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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1905)
" " " " " 11I" dR 'L ' _ . _ . . . . , ( USlfR COUNTY RfPUBUCAn , By D. M. AMBDEftRY. BROKEN DOW. . . NEDRABK B ef T eleg ams The year which hng jUft ! elosed hns heen nn Qxct'llollt ono ( ot' lown HIIOI'ts. mon with rod I1nd guu , : Prnshlont Hoosovolt Ig 1II\Oneli to Knlsel' Wilhelm ns count 1'\JIlrt \ or "greatVal' god" II ) ' HOIH'c5ontatlvo 13111ler. An agreement to hurn tholr share of Burillus cotton was rOllched nt n snafU ) meotlng of the fnrmors nt } ) rn7oR , 'rex , Andl'ow Cllrnoglo commlsoloncll his J.-f > ndon IIgont to hid up to $ riOOO for the DUt'na' BIble , Which waa 60ld tbaro . l' . , R'oY' , Dr , Hllm1llul J. Wolfe , presl. rlent or 'Lho gonm'nl A'nol } oC the I.-u , themn church or America , died nt GeUJS"hurg , Pn. i TlIomas W , ByneR or Now York hns hoon ppolntod auditor of the IRhUIII or 'Porto JUco , to succeoll Braslus S , tocl'"cll , reshnod. Dorothy Doneon , the 10.year.ollt I dnuglLlm' oC Governor DOlleen oC 1111. nols"ns \ Bllccessfullr opemtell upon . . , , - fdr allpellillclll8 , The report oC Secrotnry Sbnw's wlthdr.nwlII from the cahlnot Is again revived hy the Now Yorlt SUII , but Is not el1el'ally credltod , 'Nle deadloclc In tbo Ol'Cgoll senate wnS' brolcon hy the clecllon oC 8 nn , tor William I\uyelldllll : oC ] .ano county - ty t9 UIO presldellcy oC the SclllltO. Extensl\'o wa houll ! occlIl'I'od on the Southern Pacillc , cnst oC Sail Demnr- 111110 , Cnl" eaused hy a eloudlmrst. Great IInl11l1go wns 1I0no to the tmelts , aeor o B , Cortelyou nnd 1\Irs. Cor- telyou have go no fOl' a seven weelts' trip tn rmuthom Eurolle , Ho will re. turn In tlmo for the Illaugu1'ntloll of lroolc1ellt Hoosevelt , ' 1'ho condilions of lahor 111 the 'West. phallnn coal floills oC Oermnny , which hnvo Inllllcell the rowlng slrll\O , will ho mnHo the sUbject of Interpellation In Ul0 relchstag , An o lclal rellort BUYS that aHa. gothOf' twenty IIer80llS were klllod during the labor dlst\1rbances In the 011 regions In Hussla , and that fort ) . . four 011 towers were hurned , M , Paul Domnel' , for1l1cI' governor genernt or Pronch Indo-China , WIU ! cloctc presldont or the chamber of ! lepullcs at Franco lJy 265 votes , ngnilist 20 voles for M , Henry Drls60n. The sOllate and assem111y or tlie California - fornia leglslatnro , stronsly relubll' cnn , voted Reparately for candillates for United SlateS' senawr to succeed 8ella10l' Bard , whoso term wlll 0)(1111'0 on Mnrch { next. , A charler for a cOlltlcn of tbe KolghlJ ; oC Columhus , to ho Instituted In Manila , has heen grantet1 hy the national board of dlrectorR of thnt 01' . anlEnUon , 'l'hlRls the first council to lJo ostnhllshed In UIO ) hlllppincs , PICI.y harrol or glnnt Ilowdor In 11. ! teraUoll freight cnr hlll'lIell In the : Mott Bnvon frolght ) 'urlh or the Now Yorfe , Now Haven & IIlIrtrorll railroad - road , 'l'ho IIwller did not expl0l1c , hut hlll'llcd with so hrhht Iglnro as to Ught'tll } the slll'l'olllllllng country fOl' n great rntTlus. PoUowlng the recent letter of PI'esl , dent Roosovcltll'glnl ; strict enforcement - ment or the law ngaln8t the omitting or l1on60 smol\O from chlmnors In the DistrIct of Columbia , the poll co conrt In Washlngwn IniposetT fincS' aggrogat. Ing $480 In nlncteen ca8es agllinst J..lnaloy S , Sinclair , geneml 8ul1Cl'ln. . of the Potomac Blcctrlc Pow. er company , Secrelal'Y IIltchcoclc Ilns transmlttcd tOI\he , house recommonllatlon from tho'dlroctor , or the gcologlcal survey regal'llIn the use fOl' Irrigation 11111' . IJOSO. of the wntors of the lower Colorado - rado , rlvelfl'ho recommendation Is made thllt legislation bo enacted fot' the 5101'l\go of the heul-watel's : of these l'lvol's to lInlll'o\'O hath Its navl- ntlon and for Irrigation of the Illnds of California IInd Al'lzona , 'rho fjtnto department at "rashlng. ton hns Informed the Chlneso govorn- menl thl'oll/h / 1\lInlster Chen Liang Cheng thllt It regards the lIanlww- Cnnton I'Illlwar as an Amel'lcnn cot'- poratlon , pure I1nll Rhuplc , and ns , ntcll , cnHUed to the protection of the go\'ernmcnt : also that It wouhl not look , - . with . , favor UllOa the proposell c ncollaton of the mllroall's frlln. chlso by the Chlneso govCl'nment , On acconnt of Rlorle8 that havQ boon clrcnlated nbout IIlneii U1ul dentlJ , duo to "suclccs In cnlJbnge , " , tho' illinois ' honl'd' oC health has Is- IIUOI1 , n stnttiment , In which It Rn's : "Tho slate board of health has rlghlly Investlgnted , throngh Its InSllectors , every I'oport of slclmo8s' or death Ilt- trlbutell to entln C'ah1lago , and In each cash fallod to 1tnd the slllhtest ground for the all1rmlng stOl'les 'clrcu- I Inted oyer the countr ) ' , " ! General Nogi Is reported to h1 rush , Ing his troops nOI'th\\\rd ( 1rdm Port . .ArtIr to relnCOI' o 1\Inrijhal O'ama , 'nlo , Jqpnncso 1I\Inl8tor' at " 'nsllng- ) ton : says thllt no overtures for Ilcneo ll1'q ' , h ' n mndo or will o mndo I ) ) ' hl 'go'yornmont , ; , I ICtr , 8\\'oatshops where clothing 18 i , made In NoYorlt were rnlded h ) ' In , special's or the slate Inhor depnrt- mont. 