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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1904)
I I _ _ _ ' . THE WEAK SPOT. 'I \ A wcnk , aching back tolls of BMt : / Jtldneys. It aches whcn you WOI'k , . > : : It aches when ; you try to rest. It " ' . . , ( . .t"f' ' ' j . . , . . I . jJi $ t . " ' , - , a ) ; " 'I. , . . ; ; : i' . . " , ' , t ' " .i . : : . : . ' \ . , " , ' "I I 'j I ' ' ( , . ' I , ! . 1" ,0 , . . . II throbs In chnnco- n b 1 e weathl1r. Urlnnry tI'oublts ! nl1d to ) 'OUr mls' er ) ' . o rest , no comfort , until the ) e I d n e ) ' s nro well. Cure them with Donn's Kid. ney P111s , Mrs. W. M. Dan. seller , ot 25 Wn. ter St. , Dradford , Pn. , says : "I had nn nlnd "nn. . . , - . I' ' ' ' ' . vu. " , uU' \t. i' tlnuouo pnln in tbo smnll ot the bael. . ' My nnkles feet hnnds nnd nlmost I \ < ' " , , , my ' ' whole blonted. I Ian. , " . , , body were wns " , ' : " guld and the Iddney secretions were I ' > . , profuse. Physlclnns told me I bad , dlnbetes In Its worst form , nnd I fenr- I . : ! . . cd I would no vcr recover. Donn's Kid. . I' ' . ney P111s cured mo In 1896 , and I hnvo . . . been 'Yell ever since. " " A FREl'J ' TRIAL ot this great lild. . . . : L ' - . ney medlcino which cured Mrs. Dnu. . , . " : scher w111 bo malled to any part of the " ; " United States. , Address Foster.Mll. " burn Co" Duffnlo , N. Y. Sold by nll : ' . ' . denIers , price 60 cents per box. . I ' " : : ' " I : . " ; ' , The mnn who never crosses n bridge ' , I' lIntll ho gets to i sometimes falls to : ; cross It when ho reaches the river. : . , . I , , Catarrh Cannot Be Cured : ri-'k" , : ' - " ; , . I ' . ' . . ' . .1' : , : wtt'.LOOALAPPLICATIONB.a8 heycannotrellCb ; , > ' , ' Ihe seat ot the dl elue. Catarrh h a 1I100d or const1 . ; . ' ut\onal \ dlsea e. and In 01'ller to cure It you UlUIt Uko ' , , , . ' , " uteroal remodles. Jlall's Clltarrh Cure IR taken In' : . ' . ! . lernally. IIn.1 aeu dIrectly on the blooo and ml1eOUI , , I- > ' > ' lurtacc. . lIall' . Catarrll Cure 18 not a quack medl' , , 'r- , 1100. It wa. prelcrlbed lIy 11I10 of the beRt phnlclaol , ' - ' . 11 tllle country tor ) 'e'l"I aod Is a regular prcscPlptlon. , { " . , . . It Is composed ot the lIest loolcs koown. < ; o\lllned ! ; i ; . , , 'It II the best blood pl1rlOerR. actlo dlrect y on the , . 't' uucous RlIrface. . The perfect comblnatlrn of the IWO InltredlentalR what produces puch , , 'ondertul reo , ,1' , lu1ts In aUrlnlt , catBrrh ' : end tur 8t1moolals. frel ! . ; " ' " F.J. ( 'linNEt &CO"-OP'TlledoO : f- . Rold by Drul'l:1st , price c. ' : ' Tllke JlIIIl' , j'amlly , 1'111. tor 1.JllltpatlOD. ! . ,1. , After a girl has been married nboul tbreo weeles sbe returns to eartb. A TrIp to Colorado , Utah or CalifornIa , . is not complete unless It embraces the most beautiful resorts and grand. est scenery In Colorado , which are found on the Colorado Midland Rail. way , the Llghest standard gauge line in the world. Exceptionally low sum. mer round trip rates to Colorado Interior - terior state points , . Utah , California nnd the Northwest are olIered by lblp , line. For Information address Mr. C , H. Speers , General Passenger Agent. Denver , Colo. " E\'er .thlng depends on comparisons -to