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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1906)
. . . . . . . . " , - " ' . . . . , . . - . - - - - . . .ll"O Ulal L\brarian \ ool. " . . , . I't . . ' COUNTY " ; 'USTER EPUE.LICAN , . , . \ ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFII'ICIAI4 PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LAI GES'r CIRcur A"ION 01i' ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. . : _ ' 't" Jill - - - - - - " " - - ' ; VOL. Y.XV. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 261 19G6.--EIGHT PAGES , 11 ; : : } 'fI ' , t . ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - . - _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ NQ.7 , - . : . . " " ' = " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . \ m" b M ti . , , a , .r . l- B Many n $20 Watch is of 110 usc hecause itllccds a 1101. : a lars worth of rcpair : ! . A watch in : . that shape represcntslloney that . isn't working , nllli money that Ilocsn't work doesll't do its full . ' . ' dutv. - tl It YOU own a helplcss , useless 1& , timcpiecc , why don't you bring it : in to our repair department. -I : : . We r , : pcrfectly. equipped to I chauge It IIItO IIn article that you ; can again depc\1l1 upon. ta . Of course wc chargc for this I I service ncrorcllng to thc cxtent of ! tt r.the tl'lnirs that arc neccssary. . nut ill IIlIy c\'cntthe 3mount will . hc small , \'cry 51111\11. indecd , COIll- pared with 1111' nclavntagc of hav- m 1\Ig a " ! 'l ppl'II" watch turn cd into a \l'lial ) c ti II'P : lerdC . . , . i " . . . . i . ff' ' . , m Z N . - - - - - - - - Ryno Rumbling. . Bcrt Contcr , all old rcsid ltt of R'IIO , was visiting relativcs , a\l \ ( ) fricnds lasl weck. ' C. II. T.Jandreth had < Juitc a sick spell a few da\'s ago anrt harl to ha\'e the assistancc of the doctor. George Pet1cy is poisoned o hl < l with poison h'y that he is unablc to get around. Hc declares - clares that hc will pick no more berries. C. E. Con Icy left last Friday fer Omaha with his daughtcr , Minnie , who has to undergo' a surgicaloperatioll. I.Jightning stru and Idl1cd four horses ticd tu a wagon , ncar I.JoJi. 'l'he owncr , Mr. Picrcc , was working on a bindcr ncar by but was not injurcd. About 1 il1c l of rain fell at Ryno , along thc Softth Loup and adjaccllt territory last Friday and cvcrybody fcels better. Chri.tian Church. Lord's Day program. Bible School. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a. m. Preaching. . . . . . . . . . . . .11 a. m. Y. P. S. C. . . . . . . . . . . 7 p. m. Preaching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S p. m. Sermon topics , July 29 : Morning , "God's Love for the " "All 'rhin World. Bvening , New. " You arc cordially in vitcd to attend all thcse scn'ces. "Come thou with us and wc will do the good. " A. J. HAHGnTT , Minister. - . . . . . . " " " ' . . . . . - - . - . - . . . . . - - - . . . - _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . : : ( i"II .A.EI.1\I.J.EFtt : : : S ! . Free Lecture " roC A A H rdy of Lincoln , will deliver J ; Je. QI , a ] (1cture at the Broken How Opera llouse , on SATURDAY , AUGUST 4th , 011 , c > gs and Their : JJiseases Prof. Hardy has made the hog and his diseases a study for ovcr twenty years and it will pay you to come ou.t and hear him. Prof _ Hardy has uudoubtedly had more cxpericnce with hogs both sick and we1l , than any other Jiving man. 