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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1904)
, 1.\brar\"u \ \ soot" , \ UrJ1.brar"u \ , , , ' USTER . COUNTY EPUBLICAN.'tt" ESTABLISHED . 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. , LARGEST CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. . VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 21 , 1904.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.6. . ' - . . ' I - , Have You Perfect EY ; I lIighcfil mllhorilics 01lhc \ : c'e say ) ' 011 Ita\'e lIol. 'l'ola ! ) ' lhc : ahsoll1lely perfecl e'e IS 1\11- \ kllowlI. Is lhc Ilefccl In ) ' 0111' I c'cs slIlliclcnl to canse harlllflll . . rcslIlls ? 'I'his ilia ) ' , .be dcler- : IlIincd hy III ) ' scientific IIIcmmrc- \ ! IlIcnls of thc cye , utilI in 110 olher wa ) ' . Uac of glasses advised - \ ' vised if ) ' 011 IIccll thclll--olher- wise not. Glnsses $ < 1111 ) ' 011 if ) ' 011'llIll lhclll-hlll no COIII- pulsion nholll it. ' ' : . . . . fI8vGII " " ' .1 - , , _ . . - - - - ' - - . . - - - - - " School Books. Tablets " -AND- \ , scliool Supplies , , - i I " , , " \ -AT- , ' ( J. G. Haeberle's : - - - - - - . - . - - - , . I Rev. A.V. . George , D. D. of St. Louis , Mo. , field worker for the Methodist Sunday School Union will spend1t ( xt Sunday at , ' " " , - , tbe M. E , c1 nrch.-Prea.cJ.ting at 11 "a. . ana - - m. cOI1 < 1uct ng--Ilfstitute work on the Sunday School at ( 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. tIl.He - is a Sunday - ( , day School worker of wide and j practical experience , therefore \ able to help greatly in this work.j j V . A. cordial ill\itation to other ' \ Sunday Schools of the town to 1 be present and participate is ex- tended. Gno. P. 'l'Iu'rns , Pastor. ; . - - - - - - - I Clarence Rceder of Merna , WetS I transacting business in our city ( Saturday. c nr"hul 'rtul'cd , ( 1 A case came to light that for ! persistent and unmerciful torture I has perhaps ne\'er' been equaled. 1 Joe Golobick of Colusa , Calif. , ] wri tes : "For 15 yearR I end nred 1 insufferabb pain from Hheuma- ! ism and nothing relie\'ed me . thongh I tried everythinglmown. I I came across Electric Bitters 1 and il's the greatest medicinc on I earth for that trouble. A few 1 botUes of it completel ) ' relicved I and cured me. " Just as g'00c1 for ( , ' Liver and Kidney trouhles and ( general debilit ) , . Onl ) ' SOc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Lec I I ros" Druggist. ' 1 r : : : S ii i : : : : ] - B. B. lj\i t7.gerald of Comstock , was a fricndly caller Monday. Mrs. ' 1W. . Dean ofVest Union , was visiting in the city the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hunt of Ortello , was in the city Saturday , attending the mcetfng of the stock holders of the Broken Bow Business College. \rs. Joe Pigman and son , Elba , left Monday on a visit to Butler , Nebraslm. Mrs. Pigman has been in poor health for some time and hopes < 1 few weeks will re- cuperate. A. ' 1' . Seybolt returned Monday from Lincoln , where he has been for somc time visiting his mother who is quite sick.lrs. ! . Seybolt who also went down to Lincoln will rcmain a fcw dayg longer to hclp wlth her mother-in-law. l\lq : ; . Joe Kellenbarger of ll\Ierna , l\'lrs. Olmstead of Custer I Ccnter , and Mrs. A. D. Hunt of , Ortello , were among the lady stockholders that attenc1 d the meeting of the Broken Bow Business - ness College in this city Satur- day. day.DR. DR. L. B. BILON I EYE SPECIALIST , W ill be at Lee Bros. Drug Store , where he may be consulted 1ree of Charge , Friday , August 5th , 1904. If you suffer from Sore , "Neck or Inflamed Eyes , Failing or Painful Vision , Dizziness , confusion - fusion in the brain , that heavy , dull feeling , Nervou5" - Prostration - tion , Sick Headaches , Facial Neuralgia , etc. , Headache Over the Eyes and in the Back 01 the Head. This is a positive iinpcolli of ye strain , and the person who lopes himself continuously by taldng head ache powder , wafers , tablets , pain pills , and - the various patent nef\'ines , which arc all composed of the \'arious \ he3.rt-depressents , such lS anti-pyrine , anti-kamnia , anti- febrine , acetanilide , bromides , : U1d narcotics such as < ? pium , t11orhint ! . etc. , only relie\'es b is onc1ition temporarily and at the xpense of all the poisonous and leleterions after-effects of these lrugs a temporary relief at the l > est. Stop it ! Yon are the per- ; on we are looking for ; we can g-i ve yon permanent relief by re- inoving the cause of the trouble. [ f we can't , " 'we will . tell ) 'ou so , 11Onestly. Properly adjusted glasses afford 111 immediate and positive cure ror the headache , as the ) ' remo\'e lhe cause and arc therefore per- : nanent in their effects , unlike lhe headache powder which only : elieve the effects , and the cause : cye-strain ) is left to do the mis- : hicf over aKain. Call earl ) ' , as we can give you Jetter attention than if you come lhe last minute. - , t"t't"tt'tt'ft'tt"tt"'t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t"t1't"'r " ' " ' ' ' " , " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " ' - - - - - - - - - - , - - _ t , - . - : : : : J - t THE CROCERY - - - - - _ - I : : : : - . - : : : : - - - - - - - - - - -t , - - E : Headquarters for Groceries , Fresh lj\ruits , = - = : : : Vegetables , Canned Goods. We handle : : : : E the O. L. Gregory's Pure Cider . - : : : : : An elegant set of. . . . . . . . . . . . Vinegar. . . . . . . . . : :3 : : : : - - - - - - - - DISHES GIVEN AWAY ; : : : - - = E as prizes with coffee.Ve sell as cheap :3 : E as the cheapest.North side of the :3 : ' 1 : - : : : : public square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. _ : : : : ( - c ; : . - < ; I - W. A. GE RGE & . I : : : : : : - : : : : ( : ? i111111111111111111111111111111111111tl111111111111111l111 1111111il111111 ' C. J. Vose and Orvis Pitce of Gates , were city visitors 'l'uesda ) ' . J. IjBryson of Upton , was among the welcomc callers at this ol1 ce Momla. > ' . Misses B. amI Alice Nicholas of Pilot , arc among the' number of teachers enrolled in the teachers - ers institute. The cir Park is receiving much needed attention this weelc hy having the trees trimmed up so as to allow air to circulate through it. II. B. Andrews of Anselmo , was in the city Saturday , attending - ' ing the meetin oJ the Stock- men's Association , also the meeting - ing of the stock holders of the Broken Bow Business College. Joe and Ben Kellenbarger . II. l eeder and . Joe Settles were among thosc from Merna and vicinity that were in the city last Saturday attending the meeting of the Stockmen's Association. Dr. Job and her fafher left yesterday morning on a trip to thc mountains in Colorado , where they will spend two or three weeks for the Doctor's health. Miss Blac1cstone accompanied them. Melvin Putman and Miss Egbert are conducting a tent meeting , which began 'ruesday evening and will continuc' indefi- nitely. Good music and gospel preaching. A cordial invitation is extended to all. People who go to the County l.1'alr like to have a good time at ttight , as well as during the day. 'rhe idea has been suggested by l good many of our citizens that It would be a good plan to secure 1 mammoth tent capable of holding - ing several thousand people and et a first class show. 'rhis .vould . serve for two purposes , lrst , the finest kind of entertain- 11ent , second , a canopy to shelter ' tUndreds of people , who for years J18t havc been compelled to walk , : he street at night on occount of , he hotels being over crowded. MAHHIJ\D-W AJ.DIwN-GuS'rAIN -Saturday , July 16th , )904 , S. . Waldron of Over , and Miss ; ' ustain of Callaway , in this city , ] 'udge Armour , otl ciating. A lUmber of the county otl cials , nd stockmen who were apprised ' If the contemplatcd matrimonial 'enture appeared on the scene at he proper time and witnessed he tying of the nuptial knot. t required a box of. cigars to 1 atisfy the witnesses , after which he bride and groom were allowj j d to depart in peace. Mr. Wal- , ron is one of the substantial ' itir.ens and stockmen of the outh west part of the county ,1111 worthl of a good companion o share Ills cares and prosperity nch as his bride is. ' ! 