'I'hoy were com ( lolled to sloll : , worl { I 'until they complied with the 1 pr vlslons or the now lnbor law , , ; , , 'hlch IIro\'lIle8 that each shop must i t lte out a lIcenso. . . ' " " I . , \ LEGISLA TURE of NEBRASKA . - - - - - , - - - . . ' - . _ . . A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty I Ninth Gc1V eral Session , I . . - TUESDAY , JANUARY 10. Amen hills Intl'odncell WCI'O Ihe fol. Iwlll : Sellat 0 file No I , 'lly SelllltOI' 'J'hou\IIf of ) ( ) II\H , If ! IL hili for all Iwt to lIrovlde IL I wel\'o.ho\l1' Hhlft for Omaha II l'OIlH'1I , Sellnto fIIo No , 2 , hy SOllnt.or l rleH of Vnlloy , I a mel1fJlIl'l' to roqlliro < : olllltle , dtle ! ! anll vlllnJf's to IHIIIIO oX'lIlIlon Rol/llm' ! ! 111111 l1allOl'S 1I01lse8 , free oC charge , to IIClldle , Imwlc alld 11I811OHO of WI\I'eH' , Sellntn llIe No , 3 , hy SOlll\tor noml of Nemn. hn , Is a hili fol' 1111 net to elnRalf ) ' Irop. ) erty ulldm' the l'eVlmllO law nlld p ( > r- mlt the state hoal'll to ralso the vllin. ! lUon of nllY clnss of IlI'olwrty In nllY cOllnty , When this Is lIone r.o cOllllly lLuthorltlcs IIdd the Inerenso to Ihe . ( 'lnRa. ofll'Opel'ty / nnscscl1 ! too low nnd the InCrl.'II110 doeH' lIot affoC't 1111 the tnxnble 1)l'Opel'ly ) In the cOllnty , The InUCl' Interpretntlon wno ell. forced last nilI' 111111 the hili of Mr , Good Is u cnl'lIt1vu I11CIIS\l1'O to IlI'evcat Ihls , 'J Sennto file No , 4 , br Senntorloc - lcott of Lnncllstcl' , Is Il hili fOl' un ncl to reulro ( ono ) 'oal' of resillollc/J before - fore a dlvorco CUll ho soc\I1'lHI mill to roqulre the 1I1allltlff to declnro that 11ormanont I'oshlollco Is ( 'onlcmplnted , Sellnto 1110 No , ri , lIy Senntol' Bpller. son or Clay , Is 1l bill fOl' all ad to /lre\'cnt / voluminous conrt record ! ! In unhnllortnnt cnse : : ! , It directs that complete records ho mndo ollly when the tltlo ot lanll I In\'olve(1 ( , Otherwise - wise a cmnplole rocol'd Is mnde when the conte8t1ng IHlrtles hem' the expense - ponse , Sellalo file No , G. hy Senutol' Moclcoll- 1..allcll8tel' , Is It hili fOJ' nn act to establish 11 jn\'onllo eOIlI't. Sen , ate fIIo No , 7 , h ' Senator George I. , Sheldon oC CIISS , IR a hili for nil aC'l to IlI'ovll1o 11. 2 mill le\'y to ) llII'chlll'l ' ( ! olltstllnclln ! ; ' stnto Wal'l'allt8 , Sellato mo No , S , by SenatOl' Belhtol of 1.1111- caster Is II hill 1'01' nn IIrt to pro\'lllo for n cOllllty cnghloel' III Dougills nllil Lallcnslel' COUll ties , Senate fIIo No , n , hy Senator 'I'homas or Douglns , It : ' a bill for an IICt to upplY the ponaltll's tor theft and emhezzlement to lilt' crlmo or COl1\'OI'slon , It appJle to aents , and attOl'neYR In alllses / where commissions 1\1'0 Involved , It Is no exonerntlon If n Ilal't of the sum converted Is c lle the agent. At present the orronS'o Is ouly 1II\IIIsbahle \ ns n breach or trust. In the hOllso the spelllmr thus announced - nounced this committee on rnles : Chnlrman , the silelll < or : Davis of Dur- falo , McClay of J..nnca8tm' , Wlndhnm of Cas8 , , Iouvennt oC Boone , Dl\con of DawRolI , GOl'des of Hlchl\l'lson , the : laRt lIIuned IJOlng the fU810n memhel' of the commltteo'ho \ Introduction or bills then hegun , nnd the 111't ono suhmltted WIIS ht' : Dllrns oC Lnncaster to allow state , cOllnty IInc1 city officers to glvo 8l11'ety 1Ionlls , rovlslng- the IlI'osont luw. 