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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1904)
. , 1. . . , . , . , . . . . . . - , , Ayers , lf your blood is thin and impure - pure , you are miserable all the . time. It is pure , rich blood that invigorates , strengthens , , refreshes. You certainly know . Sarsaparilla , . .th medicine thut brIngs good health to the home , the only ' .medIcine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. . . I owe my lICe , , vlthout doubt , to AJer's . Sarsaparilla. It h the most wonderful medl. . .cIne In the worlll for nervousnou. Iy cure 19 } permanent,1I1I111 cannot thanky.ou enoullh. " 1Il1l . l'ELIA 1IioWELL , Newark , N. J. . . 81.00 . . . . a bottle. . J. o. A YEn < :0. : , .Il..rn"'lhh. ' for lowell. IIIRS . . Poor Uealth Caxatlvo doses of Aycr's Pills oaeh "Laht greatly aid the Sarsaparilla. i , The Underground Railroad , ( Uy Dr. C. PlckclI. ' - . " . . . . CIIAl'1'ltR XVII. . . . 'While engaged in the , work of mercy , vir. : 'l'he helping 01 the oppressed to freedom , there was brought to the house of Levi Comn , arunawaymanand woman , rpan and wife. After keeping . them out of harm's way for some . time. 'he thought the way clear _ to forward them to 'Winohester , Indiana , 17 miles north of New- port. So when the time came to start then ! he decided to send : them by stage if there were no . suspicious passengers on board. Finding things all right he made out the following bill of lading I to a mercantil firm in Vtinches- , ter. ( If this paper reaches the . eye of any old Randolph county , Indiana , citizen or who was raised - . . . ed there in the long ago , he will readily remember the name of \ that firm. ) The bill read thus : "Shi pped n good order and wr 11 conditioned two baboons of fine , 8tock and very valuable. Please . receive and forward the same to George D. Baptist , Detroit , Michigan , by' way of Camden and , Fort 'Wayne , as I consider that the safest route. Please take . special care an do not allow them to run at large. They are quite tame , hut 4100dhounds . . ometimes get on thei track and , if th.ey wiH J1ccesssari1ybe : ' n a limitcd exhibit , it would interfere - fere will the value considerably : ' \ They are male and femalc , the . , < , , . I . " . } lu.valuublc , = 11CUIII " 111'111I. ' I have been suffering for the past f w ycars with a se\'erc at- t'ack of rheumatism and found that Ballard's Snow T. iniment was the only thing that ga\'C' me satisfaction and tended to aIled- ate m ) ' pains. March 24th , 1902 , . Johll C. Degnan , Kinsman , Ills. 25c , 50 and $1.00. Sold h.r Ed. McComasBroken Bow and l\Ierna. , - Attention " . ; . . < anners * . _ . \ I . . Why rcmain in thc North : . . and stay iu doors. six months itl " . ' tbe year consnl11mg what you I , j. . . . raise' during th other six ' 1 months ? trftt : ; . , Go South wherc ) 'on can work ( , ; . t out doors every month iu the .If . : yea , and where. you arc pro. r. . . . , ucmg jomethmg the , ) 'car . - roul1l1. , H'on are a stock raiser f ' YOI\ \ know yonr stock are no\\ ' . ; "enting their hcads ofT" and. ' . besides , havc to he \rotect'd \ \ , from th'e rigorof / \\'lIIter hy expensivc shelter. Economical stock fcelling rc- f quires the combination of hoth , . flesh.forming atJd fat.forming . ' foods iu certain } ) [ oportions. I . Alabama aud Florida produce t. in abuudance tilt : velvet hellll ; . , ! lull cassava , , the first II