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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1905)
. , , . , < C' . . . . ' o I I L-- i ! rHftEI ! YEARS AFTER. I EnCtln8 ID. La 7lil Twentlelh t. \ l &T 1\UG , ticket Beller In the Union SLA. tton , DenTor , Col. , says : "You are at Uberty to repcat what I I ftrRt ! 'Iated through our \ DI'I/\'r / papers a b 0 u t } ) O'III ' ! Kldne , . Pills In , UIl' IIlImmer or 189tJ , tor J II/H'l ! hl1.l1 no reason In the Intl'l'lm to change my ) ol'llIlulI of that r < 'medy , I \ , \ r.j sUbject to severe at. \ ta"1.5 or bac1tncho , nl. II wn's aggravated 1t I sat I Ion : ; . : l.t 0. < lcsk. Doan's \ . tr , ] 0 : ! duey Pills absolutely I , 1 blf1lJpe my bncltncho. I \ Ip1) never hall pain or , I ) Ii I wlllJo : since. " Foter.Mllburn ! Co. , Butralo , N. Y. \1 For sale lIy all drugGlsla. Price & 0 fClltH p r box. ; AU the brreat work in the world Is s1nillly : doIng the best th\t : is in ue. More Flexible and Lasting , won' . sbake out or blowout : by ulllng' De-11M co Starch YOU obtain bettcr reo au1ls than possJble with nny Othf'f brand . nUll onc.thh'd more ! Of IULm JDone , . Endurance is the fruit at endeavor. l I 'I I , ; , } , , Of 1 1.oolc for this brand on harness , COUllts , sa dles , horse blankeL'i , lap I , I Milde by ! tlarpham Bros. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Drop us a card and will mall you a souvenir. I : TWEnTY BUSJIELS OF WHEAT , TO THE ACRE "I ( " , Is the rooord on the Free Homo. , otoad Lands of WOGtornCanade \ for 1904. The 1' 11,000 farmei's from the UnIted Stlltc . ' 111' Inr/rvt / tIle pnat seven yell" ' hQve gene 1.0 Cllnaw , , utlclp"to In tbls proaperlty. Tllo Unl d Stl\lU wl1eoon \ become an Importer u' _ heAt. OOL a free 1101110011'1 or pnreha e a farm II WOlern ! ! C llad and becotnu une uf tbose wbo wI , I a lv proouco It. I Apply for Intonnatlon to Snperlntendent of Imn" " 1 rrllUII" 0 tla\\'a. Cl\n .la , .1r tll authllrlzed Canadian , Oo\\'rllment AI.nt-W. Y. ennett , 501 Now York I LIt" lIuillllng , Omaha , NotJrl\'oloa. ' ; , l'olUJo sar whore you aaw tlda adverU emoDt. i' ( ) INCUBATORS. ) 'A \ The OLD TRUSTY In. , ' , 101 ; auIJators are IIIl1ue 1'1 lODI\IIon. tbo Incubator , Uall. . . .bo mAde I.JJO ( before - fore Invpntlnlr bl. OLD mUSTY. , Apar.f"T'It lt batt'b. Ir. Forty daya' frpe hi& ! SlId 1& IIvo yeu' . guaranI I / e. t'or blK free cola- IOIt\le , 800 pllultfT IUua. ' -Iuna. nddre H. ( M. M , JOHNSON CO ! , Sox o. T. , Cloy Center. Neb. . ( ' Para lor HIe DAILY REVIEW. .n' , . DeliGhtful Dally New5paper _ _ For The American lIome , , Impurtdnt new. , a brilliant JUAI(87.lno leattuo ALL ecry diln depHrtment. deled IIterilture , poetry. arL. elenco , educ.tlon. relllon ! : , bY'l'ene ' , d. . . I mcnte eCllnlllllY. tr.ebllln. . .ravel , . recreation. . hnl. aefA. nllukeu. eto. o\hlnK admitted to realInt : IIr : \ ael\p.rtl lnl : column' which l'arenlJl cannlll r lI < 1 to i tJelr ! children , 6ub.crll'tton prIce" year : , c for ' ; , III , , " , line for 3 111' ' Huhl'r'I' ' ! ' I , , IAY , ( 'hl"III'O nevi , , " , Co. , 299 