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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1904)
" ' . . , I" , > ' " . 1 , . .rr , ' 'J U J. II. lU lHHt L\lJfl\rlllU \ OIJ 1 1:1 : ' " lJ . .J . , \ , - , r' ' < , - . . I - - , - . . , . . . " . . ' . , ; . - .J , tI. . , . . . . . 'f . . u. - _ . - u. . , ; u ' , - ' " . , < . : - . . , . . f. . , . - _ - - - . . - - - - - ' . , . . ' , " " - , , . : ; ; ; ; . . . : , USTER - . . . . . : . . 1 " ' " . ' ' : : ' , ' , ! . . . . . - " . " " " ' ' " " ' - , " ' ' , \ " ' . " . , . " ' , " . ' ? , < . I . ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUS'rER COUN'l t. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPE IN TH.E COUNTY. . . ; : . . - VOL. XXIII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , AUGUST 4,1904.--EIGHT , PAGES. o. . 81 - , . - ' . . , _ _ " , _ . _ . . h _ _ . A _ _ . 01 < < 1 Pather 'rilllc ho I'een t gr at illlprO\'Cl1lent In timc keepers durill thc past ( 'CII- tur ) ' , In SIIlc'cssioll calllc thc I snll dlnl , thc h ur gla s , then Ule crude nechanieal tilllc . keepers , Oil up to whut wc uow cous llcr the aClllc of walch per- feclion , It is h3l1110 concei\'c of gl caler illlprO\'clllcnts thou t nre fouutI ill the thin mollel Americull watch whirh 1 hnsullc in nil Illokes nllll'nrious tIt'- I signs , to : mit ) 'our tnstc , ) 'our I pocket nllli your pursc , - - - - - - - - - - - - School Books , , Tablets -AND- . Sch901 Supplies , . -AT- J. G. Haeberle"s : Jas. 'Lindley of AnselmQ , was - , among the old settlers in the city yesterday. , John Welch of "Westerville , was among those who attended the . ! ' old settlers picnic . yesterday. Hon. A. H. Copsey and son of I Westen'ille , came up _ yesterday t morning to atterld the mceting I lof the old settlers. : , , -t. The A. O. U , W. and Degree of Honor's will havc a picnic at I Handy's Grove next 'l'hursday , August 11. All members and their famili s are rcquested to attend. Attorney K. R. Humphrey has , made application to the State Water 'Wright nd Irrigation Board for all flowage of the , South Loup near Arnold in order I to protect the interests of the ! , Electric Railroad Company of Arnold. I n. B. Schner111ger , one of Sand Valley's most progressive farm- erSt was in the city last Saturday and took out lumber for the erection - tion of a granary Sx32 feel. Mr. Schncringer has a 1110st bounteous - ous crop of small grain , and in order to care for it he was com- ' . peled to make more. room.-r. oup . : - - Valley Queen. : r ; ' I'Why are not more men inter- , t : . . estcd in the church ( " is the sub. _ I . . . . . . . ject for consideration at the 1\ [ , ' : , ; E. church Sunday night. 'l'his \ is a vital problem. J ha\'e given it careful study and inte all to attend , especially men who arc . not in the habit of attending church. Gw. P. 'l'ru'fHS , Pastor. , " Ie hellnI lh.llI. \Vhen pains or irritation exis1 : : ' on any part of the body , the ap' - I plication of Ballard"s Snow Lini. ment gives prompt relief. E. \ \ ' , Sulli van , Prop. Sullh'an House El Reno , ' O. 'l' . , writes , June 6. . 1902 : HI take pleasure in recommending - mending Ballard's Snow Lini , ment to all who are afilicted witt rhuematism. It is the only rem edy I have fonnd that gives im mediate relief. " 25c , 50c , $1.00 Sold by Ed. McComas , . Brol.el Buw and l\Ierna. Music loving people car " not afford to miss hearln t Rosenbery and Long , Au' gust ' 6th. . ' . 'l'he Lotus Glee Cluh as : quartet ranks among the first 0 the country , and last night' superb singing by these gentle men was never surpassed here Every number on the progralJ was encored and a number 0 them several times.