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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1907)
r- " . . - . - l' " " . ' ' ' ' ' : .L = J"'r' ' ' "IT-O QU ter 6 unty ttoPllbliOan.j . ON It DOIJ.AR PUR1 < AR. j AI > VI RTISINC ; HATHS. Where matter tl et or wood ba oe'c ' < : trotYllefi n lint , 'rlce IIr U Olltfilor / IlIch. lnlt'oCo'III11I1 ' ' , ror each III ertioll , two or moro hlRorlloll8. Specln'lofiltiOIl ' / , Alliitio IIiRortlllll. 15 celltslor / Inch. 1IIetn' ' base electr08 , tWoor moru t'meR ' , 10 centR I'er Ilich. l'aymelils to he lIIado ht ol mch nlollth. Locnl n.lvertl hllt 5 celltR per 11110 each IIIRor. I . \Ion. mOllth. Cards on r t ' , .alto . ( , ( ) centA ter Ilich tIer I , Notice or chllrch ( aln. AoclahleA nnd enler. I . tnlnmentR . where 1II01l0Y IA Charlted , oncatl fa teR. Death nollceA rree , hair III. " lor VUh/lRhh11l' / ohltnRr ) ' 1I0ceR. ( ( Cnrd or ThankH , 50 c' , ' . r.eltnl lIollccs nt rat /lrovlded / by RtntliteN or . NebrnHka. " " Hoclot ) . notlcOARllltlo'lItloIlA ' , ollo.ha. t ' . ! , es WcddhlI'lIotlcell Iree. hntr prien tor ' :111 II IIreAelltR. - _ _ -J lItere.i nt Jlrukcli JloIV. NehraAka , lor trallA. ' 1llsRlolIllI the Uliited HtnteR lIIa.IA . nt HCCOIIiI Cll88 ratcR. . - - - - " - - . - - - , - - " - - D. M. AJ\fSHJtHlty , - Publishcr ClIAS. K. BASSWf'f , - - Editor I - - - - - - - - - - - Thursdar , Dec. 19 , J907. 1 . ! ' ! 'here 'is a strong spirit of political unrest abroad 111 the Jand. 'rhere is always more .or p ' less of such leaven working in the political loaf , but at timcs it IJ comes to tbe 1urface and moves Of. ] the wbole mass. Whcther it ' ' will at tbis time result in a politi- 1' cal upheaval-as did when" s ( I Cleveland was so unexpcctedly elected , is for the succeeding II year to prove. Among the more $1 conservative leaders of the repub- repub40 licall party this fact is realized , 40 and to this more than allytbing else is their desire for the lot re- nomination of L ooseveJt. 'l'hat $ . ' " . the mass of the people are satis- fied with Roosevelt is clear , but nCI $ ' " they are doubtful of any Qther - ( name , even of ' ! 'aft , who is sup- posed to be tbe heir apparent. supGc ' 'rhe cam es of this unrest arc not in too certain or well definecI. It is 1 something Wee the recent panic h7 : Vh in the money marJeet-nobody knows just wh ) ? , but every body ( is WL afraid of something or other. , But the effects of tbe political tw ; unrest are just . as certain as those oft b e monetary situtation. WI ; These may not be pleasant facts SIS fr the. republican party to fac ; , C clther In the whole sint country or In . (1f state of Nebraska , but that pari t eY"are facts is apparent to the R most casual observer. What can Wh be done S101 or what may be done to overcome this B tbrcatenc1 ! earth quake we do 110t at this time at- Wh tempt to forsce or disc"ss. That at51S ( it means something to those who H have " C 1\ been "running " \ things" berebioc tofore IS certain. Whetber they will head , and if they head will PI be able to' help , are things of the Mul future. $350 HI There is more or less astonishDi tt ment over the seriousness with tev wbich some of tile higher officers . . .1101 of the army have discusscd the a question of conscription as a { method whereby to fill the depleted - " . pleted Tanks , of enlisted men. WI . The alternative is higher pay. f The army must be keep up to the standard of numbers is essential. /0 / ] Paper