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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1907)
. , . ' , - " ' , " - Co , , - - k ' THE SILK OF IT AL Y ' . . . " , iIi' ' " , r ; " , . \ , I. HOW AND WHERE THIS INDUSTRY I , , ' : . 'J , IS CARRIED ON. . . . . ' Provides Employment for Manyof the t Women and Children of the ' ' Sunny Land-From Co. , i ! : coon abrlc. : t. . , : : ' ' : . : 4 l ( , How many Ill les thlnlt of the won. r - . . . . , : ' . c1erful transfu1'I111\tlon through which b : " : . ' : . " the gOl en thread , the IH'ecious IIro . ' ( " ' \ . _ , tlct of the laIJOrl m ! silkworm , 11111'1t : . ' . ' r' go before the woven mutCl'iul reaches 'i , their hun s ? Yet to study the 'rnunu. : ' " , ' . i , fucture of silk , step hy step , In ever ) ' _ , : r . ' ! -.J , pllUse , from the cocoOn state until the , : . . , ' " sllk Is made Into skelnl3 ready for the ? " weavel' , Is both Interesting amI In. ' . structive. Hul ) ' stunds first In Europe " In the 13111 ; : spinning mumtfactUl'e : then . . , como France , Om'man ) ' , Austria ami I 81m In. lIungm' ) ' has enl ) ' lately tal..en l ' to the rearing of the silkworm , Eng. . ' land cannot do it on account of hcr , . . cold climate , The gl'ealest llI1rt of the r silk produced in Hnly comes from the , ( / Lomlmrc1 and Venetian regions ' : but Piedmont produces a quality o'f Dille " superior to any other , 'J'hose who have nevOl' visited an Italian slIlnningmlll c n have no ade. . ( Iuato idea of the 1I\'es led by the - : . many women ( of from 12 to GO ) 'ettrs "t of age ) em 1lo'ed , Few of us thlnlc ' of the obscure existence of these wom : f"i 1' , , < , I en when the won erful products of ; ' ; , their work arc before us , 1\Iost of UIl ! " ' splnning'111llls In ltab' are in villages or small towns , and the wOl'kers are ; ; enerally girls from the same place , ur from the neighhorlng'lIlages , , 'fheso } 100r girls earn from O cen. times to a franc a day at most ; they walk for miles to reach the mlll early In the morning , and go homo at duslt , On , their way they sing populur songs , , Ho\vever sC:1nt ) . the wages mu ) ' bo , \ some ) Ieasants are so poor that they are glad to earn them , working 12 " ' " " , . . hours a dll ' , in excessively hcated rooms , in which eyen In wintel' the heat Is oIJpresslve , The cocoons , when fIrst sent to the spinnlng.mill , are sIJread over n table to bo selectec1 , From the hl'ighl 'ellow . cocoons n ver ' fine quaUl ) ' comes , and i , from the faulty ones , of cou\'se , an Inferiol' quality. When the choice IE \ mac1e. the cocoons are washed In hot wato\ ' , and llre leCtIn It for Bome time . , to get "cooked , " AftOl' the washln / ' - , , t. , , ' , \ ; - , . , , , " . " . . \ - \ ' , . ' ' I I \ OfF. ? JK/L.Jf Z'z , to find at the end or his long - , . cruise to the coast o [ Honduras ? lie _ . elt.pects : It will bo the Inttm' and Is hoperul of loading his lIttle vessel 1. down with the $6,000,000 and sailing , back homo to enjoy llis eatlily gotten wealth , Dill Small Is master , mate i