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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1905)
" . , " " , II . . . . ' " . ( I , , \ , ' MORTON'S VIEWS HIS IMPRESSIONS CONCERNING TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT. E FAVORS FEDERAL CONTROL Th Secretary Would Legalize PoolIng - Ing , Favor Unification of Ownership and Punish the Giving or Accept. Ing of Rebatcs. WJ\SIIINGTON-Pn\11 Morton , sec. , rctnry of the l1aV ) ' and formery vice ll ] JreHI < < lcnt o the Atchison , Topelm & , Snutn 1.0 c'ompan ) " , ili the author o ( I an nrliclo on the railway rate ques. tlon which will bo IH1bllshed in the O\1Uoolt. lie nt the outset cxpressly I dlsolaims wrillng us a roprcscntaU'o of President Roosevelt's ntlministra. tlon nml snrs : he spcalts merely as ono WitJl n somewhat oxtenslvo cxper. 'C'nco ) JerUnent to an important sub. 1cct. 'fho sccretar ) " In the article BaY'S there are ven' few complaints against railroa ( } rates per so in the United Stnlt'S : , the chief trouble being with r the "relotlon of rates as between mnrlCts. " Ho says there are as many rates that nre 100 low as there are mteE ! which It court would decide to bo too flgh , nnd that either class of rates may be equally disastrous to com. I1IUJltles. ! 110 expresses the opinion tIat ; fClleral sUOr'lslon \ > of railroads IH neccsrnry , but adds that regulation and protection should go together. He says that one of the three things following Is sure to talO place ! u the conduct of our rnllwa's : First-Legalization of 1Iools , the rest oC the railroads to l1Ialw enforci- hlo contracts between them solves ru ; to a 111"IIlon of t'arnlngs , 60 that the ) ' NlIl rcslit. the temptations of big ship' pel's anll be assured a fILII' share lIr the. bmlness mo"lng o.t stable rates , I\'Jrlch shall apIJly aliliD to all patrons. Seconcl-The further uulficatioTl of lJ"Dershl ) ! , tllOreh ) , delivering In time I ho o'1tjre railway ownership of tIte . country In the hands of a few individ. ual5 of one syndicate. 'rhird-Go\lernment ownership , th-1 worst of I he three "evils , " if such they may be C'alled. In the opinion of Mr. Morton gov. f : : , ernment ownership of our railroads J 1" wORld bC' the beglnnlug of industrial and uolltlcal chaos. ( He la'hcr favors the first proposl. tlon , with adequatp provision to as- _ Ufe rates being reasonable. As to IJcmdlug legislation Mr. Mol'- Ion favorS' the continuance of the In- ICrstato , Commerce ( 'ommlsslol1 in sub. 6tantlally its present form , sJ.ylng : : Let it go on maldng Investigations u t1'findlns ! , If It finds a rate is un. rea nable ( either too high or too ( OW , e"erything else being consider. ed ) let It order such rates as it deems . , < 4 remronaolo and if the railroads do 1l0t ( ! i' , majm them effC'ctive in thirty days hen the entire matter to bo roferre" to a central court of transportation , tiC say three to five members , to be created to especial ! ) ' consider and ex. . pedite all Questions of interstate commerce - merce so far as the transportation of the country is eoncorned , it being understood - derstood that this central court shall n.ave vower to adjudicate in all such : ! IlSeB except those involving constltu. Imllll questions and the findings of I this court In Interstate matters to be t. rll final . . . t SPENDS DAY ON SWAYfoE. , House Discusses Charges Against the Florida Judge. \ j W ASHlNGTON-The house of rep. , rcsentaUves on 'l'hursday devoted its , ! : ntire session to discussions of the \ Impeachment charges against Juage \ 'Jharles Swayne of the northern dis. trict of Florida. A dramatic incident DcctJrred when 1\11' . Littlefield of l\Ialne called on 1\11' . Lamar of Flori- ! ! a , who filed the charges against the judlo , to admit 01' relHldlate an aI- cged interview whlcl : the former elaimed tended to Incite the people , to commit an act of vIolence against Jnd f ) Sw yne. Mr. Lamar admitted giving an intrt' . , 'Iow , but emphallcally denied any ( .l1ggeslon ! from him that could e rcm'trucII ; ! : Into advising assassln.ll ! cJU [ ,1' murder. He said that allhoubh Judge ! : : : wanlO was lwown to bt ) ho moBt lawless man in I.'lorllla , he had , rcmamcU secure from bodily harm. Nebraska Ex.Governor Dead. LINCOLN-Ex.Governor Garber of Red Cloud died on Thursday morning. vernor Mickey was informed by telegralJh and ordered the fiag over the atato house to be placed at hair mast. t .w ' . ) - 11e hall been sick for a long tlmo .nd his death was expected at any tlmo as long ago as last summer. Homesteaders' Leaves of Abscnce. W ASHlNGTON-Sonator Hopburn has' introduced a bill granting leaves : > f absence. not to exceed Blx month In any ono year , to homosteadorll on lamls to be irrigated until water is turned into the mail } irrigation canalg Dn such lands , ' .t. j Sugar Bounty Law Is Void. J. INCOLN , Neb.