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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1904)
, - ' 1 1 I . I ! , " , , , , " ' ' ' . : , " ' - : I' ' . . ' . , . . . ' , " . . , - - - - - ' : , : : ; ,0"- : Miss Nettic Blackmorc , l\tin- \ ncapoUs , tclls how nny young woman may bc permancntly cured of monthly pains by taking - ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegc- table Compound. . . YOUNG WOM&f : - I hnd frequent hen < 1l\chCH of 0. acvero nature , dark fjputbeCoro my eyes , nnil at my men- tr\lal porlOtlfl Illuffcred untold agony. A wemJer of the lodge ndvllle mo to try IJyUIE. . PInlduun' Vcgc. . \IJIo Compound , ! Jut I ouly scorned Rood ndvito'nnd : felt. th\t : my C:1jO wall h01l.'lc88 [ , but she kept nt mo ntU I -bought Do bottle amI otarted tnldng H _ I ROon 111\(1 the best rCl1son In the 'World to chnngo my opinion of the wadlelno , as cach day my henlth 1m- pr ved , Bnd fiunlly I WM entirely with- o t pain Bt. my men6truation periods. l'nlU most (1'ratcful. ( " - NKTTl r.A.CIC- ) ( OIlIC , 28 Central Avo. , Minneapolis , 'Minn'-15oo0 fof,1t f' of fnaf of Abu. flit" "rOlling gufn n , . . cannot lifI producd. If there 18 nnythlng n1)out your MSO nbout Wl11ch YOI1 would like opednl ndvIco , , , 'rite freely to Mrs. PInchnm. She wlll bold your letter In strIct confidence. 8110 can 8u1'ely help you , for no' perlmn In Amerlc1\ can pcak f1'O 1 n. wleler exporlence In trol\t- Inl : ' fcrnn.lo ills. She hn ! ' ! heIIC ( lmQd1'cds of thousauds of women 1) : ck. to health. Her ntldrC88 I ! ' ! L'l1U ; , Dlufi8. ; her o.dvlcc , Is free. , I Conlplete External and Internal Treatment ONE DOLLAR . , . . \ 'C'onsisting 01 Cuticura Soap to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales , and soften the thickened cuticle ; CUTI- CU RA Ointment to instantly - stantly allay itching , irritation - tion , and inflammation , and soothe and heal ; and CUT ICU - CU RA Pills to cool and cleanse the blood and xpel humor germs. A SINGLE SET , costing but ONE DOLLAR , is oHen sufli- dent to cure the most torturing - turing , disfiguring skin , scalp and blood humors , ec- zemas , rashes , itchings , and irritations , with loss of hair , from infancy to age , when the best physicians and all other remedies fail. 11014 Ibfotl\1out \ I" . "ofld. I'IoItlrqn n..l- "III , We. ( III term ot Cb olftl , eollo" rill. . : c. . per , Ill ot 00) , OIIlIOlrlll. : . . lSoap lJ'JW'.t'l Loll4on. 2T L"arlrrltlla. : : . 11'1 , : l'arLa. II lIne C : . Ja l'al& ' 110.10" . IlT : Cnlurabaa : . . . , . . " , , , , , DI'1I1 DII4 , hrw. . CUrl' . . Sol. & 'ropt. t'TKfllo1 CI , 'u. . . to CUrl T < Khlrh. " ote. HIIUlo , . floDi 'latuQ' Ie A , " - - - " FOn nltNT on " 'AU ' : Oft o ' J > VERAL aROIOE FAnJl8. . ra1m'lItlb BIII4 tilr 1 , & ' oJ , At LIJALL , Bloux ( JI , , lawn , - The Fobrulry ! Att'antlo errors croup of lendlne nrllcloJ : which can- bo neglected by no person earnestly concerned nbout the urGent ISAuo9 III America. today. These pl1pors , In which 8ubjects or the first Importance are treated by the men best Quallfiod to discuss them with authority and vIgor , are : "Wall Street nnd the Country , " by Chnrlcs A. Conant , a. treatlso on the uses nnd abuses at the money power , with which the number opens : followed by n sonslJlo ! nnd dlspasslonato vaper on "L'nch- Ing : n Southern VI ow , " b ) ' Clarence 111. Poe , nnd a thoughtful discussion or the quesllon , "ra Commercialism In D1as-race ? " by .John Orahnm Brooks. 