the worm the tortoise is a reck. less chauffeur for speed. Do You Want the Lowest Rates either one-way or round-trip excursion , to any point cast ot Chkago or St. Louis ? Ask the Erie Railroad Company - pany , 555 Railway ExchanK , Chicago , for complete Information. Three fast . trains dally tram Chicago and St. I , Louis through to Now York , Doston , But'falo , Pittsburgh and other castern , points. Stop.over without chnrgo at Niagara. . Falls , Cambridge Springs and Boautlful Chautauqua Lake. Recognlzeo Geologist. .oi , ' The Academy ot Sclences ot Paris . \ ; bas elected Proto Barrels ot L111e , to fill the vacancy left In the section ot mineralogy by the death ot the muse trious Fouquo. . This recognition ot the claims of ono ot the most distinguish. \ cd geologists ot the .prescnt day will be welcomed tar and wldo. PIso's Cure cannot be too highly spoken of ao a cough oure-J , 'V. O'DlIIEN. 3 : : : ThIrd ATe , . . . , MInneapolis , Mlnn" Jan. 6,1000 , When Wrestlers Oiled BodIes. In Greclnn and Roman wrestllns bouts the bodies and limbs ot the wrestlers were plentifully anointed . . with 011 nnd greaso. The object ot . , this wns to prevent a bold being sa- . . , . . . . ; . . cured by an opponent. Modern are ! - " .tlcles ot agreement , however , Etate . ' explicitly that no all or grease shall : : , be used. , . ' ' nnan8ntl.eured. NofttiornerronmarteP :1' ; . ; \ FITS } ; I'rut da , . ' . n. . . of Dr , KUn. . . . Orel1t Ne"e Keltor- , . ' , III' , Rend tor FU& & 8\.00 trialllottio :1nd t.ulloa. . )1 " . 'Iv' U. ! tLIliIl : , Ltd. , 831 Arch Street , l'11116 elph1A,1'a , t , ; : ' . ' . ; ( 'J , 'Ii" lf - : " ' . Immensity of Alaska. j ' , , ' . , , Few people realize the Immensity ot ! J. . 17"J the area ot Alaslrn. With Its 577,3JO ! . . . . . . . , . . : . ' square miles , it Ie larger than the : . ' three largest stntes In the Union , name- . . ! q. ly , Texas , California and Montanll , the . totnl area ot which is only 570,220 . . . OQ.unre miles. ; You " hear complain . , nevo : anyone ' about "Iefinnce ; ) Starch. " There III none to equal It In quaUty and quantity , 16 ounces , 10 cents. Try It now amd a.v - ) 'ollr ; Dloney. . , It Is easier to secure unanlmO\lB decision that a b:1d t111Dg Is bad than thnt a good thing Is good. Defiance Starch Is guaranteed biggest' and best or money refunded. 15 ounces , 10 centfj , Try It now. i t When a woman fnUs In love , has 8110 I met with an accident ! THE IrAISY FLY KilLER dutroyulltb.ftl. . . . . . . . bornIn r . = : : : : ' : : . . nle. are troubl " , ! > < : ' ' : : l1f ni.r . : 1t'l- InJu , . &n1thllllf , Try them once . .lid { g'Nlb 'n ' . kept bd..lers.ocI11 f'O'tpahl ' for 1Oc ! , JUIIIIL olltns. , 160 lI.hlb 4. . . . . . lI..kl.1. , ! & . I. t lE\YIS SnNGLE BUNDER I STRAIGHT G < < : BGAR ' ANNUAL5 , eOO-'OOO Your jobber or c1lroc' from l'actor" l'corla , IlL , PORTRAIT AGENTS ; : ! Our KOQd. tbe beet. . Prlcn the 10weeL l'romptahlp- monll. Dollnr , ot all P2rtnlu lfu'r&IIteed. Send to , nta1oiU. and & 1I.nll prloo IUL Addren ADAK J. ltB.OLL a ; 00. , : tfe" Era m " Chloap. .1\ \ NEBRASKA STATE ! 'JEWS II ASSESSMENT REPORTS SLOW. Work Will Commence With Many Co ntles , Yet to Report. LINCOLN.