anc1 owner of the 1I1oly ; : yawl Cath r. . ine , moored at. foot of 'rwent.thlrd ' \ . , sb'cet , South 13rooltlyn , It won't be the fault of his seamanship , skill , ) Ierslst. cnce or pluclc if he doesn't finally come upon the $6,000,000 in Spanish gold burled a. centttr ) ' ago by "Black. , , beard" Latrobe , on a tiny , unlnhnb. ' islatHI off the coast or 1I0n uras , It has taken him ollltt years to get tlte ship and the mouoy to make tlto ' ' tr ) ' , and now ho's ready. If ho I3UC' ceeds , It will he where others have f lled.Iany : have ulmad ) ' tried for the treasure umied b ) ' that lhroat.cut , I tlng , shlIslnklng ) buccaneOl' , Latrobe , once the ( CITOI' of the Reas , until jus , tlco put a 1'0)10 ) aronnd his necl ; : and swung him err Into etcmlt ) ' , 'fhlnk of It-$6OOOOOO In Spanlsl ) donuloons , jewels ? nl1 1I01ld ; ; old altar ornaments waiting for the man whu CUT ! find them ! And Small , of Lancashire , gnglanl1 , knows that fillO ! . lIe tlU ) ' ! ! ho has the longltudo and latittlllo of the Islatll1 and R chart with the trlanglo o [ ma , hogany trees , 'fheso 10cI\ted , ho Catl go straight to tbo place where the , . II ' ' ; . ' , , amI "cooklug , " the cocoons m' ( ' )11I1 ) In "uattl'uscS" rOl' "brushing , " When this opel'lttlon Is accoltlll1s11C'd , lho I cocoons , with their silk thl'cmlR form' Ing a kind of skein , are Illacel1ln ether uuslns , Itnd the wcavlng work bolns. , As In nil lho other ol'Cl'ntions , these huslns contain hot watcr , ntut there Is n wOI'kwoman nttcndlng to cneh ono of th ( > m , After this Ihat hath the silk thread Is comilletcl ' ( > tachecl front the cocoon , and , accurnt ( > I ) ' uld , cd h ) ' tlm workwoman , is wonnd l'01ltlll n. splnnlng.wheel , fOI'mln ! ; II sk ln. When the skehta nro rend ) ' \ ho ) ' nt't ) taken Into nnothOl' I'oom , WhN'O they are careCnlly 100kell over nnll got rcnd ) ' for wcnvlng. Lasll ) ' UIO sIclnA ; : are taken Into the room where the I Preparing the Skeins of Silk , thread Is treated , The thread is wound round n splnning.wheel wllh n mano. meter , which is put Into motion by : \ handle , 'fhe skeins are at last twist. ed and thrown into hallkets , After be. ing careful ! ) ' weighed they are sent to the weaving.mms , All these ollerallons are for the finest silk , used only for expensive matel'ials. 'rho coursOl' silk , which 15 used to utl : e cravats , shawls , bedco\'ers , and som < 1l1me8 ladles' ulouses- blouses that f I apllearnnce are of the finest qualit ) ' , hut arC' done for after a fortnight's wear-Is treat. ed somewhut differently , And whut becomes of the inllttstrlous IIUlo worm , the pullent , untiring creature that for man ) ' da's has worlwd h\1'(1 : ( to con' strnct Its golden prison ? Bven after I death , after being coolted and 1'0' cooked In boiling watCl' , the worm Is worth something : It mal < es an excel , lent manure for hemp and nnx pl n , tatIons. - " f . . SEEKS PIRA TE GO D AMERICAN SAILOR PREPARING I ' , ' : EXPEDITION TO HONDURAS , I . . ' " Believes He Can Locate Place Where $6,000,000 In Spanish