-Lynchburg Va. , News. : : : : : : Tj : : : : : .T. S. Tyons of Mcrna , was a wclcome callcr at this oflice 'l'ucsda \ ' . J. 1 : Cavcnee , one of the old settlers of the South Lou } > , at- tcnded the picnic ycsterday. Ole Johnson of Rouud Valley , was a city visitor 'l'ucsday. 'l'liis of1 ce ac1mowleqges a friendly call. , Fl'lnk : Co ad of New Helena , was a friendl. } ' caller at this ofi ce 'l'ucsday. He rcports the corn crop 100Jdng tine. , S. L. Cannon and wife ofVes - terville , were -among those in attendance - tendance at the meeting of the old settlers.ycsterday. Me. Owens of Oconto , was in the cit , l'uesday and Wednesday - day of tillS week. 'l'his o11ice acknowledges - knowledges a fl ienc11y call. Misses li'annie Drake and Lib- bie Brcnizer came over froUl Broken - ken Bow to visil friends in Sar- g-ent on'l\Ionday.-Sargent Lea- der. Nate Crawford and Jamcs Hickenbottom went to Brol.en Bow 'l'hursday and brought home a new stacker.-'l'he Argosy , Westerville. J. E. 1\1yers and wife of Georgetown , was among the old settlers in the city yesterday. Mr. Myers was among the first count ) ' cQnunissioners of Custer cQunty. Mr. and Mrs.V. . H. Osborne , Sr. , are visiting in Iowa , with their son , Bent , at West I iberty. They will visit friends at Davenport - port , Iowa , and Rock Island , Ill. , while gone. J. H.Velton , publisher of the l\Iullen 'l'ribune , in company with Capt. Hardy of 1\1ulleu , were city visitors 'l'uesday. 'l'his office acknowledges a friendly call.I.- , : . . . , JasIT4. : . ? J Wi 1iau g Whoohas been in the vicinity of Deadwood , S. D. , with his sons on the bfldge gang , arrived in the city Sunday on his way to St. Louis. lIe has I thirty days lay ofT. Qui te a number of the oM residents - dents in this end of the county are thint ing of going to Brol.en Bow to live this fall. Among them are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scott , l\Ir. and 1\1rs. Dave Hilton and Mr. amI Mrs. S. L. Cannon.- The Agrosy , Westen'ille. Roy H. Barnard , general manager of the Queen , departed on Saturday's train for a visft to Portland , Oregon Cit ) ' , Forest Grove and other Oregon points and Kelso , Washjngton. IIe is there to look over this country witH a view to locating provided he finds the country satisfactory. J. P. Hollan , the inventor of 'Submarine boats , says that within - in five years erybody will be 'flying. lIe claims to have an apparatus which can .be foldcd up and carried in a grip and which will carry a person 50 to a hundred miles a day with no more exertion than ordinar\ " walking. 'l'hat will settle tIle railroad , pass.-Sagent Lea er. Chas. A. Scott , Forest Agent at lIalsey , in a letter toV. . D. , Grant of this city states that the editorial in the Bee in reference to the government furnishing trees for free distribution under any conditions is an error. He recommends the Jack Pine as one of the best species that can be _ securcd for the sandy land. . They can be had of Albe-rt Fox , Branerd , l\Iinn. , for $3.50 per , thousand. 'rhey should be planted in April or early May. l\IA HHntn-S m J > A HnSONBOVCH -'l'hursdav e\'ening July 28th at - the residelice of Rev. J. R Teagarden - - garden , Edward Shepardson and 1\1 ss l liza Boyce. Re'l'ea - 1 garden , officiating. 'l'he bride is the youngest daughter of 1\1r. and 1\1rs. Wm. Boyce of this city. She is a young lady of culture . and refinement and enjoys the high esteem of a large circle oj friends. 