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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1906)
't' . I . ! . ' NE'BRASKA NOTES MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS IN THE COMMON WEALTH , A TRAGEDY HI OTOE COUNTY . - One Sister Murders Another Because She Thought She Wao Going Insane -Other Matters of Interest Over . the State , . - Murdered Her Sister , ' ' ' ' , NIWItASKA CI'I'\-1'hlll cnmmun Sly waR slartecl h ' Iho annollncement tlml J\IIRR LUCj' Uo'd. Ilged 37 years , 2111cl Icilled hur slBter , Mias Della Llo'd , aged ao , 'rho RIHteI'H lived togot her In Il illolllo of : own on Il farm RO\'On trnllus lIorth of the diy , 'rhey IlI1vo , Jlvncl Ihm'e Rlnco thI' ) molhcr's , Ipath , ' \ 11011\ ( ' twenty years Ilgo. A lIIan 11I111 111R family IIvod In IJllIt of thl' hOllso , unci flu'l1Il'd the quartcI' RN'tlOII. For \ 1ho IMt six 1I10nths the older alstur / ] I/IR / hel'n thollght. to IUIVO hoen gohl' ' ; t. ' 1l1l1ano Ilnd WIlS tn'atcel hy ! ! , h'slclan : ' r\fl \ cal'ell for hy her alstet' tho' ' ( : uolghhors , I 'I'ho Hherlff 111\11 \ cnroner al on co ; ' "vunt 10 till' Brune of lho crlmo 111111 fOllnd the ) 'Ullng'I'r 81nlol' ver ) ' h'st'r- , iCIII Ilnd 51w confusHu(1 ( to 1lIlInhel' / alslel' , She 1I1I'IJledIII ' hehlnel her us they WI'O III'ollOrlnfOI' / heel , und gl'llh , hlng hcr nhollt the neel ( cholced hel' I to death. She 1In. ) " aho romemhOl'S i thlR , hilt ( 'Ilnnot. tell why Rho did the I nct , RIlVO thut she hn.ll IlIJen hroodlng 'over the fact that her slater was lon- ing her m11111 nnd they would he sell' uratecl aftul' ull oC theRe years , and oome Irreslsllhle Ilowcr Corcod her to do the l1eoll. She rmmlnoll : In the room with her douII It er 1111 nlghr ana tlio rentcrA tm the farm , not noticing thom n.hollt , called lIe"-1. " 1I10rnlnlr , nt 8 o'cloclc , "yhen the ) 'O\lI1ger slliter ollonecl the 'wltHlow ' U1C1 told of 1 < l11Ing hm' slslm' . SIll' WUK ( 'aim until rell10ved fl'OIl1 the roe 111 , whun she hecllll10 hyslm'cal ! and ; l'onmtllell ! 'o Illl day AS3es30ro Boost Values , LINCOT.N-A nllmher of cOlin ties t'OIIOI'tcd to the Stlliu Doard of As- f > eSHlI1entA , as lI1ade hy tlte COli II ty h < mrdA of elillallzlltlon show Il very oed InCI'IIISl" wllh the excelltlon of ! l\1el'l'lcl ; COli II ly , which showA a de- CI'eIlHe. On the fuce of the rotllrns Salllle county show ! ! a decrease , bllt thn USKeiSOI' : has fallNI to Ildd some 170OOO t : > t.ho value of his real 0.1- 1nte , n.s ordered b ) ' the hoard last 'ear. When lIlls amollnt Is alldell the tlSReflRlUenl this ) 'ellr wl11 be an In. Cl'eaRO of 801110 $ HiOOOO over the re- tlll'llR of laRI. yoar. Sea ! > Mines Near Orleans. Om-EANS-1'he lmllless : posslhll. UleR for mnnllnll thnt 110 In nn.tllro ! torilelt hils had new exomllllficalion 1n the discovery of a Ileposit of erhll.llR cunturlos olll-Crol1l which n , high grallo , Ienlllnel ) ' 11111'0 soall can tIC lI1ado. It hus alwaYil heon thOltght thal a HI\I } cou1l1 OIly he mudo from nnltnal fals , oils , etc. It. thus addA 'Wclgh I and credelHo ; to I ho olel sa 'lng , that l1\all can finll everylhlng ho wants n 1I10thOl' eat'lh. 'I'ho finding of this SaJlOlHlCOOIIS deposit Is Interesting III thtR I'orlod ' of chemically llrelH\red ar. tlcles. Zinc Ncar Rulo. TIUT.O-'I'ho ollCrutors of the PIrate l\lInlng C0Il11H\n ) ' , located n.lIollt six lllles weRI. of here , rellort. findlllg 11. rich voln or zille n.hollt fOllr feet In t.ltlclmeas , alld the zinc Is said. to In. creaHO IIIalno liS they descm\lt. The ) ' ere down u , ; oed dOllth and the water comeH In so rapidly n.s to coml1ol thom to ' pend ono.thlrd of the tlmo pUl11plng It out of tholr wa ) ' . The l roprlotor : ; Ceel much encOlll'agec1 over their rrosllectB and others think the ) ' 11L\'o som lhlng Yer ) ' deslrnhlc. 