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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1909)
G THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. * . . > G introduce fine materials , clean methods , scientific equipment into the making of soda crackers was one triumph To actually bake into them a subtle goodness , a real individuality , never before known , was another triumph But to effectually protect them so that the fullest benefit of these fine materials , this careful , cleanly baking , this unique goodness comes to you unaltered , was the crowning triumph that gave the world Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY * * SUCCESSFUL COUNTY FAIR ( Continued from paie ; U ) AsimraciiH. l > F Welch , lit. Early Red Corn. H A Thompson , 1st. Pitrle Millet. A II Uurim , Ut. SWINE. Poland Clilua boar , oua year old aud oror , J E Sarceut. 1st. Uoir utnler one year ami over nix mouths , J T Wocd , lut : J K Sarifeiit. Scut. Sow outr year and over , J ' ! ' Wood , Int. Mow uuder oue year aud over ntx mouths , J V Wood. Sow Nix m-mtuiaud under , II C Chase , ( at : J V Wood. 2nd. Hoar nix months aud under J I ! Naruoiit , U and 2ud , Uuroc Jersey boar one yt'ar old aud over.Jolui Ketie , Inland 2nd , Duar under one year and over nix mOutliN , Cuarle * Myttou , Ut audml. . Sow one year old aud over , John Krese , Ut aud 2nd , Sow under one year and over six mouths , John Kcete , 1st aud 2nd. S w nix months aud under , John Keeso 1st aud 2nd , Hoar Hlx month * and under , John Reese , 1st : Charles Myttou , 2nd. ClicHtvr White now , one year old ami oxer , J W HntcliliiKou , Int. Hoar HX months and under , J W Hntchlllhou Ut and 2nd , ST.UCI'.S Hoar any age or breed. John Itcese 1st : C Mm Irs Myttou 2nd. How any age or breed. John Iteose 1st , II C 2nd. Sow and not less than 5 s.rfcliij ; plKs'J months old and under to show brcrdlni ; ( [ ualltles ot now. John llfest- . YOKIC SHIRKS Only some of this breed wi-rc on exhibition bv II K Chrlsman who won all the iirlws otferetl lor ) u > ( ; s ot that breed HACKS Hace No. I. i-ursc Kii ) . Daisy , owned by Charles llnriier ot ( 'alia- wav , ist ; Kid Little , OWIUM In plahf I.lttlr of llandy , 2nd ; Little Jotin \ ned by carl JtM- toiilsot irolen Iluw.ild. HACK 8 I'lTRSK * I'J Norval MiiK , Lutlu-r Miller , 1st ; Two Step. W I < MfCamlless. 2dKtlii'l Storm U C' W\i ren 3d. Hace No. ! l I'urse $10-J Hill Habcl , C i : rrtvinan of Sargent , 1st KlnK Alphonso. K J.irml ot Uaiulv , 2nd Voltoqiie , Win. SrlllnK of ( jall.i\vay , 3d. Sjeelai Stallion Hact : T'urse i75 ( ! Albert Lierda , iSt'oi'Ki1 llnylerot Callaway 1st ; Stocin Klniv 2nd. Race No. 4 I'urse JIW Norval King. Luther Miller. 1st ; I.adj \VeaM-r , Walt Urllton ot Callaway , 'ind llosco , | . 'rcd Itrltton ol Callaway , 3d.'i : not aud pact . Kace NO. ft. Uiuinlng Hace. Kn-il Hoiber , C ! . Kreutnan ot Saruent , 1st ; Hill Habcl. C. H. Freeman of Sargeut 2nd ; ordinary. H Jaxllot Handy. : < d. Hace No. ( ! . 2-W. 1'nrse itlM. Storm Klnp , K C Warren. 