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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1905)
O\\o\ \ ) s , \O 1lt \ 1 \\.Irnt\au \ \ , 1USTER UOUNTY EPUBLICN. gS'l'ABT , ISUND 82. \ 'l'IlI Oli'li'ICIAL P.APEH OF CUS'l'Elt COUN''Y. I4ARG ) S'1' Cll CUJ ATION OF ANY PAPJ lt IN ' ! 'IIE COUN'l'Y. . t - - - - VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JANUARY 19 , 1905.uEIGHT PAGES. ' NO. 32. - . . . ' ' , : ' ) i } " " , I flJ' ) : , ; - i I . . . . , . . - - - " - - - - " ' : : ; ; ; : : j I . . . " I. " . of' SOlIC Willi' I It. . ; rlllI W I 11 : . " fH hangmg up , hilt slop 011 tbclI "J'i . : . ; bucks. SOIllI' wnlche. ; run ill . ; 'J. Uti ) . pOlilion. , hut keep' . ! i : . . SOllie wntches like : tIoue. nre j ; : : . some peoplc-you 11IUst hUlllor i i I ! t them. Such peonl nnd such ! ; ! t I ! watches arc not dcslrnbl com. M I . . panilJn9. A watch that IS 1I0t j. . . 'i ; . relinhlt. . cOllsislant. faithful IInd ! :1i i " - . timely at nIl lilllcs and un er } : r. -l ' . all conditions. in e\'cry climate n i r : ' , and in all position , > . lICC S treat. , l.t /1f. . ment. J.etlllc see the face of ; ; , > : ' . M . your w tch. the hanl ! ; ma ) ' he n > I. , t : . on a stnke oecause of O\'crwork. tb 'J . " , . , : . ; : ; , . ' ; ,1. . : } , ii. , ; - iWI ' ' , I ( . . . " ' ! ; , . 'J. . . . , , . l . ' ' " . , ' . ; ' : :1 : t 'j . . , , . . - . . . , . ' . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . " " - . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . D. . . . . . . . . . " < : . 1 ' ' iI , " " . ] < ' , " , y . : : ' - : : . " . ' i : . . . iJ ; , ' . 'ii . , , , . . . : ; ; : ' .ir'.8./- _ . , . , / : : . : . : : , . ' h ! ! : t : . 'f'f . . , - , , . . . . . ( . t. . . . , _ /I' , . " ' . . . . i . , . . ! . . , . . . . . . . . " . . , ' ' . . . . I. . . ! . . . . . ' . . -.u. . . . " . . . , . . . . . . . ! . : . . . . . < = : - " . . . . : . , " . . ; . . " v- , ' . , . . ' . .11 ( I,0 ; . . . . . , . : . ; . . : : W. " : /f..r ; J I . . . . " . : , . . " , . . . .1 , ' . ( . . \ : , . ; : . . . . " . . ; ; ; . . , . . \ : r. ' ; . . - - . . t' - - - , .1 School Books. " I 1 ' 1 : . Tahlels \ , --AN 0-- u. . Sellool Supplies , , f -AT- J. G. Haeberle"s ; f . . . " We have just rectived , , . t . ' > . a fine lot of. . . . . . . . l New Cards and Folders . For the fall trade. . . . . ' . . Good work and Low PriceR BANGS STUDIO. t. \ t . Be sure and read S. P. Groat's . . . advertisement of the "Beggar . 1' , Prince" Opera Co. ' " 1 ' This office for neat job work. ' " ' Januarv 1h , 1905. I will not . 'f1 : be respot sible for any debts my \ wife may . incur after this date. J. C. SANDERSON. , Los'r-Near the depot 'Vecl- ' nesday morning , a five dollar ' } 'bill. 'fhe finder will confer a favor by returning it to 'V. E. Robinson at the depot. W ANTED-A good span of worli mares. Address , Box 108 , Bro , ken Bow , Neb. 32-3 Circle No.1 of the ladies aid societ ) ? of the I. N. church wiI give a chicken pie supper at tlH Bon Ton restaurant , 'l'uesday January 24. Ever.ybody come Supper sen'ed from : ' p. m. un til 8 p. m. . - - - - - - - - - - We off r the following cit. property for quick sale ; li"iv4 ruom frame house with cellar barn , buggy shcd and chickel hO\l < ' : ( ' , 16x40 teet , cow shed ad , ( lition 12x12 feet. hog house 8xl1 - feet , "j ly water , one and a quar \ ' . ter acres of ground eight ) ? cherry plumb and peach trees in hear lUg , rev of large box-elder trec around the entire tract , shublJel" ( , and forest trecs in the yard Price $1700 , $1000 cash , balanc one year at pcr cent. \VII.LIS CADWHLL. - - \Ve carry a full line of supplie and repairs for musical instn ments. Call and see us.