'I'ho cnmlmn ) ' Ims cCllsel1 worldnJ : ; ' their toad and cOllI Ilrosilect as the ) ' thlnlc , it unprofitahle. Child Burned to Death , OALI.A A Y - ' } 'ho 6.mon ths.Qhl chilli of 1\11' . amI 1\1 I'S. .Ta.mes Whalen , 'who reRhle sovc\'I11 \ mlleR northwest of Iore , was hU1'l1ed to death a few days gQ. 'l'hQ moUler hacl left the child o.lono In the house , and when aho r&- turned the house hod hurned almost to the ground anll was In the act of ocolla'lslng. ' Horse Drags Boy to Death , LOUP CI'I'Y-The 8.'ear.old SOli of r.awl'ence Hossa , a Canner living about ovell miles ellSt of this clt.y , near 'SChl\IIIIIIS , was d\'l1ggell \ to death 1\ ) ' a IlOl'RO. 'I'ho lIttle Ccllow went Into the ! { mHturo : caught the horse llnd aCtor ( ) \Itllng the haUm' on the nnlmal thoughtlessl ) ' tied the rOlle about his holly. First of Wheat Crop , DIOA'l'lUCR-Tho fir8t of this yoar's 'whent crOll was marltOted horo. 'rho I1Ir1co Imld wa.s 66 cents , 'rho grain Is of an exeollent ( Iunllty and tested six- t-one llounds to the hushel and ) 'Ielli. cd thlrt.two bushels to the nero. End of Bad Man From Beatrice , Dl'lA'I'lUUID-A ' dlslmtch received bol'o stilted that 0110) ' Sl11lth , alias Dront n , Nell , n form 01' resident of Deatrlco Md II. note 1 forger , who was .sontonced to ono ear III the state lenltontlnr ) ' here overnl ) 'ears ago , 'Was 1 < llIcd by a guard w'llIo ' attempt. Ing to escape from the South Caro. linn. lonltentlar ) ' , Whllo III Beatrlco SmlUl forged checl.s amountln { ; ' to $1- GOB. Aftol' sorvlng her term In the lQnltentiary ho'Ol.t west allli later 10catod III the south , whnro bo r01'lclt checks rlsht and left . . ' . ' , , . J. . . . OVER THE STATE. - - II 0 I'll ( ' 0 Coole , of Beatrlcc , 10 yonrs I of a o , will prohnhl ) ' lese the hht 01 un O'C , CUURl'd by the oxploslon of D hlnnl ( carlt'ldgo lllatol , W. B. vanR of ltoROI\ml was Bon to lho aR'll1ln at 1.lncolv. on account or In1nnlty. Ho hn.a been homo BOY' ( 'ral mouths on parole. WOI'k on the Crofton extension of the Olllllhn I'Illlro d from I1nrtlngloD hall been 11I' ( ) I'e1slng qulto rapidly 01 Inte , and It Is thollght that the roalJ will ho road ) : for b\lslnes \ about Sep tOllllwr Hi 01' Octohcl' 1. Mrs , Ialo IlIplo ) ' or HURling's hM recently 11ccelllcd posilion as matron of the Jcnrno ) ' 11111llall'Iai Rchool. ' 1'h6 Il1ellos of lho HOlllolIsRonary : ! flocloty of the 1\1othol1l8t ch\ll'ch \ gave a faro. well Jlarty In hI ! ! ' hOlloI' . AI\'ls Dalll1 \ ' , Sl' . , a weallhy flll'1II01' ! lnd Jill. . ownr , who lives ono and ollc.half IIIl1es north of Hulo , while dolnA hili chores found that the lI hll\lng Ht1'\lck \ his 1Ino barn and 1 < llIed IIlx head of fine cattle , ' 1'00 lIIan ) ' carllenlel'H bappened to ho on a smull aecllon oC the sheds or LOllis Schmidt's now hrlcle yard II In Gl'aud Island shingling [ lnd the ahed collaJlne(1. ( Ed Memlnn was caught undel'lleath and his hand , vas severely Injured , 'I'ho li'a1'Itlera' Slale hanlt oC Eddy- vile , Dawson rount : : ) ' has b\.on Incor. llOl'uted with u capital stock or $2uoou. 