flcsh producer , and the latter n fat producer , - and they are the \ cheapest and best fatteuil1g ma. terials known to tbe world. More moncy cau be made ut\ll . i with less labor. in general farm- - iug. fruit und herry growin and truck garclening along Ollr roati iu the South Hum in nn ) ' uther scctiOl1 of the l'nion. ' ( H , ) 'OU are interested and de. , . sire further information on the t. . s lbject , Ilddres ; ; . I , . G. A. PARKs ' 'a ; ' ; Qan'l. Immigration and In- , ' , ' " "uatrl 1 Agent , L oulavllle ' , ' . . .4L Naahville R , R , Co. , ; { " J.plJI8vlllel < y. , . . . , . . . - fenialc not being \'cr ' stout jtl ! t now , having becn sick and not yet full ) . recovered. Please gi\'e thcm a warm dry place in which to lie while in Winchester , and do not let them bc exposed to idle spectators as it might a11110) . ! . them. 'rhe ) ' will be of little trou- hlc about feeding , as they cat the same Idnd of food that htiman beings do and scem to thrive on it. Put them in chargc of a good conductor , who will see that thcy . are well tal < en care of. Your promt attention to all these matters - ters will much oblige your friend , -Levi Coffin. " 'rhis letter was scaled and givcn to the male baboon , and he was told that when the stage stopped at Winchester - chester at thc tavern , that he and Mary must go dircctly across the streat to the store opposite the tavern and hand that lctter to thc person the ) ' would Ree bchind the counter and the\ ' - would be taken care of at once. You will see how careful Uncle Lcvi was to not injure the fcel- ings of an ) ' one , and more "es- pecially" that of the slave holders - ers , for in regard to their tender fcelings pc catIed thc man and woman baboons as the sla\'e holders thought or pretended to think that negroes had no souls but were a specics of baboon. John Fairfield often took boats and other things he could get hold of to help the negroes away from bondage and when asked by some good old quaker if he did not feel bad about doing that way , he said : "No , sla\'cs are stolen property and it is no harm to steal boats or anything elsc' if it would help thcm to gain their libcrty. He further tated , "that if he had a stave ' taking him to liberty and hi's master attempted - tempted to take him from him he would shoot him on the spot , " for said he , "the master would shoot the slave rather thall see him gain his liberty and he ( Fairficld1 thought that a little exchange of lead in the form of bullets would not be out of the ; , way. Col. Utley , Colonel of the abolition - lition regiment of Wisconsin was the chief actor in an' occurrence which though seemingly not very Important at the time , had the effect of producing a radical change in the attitude of the government towards contrabamls. At the begining of the war the idea was not to interfere with the "divine in titution o [ slavery" but to fight with one hand and feed" the re1f 1s with th' < < r' ' tlfer. 