-Owlng to the delay or count ) ' omclnls in get hlg their ns. sessment reports the state bonrd of equalization will go to work with mnny counties stili missing. The sessions will have to bo ot the stren. uous order It the Inw Is cOI11IJted ! with for the reason that the statutes reo qulro the report or the board to be certified out to the counties by the first Mondn ) ' in August , which this 'ear Is August 1. This lenves less thnn two w elts for the board to COI11' pleto its worlt , and the tnsk will bo n harJ one. Numerous reports' have begun to oome in fl'om'arious counties to the effect that a I11lght ' roar Is going to C0l110 In bccnuse property has been nssessed too high , and other reports are to the effect that the raltro'mls arc going out of tholr wn ' to com. pel the lJoard to mise the fnrmers out of all proportion to what thor ha\'e been raised over last 'ear. Whether the farmer will leave his wheat field nnd come In to plead his case has not been announced , hut con. stant rumor has It that the railroads arc loaded to the lJrlm with fisurcs nnd probn Jle thrents that they Inten to unlond for the edification oC the lJonnl thnt the people of the state may stili be taxed out of nil propor. tlon to the rallrnods , EoI' some renson It seems to be the general opinion that the board will use the \'aluatlon plnced on , railroad Ilropert ' ns a basis upon which to fix the \'ahmtlon of the dlfforent counties , but no member of the board will nd. mlt thnt such is the case , 'fhe board doesn't seem to Imow how It will proceed - ceed , though It Is probable that the first thing on the program will be to listen to IJrotests , From Douglas county - ty comes the report .that the railroads - roads are very anxious' that the people - plo there be 11\lt on th de nsTvc , n l It is common talle that the ' will trr to show the board thnt It Is a shame the way Douglns county Is heating the stnte out of taxes. This because citizens or Douglns county are large. ly responsible for the Inte increase In the value or railroads. . DINNER FOR PAUL MORTON. Elaborate Fc.stlvitles Enjoyed at Arbor - bor Lodge. NEBRASKA CI''Y-One or thl. ' most elnborate dinners that has ever been ser\'ed In this city was given at Arhol' lodge In honor or Paul 1\101' ton , the new secretary of the nav ' , b ' his aunt , 1\IIs8 Emma l\Iorton , and his brother. Jor Morton. The dinner was strictly private as far as their fl'lends here were concerned , aU or the guests being guests f'Om outside of the clt ' and the personnl rrlends of the new secretar ' , The tahles were spread In the monster dining room or the new home at Arbor lodge , which was completed this spring b ' "Ir. Joy Morton , to whom the father entailed the property. The tahles were handsomely decorated with flow- ers. ns were the ! 