Ddub. i I loons Were Burled Cen. turles Ago , Is it n case of seeltlng the pot of i gold at the end of tlte rainbow , 01' is It 1'eal burled treasure which an Amerl. can sa 1101- named Dill Small Is going I I treasure Hes , : ; 0 { eet below , buried hi quicksand , As Ule story goes , the pirate La trouo on the night ueforo. his execu lion at Kingston , , Jamaica , placell lr the hands or a bo ) ' who had beer forced into service on his ship a pacl ; : et of palerS ) , and these it seems he IwptIntil as an old man he c1led or board a ship In the Pacific ocean , Inte the hands of a ) 'ounl ; Dr , Davillson who attClllled him In his last Illness this old sailor placell the pacltct 0 : Impel'S , Thirty 'ears afterward , hi 1888 , Dr. Dayldson HUed out an ex peditlon and visited the SlOt ) wherl the gold Is supposed to be hmiell. bu it waG found that the qulcltsandl bafiled their erCoI'ts and Dr , DavliisOl and his crew wem forced to retlu'l home empt ) ' handed , Eight ) 'earslapsed , CorneHw Healy had heen with the eXlodllion ) and ho tried to get up another one h 1906 , but 1m couldn't raise the money And so nothing was done until 'V. II Small , a Lancashire man who hal spent most of his life In the Unitec I States , got hold of the packet. ' He wasn't o , but ho man aged to get enough together to bu : the 4G.00t : rawl Catherine two year : . : Tt.AN'Ttc , CCAI Map Showing Course to Be Taken b , Capt. Small , ago , She was In prett ) ' ba condltlot having been laid up fpr several ) 'oarl But Capt. Small ot to work with hi own hands an finall ) ' he had Itet' f to cross the Atlantic , Ho oven a tended the Liverpool Nautical colleg to get a further knowledge of na\'igl lion , Work an stud ) ' took nil ( eighteen months , tflten he war. read to I1tart on his journey of 7,1:1.1 : ! mile starling ( or the Hon uras coast IJ way o [ : . .ew YOl'lt , In his HUlo ) 'aw with ono man , Angus Horn , as crm Japan Gets Bulk of Lumber Trade. During } 90G , 1,800,000 reet or Ame I lean htmucr wus Imported Into Ne1 chwang , the value helng $38,736 gel I 'fho tota1 Itlmhel' Imported amount < to 17,497,857 feet ; \'ah1 ( ' , $302G9li gel , The bulk o [ the trade during the ) 'C'I was callturcd' h ) ' the JapanC'se , wh by theil' great activit ) ' and nearne of ' hall ' thc GUPIII ) , things Ilracticall L own wa10st : of thl > Japanese IUI ucr Import d came from Korca , , 1 , - , " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I SPENT FREELY IN PFtOSPEniTY. Speculator Scorned to Make Provision for Lean Venrs , - The ] ale Townsend Percr , specu , ] ator mH1 promoter , who Iltlutl' and lost moro limn one fortune In the course oC his lifo , uscd to uo fond of l'eleatlll ) some of his 111othOl"8 wittllJlsms' his ' ' IIl'ou ht atJOut h ' o"pellso , gellel'all ) ) his oxtravagallcm durin , ; his IINlmis or prosporH ) ' . Once Pet'C ) ' hlul drlvC'n Comln.haud for 1'enr , when nn un , ' " " ' ' fO\ ' COI'ttutatc "deal" mudo it llecessnt' ) \ him to reduce expendlllll'eK nml Roll his horses , on which occauloh I3ho saht to him : " 'l'ownscnd , don't 'ou thlnl. Umt It would bo helter to drive ono horse Cour ) 'cnt1 ; , instclld of COUl' horses ono : rellr ? " Another time , when on the \'erlje or finnncllli crash , Perc ) ' still owned 1\ conRhlemble stable , IInd save no out. want sign or 11eCIIIIIlr ( ) ' mnhlu'rass. ment , Ills Iltothm' mot IIn 0111 Crl'tIl1 of the Camlh' IIhout this period , who congl'lttulatecl h'r on h't' son'a HUC' ces In lifo , , "r am gll\ll that 'lownsend III doltl [ ; 80 well , " said UIO Crlend , "Yes , IttdC'I'd , " renmrkml the old la ) ' . ' ' 'J'OWIH-C\lIt ! has six horSHR IInd seven ( 'nt'l'lll's nnd eight dollnt's- l1a1'11el"s Weol ; ) ) ' . The Foot and Door Trick. In bill booleVOI'I > In Oreat Citl's , " the II1shol1 of London wrHos : "You have often uot enl ) ' to leurn hut to 11r1\CtiCO what may be described as . . , , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HAD NCI TIME FOR GALLAN r Y. Occtltlon WHJ One (01' Sweetheart to Wondars : . A wl'llor who Ithlt oven ol'ltlnnrli ) ' clon'r clln mllko wontlerfullntoresl , lug storlc ! ! out or surr.m' ) ' IIUtl nstrono' I 1) ' , llt'enllt-lo tll080 HUlijects nre "ca- "alro to lho mtl'rlll. " Wo love to 1'o\'el In m'stel'h's , 'fho nshonolltel' telll ! us that thl'l'e 18 n aclenco sO o"act I\S ustronollt ) ' : nnlt as I assume that O\'CI' ' line bullo\'c8 the weird state' ment thn ! . the sun has just coughed uti a strel\k of IInmo thllt tra\'oll'd 10,000 miles n minute anll Itttnhll'11 I\n olova. tlon oC 1lt'lIrl ' 3 O,000 mllcs , You could al1ttosl Ihht 'IJ\It' chlIrette on the tip or thllt , AntJthol' IItntoment : "A gll\nt nC'gro , worl < lng In II ( 'ttt , had 1\ cllttnl ; : ( If Cl\l'th fl\ll upon him weigh. ' Ing ei ht tons. 'l'h ( > ImllllH IInltollclj him and IIlJullsheli his hUl\rt out with such force that It. flow through the alt' a dlslauco of 1)7 ) HI fcot , When wo Illelt'd It UI' It WIIS bontlng nt the \'Uto of 63 to the mlnuto IInd Its 11Illsalloul ! contht\led for thirteen minutes. " I guesK WU all hollevo that , too I - - - - - Cgrrylng CommerclaJl3m to the Grave , trho vl llm' CI'om IIb\'OIl1t IItTlvJul ; from the , hlttlcstoWleXI)081t1ou ) \Vcut IIboul lIeoln Now \'orlc , IIftN' which ho declarell thllt no ono neell le\1.\'o \ t hnt cll ' to vlllit au ) ' I xponlllolfu \ ' there waK 1II0re tu bo seen than' ! t hun nn'whel'l1 else for the neells , comCort IInd entortalnment or mnn I Ct'om the crl\\lIo to the g\'l\ve , IIlbelt the crl\ll1o i now 1\ moro flgu\'o of . . . . . . . ' - I. ANOTHER INTERNATIONAL' MARRIAGE " 'I ) / , J7.J55 " . . . S//0J7.T8 Mr. anll11'8 , 'l'heodore P. Shonts have announced the engagement of theIr daughter , 'I'ltemlom , to Due do Chaulnes ot Do 1'lcluln } ) ' or Fmnco. Soclet ) . has long expected to heat. tlto definite announcement made. 