Coer..ola Dulldln ! : . , Cl cao ; , Ill. f 1 W. N. U. . , Omaha , No. 1-1905. . . . . . Foundm Important Fello , taMp. Mr. FranchI Galton , F. 1S. . , bas toundcd In London Unh'erslty 1tel. . lowshlp for the promotion "f the study or "Natlonnl Eugenics , " the study of the agencies under soclnl control that may Impro'\'o or Impnlr Ul0 rnclal QuaUtles of Cutllro genoratlons , elthol physically or mentaUy. The Beagr : : : cf Npl : : : . Lever Bays somewhere tli ( , wben ho thre\\1 lut a bandful of small coIn to the Neap01ltan beggars the blind were the first to see It , the parah'zed to run for It , the maimed to plclc It liP , the nalced to put It In their poelc. ets , anll tllo dumb to blaspheme their h1luclc In being out of the Bcrnmblo. Egyptians Used Fln Tools. When the prramlds were built the Inborers did not worlc under such dls. allvantages as ha\'o 10l1g been attrl. bllted to them. Rcsearches show that they hnd solid and tubular drills and Intho tools , The drlUs were eet wltb jewels nnd cut Into the rocks with keenness nnd accurncy. STJ.TJI 0 , . OnlO. CIT1' or TOLIUIO , l . . . LUOAI COIllf1'1' . f FI.l.1f1 : J , CURNR1' makes oath thu he fa _ I'II' pArtner ot tbo IIrm of F. J. CIIENBr ' " Co , d"ln ; bulne , . In tile City ut 1'ol8do. Count1 ana 8talo r.t"re.ldl.and .hat nlrIIrm , ,11\ par tbe . .unof . ON ! ! : I1U..VIIEV DOI.I.AlIS fur eacb and en , , . u.e of OAT.LrtUl tbat CAnnut be cured by tbe uoo ot I1J.u' , ( J.l.TAIlKII CUBII. FnA K J. CHENEY , Sworn to bofllre me and ul"crlbpd In wy pre. . Ince. tbla Gtb day of Decewber. A. II. IK A. j--l A. W. ULEASON , 1 f NOTAnT PUDLIC. nail' , Calnrrh Care Is taken Internally and actJ directly on the bloud and \ltUCOU aurface. of tbl a"tetn , ! : icn.1 tor leat'\IOnlal. ' , Crec. t" J. ClllUi \ & CO. , Toledo. O. RoM by MI T1ruruht" c. Tkko lIall'l } 'uwllr 1'1111 foreon"tlpatlon. Ono of the great changes need ell In the city church Is to talto t.ho exit 31gns off the doors nml put thom on the collection plates.-Cl1lcago 'I'rib. uno. TO CURB A 'COLI ) IN o m DAY TAke Luatlvu. : UrulTo ( , ! ululno TatJlcu. All " "Iii' It'Jt ' reCun < 1 the I1h.ne1lC It fnll. to curo. E. W. Ore , 0" &I nnturo Ie 011 c cb bux. 2ic. : , 'rOO Inany are willing to wash the IIsclple's feet with boiling b'o. Defiance Starch IR guarnnteed blgge't nnd ! .Jest or money refunded. 16 ounccs , 10 cents. l.'ry It now. : Love measures lIfo by its chances o glvo Itself away. : , , ' . r . , 1. . , 'I , ( ' ) .1/ / , . . - . . . - ; - " . /J . , - , , . 11 : ( : ot , ! l " ' - ' rJf'V' h " . " , , , ' ' " . , : [ , \ ' " 't ; ' . . I ' . . . . \ . . , \ ; . . c.J. c.- . . " ' " The letter of MiEs Merkley , vhose picture is printed above , 'roves beyond question that i10usands of cases of inflamma. ion of tbe ovaries and womb re annually cured by the use of .ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ompound. "DEAn Mna. PrnmrAJ.t-GraduD.l loss of strength nnd nerve force told me somathing WIlS radlcaUy wrong with me. I had severe shooting pains through the pelvic organs , cramps and ctreme irritation compeUed me to Bcek medical advice. The doctOf B.