-Tho lrupreme ( 'our ! of Nehraslll haR decided that the sugar beet bounty law , enacted at lbe legislaUve session of 1805 , is void. ' } 'ho law vrovided a bounty on sugar mauufactured from Nehraska grown bocts , but subsequent legislatures 1'0- fused to male an upproprlatlon for the pa'ment. The Oxnard Deet Sugar compt\llY and the Norfollc company Ii j\ hrought suit to collect $40.000 in pre- t mtanuf from the state. 'fho lower oonrt decided against the companies , antJ the supreme court Ilmrms. . . f , " , " " , BRYAN TALKS TO REPUBLICANS Addrcsses Lower House of Missouri Lclslature. ! .TEl"FEnSON CITY , 1\Io.-Col. Wil. lIam J. Brya11 , who came with his wlCe , to .Jefferson ClI ) ' , to atten ( } the Inauguration of Governor Follt , all. dreBBell the leglslaturo on invltatlo11 ot the reJublican ) hOURA , The Rlealwr , who was heartily recol\'ed , congratu. lated the people on the election of Mr. Follt , becnuse , ho said , it was thre. . ward for duty we ) ) performed. Corporation - ation inlluences , Ule spealer fmid , often controlled olllcials , antI to stop thIs he favored municipal ownership of state hlstllutlons. He advocated I the establishment of state fire and state lICe insul'llnco dpartments to furnish insul'l\nco to the people at cost. "I do not thlnlt our hanl s are safe , " said Colonel Bryan. " 'I'he ) ' arc so arranged - ranged that the ) ' mal e money in good times and throw the rill , on the de. posltor In bad thnC11. " lIe then made reference to the af. fnlr of Mrs. Chadwick. Colonel Bn'an conltnendetl Preshlent Roosevelt for recommending legisla. tlon to have camlmlgn contributions printed. lIe also commended the IIrefihlent for his recommendation of legislation enlarging the powerS' of the interstate commerce commission. "Hallroads control much legisla. tlon , " said Colonel Dr'an , "and If President Hoosovelt is in earnest in cnrblng their power , ho will lead n. strenuous lifo during the next four ) 'ears. " OPPOSED TO PENDING BILL. F. B. Thurber Argues Analnst thc Quarles.Cooper Mcasure. WASHINGTON-Opposition to the QuarloS'.Cooper bill extentllng authority - ity to the interstate commerce commission - mission to fix freight rates was made beCoro t.he house committee on inter. state and forolgn commerce by 1" . n. Thurber , president of the United States Export association. Mr. Thur- ber stated that he had heard the state. ment made by Mr. Bacon and others at the St Louis convention of the in. terstate commerce league that con- grell'S was owned by the railroads. 1\11' . Bacon denied maldng such a statement. Upon inquir ) ' from Representati'e Stevens of 1\Ilnnesota. 1\11' . Thurber admltte ( } that he and the association he represented solicited fundJ : from Governor General Lconard Wood of Cuba and Mr. IIavemeyer 01 the sugar trust to bo used in the effort to secure - cure Cuban reclproclt ) " . In reply to a question by 1\11' . Dacon Mr. Thurber stated that ho expected no pay from tile railroadS' for opposing the bill under - der dlscufislon. His testimony w11l be continued Frida ' . FAVOR JOINT STATEHOOD. Delegation From Oklahoma and In. dlan Territory at Capitol. W ASlIINGTON-The senate end of the capitol was visited by a delegation - tion of fifty residentS' of OIdahoma and Indian terrlton' , who have come to Washington in the interest of that portion of the general Btatehood bill which provides for the creation of a state of those two territories. The leader , D. C. Lewis , said that his dele. gation Is interested only In the OI la' homa bill. lIe said the people of 0ltla- horn a and Indian territory want statehood - hood , but want to como In on the same footln ! ; as other statos. It was learned that the dele ation objects to the propOFed ; regulation of liquor traffic In the bill. Senator Beveridge stated that ho was earnestly in favor of the bill. Honors for Officer < ; . WASHINGTON-Tho senate ( 'om. mil tee on military affairs oclenJ a tav'Jrat'lo report on Senatnr Proctor's bill authorizing the president to 1'0- ward omcers for distinguished serlfe : in the army by creating for th < .m grades on th active list to which the' , . may be vromoted. Favorable Report on Brady. WASHINGTON-Tho senate committee - mittee on terrltori03 authorized a fa. vorable reIJort on the nomination of John G. Brady to bo governor of Alaslm. The nomination has been held up at the request of Pennsylvania commercial Interests In Alaslm. Would Leave Arizona Out. W ASIIINGTON-Senator Teller has Introduced an amencJment to the statehood - hood bill providing for the admll'slon ' : ! of OIclahomll and the Indian territory as one mate and New Mexico as un- other. This amendment would leave Arizona a territory. Thompson 'Appointed Ambassador. WASHINGTON - The president Tuesday sent to the 'Senate the noml. nation of David E. Thompson of Ne braskB to be amhassador extpaordi. nary an plenipotentiary to Drazll. Hearing on Railroad Bills. WASHINGTON-The 8'enato com. mlttee on interstate commerce agreed to talto Ul ) all bills relating to rail. road rates and kindred sUbjects on I 'rlday , January 13. Chance for Alaska Bill. W ASHlNGTON-Senator Dietrich , In spealting of the bill which ho in. troduced provid'ng for n government board for Alaslm to be constituted of seven persons , three to bo appointed by the presldent and three by election by the people , together with the gov. ernor of Alaslm , who slll111 bo ex.of. ficio president at the board , said that he expected a favorable report on the bill. It had the ! loorty support' Senator Deveridge , chalrmm ot the territories committee , , and other Drominent mC' ' ) . . . . . . . , . . " , . . . . . M.UST BE ACTION AGAIN CONFERS WITH MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. , SOME PARAMOUNT QUESTIOnS Presldcnt Roosevelt Makes It Plain That He Considers Commerce Regu. latlon an Issu of Vital Importance to the Country. WASIIINGTON- President Roose. , 'elt contlnuell his conferences with members of congress on the suhject of tarlrr rovislon nnd of leglslotlon JlrO\.ltlln for an incrcn1o ! of the Inlm'- state commCfce commission. Ono statement , which stands out almost with the pre.emlnence of an oll1cial announcement , is that , unleEs COtllreBS at the } lresent session shall enact legIslation - Islation 1001 lng to a regulation of rail. road freight rates , an extraordinar ) ' session of th Io'Ift.nlnth congress will be called by the president to denl with that 11roblem. It can be sl\1d that the presllentg regards the interst.ato commerce question as the paramount Issue now before the American pcople. At the confOl'ence last Saturday he informed those whom ho had Bum- moned into consultutlon that , in his judgment , lhe question of railroad freight rates was far moro important than that of the tariff and that , while ho desired a readjustment of the oxlst. ing customs duties , he would not ex. pect auy radical differences in the re' publican party on that question. Ho snld definitely that ho would call an extraordinary session of congress to considOl' Interstate legislation unless definlto action was talwn b ) ' congress on the sUbject at the present. At that session ho hoped tariff rovislon to the extent ho had Illtllcated might bo accomplished , hut he made it pOl'fect. Iy clear that , in his mInd , the over. shadowing issue was that of railroad freight rl tes. Ia a tnw with Spealwr Cannon who Is recognized as being O\JIJOsed \ at this Umo to any rovlgion of the tariff. the president relteratell his statement made at. Saturda"s conference that. while he desired action on the ques , tlon , he was willing to abldo by the Judgment of the republican le ders in congress , as ho regarded the tariff matter as ono which the chosen rep. resentatives of the American people should determine. Ho Indicated , in so many wordR that , whllo firt ) ' years hence practlc. ally nobody would bo able to say whether the tariff duties on any given artlclo at this tlmo were 60 per cent ad valorem or 6 1Jer cent ad valorem , . and nObody would care