-l\'Ial quiss Bros. at post office. 32t The finest music ever heard i , , -of , Brolen Bow , by the "Begg < l I " Prince Opera Co. , " Feb. 1 and : FAH\ : \ [ FOR RHN'l'-Farm of 3 acres , 220 under cultivation , ba ance pasture a1\d meadow , 1 miles from Broken Bow , fairl well improved. School house at ] rural mail deliv ry conve-nien All good land. Address , CIIAS. SCUOLZ , I ) ( 32.33 Broken How , Nebrasl < ; Sre those new tablet ! > at Ma quiss Bros. 2 m : : : : : : : : : N ; . . . . _ . - - - - - - - - ] . B. Osborne lcft ou last Mon- tlay for Cheynnc , Wyoming. .T. D. Heam of this cit\ . , was a 14illcoln passenger 'ruesilay. I J. 11' . Shaw of Cnllaway. left for a \ ' sit to MOllnt .An 'fues- day. i' Ueo. C. Stauton , anti W. C. Mc- Gowan of Anstey were in town ' 1'nesday. n. P. 1\tords , enc of our lIew lJoard , left for his home at Ansley Wednesday morning. H. ' 1' . Bruce , of.llruc.e T.4ulllber Co. , was a passenger for T-4incoln \Vednesday morntng ; i ! B. J. 'l'ierney and wife of Ans- Ie ) ' , pent Sunday in our city , re- turmng home Monday. ' 1'his ofl ce ac1mowlcdgcs a friendly call ' 1'ucsday from Peter Beck and Joe Rcmington. Ira Close of Berwyn , and John Cooness of Huxlev , were in the Bow over night 'i'uesday. I I Miss Sadie Daily of Milbnrn , is visiting her sister , Mrs. 14ce Athey of this city , this week. R. S. and O. H. Conrad of Du Bois , who were callers in our city , left for Humbolt Tuesday. 'l'he warm suu 'l'uesday and Wednesday played ha\'oc with the sleighing. Most of the snow I is gone. M. H. Lamphear of the sold. iers home , Grand Islald , who has been here on a furlough , returned Monday. V { . V. Cady of Omaha , who was visiting his sister , Miss Ella Cady of this place , returned home \Vednesday. R. A. McEachroll of Omaha , was in our town last Monday looking after the interests of the Occidental Building , & Loan As- , sociation. . , J" . Humphrey left Sunday morning for 'Vinficld , Iowa , to attend the funeral of his brother , Stephen , who died on the day previous. 'V ill ie l obinson commenced work ilt the B. & M. depot as helper \Vednesday , to succeed Ira Bass , who bas held down the job for several months. J elm Gilliard of Berwyn , was an agreeable caller at this office yes- ter < 1ay. Mr. Gilliard is one of the unfortunate ones who was in the hail belt last seaS011. Mrs. J. B. Luce and S. B. Os. borne of 'Vest Liherty , Iowa , who were called here hy Mrs. W. H. Osborne's sic1mess , returned . home Wednesday morning. J. J-4' McWilliams , who has been located for several months with his S011S , Leslie and l rnest , at Roubaix , S. 1 > . . came dow11 , Tuesday morning for a few days visi t. I Chas. A. Munscn , who has been 1 working for 1-4ige 'Villis of Ash Creel { , for the past three years , , left on 'Vednesday fpr a fout weels visit to his old hOUle i t1 Burlington , Iowa. J. 'V. Stephenson \Valwort11 - was a friendly caller at this offIce Tucsday. He reports the road quite slippery Tuesday .as h ( , came over , as the result of tlH 1 snow melting so rapidlj' . W. Stinman west of tOWl1 , h:1(1 : ( tbe nllsfortunate to get his litt1 ! , finger on his left hand brol < er - yesterclay by a horse. He cam ( to the c y and had it dressed an ! part of the bone removed. 'Vade Lowe , who has been al Mason City during the absenci of the B. & M. agent at MasOl _ City , was transfC'rred to Brol < el Bow l\'Ionday night to take th place of the day operator her , who was transfered to Alliance. C. S. Martin and wife , D. W Tomson and . wife , G. W. Appl and R. W. . . Rockwell , vis tel Omaha last week to attend th session of the annual meeting 0 the retail hard ware dealen They returncd home last Frida ' morning. 