\id thD.t I had ovarian trouble and ulceration - tion , and advised lion oplratlon. I ' to this and decided stronglyobi'octcd to try Ly a. E. PinJha.m's Vegetable - table CompQun . I soon found tl1 t my judgment was correct , and that all the good things said about this medl. cine were true , and day by day I felt lcss pain an incrcasell appetite. The ulcerntlon soon heall'd , Ilnd the other complications disappeared , auel in cloven weeks I was once more atronc- IIond vigorous and perfectly welL "My heartiest t.hlln1cs are sent to you for the great good ; you have done me.- " Sincerely yours,1.118s . MAROAIIET M&RKLIY : , 275 'l'hird St. , Milwaukee , Will.-$5000 forfeIt II orlalnat of aboo. I.Uff proulllg genu/.neu cannot b prOlJIl03d. , ' WINC" 1ffR "LEADER" AND "RtPEATE : : " SHOTGUN SHELLS The proof of the shell is its shooting. Be- " cau e they shoot so well , Winchester Factory , Loaded "Leader" and "Rcp'ater" : Smokeless - less Powder Shotgun Shells have won almost every important prize shot for in years. r Good shots shoot them because they give better - \ ter results , shoot stronger and more uniformly and arc more reliable than any other make t t y. ALWAYS SPECIFY WINCHESTER MAKE OP SHELLS . . \V [ iftfif.V" " iJ \ ) I WOULD YOU WE : US TO SAn n. D ro ; ? . SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL , - IiJ b. 'I 'OR TlI MOST ' > > OtlDERI'UL SADDLI ! O'I'IR ! : IVER ! : IIF.ARD j 01' . an ollor b , which .nrone can hue the nlceat uddl. In hi. . . IIlIIlhborhood . , eut tlllo 11,1 "tit Bnel . .nd It to U. BrII' ' you" III I " ' . . . ho our H. . . . 01 , and He\uUlul Sp.elol SOddle Cololoue , " , ril' , b&nd omo pho\lltr"I'blo 11I".tton , of all "t nd I lit I I I ' 1 ( . " ODla CHICAGO. nJEM 95rNGtLlE ! STR jHT-5 ( ; CI R Hi N Ii ) lEft. A = "L . 0 0) 0.0 00 ro. , , .lIk" or lilllet tnlll hcc. . " , rlClla. 1U , ; - . " , . # . . ROUSE SEL SPEAKER. I South Platte Combination Wins til : Day , I Ur-COI.N-Tho forces of Douglns of Hock were ovcrthrown 1\Iondn ) ' nnll the repu llcans In leglslatlvo caucu chose Rellrcsentntlvo C. L. House o [ Hnll county slcnltcr. } His eloctlOl\ wns rntlfied Tuesday at nOon when the house convcncd , John Watt wng chosen to succeed hlmsel [ ns chief cleric of the house. CI ) ' o lJar\ll\1'll will bo Ills nsslstnnt. Senator W. H. Jennlnrs of Thnyer county wns elected } lft'sldent pro tem of the sennte. W. 1\1. Wheeler of Fnlrtlehl was elecled secretar ) ' . H wns n complete victory for the South Plntte com lnl1t1on hendell by HOllse , who Is n. r-orth Plalto I11l1n. ThQ combination hustled IUIlI secure votes , whllo the Douglas men wel'o apparently powerless to stem thp tide. Overconfidence on the lll\rt of the Douglns forces was ono I'eason ng. signed for their deCeat. Some con. tended thnt DouglaH could have won if his workers hud consented to giN up Westberg for cIerI < of the 110uso. The list follows : Sllenker-George L. Rouse , AIdn. Pro Tem-R. D. Windham. Plnttsmollth , Chief Clerl.-.Tolm " 'nll , Aren ln. Asslstnnt Clerlt-C. B. DUl'I1IU'd , ' 1'a. blo Rocl" Second Assistant Clert.