'l'his lecture will be illnstrated with a fine microscope capahle of showing' thc ba - teria and bacilli of different discascs , 'f he Professor will tal k 011 the following subjccts : Dust and Lung Worms , Diptheria , Quinsy , Catarrh , Pneumonia - monia , Typhoid Pneumonia , Putrid Erysipelas , 'rypl1oid Enteritis , Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels , Constipation , Kidncy Worms , , , Apoplexy , Intcstinal Worms , Paralysis of the Hind Quarter , Palpitation - tation of the Heart , Scrofulous Diseases , Rheumatism , Black ' 1'ooth , Mang'e and Carbuncular Forms of Diseases. "he Professor will also expcrimcnt on a pig anr ] 5how the folly of a Guaranteed Sure Hog Cholera Cure. 'l'his lecture is entirely in the illtrr\ ! of the farmer. Husbands - bands arc earnestly requested to bring' wivcs. Ladies and gentlemen from Missouri , wishing to he shown instead of told , attend - tend this lecturc and Y011 will he surprised. Every person who bas heard this lecture pronounces it worth its weight in gold. l Every person presen is urged to ask any and all qlH.'stions re- r garding hogs and tht'ir diseases. The Prores or will also show the fully of inoculation. What . . . . he bas to say on In-breerJing'is the ) ( ey-note to successful breeding. Lad 01 There will always be a l.ady in attendance es ' . , J to handle the t111Croscope. , - - - - - - . . . . . . . . ' . . - " " ' ' 'r . . . : . , ' . . " , " , " ' ! o , ; , ' ! Pickling 8easo11 is now on. To have excellent - lent snccess buy YOlll' Pure Spices and Pure Vinegar of us. PURE ALLSPICE lOe for } i pound. PURg CLOVES 10c for } i pound. PUl l MUS'l'ARD lOc for U pound. PURE MUS'l'AHD SEED lOc for U pound. \ , PUlm GROUND MACE ' t 10c for pound. I I PURE OLD CIDER VINEG\ , 40c per gallon. . PURE CINAl\ION J I 1 10c for U pound. 1 . . - - . . - . PUHE GINGER I 10c for U POU11l1. 'I' ' ; I PUR ] CELERY SEED 10c for U pound. I I PUIm MIXED SPICES I : I 10c for } i pound. I PUH.J pgPPER ' 10c for r. ( pound. I' . - - - - ; - ! ' : : PICI\I.ING VI [ GAI { 4Uc per gallon. . a.- j PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. \ NORTII SIDE. BROKEN BOW. . . . . - J6rThcse Spices aud Vinegars will staud thc test of all Pure 1i'00d laws. Twenty-three Years A oo The following items were pub. lished in the 1 It1'Ullt.lC.\N 2. , ycars ago : D i\I. AlI1sb t r ) " , COllul \ ' sllJ > ; r- intendcnt. of school8 , p btishcI , the institutc program , which ill- chlltc(1 J. A. Armour , of Wester villc , for au adllrcs \ 0I1lhe "Ne- hraska School Systcm. " " 1 n a re et1 tissue thc mattcr of starting a brick yard was mentioned. 'l'his week wc can assnre onr readers that it is a reality. as work has bcen com- mencert' in thc blulT south of town , and lIy the end of next wcek hrick moulding will bc in progress. 'l'he first kiln will contain 100.000 and it is hoped to burn thrrc or four Idlns beforc cold wcather sets in. " "School closcd Wcdnesday of last week anl the lerm has proven - en a succcssful one for the scholars - ars and highl.y creditablc for the teacher , J. J. Brown. " "Wild raspberries , grapes and gooseberries are ripe and plentiful - ful where they were not burned out in thc spdng. " Postmaster General Gresham ad vcrtidcd for proposals "for carrying- the Unitcd States mails from LOll ) > City , via Huxlcy , Al- gernon , J a nc "illc and Guiliford ! to Brokcn Bow. 55 miles , two timcs a weck lach ! way , by a schedulc of six hO'Irs running timc each way. " " 'l'he report of J. J. Brown , tcacher of the Urolen Bow schoo ] , reports for the month cnding Jul } ' 18 , a total of 38 enrollcd- fcmalcs , 18 ; mall's , 20. " "Chas. Penns ; on his wa ) ' from New Mexico with 2,700 ewes and thcir iambs and will probably rcach Custer county about thc middle of Aug-ust. " A notice of fiual proof was published by G. E. Cad well , thc testimony to be talen on July 