'l'he commanders , of the union troops would not allow the , negroes to remain in camp or protect them from their masters but would send them back to raise bread and other food for their masters while they were - Good Bread , How good Jood bread tastes- so good one could almost make a meal of it. You know the flavor -the wheaty flavor , sweet a9 a nut. Do you know the secret ? It's in the yeast. Good yeast- good bread. Poor yeast-poor bread-and indigestion. The home.1lade bread of the I American housewife leads the world. The secret of it is found in . a purely vegetable yea t , made of the finest malt. hops , corn , and other lu althftll in redients , ill the cleaaest and best-equipped yeast factory in existence. Yeast Foam is the only yeast that preserve in the bread all the delicious fla. vor and nutritive qualities of the wheat. Try it. The 'ecret ; S ; lIlhe yeast. SoM by all grocers at 5c a package-enough for 40 loaves. If your grocer does not keep it. send us his name and yours on a postal and we will mail you olJr book , "How to Make . Bread , " free. NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO ' . , . Chicago , \ ; . . . , . . . . . . . - . . - - I ' : . - - . r' ' Her Inar\'clnus rowUt il1 ' \ ' . NEBRASKA'S HISTORY lift ) . ycars from hrs s tt1c' < ! ment. A true nnd mterest , . ; > " .t . . ing book of 144 pages I\m1 r . ovcr : lOO ilhlstratlons 01 , . ' . ' scenes , public institution ! ! and men who madc the State. 'fhe cover is in hell\ ' } b . paper w1th on appropriate and attractIve design printed in three colors , just publish I . id by th Nebraska lrarmer. Single cop. > ' , p05tpaid , soc ; or free with a } 'ear's sub smp.tiou to Nebraska Farmer at regular price , I.OO. Write for terms and boW t ( a\frc trip to tb World's Pair Ilt St. Louis , NltDRASl'A FAR tltR Co" 3246 1505 Howard St. , Omaba , Ne ru81.a , ' . . ' . . . " . . - . killing our soldies. A strange leind pf warfare indeed. Not o with Cot. . Utlcy for'when a pompous - pous 'Slave hotdcr cattib to claim his negro boy whom he had abused unmerciful , Utley g'ave him to .understand that he could not have him unless the boy wished to go with him. whcil the Kentuckian camc to get his 119Y the first word he ait1 , "have .rou found him. " 'l'hc Col. , fix- l 1g bis eyes upon him said : "Here he is and ) 'et you cannot take him , he is a contraband of war and more yon have whipped and staf\'cd .the life ont of him and it shall be that if cvcr he docs anything under com.mand it shall be to assist in putting down this infernal rebelion and liberating - ing his colored brethern and if you think you can talw that boy out of my regimant without his conscnt I advise vou to try it and I you will find ou ( what Idnd of stuff a 'Visconsin regiment is made of. " 'l'he slave holder said : , "If that , is the way yon talk and feel the Union can. ne\'er be saycd , JOu must give up our pro- perty. " 'l'hc Col. replied : "If the perpetuity or resora- tion of the Union dcpend upon my delivcrng } to you vith my own free wtll as otherwls com- peled to hy the authority of the Unitcd States , that poor little o\'er-worke < 1 creature dwarfed by your own avarice , the Union may e cast into hell , Vith all the nations - tions that forget God. 'Ve came here as free men from a free state , we do not recognizc slaver ) ' and we will never be made slave catchers. 'Ve came at the call of the president and still recognizing - nizing his authority as against all so called neutrality. You cannot be neutral and the pre- t.cntion is only another namc for seCCf'ostOn. " 'Vcll all this state of things changed as the war went on and perhaps minds changed and so when the 15th amendment to. the constitution was passed , the officers and stock holders of the Underground Rallroad met. The president . resigned by a farewell - . well address which contained these remarkable words. " 'rhe Underground war is done , let us take up rails and dispose of them