-C. E. San. dU.I , Yorlt , 'l'hlrd Assistant Clertc-\\ Do\\'n. c ' , Lincoln. Sel'/ / - Buck 'ra 'lor , Omaha. Assistant II. McKinnon , Greenwooll. Chaplain-A. C. Crosthwaite , U ll. , 'eralty Place. Postmaster-So D.lcGlnnls : : , lIolt county. Doorlweper-.T. B. Parrish , Blair. Chlcf Clerlt Rnrolllng antI l ngross. Ing Hoom-A. : : . Timlin ! ; ' Neuruslm Cltr. Senate Officer . The result of the formal caucus or the senate was as fcows : ! : CltalllninUe.Incol > 1"1001Kear. . ney. SecretarV. . : \1. Wheeler , Fair. fielll. fielll.First First Asslstant-\I. .T. Greevy , Om aha. Seconll Assistant-\Yalter Abraham. son , 1I01tlrego. Sergeuut-Ilt-Arms-H. DVeder , Stella. Asslstant-\1eII : : . Sclltlehl , Dalwta City. Postmaster-T. R. 7Ilanulng , Wnj'ne. Chief ClerIc Enrolling anll Engross. lng-A. E. Chaffee , Srracusc. STOESSEL'S TERMS ACCEPTED. Japanese Legation at Washington No. tlfied of the Surrender. W ASHINGTON-1'ho state depart. ment received a cablegram from 1\11' . Griscom. the Amm'lcan minister In : 'nlll\.n , statll1 that the mltlister for foreign affairs ot' Japan notlllell him \ hilt General Stoessel : m1'l'endorcll Port Arthnr at : o'clacl , Sun liar e\'en' Ing. 'rho legation IlIlvlct' ! : ulll that the Uussla11s blew UII ' 1'unl. I .l'\\'anshau and "Q" forts : tIlIl conlll'm the preSi ! dispatches of the OCCUIJ\ncr by the .Tapanese of the an1t ! fortslnrl \ heights "N" anll1 : : \ , " of the blowln ! ; np by the RussIans of almost all their shills In the hat'bor entrance , and that hostllitlei ! had lIeen SUHllelllkd pent ! , Ing the conclllslo1 of negotiations for the Russlnn sUl'render. 'I'he advlces rccelvC'd at the Japanese - ese leglltlon say that General Nagl accepted - cepted the terms of surrender pro. Ilosed by Genel'al Stoessel. Mr. Kogoro ' 1'ulahll'l1 , the Japanese minister , was aslted whether , in his opinion , Ihe full of POl't Arthur would hasten the end of the \\'UI' with Rlls , sla. Without dlt'C'etly resPoudlng to UIO fact that whllo the fu It of Port Arthur was Impending and Its capltu' bj' the .Jnl1\l.neso Inc\'ltabl < " the Hus , slans had tllspatchelt the l ; ( > c01ul Pa , cUlc squuIlron 10 the fear I'II t anll notice ht'ld been Jiw'lI : of 1 he Inten' tlon to senll a thl1'l1 al'IlIr \lanchll' : I'ln. The flrthol' ! 1I1'Osocllllon of the wnr IIOW , he salll , ffstod with the l\usslans , H tiler shollid continue It .Talll1n wOllld be prepared to meet them on sea nnd land , "Wilt Jupan I1'W wolcol11e any offers - fers of pence that mny now be mnd , : by Russia ? " ho was aslwd. "Japan always has been for peace. " the minister repItell. "TIlt ) .T1\11\1I10S0 \ wilt alwa's be fa I' Ilea eo , If justlco ( 'an bo obtained for nIl concerned. Japan started In I his WUI' f1htlnl { ; for a prlnclp1e anll 8ho wilt contluue to thht for a r < 'conlllon : of thnt pl'lncl , 1110 anll the jll t attalnmeut of her rights. " Governor.Elc-t Folk. S1' . LOUIS , 1\IO.