'I'he hlCol'llorutol's are A. U. Dann , George J. Slunloy , .Jamefl Cunningham , Nick Jopr , I. S. Irwin and JalUes Mc- Muhan , LestOl' Armstrong , son oC ex-Ropre. sentatlve A1'mslrong of Auburn , hl'ollght suit against the city of Au. bm'n fOl' dalllages to the amollnt or $10,221 ! , fOl' Injurlos to himself anll wlfo , for which he holdn the city 1'0' sponslhle , I1enr ' Heoco , a YOlln l11all 24 yellrs of a e , who haR buon wOl1tlng for Homo tlmo at the homo of his brothel' , east of Ua rada , has dls < llipenred , nnll on hohalf of rolatlves Ihero Is much anxlelY , UR ho hacl made lhroats of IdlllnJ ; hhmlOll' . A , II. Brice , who has been running a hl'olccl't\g'e hllslness at 1\IInden for the Illst elcht montllll Cor Scwell Siou. man of Omnha , has left for parts un- l < I1own , and with mOllc ) ' belonging to IHO\llo \ or 1\T1lulen which they had llald on nUll'glnH , Hessll' tltO 1:1-'elll'-0Iel : , - ) - daughter of : \11' , 111)(1 ) ( 1\11'8. W , N. Grcer of Grand Island , was sJ\'lousy \ ] IHlI'ned about the lower exl1'olllltles while ' ' 1'e 'lvlllg a fire In a cook stove , 'rho 111'0 IU\ll smould- crecl aud she look 11 can of 011 aud Iho common result followed , Frank Davis. who has hnd the con , tract fOl' deliverinG' tIJo mall to and 1'1'0111 trains In Beatrice for tbo last. eight 'ears , turns the worl , over to W , H. Olto. the auccessful bichler , JUly 1. During the eight 'ears 1\11' . Davis bad the contract he never missed a train. Acting for IAmd Commlsslonor En- lOll , Attorney General NorrJs Drown Itan filed nn Illlswer In the case of the Rtate alllnst ! RlIlIcelge , alloglng that the land conllulssloner Is not compelled - ed to deed n.wn ) ' school lands unless tlto allrnlscment ) Is mtlfofactor ) ' . The liuestlon oC sale of school laud In Jef. fel'son couuty slarled this case. Uhllng , which Is finel ) ' located on the Great Nortlll'1'l1 rallwa ) " , Is lIlUo more tllIlU six weelcs oJll , hut It nl. read ' ha two UOWSI1l111l'rS , two hnrd- ware atores , two lumher ) 'ards , two banl.s , two gelleml stores , one eleva. tor doing bushlesH anll one In course of erecUon , a harhOl' shOll , n jewelry store nnll one of the hest drul ; stores III the count ) . . The price chat'ged consumm's for Ice Is out of all "rollortloll 10 the value or Ice Is returned hr the cOllnt ) ' a sos. SOl'S , According to the Ice man this IIttlo houRehold uecesslt . Is worth not lesR than $10 n. hm , According to the assessOl' In Douel county , Ice Ollt there Is worth 60 cenls a ton , whllo In How. arll county It IR worth $5 a lon , the hIghest "rico placed \111On tltls com , mOlllty b ) ' nn ) ' asessor. ! A peculiar accident haPlloned In the Garvoy Bros , saloon nt. Ilartlnlton. One of the 11l'olH'lc : > tors and a bartender were In the 11110111' storeroom when the ; bartender pullell the faucet out ot nn I elllllt ) ' gin barrel at about the snmo time as the 11l'olll'lelor struck a match to light. a elgar , A torrIflc oxploslon I . l'oRulted nnd the Ollli of the omllt ) ' bnr. reI was blown through 11 llUrtition wnll and the two men stullned. harrols of liquor came tUlulJlIng down 1l1 ! In D moment the room was on fire. 1\Irs. Calhoun or Spencer , wns bUrnell to death. She tried to stnrt the ldtchen fire , and after two or three unsuccessful attempts Sh6 pourecl lwroseno In the sloTe out of 0 gallon can , which caused an oxplo slon , blll'sUng hoth enlls out of thd ClUJ and amltOl'lng the 011 on her and all about the room , which hnm ! ) eHately became II. mass of fiames , ! 