and the proceeds to the furtl1er work arid dedicate ourselves to the task of educating the freed people. " This simple but effective speech was cheered to the echo , and thus the road was triumph- ' antI" , c10s d up-and nowendS'oulf , Um erground Railroad , l\larch I 15 , 1904. ' 'I1ie Iower of toe Dallot. It has always been claimed by the opponents of woman suffrage. . that women could secure all the rights they desired or needed through their influence , without . , the aid of the ballot. That these rights could be secured - cured with one quarter the outlay - lay of Hine , money and effort , if backed by the ballot , is clearly shown by the ease with which they are secured where women have full suffrage. Mrs. Watson Lister of Mel- bourn , Australia , who is visiting in this countr.r , is most enthusiastic - astic over the results of woman suffrage in her comt'tr ) ' . She says that Parliment now consults them on all bills bcaring upon the intersts of woman. 'l'he author of the new divorce bill asked all the women's organizations - tions to come together and hear him read it , and to mal < e criticisms - cisms and suggestions. Such a thing' was never thought of before - fore women had the ballot , although - though they were effected hy such measures then , the same as now. now.When d llaturali7ation bill was pending , one clause of which de. prived Australian women of citi. enship if they married aliens , II few women went to t he Prime Minister and protested , and that clause was altered immediately. When w held meetings sai Mrs. T4ister , to advocate 1mblic measurers that women wanted , we used to ha'e to have to g < J out in the highways and hedgef and compel the members of Par. liament to come in ; now the dif. ficulty. is to keep them out. 'rh ( ch i valryvh ich the ) ' used to tel' ' us would be destro 'ed shouh ] women enter the polItical field , has ( In the contrarv been greatlJ increased. On the platform al one of our meetings , the secre tar ) ' happened to drop her pencil and J saw the premier and sev' ' eralmembers of Parlimcnt scram , bling to pick it up. A women il never allowed to st n in a strec I car in t1stra1i , , Vorklnlf Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored b' those tireless , little workers-Dr . King's New Life Pills. Million . are alwals at work , night ani day , cunng indigestion , Bi1lious , ness , ConsupationSickHeadach " , - , . - J . . . iI [ Ea.rth Needs Scra.tching ; , Especially in the Spr n ! Ln view of this fnd , and ullt < 'iputing your wants we Hre unlonding' n car load of O' . " Discs Drag Harrows Plows and Listers. lullufactured by the much celebruted brand of David Bradley & Co. , Bradley , Ill. A line you non depend upon for durability und light draft. Don't be deceived - ceived n makes tmd brands you know nothing a out that. are claimed to he good.Ve will gladly show you through our line of Implements , Wagons , , Buggies , Harness , Etc. , lPeolillg' sure you will be amply paid for the time you tuke. You surely will 11.eerl some knd of tools to tend that PUltlpldn yon are going to raise to get the ESTEY ORGAN FREE , . . Ir it is onJy u 110e OI'.H Spade. Nom'ly one hUlldrecl re dste1' < l 1:01' : see lH now , See tis'sl1re. . . . : P : FI. . c ) Gr : FI. . .A. 1\.1.1 : 1\.1.1 : E ] ' , or the Uoming' mV nts and those ulready on at our store . . . . . _ " . m mmm mmmm m W , . . .ANNUA . . t . Sprint ! Easter J. OPENING Aprillsf 2nd , . . : L90 . . ' m ; World's Fair Ticket Contest hilA proceedcd VCI'Y cxcitingly , amI owiug' to the large list of namcs we IUlVC beeu compelled to pnblish on- 1) ' thosc receiving O\'cr 100'otcA. . liS follows : Mal' ) ' 111:11'1011. IIrokIJIIllow. . . . . . . . 