-J0901Ih W. I.'olk governor-elect of 1'.1IsS0UI'I , sUI'I'ontler , 0,1 , his omra ns circuit nttol'lJ ( > j' of 8t I J ellis to his S1ICC09801' . A. N. Su'tOI' Mr. Fotle will be inaugurated .Tanlllll' ) ' ! JtIl. Warned Away , Account Mines. wm HAl WEI--Thc British ( 'III"PI' ! An(1romorJa ( , whJcoh Rallod from hl'r for Port Arthur with hO IJltnl t-tl1l" ' 1\1111 8111'Jr011S to assist the side anI I \\'olJlllll'd. returnC'd. not ha\'III ' ; IIPI'I1 nllowod to mnlH ! n lalldlng at Port Arthur. The rrlllql'l' pl'Orcedell to U small hltCIl mltos north of POI t Arth\II' where silo met with Rome , Jail' UItesO. The lathl'eful'CII \ atl 011 ( > l's of nssl9tnnce or stores of anj' IInd ; and dcc'tlnell to allow the ship's offic ( > rs to npprouch ( 'Iosrr , the rcuson gl\'en be. In 1.\10 presence of unlocated mines. Plenty of Goat ! Cigus , What's this comillaint Crom certnln old smelters n out not bolng nblo to gel a oed cigar nowadl\j's ? It Bounds moro IIIto the growl of a chronlo Itlck. er than nn.thlng Uloro rensonnble. II There are more elgllrs of II. chenp qual. Ity on the mnrlet now than Cormer'ly , but the supply of clgarl ! of the b st I Quality Is not thereby diminished. They cost moncj' , but thej' can bo had for Lbo llrlce.-Boston IIcrnld. GIrls na Dank Employes. Emploj'mont of girls In banls Is no new experiment. The Dnn1t of Frnnco toolc women Into Ita emplor' ment ns long ngo as 18 : ! . This e- ginning only consisted of COllr girls In , 'cry minor 11091t1ons. Before n yenr was finlshell the Cour had become twelve. Twentj' j'ears later the num. bor was 100 and to-dny 300 women work In the bnnlc , of whom thrco are among Lbo prlncll1:11 cashiers. Dooks From the Forest. A youngish mnn atrotllnr ; throuSh C\ wood remnrltetl sententiously to hlB companion : "I once upon n tlmo had I nn Intereet In 4,000 trees that grow hero. " "How did that happen 1" hoI I was nelted. " 1\1y latest no\'ol. " ho I exp1nlned , "had a circulation , of 1 , . ' . 600,000 caples , nnd the paper on which. It wns printed wns mnrlo of wood fiber -collulose-rcqulrlnl ; about 4,000 trccs. " UlIlIdng : Fish Skin. In Gloucester the " 1.lnr ; town" of ash , the humble corl , has beel1 utlllzcrl 1\'llh success for mallnr ; leather tor shoes and glo'es. In Egj'1t ! men wallt on snmlals made from the sltlns at Red Sen fish , In Hussla certnln lIens. ant costumes nro beautifully trimmed with the slelns of n fine food fish , the turbot. Boolcblnders In Europe are binding bools with eolsltln. Odd Names. FremanUo , Western Austrnlla , I\ n town with some queer namcs. The , mayor Is Cndd , the chief printer Is I Cnnt , a contractor named Thlclt hns Just Bued a locm BOUP preserTlng compnny nnd a man named Offspring Webb was recently fiued Cor keeping an unllconsed do ! ; . A Seventy Pound Eel. In the receut storm which rnged on the Upper 801\\11) ' the largC'st eel e\'r flOt11 In the district WI\S stranllcd otl powroot. It measured 6 feet In lenlth , 2fi Inches In girth and weighed 70 poun < ls.-Lon < lon Dall ' Express. M&lgnetlc Needle Untrustworthy. Over large urea of central Russia - sia the marnetlc needle does not point nortb or Bouth. It Is nt ono part dC' . flectod to the west and at. another part to tbo cast and at ono place it points due cast and west. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers Bay thc ) ' don't keep Defiance Starch. l.'hls III becnus\ \ ! the ) haya stocle on hand at other brands containing only 12 oz In u. package , whch they won't be able to Boll nr t. because Dcflanco contt lns 16 oz. tor the BamB moncy. Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 oz. tor Barn ! ! mane , ) ' T Thcn buy Defiance Starch. Uculrcs : no cooltln" . The rooters nro always content to lot the other fenows do the dlglnr ! ; , \'rmanently CUrM. no IIt or nPlTcurm" . . . arret' FITS ilMlt \ dl > Y' . . . .e oC nr. Kline'r l1t Ne , . , . . . , , " or. Reort Cor IfItJ I " " 2.110 triA. . boltle And Irol\UII oo VB. U. U. KLInK. LtII. , V31.A.zcb btroot , l'bUadol1JhJA. 1'a A bushel of potatoes mny do moro good than a wagon.loat ! of prayer. IIfr . WInslow. . . Rootltlnt : : rrnP. I"/lr cbllllren teethln . ' "tlell1 the KlInJ , rnllnce ! Do Qammatlouat1uYBp"ln.curctl wind co a" . .a.otUe. Ono never Imows a lIIan any bettor for tenrlng him to pieces. Every bouselceeper should know thllt If they w1ll buy Defiance Cold Water Starch for laundry use tboy w1ll save not only tlmo , becauBo It never sUcks to the iron , but because each paclmge contains 16 O1.-ono full pound-whllo nil other Cold Water Stllrches are put up In * .pound pack. nges. and the price Is the same , 10 cents. Then again 'becauso Doflnnco Starch 1 fro" from all InjurIous chern. Icnls. If yonI' groe'er tries to soil ) 'OU 11. 12-01. . pacmgo ! It I because he has a stoelt on hunll which ho wishes to dlsposo ot Defore he puts In Dellance. . . 1I0 knlH.s that Defiance Starch has printed on every pacltnge In largo letters - ters Ilod figures " 111 ozs. " lJemnnd Defiance - fiance and save much Umo and money and the anne 'anco of the Iron sUck. In/ / ; . Defiance never GUclts. Important to Mothers. I".xmnluo carefully Q1'ery bolUo of cAsronIA , 1\ 88foIud Buro remedy for lufante lI1ul eWldreu , and IW that 1L Slgul Dclt'lltho nro ot / " 1g. , . . , , - # - - In Uaa For Ovcr 30 Ycua. TlIo Y.lIul You Itnva Alwara nought. Ho Is ahvays a poor man who ImowB no moro In life than mal.lng money. You neve : " hcnr nny , mo compl"ln about "Del1nncc Starch. " 'l'hcrc Is none to cqunl'lt In quality nnd quantity , 16 onnces , 10 cents. Tt.y 1t now and save ) 'our money. The rocordlng angel Iwows the bacl , aHoy as well , as the front j'nl'cl. I DR. . . McGRBVV For au "arM ' ' ' 'R mun : " " 1",1/11131 , or J ) 1- ; 1'E : ! ' . 0 I'11 ; : X. : tKh1. ' . " , , , \ I'lIrIn OmII" , . , 111 > \lfI"lII , ' = . ' ' , , , . \ 'l'r""III'nt I n II " " 111I 'n"lItJ ' ) . II ,1"11'11..1'1 . , , , . . " " " " ' at " .11 CIIMt , 0 # .p . . . . , . . . 1111I" allli ' . "nl'11 \ ' 'I"II"I'IIJ- 111" \ " " "aM" , 111,11 WI' ' ' . , ror I'r , . " t'"lt . . . . .1 to' , , , , , , , ( t".II''lIt , : .11'\1 , \,1 \ , " " " 11 III plan pwkalf' ; " lIux ,1' . ; . 