'l'he groom is the son , of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Shepard. son of this city and is associate ( ] with his father in the livery an feed barn , north side. He hm : . purchased the Butcher house 11 where the new couple will make f their home. 'l'he RJtPUHT.ICA : , I joins with their many friends it ] extending congratulations. C. D. Samson of Oconto , was a fri ndl ) ' caller at this office Sat- urday. Rev.V.Ii' . Powers of , Weissert , was muol1g the friend 1) ' callcrs yes terd a ) ' . Ii' . A.Valton of Lee Park , came up yesterda ) ' to the old settlers - tlers picnic. . n. B. Audrews of Anselmo , was one of the old settlers at the picnic yesterda ) ' . D , C. Konkel came down from Chadron Tuesdav to attem1 the old settlers picnic. John NcGraw of Gates , was among the old settlers attending the picnic Wednesday. State Supt. li'owler ga\'e a talk to the teachers at the school house 'l'uesday morning. A heavy rain Tuesday night and another good rain last night is the record of this locality. F. D. Mills \Vesterville , made a good talk on the early days , at the picnic yesterday. Rev. A. W. Yale went to Merna Friday , where he organized - ized a singing class. He returned - ed to the city Saturday. C. R. Krenz of Merna , was a city visitor"l'uesday. He reports crops fine in his locality , with exceptions of rust in spring wheat. S. Barcu5 of Lincoln , came up Saturday morning to spend a week visiting relatives. This ofiice acknowledges a - friendly call. call.J. J. O. Taylor of Berwyn , is enjoying - joying a visit from his sister and niece of St. Paul , Minnesota , whom he had not seen for 2 years. l\Irs. Stevens of Callaway , was visiting in the city Idst week with her daughters , Ethel and I dith , who are employed in the register of deeds ofiicc. Oscar Amsberry and U. K. Jennings of Mason City , were lUong those wh came up l\f 011- day to see 'rhey made thls office a friendly call. . . 'l'he Ansley and Broken Bow ball teams crossed bats on the Broken Bow diamond yesterday afternoon. The score stood S to in favor . of Broken Bow. II. B. Drake expects to leave Saturday for Chicago to purchase his fall stock of goods , so as to have them in place in time for the next show day as well as on the County Fair. The O. E. S. Kensington will be entertained by Mrs. J. G. Haeberle and Mrs. A. R. Hum- phrey at the residence of Mrs. HaeberJe , Tuesday , August 9th , 1904 , at 2:30 : o'clock. All members - bers are invited. G. F. Perkins , proprietor of the Cherryvale Fruit Farm left at this office Saturday a sample of his tame plums. One branch had a cluster of fift en plums , which he says is a sample of the way one variety of his trees are loaded. He h . : > several varities but they are not all so prolific. W. B. l\Ioody , an old timer of Westervillc , c 'l1e ' up the first of the week and remained over W dnesdav to attend the meeting - ing of tite old settlers. Mr. Moody has been at Adelia this state for scveral month with one of his son's , who has a stock ranch in that vicinity. He expects - pects to return there in October. Gollmar Bros. ' show proved quite an attraction Monday , their seating capacity in the ' afternoon being well occupied. 'Those attending speak \'ery highly of the entertainment furnished and of the exception- all ) " good order about the grounds. 