companies and "skeleton- 1 . . , bcd owmands"-all head and $ _ SO.I no body-cannot perform those IIu services for which the regular JoseI ; , \ army is needed in times of emerg- ency. Desertions alld refusals to _ _ enlist have reduced the ranks , ' ! .woefully of late , but the faIlure ; \ I of recruiting' officers-witb the inducements at their command- to secure an adequate supply of original enlistments , is at the root of the ' ' arJny's trouble Announcement that the president ana republican leaders ill cOllg- ress arc fairly well agreed that a general horzontal uplift ill pay should and must be made , ought to be followed by public SUpport. Objections upon the score of economy are not worth consicIera- t on , and partizan objections ought to be IJ futile. The army is a non-partizan institutation , ever has been and al will ways be. Both unreasonable and unjust is it to expect a soldi"r-however raw a recruit he may be-to perform - form his manifold and often severe dutie1 ! , to venture his life and shed his blood , upon occasions , for a hire so pitiful that any ditch diger I or Dago section - tion laborer recei Yes more. Let us hope the army increased pa , } ' il1 when , it comes up for hearIng - Ing , be accorded prompt and cordial consjderation. - , - " Recent developmc.nts ill court , proceedings indIcate that John D. Rockefeller doesn't intend to put a check for $29,000,000 ill Uncle Sam's sox. I The fact that t. "Louis has , less saloons than a year ago may be one reason that citJ failed to secure he democratIc national conventIon. ( It will on be time for the ' , feliows impersonating San t a Clnus to hover too cJose 1'0 tbe rees and get burned up. - V- _ l 1 -'dw. _ - ' ' ' ' ' : : ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' 1iI " ' 'f- - : - : ' . . . , , . . ; ' _ i A Jlair . . Dressinq Ncarly cvery OI.lC likes n fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manageable - able ; to Icep it from being I too rough , or from splitting 3t the ends. Something , too , thnt will fced thc hair at the same time , n rcgulnl. hair-food. WelJ-fcdhairwill beslrongand will remain where it belongs- 1 on the head , not on the comb I ! 'l'hn hCRt , Jlnd 01 n tcnthnonlnl " 001.1 ! . .r "vcr Dbty . " ( . ; & . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' < . _ . . . . _ . _ . . _ yoarB. A i , ' 1ofado bv.r.o. , AI rno. . r.owell , MA" . \ AllO IU,1nutaoturor or I A ' SAlI3APAnrLLA. .1 1'11.1.3. I& .a'll ' e fS & . , . . } CIIWRY I > [ crom. ' - . . . . ' , ; , u , . . . II " ' _ . . . . . . . . . . -"S-r.o. , , , . - - - Real Estate Transfers. n. F. Shipley to O. D. JameH , arcel in 3-15-23 , $2500.00. Martin W. ' 'l'h mas to Jessie : opkins , 80 acres in ( J-1S-19 [ 200.00. Madison Brown to Virg-ie D. homasoll , ] 20 acres in 27-8-21 ] , 1000.00. Martin W. ' ' I 1'holl1:1s : to Miles optdns,80 acres in 9-1S-19 800.00. Jesse Hopki ItS f 0 Miles Hopkins acres in 9J J S-1 ( ) , $600.00 J. A. Moore to Clarence Macley ; 7 in block 1 ( , j n Ansley , 7S.00. A. T. Crtm to G. Nausel , 240 res in sec. 21 and 28-16-2S , 700.00. ; Iara M. Greer : lllll husband to orgc Greer , lot 20-21-22 and 23 block 31 in Callaway , $ SOO.OO. dmund C. Sirock to J lvin L. , rquis , 160 acres in 14-13-17 ' 00.00. : has. D. Whaley to Hey W. laley , 320 acres ill 14 and 15 15-23 , $2000.00 lddie M. Whale ) ? to Roy W. lalcy , 1,0 acres ill 14-1S-23 , 00.00. . : la ude A. Currie alld Keo , both , ; -Ie to Marg-aret J. Wi tlct1levcr