'Ooms. Hidden behind - hind n bower or flowers an orchestra iurnlshed the music. In the center or the table was a great batt1eshlp builtof fiowel's and flying the flag or the new secretary. There was no tonst mnster. but a IIumber' of Impromptu speeches nnd toasts were given , The members of' the party were In a jolly mood. All were the personal friends or the new secretary and therefore they mnelo Il\1blle nothing of the little tall.s thnt were mnlle , Receives Threatening Letter. GRAND ISLAND-A : Parl\llllrst , a retail meat man , received a lotteI' ordering - dering him to place $500 In a Lox at the rear of his store or the writer would hlow his head off , He received the letter two hours aCtel' the tlmo which he was to have pla ed the 11I0n. ey there and found his head stili on straight. . i Holdredge Will Hold a Juollee. HOLDREDGE-The Imslness men of Holdl'edge are arranging for a rand hnrvest jubilee h ( > I'o this fall , the prlmnry object at which Is to show up the resources or the count . In the way of agrlcultUl'e , stoclt rals. lng , fruit growing , crenmer ) ' products , etc. , Big Stallion Dies. ST. PAUIJ-Tama .Jlm , the biggest and best horse in FranJ { lams' Import. InG' 9tnl1le < l. tHod'er ' sUddenly. Ho ! s snlll to ha\'o been the largest stal. lion. . in Amerlcn , weighing' more than 2 , ! OO llOunds , nnd had tnlwn many prizes nt state fnlrs anll expositions all OVOI. the country. Boy Killed by Accident. LE\YIS'J'ON.-Tho 10.yenr.ohl senor or Mrs. George 1111I01' , who lives noal' here , was shot nnll ! "lIed b ) ' the ncci. dontnl discharge or a shotgun , 'fhe lJO ) ' had gene to the field with his two brothers to see them start tlie hln Ol' , Ho was seated on the machlno hold. Ing the gun with one hand 0\'e1' the muzzle , when In some manner the gun slipped off Its resting place nnd wns dlschnrged , 'I'ho contents tOTO through his hand and stmclt him 111 the face near the chin , Ilnssed upward and found lOdgment In t1H1 brain. . - - - NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. . - IIoldregc rellorts a gooe ! attendanc. . . . at the ,1unl r state normnl. Many peolll ! ! frol11 Columbus hnvo been at Bonesteel for reglstrntlon. The tax suits ngalnst the ComJlnn. ! tlO1i Brldgo cOIDI1:111Y at Daltota City ha0 been c0l111lromlsed. Mls Almn lInn son wants $ l.OOl } dnmnges from Grnnd Islnnd ror Calling on a defective sidewalk. "Irs. W. K. I.ny , a former resident ot Omaha , who attemlJtclI to commit sui cillo nt Columbus. Is recovering. Nebrnsltn has agreed to talte $ : ! , OOO oC Perltlns county refunding bonds bearing . . per cent Interest nt par. A 13' 'enr.ohl girl of Yorle wns bitten by a spider and for a time It was Cear. cd she would elle , but she Is recover. Ing. Ing.Dnn Dnn 1\I 'lrea or Leavenworlh , Kan" wns thrown from n train near Dalwta City after being robbed. T\\'o ribs were brolten. 'rhe ' gross receipts of the Omaha postoi1lce for .lune 'Wero $4.5G. : ! : ! against $38,233 ror the same month last 'ear : Increase or $ .t,2JS. ! Young prnlrle chlclten anll quail al'o fi 'lng thlcle in the fields nenr Ravenna and OVOl' ) " oue Is getting his Ilog nnd gun In shape Cor a fine hunting sea. son. son.A A new creamery coml ) n ' has been OI'ganlzed at Beatrlco which will churn In that town , eooperatlng with the Beatrice CI'oamel'r cOlUpnn ) ' of Lin. coIn. coIn.A A team belouging' to J. Ii'Vall , n farmer residing' near Eagle. Cass count ) ' , wns stolen last weele. 'I'ho om. cers have thus , far been \mable to secure - cure a clue to the guilty partr National guardsmen go Into camp at Davlel Cit ' . It was stnted at the office or the adjutant genernl thnt David "s proposition had been loolwd on with much favor. 