'rhe Gollmar Bros. allow no , faldrs to travel with them : 'They ' sh w all they advertise and more. A tejegram from the Superin. tendent of th Insanc 4sylum at Hastings to the clerk of tht district court , announced tlu : death at that institution , on Sun. day morning , of Mrs. K tie Dale , wife of Wesley Dale , who reside in ClifT township. Mrs. Dale was sent to the Asylum at Norfolk - folk , May 28 , 11)00 , and wa ! afterwards transferred to lIas. tings as incurable. At the reo quest of 1\1r. Dale the remaim were shipped to Callaway , wher ( they were received on TuesdaJ morning. , " \V. A. Richardson of Anselmo'l wa9 a welcome caller at this office Saturday. l\rs. Dora Keeler or Graltd Island - land , a ) ( t children are vlsiting in in the community with the famity of G. ID. Cadwell. 'l'his omce acknowledges a friendly call from Hev. Pnl1nau , the e\'angelist who is holding meetings here for the Christian Church. \Ve understand that l\Iiss Laura Mauhl < , who was elected teacher in the llroken Bow schools , has tendered her resignation. 'rhis leaves a vacancy in the 7th and 8th grades. ! G. J . Cadwell received a fite . male Duroc Jersey hog from G.a. , : Horning of Llberty , Nebra7im , , 'l'uesday. It is an cxcept ally fine hog and 1\1r. Cadwell i3 ust- ly proud of it. - , / . ORTItI.I.O. , Not ' "Ortelloites" tended man , ) a ; - ed the show Monday. I The spring wheat is ju t now ripe enough to cut , and lVill be a hort job. ] Geo. IIughes of Eurelm , and Miss Acsah Hunt drove to the Bow Monday' morning to see the street parade. Rain fell to the depth of one and.a hal ( inche's last week , mak ing a total for July of ' and a half inches. , Johnson and McGinnid pulled out their threshing ou fit last week and are planning tq start I the eighth. 'l'hey will thresh in the valley first. II I I Jim \Vhittle , wife and ; little girl were at the Bow lasqVed - nesday and were forced t4 sttY all night at IkeVadding on's , ; on account of hard rain early in the eve ling , reaching home " lext day. " Fred Embree was showing Mr. Myers over the county last S n- day , . " taking.1iim through Dale Valley , Merna li'lats" id'oit''the East Table. He is very much pleased with crop prospects. He will leave for Nance countx , Saturday morning , where he wIll visit childrcn before returning to California. l'oll Numo Cluulltla to ror Seuatl' . At the populist SenatorIal convention - vention at Sargent last Saturday J. T. l\IcClean of this city was , nominated for the senate. Mr. McClean is one of Broken Bow's good citizens , wbo , for a number of years , has held the responsible - ble position of collecting agent for the Deering Machine Co. Republican 'l'owustJll ) Cnncuy 'fhe republican electors of Broken Bow I . township ure herehy called to meel in. caucus 'fuesday August 23rd ntthe Court House al 2:30 : p , III , . to nominate lown. ship officers and a call1lic1/Ite for Suprr- \'isor for District No , 3 , amI for the transaction - action of such other business al lIIay be required. D , M , AMSUItIUtY. COlli. WOUlan BUO'I'age ( Jounl ) ' ( Jon\'cnllou. 'rhe 'Woman SufTrage County Convention will convene Monday , Angust 15. 'rhe principle feature - ture will be the presence of Miss Gael Laughlin , who will be with us durIng the convention and will give a lecture in the evening. Program and further notices will be given uext week. JULIA WILLIS , Sec'y. nnd of nlUer PIK'lt. "Two physicians had a long and stubbord fight with an ab- cess 011 my right lung" writes J. F. Hughes of DuPont , Ga. , "aud gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come. As a last resort - sort I tried Dr. King's New Dis- co\'ery for Consumption. 'l'he benefit I received was striking and I was on my feet in a few days. Now I've entirely regained - ed my health.II It conquers all coughs , colds and throat and . lung troubles. Guaranteed by , I ee Bros. , drugstore. Price,50c and $1.00. 