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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1909)
\\l \ THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNT ? . NEBRASKA * * Have You Secured Your I of the Bargains Offered in the Great Clothing Sale ' HE CLOSING out of the HE&MOET & KEE1T clothing stock on the north side side of the square is the talk of the county- People are buying their winter clothes for one half the usual out lay don't let this opportunity pass. Dollars saved are dollars easily made IV 1 Men's and young moil's suits-Coat and n J3IO. JL vests and odd coats TYi vricsirvn TVTr\ Good wearing school suits , .LJlVlSlOll 1 > IO. Sixoa 32 to 5J7 Q Men's and youngs men's suits. ft . O Suits worth $10.00 and $12.50 if 1 Yi - rfcviTr zt Men's and young men's suits. Tailored TT-I di rfcvi * JJl VlSlOll J3I O. tt up-to-date sold for $12.50 $13.50 and $15 Suits that regularly sold at i . O $17.00 $18.50 $20.00 and $22.50 Copyiigl.1. 1909 . The I IOVHC nl Kupimimci Cliicaua Boy's knee pant suits worth $3 to $5.00 SALE PRICE $1.39 Youth's odd pants worth $2 50 to $0.00 SALE PEICE $1.35 Men's wool underwear regular $1.25 and $1.50 garments SALE PEICE 98c Division No. 1 Mens Good and every boy's day hats hats 29c Division 2 All our men's and youth's hats $1.00 NO. sold at $1.50 $2 and $2.50 NORTH SIDE OF SQUARE ERMO "We Save You Money Grand Market Day Sale , September 25 , Horses , cattle , bogs , farm machinery and house hold goods will be sold on commission. List you property early. Sale begins at 2 o'clock sharp. H. A TINDER , Auct. and Mgr. Our Local News W. H. Deal went to Mexico' Missouri , last week. Arthur Hood left last Friday for Cleveland , Ohio. Arthur Case of Georgetown. was in the city Friday. Mrs. Kmuia Aubrey went to Sedalia , Missouri , Monday. Mrs. Wm. Gillings left last Saturday for Omaha and Chicago. Herb Spencer went to Judcth Gap , Montana , the first of the week. Antone Bay , Lewis Gift and C. F. Rudicell went to Denver Monday. S. Empfield and Miss Eva Einpfield left last week for Port land. Jesse E. Bradburn left last Thursday for Portland to see the exposition. Miss Ruth Jones is spending the week in Merna visiting Miss Dae Cutler. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haefelc of McKinley , were in the city for the fair last week. C. U. Richardson of Arnold spent a couple days attending the fair in the city last week. Miss Margaret J. Armstrong started Monday for Los Angeles , v. California , Joseph Weeth of Ansley was in the city Monday and made this office a pleasant call. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walton and son , Charles , left last Thurs day on a trip to the coast. They expect to be gone about a month. Ross Armour left Monday for Valpsriso , Ind , to enter school for the winter. Emory Beal , Charles Longfel low and Lief Clinebell went to , ' Denver last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brega of Callaway , have been county seat visitors for the past week. Editor Fred Bryner of the Oconto Register , took in the county fair last Thursday. Lawrence Ilollandsworlh went to Dunning Sunday evening to visit a week with his parents. Charles Smith who holds a Kinkaid homestead near Dunning went up Monday to hold it down. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. George re turned last week from Boston where they spent the summer. James Lomax went to Lincoln Tuesday to continue his work as a student in the State University. Attorney N. D. Ford of Ansley , Republican candidate for county judge , was in the city Tuesday evening. Emily Robertson went toKear uey Saturday morning to take her second year of work in the Kearney State Normal. Editor Dunn of the Callaway Cqwjier Tribune was in the county seat last Thursday for the county fair. E. E Campbell and daughter left Monday for Council Bluffs. Mr. Campbell will return the last of the week and Miss Campbel will attend school this winter in Council Bluffs. Mrs. George Turner left Tues day for a few days visit at Mason City. City.