28th at thc U. . Idnd office at Grand Island , SO milcH , which was the nC'arest one at thattimc , and no railroad. His witnesses . " werc Moses LewIs , l dll1und King- , Mark King and Joseph l eynolds. Burglars in BrQJ en Bow. By prying open a window a m:1n : gained entrance to thc residence - dence of h cgister of Decds John T. Woods , iit the. southwest part of town l\londay night. but his attempt to burgl e was frustrated - ed , although hc was wearing his bare feet. The little girl heard his steps and called : "Papa , is that you ? " 1\1r. Wood heard her and , not thinking that bold , had men existed in Brolen Bow , answered - wered , "Yes , " and they again wer.t to slecp. Not so , however , with 1\1rs. Woods and in a few momcnts she heard gcntle foot teps iu an adjoining room : Quietly arising she j > rocceded to the apartment from whence cmi- naied the sound and there she beheld the marauder. lIe noted her appearance in the door and evidently did not care for an introduction as he bolted for the open window with the lady after him. but madc good his escape. I Nothing was lost exept a crock of mi11 , which the visitor over- turncd in his efTurt to male a hasty exit. . - - - - . - . 'Oroken Bow Gcb the M. . A. Diatrict Convention. We l .lrll from . S. JIn'nl1n , State } , Iatlt/I'r / of the fodl'f11 Hrothcrltol , ( If A\11I rica. th It t h District con'I' t on of t he. Sixth Ctlgres inal cll trict \ \ be helll at Hrolcn Bow i II "J ) ' I tcmucr. ' 1'hi8 011\nlioll : i I made up of delcgatcs from llll' suuordinate lodges in the Sixth district , which illclndcs 34 COUll- ties. At thesc distric.t convcn- tions dclcgates arc elected to thc Sllpreme convcntion. "he S uprel1lc conventIon will be held this year in Omaha beginning - ginning Ol lobcr 10. In orelcr to get in shape to pre- scnt Broken Bow lodge ill thc best possihle shape while onr visitors arc with us it is desircd that e\'cry mcmbcr that possibly an attend the ncxt relular mcet- tng which is li'riday night , July 7th , to plan for the reception of the delegates. Brolen Bow has thc bl\nner lodge in thc state for mcmbership and it stands us in hand to show the delcgatcs lhe best timc of their lifc. Marriage License. . Judge Humphrey reports business - ness very quict ; n thc marriage 1i cllse < epartmcn t , only fi ve having been issued since the 10th inst , as fo11ows : Namc and residencc. Age. Carl J. T4ee , ROll n d Vallev. . . . . 2S Mary 'l'hol1lson , mlton. . : . . . . .18 John 1 , ' . Balcr , Orte11o. . . . . . . .35 Callic Winston , Merna. , . . . . . . tl ) O. C. Anderson , Anselmo. . . . . .23 g"a Johnson , Anselmo. . . . . . . .20 j Vcrni ShIpley , Callaway. . . . . . 2 Elsic Shannon , Callaway. . . , .22 G.eo. D. Arnup. 'l'ccumsch. . . . 24 Clara I.J. utavcrn , Dunntng. . .24 . Republican Resolution. . 'rhe following was unanimously - ly adopted at a caucns hcld July 21 , 190 ( , : We , the repuhliclms of Wcstcrvillc township , Custer county , Nchraska , cIo hcreby reaflirlll our principles in thc re- puhlican party. Wc cllllor e thc palriotic 11\1(1 ( fCllrless nlltllhtistratiou of l'resillcnt 'l'heo\lore \ Rosc\'elt ; iu his elIorts to insure justicc al1lon mcn. , . . h We IOl1llllellll Ollr ahle sthle lIIlIt cOllnty iuhninistrntions. _ \Vc fnvor lhc > passagc of all /Inti. pass law. law.Wc Wc favor n rednclion und the propcr regulalioll of freight ami passcnger ratcs in the stale. We favor an umcIIIIlICllt ] to the COIISti- tution Jlrovilin ( fnr nn clecti vc rail WilY cOlllmissioll. DON R. I.HltClI , Cletk JOliN SCOTT , Chairlllnll. rences Must Come Down. In the Federal court Monday afternoon , at Omaha , seven suits werc Iiled'to com pel rancb men in thc western part of the slate to move unlawful fences and to en join them permanently from maintaining illegal inclosurcs. Ie is alleged in the petitions 1ed in tbesc sevcn action - tion that thc defcndants have unlawfulh' fenced 293,229 acres of the puillic domain in the counties - ties of Cheyenne , Duell Sheridan and Cherry. 