'I'ho ministry will never bo a sort snnp to the mnn with n sensltlvo soul. Cheap Excursion" to the South. On February IG , March 1 nnd 1 the Kl1nsns City Southern raJlwa1 "fll orrer to the publIc Ute extremely low rata at $10,00 tor the round trlv to nil points on the Port Arthur Route , In' cludlng Bcaumont. Port Arthur , Lake Cll rle8 , Shreveport , Texnrknna , Fort Smith , Menn. Do Quocn nnd aU Intor- medlato polnt.1. 'I'ho return limit on thes8 tickets will be twenty.ono doy. tram date ot 8alo , with stopover vrlvl. leges at al1 points 10Uth ot Knnsn.s City on the going trip. Any InCormn , lion doslred by the publtc rolaUvo to these cheRp oxcuralons wUl bo chol' fully fUrI\lshed uvon application to S. O. Warner , G. P. and T. A. , KanlUl. . Cltr. Mo. No , Cordelia. long.headed man Isn't neccssl\rlly uarrow-mlntlcd. \VlgnlceStlclc J.AUNnny BLUr : Won't spill , brenlc , frc zo nor spo clothes. Costl'l ' to cents nnd ellIl\ls ] 20 cents worth of nn ) ' other billing. It YOllr grocer docs not kocl' It Bond 10. , lor sample to ' .rhe r..aundry Blue Co. , 14 MichIgan : Street , Chicago. Endurnnco Is nobler thl\n strength , and patlenco thnn bel1utr.-Rusl.ln. - . o chromes or clump premiums , but IJetter quntlty and one-Ullrd morc o [ Defianeo Starch for the same vrlco ot other stnrches. A man may bo short on love and stili bo long ou constancy. ! lfr. . "In.low' . eoolhln ! : riTUp. For children tect\1ll1lC. \ Rollon. Iho guru. roduce. b Qammat.luu , allaYI rain , enrOl wind colla. 2:10. : bott.le. Some people Imaglno they 1050 caste by spealdng clvlll ) ' . I do not bellevo 1'11:0'11 : CUre tor Consum tton. b .s nn equal tor coultbs nnd col4a.-.Joulf 11' IJOY&n. , 'J.'rlnlty Spring ! ) , Ind" Feb , lIS , 1000. 'rIme loosol ) ' Hlent will uot aalu bo won.-R. Oreene. Superior quality and extrli Quantity. must win. This Is why Denanc St.arch Is tnttlnlr the plnco ot all others. . ' . Harper's Weeldy says that Or at Britain pro\'ldes the world's larsest nuirl.ot for motor cars. 'rho great majol'lty ot these machines como from the continent , the hnportatlon figures tor last ycar lolng 3,500 cars , valued at $5,230,000 ; for the current year the figures have Increased to li,330 cars , amounting In value to $8,000,000 , It Is said that most of the expense JS n mattcr ot wages , as the raw material ot the machines Is or IItUe campara. Uvo vl11uo. American Born Diplomat. - Count Frederick Ho 'os , the youne secretary oC the Austrian embassy , who has lately arrived In Ul0 capital , comes fl"Om Vienna , where ho has been residing for the last year , His , last forelsn post wns Pollln , China. 1I0 Is 26 years old and speal.s Eng. gllsh uentl ) ' , thanl.s to his English mother , who was 1\118s " 'hltehead , daughter ot the Invention oC n tor. pedo aUII owner oC a' largo torpedo tactory In Hungary. Count. 110)08 Is the brother oC the Princess BIsmarck , ono or the brlshtest young wOUlon 01 Europe and reputed author of " 1 lIz , aboUI and Her German Oarden. " Count Hoyos WlS : born In Washlns' ton and Is the son of Count Hoy03 , who was mlnlstct' Cram Autrla : fron : 1875 to 18i8. A Physician's Advice. Yorktown , Ark. , March 71h.-Dodd' ! Kidney Pills Ulust uot bo confoundec with the ordinary pateut modlelne They are a new discovery , a specific tor 111r dlsel1ses ot the Kldno's am have , been accepted "by pl1yslclal1l only after careful tests In extreml cases. Dr , I.eland Williamson , ot thl : place hoartlly Indorses Dodd's Kidney noy Pills "as re1l\edy \ tor the varl OU9 CormlJ ot tile diseases of the 1 ld neys , pains In the llI1cl' , soreness' the regIon of the Kldne 's , fOlllsmell Ine urine and cloud ) ' or Utlcltenet con dlUon ot the urine , discharges of PUI or corruption , Oout , Rheumathllu , In