anything about that what the dulies were , the inter. state commerce question involved a principle dear to every right thinldng and rhht minded American , precisely as the whole matter of dealing witb corporations Involves a prlnciplo , and ho would fight for that principle with all the power that in him lies. The president corrolJOrated the statement attributed to him that t.he tariff question was one merely of ex. pedlenc ) ' , which would be solved with. mit fricUon between him and the con. gress. Any serious differences , ho is Imown to have said , between him and the congress on the tariff revilion : ! matter are quite Impossible. MEMORIAL FOR DEAD LEADER Tribute of Chicago Orchestra to Theodore Thomas. CHICAGO-Thol1sands of persons , eager to pay tributes of respect to the memory of Theodore 'l'homas , were turned away from the Audi torlum theater Sunday night because every seat iu the Imll was occupied fully half an hour before the tlmt set for the memorial concert by thf Ch'cago orchestra for its dead leader 'Vhilo the public memorial serviCE was being held in the Auditorium II program of the dead musician's fa vorlto numbers was also being ren dered in Jllany halls throughout thE clt ) . . Mr. Thompson for Brazil. W ASHINGTON-Drazil has finall ) determined on the elevation of her legation at Washington to an embassy anti will senti her minister to London 1\11' . Nabuco , as her first nmbassadol to this country. This will necessltatf similar action on the part of th ! ' American government , and rot I' Thompson , the ! Jresent American mln ister at Drazil , will be named as am bassador. In Memory of Gel : ! n Rule Jones. NEW YORK-A memorlai meeting 'n honor of the late SaJlluel M. Jones. who for several years was mayor QI Toledo. 0. , waB held Sunday night al Cooper Union. Nearly 2,000 porsonp attended. Bryan for Orator. LINCOLN-Clmncollor Andrews has announced the seleptlon of W. J. Dryan to deliver the commencement da ) ' orat'on before the senior class 01 the University of Nebraska next Indian Appropriation Bill Ready. W ASHlNG'l'ON-The houBo com , mitteo on Indian affairs completed the Indian appropriation bill. It carrie8 a total of $7,244,206. 'rhe appropria. tion for the current ) 'ear Is $9,878,480 I The principal item of decreaBO in thE bill Is that required by treaty stlpula I lions , the roductlon being $2,000.000 The item ot m'Bcelianeous oxpon es il ! about $1,000,000 less t'tan the current law. Current law carries $433,000 to meet agreements wuh certain Indilln which is not required durin ! ; the nexl fiscal year. I - - } ' CHURCH SCANDAL INVOLVES PRELATE AND OTHERS , OF THE HIGHEST SOCIAL STANDING I , ! / II Y e If. : :0- : .REV..LJl ? 1i&Jff.JiT.W.OI7 The charges on which infiuential clergymen and laymen ot the Proto estant Episcopal church nro tr'ing to bring to trial Right He" . Ethelbert Talbot , bishop of central Pennsylva. nia , nro in brief as follows : Criminal libel , immoralit ) ' , false statements , the circulation of a false and mali. cious and defamatory reports , falsU- mg , breach of ordinaUon and consecration - cration vows and conduct unbecoming a bishop. In a statement Herbert Noble , a New York lawyer , representing the presenters in the charge against Dish. op Talbot , gave au outline ot tllO course to bo followed by his cliont.q in the hearing ot the case. Mr. Noble charged that DlsI10P Tnlbot "hns pursued - sued Dr. Irvine relentlessly , " and then quoted from a ( } ecislon of the supreme - preme court of Pennsylvania in a suit brought by Dr. Irvine against Dishop Talbot and 1\Irs. Elliott to tllis effect : "Undoubtedly defendants combined to prefer charges against Irvine in the church court and acted to support the charges. They wanted him deposed - posed from the ministry. That tht'Y' also hatell him , nnd by their course possibly graUfied less worthy mo. Uves Umn these which prompt a true Christian to action , is ot no moment except insofar as It might ! Javo at- tectell their credibility as witnesses before the court which t.ried him. " Mr. Noble denied that Dr. Irvine was deposed ror immorallt ) " , denied that for twenty 3'ears ho was under the ban ot ecclesiastical discipline , Bnd that ho was ever suspended or inhibited as charged in the Upjohn tetter. Referring to a statement in