'he Ru- UlH.ICAN joins with their many riends in extending congratul - ions. I . , I - Hural Route No.2 , started last Fridn.y ; with J. G. Painter carrier. - R v. F. F. DeLong , pastor of the Baptist churches at Merna 'and ' Arnold was a cit. > , visitor Monday night , thc guest of Rev. Yale. Geo. Edes of Omaha has purchased - chased the ci ty laundry onVaton ! & Vamcr. lIe is to talce possession - sion the 25th of July. lIe is an expericnced man and will improvc the plant. Ij'V. . Conley of the Callaway Tribune and \V. II. Daily of the Callaway Courier , were in the cit ) , MOl1day night to attend the annual meeting of the County Editorial Association. ' \Vatts & : Kenned ) ' returned the first of the week from the east , where they purchased a stock of gpods for their new store which they will open August first to the public. They will handle dry goods and furnishings. See their advertisement in this issue. r OR.TItI.I.O. . ' - .Rachel Bcals was 011 the sick list last 'cek. I Mrs. Snunders of Ansclmo , was in Or- te110 Friday ; Mrs. Fodge was at Broken Bow the firsl of the week. Prof. Zahl1 of lhe Broken Bow Co11ege was in lhe va11e ) ' Th ursl1ay. Harvcst has hegnn in earnest anll prolll- ises to be rather lengthy lask. 1\lrs. ckcrlllanand children of 1\Iason Cily are visiting at 1\1r. Johnson's. A rcpresenlative of the Crete Nursery was in Orte11o Thurs1111Y al\l Friday. Mr. lliU , whose willllmil1 was ruincl ; in ) asl week's storm , now has a new one up. Oscar While of Ioldrege. is spelding ! the snmlller in Orte11o with his brothel' , Arthur. G. O. Jo'uer has so far recovered from i frolll his accldeul that he 11119 lai aside : his crutches. Mrs. Whittle returned last week , from : au extended visil with her daughter in . Lea City , S. D. : nvery ne seems we11r.atisfied with the I Icll10lS froUl the l 1ing on lan , which . they are receiving. . 4 Oalello was well represented nt theOlll . Seltlers Picnic We neday. This affair proves to be more enjoyable each year. 4 Fred Andcrson' dr'III team took a t Ih'ely spin nroUll11 n sccllon. last Wed4 : Iesdny lIIorning , Iml 110 dalllllge was t lone , A. D. lIunt and wife aliI ) 1\Irs. Bcnls I\'cnllo Broken , llow Salurday lo atteltll t 1 meeting of the slockholders of lhe B. II , H. anl1 N. C. Misses Podge and Ashhangh went to ilroken Bow Sunday. to nUelli1 the reacher's Inslitule. 'fhe former will he , he guesl of Miss. . Ollie } ljckcU. lIeerlnll7 n . .n..e"ded .or O. G. Higbee , DanvilleIlls. - . , writes , Dec. 2 , 1901 : "About lwo years ago I was laid up for rour months with rheumatism. [ tried Ballard's Snow Liniment ; me bottle cured me. I can : heerfully recommend it to all mffering from hke af1liction. " 5c , SOc , $1.00. Sold by Ed. Mc- : :0111as : , Broken Bow and Merna. " " . I , S : i l 'P ' , ' k. . ? " , , , , , : r" ? \J I , < 'rf. TIey ! Don't you know where to get the nice t jj 1i iZj ( - fruit and veJetables in town ? Just for fun go I 1 to the east stde of the square and talce a pecp I. : . at the extremely fine assortment of nice juicy I Cherries I , Raspberries Blackberries ( ' , I . , Apples , and delicious fruits of all kirHls-the 7) blac1 < berries heing enl ) ' about half a crop this _ j ) < , year , you should get in on the ground floor. : : See those nice beets , radishes , turnips , and 9 : ncw potatoes ; fresh and the bcst the market _ c : ( affords. 