11111. ' , ' ' : I SOllth lUll Strl'ut , ( "Jlal , . , , 'hrllllllll. SISTERS OF OHARITY Uses Pe-ru-na for Coughs , Colds , Grip and Catarrh-A Congressman's Letter. : ! & ! ; Q ! : ! I . ' d ' " ' " " " o , , , . . . , 'I ' 'dl' ' . ' hk 'eal r or1,11 wlll.enl1 posl p3il1 at IOc a pilckage. Wrile lur 'rei ' bookiel-liow 10 OJt ! , Bleach anl1 Mix Cololi. .UO 'l' ' ' JJl'UU CO. , Unw."W. , 4U..o" n ' ' ' ' ' . 1 ! ' ' . . . . . . . . a..a. . . . . . . . . . . . . , I. , I ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In cvery couutry of the clvlll1.ed world Sisiers or Chnrlty nro Imown. Not only do tlle ' minister to the slll1' . UunlLud Intellectual nceds of the chargeu committed to tuolr cnro , bllt they also mlnlstor to their uOl.lI1y needs. With so mnny chllilren to tn1\O cnro of an to protect from lImnto null dlseaso , these wlso nud 1\1Ullent Bis. ters have COllnd Porunn. n never tull. Ing safeguarll. Dr. Hnrtman reech'es mnny lctters from Catholic Sisters from alt over the United Stntes. A recommcnd recently - cently rocolved from n. Cnthollc Institution - tution In Dotrolt , Mich. , rca as 101. lows : Dr. S /Inr/mnn , Co/umbu5 , Ohio : Dcnr SIr : "Tile ) 'OUIIJ ( girl wllo used tlIe Perun.1 was sufferlllg from Inryn- g1t19 and loss of , 'olcc. The result of tl/IJ trentment wns most satisfactory. 5110 found grent relief , nnd nfter furthcr use 01 the mcdlclne 11'0 llOPO to be llble to sny sllc Is cnt/rclycured. " -Sisters of Clmr/t ) ' . 'rho j'oung girl wns under the care of the Sisters of Charity aud used Peruna for cntarrh or the thront with ' ' jood resulls as the a o\'o letter tesU. 'I' fies. fies.Scnll to The Peruna Medlclno Co. , Columbus , Ohio , for II. free book writ. ton by Dr. Hartman. bus , 0. : . Gentlemen : "I 'ha\'o ' used seve eral hottleD of Perunn , and tool greatly benellt. cd thereby from my catarrh of the head , nnd feel encouraged to botlevo that Its conU n1 0 d , use wlU fully oradlcnto 11190:180 : of thirty years' standing.-Dnvld Meek- . Dr. IIartmnn. ono of the best known I physicians IIll surgeons In the Unit.- ell Stntes , WalJ the ttrst , man to form. ulate Peruna. It wa : ! throngh his genius antI perseverance that It wa ! ! ! lutroducod to the metllcal profession of this couutry. If j.otl do not derlvo prompt and sntlsCactory results from the use ot I'eruua , write Ilt once to Dr. Ilnrt. man , glvlnr ; a full atntement tit your CIlBO , nnl1 ho wIU ho plensel } to give YOIl Ills vnluablo ndvlco gmUg. Address Dr. Hartman , } > rcshtent of The Hartman Sanltnrlum , Columbus - bus , O. , . THERE'S NO USE ARGUING . . . . , , Dtnancc Starch II ths wrr Id SUrd. . . . h' , & fa. . . Hmdnd.a ctn ttst11r b a.J T , , II ODCC rouncJt W , cuuanIu ; l.11I.r , , . . . OIl . Y 00 can' , be. DcI1.wc Starch II' moMtty free From. c.htmIah. It maha the dotha lock buutI1uI and will DOt ro4 thau. ' I Get It of ) 'OUr' UOCU. 16 ana ( ' " 10 cmt , h1t , meH Ih1a J"OU Id : cI mJ otba brand. THE DEFIArWE STARCII COI , OllAUAe II [ When Anr.verlng Advertisements I KIndly Mention Thl. Paper , I , ; o. ; ; . ; ; ' ; : I o.O l \ I o t 1 f n n grossmnn MecltlsIm , or , Napoleon. , I Ohio : ' 1'ho PerunaIcttlclno \ Co. , Colum- BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH. SYRUP cures coughs.od coWs.