ammallon and Conostlon ! ot the KId neys and all kindred complaints. ' Continuing he says : "I cOIIIII mention mnny cases 11 which I have prescribed Dodd's Kid ney P1I1s with success. For Instnncc Mr. Robert 'Veolts , tarmer , malarl : ! hl10maturla or swamp rover thre , times , Itldneys wealtenod. continua pain aUlI soreness In back. whic ] made him vcr ) ' nervous , had a IItU , fever and sometimes ch1l1Y ; Urhl' ' changeable , but ! ; enerally very hlgl1 colored : nn old chronic case who bnl taken much medlclno wltb titHe oj tect. After taltlng Dodd's Kldnoy P1I1 about six . 'Wl'elt8 ho was entlrel : cured and hl1d gained 'tIfteen pound , In weight. The Illst time I Baw hh1 he waS the vlcture of perfect mn hood. " When the 11ylnG' mnchlno Is vcrt ed 'We can all Jot up In the air , It w want to. - - I N BRASKA STATE NEWS ] NEIGENFIND EXECUTION COSTS. - After a Long Walt the Money HaG Ben : Ptld Over. J.1NCOJ.N-At Inst the eXllenseA In. curred h ) ' the state for the executlou of l'wlgenllnd huvo heen paid. ' 1'he money was talten Cram the penlten. tlary cnsh Cuml for the Plll'llose und of tlro last pa'ment. made $50 went to Douglas county Cor the scarrohl and $130 la charged up to "executl n ex. penses. " OC the amount nllowed Ueone Str'lter , 1he Omaha specialist , rectJlved $73.80. In all the boa.rd of pUblic lamia and hulldlngs approprl. ntell : ! r:1.83 : for this execution nnd the llnyments have Ileen mn o In Install' mentH tram the penitentiary cash [ und , thc nudltor having retused to audit the account. 'fho orlglnnl hili hand. ell In hy the warden was fOl' $300 , hut the board thought this excessive. Be. cause of all the squahblo In setUln , ; the account or Nelgcnfiend's tl1ln ( off the board adopted n resolution to Imy In the future only $150 for an oxecu- tlon , the warden to receive tnat amoun1 ami pay the cxpenses. ' 1'hls was done In the Rho case , and Stry. Iter recelve < < 1 $73 for his part of the affair , though all of the bill 1111s not yet heen paid. MUST USE THE WATER EARLY : - Likely to Be Shortage for Irrigation Purposes Late In Season. J.INCOLN-Stato Irrigation Engineer - neer Dobson Is authorlt - for the state- menttha11ho Cnrmcrs along 1bo orth Platte who depend on ir 'l atlon for their crops will run rls'ts ' of not. having - ing enough water unless they talw their SUPIly early while the river is cUI'r'lng away the sprIng rlso. 110 sa's tllal the sman snowfall In the mountains maltes the outloole rather ,11001' for n. normal fiow late In tbo sen- son and advises land owners to flow their lands In ,1uno or the heglnnlng of .July In order to have the soil thor oughly soalted when the crops need moisture. In this way ho helleves they can eScalHl tt e'th eatened dim- cuilles which confront them. Found Dead In Pasture. S'l'm.I.A-Jacob .1\Iann WIlS founel dead in the paaturc 0. . his brother n. few miles northwesl oC Stella. Mr. ! Innn was a widower anel hael made his homo with his brothm' , .101m 1\Iann , fern lOng time. .110 was an eccentric character aUlI rarel ) ' left. the farm , After c1lnner he started to n adjoining pasture to water the stocl. and he was gene so long the fam1y ! became IIl1casy : lnd mnde n search for him , tlndlng him el ad , ap- ll l'cntly having been dead for several hOllrs. Ho Is supposed to navc dlcd. 1rom it lmrnl'tlc stroltc. ' Fire at Peru Normal School PERU , Neb.- } < ire threatened the )3crll Normal school 'and ' for a time the whole building was oXlected to burn. The tire orlglnate < < 1 lu the upper - per stories of th mam bu1dlng ! and hmned throllgh the 1\001' \ to the rooms abm'o. The authorities sent to Ne- brnslm City 1'01' aid anel 11. special was mnde lip. to tal > o the locnl c1epal'tment down. 