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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1904)
I \1 > - . " ton , , " . " . iii . , : , , . ' 'UOUNT . : . ' U.STER EPUBLICAN. : , . . . . ES'l'ABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFl1'lCIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LARGES'f CI CULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. ' , . 'f ' ' , . ' \ - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - . - - . . - - - . - - - - - - _ _ , , . 'Ii\ . 11 ft . : " " VOL. XXIII. . . - - - . - . - - - _ . BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , DECEMBER 29 , 1904--EIGHT PAGES. NO.29. . ' , ; , --t , 'I - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - . . - - - ' - - - ; f , ' _ , . . . , . . . - - ' - . . - - . . . . ' :1 ' . ' 1' : : LI ' dowll thel'lIstOlI1f11 ' . . : r.i ! , ! } \ It : . ; . : : i ollltlOW11111 . / lei tht. 0,1'olld ] , , . ' i lI1il \ ' 011'1hn'flk \ " "IIII' 111111 ; : ; ; : i } . . cp B'JII ' , : ' 1If\pose ) ( l111111'f. } : . II rcolutillll to gi\'t YOII\ ' eyes Po : , . f.- better altl1l1tioll during thecoUl- iij : r ing ) 'lIar. ; Let me as i.t you ; ' . ; . . : with suitable glasse . ntHl I'll M" guarantee you greater comfol t. . 1 i morc cllse and better C'ye ! ; . whl'n . ; . Rnother Ncw Year confront ! : " .j ; ' . . . . . VOII. With best wigllCs. . Ftj : I : : il , . , ' : r . " ; " , . i " : i1 . \ : , ' : ' . . , , . . 7 . . ' . -to . . : . . : , . " ' j ' " : : ' \f ! , I ; ' : " ' , . . , , . .to " , . -1. . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . : . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , : . . -1. . . . . . . . . " ' " , . . . . . , . . . r . " . - . " . ' , ' . ' . . . . - . . . 'I . . ' at' . J. I . . ' ' 1.- ' It. : ' ' " : . : . : . .il . ! I. . ' . ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' . t. : . : " ' ' ' ! "I : .If ' . . . . , t.Pi.-i : : : : : , . . . . - ; : : ; i. : " ; ; " : . , 11 . . \1' \ . . " 8i.-r. ' . . . . . .r.1i , . . . 81..r.I , . . . . . . . . . . ' 8. . . ' . . . . . . . -J ; ; : " . { " ; ! t,1 ; ' : : It , : . : ; , ; , ct/.r. . . . j : ' : : .J ; , : , ' i .f4 ) " tt.j ; ' : , . . - - . . . . - - - - - - - Schon 1 Hooles. Tablet ! ' . . . .J''T' ' , -AN- I I School Supplies. -AT- . J. G. Haeberle's ; , \Ve have just rec ivcel a fine lot of. . . . . . . . . . New Cards and Folders For the fall trade. . . . . Good work and Low PriC ! ; . BANGS STUDIO. t I am now located just north of the Custer l\ational Bank. Come Q and sce me. for bargains 1n real estate. Same choice acre property - perty for sale. S tf RAS. ANDImsoN. Dr. 'f..W. Bass , dentist. Ofilce over McComas' drug storc. 25tf - - - I. U. A. Ol1lcers meclt'll At the rgular meeting of the M B. A. lodge of this cit.r last week the following officcrs were elccted. I Presitlent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joe Pigman , Vice.President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. H. Cole " Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . D. 1\1. Amsberry Treasurcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evc Amsberry Chaplin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. L. F. King Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \1. D. Callen Watch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. H. Rector Sentry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. A. Chapin Phygicians. . . . . . . . . .Drs. Picket and Job IIILthlalllII' ) l'ct \ OIllI'CI'oI. ! At the annual meeting of the Highlanderg last wcek the following - ing- officers wcre elcctcd for the i ensUlng ycar : Il1utrious ! Protector. . . . D. 1\1. AllIsberry Chief COlin sell or . .A. 11. Vanlandinghalll Secy.Treas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P. H. 1\Iunk Worthy Evangel. . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. R. Cox 'ColI'luctor. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\1 is ! ; Lulu Drown . Herald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miss Lottie Simms Chief of Arches. . . . . . . . .1\1rs. A. E. E11ig Chief of Spearmun. . . . . : 'IIiss Emilia Scott Sentry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chas. Ellis ' ' \Vartler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'JBoots . ? . . . I. W.Elect OmCt'I' . ; l'he - Mod , -I r.n ' 'Voodman , elect- cd the fdHowing officer ! ' at , their regula 'mecting last week I' . . ' . for the nsuing ycar : . i \'enerable Counsel. . . . . . William Barrett ' : Worthy A(1\'isor . , . . . . . . . . G. T. Robinson Ii Banker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .E. S. Holcomb 1 Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. M. Skillman 1 ; Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } > . R. Stradley } 'hsician. . . . . . . .Dr. W. R. .Pennington \Vatch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } > . G. Street . Sentry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. E. Jonte Escort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. O. Robluson - - - - . . A CiHtly JU.htnlu : . . - Blunders are sometimes yery xpe sive. Occasionally Ii fe itself - self 'is the price of a mistake , but you'll ne\'er be'long if you take Ur. King's 'New T4ife Pills , for Dyspcpsia , Diz : iness , Headache - ache , Liver or. Bowel troubles. They aFe gentle yet thorough. 25c , at Lee Bros. , Drug Store. . . : : : : : : : : : : s' ' _ _ , ' _ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . w AugnstIi11er of Litchfield , wa ! ; a friendly caller ) 'c terday. B. J. 't'ierney of Ansle. } ' , spent Christmas in this city with his brothcr , Cornelius. lrs. Cory of 'Comstock , is at the Broketi Bow hospital being treated for a cancer. The Gounty board met 'l'uesday ln adjourned session to cloge up the business of the year. 14. H. Reed of Merna , was n city visitor Thursday. The REPUBLICAN - PUBLICAN acknowledg-es a friendly call. Frank l l1blce came in from Omaha , Frida ) ' morning to spend thc holidaYs at home with his , parents. H , \V. George , who has been , 'isiting in Boston and vicinity for several month\ ! returned home last week. Judgc C. L. GuttersonV. . l1' . Rankin , C. S. Martin and Judge Reese were passengers for Lin' : ' coIn last Thursday. J. O. 'l'aylor of Berwyn , callcd Saturelay to renew his subscript- ion. Mr. Tavlor is one of our patrons who never "allows his subscription to becomedelinquentJ Miss Andrea Andr.rson of Mason City , who for some time was OMe of the central telephone girls of this city is now setting type for her brothcr on the M"son City . Star. Lue Haumont of Elton came in last 'fhursday evening to meet his son'Vm. . , who came in from I4incoln , where he is taking a course on the experimental farm this winter. , John Smalley of this city , has heen put in charge of the Dietks Lumber & Coal Co's business at Mason City. E. Myers the former - mer manager has been transfered to Grceh' . Nebr'slm. . Mrs. T. E. Wheeler formerly proprietor of the Grand Central hotel of this city who moved from h re to Massachutts , writes to have the REPUDJ.ICAN sent her at Southern Pines , North Carolina , where she has again embarked in the hotel business. \V. W. Burton of Merna , was a , friendly caller at this office Frid'as. Mr. Burton informs us that lie closed a deal on his farm on the table east of Merna to a man from Aurora that day for which he is to rec iye S26.00 an acrc. He will revcst in Custer county real estate , but give his time to carpenter work in the futurc. Emanuel Wilcox , an early set. tlcr in the vicmity of Round val. ley died last Thursday night at the age of 9 years. He was an old soldier having been a Lieut. in a 'fennessee regiment during the civil war in the Union army. He was well to do financially and was highly respected. He leaves it wife and eleven children. His funeral was held : : ; unday. DIED-At Lincoln , eb. , Dec. . 