the letter - ter that eight bishops had hel ( } charges ngainst Dr. Irvine , 1\11' . Noble said the presenters ( } Isagreo with this , nnd added that Dr. Irvlno denies that Dishop Burgess ever made a chnrgo of any lt1nd against him , as alleged according to 11. copy of UlO Upjohn tetter. It is made clear from the develop. monts that the names of several women - en will be brought into the casO. Mr. Noble S 'lya 1\Irs. Elliott , over hose church standing the whole controversy arose , had been pronounced - nounced "excommunicated" by Dishop Talbot "becauso she had married after having obtained a divorce from her husband on grounds other than adul- tery. " Continuing , Mr. Nohle says that 11:1V- ing deposed Irvlno from office , tl s bishop wrote on Jan. 21i , 1002 , the lotteI' complained ot to Rev. Dr. Samuel - uel Upjohn , and two years after Its date sent a copy ot thiB leUer to Rov. Dr. Jolm Fulton. The letter referred to ao the letter to Dr. Upjohn is .signed by "Ethelbert Talbot , " and charged Dr. Irvlno with immorality. Irvine Talks of the Case. "Can n bishop or ought a bishop write defamatory letters in secret in ardor to injure nny member ot the ministry ? This is the question which will ho decided n.t the meotlng of the board of Inquiry , " said Dr. Irvine In dlscussing UIO charges which been made against him. "My reinsto.tomcnr , " continued Dr. Irvine , "is ot secondary consideration when contrasted with the above query. _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Polltl al B08s Left $3,000,000. The late High McLaughlin , so long Democratic boss ot 'Jjrooldyn , left an estate valued nt $3,000,000 , which wlll 1.10 equally divided between his widow and his two daughterB , Mrs. Lnurn Roch and MrB. William CfV..Irtenay. Mrs. McLaughlin nnd Willlll.m urto- nay have been appointed executors of the cstate. Mr. McI.aughlin toCt no will. It was his wiBh tha.t . his wife and children should share his fortune equally. The division wUl be mlldo by mutual &Jtt'eoment. I - - . /ZR.5 - . I'.JY:1 : aL/0.7 Ot course 1 wish to have this unjust deposition removed , but 1 wish , also , I entirely without mallco , to bo vindicated - . cated in the Bight of God and my frionds. " Bishop May Not Be Tried. Every ono ot the six men who live nt Huntingdon. Pa. , and who are published - lished as having signed the presentment - mont against BIshop Ethelbert Tal. bet , resulting in Dlshop Tuttle calling n court of Inquiry , repudiates his sig- nature. This vitiates the present- ment. as the canons require that at least three of the presenters must live in the diocese of the accused bishop. Not only are signatures repudiated , but two of the leading residents of lIunUngdon mentioned as presenters -.Jolltl Langdon and .Tames Deni. thorne-are decidedly opposed to having - ing Dlshop Talbot placed on trial. In bct , they hl\vo much sympathy for Dishop 'I'albot , although Mr. Langdon at least believes the trouble might ha vo been satisfactorily settled long ago had the bishop co-operated with the vestrymen of St. John's church. Much surprise was expressed by the six men whose names figure as prcsenters when t11ey Baw that they were published as being responsible tor Il ving Dlahop Talbot threatened wIth trial before a court of inquiry. Dr. Irvine at Quincy , III. Arter twenty years the contents of the verdict In the diocefmn trial of the Rev. Ingram N. W. Irvine , who was then dean of the Cathedral ofst. John in Quincy , III. , has been made publie in its euth'ety , althollgh it barl remained pigeonholed durlnf ; all that time , , becallse of an understanding base ( ) on the condition that Irvine would not apIJeal from the court's ( } o- clslon suspending him from the minIstry - Istry tor one year. The verdict found Irvine lIty of fJioven out of twenty specifications which were embraced in the general cbarges of suggestion of what Is falBe , BIIPpression of truth , intention to , do- cOivo , fals ! cation of an official docu. ment , falsehood , false Bwcarinc nnd tascivlous conduct. The specifications on which bo wns found guilty cove rod an at these gen- ernl charges , nnd Irvlno was suspend. ed tram the ministry tor one yenr. Ho remained for several months arter- ward in the city. attempted to cstab- IIsb an independent church , and held n tew meetings in the opera houso. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ancient Forks. . A London jeweler haB made a collection - lection of ancient forltB used in Eng. land , which show some muo Imown facts about the table manners ot a few centuries ago. The forks , which are ot solid sllver. date from .he sixteenth - teenth century. In many cases the designs in all this time have Bcarcely "aried In any detail , and the fo"lcs lool ! like these which might b & bought The old forks were 0. great , luxury in their tlmo nnd w ro' onty I used by the nrlstncracy. . - . _ . . ZTJr. / ; ; ; ; / . : z:1lB7- , . IJerformetI n. couple ot ml.rriagcs. and other priestly funcUons in defiance of the decision or the diocesan court , but inally gave up and wont East. The most sOl'iolls charge agamst Ir- , 'ine was made , by 1\1iss Mnrla W. Sea- body , n. ) 'oung woman with hose family ho had become acquainted In Long Island City. wherp Irv ne was once connected with St. James' church. On Aug. 25 , 188,1 , she was marrior1 to J. J. Miller , OrganiHt ot the Cntho- dral , ot St. Jolm 'in Quincy. m. , and > two weelts later hltl , her husband of Irvine's alleged conduct toward her while in his home. 1\1i11er cauRed his wlfo to write n stntement - the blsh- op , and this , coupled wW ot ! r alleged - leged reasons , caused him to asle Irvin - vin to leave uio ministry. IrTino refused - fused and the trial followed. ' At the trial Mrs. 1\1l11er testified at length. The verdict ot the d10ccsan court found the following 'Oft the specification relaUvo tQ alleged'"Jas - clvlous conlluct , IUBliul action a , and attempts , " covering n period ' ( rom May 1 , 1883 , to July , 1884 : "GoUty . as charged. " Mrs. Elliott Defies Her' ' Enemies. "Dlshop Talbot Is n goo . . honomble IlUln and I am his friend. I want the world to lmow the truth and nothing but the truth. 1 shall bo pleased it the newspapers will contradict the cruel tllings that have been published ahout my relations WlUl the bishop , antI will show. in his true light , the man who has made such outrageous insinuations. " Mrs. Emma Deshn Elliott 11" her homo at HllnUn don , Pa. . madQ this sta/cment / in reference to her eonnec- tion with the contro rsy between DlsholJ Ethelbert Talhot an ( ) tllO Rev. Dr. I. N. W. Irvine. "I wnnt to defend the bishop , " she continued. "I am only a woman , and an old ono nt that. Why. , I oven atood as godmother to tho' daughter ot the man who is now making my lIfo one or misery. I have three grown.up sona nnd they and the good people of' Hunt- Indon ! are ready to clefond my honor. "Could ono innocent ot such untruths - truths as bave been laid at my door have a better and grand or defensor My hushand Is with me. I'vo every- thln to mnlto mo strong and bravo. bllt when scandal knoclts at one's door It eems as it the world were trem- bling. " Career of Mrs. Elliott. Mrs. Emma D. Elliott , ono of th central figures in the Talbot.lrvin sensation , has had a varied socln ! and matrimonial career. Sh la 60 years or ago , Is the daughter ot Gen. Desha of Alabamn and a half.slster ot' ' Mra. Oliver 11. P. Belmont. Thirt\-flv8 ' YAars ago she wus an aclcnowledged hello at Newport and other ROCietr centers , and later as the brilliant 1\frs. Cochrano she relJmed in the high Oo cioty ot Philadelphia. Still later. as Mrs. Coolidge. she was a welcome member of the New York exchmiT. ! ! et. It Is said thot Rhe 'was ' divorced from her first two husbands nnd ( bat Inter ber IMt husband , Alexander El- liott. wus divor'ed from his first wife. It was this dlvorco , on the grounds ot desertion , that led to the retasnl ot the communion to Mrs. Elliott br the novo t. N. W. Irvine and to the , ooand'al ' tOllowing. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Col. Greene Adds to Intorests. Col. Wlllimn C. Green , president of the Greene Consolidated Copper company - pany nnd other corporations , defier or the redoubtable Lawson of Doston and in his earlier days hero of encounters with Bundry "bad men" in the south. west , IB about to add to his present manifold Interests membership in aNew Now York Stock Exchange firm. HIs partner Is to be Dird 'S. Coler , who Is the Stock Exchange member of the house at W N. Coler & Co. . and 011. at Cot. Oroono'R clo808t frlendJL