'rl1 : : ; is something frightful whcn one considcrs how man ) ' persons arc deprived of their rights by a few wealthy cattle corporations. With this 300,000 acres of land reclaimcd from thcm and open lo eutry many homes can be establishcd in that section - tion of the state. In the language - guage of the poet : "Let the good work go on. " - - - ' - ! : - - n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . " ' ' ' .r - - - - r = - - . - .r:1 = . . I m , I THE 'AN ' WITH A HOBBY I confess to having a hobby and my hohby is to sell thc besl buggy that can be sold for the moncy and to ffive YOlt a guarantce that , if the buggy is not what I tell you it is I will fix it or refuncl your money. . I have my buggic.s made aftcr my own specifica Hens aner ( know what they'are made of. By buying direct from the factor ) ' I ant able to save 25 per cent over what my com pcti tors pay for t hci rs and ConSelucnl1y am able to sc1l YOLt a buggy from $10 to $20.00 less than the ) ' can possibly do. I have just reccived ) [ ' ! VVO Car I.-.oads , thc latc t efTcct of the f lctorics , lI hright and ncw. 'rltcn has nC\.er becn shown in Custer county as many buggi s Ulilier olle roof as I will show YOlt if you come in. I have ev ( rything , carri ges , surreys , road wagons , spring wagons , driving wagons , carts and buggies of all descriptions. In fact , I will show you over 100 difTercnt jobs. jobs.C. . S. MAR TIN I Sickles for all kinds of mowers , $1.35 each. . . - - - Iaa. = aIP1"M . . . - - - - - . " . - - - - , . - - - . . - ' - . . - - - - - - . II I I I I I I I ! I TOU8NAMENT AT MERNA , NEBRASKA , 1 Anal 2 , 3 , 4 , 1906 ' . GIVEN UNDER THE AUSPIC S OF MERN A BASEBALL OL UB. . . GOOD lViUSIC ALL DAY and NIGHT . . , . - . . - . DANC1Nct \ EVERY EVE 1'ING - - - . . LIBERAL PURSES FOR GAM.ES FOR I.OTHlVIN1TERS OR LOSERS - - " . . . . First-olass Hotel ACC0111oaations' , in Three Large , New : a : tels . ; . - , YOUR BALL . TEAM WILL J ? A'R. . ' . TIClP - ATE - , WHY NOT . Cq ' E ? One and Ono..third Ju'rc 1r lound' Trip' , tickets f'oJn , al ] tatillS on the Burlington " 7' ; Any informa1ioll ; dCRired will he furnished by addressing , FRANK KEllY , r al1afer ) " MERNA , NEBRASKA. \ - tt tt 'tttttt'tt'fTtttt'tttttttttTtt'itt'tttttttttttttttt ' , ' ' ' ' ' , ttttt'tttt1' ' ' - - - - I C'HEESE ' :1 : - , = = = = - - - = = We have a brand of cheese that is simply excellent - = = ; : : = cellent and wc want every family in Broken E Uow to know it. 'l'ry a slice and be convinced. :3 : - - - - = = - , : : : : - - - - - - I - - - YALE BRAND : - ' . - - - COFFEES . . . . . . = = - - = = givcs satisfaction to evcrybody who use it. = = = = We have . it in five gradcs : ] Jooster , 15c per lbi : : : : : : E Old ( : ; .Iory , 20c ; Golden mend , 25c ; Java Blend , : : : : : : : : 30e ; Mocha and Java , 35cj = = - - - - = = 1'1I0Ng NIJ\UmR . SHEPPARD & BURK : : : : : : : : : : : ONI ' 1'\\0 I"I\'I 0 = = il1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111 111111111111iS : - . . . . . _ - lIS' ; : - If - In .aD , ' " . . . . . . . . :1 : : ; ; : " t Souvenir . ' Posta Is ; ' : ' . , .J U T BEOl [ VmD , A LO' ! ' OJr HOl' \ ' 11 NIH PO H T CAHl)8. . 1 list what you want ror fdellds. T'rVO 1 OH Ifl Vli .C1 NTS A'r : . Baisch's " . I ' - . . ' : ' - . . , ,