'Vhilc Geo. Herrick and Joh : ' 1'homas of Ash Creek , were ou covote hunting one day last wee 1 , H rrick's pony fell and threw hit [ 1. bruising 1iis head and shoulder _ badly. We learn however tha r- they succeeded , in .landing ot ] tf' fine coyote. . . ' , IH ponT o , TUJ. : CONIHTIO-l . , .01' TilE. . . . Custer National Bank , al nrokell Jlnw. IlIlhe ! 'Ialt ! of Nehra kat Iho l'lu e of bllslneslI. Jallilary 11. 1'\15. \ RR\OUI\CI1S. ! Loanh allll 1 > llIcOlllltS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ \13 07 n I U. S. 11011118 to . .ecur..clrClllalloll. . 25 orlO 00 PremlulII" 011 U. S. 110mb. . . . . . . . . . . I 250 00 I nanklll" hnll e. furlllture and fixtllrc 1\10 01 , ) L > lIe fronl Natlonallfankll ( not reserTl' alrellls ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22213 Dlle from Slale l1aIlI18:1I111 1I:1/Iker. : . I ' 1 m Dlle from np1rovCreserve all'clIlII , 31 879 'jz : Chcckq\llIlothl'rcasb Items. . . . . . . " 41632 Noles uf olher Nlltlonal lIanll'l. . . . . , , 2 3W 00 Fractlnllal f.apor CllrreIlC } ' . : . : \lId celltll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)735 ) r4A"TULMo ua. HnSEK\'r.lN U.UII\'IZ : Spec h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : fb CSJ 211 I.clla\olcllller \ notel. . . . . . . . . . . ; : 13701 1'j'lJ ' } I Hedenlllllou futlll wllh U. S. 'l'rea . IIrcr (511'1' ( Cenl of clrcillatloll ) . . . " . t 250 00 'rolal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , . $1'13III III LIAIIILlTms. Capital sloelIallllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2" . 000 00 511rpln8 (11I111. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; \ 11\)0 \ 00 UIIIII'l < lcll prol118 , lell" expCnje > l alill taxeR pahlv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2 .51 Nallullalllallk 1I0les oulstalldlnll' . . . . . 2' ' > 000 00 Dill ! 10 81UI' lIallkR and nallkerR. . . . . 111 362 73 [ III\1\'l \ < llIal deposlls sllbject 10 ch'ck. 1011 3H 4S 1 > emallll curtlllcah"l of deposll. . . . " , . 12 115 15 ' 1'o\al. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11)3 101 91 Slale of Nebraska. COUIII } ' ( f Cusler. s. . : [ . U. L'onJax. cashier of the auovcu"ell : . U\III ( , 110 SOlell1l1h' R\Veor Ihal the above 'Itnte. malleilis trllo to Ihe beRI of III } ' knol\'Jell o allll belief. 11. LOMAX. Ca'lhlcr. II. 1Olo\X. Correcl-Allc51 : { ALI'HA J\IOROA . PRANK II. YOUNG. Sllb crlulll amI sword \0 \ bcfore 111" Ihl. . 16th II\ } ' of Jalllla ! ' } ' . 1905. J UOIum S. IIOLlOMII. [ slLI , Notary Pllbllc. - - - R. J. Betts of Ansle ) ' , was in our town over Sunday. John Gilligan of Falh Cit ) ? , paid our city a flying visit Sat- urday. 'V. M. Anderson of West Un- iou , left Saturday for a few clays visit at Ansley. J. F. Tierney of Mason Cit ) ? , spent Sunday in our city. Returned - turned Monda ) ' . J. M. Flager of Council Bluffs , passcd through our city Saturday on his way home. J. S. Finch , representing the State Journal Co. of Lincoln , was in our city last week. J. R. Campbell , representing the Omaha Bee , was J. business caller 111 the Bow Monday. Arthur Cone and J Ohll Marion of Ansle ) , were in our citj ? between - tween trains .last Saturday. A. P. Dobesh , who was look. ing up real estate here , returned to his home in Ansley Tuesday. E. F. Sands , who was making our town a business call , return. . cd to his home in Grand Island Saturday. Oh'e ! Pickett of this city , left for Iason City , where sbe is employed - ployed as teacher of the Round Grove school. C. L. Johnson of Phillips , who was looking up land in this vicinity , returned to his home last Saturday. ReJ. . R. 