20 , 11)04. Mrs. Celina Johnson , ' wielow of I euben Johnson , form- I erlof Westerville. Mrs. John- so was Qne of the well known residents of Custer cou ty , having removcd to this county in 1884. continuing her residence here , . until a few months ago. Of her. . famOy. four sons and tWQ daughters - ters remain. Thc daughters and two of the sons live in I4incoln. One son on the old home place two tl1iles from Westerville. The funcral services were held at the Wcstervillc church on Dec. 22. L. P. Gremm a yo ug farmer southwest of the city was married Sunday Dcccmber 18 , at Callaway to'liss ' Sophia Wedeking , at the home of the bridcs parents , Rev. Schin1c , of the M. E. church of Callaway ofiiciating. Thc bridc is ayoung lady highly respected in the communit } , where she has been brought up , near Callaway. The groom is thc only son of C. Gremm one of the pioneers of this vicimty. He and his fathcr have been batching on their farm three miles south west of the city , for three or four years , and no doubt a lady house keeper will be a valuable and highly appreciated I accession to the bachelor home. ' ' REPUBLICAN extends congratulations - gratulations to the young couple 'and ' wish them happiness and prosperity. I F. H. Young is looking after his ranch near Greeley , Colorado. Jas. Cnittick of Etna , was \'isit- ing in the city the latter part of the weck. \ 1. A. . Rencau and W. 13. l ast- ham returned thc first of last wcek from a business trip to Iansas City. City.Alpha Alpha Morgan , wife and daugh- tcr left the latter part of the week on a holiday visit to Iowa Falls , with Mr. Morgan's brother. B.V. . Blair , the real cst ate dealer has his office now ; ocuted in the Bank of Commerce building - ing , in the room recently occupied by Dr. Day. Vaugh Campbell of Gcorge- town , who is attending the Dental college at Omaha , came in Friday m orning to spend the holiday \'acation at home. Anyone desiring students to room or board , will please notif.v L. L. Eple } ' at oncc , as we will have a good man } ' requests for places the coming wcek. Misses Adah Bowen and NcU Gutterson who are attending th Doan College at Crcte , came home last Thursday night to spend the' holidays. with their parents. D. C. Konkel came down from Chadron the latter part of last wcek to spend the holidays with his family. He reports that se\- erallocalities in his district had been visited with quite a little snow. At the regular meeting' of the M. B. A. lodge of this city last Friday night a number of appli. cants were initiated. After the election of officers for the ensuing - ing year a lunch was served by the ladies and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. 'falor Flick left last week on a vist t to Oklahoma City with hi sons George and Walter. The former is now located in Washington - ington in the land department , hut a ! ) he would spend his vaca- tioninOklahoma he rcquestcd his father to meet him there. The winter term of Collcge will open next Monday at 10:00 : a. m. , an address will be given ! by Supt. L. L. Eple } ' . All the citizens of Broken Bow are. in- \ ' ted to attend and show' their intcrest in the school and get ac- ( lUainted with the students. A large attendance of students is in prospect for the coming term. Frank G , Stevens of the Crete Nurseries has accepted the position - ion of horticultural editor on the Nebraska Farmer. The Nebraska - ka Farmer is one of the best