'rho lire' wns soon bet un < < ler control. Jails In Bad Shape , LINCOLN-The'State Prison asso. clatlon , In Its aunual report , vlgorolls- Iy assnlls the methods employed I l handllns prisoners In the various count t ) ' ja1s ! and the pcultentlur ' . The mnUm' wl1be \ tnl.en Ill ) al a meat- Ing to be held Tnesday night at the Lindell hotel. Matinee Races M y 30. . ll1A'l'IUCE-At ! : a meellng of the boai'll of managm's of the' Beatrice Driving association It was dechleel to hold the f\rsl matinee race In this city Decoration da ) ' , Ma ) ' 30. Hotly Contested Land Case Settled. r-mmlAS1\A Ul'1'Y-ln the county courl 1.111\0 < : nrllner or that city , charged wit h selling land without , title , was < < 11 sch111'/ed. / 'fhh ; case wns hotl ) ' contostl'll , unmcl'ous connsel on bolh shIes Ilt'osentlng , We arglluu'nts. 'l'he tleCClHlnnt 11111 lied for a wI'll or habeas corpus and clalme that there waR no Intent to derallll and this was su talnoel b ) ' the count ) ' jndge. Seized Barrels of Vinegar , LINCOLN - l'ooel Commissioner ' 1'homllson has sol1.ell a consign men I of six hnnel ! ; o [ vlne nl' , sent to Au hlll'n. 'l'ho vlncfnr : was manuCactm" cd In Pnducah , 1\ ) ' . , and : \11' , 'l'homp son claims thnt Il Is made with aeh' Inslead of being ot the lIure thler va rlel ' , Accidentally Killed by Brother , OXFOIlD-l'one ; Lynch , IG 'eun o [ ae. ! wns Idlll'tl In his home , fOllr tCl'n m1l'tJ ! norlh of thla place. hy th ( ucchlentnl I1lschal'lo oC ' ! ' shot gun II' :1 : the hands or an uhler ) rotller. 'I'll ( I- victim waR stl'llel. In , the sldo. whll < 'f ' I. twalell at IIn orgau , anil , tllecl thh.tJ 11I111utos latel' . ' - . I II Young Girl Is Burned to Death. WY'IOlm-A terrlhle nCl'hlent eco o I'llITOd at the homo ot I. . W. Wolell o [ _ 1I\'lnl ; thrt'o miles cust oC Blne Sllrln f i 'rho famll ) ' 1\1\11 rcllred for the nlh1 , [ r- with the CX\'I'Ilon ! oC ono girl , wh , waa just reud ' 10 10 to hed and slarl s I'll to blowout the light. , As Rho < < II y fH > n. tel'1'llIc OXploslon occm'I'l'II. th i1 IhllUl'S lInltlng hel' ( 'Iothlng 11I\11 \ nllmhel' of artlt'lrH In the roonl. ABc L- 1\ night or toarlIl agoJl ) ' thu gll'l IIItH ' 1'11l' nCl'lIlent wns dul. ! to thl' fa ( lo' thl1t the hunl ) hall been 1111011 wit . . Jasollne Insteall or coni 011. , . . , . . . . . - . NEWS IN BRIEF. A prnlrlo lIre InJ1rn. . , 'al1ey , In Valley count ) ' , destroyed consltlomble property. ' /'ho / Stale Bnnl\nJ \ ; boarll denle(1 ( the application of the I l\rm Lnnd In\'cstment compnny of Omnha to do huslness In the stutc. 'I'ho members of the Tcclln1seh Christian church huvo called BldC'l' C. W. Cooper of Hartford , Kiln. , to the pafltorato the to serve half time. 'rho Germans or the I.lIthel"nn faith ha\'o jllsL completed n. slIhstont.lal church fll' miles so1l1 h or Grnfton. 'I'he chllrch wus dcdlcatcd SlInlln ) ' . 'l'hlrty.three of the thlrty.I1\'o count ty assessorfl of Gn o cOllnty met with County Asseflsol' W W. Scotl and dlH' cllsfled the new rovenlle law as It Ir. ; talns to assessmenls , A. K. Smith of Brainard sol < < 1 to , Iofleph IOI'avec nnll Jacoh Salmi ) fOllr hllndred and olghlr IICI'es of lend In 1llchardson township for $ . . . . , irO. 'l'hls land Is bllt lIttio improvel ! . Josophlne , the wife or ,10seph Steele , of I al1s City , died sweml : : dn4 : ! ago in Uhlcago utter a lon Illness 10llowlnJ ; n. slll'gical operation. She was brought homo for bllrlal. A movemenl Is on fool to organl1.o n. bllilding nnc1 10lln nssoclatlon In 're- cllmseh and Inillcatlons ha"c It the plan will he slIccessful. SomethlnJ ; over 200 shares have alrendy been subscribed. 