'l'eagarden of this . city , was an east bound passen. gel' for Cozad Saturday. Returned - turned Monday. J. M. Sheely of Seward , who was in our city on business wIth the county board , left for his home Sat rday morning. G.Y. . Ii'ox of Aurora , who lta been visiting at the home of G , \Vorthington of this city , rc. turned to his home Monday. 1\1rs. J.V. . Clay and chil rer : of Ansley , are visiting in the city with the family of ye scribe , I ' 1'hey arrived Monday nigh1 on 43. l Mrs. Clara A. Young weut tc Lincoln Monday to hear Judg ( Lindsey of Denver , Colorado make an address on " 'rhe .Tl1ven ile Court.II W. II. Kieogcr and Mar ) ' Weis ner , both I-4itchfield , were mar ried by Judge Armour last Mon day. They returned to f-4itch field 'l'uesd ay. J. A. Hayward , who was spend ing part of the winter with hi son , W. A. Hayward of Asl Creck , left for his home in Ash by , lass. , last londay. John Yeck of the west tnble was a business caller at thi. ; 01 fice ycsterday. Mr. Yeck is a enthnslastic supporter of th business college of this place. W. C. Molten , who has bee : employed as operator for the J : & M. of this place , has gone t Alliance , and O. 'V. Lowe Q this city is our present oper tor. Edwin Patterson , manager Co the "Begar Prince Opera Co" who was in the city a couple c days looking after the interest of the company , left Saturda . t for York. 'l'he company's dah Ie I here are Wednesday and 'Plum : day , February 1st and 2nd. ] d. M. Fannigan of l"airbl1l'Y , was here last weel < . S. S. McConnell of Georgetown - town , was a city visitor 'l'uesday. C. 'V. Smith amI Charley l oss were Omaha passengen last Sat- urday. J. ' 1' . l\lcClean' of thi city , went to Lincoln l\Tonday on a business trip. Johu Reese of this city and W. J. Owens of Alliance were. . T4iu. COil passenger Saturday. Ii'red Hercock of Merna , left for Grand Island last week , where he expects to att lul school. Mrs. G. L. 'l'urner of this city , left Saturday for a two weeks' visit to her home iu IAncoln. A. 'V. DralC is enjoying a visit ' this week of a brother' Gurn- sey , who arrived Monday night. Misses Motto and Cenia Neil- son left the lattel' part of last week on a visit to Nehraska City. 'V. G. Purcell went to Lincoln Monday to attclJll a meeting of the directors of the State Press association. , V. R. Gla c , our marble dealer , went to Havennn. and points along the line Saturday on i\ business trip. A. J. Elliott , who has been visiting - iting his mother at Anoka , Minnesota - nesota , the past two weeks , returned - turned home ' 1 uesdny morning. } " ! . A.Valton of Lee Park , showed us a vcr ) ' fine painting of his home by his sister , Mrs. Speaks , which he had . put in an elegant frame. J. H. Bowen , roadmastcr on the B. & M. , who has been confined - fined to his room at the Grand Central hotel the past week , left for Ravenna Saturclay. Mrs.V. . II. Osborne , who submitted - mitted to a surgical operation last Friday for gall stones , is getting along very nicely with every prospect of complete re. coyery. Mrs. Geo. Kiser of Grand Island , wbo has been visiting in thh vicimty for several weeks went to Merna Saturday morning tc vIsit a few days with the famih of J. N. Ridenour before retur . ing home. John Mulvaney of Mason City , and N. B. Predmorc of 'Vest Union. were in the ci ty last week as members of the G. A. R. County Relief committee. , They made the R1\PUDLICAN office I a friendly call. Guy Case of Salt Lakc , Utah , was a friendly caller a t this office 1 last 'l'hursday while watting for the east bound train. He had been visiting with his father at Weissert during the holidays. He