111 Col1 to lho fiool' antI the fire and heat was so Intense that help could not reach her until the ClI'o was partially extlnsnlshell hy the flromen , 11m BOn , Gu ) " C. Calhoun , and his wife. a11l1 two chlld''ell : Were In nn n.djoln , Ing room. hut tltoy could 1I0t help her 'I'bo sroot craze for tlte fruit land on the Green rl\'er , Utah. has strncl/ / Ainsworth , and olshteen of the best citizens of the town and connt ) " , and yet Alnsworlh Is booming and ne\1 buildings going Ufl as Cast I'IS carpenters ponters can o the WOl'I ( . Arthur Christianson , the young man who wns 111entall ) ' afflicted and escaped od fr0111 nnllo "s sanitarium at 1.ln coin. and stele a horse nlld wns caf ) turCll nnd lodged with the nuthorltlo of SownI'd. has lIeen talon to hll h011l0 at Sacramenlo b ) ' a brother.ln law who came for him , - . - , CAN THEY GET , HIM ? I - - - - - - - - RUSSIA1'J REBELS ATTEMPT TO ASSASSINA IE CZAR'S ADMIRAL COMMANDER OF THE BLACK SEA FLEET , CHUKNIN , IS SHOT FROM AMBUSH AND SERI- OUSL Y WOUNDED , SovaRtollOl.-An attempt was made by mutlneol's Wedllesdll ' to assassin- Vlco Admiral Chulmln , command. el' of the Blnck sell Heet. 'l'he allmlral was wounded and tal\Cn to a hosll\tal. \ ' 1'ho woulel-llo afiI1ssln ! Is a sailor , who hid In the bushes nnel shot at the admiral as he was wal1\nj \ ; In the gnl'llen of his villa , 'rho culprit has nol heen IIpprehenllod. 'fho warships Pnnlclelmon and Three Saints ha\'o joined the garrison oC the Batum fortress , which has been In mutiny. 'rhe 'I'hree Saints hoisted the red tlag , and lho mutineers are forclhly detaining two other war vessels - sels which had refused to join them. The Naval Revolt. On Juno 2S , 1105 ! , the crew of the Pnntelehnon , thell called the I\nlaz : Potemlcln , mlltlnletl at Odcssa and defied - fied the aUlhorltieH sevol'lll weelcs , : \Ienllthno the city was l\Cpt. In constant - stant terror hy threats C\'Om the vessel - sel to bombard the town , 'rho warshlll filially did fire on aile of the forts , hut It soon after surrendered. On No- vemhor 26 the vessel , of Its name had' heen changerl to Pnntelelmon , again mutlnlell and was joined by the I'ruls- cr Otchalmff , Nothing serious resulted - ed , however , and later on the warships retllrned to control hy the government. Admiral Blamed for Severity. Vlco Admlrnl Chlllmln has heen blamed for his severity , anll It WI1S to his treatment of the crews of the ships under his command that the mutln ) ' on board the battleshfIl Knlaz Potem- I < ln , In June and July last ) 'I'nr , was attrlhutel } . The admiral IlIsJllayed conslderahlo activity In allell1lltlng to capture the mutineers at that. time RIVER PACKET IS BURNED - - - - Steamer Quincy of Diamond Jo Line Runs on Banle Neal' Trempealeau and TUl'ns Turtle. La Crosse , Wls-Nearly all of 200 IlI1ssongors on the steamcl' QuIIlC ) ' or the Diamond Jo lIue Wednesdur night nllrrowl ) ' escaped death when the big IlI\clOt. strllcl , a banI , In the dark near Trompealean , Wls" turnell huH over and then cllught IIrc. It Is helle veIl that lhe mlljorlty of the IJaHsongers werc ! 1I1 vocl nUll enl ) ' ono drowning Is defIultely Imown , that of an lufant which was wasIli'll from Its mother's arms. A belated train hrought GO llssen. : gol'S who wcro OIl the heat to this city , Accounts glven h ) ' thelll of the dlsastel' do not Include Ilosltlvo state- mcnts as to drowulnJ.s , hut. It Is bo- 1I0ved comlHu'atively few met death. At ahout 10aO : o'clocl ( the steamer , 111)'hlg UII rlvor , strul'l , a hanl" At the tlmo , It Is said , thc heat curried no searchlight. Ono IHlsscngcl' sa 's ho sn.w a babe washed overhoarll from Its 11101her's arms , The boat was 8ln1.lng , though not In Ilecp water. Amid a crashing of tlmhel's , with 1110 boat on Its side , the lICeboats WCI'O got out and the l\I\ssengers , 200 In numhor , were taliCn oft before the lIa111es gained any