1@ Mlllllle Shlllll. IIrolwIIDow. . . . . . Hg Vcra C1al'tull. l1rokcII1Iow. . . . . . . . ' 19M Ncllle'raylor. IIroluII How. . . . . ' . . ' 00 Pra\l ( I'I IIl1toll.Vcls8l'rt . . . . . . . . . ( ,51 l'"arl Juwetl. 1Irolelt 11011' . . . . . . . (037 Aurelia POdll'c. llrokelt 1Iow. . . . . . . 55' ) Emnla Lamh' ' { . . . . . 539 1Iallllall 1 , IIII\II1I . Brolelt 1I0w. . . SOI ; : lItal' Rallls.lIrokclI lIow. . . . . . . . . 397 Jessie Smllh.Brolum Bow. . . . . . . . . : ! S' ) 1Ic lIm Koozcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Ida Perv ! , , Merna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260 Mattie . 'jct'lhIIII , Amnlll . . . . . . 2 0 Eme C\llIpbell , Drolell110w. . . . . . U9 lo'iorenco l merRolI. BrokclI Bow. . 218 Graco'l'al'lor. Brolcen Do\\ ' . . . . . . . . 20S Edna Rockwell. 11rol < ell Dow. . . . . : zt > S } . 'lorenc ' 1'1109te60n. llroken Dol'198 Cora SWcI ! { . Gale : ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Je9sl0 " 'aterburl' , Derwyll. . . . . . . . 1'11 JlIarllerl' Camllbell. Georlletown , . . 165 Lonle Painter. Drokcn How. . . . . . . 13. . EvaCaywool. Droken Dow. . . . . . . . U6 no ella UOil'ers. clly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 I'earl Unnler , Brokenllow. . . . . . . . 101 . mm 1 . The .m t Pumpkin 1 . Contestl ! ! ! t . , . 'fhis large pumpkin raised ill this section of Nebrosku will i\'l entitle thc owncr to one of our \ ele ant $75 ] stcy Organs , for f . wInch we are sole IIgents. 14 'fo enter tJtis contest it will : bc nccessary for you to call Jtt our storc , rcgister your nUI\I I1nd address. procure the Frctl Secd and delivcr the l'umpkini ! m to us by the 3rd dn } ' of the Cus- . , ter County Fair at llrokeu Dow. . We would be glad to see cvery- tr } ' for the pnze. , m mlMfi r&t ! : mm timmii : : : < : mlM\ ! \ " , . . , " - 'N e sell a heap antI sell it cheap. . . . . Come where you can buy VCl'ythillg. . Ryerson-George Co. ' , . . . - and all Stomach , Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy' , pleasant , safe , sure. Only 25c at' Lee Bros. drug store , Broken' Bow. W AN'l'ItD-M l1 with fami1ic . Fair price and good' houses. WItS' ! ' UNI N MILLING Co. 34tf West Union , Neb , - - = = = : DErISIJI R. B. MULLINS. . M' , 01 MRke a Bpeclalty of Crown and lJrldge Wl > rk. 1'Ioes reasonablo. All work guarantead. { 'all and see mo berore going elsewbero. 0111co-ln DroKon Dow ItRte : Dank Building. Droken Bow , Nebraska. . DR. o. IJ. MULLENS , hysician e Surgeon. 2ull Stairway ftom " "et end In Realty Dloolq rcsllIenco. Srd welt M. E. church. ! on sarno Bide of streot. I7fJ"'Broken 1I0W , Nehraska. J. J. SNYDER , . . ANI > y. : pJ1JJ1 } t Il NOTAHY . : : I , ! 'Uur.lC \hlO Justlc of the Peaco. Sptclalllttenton : Klnn to collectlona Uellopilions tak nlenslou ) voucll. ers neatly oxccute.I and /III kind. or legal papen wrIU"n. 01llce In tbe rear or Ibnk of COI lnerce. Dlokon Dow. t'lobrnska. H YGEIA CHEAM S'l'A'rION l IlIglJeat market price paid for Dulter Fat. Light Hunnlng. . . . . . . . . . Empire Cream Separators Fur Hate. 