1st : Two Step Win Mi-i .indless 2iul : William 1'anlc. Tom C.uldy ot I. ( Hip city , : id. Relay uaceoue and halt mile. Carl JMfords 1st ; Jesse Wilson ! ! ml : II An clu'u.s ; ui. H.U'e No. s. Kree lor allI'urse t OO I.adv Weaver Walt Itrltton of callawnv 1st Allurt Ueril.1. ( leoi e HaKler ot'.i ' 2nd ; llosi-o | 'ied Hrlttou of Auselmo 3d. Clearing up Sale At Public Auction ! 1 will sell at Public Auction at my farm in Dry Valley , ten miles south of Sargent , and ten miles west of Comstoclc , on Thursday , t COMMENCING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. SHARP , The Following Described Property , to-wit : Between 500 and 600 Acres of Corn in Field 13 Head of Cattle 10 Milch Cows This corn is extra good and as Tine as can 3 Calves be found in Dry Valley. Also several stacks of Alfalfa hay. 125 Head of Hogs and Shoals 50 Head Horses and Mules These Hogs are as fine as can be found , several fine Boars among them. All kinds aud ages , including some splen farm Machinery did Brood Marcs , which have been in use in general farming. Some young stock. Including Hay Tools. I am making this sale as I am moving1 out of the country for one year , and all property advertised will be sold. flf month's time , on good approved security , with interest i at 10 per cent per annum. All property to be settled for be- fore being removed. Col. WM. PURSOLL , Mason City , ) Aucloneers | Col. W. I. BLAINC , Sclitiyler , ) " ELI ARMSTRONG , Kacc No. ' ) , Half Mile , 1'urso * 125 lilll ; King Alfonso , It r.lrarrt of Gaudy , 2U ; Kid Little , Clyde Little , 3d. Orion Trot and Pace , Purse SIM ) Joe , o\\ tied by S M Uorrls , 1st ; Ferunlo 2d. Till 11' Quarter Mile Uunnlitir Hace , I'urtte SIftO Fred Holier 1st : Voltoque. W Sally of Cnllaway 2nd ; Ualsy Itevcr , Charles Harper , of C'alldWiiy .Id. .Id.Men's Men's Hclay Kace I.ynn sulllv.-ni 1st ; pay ton 2nd ; M L Marsli S Kelay Kace Miss Wilson 1st ; Miss Williams 2nd ; MUs Jeffords ! UI. I'oiiy Hace , Purse tils Kit Pi'rilfrlrk 1st ; Sam cox 2ndVI1IU \V"I I .Id. I.utlcs Kldlug Contest Mrs Uussoui 1st , Mlts cauipbfll 2nd ; Miss .inl. Real hslalc Transfers. C. II. P. Stcminer to C. W. Harris , lots 1 , 2 and 3 in Stcuiiner's add to Ansley. $ 250 A. II. Hoffman to Jane Landers , lot 3 in block 15 , R. 13. Allen's add. to Arnold 150 Ernie P. Moore to Claude 8. Sidwell , IfiO acres in 32 , If , , 20 1200 Cbas. C. Cooper to Simon Kigby , parcel in 3 , 16 , 18 andy , 15 , IS 1300 Lincoln Land Co. to C. C. Coopar , parcel in 9 , ] 5,18. 225 Elisabeth C. Coinpton to Guy G. Couipton , 160 acres in 26 , 13 , 22 1 Frank C. Shreve to Charlie A. Walton , lots 1 , 2 , 3 , in block 3 , Jesse Gaudy's add. to Broken Bow 600 H. F. Kennedy , sheriff , to ClelliaC. Baker , lots 1 , 2 in block 6 in Mason City 652 Ivory Real to Joseph Jelin- ek , 160 acres in 1 , 14 , 19. 