been aat for trial during the h'cat wok of the Ootobar term of court which oara- menoeu next Monday morniug at 0 o'clock : Monday , October 4. U J Tlorney v Win O Amaboi ry UierltH l.uin. & Coal Oo v O U R > Q tt a W IS Tulbot VB Uuutur Oounty lurwyu Htato Bank va Uhuu W Adam * Tuesday , October 5 Kuarnoy Tel. Uo v Oconto Tel. fix. MiirU Uttinpbull va cuntor Nftl'l llutifc otnl , \Vodnondajr , October C Win R Yuunir va John Ditlu J i GnuoT M Oo ; VB' ! ' q aobli | gu Jaui en Louirlirah va Ford Btiaw * . ! DOKonkul VBBl OJi-oat f ThiiroJny , October 7 Hoary B Muu.Hol v A J Elliot M E Vandunborir ve Thomas A Jaqkion Lee Paine vs llomor McKolvle Friday , Oo aber 8 Mat how II UlftHBoy vs Jackson Dye State of Nebraska VB Wtn K Wllllard ynurduy , Or to bet r U Htuto u ( Nebraaku va John Uutlor Htato ol Nebraska va Win Edward * tkato ot Nobruska TS Otiurlau H Moore REPUBLICAN WILL CHANGE HANDS. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Amsberry Will Take Charge of Paper Next Week. Mv first years lease on the Custer County Republican expires tomorrow. I have the privilege of leasing it for a longer time but do not care to do so. I also have an option on the purchase * of it , but the price I consider much too high. Mr. and Mrs. D. M , Amsberry will take charge of the editorial work next week Mr. Amsberry has published a paper in this county for twenty-five years and the people of the county are familiar with his editorial work. Daring the last year the paper has grown from a four page to an eight page home print , the subscription list has jumped from 1000 to 2250 aud the advertising patronage has increased three fold. I want to take this oppor tunity to thank the people cf this city and county for tbe kindly assistance which has made this growth possible. Without their assistance and words of encour agement it would have been im possible. I owe my friends a debt of gratitude aud I retain a feeling of kindliness toward those who have at one time or another criticised my editorial policy. I could not possibly satisfy every body and I have pursued the policy which I believed to be right aud to the interest of the majority | of the people of the ' county , HERBERT G , MYURB ,