'PbOIlB No. 201J. H , D. JIISltOP. Operstor , Uroken } Jew , Nobraka. : FHANS'bl MOOHR , NIMl flr : illpIDpJJiHJ. TW.l blocks n rlb ot ( Hsnd Oentral 1Iotlll. I'at ronage 1I01lcllel1 , } 'rlcell reASonablo. - - I I WIIJT IS OADWEIJL ll..i..t JmlPok < < . . . l . , , - : DR , 'v. It , COLE , - V eterl narlan. . FI'eclal ' attenl.lon given to colt. , ct\lvce aed pill tbat lire In IIn nntbrlty condition. ' .1'ole . , bone No . He ldeDCl'IWo blocke " . , vt 0 Bouth Side Scbool 1I0ulo. t . . \ I'S.M. . DORRIS , mnWltfJ&lurai\tlli\ \ \ . AI. kinds of work Iu oor line done promptly and in drst-closs order. plrHod Shop on the corner sontbea t 01 the Iquaro. GIVn UB A. TRIAl. . Droken Bow , . . . : . Nebralb. CITY BAUBER snop , 1J. OHUTTON. Proprietor. Flrst-olau work. Hoar Room of nroken Dow State Uank , Droken Dow , Nebraska. H ILL SIDE HERFORDS and Duroo Jcrsey Hogs hred and lold. Dest biood oUbelrelsss. Addre B , O. . O DWRLL , Droken Dow , Nobralka SIMON CAl\ERON , E : cell ff It 0Y ; l' AT I.AW. llooms 8 anll 0 , Uealty Dlock , Droken Dow , Neb. DRB. R 0. & W. E. TALBOT , PHYSIGIANS SURGEONS. O lOil Oi'cr nacborle's Drug Store. 6rokcIn Dow , . . Nehrash. DR , 'I' . IJ. FAHNSWOLt1'II , DEtiTIST , omeo tll tOlthwe L COlt1Cr Healt , Ulock. W A. THOMPSON , . . CONTHAUTOH & ; DUILDBR. cfrPlU1SIud : 6etlmatc on shortnotlce. l'fOkon How , Nebraska. . C1JINTON DAY , Physician & Surgeon , o ce In r f\r or tlH' llank or Commerce. ne 1 dence IIlh 110010 WOit or tbo Jsptht oburch. llrohon , l1ow , N.br8slr6 , . DI , C. B , JOB , l1Df ] 1r } ] [ 1 ] WP : iiJI. ) i Otllce In Helllly IlIofk.1ret lalr roolU WeB elld. Heehll.nco at thll 1I1J lllIal. - - R ass G. MOOR , , Attorney'-at-Law. ! teal oBtate DlJd loan broker. OO\CIJ \ In Gleim Dlock. Droken Oow , Nebraska , . BANGS STUDIO. , . . Up-to-date Pbotographs. First prize winner at state . association - sociation 1903. ' , , \ . . o.Ih OONRAD , . . . . . .Dealer In. . . . . Pompe , Wind. Mills , T.nk . FlttlnR ! , Gasoline nKlllell , elo. etc. . Drokon Dow , Nebraska. TIME TAB.LE . . BHOKEN nOWI NEB , LI"coIII , nCllvcr , ' Olunlln. Ilclcn. . , CblcilIlO , Uuttc , ttt. .JONCIIII , I.ortlnlul , ICnnHIlt City , Hnlt I.nkc cltr. : tn. LOIIIH. Alld Htln Ifrnllclltco All l.ollitH ItnHt Alld AIII..olnt. . And Houth. 'VCH\ . No.VelIbulod oIIrun dally. Lincoln , Oma. ha , 2& . Josepn , Klln888 CIty , tit. , , Ohl oligo and all polnu test Dnd Boutb. . . . Ih11 No. H-Loenl cxpre8' 'inlly , Lincoln. Omahb. OblOl\l1o and all IJolnts C st Dnd sonthlO 30 a.m. No. n-Vcstllmlod oXflrePB dally , lloltmll , . cat. tie lIutte , I'ortlanl11111 ull Pacific 1.:0"111 : , IJoinLa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O'Il1m No. 43-I.ocal cIpre.8 dally , Alliance aliO IntermedlllUl 1 > olnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tI 581110 tllccplng , dlLlng and reclining chalrcau.Beatll trec ) on througb traln . Tlckea sold and bslt. gllgo cbecked to any point In tb United Hiatt ! . ' Iud Canada. Information. ma ) ! ! , tlmo.IabIel and ticket call on or write to U. L. Ormsby. Igont , or J Francl' , G. P. A. , omllbv Nebraeka. 1 ( . L. OUMPIIY , Alent. - - - - - - - - - KILL THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNCS WITH Dr I King's : New Discovery FOR CONSUMPTION ! iOe Price & $1.00 I OlDS Free Trlnl. Surest and Quickest Ouro for nil THROAT and LUNG TROUD. t LES , or MONEY DAOK. ' : J , _ _ ' - - - " , . To Cure a Cold in One Day Tote Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. mI " 01cvey ! . ( ! ) . c. box. 2S i- Seven MDI b I lOll ! In past 13 aonths. This signature , . e , .