4000 Daniel G. Wagner to Ann Moody and Nettie Banks Iots9 , 10 , 11 , 12 in block 6 , Stevens' Ansley 1400 R. E. Brega to Edgar R. Lewis , lots 1 , 2 in block 53inCallaway 40 Win. A.Lcserve to Edward McCotnas , lots 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 m block 2 , A. W. Candy's add. to Broken - ken Bow 1750 Isaac Clark to Chas. P. Outhout , parcel in block 17 , Westerville 10 Martha A.Bradley to Marie F. Tierney , lots 15 , 16 in block 15 in Ansley 700 Lillian R. Andrews and husband to Thomas A. Newman , 160 acres in 9 , 16 , 25 1300 Dierks Lumber & Coal Co. to village of Sargent , parcel in lot 1 , in block 7 , in Sargent 400 HIGH GRADE Lumbetj a lar e assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose.from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.BRUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. B. & M. Train Schedule WEST BOUND No. 41 H:25 : pm No. 43 8:53 : a in No. 39 8:40 : p m KAST UOUND No. 42 9:50 : am No. 44 7-2H p m No , 40 , 6:53 : a m Nos 39 and 40 run between Lincoln and Broken llow only , anil not on Sunday. FreltfUt trains Nos 47 aud 43 carry pauenffer * bat are run as extras \ * Norway Nat'l.Bank to Lil lian R. Andrews , 160 acres in 9 , 16 , 25 500 Wm. Jasper Martin to R.L. Wilson , 160 acres in 24 , 18 , 17 4500 Ella Harrisonwidowto L. A. Murdy , 160 acres in 24 , 18 , iy 4000 Thad L. Parnsworth to V. Pearl Hunter.all of block 4 , in Reyner's add. to Broken Bow 3000 Ellen Busic to Hiram Cur tis , lots 1 , 2 , in block 18 , in Ansley 700 Willis Cadwell to James S. Caywood , 160 acres in 7 , 17 , 19 3200 Martha A.Bradley to Marie F. Tierney , lots 13 , 14 , in block 15 in Ansley. . . . 700 S BUSINESS DIRECTORY , 8 TLIE REPUBLICAN j : JOB PRINTING I AS YOU UK 10 IT I FRANK 3OM.B K i' : : ALL KI.NI. _ , . . 7TS..S : : Consult Mm if you want \v .lei BKOKUN Bow - BANGS STUDIO IS AST SIDE OP SQUAKK * Atreuts for Chlckerlmr , Ivare audPou ' aud Star Planu * . : : ; . : J WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY Silas A. Holcomb. Edwin F. Myers. 3 KOLCOMB Sc MYERS ATTORN 1CYS Special attention give to Mtlgated matteis , Probate matiers ana col- Itctknis. . . . - . > . . . . > OFPICi : IN M\EKS HUILD1NG J Broken How , . . Nebraska. ! . uMA.Ajl .AA * AfkA * M. AA . J. L. FERGURON Notary Public. Comstock , Nebraska. Nebraska REAL KSTATE-INSURANOE FARMS AND RANCHES FOR RENT PAMIRS DRAWN * Surveying and Plattldif NeatlylDoue. j . . . bbJk * J o - - - EDWIN MYERS INVESTMENT- SECURITIES 11HOKKK HOW , NEBRASKA HARRY KIM BALL , Practical Undertaker g& Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 3348 Oiokoauow , Mob. . .Nv DWIGHT FORD 'TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT IVAW Annour-Hnnna Block ANSL.RY - - NEBR. John S. FARM AND CITY T.OA7SIS INSURANCE AND 8UKETY 1JONDS CITY lROPJ2RTIKIS DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW Physician & Surgeon All calls promptly attended day or tiigut. PHONE 61 Office in rear of Realty Block National Shining Parlo Pllvale Chairs For Ladles Five cents every day $ I.OO A Month KVKRV DAY SHINB Clothes Cleaned Suits $ l.OO Pant s 50 Coats - SO Overcoats 65 N. T. Gadd ATTORNEY-AT-IvAW Cffioe over Watt's Music Store Phones. Office 208. Residence 209 DR. JESSE L > . OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN CALLAWAY - NEBR. Schedule of Broken Bow Mall * . eec I US FOK Tim HAST CIO8K A 8 r Train No W 8 a m Train No U . . . . i-30 a S Train No 44 , .730 p m roucuxs vox. run wmr CLOSE A Train No 43 g-W a No 41 7.'Tn n . from 9:3 ° to 103J daysd30a. ; m. to730 ; p , m.j