consllorablo ! head. WI1) ' . Cnndldate for Mnyol' a Suicide. Omaha , Neb-August H , Heuulngs , ell ) ' trc surel' for six years , IUlII a al\llldato for nomination on tin > Re- IlIIbllcaltlelwt 1'01' lIIa 'OI' of Omaha ! It the slu'ln , ; 1lI'lmarll's. c0ll1mlttl (1 ( mlclde at his homo here Wednes- day. . - - - - - - - - - Smallpox nt Colon , Colr"-Sl'\'ornl ca cs of smulillOx havc c 'vclOIIl'd nt Colon , hilt thp ) ' have the Il\bol'ln I'lns , lwon I mfIned tll \ I'ho Jdh'al 1(1I'r ( : of thl' ( 'anal wne Is Isolatl. . . ; tht' Infl'l'lrd , lisll'lIt. ; . . - - and In suppressing the sailors' mutiny nt Sebastopol In November last. An attempt was made on the life ot the ndmlral Ii'ebrllary 9 last. A womnn appeared at his official rcl- dence during the n.fternoO'n of that < la ) ' and sent In hol' card , Raying she was the daughter of a rear-admiral at St. Petersburg , who was an 0111 acquaintance - tance of Chulmln. On entering the admiral's office , the woman drew a rapid-fire pistol nncl fired four shots at him without errec ! . As she turnell to escape the woman was 1lIled by the orderly on dut ) ' at Chulmln's door. 'rho crime , be'ond doubt , was 110- IItlcal. 'Vas Sentenced tCl Death. When the sentences Imposell on the sailors for the Knlaz I'oteml"n muthl ) ' were beCore the admiral for rovlew formn.l notice was served on him that If ho approved the death sentences he would share the fate. Chuknln. however , approved the sentences and several Intimations afterward reached him to the effert that the terrorists were merely wailing for II. favorable opportunity to 1"11 him. Some time elapscII before the pollco were able to establish the Identity oC lho woman - an who attempted Admiral Chu1mln's life , but It finally became Imown that she was a Jewess named Cec 111 II. Shabad. More Paupers in America. Washlngton.-Accordlng to a report Issued by the censns bureau there were In the United States In 1904 163,176 persons In n.lmshouses and of these 111,718 were malos. Although the number of almshouse Ilaupers Is Incren.slng the Inel'ease has not l < cpt Il1CO ) with the growth of population , and consequently the ratio of n.lmshouso IHlUllerR to IlolHllatloIJ Is decreasing. In ISS0 It was 132 pOl' 100,000 or population : It decreased to 117 In lS90 and to 101 In 1903 , MUST EARN RIGHT TO LABEL , - - - - - Meat Packcrs Cannot Secure Government - ment Certificates Until Perfect Conditions Prevail. Chlengo-Seeretary .James Wilson oC the delHutment of agrlcult1ll'0 con. cluded his work In Chicago Wednesday - day hy Issuing a statement In which ho llenlod the Chicago moat paclwrlJ the use of the Unlleel Slates go\'el'n- ment Inspection label us a guarantee to the world of the fitness of their "roducts as food , until they have made Ilerfect the sanitary conditions In tbe buildings where food Is II\'olHlred. \ lIe then too ) , a train for the west , where ho will continuo to look Into the pack. Ing hlliustr ) ' . 'rltls mo\'o by the government Is loolwd upon as u drastic action to force the Imelwrs to 11\Irsuo \ with viI ; ' or lho worl , oC reno'ntlntheir / plauts. Announcement Is made In the same declaration that the Inspection under the now law wl11 begin at once In plantH where sanitary conditions justify - tify It , and the Eovel'lJment lahel may , bo used by the owners of such plants. Chicago establlshmonts are mentioned speclfIcull ) ' a 1111 uro snld to be on the way to Improvement. The sec. retary SU'S ho considers that they will bo reall ' for Inspection b ) ' August - gust 1 , hut that If the ) ' are not they wl11 not get the Inspection oven tIJeu , Gasoline Kills Two. Arcallla , Neb-\Irs : , William : \I\s- \ ner and hel' ' three-'ear-old daughter , were bUl'lJed to death by an eXllloslon of gasoline. Theh' cloUllng Ignited anel a hey was unable to extinguish the numes. 