'rho mal. ter will be Ileclded shortlr. The volunteer 111'0 11e ) rtmcnt of Se vard will hold a street fall' and cnr- nlval the weele beginning with .luly 25. F\'e ! } ' effort Is beln.F made to malto the fah' n. 1itcc a and t t commodate the crowds which I\tlena. The Farmers' hault oC Shelton has amended Its articles or Incol'JOratlon ) by providing for a board or from threee to five dlreclors.'Ilh POWOI' to select the bnnle officlnls , An annual m etlng also Is nrovilieli Cor. Go\'ernor Micltcy honored the requisition - sition or Governor Odell of New Yorlt . for the return of .Tolm A. iUtm' , - chcarg-I. cd with stealing $25,000 from A. P. Ordway & Co , or New Yorlt CIt ) . , n. ! firm o manufacturing chemists , I An ngent of the' Swift Pa'cklng com- pan ' was at Haveloclt tr 'ing to lInd I some or \lIIemlJloyell shopmen with n view to hiring them to tlll\C the plnces or the strllters at South Omaha. . The agent was told that none of the men there cared to go , The luneral of \Villiamson , who was drowned In Lalte i\Ianllwn. was held from his father's residence In Nebrnslm City under the auspices of tha Modern Woodmen 0. Amerlcn nnd Coml1.ln ' C , Nehrnslm National Guard , or which the decea ed WUII n membel' . A tornado destroyed the residence nnd outbuilding or Albert Britton , neal' Ta 'lor. 1\1rs , Britton was Imprisoned by the ralllng walls of the sad house , but was rescuell betoro she sllstnlned serious Injury. A nnmber or buildings cast or Taylor are down as n result or the twister. Orza WaUter of Cedar Dluffs reo celved Injuries In a 1'I1nnway accident which causell his death. He wns at , the home of his brothel' , two' miles cast of the town nnmed , when 1\ team he hnd been drl\'ing started to run away , He tried to head off the unl- mals and was sll'uclt hy lhe. " ntcr pole. . . A 13-year.old son or Mr , anll 1\1rs. Peter Wceberg ot O : > lumllus was bil- ten by a huge blnclt spidel' , 'I'he lall I was bitten while he lay ! n bed. His fnce soon swelled to an enormous size Ilnd it was thought for a time the Jlte might result sertvuslY , hut In twent ' . foul' hours the swelling commencCll to subside. l\Ir3 , Rase Whitting , an Insnne patient - . tient who was sent to the asylum about a month ago , was IJlelted U ) ) by the police while wandering about the clly In an appnrent1y'demented condl. tlon. 'fhe unfortunate womnn was ordered talten bacle to the hOSIJltal , as the h sanlty ! Joard found no recorcl of her parote or discharge from that In. stltutlon. Andreas Hnnsen or Grand Island , who attempted aulcldIJ on t11e ater- noon of the Fourth of July , died at the St. lo'rnncls hospital as the result or t11e Injuries self.lnfllcted , He had ut three gashes In his throat , not deep , enough , however. to 'sever the wlnllplpe or the Important artel'les , nnd ono In the wrist , cuUng the ten' dons , but again not reaclling the main blood veins. A , D , Test , a Carmer living about six in lIes southw.esl of"orlc. \ . has sold IGu acres off his fl\rm to11' : , John Wise. man of Charleston , NoiJ" for $75 an acro. It has been Ill'cldCl1 to comblno the county teachers' Instltuto and the city 1eachol' ' Instltuto at 1.lncoln this ) 'ear , 'fhe sessions will bl'g'ln August , 2J ! In