'VOI'el was received nt Elle Cre that Harvey AlslToch , a 'olln man residing cast of that place with his hrother In Nemaha cOllnt . , met with n. serious accident by havIng his foot callght In u. horse IHlwer. Al a mass meellng of voters In 'I'e. cllmsoh It was decltloll to Ive the IIcensc qlleHtlon a direct vole at the coming munlclpnl election. ' } 'wo can. dltlntes were chosen fOl' ellch of the omces to he f1l1ed and part . pollttC ! ! will play no parl In the election. , J. I.J. IcLaln , n. young mechanic I who cnme to Hllmboldt dllrlng the I . winter and opened a blacltsmlth shall , quieti ) . took his depa.rture the other day wlthonl Informing an ' or his credltol's and friends of his Intention. 'rho bnrn , enttleshed , gmnary anc1 corncrib helonglng to , r. \IcLallgh- - IIn , ono mlle west 01' Edgar. tool. lIre nnll were ontlrel ' consumed , ' 1'ho tlre Is suppOte < < 1 10 lun'o heen sct by sparlts from the engine or a . freight , tmln. ' 'l'he comtng of spring wll1 mnrl. the Inaugumtlon ot a hllllding boom In Humboldt and prescnt Ihdlcatlons nro thal more buslnesa ole ls wll1 be erected than have been IHit up I1l1I'ing nny yel\l' recently , l\latorlal Is aI- realy ( on the ground for SII1110 ; of the structures. 'l'he county commissioners or Col- count ' have emplo 'ed an auditor fax o go throllgh the county bool.s. requiring - quiring him to 1110 a bond , Cor the correcl rintl faithful performance or the wOI'I. In the sum of $10,000 , Frank E. 1\1oore has just completed such andltlng or the records . of ex-Treas- urer } < ' . , Yo Shonlm. Carbolic acid waR the method antI a Northwestern refrigerator cnr the place chosen by Douglas 'V. Edwards , familiarly Imown 10 hlfl fricntls ns "Pete. " In , a succcRsul attempl to eud his life at } < 'l'emonl He drank the IIqulc1 nt 125 : ' and died within hal [ an hour thereaftpl' , He was mar- died and leaves u wife and two chll- dreu. C. Vincent , a representatlvc of the l "armers' ' I levator Co-operatl\'e com- panr , has orgnnlzed a branch or the assoclntlon a1 Dave ' and also one at Prairie llomc. At Dave ) ' ho securcd tlrtIve ! members and : f1,700 was sub. scribed. 111"lucent said that the Havelock association had marlwtetl : ! 4UUO IJ1lshels or wheat since . .s or- gaul1.atlon and had saved the mem- bel'shh ) $1100. J. II. Luelwlcl" n. pioneer furnlturo denIer or McCook , was founc1 dead In bed. Deceased had heen In poor health for months , but was feeling qulto well upon retiring , J lenrl dls. ease WIlS cause ot liillllden deml e. I"ollowlng IR a summnr ) ' of the mortgagelIIed / and rJlens d In Col. fax counl ) ' during I..e mouth or Feb , I runl'Y : Farm mOl'lgages filed , 30 , amountln to ii6'lIO : : ; released , H , nmountlng to $ : : , : ! : : : ! , : . ' 1'own aUlI city morlgages lIIed , Hi , amounting to , ' 5.0811 : relcusnd , 12 , amounllng to $8 , . Oi2.62. Chattel mortgll'os ' tiled. 26 , amOlIl1t1ng 10 $ S , : ! 6.2 : releatJed , 17 , amounting to ,2,958.G : : . D1vln through n. Jllnlo I'lass win. - dow , Vh'gKello \ ! ) ' , a man of 20 ) 'eurs , att mlle < < 1 to escape Cr < ; < Jm the store of , the SllI'ague Drug com pan ) ' . Lln. ; coIn , al nn carl ' hOIll' , lIe was . cnught rllllng the casa dl'l1wer hy 'V , K. Sprague , who hnd stood guatd : over -tho store during the night , suspecting thut hmglnrs had'deslgnR on the plal'o , 'I'he police , , 'oro called and , uft el' nn 'oxling ( chase. Kello ) ' was cnllture < < \ ' The hnheas < , orpu ! ; cnse Inslltuted b ' J , A. .Iohnsou