'rrial bottle free. Hear Rosenberg and Long , ) August ' 6th. UNK' CJUlct fur Hille. ) 'l'he Ladies Aid of the Baptist I church has 25 yards of rag carpe1 7 for sale at 30c , at W. A. George & Co. store , north of square. . "tt"'t"t"'t"'t"'J1t " , " ' " " " ' " " " " " ' " ' + " " " " " 'tt"t"t"t"tf1t1't" ' " " " " ' " " ' I Shows . I - - ' - = - = 'rllOt'e will be severnl shows hero next = : = = month , but the grentest show of nIl will bo MaraJ = = = = tin's Buggy Show , and hotter still , it dOll't : : : = = 'cost you nnything to get in but if yuu got. out : : . : = = without buying n' Buggy it will he because YOll = = don't want onc. Oome in and see all oi : the latest - - = : = = est styles in the Buggy line. ! can show you : : : I More Bu ntiesl. - = - = thnn uU t.he dcnlrs in the county IHlt together. = = = = If. you nre going to want a Burrgy why not buY' : : : : = = one that is of the lnt Rt st.Ylo direct from the fuc- ' = = = = tory instm d of buying one t } Hlt has stood ill It = : ; : = = crute in a jobbing housn for a your 01' more until = = = = the dust hus eat ; the vurnish up. ry priees .1 will = = gnarantee to be lowur than you cun buy frQlll = = = = anyone in Ute United Sbttes. Bring. your catalogue - = = = = logue and prices und . m d see.moo. . . I. = = lmve plenty Doering , Piano and .McCorl1nck lower - : : : : : = - = ' er Sickles . : 5-foot , $1.26 ; 6-foot , $1.36 each. - = = E liThe Dealer That Saves You Money , " C.S. MARTIN , Mfl ! . Agt : : : : -AND DEAI lt IN- - : : : : . = - = ANTI-"l'I US"r GOODS. = = 111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111111111111111111111111111111111111 - - - - - - Frank \Vallace of the Chief , is enjoying a visit from his fatber , \V. \Vallace , of Council BlutTs , Iowq. Lowf-A pair of eye glasses in a case. M. LIm. Coming ! August ' 6 , Ros. enberg and Long. , . - - - - - - r.1ClJoCfJCr. : # . : r..r..r..on.Jr.I'r..r..r..r..r..r..r./.Y".r..a.Y'"M ' , : . # . : . . . # ) . . . . .E. c. HOUSE. . . . . . - I Real Estate , Loans Insur nce I , H I have some of the best farms in the couuty for sale. I have some of the best ranches in the state for sate. I have three good city residences for saie. I bave some of the most desirable city l ts for sale. I havc money to luau on good improved farms in Cqster Co. S ti I have money to loan on good city property. , I llave the best equipped Insurance Agenc ) ' in the county. . S _ . _ - 8 - - 8 8 S I Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! Hail ! I N 8 Now that yon have the best prospects for a bumper crop , pr tect it by insnrance in the old reliable St. Paul Fire and Marine'Insurance Co. against Hail. it I E. C. HOUSE , I AGJ N"I" _ Broken Bow , - - - - - - Nebraska' . .Y".r..r..r..r..rJl'r.r..r.r..r.r.rJl'r..r..rJ'.r..rJ".rJ" ' ' ' .rJ".JrI'r..r..rJ".rJ".rJl'rJ'.r..r..r..r.d ' . . . , . - - - A.AA.A AAft Aft AAAA n - AAAAAAAAAAftAAA _ . . ' M m v. . cY.II . o ; " 'IJr ' t c - : ' 'n ! TWINE . \ : T : : I:1VE : : ; : Buckeye Sisal Twine lPc. . I : Best Deering Sisal Twine 12c. . . . . > > : \Ve are , BOW ma I nng preparatIOns for . . tl\ the flay and Grain harvest. Look up m what repairs YO\l \ will want for the . ' . : ' Deering lowel' ill1d Bin el' . If you .i m want 11 ne\v machine , , YO have them. . ; : : t \Ve now have n few bal'gains' in . ' , B ) 1 ' 1 ' : and Hay RakeslII" ; ' ' : rrhey are the best thing < ? 1.1 the mar- : : keto Hee us about these you want. . tj : : a bargain. 'Phono No. 107. : OUI'Motto : "Undersell. " . : C. W. 'APPLE ; ! , ' . . . , , ; : a "est Side Square , Bl'okon Bow , N ohraska. . i Jt.It < JilttJ& : > > J : > > J& JUVJi. , : > > Jilt : NI ,