the LIncoln high school auditorium and continuo fOr ono weolt. It Is hop. cd b ) ' thus combining forces anll funds the one Institute mllY tie mnde much more profltnble than tl10 two have hon , eretQfore. . Itl , . . . . . . . . . . " , < 1br " 'L . Promotes rngcslion.Chccrru nC55 amt Rest-Contains nellhcr OpiumMorphinc nor 1o llcral. : Nor "N.Anc OTIC. . . . . . ' /lrSJMllE1.lf1'ClJ - &Jll AD-1It.fwd , l .rt'.l- t'I4tiFo'M Jl J' ' . Apc ccl Remedy forConsUp - TIon , Sour SlomachDillrrhoca ' , , "arms , ConvuLsions , Feverishness - ness nOl' ' Loss Ol SUER , . Fac S Iile signnture or . 'NE" " YORI ( . EXACT copy 09' WRAep.ER. : : - J W- :101' i _ . , " - i THERE'S NO ugg AAGUING : . 'l . Ddb . 9 cb b Ih& ftr7 bdt SWb " , . . " " , It's a bd. ii . . testIfr 10I. ) I IT ry ft once youncJL" W r guumtct uHr-ctt- mtJt'ttj i I You an'I lost. . . . . . Dc&.nu St.uch Is. akoIUidy- - Cram. " . , . . . , - - It mWs tht cLt.ha look buuUful &Ad wU1 not rot IhaD. , Get n of year grout. , IG oartCU for /0 oc-thl7 t d1aa . . ) 'OU get cf &II ) ' oIha Lrand. . . ; ( THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , OMAHA , NEB. , , . I . . f. ' ' ' " : " \ : " I . LD ANTISEPTIC PILE COt ES w ! DRUGGISTS. Sample Froe. ANTISEPTIC PILE CONE CO" Crelo , Neb. SLEEr. WABASH THROUGH SLEEPING CAR LINES To TORONTO and MONTREaL DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS , - . . 9.05 P.M. Are TORONTO , - . . 9.10 P.M. 'Ar. MONTREAL , - . 1.35 A.M. , To PORTLAND Every Monday end Thur doy Lv. ST. LOUIS , - - - 12.30 Hoon Ar.MONTREAL7.16 P.M. ( IitCON : DA.V ) Are PORTLAND , - - - 8,05 AM , ( ' 1'lImD 1JAY ) To BOSTON DAILY Lv. ST. LOUIS , 9.CO AM. 9.05 P.U. ltr BOSTON , 5.20 P.M. 9.50 A.M. - - ror nates and Information , address H. E. MOORES , G , A , P. D. . 1001 Fornam Street , Omnha. Nab BEGGS' BLOOD PUtIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomacb. . CASTO RIA For , Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . Signature of :1 : n USB For Over -Thirty - Years I CASTO RIA . . . . , , . no. CPrTAUN .O. "Y. " &WYO" ! OITT. FREE to WOMEN A Largo Trial Dox nnd boole of Instructions - structions : absolutely Free nnd Postpaid - paid , enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilef Antiseptic Padlno I. In powder 'orm to dluolve In watcr - non.polsonous and tanupcrlorto liquId antleeptlca : conlalnlnlr alcohoJ which Irrlutu Inflamed .urtac , IInd h.v. DO cleanelnlt prop. er1lu. Tbe content. o' every box m.lI more Antlreptlc Solution - tionIa.t. . lonler- ltOu'ur1her-h. . more usn In the ' .mlly and doumoreltood than .n , . anlbeptlc prep..uoa you can buy. Tf1e formula of a notcd Boston physIcian , and wcd with grC11t succw 1J a Vaginal Wash , for Lcucorrhcea , Pelvic Catarrh , Nasal Catarrh , Sore Throat , Sore Eyes. Cub , and all soreness of mucw membrane. In local treatment ot fonalo : Ills Paxt1ne Is Invaluable. Used as a Vaflnal ( Wash WI ) challenge the worlll to produce Its equal for thoroughnels. It Is a rlvolatlon In cloan81ng IUld 1Je lI\1g \ , power : it kills all germs whlcb cause Inflammation anI } dlllChar os. All JUIllngdrugll.ts keell I'1ntlne : ; prlcer.oc. a box ; If ) 'onrsdoesllotacDlltn U8 for It. Doh" lake a suli.tltutethor" ISlIothln" lIlto I'axtlne. . . 