'Vl5con5ln War Vctcmn Dend. 1.a Crot1sp WI.-Hobel't , - A. Scott. a cl\11 WUI' calltaln , ox-postmastcr and ! 'l'th'ol polllll'lan , died Wednoday , agoll li7. : \11' , Scott was the hulIand of liI"il' : ( lilt' SC'Oll , .the rldl'st woman In Wisconsin. - - - , = = - - - - - - - - ' - ' ' HEAVY lOSS BY CLOUDBURST MANY H01\IES FLOODED NEAR WELLSVILLE , 0 , Damage of Thousands of Dollal's Is Rcprted-Hurrled Action Necessary - sary to Save CIty , Wellsvllle , O-A cloudburst In the country , just back ot thIs clt ) . , sent a torrent of Wl\tor down Mc. Queen's creek and 'I'rotter's run thnt caused a loss ot thousands of dollars to Ilroperty owners and city property , Over 200 homes and burilness houses were fiooded and foundations weak. ened so that lleoplo would not remain In the houses Sunday night. The storm watm' sewel's could not carry off the fiood In the lowlunds nnd water bacled over that part oC the city to n depth oC over three feet , In SOl11o sec. tlons , filling cellars and first floors. 1\11\01' W , I. . . Ii'ogo called a special moetlng of the clt ) ' cOllncll to provldo for funds Cor the cleaning of the city , Ho took the situation In his own hunds , put OVOI' 100 men I\t worle tak. Ing tons oC debrIs from the mouth of the several storm sewers and by his hast ) ' action many homes were saved Crom Curther loss , It was Imposslblo Cor peoilio to leave their homos , so qulclly did the water rlso Into the lowlands. 'Wagons and small frame buildings were washed Into the ell ) ' proper from the country distrIcts. In Buckeye the wa. tel' came down the hlllsido In such vol. \lines that It pushed Its way through the second.story window of a house. The Camlly had to fleo. In East Llvor. 1\001 the damage WIlS not so heavy. Lightning struclc the 1\Iethodlst Epls. copal church , but the damage wn.s slight. There were several slides on the Cleveland & Plttsburg railroad be. , tween hero and Stubonvtlle and many railroad anll telegraph wires were blown down. CONGRESSMAN ADAMS DEAD Wisconsin Representative Pnssea Away II.t Chicago as Result of Overwork. Chlcago.-Hls strength exhnu ted hy days and nights of worl , In behalf of the " pacl"ng-house Inspection - tion bl11 , Congressman Henr ' Cullen Adams , of Wisconsin , died Monday morning at the Auditorium hotel. He hn.d been In poor health Cor some time , and his relatl\Js , who came to Chi , cage II. short time before hts death. lIeclare that his close attontlon to duty In congress Is directly responsible for his death , He collapsed almost 1m. mediately after ndjournment. The hurlal w111 be at Madison , Wls" wherE the congressman r'slded. Congressman Adams was 66 years old and was born In Oneida , N. Y. He was ta1en to Madison while he was a hab ) ' . He attl'nded dlstrlrt school , Albion academy and the University 01 \Vlsconsln. Ho marrJed In lS78lIs9 : Anna B. Norton , of Madison. Then ho engllgpd In farming and built up B profitable dalr ) ' and fruH business 1\11' , Adams was a member of the Jtat\ ' : assembl ) ' In 1883 and 1885 , and en gagell In lhe winters of 18S7 , lS88 and 1889 In farmers' Institute work as president of the State Dalrymon'E nssoclatlon. Two years he was secre. tary of the State Horticultural So. clet ) . and long a member of the state board of agriculture. Mr , Aclums was state superntenllent of public