or Omaha to seclU' ( llOssesslon of I wo dnu htOl's now Hv' Ing with tholr ! ; l'I1ndpurents In tlH norlhern Iltl1'l'or Gage count ) ' , IRJI ) lug I onlesledJ ) ' o\'or ) ' avallabl ( mellIlt' ' ! , A tl1spatl'h wns rccel\'C'd Inellras 1m Cll ' slntlng that tile oldest son 01 l . g , Bclrtlwell. who left some tlnH UgO 10 1IIulw his homo at Imt , Wush. ! I' hlld 11Ie < < 1 from tllo Injuries r'ceh'ol I , I IIl1 du ' b'foro while conslln ! ; , : \11' ) t Bm'tlwcll waR fOl' ) 'ears l1'I1vollnl ; nmll h tOl' for the l-dwards.lll'llIlfol'tl Lumhcl comvn I " , . . . . . . - - . . . . . . - . . - " ' - . - - . . . - - . F . . . . . - . DO 'r'oun OI.T ItS LOOK YELLOW' ItlloIIRoIlodCrollllnllDluo. Itwllltnfth tl1ew wblto aB IInow , : J 0& . pncknlo t cen' Our Idea ot an unpopulnr man Is one with n fnd for collecting b1l1s. "BUllon Dotl.1' Onull. When we Introduced this remarkable C1'alS three yearll ngo , little' did we c1ream It wOI\ld \ be the most talked-of grass in Amel'lcn , the iRgest. quick , hny producer on eat'th : but thl hn come to pass. . Agr. gdltors wrote nbout It , AGT. Col- lcge Professors lectured about It , Agr. Institute Orators talked nbout It , whllo In the farm homo by the quiet l1rl'slde , In tile corner grocery , in the vlllago POlltomce. at the crel1mery , at the depot - pot : III fact wherever tarmers gathered - ered , Sn ler'l ! Dillion Dolll1l' Grass , that wontlerti IP'ass , good tor to 14 tons per RCI'C , and lots ot pnsture bellldes , Is alwlYs D. theme worthy ot , the fa.rm- er's votce. Then cornell BromulJ Inermls , than which there II ! no better grass or better - ter permanent hay producer on cl.rth. Growl ! wherev'r soli III tound. Then the farmcr talkA about Salzer's ' .reo- alnte , which will produce 100 stocks tram one Iternel ot B'I'II , 11 ft. hlch. In 100 da's , rich In nutrition and ( reedl1y eaten by cattle , hogs , etc. . and Is good for 80 tons ot green teed vcr ncre. Victoria nape. which cnn be grown nt 25c n ton. nml Spcltz at 20c a. bu. , both creat food for cattle. also como Inter tor their share In the discussion. JUST SJlD 100 1 SUMPS and this notice to John A. Salzer See/l / Co. , La Crosse , 'Wls , . for their big catalog - alog and farm seed Bumples. . ( W. N. U. ) A positively selfish woman has the most to say aboul the unldndness at the world at large. Mother Orn1' Sweet Powder. . . for Ohlh'lren. ' Successfully used by Mother Gray , DUrSIJ in the Children's Home ia New York , curlJ Constipation , ITe\'erishness. Bad Stomach , Teething YJisorders , move and regulate the Bowels aad Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. At all drug isu. 25 . SampllJ FREE. AddressA , , S. Olmsled , Le Roy , N. Y. . How Jack London Works. Jacl. London's now novel. "The Sca.- 'Volf , " which began wllh the new year In the Century. Intensifies interest in this remnrlmblo 'oung writer. Mr. London is authority for the statement that. he docs his worle the first thing In the morning , right nfter , uveraglng n thousand words dny , five c1a 's In 1ho weele , 'Vhen pushed , he has written over a thousand words dally for many weel.s at a stretch : and has occasionally accomplished two thousand words every day for two weel.s. lie writes slowly , mal.lng few changes In his first draft. At the end of each day he typewrites what. he has written , and this Is the completed manuscript. Lived 113 Years. From Castlcbar , County Iayo , there comes a story of the death ot James : , COI1Wa ) ' , a farmer , who attained tbe : ago ot 113 years. The falher or James Conway did not die so 'Olmg , for his years were six score and slx- that is , 