'VrJtoCorthe Free 1Iox of l'l\xllllo to..1"1. . . . . : PAXTON CO. , 5 , Po o DldlC" Doston. Ma - WESTERN SUPPLY CO. JOJWEl1S 01" "PUMPS , WIMI ) [ ILlS and PLUM INf h'llTERUU. ' BELTUIG and TtHiESH/iR / : OUPPLIES. PACKING and ELEVATCla REPAIRS. 020.022 N Street. . LINCOLN. NEBRASKA W. N. U. , Omaha , No. 30-1904 . , . . ; 'tI uFroftll" Ihe cradle to the bnby chair" HAVE YOU A ABY ? . . If so , you ollghllo hl1vo a PHOlENIX. WALKli G , GIIAIR . . ' ( r J. Tr.r-"l'E D ) OIAN IDEAL. OELF-INSTRUOTOR. " OUR PIIOENL" Walking Chair holds the ohlltl Boo\1roly , preventing - venting these p : nfnl fa-llo nnd bnmps , vhlch nroso frequent when babT. learns to walk. . . . 'DETTER THAN A NUROE. " The ohair is IJrovidod with 1\ roe movl\blo , omltnry : oloth seat , which Bupporla the wolght of , the child nnd prevents bow-logs nnd splnnl troubles ; it also hM n tnblo attachment - mont whioh enables baby to find nmUBoment in its toys , oto. . with. ont any nttention , "Allndlsponsablo ! as a cradlo. " It is 80 construoted thnt it prevents - vents sol1oel clothoB , Diolmoqa frpm drafts nUtl floor Rerm/l / , and is rocommon eel by physiolana anel cue10rsoc1 by both mother n d bnby. CombineD } Jlolsuro nnd utility. No baby houlc1 be without ono. { JaU nt your furniture dealer and nsk to DCO ono. - . . . . MJ.NUFACTURED o\L'r D't pl-lOer\1IK Cr- AIR CO. 8"EDOVGAN. WIS. enn only bo had 01 your furnlluro donlor. , . . I NEW HOMES IN THE WEST Almo tImlt million acres of the fertllo and wellw:1.tcr : : > ; 1Ic. s of the HosolmLl Jmllan Hes- crvallon , In SOllth Dakota. wlll bo thrown open to sctlloment by the Government In .Tllly. These tands are bC3t 1"CIlchell by the ChlcIo : ! & NorthWestern - ' ' I1lrect throllJh IIpos from Western Ual1'71Y'I ; ! : ; Chicago to Bonestcel , S. n. All asents soU tlcli.ot.s TI till ! ) IIn ; , . Spocln1low rates. HDt TO GET ' A HOME . , . Soml rOr:1- copy or pamphlet ch'ng ) fulllnforrn3. lion ( I.J ! : I :1 : : :1I : 0 ; openIng lIuLl how 10 sceuro 100 acres of l:1nl1 : at nomlnul cost , wllh fulliloscril" tlon of the lioll , climate , tlmbcr arlll mluornl resollrces. towns , schools nd churches.ollpor- tunltles for bllsln ss ollcnlnss , railway ratcs. eto. , free on ppllcatlon. , W. D. ItNISKtRN , l'nssonler Trame Mauagor. 111'1" ' " , CIlICAQO. IL . DOMINION EXHIBITION WINNIPEG , MANITOBA ; JULY ' 26th to AUGUST 6thI I THE BEST EXPOSITIOM OF AGRICUL TURALAND. INDUSTRIAL RESOURCES - CES OF CANADA EVE : MADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . An .Aggregation of Attractions Never' Before Equalled at , ' an Exhibition of this. Kind. - - . ( , . Ample Accommodation for Visifors-e' ' , Low Railroad Rates from , all United States Points. , Portloulnro Glvon by ' \ Canadian Government Agents . - . or . . . . . - Nearest Ticket Agent. - ' . 1 . - .J 1 , . . ! ' J " . . "ow . . . ' ' ' . . " TAtCE THE WABASH : , TO SAINT lOUIS" TtlE ONLY LINE I TO T \fiORLD'S \ FAIR ' t MAIN ENTRANCE. ' . 1I. & 'uJe eJu'cIH'11 tu'orld' . , ' . , J'ulr Il"0unl1. . topovers nl1owed. All -'gllnta can route ) ' 011 vIa the W A ASII. I'or beau- tlflll " 'orld's Jralr rolder nnd all Infer ; ' matlon address HARRY E , MOORES , Gen , . Agt. PUBS , Dept. , Omaha , Neb. . I . ' ' ,