eel in 10. ] 9-18 , $300.00. - ' oy W. Whaley to Chas. D. ale ) ' , 160 acres in 14-1S-23 , / JO.OO. irdie L. Whaley to Chas. D aley , 160 acres in 13-1S-23 )0.00. ) enry Guggenmos to Gertude I lorris , S , lot ( , and 7 in . . . k 4 in Sargent , 5900.00 _ tter R. Mullen to 1\1. S. Mc- - len , 160 acres in 28-15.23 ' 0.00. it ( oward L. ( { eer to Joseph F. mar , lot 7 and 8 in block 6 J' ens and Wood add. to Ansley 0.00. I 01 Illes Cunnillgham to Walter ad fIl , 160 acres in lot 10-13-21 I 100 D J : llialll ' 1' . Hand to Ii'rank 1\I. Rc I , 120 acres in Sec. 1 and 12- ' , $1200.00. L' . n. Hill to H. E. Sharper , ani I in block 16 In Mason City ad4 00. J I'J gh McBurnie , widower , to I' t a _ h Walter Kin ree , block 23 alt - , . . . . - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' . . - ' ! / . . ' - - , . .w. . . . . . = v " " - . " 'J. " _ " " " " " " " ' ' ' . . . . . ' - " - illiiI/1 lli'1111" ' --'rlUt t.llli rJli.b m1. - - - - fI. - . - ' ' - 11. 11 1J1.- "q-----1 - - - - - - - - Christmas . . ! ' .Trees , I. WR.EA THING I I ' CANDY" PEANUTS , FRUIT CAKES , - . XMAS CANDLES , . PLUM PUnnING ; " , -r Eagle Grocery. - . . . . ' 'V l .av arranged to have OYSTE'RS OUI' Uhrstmas supply of . oysters come direct to us from . Long Island Sound. rhey have the salt sea flavor. No ice touches the oysters. Yuu g-et solid meat from l1S. and not a mixture of oysters and ice water. Oall and examine our Oyster Oarrier. _ Also a. full lin of Staple and Fancy Groceries , Decorated Lamps , Staple Crockery , Night ' Lamps , Elegant Water Sets , rl' Etc. , etc. , etc. _ HI lot 6-7 and 8 , block 22 R. R. Id. to Broken Bow , 51300.00. Joseph Roy to Byran L. I-lop' ns , 160 acres in 4-16-20 , 5.JSOO.00 John E. Pile. to John Matz. t 7.8 and C ) in block 2 'l'abeys d. to Oconto , 51S00.00. C. I-1. Holcomb to William or. lt1neH , a parcel block 5 amI ( , l . add. to Broken Bow , 52QO.00 Stevens Wilcox to Die rk s Imber and Coal Co. , lot 18-19 c1 20 in block 4 , J. P. Gandys' :1. : to Broken Bow , $450.00. fohn McMIllan to John A. rrell. s.c. J4 of block 1 in Lewis 1. to Broken - Bow , 5700.00 I - " - - - - - ' - - - - - - . : : : TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone Mnlllng n IIketrh nnll dCRerlptton may Quickly l11certnln our o"llIlon tree w1Iether an Invention Is prnbnbly pnteulnhln. Communlra. UOIIR Htrlcllycolilldonttal. ' HANDBOOK on I'alellts lellt tree. Oldest alOllcy tor ' . IICCUrlIlIl'Eatelils. Pntellls tnken tbroudl , Jllunn & Co. rocoln " , tela ! 'Iotlce , without Chlll'llo. In the Sti ntific Jlmeric"n. A hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. J.nrllest elr. clllnlon ot nllYllclOllllllo Journal. TormR. 3 n yeRr : tonr lIIont1lIl , . " 801a bl all nowlldealerll. MUNN & CO.361Broadway. New York lJrancb onlco. 62 F 5t. , WaahlnIIOIJ. ; D. Co - ( ) - A , Custer County. " Nebraska Corn Song. Air-"Cominl " ! Dy" and Dye. The e's Air-"Marcltinl : ! Through Gcorltia" a great and 1 the enter of the growing State county Our home is in Nebraska land Her Tlches are abundant , her , sIze . IS . Where Where skies are bright and clear ; very great ; sunQY days and balmy nigh ts Her people bright and Play hide and seek all year' brainy , and Whete . not unkollwn to fame ; " cozy homes are scatte ed in She's a grand and glorious County ' "rwixt corn fields far and near ; and Custer b her name. - , li'or corn . is the king in Nebraska. " CUOIWS : ( after each verse ) CUOHUS : 01 Custer. Custer , Custer 'l'he ' ' . , our county corn ; 'l'he corn ; ! proud and great. The corn welove so well ; Her , sons and daugluers trust her , . It gr.vs . ; 1 grows ; and 01 so shall all the state. On pralT1e , lull and dell ; (011 ( Custer , Custer , Custer , onr count'r. , . : : , ' " " . ' . all natiollS of the earth proud and great , ' . W raIse - . en.oug-b t sell , Her . . . sons and daughters trust hci- , For corn IS the I\.lng In Nebraska. and so shall all the state. Our boys are strong and brave She haR , and true a thousand " " "can ' And s'ons"- - loyal to their state ' ; abUlldanee too of "sanc1'- ' " . .rhe ' raise A nd fat and - ) the Maize , the Indian corn , smilillg pastures , and 'I" hat matees our nahon leagues of fertile . . . , . , gr at ; land . ' " " " . ' Her rapid-flowing rivers ; with - " ' ; 'I' , ; ' They're husky I ds ; they're Jolly boys ; ' , val- Prepared for fate leys broad and fair- any , - While Whatever joys arc elsewhere-we growing big corn in Nebraskn. surely have our share. ( crrOHUS ) Alfalfa , corn and cattle , and cream Our lasscs-modest , pure and good. and butter ! too- . Have eyes . all clear and bright ; But her ' ' best crop IS c I u II ren , as fi Ine TI' Wi .11' Ing 1 lam 1 s an ( 1 c h eer f u 11 lCar t s as eyer grew' Bri ng COUl fort and deligh t. . ( ) A faithful' of teac.1ers-two From corn-bread , clear to Angel's food ; ' ' hundred elgbty-one . _ Their cooking is quite right. ' . G'1'gllt tl10ltS anc I. II y PUPI .1 s , run ' F or queens are they of N ebraska. full of life and fun. , ' ( CHORUS ) rhey sa > ' our "Bow" is " " "Broleen" Our but It's just ' homes-the best in aU thc world , \.nd ' growing as good as new' . Are happy all clay long , stronger daily' in We whistle ' wealth ' . at our morning's work . and ' . number , too' And end with up a . . . song. JOlt11tlg years shall add . new lustre- E I - ( -u-ca Ion hearts with IS our prtC 1 e ; Vhene'er joy will be elate ' We get it good and strong we think of in'the Custer center ot the state. , While growing with corn in Nebraska. ( CUOltUS ) --II. M. PINCKNJt\ " . \ " - -E. C. BISIIOP. - ---1b. , _ " r.rV" - 1 II . I. , = . . . - - : _ w. - . , - . . . : , ' . = : ' _ 'h - . l r , . I j -.twtr' > - ' - - . A PAIL SALE Ji SJDE 'IlJD r N..A 1EL , PAILS. 11'01' a Holiday Special we will sell these pai1s from 2jOO until njOO"p. m. . SA 'URDA Y , DECE lBER 21 , at i/ 59 CENTS EAGI-I. - " \Ve will make chang . ' 'his is triple- ! : . , plated ware and sells regularly for One dollar. . " ' . , , . , Don't miss our Holiday treat Saturday , Dec. 21 " ' " \Ve also have a full line of HARDWARE , HARNESS I AND IMPLEMEN 'S , . CUTLERY , , HAZOHS , S 'ROPS' . AND HONES. ' . , _ . CHRIS1'MAS l'IIINGS of all kinds. . SEE 'IIE .J AP ANESJJ ! , GOODS. . . Make your Christmas selections here - . , \Ve are here to please. " . . r Miller & Kennedy = = . . . - - - - : : . . . ' Tile JE 'I I (011 e dllf'm.g ( [ Ull1l ! lli1l(1) ! ! t a1 iJll \ " ( ! @ &V' ' I 9 v rI U _ . . - is still on. Orowds can be seen there daily , putting in their Fall and W in- : . tel' . ' supplies. l'he entire stock must. ' . _ be closed out. Save 25 per cent by , attending this sale. . . . . . \ - . . Ba l1 tilde . ! p mnP < < ! ) & 11l ! ! mWYi ) ! eTh > o r - - Christmas Supplies ' We have everything necessary l : = = _ = _ . = Sunday School committees should , , get our prices before purchasing. ' - J. N. . POHle Broken Bow , Nebraska - - - . " . , . . , " "