126. The grandfather's final ngo was 130 years. These statistics are the less u.n1l1.ely because In the same count ' an olel lIlan died not long , ago , who was proved to haye attained - tained the age ot at least 120 'ears , James Conway , remembered' the l rench Invasion In li)8 ( ) , which was led by , Oeneral Humbert , who won the battle Imown as " 1'hc Races of Uastlebar. " He ADolishes "Presenting Arms , " The French minister of war , General - eral Andre , Is ono of the best abused men in France because of his recently announ ed purpose to promote eQualIty - Ity in the ranls or the arm ) ' . To tur- ther this object ho has recently nbol- Ished the custom at "presenting arms" as a mark at respcct. He Is accused ot 'fos1erlng socialism in tbo French mnls and oC deliberately followlnl ; out a polley ot religious and political p rsecutlon. Ho condemned to two years hart1 serylco In the raul.s slx y Polytechnic students who rebelled asalnst the scverlty ot an examination - tion , General Andre Is n sreat fayor- Ite with the common soldiers , Ho be. gan tile In the army as a lIeutanant In tbo Imllerinl guarc1. ON A RANCH. Woman Found the Food That Fitted Her. A newspaper wom:1.D went. out to Colorado ranch to rest nud recuperate and iler experience with the food probably Is worth recounting. "The woman at the ranch was preeminently - eminently the worst houselteeper I have ever known-poor soul , cnd poor mol "I simply had to have teed good nnd plenty or It , for I had broken down trom overwork anll was so weale I could not sit up oyer oup hour at a. time. I knew I could not get well uu- less I secured teed I could easily dl. gest and 1hat would supply the greatest - est amount ot nourlshmenl. "One day I obtnlned permission to go through the pantry and see what I could find. Among othcr things I came acrofls a package or Grape.Nuts which I had beard of but hover tried. I read the description on the pncla e and become deeply Juterested , so then and tbero I got snucel' and some cream and tried the famous tood. "u tasted delicious to me and leemed to freshen and strengthen mo greatly so I BUpulated that Orape- Nut.q and cream be provided each day Instead of other teed , and I Uternlly lived on Grapc-N\ and cream Cor two or three months. "It 'ou could have seen how tast I got well it would have 1)leased and l urprlsod you. I am now perrectly ' \\011 and strong a aln and know ex. actly how I got well nnd thal was on Grapo.Nuts Ulat turnlshed mo a pow. erful food I could dlscst aud make use oL "It seems to mo no brain worker enn afford to overlook Grape-Nuts after m ) ' experlenco. " Name given by Postum Co. , Hattie Crook , Mich. Gel lhe mlnla.ture book. "Th. Road to WclhW. " in e&cll pkC. . . . - - - - - - WESTERN CANADA'S RESOUfUES. : ; . - I Farming Very Successful. Dy Western or Northwest Cannda . . Usually meant the grent agrlc ltllral country wcst of Ontario , and north of Minnesota , North Dakota. and Mon- taua. rart ot It 1 < < agricultural ralrle. treeless In places , park IIko In othera. . part Is genulno plains , well adapted to cattle ra.nches : pl1rt requires Irrlg&- tlon for 6uccesstul Ullago , most at It I does not. The political divisions of tbls region are the ProvInce at Manitoba - toba a.nd the territorial district ot Au- slnlbola , Saskatchewan , Alberta anll Athabasl ( . At present. however , the Intter 18 too remote for ImmedlRtG ( ractleal purposes , The general character ot the soil 01 Western Canada Is a rich , black , cia , . \ loam 'WIth a clay sllbsol1. Such a 1J01l I Is particularly rich In teed tor the \ wheat plant. The subsoil Is clay. which retaln8 the winter trost until It I II tbawed out by the warm rays of the snn and drawn upward to stlmu- I late the growth ot the young wheat , so I that even In dry seasons wheat Is . . good crop. 