'l'wenLy.ono hills wore In. tl'odnced , atllong thl'tII the following : Act to l'uro the cleect. of the la\\ ' Ilcl'mlttlng' state , county nnll locnl oll1cOl's to glvo Huret.y honlls , gmer- gene ) ' . Act to 111'0\1110 ror eleC'tlon of IIl'eclnct , township nnd wU'1I : assessors In the cOllntlml IInll C'ltltR , 'l'hl'Y al'o to ho olectell annunlly anll assess III'oIIOl'ly In the district electing them , 'rho IlI'esenL law provides fot' tlwh' all- lIolnt.mont hy the C'onnty asseSSOl' , Emergency , Act to OIllIlOWCI' SUllI'emo court to appoint six commissioners anll liS mant. : stcnogl'llllherR liS may he deemed nocossnl'Y 1'01' the uld of the commlHslonOl's , to serve 1'01' two : t'oal's , unless Hllmmal'llr I'emo\'ed hy unllnl. mous vote of the COlt , 'fho IlI'csont commission conslstloC Ihl'oo mem- bOl'S , Act to IlI'ovlllo fOl' thn election of precinct nssossol'S to sel've fill' fOlll' ) 'el\l'S I\IHI 1I0t ho elJlhlo , : fOl' roell ) ( ' . tlon nud Ilxlng the hmlll at $ fiOOO , I mergency , Acl authorizing thl' IlIIh. Jlclltlon of II1W8 on a plan IInlfol'm with the IInnotat(1 ( stntut < , s IInll mnl , . Ing snch Iluhll'ation allmlsHlhh' hI ovl. dence , It lIuthOl' : COh1loy to IH' ( ) ' 11111'0 the Stlltlltl.'S , AI't. to 1IIII'OIIl'llIto ( ( to the \lRO IIn(1 ( henl'llt of the Hnlvol" sit ) ' of Nohl'llslm , the moneys Imo\\'n as "tho ngl'lcultul'IIl eXllol'hnent Stll' tlon fllnd , " IIlso the funds 1I1'Ising IIn. lm' the act of congl'osa of Allgust 30 , 1890 , commonly Imo\\'n us "lhe ; ' 1(01" ( 1'111 fund , " nh\C \ ) the fllnl1 Imowu u : { "tho IInh'OI'HIt ' ( 'lIsh fund , " At' ! to 1'0 , quh'o conll'lIct Co I' 1lI'lIlgf's , ( 'ul vorts , etc" to he Ilt to the lo\\'est. hlddol'S , Act to rl'guillto the spoell of aull to control the IIS0 of al1tomohllos and otho1" hOl'soloS8 c'onn'ranc ( ) , It ma.lcII limit 12 1I1Um ; In I 111:0 I' plll'lI 1011 < : ltlos 111111 villageR 1\1111 t'O II II 11' ) ' roar , C'om- 1)'lIIn ) , ; lLutol1lohllcs to Htoll to III'o\'ont Crhhtellln hOl'sl'R nnll ' fixing IInalt ) of $2G to $200 fine or thl'eo munths' hlllll'lsolllJumt 01' hoth , In the ! ; ( 'lIato on the 11th , I.IUllton' nllt Govcrllol'cGllton : ( 111'1I\'ol'tHl a short allllrcsK on the matll'l' of 111'0' parlllg hUlB that nl'O to ho l'lIlIctell - - - - - - Big Animals Disappearing , 'l'ho 1 1\111 \ an I'l1lnocol'os Is lIelll'll'X' tinct , 'l'hel'o 111'0 t\\'o spl't'hnelll\ the Lonllon zoologlC'al gardenH nllil t\\'o 011 the BIII'ollean continent , Ver ) ' foal'O left III It wild 8tnto 111 lll1l1a nlld Assllm. IIncl unlosll sJel'llil ! mcaR. ures ho talwn fOl' thoh' III'OHl'I'vltlon : they will soon dlsllllllOl1I' , ' Trades In London , Ac < : ortJlng to the lute rotlll'lIS thol'o nro l,7j6 [ distinct tmeles being calTled 'on In , 'London n Hl I.ts. suhurbs , [ , , . - - Into lawJo ! , 110 IIrgod the Honntorll to ho ( 'nrflll ! In eadl hill In speclfylllg whnto\'or sections of the IItatut08 : were to ho rep nled nnd not to willd 1111 the hili hy Hllylng that 1111 soC'llons In conlilct. with the hill ho rCIIlaled. no. callso of thlM Hllpshl ( way of prellllr. Ing hills ho saM the ncelloll pcrmlt. tlllg Rllltu olileol's to give /11 / a1'l1nty honllH' hall hoen 1'0lJOllied IInd 1I1uch conl'lIRlolI ' hlld resllltc ( ! . A messllgo waR rocll\'d C'Om ! the governor an- nOllnC'ln ! ; the appolntmellt of William S , Aslcwlth to the Ilosltloll of com , mallllllllt oC the So1cllers' nnll Sailors' Home I1t GI'nnll Islund fOl' the Ierloll or two ) ' l\rs from De'embel' I , 1903 , nnd reqllostlng his conflrmntlon by lhe sonuto , 'l'ho followln ! ; hlllll wcro Intl'O' dnced nnd renll for the first tlmo : An act to prevent the Illegal expenditures of pUhllc : fnndg by mukln olTlclala re' sponslhlo for money spent ollt of an ) ' fundH In excess of the amount contain. ed In such fnnds , ' 1'0 pllnlsh juror8 I\.nd referels for recolvlng 1II'IhoH by a ponitontllll' ) ' sentl.'neo of 0110 t.o five ) 'eal'S , ' } 'o IlI'ovont ollcel's ! frolll sllend. Ing IlIIhUe fllnd In excess of stalu. torr limitation , ' 1'0 dofille conditions ot child depondenc ) ' , lIeglect , cruelty and 111 trcatment , alld to IlI'escl'lbo metholls for the IlI'oteellon , dlslJs1- tlon mill sllilervision of dependent. negloctcd , cruelly ai' III.lreated chll- Ilren and to III'o\'lclo IlIInlshment for the violation of this act. ' 1'0 define hl'lhel' ) ' of jurors alld ref crees nnd to /Ix / Pllnlshmont fOJ' the conviction oC the samo. An I\ct lu'ovlcllng fOl' the oXllmlnatlon oC 11Ilsomnnlacs , Ine- hrlntes and IIOl's'Ons addicted to the oxcoHsl\'o use of 11100'1Ihlne , cocaine 01' othel' nnrcotlc dl'ugs , 1'01' I ho detention - tion , ( ' 111'0 mill tl'eatml'nt of such lIer- sons In the Llrwoln immno hospital , and 1'01' th lr 111I1'010 , , } 'ho hOllse , hy resoutlon ( , on the 11th , Invited Congl'essman llUl'lwtt to rellll'n fl'om 'Yashlnton ! nne ! SIIY per- sonlllly whothOl' OJ' not ho will fmpI > ort President Hoosovelt's antl.rnllroad lJlIcy. The resolution was Introduced hy h' , Meflllllth of Yorlc , SlIeakOl' Hourso announcell his committees , nc- comIJllnyh\ ! ; ' the same with a letter In which some oxplnnnUon Is mnde , A motion hy Wilson that the 1II'Ioting committee he autllOl'lzed to ascel'taln the cost of I11lmeOgrallh cople8 of the dally minutes fOl' the membOl'S' WIIS passed , At the Ill'st of the Hession a motion was Imssed doing aWII ) ' with this custom on the grounds thllt $ G 11. 