is captain of the Salvation I army in Salt Lake. W. J. Crowe of St. Paul , whe bought a half section of land sb ; miles south of Arnold a few day I ago of Ras. Anderson was a , friendly caller at this office Fri. day. Mr. Crowe was a homc , steader in Colorado some tifteeJ I ' years ago with W. 14. Amsberry 'formerly of this place , now 0 : Des Moines , Iowa. Mr. F. M. Currie returned last Friday from Ch ica go where he ac ) companied Henry Guyle who i : introducing his patent for a tel , , ephone switch. Mr. Currie say ! that electricinns who have exam ined the patent declare it to be . new invention and that it wiI - work. 'Ve sincerely hope it wiI - make a fortune for Mr. Guyle.- - Sargent Lcader. This office aclmowledges a cal from E. F. Stevens while hen - attending the li"armer's Institute He illforms us that his son Ii"ran ! will not give up the nursery bUiJi ! ness in lieu of the fact that h has been elected Horticultu ra editor of the Nebraslm Farmer but will come back to Broke : Bow this sprIng to look after hi farm interests in this vicinity an , superintendent the business 0 the Crete nurseries which he ha built up in this section. UOIUCI < UC . roublc. . . , It is exceptional to find a fau ilv where there are no domesti If rl ptures occasionally , but thes " can be lessencd by ha\'ing DI If King's New Life Pills arounc : :9 : Much trouble they save by the ! .y great worl { in Stomach and Live ; s I trouhles. ' ! 'hcy not only re1iev - you , but cure. 25c , at T4ce Bro ! , Drur : Store. Miss G. Humphrey of Bridge. I port , this state , was a Ravcnna passcnger Rlltllrdaj' . I \V. P. Higgins of Sargcnt , called lmt week and had his suhsl'ription account advanccd. 'l'hc new county hoard COUl- pleted its first session 'l'uesday afternoon , having heen in scssion a week. ' Owing to the uuusual amount of'hoard procceding9 last week , we wcre compelled to omit most of 0\11' \ local news. Mrs. Cramer of York , who has becn'isiting' her son , 1-4. B. Cra- mer of this city , returned tn her home this morniug. C. l . Swope of North ] ng- 'lish ' , Iowa , who had beeu visiting ou Ash Creek for se\'cl'al weeks returned home last ' 1'h ursd ay. gd. h oyce , formerly of this city , who has so ably tilled the position of sccretary of the state banking hoard the past four ycars has been re-appointed to that position hy the \.Ioard. \ 'l'he position carries with it a salary of two thousand dollars a year. 'l'he. mother of Mrs. Alfred Cooper of the l j'no table died last l 'riday. 'j'he funeral services - vices were held at the house Sunday - day and hcr remains brought to Broken Bow cemetef ) " Mr. Cooper reposts three of Ius children - dren still sick with the whooping cough. m 1 BUSINESS POINTERS. , : & mm W& : : r& riri : ! & m m m . Broken Bow Abstract Company. Reneau & Leonard , real estate. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U . Insurance that insures. 38tf R. G. MOORH. I am now located just north of the Custer National Bank. Come 1 and see m for bar&ains 1tl real estate. Some chCllce acre pro- I pert ) ' for sale. 8 tf RAS. ANDERSON. 1'111111c Auction or Shorthllt'JI Dulls. I will sell at public auction ou Monday , January 30 , 1905 , at 1 o'clock p. 111. dt Merna , one car load of pure Scotch and Scotch Tops , Shorthorned bulls. Col. A. R. Guy and J. R Baker , auc- tionecrs. r-4u'rIIHI MUT,1tR. ' [ he big' event of the season , the "Beg-gar Prince Opera Co. " Rea the manager's ad. FOR SA1H-Road wago11 and single harness , nearly ncw , cheap for cash. See Geo. Papineau. WeIlR , WlntlmlJIR UCllulretl. - , ) W. C. Riclell is now prepared to do all kinds of repair work on wells and windmills also erects mi11s : and towers. General plumbing - ing done. Prices reasonable. \Vork guaranneed. Leave orders at Hycrson-Georg-e's store. Money to loan on improved farms.