'fho cause of lho delay In the ) 'O\ml ; cou. plo's 1'lan8 , It Is thought , was' duo to the Olpositlon ) to the match on the )1I\rt ) of11' , Shonts , who csired that his daughter sltould become tlte wlfo of some ) 'oung American , " - the 'foot and door trick. ' It Is rulna. tlon to the boot and sometimes hurts tlto toe : but It consists in rapidly hut : quick ! ) ' passing the foot In the mo. ment the door Is opened , In onler to secure , at an ) ' rate , a few minutes' parley. " As to what may happen he writes : "After long hesitation It will bo opened b ) ' a mUe girl about half n foot ; and then you will heUl' a. distant volco from the washtub in UtO rell.r : 'Well , Sally , wbo Is It' ! ' 'rhon Sally will answer at 'tho top or her voice : 'Please , mother , it's religion. ' You . . . . .iII require all your presence or . mind to capo with that. " The time came , however , when every door was thrown wide open to welcome "our blshopt' How Wellman Will Tell the Pole. "How will ) 'OU know when you have rea11) ' crossed the pole ? " l-mld a Wash. ington debutante to Wallel' Wellman , "Oh , that's easy , " respondel1 Mr , 'Vollmau , carelessly , "Tho north wind will become n south wlnd-Success Magazine , In the Prevailing Mode. "The Wheezol' Itas got II scoop at last. " "Eh ! What is It 1" " 'fhe soclet ) ' editor's new hat.- Clevelllnd Plain Dealel' , , J .DOC.lE . : : _ HHHUU _ spcech , being tauooed by modeI'I science In the bringing U ) ) or UII infllnt , According to the curious fasll ion of New Yol'lt , the visitor WIIS thm taken to visit the cometel'ies In UII vicinity. Ncar tlto ent\'ance to ou' ' or them n 110rlst does a thriving trade Entorlng here the visitor IInd bin ef cert were comlucted through a wlhlol ncss of blooms by a polite salesmal tt > a opa.rtment In the rellr , whereto to the 'vlsitorJa afJtonshmeut , was : row of miniature grnvos decorated II different st'les IIccordlng to the em tomer's desire. "This , " said the pc lito salesmau , "is myrtle ; this Iv ) and this Is the plain green nod , " ' 1'h vlsllor gazed ht wonder whllo Ito c1 ( clnred it had been truly said Amorlc carried commercialism oven to th srave-N , Y. TlmcR , Lucid , But Wrong. When the steam englno was Im'en Qll a learned gngllst'unun wrote a boo In which he set forth his theory thD It would he hnposslule to propel a VOl sel aCI'OSII the ocean hy steam Ilowe 'rho wrltiug was lucid , the reasonlu was correct , but the premises wel wrong , und the I1rnt volume of this e : celleut work that came to Amorlc wus brought over lu a steumho'a thereby demonstrntiug that ouo Cae may caM' ) ' away volume of theor , I TEMPORARY SAPIT L OFNEW STATE - . - - " " ' - - - - - - - - - : u'l The Logan County Courthouse In Guthrie , Which Will Be Used as the Ten pOri'\ry Statchouse ; of Oklahoma. . - - - . - - - - - - - - , - - - - - . - - - _ - - - : SI-lYOKAPI PHOTOED CREATURE OF AFRICAN JUNGLED , SNAPPED DV CAMERA. - , For First Time In History This Rnre Anlmnl Has Deen Seen Alive by a White Man and HIG Picture Taken. - 'I'hnt intC'rcstln cI'calllre , lito olnpl , nlllod to the HII'affe , anll dl3CO\'orod IJ ) ' Sir 1IIu'1' ' ,1ohnston on the Clntorn horl1or of the Congo tMest ( ncar the Somllkl tl\'l1l' , Which joint ! the Albert Nynmn : and the AIIJOl't J.o lI\\unl luliO ) . 