'dur , the cost last scsslon , was too much , ' 1'he committee on rules returned - od a rOIlOl't which was IIdopted and does IIwnr with lwo clerlm emilloyed hCl'etoCore , Amollg resolutions Introduced - duced was one cOlldemnln Postmas. tel' SIl.C1' : of LIncoln 1'01' his activit ) ' In the 8poal < OI'shlp ( 'outest IUIII I'CCOI\1- mondlnl ; that the p0:11nl : dnllllrtmcnt II t Washington In\'estl IHo his case , ' 1'heso hills. among olhers'ert' In. trollllced : ! teapIIOI'tlollment hili , ulvhles lhe hmto Into slxty.sevon rep. resentatlves IlIstl'lds allli thlrtysu\'en In the S'IIIIII' , Dlslt'lct No , ri IlIchllle Douglns COUllt ' to ha\'o rOlli' tH nll- 111I'S , DlstrlC't No , G shall Include Douglas and SlInndel's anll have one /lollt / senatOl' , HOIlI'esontatlvo district No , ! J shnll Inl1Ido DOllglas connty allll have thlrlGen ' ' ' rOlll'osOlmllves , 1'0 ' C'ompol railroads to rlln Ill\sfmllgel' IIlId frelht : : tmln on 8chellul lime ; un act to do t\\va ) ' Will' ' the tonllag ( ! srs- tcm , An act mahlng It ohllgatory on count ) ' allol'noY8 to filII l'omillaints when n lIossosslol1 of cvldence which warrants a III'osecuton ( , At lreRent ) the C'oullty uttorney mllr ontoI' ' 11I01le at his IlIscrcllon , ' 1'0 IIl1nlsh jllrorS' and I'OfOl'(10S who tal\O bl'lbea. and delln. In the ( 'rlmo of jlll'Y tam/lol'lng / , Dlvhllllg Omaha. . Ill'emen Inlo t\\'o ahlrts. ca)1 ) to01'1 , IWl'h'e hOlll'F a lillY , Dpllnlllg ehllli depollllon'y ! and III'o\'illIng IHlIIlslllllellt 1'01' the 111 tl'cat. ml'nt oC ( 'hlll\rpn \ , House Hell No , 10 IlI'O\'illes that the ( 'onllty t'lorls Rhall 1\0 \ the Iluty of ( ' ( ) \I1\y ! asscssol'S' III ( 'ount 108 11111101' 10OOpOllnlatloll / ) , 1I0llse Hell NoIt , III'o\'hles a llenalt ) ' that , In the , dlsC'I'olion of the 1l1dge , ono who Is ac'usl'd oC altomliling to lIoll'lon ' a IHwson Hhnll he Imlll'lsoned or Ilnel ! . JlolI ' < < ' Hell No , , I : ! Imlloses resll'l'tlons ' ' 011 t'aC'tlon engines on the highway , an(1 III'ovllos ( they lUust bo stollllO'Il wlthlll 100 : t'al'lls of teams 01' stoc\ ! ' House ! toll No , 43 tlmClllls the criminal ( 'olio , allowing IlrOlwcut. hll ; attol'lley six ( 'hullullge8 Cor < 'aeh defClulant. ' ' ' ' SI NA'l'g-'l'ho seconll sectlou of S , p , : W , lutrolllwc(1 h ) ' Sellutol' Schroelt all the 12th fm' ' ' , 1'C'gulatiou o ( automo- hiles , roalls II ! ; follows : " \\'hene\'el' It shnll alllJoal' that nn ) ' hOl'so or lI1ulo rl\'en 01' 1'lIldl'l1 hr IIIIY IICI'ROn Ullon an ) ' ot'sahl HlI'cots , rands or hlhwa'R ! II > ahout to hecome frlghtoned or Is - - - - - ' " - Value of Fox Skins , ' 1'110 onb' sldll which IIPIII'Oac1l0'l the sea ott ( > 1' III vlllne Is that of the hlncl , 01' sllvOl' 1'0\ , 11 IR sa hI that good sl < lns of the hll\'l , fox hllvo 1i'OIl sold In St , P ( > tol'sbul'J Ilt fl'om $ IGOn to $ ,1,000 , A Imll' of sll\'l'I' sltlllK In I.on- don sold fOl' $2,400'hlln II slllglo slln Is sahl to ha\'e hl'Ou/ht / : $1,000- I lsh nnll Strellm , 110 who llewH nol 11\0 lIoes not 11\0 , Berlin Land Values Double , 'rho groulIll vnll\o \ of the ( ) ( tr or nerlln Is said to ho wOl'lh twice whnt It was lu lSS7 , . , ' " , . ' trlghtcnett h ) ' thl' 11(1111'onch of nny all' tomohllo or'ohlcle , or whou It shall 1l/lIICar / that nny horse Ol' horst's , 1It1l1 ( ' 01' mllil's , drlvon h ) ' nn ) ' lerSOIl ) Ol' IwrHonll lI\1on \ any of snlll strootll , rOllds 01' hlghwa's 111'0 IIhollt to hOl'onll' frlghtcned 01' nro Crlghtened h ) ' the n/l' / Ilronch or nuy sut'h uutornollllo 01''c , hlclo It Hhull ho the dllty oC the llel" son driving or t'OIlIllIctlng uch allto' 1I10hlio or'ohlclo to enuso thu sllme lo eomo to IfilII 8tOP , lIull'sS horse 01' hOl'SOS , 1111110 01' mlllcs , lllwu ImssI I ell. " Irll. : 'V. 11 , Slit ton WIlS selected I to furnish a jOllrnll1 oC the III'O'c < 'd- Ings at $3riO It dllr , she to f\ll'nlsh 1111 lIIatl'rllll exeCIIl IItllchlncs'ho \ 1111' polutmont oC W , II _ Aslwllh liS C'om. mandl' ! ' of thc Gmnll Isllltlll Soldlcrs' Homo WIIS conlll'Jned hr thl' senate In oxecutlvo session hr IInllnlmollll'ote , 1lIlis'ero Introlluced : S , p , : la , h ) ' I , oC Dnwson , an lid lrovllllng ) fol' the I'lectlon of a I'oeentlng ) ) : : ! IIttOI'- nay for eacll judlC'lal district In the stat 1. ' , to hold oll1ce fOl' 1tOl'm of rO\ll' ) ' ( > IU'ff , the IIrst clect Ion to bo held In 1UOG : the prosecuting atlol'1le ' Hhall ho Iald $2,000 1\ ) 'C.l\I' ! : In districts cant allling cOllntles with II. Ilopulution or 11101'0 than 100,000 ho shllll have two depulles , ( Inch to 1.0 pllid $ lGOO a YC'lIr , An act to estahllsh loclIl ollllon by cOlin ties : Ill'Ovldlng that ] 0 POl' cent of the voters < 'IIn flo ( Itloll / lion with the cOllnty clerk thirty dllYs he. fore a general election ani get the ! } lIestlon voted on , Providing that when nn Irrlglltlon district Is formed evcryono owning land In the district Is entitled to a vote , S , I" , aG , hr Sheldon - don of Cass-Pl'o\'hllng that when the : ' \lIssoul'l rl\'cr chllnges Its course und PUtH IPlll't of Nobmslm In I\n. othel' state , the nccretlon and the In. hahltnnts thereof shall hecomo a JlaI't of the other stnte , the same to bo au- noulI'od b ) ' } ) I't,10111ll1l1l1on of the go\ ' . emol' . HOUSE-Hepl 'lng to the nctlon of the house , demanding Information from Congl'cssman Burlcctt ns to whethel' ho would sUIIIJrt Pl'esldcnt Hoosevelt In his I'I1llroad reform legislation - lation , the clerIc on the 12th , I'ead the following : "Am advlEed oC action of Nohrnslm house de representatives todar , asltlng my vle\\'s , Plonso say to the llOuse fOJ' mo that I stl\nd squarely with the preshlent a1\(1 In' dorso his message fOl' propel' control of railroad ra tes , " 'rhe telegram was received lJy Spenl\Cr House , 'rho house adjourned at 2 : 50 p , m. oul of're. . spect to the late Governor Garber , whose denth was announced In Itele. . gram received h- ' Governor : \lIcl\Oy from Joseph Garber of Hod Cloud , When the telegram was relld Kale ) ' of 'Vehster movecl for the appointment - ment or committee to dra.w sultalJle resolutions , 'rho following were passed - ed : "Whereas , D ) ' the death of Hon , Silas Garber the stuto haB suffered the loss of distinguished nnd honored citizen , who has sen'cd many times In pUblic office and b ' rea sou of his exemplar ) ' IIl'e IInd honorahle sel'\'lco has endeared hlmselC to the I'oille of 0\11' \ commonwealth ; thOl'el'oro he it Resolved ' } 'hat honol' " , we the mel11or ) of the TIon , Silas GarbCl' hy adjollrn- Ing for the I'emah\dm' of till' IIII , } ' , anll that these 1'Rolutions ho HI1I'ea11 upou th jOIl I'll II 1 of the hOllso aUIl thnt a cop ) " of the same he forwal'dod to his In\lnl'cllato family , to whom we offer 0\11' \ sincere sympathr In this their hour of l'lef , " ; 'IIcAl1Istor of DtHwl , Introduced his I'capporllonmeut bill , It Is hO\lse roll No , 37 , nnd with one 811ght change Is hlentlcal with hOllso roll No. 371 , which he Introducotl two ) 'Cllrs ngo and which failed oC pas. sllge , ' } 'he only IJOlnt of dlffercn'c he- tween the two meuslU'es Is thnt. the IlI'csent hili al1lls one m { > ro county , Banner , to district No , GO , rellroS'oll1- oil hylcAlllstl'I' , which 110W Includes Deuel , Keith , Che"enno and Kimbllll , 'l'he nohili I'eapllortlons the senator- 1111 as well liS the rel11'esentatlve districts - tricts , It taltes DouglnB county o\ll \ of the 'l'onth rellresentlltlvo dlstrJ'd nnd Illacos It In the Nillth , lvlnK It foul' moro relll'esentllllvel > , 111111 lusteall of leavlll Douglas III the Sixth senator. lal ( lIstl'lct , as at Ill'esent , with thl'eo senators , the now hili C'reateR the I'lfth I1IHtrlC't of nO\lllas \ II10no with folU' sl'natnrl-l. nnd the Sixth , with DO\l \ IHi al1l1 Saundel's , with ono son- alar. So nndm' the nl.hili DO\l \ lns county has so\'onloell l\IHI It half nwm. hers In senllto nlld house togelher , whel'/ls n t III'tSellt it has \\pl t ve , Among bills Introd\lC'ed \ the followln occur : ' 1'0 } 1I'0vlde I'm' the ereC'tlon and mnlntenance of Ihllrd fibC ! ' hillding twlno plant nt tlw Nehl'llslm state penltontlnry and to mlll < o approprla. tlons the ref 01' , Approprlatos $ ,1iOOO [ fol' estllhllshmellt I1nd $1jOOOO [ 1'01' op. eratlon , H , n , No , 1 , by'II'nm' 01' Lancastor-An net tolro'ido / Cor the renS'sessment of all ronl 1)l'Ollel'ty ) In 1905 : Iler'mlts C'ount ) . I1ssessorl'l ' In counties of 0\1'1' 30,000 to malcoIII assosslUcnt heels ; Ilermits IInnulIl 1'0' vision of real eHtatl''lIlnatlon : g\'el'l ! ' stnte hoard pow < 'r to Incronse 01' de- crellso 1\8S ( > 8S1l\01lt \ on 1111) ' < 'lass or 11I'Olerty ( : prm'hles fOl' county 