-R. G.IoOJm , Gleim Block. 4ltf Felt SATH-- ell improved residence - idence propcrty. Will be sold at : ) a bargain if called for sooa. Enquire - - quire at this ollice. 2Gtf - We have $3,000 private mone , to loan on tnlprovcd farms at < 1 low rate of interest. 'I ln\VICII & Housu. - Will pay marwt ] price for corr delh'cred at Adams ranch. 25tf F. M. CUnHI1 . . . - - Ui'III'Ullt' ( ( . Saltuf Henl f.II1I : ( ' . Untill\Iarch 1st 1905 , we wil offer 5000 acres of land for sale consisting of well improved farm ! to raw prairie land , in tracts oj 160 acres to 1780 acres. ' 1'hes ! will include almost any kind of farm that a person would desire All contracts of sale will be nlade with a small cash payment , bal ance in cash or mortgage or March 1st 1905. We will also offer some gOO ( t.own lotsj also one two story hous ( with eight rooms , good cellar am cistern , barn' and a whole blocl r. of g'round on the same terms. I. 'Ve have a special object ir [ 1' ; offering this property and an ) ! r one wanting a farm or smal . I .CI ranch or CIty residence , can get , , . ! bargain between this and Marc1 I 1st 1905. Wll1I.IS CADW I.I. . THE 5IN lN LESSON . Opera Co. Corning ! A very substantial guarantee list has been secured , and 1 wish to an nounce. . . . . . . . . . . F. A. WADE'S FAMOUS PRINCE OPERA COMPANY . -10R- Wednesday and Thursday Evenings , February 1st and 2nd , 1006 , -PRItSItNTING- "Fra Dia vole , " -AND Tm - " : Beggar Prince. " The Company is without doubt the finest traveling , presenting the old time operasj containing an excellent - lent cast of singers and char. . \\s s wi th F. . A. Wade and Jacl < Spaul ing in the C0111- edy roles. "Fra Dia\'olo" is an opera seldom heard , from the fact that it requires an extra large cast of high sal- aricd artists. These , the Beggar Prince Co. has. . . . . . Two nights in Brolen Bow is a large undertaking , but with the combined aid of our citizens and surrounding towns , the result wi11be sat- factor } ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reserved Seata , $1.00. Chairs , 75c. . Gallery , 60c. Those purchasing commutation - tion books beforc the 27th of January , will get four tickets for $3.00 or 75c each. S. : F > > . Grroa't : , . - Dr. ' 1' . W. Bass , dentist. Office over McComas' drug store. 25tf FOH SAIIt-680 acres , 1 mile of Broken Bow , ou reasonable terms. 28tf T. W. EDWARDS. li"rit has returned from Russia. and opened up his shoe shop at Peale-Sheppard Co. 's store. Call and see him for your repairs. 25tf STRAYItD-From my ranch , one black heavy boned 2-year-old colt. Gcilding with blace face , weight about 1,100 , wire cut at l hock on right hind leg. Reward - ward will be given by R. A. Hunter - . ter , Broken Bow. Also white I sow strayed two months ago. W AN'l'ltD--Men witb families. Fair price and good houses. WnST UNION MILLING Co. 34tf 'Vest Union , Neb. 1 DR. T. A. LEACH , : DEJXr-J:1lIS'r : : Broken Bow , Nebraska. L . Gold and porcelain crowns. . $5.00 Set of teeth , guaranteed to . fit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00 to 8.00 Gold fillings 111' from. . . . . . . 1.00 t Silver and cement fillings 50c and. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c We guarantee all of our work to be first-class. Should any of our fillings ever come out we wIll refill the tooth free.Ve make a specialty of performing all operations - ations as near painless as possi . le. Lady attendant. T. A. LEACH , D. D. S. , Telephone 258 , Office iu Myers-GUem Buildi'Ji ; ( . . . . . . ' "