agricultural papers of the state I and it is being appreciated by the farmers as is evidenced by its circulation which now numbers 30,000. Mr. Stevens has grown up in the horticultural business in Nebraska and doubtlesg will prove a valuable accession to the itorialed staff on the Nebraska Farmer. E. H. Douglas who has been in Oklahoma for the past year and a half arrived home Christmas morning. l e and Harry Homcs were in the feed and commission 'business at Elk City. They had ' hem steads five miles out' from the city on which they havc com- muted. Earl inform us that he received S330 as rent trom 30 acres of cotton on his lald this ) 'ear. 'fhe high price of cotton was responsible - sponsible for the bigrent. . lIe says Elk City has a population of 2700 , clectric lights and two cotton gins , and the town is only three ) 'ears old , but Ute sand storms there occassionally are fearful. Christmas entertainments in the se\'eral churches of the city for the children were wel1 attend. eel and a pleasant time enjoyed' in each. 'fhe entertainments consisted - sisted in songs , recitations , cantatas - tatas and distrihution of presents nuts and candy for the little folks. "Santa Clause's Dream" was the namc of the cantata render\d \ : ! at the Baptist church and was well recei ved by the large audience that witnessed it. After render. ing the program the heavy laden" cd trce waS unloaded anel th < ; little folks present were all sup' plied with nuts and candy b ) ' the school and the p pils werc kindl ) remembercd with gifts by thl'it teachers. Monday being a lega ! holiclay most of the busines houses were closed and thc people generally enjoyed a day of quiel I at home or with their neighbors. - ! Chris Dressen of Milburn , was a wl'tcome caller at thiR office Saturday. Joohn Ca wood camc up froUl Arlington Saturda ) ' morning to spend the holidays visiting his t > arents. He is teaching school. , 1\1 r. andl\l rs. C. H. Eng-land of this city , are the proud parcnts of an 8'i , ! } > ound girl in their hlJwe that was horn this morn- i ng. Married-On December 25th at the residcncco ( A. N. Westbrook , Mr. Fred M. Kittredge and Miss Dela Knight , both of Somerfllrd Nebr. Rev. L. L. Eplev , offici- nting. The \V. C. 'L' . U. will meet 'fuesday afternoon , Ja mary 3rd , 1905 at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. McLane , 2nd door south of M. E. parsonage. Subject , "Domestic Science. " ' f 'l'he Christmas exercises at the U. B. church on Saturday night were well attended and all seemcd to enjoy thc exercises. 'l'hc church was tastefully decorated , and after l 9bOrl program the presents were distributed , to the delight of the children. Mrs. I.'ann . ) ' Davis , neellunt oj Virginia , iR visiting with hCI parcnts at Georg-etown. MisR Fodgc , teacher at Custcr ccnter is atllong the number oj Custer count } . tcachers attending the State tcncherR agsociation ai I4incoln. Mrs. Geo. Kiser clunc up from Grand Islanll , 'l'hursday morning to s\H \ tll a few wceks with th fanul ) ' of G. J . Caclwell suuth of th Ctty. Mr. llucll\Irs. G. E. Cadwell arc rejoicing over the birth of a baby girl in t heir home. As it is the first .girl inhc .f mJl they have special ason to reJoice' . l\Iarl' ecl--At th Globe Hotel :011 : 'Vednesday , Deccmber 22nd by 'RcI4. ' . f-4. .bipley , Mr. Harry A. Cumlngs and MisR MyrUi. . R Butchcr , both of Milburn Nebl' . Prof. Geo. 13og'gs of Hastings. Business college was a friendly callet' at this otlice Saturday. He came up to spcnd his vacation with his parents atVeissert. . His father met him here anc1 took him out home with him. - - - . . - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - , FARMERS INSTITUTE , - - - TO BE HELD AT BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 6 , 7 , 1906. - - - .1. D. lhul : , l'rHII It ! I1. \VII/IH OAIIWJ.I.t. : , Sonrutnl'Y' . - . _ . . - - - 1'he rokclI BouBlitlltO ! thiH YOllr will 1m ltu Bu , lIy etroJlg' ' , Crom the fRet that fOil r of lh. . Iwst Hpel\kerl ill N ehrRskR . will . be prcsont. PROCRAM. l"RIDAY. Mu ie . 