10\ ' ) ' nCtol' stuto hoard hns made It s equall. zlltlon , as recomllll'11IIed hr the O\- el'IIOI' In hlH l11esSllgl' , Enr.rgy of Radium. ' 1'ho qllllntll ) " oC cnor ) ' IlIIt Corth b ) ' mdlum IsH'Y largl' , gXIlI'essed us heat , It Is s\lll1clent \ to ralso Its weight or waleI' to hOlllng } ) olnt InIn \ hour , J' xprl'stell ! liS IIOW'I' , the enerly oC a slIltslloonCul'oulll lift [ jO tons II , mlle hhh-IIO\\'l > I' 3l1.000 to 1,000,000 times 118 gl'cat n t ha t dovolololl ( hy the most po\\'crful chemlclIl cnel'g ) " hitherto Imo\\'u , ' Good men are t l conscience . of . . so- ' . clety--Snnm l Smllos , \ I " , ' . , , THE APPORTIOW,1EtIT rt1EASURE How thc Senatorial & 1nd Representa. tlve Dlstrlcto Arc Arrangcd , If the hili IntrOlhlcc(1 ( In the hOllso on the 12th hocomeR a 111\\ ' , the SOItn' tOl'lal nnll r III'esentlltl\'u IlIsh'lcls will ho dlstrlhutell liS' fnllows : Senatorial Districts , DI lrlct tItll'hlll'dnn1111 ' : \omohu , 0111' 1'\1111 101' , : ! -I'IL\\'I\'C , Gogo RlIlt HilI/lie / , l\\'o 3elut- 101'11 , : : -.Jnhnson 01111 Oloe , 11110 IICIII1 III' , 4-(1"1\ IIl1 Hnl'pr , ulln I'cllIllm' . r.DOIIIII \ , filII I' 1'I'lIl1llll'I' , G-DnlllthlH nHI SlIllIlIlf'rl' , IInl' 1'I'llIItor , . -\\'lIlihlllgloll BlIl'l ' ' ' , Hlill 1'hl1l'lIlolI. 0110 IWl1nlrll' , ! l-Dnl\Olo , ) ) lxoll lIIlll < . 'CItU' ! , ono Cllll- t'll' , ! I-r.l1Inlllg' , " ' ( lrIlU IIlId 1'lerc < " Ollt' SCII- Ollll' , -.Slllllioll , 1\rll lOIl ! / lnll1111'10111' , 0110 1'l'lIl1l01- , II-noolle , Nnl1'o 01111IOI'rll'I , one son- IIlnl' , ) :1-l'llIlIc : nlld 1'01/ / ( , 11111' 1'1111101' , l-DofIAO : : ( J11l1 Colflx , nlll' 1'1111101' , 11--III1UI'I' . IIlIll Hf'\\'III' , 'UIl ! I'cnlllol' : , lr.-r.allcIIHII'I' , two Hl'lInlllrl' , 16- York ItIIll Flllmol'o , , , enc I'cilulor , } j-Jl'l1l'r"oll " 1\11f1 \ ( hllrpl' , Olin 1't'nnlol' , 18 uclOII ! , Wcbl'll'rllItI. : ! . 1"rulll III1 , 0110 Hcnalor , l Adnllm nnd Cloy , 0110 C'lIntllr , : W-T < elll'IIC ' nnd 111111'1110 , 0110 lIelllltor , 21-llall IIlId lIomllton , IIlIe Rell.alol' , : ! :1-1I : \\1\1'11 , SherllJlIlI , GI'l'cler , Val/t' / ' , " 'ltcl'lel' , Onl'lloltl. , 1.uIII' HlIII ] IInllle , UI10 Helllltnr , 2J-Knox : , Holt , nnyd all nocl , 0110 " ' 011- 0101' , 2t-HI'own , { { I'yo. 1'11111I , Cllorrr , Sioux , SltC'I'l UIl , Do WCH lIIlIl Box llUIlI' . ol1e ! ! ella - a to I' . : ! ; j-I.lncolll , Logon , 'fllomHI : 11001 < 01' , aranl , l\tCPhI'lHfllI , ( ( I'll It , 1'1'1'1 < 1111' . Dellel. ChoY < 'lInc , ] ' _ lInholl. U.lllnel' : IInd Scolls Blul\ ' , one IH111111ol' : , Z't-ClIslcl' ' 111111 ! JawIHln. 0111' fjlIUltOI' , 2-1Iurlllll , 1'11'lp , . . ' ' ' ( , 10'1'0 II t ! CI' and Oos- pel' , olle Henl\tur , 2S-1"lIrllas , Hcd " 'lIlow , IIII , hcocl < , CltuHl' , 111\'C8 IUlll DIIlHlr. olle Hcnlllol' , Representative Districts , I-Rlchordson , t\l'o r'llrosontu t\"c ! ! : ! . 2-Xomnho , OIlC l'OJII'I'RPntnt\'e ! , : : -PnWIII'C , 0110 t\'IJI'I'Senlllt\'I' ! , 4-JohllOIl ! , enc rl'prCl'lItnth'c ! , -r-icmnltn , Pawnee 11IId Johnson , ana represcn tn t'C ! , G-Oloc , two rcprcentalh'c ! , . . , , -COFII t\l'O ' . . , \ rCIJl'csolllnt"c ! , , H-Sat'P ) ' , OliO l'epl'osclllat\ ! ' ( " ! J-DOII ItH : , thIrteen rell\'fJl'lcntalh'c ' , 1-\\'IIHhlll ( lon , 01111 repl'ol'cntut1\'c , ll-BIII't , OliO rpIJI't'.entntl\e , 12-Cllmln , 0110 rCI.rl'.cntot1\I' , , Ia-\\'II"'hlnlton , 113III't UII Cumin ! ; , ono rcpl't'l'l'ntn t1 vc , H-Dal < ota IInll ' 1'hllr8toll. ono represenl- : Ht\"e , 1 -\\'II'nc , one t'pl'enlat1'I' , ] ( i-lJlxon ' ' ' ' , OliO 1'\'llI'cscn lull\'c , 1i'I'IIOonc rCIII'eSl'lItat1\'c , 18-Slanton and 1'lCl'Cl' , one I'PllrC51'lIt- at\"e ! , 19-Knox , onl1 I'l'prI'8clltt\ ! ' { , 2-Knox ( an Hoyd , one rcprl'I'I1lnt\'c ! , 21-Antelolll' , 0110 l'l'lu'cenlllh'c ( , 22-\ltllllHOII , 0110 rf'llI'PSf'lIln Ih'c , 2:1-l'lollp : , one repl'esl'nlnU\'p , 21-1'11Ilte fllI ; \ln lson , one rl'llI'cscnta- t\'e ! , 2-Xancc , 011 < ' 1't'1I"'I'NllaU\"e ! , 2ti-Coll'ax , one l'eIJl'escnlllt\C ! , 2i-Dodo ! , two rCJlrcsNltllt1\'CS. . , 2S-SlIlIlIder , two rl'1I'c.cnlllt1\"cs ! , , 29-IunclIstf'r Ix ' , ! ! relll'escntaUvcs , : : : o-all f ! , thr'e l'ellrellcntIlU\'ul' . : : i-Jt'IYcrsoll , ulle r'prl'sentot1 'c , : J2-Sallne , one I'cprel'nlatl\"c , : : : : -'Salllle UII Jelfcl'HolI , one rOIII'c3enta- t\'C ! , : ' :1- : Sewer , one repl''I'entllt\'C ! , : t'-Dlltl r , OliO repl''sentat\'e ! , : J6-Blltlcl' alld Sewar , ono rcpreHcnta- U\'l' , : Ii-Polk , one r'pl'C'ntnt\.c ! , : : S-York , uno l'IJpreHentotl\'c , : ' ' 9I.'llImorc1110 representllll\'e , 4-York ( nnd PllImore , one rCIJresenta- th'o , I1-Thnrer , one ropre.C'lItllth"e , , 2-Nucltoll , one l'cprcsenlut\'c. ! 