propertJ ; from lSSS to 1890 , dn.lry food com. missioner 189 , ! to 1902 and membOl of congress , Second district . of Wis. consln , sillce 1903. Congressman Adams was a Republican - lican , nnd In 1900 was chairman of the state convention ot his l1arty. FOUl children are living-BenjamIn Cullen Adams , Frank T. Adams , Mable Adams - ams and Carrie Adams , It was due largely to the efforts at Congressman Adams during the closIng - Ing days of the last session of congress - gress that a compromlso satlsfactor to President Roosevelt and In the main slltlsfactory to the conservative members of the house , was reached on the pacldng-house Inspection meas. ure. Five Die ill Trolley Wreck , Buffalo , 1' : . Y-A train of two trol. Ie ) ' cars , westbound from Lock- port on the lines of the Internatlonw Railway comllllny and duo at Tona wanda nt 9 : 15 o'clocl ( Wednesdny night , ran Into an open switch at D siding just caRt of l\IartlnsvllIe , nnd crashed Into n trolley freight motet and a train of seven frelSht cars which were 1)'lng on the sllllng waiting fm the IlUssenger train to go by. Five passengers were Idlled outright and 0 flcore Injul'ed some or' whom may die. Thaw Opposes Insanity Plea. New YOI'I-Harr ) ' K. ' 1'haw Tues. lIa ) ' In the Tombs gave out his Urst rormal stalement slnco ho shot and Icl1led Sianford White on the 1\Ia'1180n Square roof sarden. In It the 'oung man utters a lll'otest against being re- ganled as Insauo and declares his counsel assure him that no : mch course as the 'appolntment of a. com mission to Inqulro Into his mental condition Is contom"lated. Bandit Suspect PrOVES : Allbl. I.'resno , Cal.-A dispatch has been recolvod here stating that the man Sweet , who had been arrested charsed with holding UI tM 11vo. stages In Yosemlto Valley , was ; Iven his lib ort ) ' , lIe proved an alibi. Gen. Rucker Dead. Los Angeles , Cal.-Hrlg. Gen , Louis He1l\'y \ Hucl\Or , U. S , A" rolll'ed , Is dead hel'o , lIe had heell In continuous military sOI'v1cu for .1\1 \ yeal's. lIe un. IIstod nt C'hlcngn when the cali for , trooJI ! ! was mauo III ISG1. - - ' - - , . - " " - ' " . . . 1"- . . . _ . ' . - \ CABINET RESIGNS RESIGNATIONS , " 'OWEVER , ARE NOT VET ACCEPTED. ARE IN THE HANDS OF TilE CZAR Grand Duke Nicholas Tenders His Resignation as Commander of the Guard , but Emperor Keeps Him In Officet for Prcscnt at Least , ST , PE1'ERSBURG-Flnance 1\lIn' . . . .Lr Ister Jol < O\'off has glvcn authorlt ) ' for ) the statement that the resignation of the entire cahlnet Is In the hands of the empcror. So far as can ho ) learned , however , his majest ) ' Is not I yet ren.dy to charge the constllutlonal ! democrats with the tasle of forming a I mInistry and Is stilI see1lng to com' i Ilromiso the ISEiuO hy forming a conll , I lion composed of th. ! more solid of the i conservative andl hberal clements In ' the lower houses c Parliament un. del' the leadership oC Count He'den and 1\1. Slal < ovich. There were I mnm's In t.he corridors oC the lower house oC Parliament today - day that a split had dovcloped among the constitutional democrats over the qncstlon oC accepting' office In a coal. ItIOll ministry , The Russ toda ) ' sn.ys courltr ) ' Is 1I0t 'et ripe for the acceptance of the prill' clple of a responRlhlo mlnlstr ' . ' Grand Dul\O Nicholas Nlcholalvltch commn.nder of the Guard crops and thc troops III the military dl'3trlet of St. Petersburg , has tendered his ros- Ignatlon to the emperor on account of the Probrajenslcy afCalr , hut his majesty declined to accept It. The 110lIee have not found an ) ' trace of the