10:00 Prclimillur ) ' . . ' 10:30 : Dairy , in Custer I' lIot ) ' . . . . . . Mr. T. U. I'orgllllou , , BI''lver , rotlBillg 11:00 : } i'ornge Crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mr. C. M. Lewelling' , Beaver Oity 11 : BO 'Vh , the Boy . .lon'es the I"arm. . . . . . . . C. 11. IT ef'ordt' ] , Brokoll fio\\ ' 1:30 Alfalfa Culture. . . ' . ' .1\1 r. C. M , LewojJBenvor ) ] \ Oit ) ' , Nohrllskn 11r : , Benefits of the A riclJtlJrll.l.uurBe \ . , , 8tate U D'ofa ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ' . . . . . . .J : 'V. Dawson. 1graduato. . Brokotl Row 2:1 : r , Growin ami M/lrkftiu / Potatoes. . . . . . ; . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. ' 1' : G. f 'ergUtlOD , Heaver Ore , Ritlg , Nohrnlka Mr. Ferguson raises potatool by the ten thouBllntl huahela. 3:15 : Economio Pork Produotion..M r. Lewelling. .1:00 : BrClme GrasB. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. G. Brenizor. rolcon Bow .1 : 30 Que8tion Rox. ' . M usio. ' 7:00' : Soil1'ilIa o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\1r. 1.'erI1HOn . # 7.U : : ; Care and Managem6.tlt of Poultry. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . ' . .Mr. Lowotling H:30 : Alldress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mfa , otRra A. Y OUlIg , Broken Bow SA'l'URDAY MORNING-Ho'rticultm'u.I SORlilon. Music. 10:00 : Report oC Omeera , ' , ' 10:30 : Addres8. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K F. StophenR , Crete 11 :00 : Eleotion of omeara. 11:00 : DamoDatratiou In . } udf.IDg rIorst1f1. for Sonndnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. A. BostromIitHlen ! , Nobrnska 11:30 : A li'armer'R Bxperience as a Horlicuhnrnlisl. r DHhl1l1l1H1 , CI\\JhWHY \ Musio , 1:00 : Seleotion anll Cltre oC SocII Corn. fr. D. P. ARhhllr l , Gihhr II , Neb 1 : M ; Report oC Corn .J udging"Oornmil " t u. 2:00 : Allimal Diseases ! Ind thtlir TreHtlllt'nl. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Dr. Bostrom 245 Corn Cnlti\.ation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . . . .1\lr. .t\thhUtIl 3:30 : Stoek Breeding ou thu li'l1rlll . . . . . . . . . Willi ! : ! Ulllh..Il , BrokJB" \ . \ \ ' .1:00 : Rllising and Markoling 0thu / [ Jog. . . . . . . . . . . H. K lIlJfI. Arfluld 'J :30 : Permanent Orgltuizl1tion. . l\1usio. 7:00 : Bee Keeping. . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrl.A. L. AIIII' , C"IIIIIIII ; ; 7:30 : i\ddr"ss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii : I. ' . " ' II 8:00 : Tax Questiotl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JUII'R " 8:30 : AddrtIB. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . ( t' . 1\1. l'lIrllt' III addition to the abo\'u thert will h. . II IIlIlullur or Ollkt'r , CI.III1I ) ' befit local speukers in nttcllrJKllce who willlr./t' , Ii \/11'1111. " o ( ' ' . I'h.'rl' willalBo he 11 dplendhl Jnllsicltl progrlllll lIy IIr.kt < 1I Bow'rI "t' l 1/111'111. PI'IzCH for COI'U. Prizes of $1).00 , tiS 00 Rill ! $2.011 will he g't'1i III Ihl' III ) . ' Ii or girl UII tier eighttljn yeRrl ! of ngH .who hrillg' ill the tptl IlIrf.iCht , . ' 1:1 I.r I'urll 10 Ih iIlBtitut . PrizeR of sr , 00 , $ : ! .UO , ulII * 2.00 will al o h. , /11\11 to Ihe lilt" or womell over ightoen ) UltrlUr IIJ.I > , who brillg in the 111'1 ' lu" mtr ! ! . C non to the institute. J\11 con tl'tolltl ) tl ! 'IIi1Ht h. . , in III'UlIlll\tltmdltllen. Przf' ; 0 : 82.00 and $ ] .00 will be given to the pllrlioH seleoling lho hust tUII CIUS 0 oorn out of forty cltrs whil'll will he II.I ! ex hi hit ion lit thiH inHtitultJ. 