43-Glu ) ' , ono ! 'f'prc'cntatl\'o , H-'j'hnycr , Xllclwlls and Cla ' , ono rOlll'CRP/I I at I VC , 1 " 'eb lcr , one rOIJrosentntvc ! , 46-AtlomR , two rl'llI'f'.enlntl\'cs , H-llull , one relrel'el1tntlve , 8-1 lurnlltoll , 11110 1'I'lrCentllll\'c ! , 41-Hamllton ! anti. ! Jail , one I'cllrcsenla- IIvl' , W-\onlcl ! ( , one l'pprl'RPnlall\'o , l-Boolle ' ' ' ' ' ' - , Olle I'Clll't'f't'lIlath'f' , -llowlll'tl , ono rl'presenl th'e , 5.1-Gurllehl , " 'hccll' ! ' UII Grccll' ) ' , one l'l'prcl'l'nla Uve , : .I-Sherman 1(011 Volley , enc rOIIl'est'"la. Il\'l' , Il'l'1 roll , 0111' rcprplcnlaU\'c , "ti-Hod" HI'OW. . . , 1-01111 , Sallnc nnd Thomat- , ono rCrll'l'l'l'alath'o , [ , i-Kera I'alm , Chcn ) " , J/oolwl' / un\ \ ! Grallt , OlJe rt'III'f'sf'nhUn. , r.S-Sherman UIIDa wC : ; , ono represent , at\'l' ! , : ; U-Hox DII tt 1' , Scolts Blufr and Sioux. on" r"pl'I'SCII la U'e. . GODent' ! , Kcllh , ehl'rl'nne , J\.lmlHlll 11I(1 HlIlltll'r. 0110 I'nprl'scnWtl\"E' , GI-I.lncoln , one r"JII . .8I'ntn.I\'c ! , H:1-'n811'I' : , OliO relI''I'f'lltutI\'e , -CIISlcl' 1 : , 1.0-an ; : 111.11lcl'hcI'50n , ono 1''III'I''l'ntll tlVl' , HI-Bllffalo , t\\'o repl'l1l't'ntaU\'E's , Io-K"arll' : " ' ' \ " , ' , - " ) ) , UIIO I't'JlI Pl'ental\\ tili-ji'ralll < llll , olle n'pl'l''E'nt/lU\'c , fjj'-I Jarlan" uno l'cIII'Cl'ellllllh'c , GS-PhClJI8 , one rnpreflf'lIlnt\'c ! , 19-I"urllos ; , { Jne I'Cpl'f'I..nluU\e , ill-DawHon , 0111' rCpl'ellcntatl\'o , iloWHOII , Gospel' and FlI1I0" " ' , one \'III'eHl'n tn I\\'c \ , ' 72-1"ronllcl' unlIarcH \ , enl : representa- tlVf. , ' it-Hell " 'l1Iow , Hnl1 rcprtfcnlath'e , l-I1llch < ! ock , DIII\I \ ) ' , Chat'tJ u\H1 PCI'- l < in , . . . onu rl'lI'f'3pntnll\'I' , Nearly Drowned by Kangaroo , Whllo chasln a full'grown male Iwngaroo ct Heell ) ' Crtel" VIC'torla , a local I'esldent was l'Iuddenlr ' selzcd by the anlmnl und ducl < ed repeatedly III the wllter , beln ani ) " saved from deuth hy thH CO\I1'IIg0 or his dog , \\111) I1nl1l1) ' pul the Iwngaroo to flIgIJt , Modernizing nome , Sevcrai largo new hotels ure helng huill In Homl' , 'fhe natives complnln that the city Is helng modernized and A n lIclzed , Several bn rs , with barmaids - maids , have recelltly heen opened , and the Cafe do Homa. now hns a grill room , Injuries to Drunkards , In the casunlly'n1'lIs of the Lon don GClleml hOl pltal rcgulcrly , on Satll1'day nights , ! lO lIeI' ccnt of the ( n , jllrlcs admitted uro directly clue to drllllt , a 1111 on the last hoxln lIay every admission was due to drlnl" ' \'hel'O \ arc lwo things wo hav ( ' novel' IICen b19 , to mid ( > I'RtIllHI : Jlow n. . hotel hils the I\er\'o to as' ' < fOl't ) ' cents for 11 haked p 'lato iilHI whel'II 1101" 1st gets the courage to talw a dollar fu' ( II l'hl'YSl\nthemum , Oldcst Inhabited Residence , The oiliest Inhuhlted resldellco In the British Itlngdom Is said to be Dunvcgall castle , In the Isle of SI < yo -the selll oC the l\IoI.cods of Mcl.eod -purt of which datcl'l ' from the ninth ccntllr ) ' , 01' Il CO\I1110 of hundred ) 'cnrs before thu conquest of Enl > lund L > : t' William the NOI'mall , It Is generully easr ellollgh to jUdso I\ . man b ' the diamond ho wears In hIB' shlrt rfront , . - I II. ' , " , , , ' . , . " . . - , " - - ( , 4 . . . , . ' " NO PEACE SOUGHT. , , \ Neither' Russia Nor Japan Asking ' i\ For It , 1 W ASIIINO'rON-Jnpan ll S m/ulo no ovol'l.ures for peace to Russia , c.ll' J recUr or Indlrectl ' , througlt the 1 Unltqd States , or any oUlcr power , and contemplates no such ncLlon , anl1 now thnt 1'01'1 Arthul' hns Callen , 111'0' poselr to press the Will' In the north all the moro vhOI'ollsly hy relnrorcln ' the Japanese lII'mles at. 1.lao ) 'ang I with the greatm' part or the troop ! ! which hu\'o hoelhesleglng Port AI" thur , ' 1'hls , In brief , l'cprescllta the vlo\\'s of Kogol'O 'I'almhlra , the Jap. \.t"l aneso minister , who hus recently 1'0'1 t sumell charge of the legallon nt. Wnah. Ington aftm' n long 1I1noss at New Yorlc , "Tho fall of Port Arthur , " said the mlnlstor , "Is hut n stop In the wm' which Jalll\n Is wnglng for prlncl. pie , Cm'talnly It Is an Important. slep , but nothing couill bo further from the truth than the nssumptlon that , bo. cause .1n111\n has cl\ptured strong. ' hold , the fall of which hnd long been \ expected , t.ho JalJUnese