1111(1 ( IWVN' bl'l'n observcd and sllllll d b ) ' n whltC' mall In Its 1I\'Ing IItl1to until 11\0 months ugo-whol1 11 'outig cl1lf olcltlll IIbout 11 month old WIIR ohtalncll 1. > ) ' Slgl' ( JUholtl lit Bnmbllll , 011 the gvelle 1'1\1' ( llbout100 milt. ! ! ! 110rth. wClIl of the o1'l lnnl loculltr ) . 'I'ho sllns ntlll hones or the op:11 ! which have bc"n 1I0nt 10 l nHlllnd hnvo Il1vl11'll1bl ) ' h,1outnlnell br trnvolCl'1I I rom the nnllvos0 11I10rtlll11nl\ nllt mallst III1K shot 1111 ultllill nl' C\11 8e'n one nll\'l' , 'rho'l'c1 SOI'VCll1t oC Lleutenllnt Uo'd Alexander flaw anll tl'l\clOll COl' t\\'o Iht'Ith ! natives nil oltalli on the'cllo 1'lvel" nC1I1' the spot fl'om which the Ilhologl'nph Cl'om which 0\\1' plcturo WitS maclu comes , 'rho nlltlvcdll' ' ; n lilt t1'l\P fll' it ntlll sllent'ed It. 110)11 AIl'xnmlol' lillt not Sl10 It untlt It WIIS c.leUII. The t.lmllllt ' of the okapi , Ils 1'1\1'11) ' , IInd the 1'0' motuncsa of lhe Cungo forest , tlte fl'lnges nf which It Inhuhltfl , uro the I'CIISOnH wh ) ' whlto mon hu\'o hlthel'tu not scen the 01\11)11 ) nllvo. Slcclnl ) Int'rcst thOl'oCoro attachcf to Signor Hlbottl' Ilhoto'l'I\ph. ' 'J'hh ' 'oung calf WIIK brought. III br u\livef : to the stocl\l1l1t'd nnd welJ.u'ovltll ) ! ( Hot , lIement III lJamhllll lust April , It WIH IIbollt u month nlll , IlIlIi hetweel1 tw\ : IIncl thl'ce feel hhh , ACtel' IIvln , ; 11 1'0\\ w'elts In cl1ptlvlty It clled , hilt It If not at 1111 1111)I1'obnblo ) thlll n Hvo Apecl mell will before long ho HUCCOI\JCIII1 ltlannHell , IInd II1l1lto Ita nllllent'I\tlCo h some of the zoon of 0\\1' hU'HO cltlet ! 'rho Itl 1cully will ho 10 flnll vogotnul ( food which will suit the IJCCUIlIlI' tuste oC thin forent.dwelllng rnmlnnnt , wltl .Its smllll , lIollcnlo f'lmt teeth , lIullel only to C1'Ollllnl. ) ; ) 'oung nnd soft vegc tatlon , 'rhere Is 110 c1ou1lt thnt the P'gmiel oC the Huri f01'est use the numo 0 "OIcnpl" Cor tltls nnlmal , "I hnvc IIhowl the Ilhoto of the okllill nnd nlso hnnd of the sl1'llled skin nnd tlto sluffel specimens in the Nutul'l\l Histol'y mtl scum to the little IJCOlllo from tit , COllgo uI'ought to London uy Colultc - - IIn1'rhlOlt , " tm'R Sit. nll ' LUlkNtl'r ! I " 'fhe ' nt once lUul hl\'nrlnbly , In 1'(1 pl ' to the question 'Nlnl' ( What In this 1) 1I1t ' , 'Okllpl. ' Oil the a tJll' t' , h11l1l1 , the lIntlvos of lho Iltrter rnc\ ) In the Hurl IlIstrlct-acCOl'ltlll' ' { tu Mlljor Powell.Cottou-call this onltnnl 'InltRhl. ' 'rho natives I1hO'11 Bl1mhllll ( I V'lIo l'lver ) , who [ lrO not of tho' PnI11) " rIlCO , cull It ' 1I111ul11ba. ' nr cordlnp ; to Lloutenallt. Boyd Alcxnn. 1101' , ' } 'lw w01'11 'Uto , ' or ' 13ut ( > , ' lIalll , to lJo uIlIeli ) ) h ) ' some flC Ih ( ' pnmlclI Oil the NllOt to the Hurl okapi , mellU ! ) merelY 'mcal' or lIC'fJh-l1nll 11IIl1ell \ fot' 01\11111 lIeRh 01111) ' , olhor ment , "Ono I emnrkablo illusion with regard - gard to the olUtll1 cxllits umon ! ; these whll 11I'0 ( : ul'lous uhout natural hlut01'Ylf matt < 'rl1 , but , IInhlsl1'l1ctcd , ht 11 l1ub. Ihtell tone of voice , liS tllOuSh rcronlnl ; USE R.DMAN ROADS I MOTORISTS IN ENGLAND _ FIND THEM EXCELLENT HIGHWAVS , Built by the Conqueror : . of Engl\nd Centuries Ago They Are Found to Be Even Bettcr Thzm : the Modern RoadG , 'rho t'tt 11111 devcloiling oC molot'lu ! ; hils raised lho ( ) uestlon of gootl roalls oVe\'where \ , and In 1 n1.11It1l1 , strange an It ma ) ' scem , It hat beeu discovered - . - . . ' - . , - . , - . . . A Stretch of the Roman Road Near Haltwhlstle , Northumberland. that the best road hullders were the I1ncient Homans , who o\'erran the lal. 'and and coustructed their 'hhhwll'S to all parts of the Isluud , Most of those roads have been lost : and forgollon because with the do\'olopment o [ the centuries the country has grown away from these ancient highways , But . with the coming uf the motor car the need or good straight roads hus been realized , and some thoughtful Individ. ual of un Investlgntlng lurn of mind has traced out these old and almost forgotten rends und SCl'lously Ilrol1Oses that they bo utilized us motor slIced. ways , Some or the old big maps or Eng. land show these roa s atHl malte it 111aln that Bnglandva \ ! ! covcred with I a verltablo nelwork of slralght Homan highways , 'I'hcso roads foil Into dls. repair and dlsuso when the building or new towns oCf the routes necousltated the leaving or them by theh' users to get to these pluces , Says a writer In 'fho Car : "Tho uest known eXIUltilio o < o of ono or these road6 Is the great 'Watllng Street. ' I very motorist-who docs not 11 vo otornall ) ' on the Hlpley road-Imows how from London this road runs almost stl'llight through St , Alullns , D'unstahle and Towcester till It comes to a IIttio place called Wee , don. Aud 'hero , because most people , I sUPlJOse , wanted to go to Coventr ' 01' lJIrmlllgham 01' Warwlclc , tbo l'oa1 [ )1 now turns off to the left , and anI ) ' a , ; little IIIIW , that ( ! omes perllousl ) ' near ti. to being II grass ) ' ono , Ieells the dlrcct 1) course the Homaati IIrranged 1111lt ) ' centurll'H before , "P-ut If olte ) HH's'verc3 unll Collows tlllUo lane to nhmt six lallos Ollst of Huh ! ) ' It turns Inlo a rmut or sorts again , and tJ'n , once IIO'O are , n. spect.uule tboroughfaro , It bccomq a . . H. . . , " , , > on _ ' . , 'ON . . . " , , " - Flrct Photograph of : t Living Okapi. The Calf Is About a Month Old. r tQ a fJn\1relt m'Rtery , the ) ' say to me , I 1111 wo loole at the ntufred sl < lns In the museum , 'I fJllPI'0KO thew i8 no doubt 1 that It 18 Il h'brlll ; a CI'OSS betwecn a I zehm and IIntololle-o\ ' did you say , glraffo ? ' It IK lu v\llu \ thnt I have )1ut ) UI a sleclul ) Illhel wm'nlng thu ohser- vllnt IIgalnst. this 11ollllla\ ' hut ten a' clO\\I \ ; l1'I'OI' . Only 1fl.'w wcets ago an eminent 1I00'son insisted to mil . that he WUtl rhltt In hold In , ; the olm)11 ) to bo Il hlSUtl' Jlalut'llo--n hybrid , oWh ' , there Is no room for dOllbt. ahout It , ' ho ! 1I1111. 