6.Y-The place , you know wherel , ; : . ' ; - i . - . . ' . . . , i . C' - f j f : \ ! } : ! The. . . . . Grocery ! i t ' il - i ( ) ! , t ! . J tl ( - t . t - . . - c ; i .t ; : c. ; Just remember , th best grades of tea and ; [ 0 , : j ; < < 1 coffee fonnd are with them , where YOU can ; i c < buy all kinds of canned and bottled goods , i 1 1j : dried fruits and staple an l fancy groceries. : r \ ; , Don't forget to save ) 'our tickets and get some , c : . of those line prize dishes ; and keep in. mind 1 ; ; i that we have a most elegaut hne of ! CHINAWARE and CLASSWARE : t ! Ii I I ' \Vater Mellon and Musk ) \ ! Mellons tool)1) c \ - ; ' It."V - , , ! ' " , ' ! " II" " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' . . " ' ' ' ' . ' 'iI ' " ' ' ! " " ' ' : t' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " ! ! ' ! I' " ' " ' " " " 4" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " , , , " " ' . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " " , , ! , ' } r , . . f c : tJ ' < < 'f1- : ij . - . t" " " " " "t"'t""t" " " " " " " " ' " " " " + 1"'t"t""t" " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' - - i - TWINE I - - - - - - - - - = = By the 7th of tJ uly myf f l'st car or 'l\vine = = = = will be here , and I will sell you nny qnantity = = = = yon wltnt ; nt. . . . . . . . . . . . = = - - - - 11 Cents Per Pound. ' - - - - - - - ' - = = 'rhis will be New 'l'wine , d 1 eot from = = : : : : the faotory. : : : : - - - - - - : : : : , " " , : : : : : = = - : : . = : : c:1 : I:3 I : : : : : : ' : : : : I _ B . ggies \ I - . - , - - - = = , .r have just received two cars of Buggtes = = = = direct from the faotory. In the two cars there = = = = is . over thirty different styles in rubber and steel = = - t. . - : : : : Ires. = = - - "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " C.S.MARTINMf.Agf. - - = = ' -AND DEALEU IN- : : : : : : - - - - = = ANTI-TRUST GOODS. = = 11111111'1"11'11111111'11111111'111 ' " ' ' ' + 11'11111111111'1l1111111111111111111 ' ' S : , - ton ' 1'omVright , of r thc Ansley Brolccnllow is arranging to bronicle-Citi7.en , was in the out do all former efforts in the : ity Monday night. lIe returned 1')04 fair. Don't forget the dat s 1'uesda ) ' morning. September 6 , 7 , 8 and 9. - . = . : . . , .r..r..rJ"J"J : " : r .r.r..rJ".r..rJ".J..oo- : ( . : " . . . F.xfJCf. ' - . . . . . E . C . HoUCtE . . . . . I. eal Estate , Loans Insurance I I have some of the best farms in the county for salc. I have some of the best ranches in the state for sate. I have three good city. residences for sale. fi I I have some of thc most desirablc city lots for sale. I I have money to loan on good improved farms in Custer Co. . ' I bave money to loan on good city pr perty. 'I I have the be t equippcl Insurance Agcncy in thc county. , , , - - . - - 1' ' _ _ , - l1 ! Ha.i1 ! Ra.ilY Ra.ilY ! I 8 s Now that ) 'OU bavc the best prospects fQr a bumper cr p , protect it by insurancc in the old reliable St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. against Hail. 8 t E. C. HOUSE , I : AGENT , , Broken Bow , , . . - - - - - - Nebraska. Ss . ' " " . , . " " " . . , . " " . . . " . " . . . " . ' " . ' . . " . ' . " " . ' # . . . . # . ; . . ' . . " \ . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , ! t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .ft..ft. - . . . . . . . A. . . . . . . . - - . . . ft. ! " . . . . . . . . . . , : ! 'I ' " ' : \I \ . ' : : \ ( < a : tl a r&Q ! : & : t:1t : : t ' .f'rta r- ) I It TWINE' ' . : J i . . . . . . Ii : : . - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . ) l > : m ) t : Buckeye Sisa.1 Twine lOco i ; Eest Deering Sisa.l Twine l hc. , ! .t t 't . . . . . 'toJ ) > oJ our n e n w ma I nug prepara t. IOns f or. : , the flay and Grain harvest. Look up : what rcpairs you will want for the : I Deering lower and Hinder. 1.f you : muchille , have them. . , 1 want It new we t\ : \I \Ve now haye a few bargains in : ) , Hay Sweeps and Stackers , i ! , and Hay RakeslI' " 'rhey are the best thing on the mar- : . keto ee us about these if you want a bargain. ' , Phone No. 107. : I\t . "Undersell. " Our .Motto : t t. ( ) C. W. APPLE , J ! , ' . . ' " \Vest Side Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. .S t : rtJtti.5tt : M .r > > ; : .rJ.r' : : : ; > > } J , : Jii.tJJ : JC , ,