'fh l ountest is open to e\'ery body. 'rhe committee Rppointerl to .iudgo the 110rll will report at. :2 : ( ) r. M on SRturday. _ A PC1'umncnt OrA'n.nizlttlou. At. thill inBtit.ute Ii permanent. organization will he ellec'ItI ! Rnllof11oer , elected who wtll 1111\'e the matter oC Cuture inBtitute ill ohllrgu. 'Don't ' , nIhlH It. : -.l 0 Carmer in Custer cmnty : Clltt I1l1'ol'd to ! IIiaH thb illtt LlIte , it wi ! i givA you now ideal ! Rnd willa\yaken inlortRt in 1111111) ' modermOlhodH / 0 ( ! lrming. The inconvenience and 811\1&11 \ expense } 'Oll will ho pllt 'to in Itt tending every el'i8ion oC this splontlifl lIIootin will puy YOII tin hUlldrod Coil for the time unll mOlloy spent. Progrdss Carmers , hko pro1relsive lUsi ness and proCc8 iollal mOil , ! ! tlld ) ' tll1m own line 01 hUBil16sI ! ullrl profit h. new ideatvhich afa Leillg oonstantly "d\'I\I1C611. \011 may he It goutl fllf mer and a ftUl'.tlsful Olle , hut them i. . lJO UIIU tnlttl yct IliHco\'ort11 wh , knows nil Rhout farming. GAt out of the bhollltntl come to Broken Bo and attend this inslitute. What lms pro\'ed to he It hClJelit to othera'fil just 1t8 surely prove to he IL benefit to ) 'ou. > > We 1\180 expaJl another speaker ( rom abroad on II o ticulturlllauhje"t ! " \Ve also Ilttll ) 'our attention to the Bpedal lIortiollltnrltl Bession Sat11t l Ilay forenoon aud e\'elJitl . We W"lIt ever ) ' ( armer to attend all oC thes , 808s\on \ Rnd the huH"rn o l't'cillll ) ' invitod. .1. Ii' . Bryson and Peter Beck of . Georgetown , were in attendance at the anuual nlcct llg of the M. B. A. last li'riday night in , this cit } ' . Perry Guthrie of Gothcnunq" , . who llll ! > been here for se\'cral . . . . . wecl < R worldng in the interest of the M. R. A. lodge left Saturday morning for honll' . , 'l'he famil } ' , 01 Rc1' . Ii' . De- long of Merna , who was ent to the asylum at Li lcoln for treatment - ment recently , has , gone hack to Ohio , their formct' ! ! omc. 'l'his locality had iis .tintt experience - perience 1 ! real winter weather the first of the week. Christmas morning wa ! > ushered iu cloudy and cold , with a raw cast wind. A lIght mist in the afternoon ho.c : : as itg fell covering the grounc1 atJd ties with a teat of. icc. unday night the wind shifted to the north \Vcst an < l brought with it a Iifht snow that filled . thc air . anel c1rlfteel ' thither attc1'ondct ' : . All c1a 'Monc1ay the air was full of Ilnfling snow. Monc1ay uig-ht the mercury drop. ped to tiftecn dl grcss below Xero. All da ) ' 'l'ucs < lny the weathcr continued coIctV cdncsc1ay 'morning ' the win < l hact'ccascd to blow and the hright sun brought warmth sud good cheer , At this writing , 'flmrsday morning tht. . sky is . , right anc1 we are having a resume of Au tUUltl weathcr. , Church t'lcrvlcc" . U. II. emmcII. Ser\'iccs next Sunday lUol'niug' I and evcning as usual. Preaching' by the pastor. Preachingat Custer center at . 3:00 : p. ni. Prof. G. , . Abern will again . . \isH Broken Bow ou or befor January ' 1. A tI or.lers for piano tuning'and org'au repairing can be left at the Grand Central hotel. 27.29 G. R AJlItRN. \ . EXTRA ! Opera. : House , " 3 Nights ! Commencing Monday January 2 , , I SI > ecial Engagement ( " , ' , ' 1w."tf"'n . . , , . " " ' . ' : "I'li't\ , : ' . ' . . ( . , 'I/ : . 'il ' . ' ; ' 1' , r , > . f" . . , h J' 'll. . " ' .1 , ti' . ; . , , . MN" " . . . . . . . 'ft . . ,1 , ; So'S . . " " ' ' ' ; 'If } ; . \ ' . \ thi : ' : mt \ > , . ' , r,1' . " - . . . . ' , . , : . ' . ' . . . Jolly Della Prinllo' ! . An.d 5 Her 8 ig Stock Co. ' The Big Show of the Season. 20 Peopler Band and Orchestra. Prices 25 , 35 , 50c. Opening Bill . a The Sultan's ' Daulhte ! r