'Yoll can aeo the 7.ehm coming uut In the strlpcs 'on \ hit ; legs , Utllt ) 'ot ho hits the head lint' ' hooCt ! or nn untoloIO. ) ' As a matter or fuct , no h'b1'1I18 lire Imo\Vn to occm' at 1\11 \ IUnon , ; terrestrial anlmnls In n , Htato of nuttu'o , " . . . hlghwny between 1IInclclay and Nlln- eaton towns , leaveH 'l'umworth on Ity ' and uftel' allnOlt I'lght , unco moro ; lusltlg Itso1f npal' LlchHelcl blllzonn wide agllin over Caunoelt Chase nOlI flnlshe ! ! 11)1 ) as ono of the , finest roadu in Ule 1Illgdom ; : all the wny to the )110118 ) city of Shl'ows ltt' ) ' . "it I : ; oay ! to llIulorstnnd why itA glOl'Y dellnl'led-hoforo the udvellt or motol's-at 'Veedon , From 'l'uwcCtltel" to Shl'e\\blll' ' lhOl'o III hUl' ' \ \ ( ; h' a town or vlllnge of hU)1Ol'lancn ) on Itu rOllte , while the llh'minghum I'oad Is hcr1'lng. honed with lJoJtllons ) towns , AmI HO liS thol'o'US no 'uo : In l'unnlng empty coaches alung lIeuel'to road ! ! they weut the olhel' WII ) ' , nn au dlatancl'8 I wore too gl'eat fOI" locnl traffic to 1.00)1 ) It going liB a hlghwlI ) ' , it fell Into dls. , und serve ani ) ' aal \ I1la e ror n glorious gallop ove\ ' the grass , \ " ' 1'hero uro } Jlentr of other Homan : I'oads , u ed In places anlt then ylng uway Into luncs and llUtha and oven ) II'1\'I\tO drives. I have bum pod nlon them Holng to shoot vartridges In Cautul'ldleshlrc , llUshed my way along them COI' gruss ) ' miles on the top or the lendllls , mot. them In Sussex , 011 SaJlsuury )1laln ) , und there Is hardly a. road oul or any town onplng In 'cester' that does not start on the fpundatlqn or these proml legacies or I Cae nr'lJ legions , "I do not pretend lhatevory noman roud lea s fl'om wll < 1l'O tme Itllo where ono wants to go , h tt , beginning with Watling Street , an going on with the great 'Fosse Wny' anll the Pilgrim's road , new avenues for 's)1eed ) without. dlaaster' could UO opened , the narrow suuurbs oC Ilrovlnclal towns could bo freed greatly from througl1 motor traffic , new districts could uo toured , and , In the I'emaldng of these arteries , tlte unem)1lo'ed ) coul ho fill' moro usefully elll)1lo'ed ) tltl\n In } ) lantlng , cnuhages nnd selling )1ictm'e ) postcard : ) of lhelr sleeping quarters , Iot ! motorIsts - torIsts would not grumble at n rovlval or the old turnpllto s'stem on these roadll If eortaln privileges as to free. dam from ridiculous 1I0l1co traps 11.1111 such 1I1w absurdltlcs as are practlcel ! on tltem were given : but for nonmotol'- 16ts the chlor mt\'lInlage gained would be In the a\'l\l1l\blenoss oncomoro of the ordlnur ) ' roads Cor the purpose they have ueen used for during the past cen lurj' oC IlrovldlltJ ; a Ill1n round for children , which luttm' reason is , of courSe ' ' ' ' , 'wrlt sarlmsllck. Den ely Popula ed Ccuntriea _ AccordIng to the latest stutlsU s the pOIJttlaUon of the 'Gorman omph'o ia 60G05lS3 , The aVt'I'\gl1 density or IlolHlll1l1on IK : WOI : to tIh' fjlJIIUl'O mile , ftS IIg"lust : ! 8 In the l'nltt'd Stutes , Saxolt ) ' Is El'eatlr ct'Owded. Its 5,789 HClllare miles contain 'l , 02,30 : ; pooplo. 01' an a vcmgo or 778,0 , ChC'mnit con. talns 1OG. ' ) Iorsons to the square mile. malclnG It ono or tIlO most denlloly pOlb ulated districts or the \\'orl\t ,