men who robbed Assistant Cashier Gashlrovltch oC the admiralty In broc.d daylight 'este1"l1a ) ' , but there Is reason to helle\ ' , that the ) ' were former worlmwn from Port Arthur , who turned revoluttonlsts on account of the treat.ment to which they were subjected there , Jews Flee From Warsaw , WARSAW , Pusslan Poland-It Is estimated thn.t no less than 40,000 Jews , old men , women and ehlldrcn , fled from 'Warsaw 'esterday , 1\Iost or the able.bodled malc , Jews rcmalned to protect thelt. IH'operty , 1\Iany of the Jewish shops are closed today and the houses of the Jcws are empty , Intense - tense dopresslon prvalls In the Jew- ' quarter , whcre ther Inhabitants have organIzed a system oC self-de- , rense , Armed guards are IlOsted at : the gates of all the houscs and patriots - riots parade the streets , The authorities - ities ha vo tal\Ol1 precautions against antl.J ewlsh outbreal { and the police have authorized the neWRl1apcrs to Is. sue extra editions with the view of alla'lng the Imnlc , SUIT OVER MANAWA DISASTER. Action Will Be Brought by Father of Miss Lena Rosenblum. OMAHA-Suit against the l\Ianawa Amusement comlmllY and the Omaha & Council Btuft's Street Railway company - pany , growing out of the disaster at the Kursaal no the night of the Fourth of July , w111 be begun In district court within a few da-'s : by HClIr ) ' Roen- : : ; hlum , father of Lena Rosenblum , ono oC the : roung women who lost her life. An allllIcation Cor the appointment of MI' . Rosenblu111 as administrator of thc estate of his daughter has been made in count ) ' court preparatory to the suit. Stalwart Faction Controls. .JAMESTOWN , N. D.-The repub. lIean state convention here waR dom. Inated by the stalwart faction of the party. A full state tlcl\Ct was 110m- Inn.ted , headed by E , Y. Searles , who was renominated fo : governor. The resolutions adopted at the afternoon - ternoon session endorse Presldont Roosevelt , Congressmen Gronna and Marshall , Govcrnor Searles and the other statl ) officers. Theaters' Private Property. NEW YOHK-The manager an "rop- rletor of a theater hasa right to sa ) ' who IIhall enter hi , ; "lace of amuso. ment and who shall not , his pia ) ' house being a prlvato and not a pub- I1c place , Is the gst ! of a decision handed down In the nppel1ate divIsion f the supreme conrt. The recision dismisses the comillaint of James S. Metcalf , dramatic critic , against Charles BurnIJam. . a member of the Theater Managers' association , for excluding - cluding Metc 11f flom Burnham's theater. Trims McCalis Fortune. N W YORK-The 1I0t value of the estate of the late John McCal , Cormer president of the Now Yorl , Lifo Insurance - ance comrany , was $40S35 , according to the report Lf the np"ralsers of the estate , which was filed In the surro. gato's ofilco today , 'I'hls document shows that : \11' , McCall died "assessed of property valned vt $74,000 , tut this has been reduced by the pa'ment of debts , administrative expenses and thtlr dlsbursoments to the extent of $33,166. I I ' , L Big Battle In Guatemala , W ASIIIXGTON-Hegalado , former president of Salvador , nnll the leader of the Salvadorenn troolls In the I1res- ent confilct with Guatemala , was killed In hattlo on Thursday. The announcement - ment of hIs dcath rel1chedo the stnto deparlment throllgll a dispatch Crom 1\IInister : 'IIerry at San Salvador. 1'ho dlsl1. ch etated lhat Regalado was 1l1Ied In the last movement of the Salvaelorcan troops agaInst the Guut- o1l1alans , but did not hllllcato what the finn.1 outc01l10 of the battle was. , . - . . . . "