'I'he clny soli al60 retalnll the hCl1t ot the sun later In the SliMmer - mer and assists In the early rlpenlns ot the grain. It is claimed that cultivation - tivation has the cfrtJct ot Increaslnf : the temperature at the soli several decrees , as well as the air above It. Western Canada cllmato Is good- cold In winter , hot In summer , but with cool nights , Violent storms at ' I any kind are rare , The ralnCall Is not heavy. It varies with llaces , but nver- ages about 17 Inches. It talls usually at the time the growing crops ueed IL The Devartment at the Interior. Ottawa - tawa , Canada , has agents es1.1bllshell at dltrerent points throughout the United States who will be pleased to forward an Atlas ot Western Cannda aud glvo such other information a9 to rallwa.y rate. etc. . as may be required. That ngl'1culturo in Western Canada pays Is shown by the number at testimonials - menials given by tarmers. The tol- ; , lowing is an extract made trom a le tel' ttom a farmer near 1\Joos Jaw : "At the present tlmo I own sixteen hundred acres at land. fifty horses and largo pasturo' ' tenced , 'containing a tholl and acres. These horses run out all winter and como In In , the spring Quite taL A man with money judl- . clously etvended : : wll ! ml1l.o a comp&- tence very shortly. I consider In th8 last six years the Increase In the vnlue of my land has netted mt' tort , . ' thousand dollars. " The girl who hns a real social position - tion usually is the most unassuming. I..ewls' "Single Binder" straight lkI clgl\r. No other brnncl of cigars Is so pupularvlth the smoker. lIo'nas learned torell , upon. Its uniform high quality. Lewis' Eactory. Peoria. : m. Ca.ndor Is ever the brJshtcst gem ot true crltlclsm.-Dlsraell , ' PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the ItctUe. except - cept gree .and purple. . Considering a duty is oCten explalJl Ing It awa-Robertson. ' , - Jlfllllonil In Oa tl. Sl1lzcr's New National Oat" yle1d c1 ' ' In 1903 In Mich. , 240 bu. , In Mo , . 265 bU" ( In N. D. , 3tO bu. , Rnd In 30 other ' states from IGO to 300 bu. per acre _ Now this Oat If generally grown In 1904. will add millIons of bushel. to thlt yIeld. and million" ot dollarll to the 'farmer's purl'll' , Try It tor 19M. Largest - I est Seed Potato and Alalta. Clover growers In America. Salzer's Speltz , Beardless Barley. Home Builder Corn. Macnronl Wheat. PCR. Ont , Bllllon'Dollar ' Gras Bnd EarlIest - lIest Canes are money makel'S for you. Mr. Farmer. JUST BEND TfilS NOTICK . . .SD 100 In stamps to John A , Snher Seed Co. , La. Crosse. Wis. , and receIve In return their big catalog nd 10tll ot farm seed .ample9. ( W. N. U. ) Oul of suffering have emerged the \ slrongest .souls.-E. H , Clapln. To Cure a Cold In One day. Take Laxative Brome Qulnlne'l'ablots. AU drugglstsrofund money it lUaUs tocuro. 2 c. Love Is a great source oC economy lu a 110usehold.-lIalevy. . A"st ldng contrast I . between Defiance Starch I ' and any otftv brtU1d wUl be found by comPltrlSO Defiance Slllreh stlffef19 , f'hlten ! , beautifies wltboj out rotting. \ , t clves.c l thest > a. , their newne.s. " ' " t Is"'absolutely"p\lre I t wlll not InJure1h1l Eost delicate fabrlc ' For fine thlng5.8nd n I things use ( be best there . , , . . . b. Defl nnce .s ta rell 110 cents for 10 ounces/ I . ' ' _ Other brands 10 centsJol1 ( 1:1 : ounces. , &trlkln contr4Sf" . . Tile DEfiANce sUllcn co. , OmW. Nth. ' I \ " I