government will now maIm overtures for [ leace. Japan Is too hUR ) ' fighUng , 'Ve are I\S . . . .1 much In earnest today asVe were at i' ' ' [ the outset of the war , Wo have made no o\'el'tures fOl' pence , olther dtrectl - or Indh'ectly , 1101' have the powers IlII- preached with an ) ' Idelof IntI'- ventlon , " ' At the Rusl'linn ' emhassy it WIlS reo itemted thnt Hussla would fight all the harder In view of the temporary loss of Port Artllul' , EUl'Ope , It Is learned , is firmly of ' ! I the conviction that , however darlc the outloolc fOl' ) leaeo at this moment , when the II1'Ospect hrlghteng It 10 to President Hoosevelt that the neutrals ns well ns the belligerents will loolc for the Intel'medlary through which negotiations - gotiations clln he mnde : As n Euro. pean amuassador said tOllay , the American govcl'I1ment Is llructtcllll ' the only government to which hoth lJelllgOl'ents he willing to loolc fOl' asslstanco in rellchlng a S'etlloment , when the tlmo comes , and asldo from this fact the high personl\l regard In which the ( lroshlent Is held , hotl ! at St. Petershurg and 'foldo , males It all the moro ( ll'Obablo that through him , when HURsln nnd , Japan have fOllght their fight , the powers must oolle Cor peace , LAND FRAUDS IN MONTANA , .J Purchases Made by Senator Clark Unlawfully Entered , HELENA , Mont.-Judge William S. HUI\t , In the United States court 'hel" overruled the demurrers of the defendants - fendants to the Indictments In the case at the United States veraua H. l\f , Cobbnn , J , D. Cattlln and man ' others , charged with suhornatlon oC perjury and perjury In connection with tlmher land entries III western Montana , 111111 the accused wm nO\\ ' have to como to trial. l'at There IIro twelve Indlctmcnts COl' ' 11 sulJordlnation of i > erjury and nlnet ) . for perjur ) " , Included In the clofellll- ants are man ) ' settlers In Powell nncl ; : \Ussoula counties , who are alleged to have mllde false oath In proYlng Ulon their tlmhel' lanl18 which were Ilftpr- wards acquh'ecl hr SenatOl'V , A. Clark , It Is ( 'harged that Cobhan 1\1111 Caitlin , well Imown citizens oClls ! - sOllla , induced Ihell' people to swem- flllselr , The Indlclments were returned - ed , In , June , 1101 ! , and the canes hll\ " ( > . since been In . pencllng court. . . . " ' ' BUILDINGS FOR NEBRASKA , ' York and Gr&1nd ( sland Likely to Be ThllR Favored. WASHUO'1'ON-It Is almoot cer- taln that Yorl , and Gmnd Islalul wl/1 / ' get pUhlle hulldings at the hands or I this congress , Sites mllY bo provldell t In Norlh Platte , Columbus and K ar- . ney , but the Ilrosenl sc.sslon wHl not provide fOl' hnlhllngs In the last named towns ; , Cougressman Hlnshl\\\ ' has heen IndcratlgalJlo In his labors to secUl'O 1'01' Yorl , ouo hundrC'll thousand - sand dolla\'s , fo1 building , hit th chances ale he wJII get but so\"euty- five thou8anll. Ho\\'evor , that amount j may he Incl'eased lt 1 latm' Ros810n. No defnie assulnce hlS as yel heen given by the commitee that York wi bo Included In the lst , hut Con ress. mnn Norls , who Is a memher of thr' , committee , Is maldng a hllrd fght fOI both Gl'antl Islllnd and Yo 1' ) : , JHomhm's oC the commlttl'o thnt - Intmate IlIat- " much ns Grnd Islanll I.ns the largett Ilopulntlon IInd that congress ' If Ilwb' to IISS I\ . law Il'ovldlng for the holll- Ing of sessions of the Cederl court In Grand Islnnd , tl government bullln there should he a IlIrgo one , HCllce the commitee Is ) tely to Rlllrprlato ( $12G,000 fO' G 1'lll Islanl Nebraska Manufacturers' Census , - WASINGTON-WOlt wi sQln Ul commencel hy the government tn talunolhel' censls oC the mllluCII ( tures throlghout the Unltell Shll'R for ] 90,1 Three agents. ho , s/eCal . wi deslgnatell to tae } the Neuraska census - sus , ' 1wo will ho appointed lit Orlhn nnc ono at Lncol : 'l'heso agontj wi he selectell the . U/on recomlelllla. lon of congreRsmOn fm the stall. ' 1he compensation , wil bo $3 ' . leI' cnr. Brazill Wants an Ambassador , " ( W ASlNG'ONBmzl , through hel charge IllIffllros at Washlngtoh , has transmitted to this govornmcnt the Intmaton thllt he dosh'cs to II. 1011resonteli lit Washington ly nn nmlJnssncol' nnll woull wolcolo thn nlllwlntmcnt o ( nn J\mollcn amhassn. cor the at Ho el' .llnell COI'.lnl . ns aI\ rolatlons ' Ilt\\'eon the lwo gOVOl'1 ment the need of al Amorlcan am. hasSlleol' to Drzl Is not felt hy thts I goverloent , IInd i Is qulo hnpmh- able that tbo suggestion be wi encouraged - couraged , , - , . _ ' - - . - - - ' -.L , "