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Daily of Milburn ware in the city last week enjoy ing the county fair. J. F. Burk after a month's va cation in this city , returned last Monday morning to Lincoln. Kenneth Rublee returned to the Military Academy at Culver , Indiana , Monday morning. Ray Cadwell left Monday morn ing to become a pupil at the Baptist college at Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Insco came down from Anselmo for a few days visit at the county lair. Mr. and Mrs. Len Wilson of Merna were the guests last week of Judge and Mrs. C. L. Gutter- son. Mesdames Young , Daniels and Ford were a few of the uianj Ansley representatives who took in the county fair. Miss Orah Squires returned last Friday from a six weeks witti relatives and friends in Brooklyn , Iowa. Tom Mullins left the first of the week to assume his new dut ies as teacher in the public schools at Brewster. R. D. Slricklor , who has play ed with the Broken Bow ball team this season left Saturday for his home at Craig , Mo. Mrs. E. M. Hoagland and daughter , Miss Virginia , arrived in the Bow last Sunday night from Deadwood , S. D. Mrs. Hoagland was looking after busi ness interests here Monday and left the same evening for her home at Hastings. Mrs. A. B. Fraker who has been visiting her daughter , Miss Mabel , returned to her home at Srand Island last Monday morn- ug. Domain Ledwich left Tuesday ; or Lincoln , Omaha and Chicago. Domain expects to enter the Morth Western University at Evanston , 111. Harry Dent who has been work ing in a Kearney drug store ar rived in the city last week and is visiting his mother , Mrs. Sarah Dent. Mrs. Edward Monroe Syfcrt left Tuesday for her home at Omaha after spending the sum mer here with her mother , Mrs. Lena Maulick. Last Saturday morning John Dalton accompanied his sister , Julia , to York where she became a pupil in the Roman Catholic. Convent at that place. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Williams , who have been the guizs'ts of Mr. Williams father , II. F. Williams- left last Monday mocning for their home at Hastings. . Mrs. TCftie Bean who has been1 , the guest of her sister , Mrs. J. J. Wilson and Mrs. Joe Moly- neux the past few 'weeks , , left last Monday morning for her home at York. Mrs. M. E. Burns stopped jn. the city last week on her ira.y home from Witten , S. T > .r bo visit a few days with her sonr C F. Robinson. Mrs. Burns left- Monday morning for her hanie at Grand Island. Tom Stuckcy left last Monday morning for Boston , Massrwhcre he will become a pupil in the New England Conserratory of Music the same instit tron from which Miss Ada Bowzn gradu ated with much honor laat June. Tom will take a three years course on the violin and A oes not expect to return to Broke n Bow until the end of the three years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ( Srabcrt returned Tuesday to their home in Missouri Valley , la. They have been visiting friends west of the city. Joe Wilson and Clarence Mack- cy stopped in the city Tuesday on thnir way to Callaway to see the Callaway fidr and meet the voters of the southwest quarter. Miss Jennie Wilson who has been filling the position of com positor in the UUI-UHUCAN office for several months -went to Co lumbus Wednesday morning After a few days visit with her parents she will go to Central City. City.G. G. Guyle of Walworth was in the city for the county ftfi'r last- Friday. Mr. Guyle says tht'anti divisions are thick around Wal worth and the people of his neighborhood are not going" to vote taxes on themselves in or'lcr to boom three county seat towiiy. Mrs. D. R. Rockwell left las-t Saturday for Bell Plaine , Iowa , having been called there by the serious illnesss of her mother. Mayor Rockwell received a tele gram Sunday evening informing him of the death of his mother- in-law. He left Monday morning to be present at the funeral. Mrs. II. O. Davidson and her sister , Mra. M. J. Armstrong came down from Merna last Mou- lay. Mrs. Armstrong who has > ecn the guest of her sister for the past three weeks , left the same day for her home in Lor Angeles , Cal. Mrs. Mainmie Faris who lias iccti the guest of her pa-oats , Mr. and Mrs. William B ; uett , for the past few mouths left Tues day morning for Iicr "home in Chicago , Mrs. Faris was accoin' panied by her mother , who will enter a Chicago hospital for treatment. POR SALE. Wanting to go out of business will sell my entire stock consist ing of hardware , stoves , furni ture , barb wire , Studcbaker bugfgys , wagons and implements. Will sell or rent buildings. This is a good opening for energetic young men. Will consider an improved farm ; will sell at re duced prices until sale ia made ; will also keep stock complete. SO7 St GJJO. WILLING. Fypew rilcr Tor Sale. An Underwood typewriter , al- modt new , for sale cheap. Sec A. J. VauAntwerp. Particular Posts F I' For ! k Particular Trade \Vc just received a nice car of 4 inch round and i < jxtra split red Cedar posts that will suit the most particular trade. Also our stock of building material is complete. Look our stock over before buying1. G. L. TURNER Lumber Co.