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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1904)
. . , atlt J. 1'1. L\tuar'"u \ u"le't ' . . . - . ' "I , . . ; ; . USTER 'OUNTY " " , EPUBLIC. : N/ / : i' : ' ; ' : ' . . \ , . j\ - \ , . . . . . ' " . ' , . ESTABLISHED 1882. 'l'HE OFli'ICIAL PAPER OF CUS'l'ER COUN'l'Y. : LA GroS' CI1 ATION OF A Y PAPER IN THE COUNTY : . ' . : ' . ' " ' . . . . r ' : . : ' ' . : ; : ' . - , : ; . ; . . . . - - : . - . . : : VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MARCH 24 , 1904-EIGHT PAGES , ' . " . . , 'N ' t4 ! . . . I - } - , f . ) 1 hll\'e spent years at the watchmakers lJench-'ellrs of $ constant app1ication , practice . ' and stud } ' . No longer than is . necessary to becolUt' a finisherl watchmaker , jeweler or en. . . graver. A genius may do it ill less time. This genius comcs I ' , " from the farm. or thc bicycle or . sewing machine repair shop , , and in 6 months is doing "fine r . watch repairing. " 1 am not u . p. " genius-simply a hard workcr- . . have thoroughly mastcred my ( trade , do good work only , , : prom . ' t prim f p.d' I . , . - - / School Books- Tablets. ' . -Aun- School Supplir , I ' -J.T- - J. O. Haeberle 'S . . M.M.n . : _ - - - - - - - kde. { . < : tj , - - ur comm < J d ; ' we're bound to pay if you've a de. S posit with us ) The money is 1118 ways safe , b cl1use our whole c3i. ] ? N tal stock is balanced against 1t. . When you want to use it , .imply S Sign Your Name 8 . to a 'check. Your signature be. 8 comes significant. It acquires l VI.eight awong business acquaint. 8 ances. We cordial1y invite you to " open an account with Ui at any S time. Money couldn't be put in a better place. 8 . Custer NatiDnal Bank k , " H. LOMAX , Cashier. R : v""J.rJ'"J".r..r..r'.r..r..rJ".r..r " - - - - - : - 1'IOV I ) . . I have moved my office just , . across the street , in the re of the Broken Bow State Bank , where I will be ple scd to meet . . all myoId customers as w ll as new ones. I do abstracting enl v and am free to answer any ques- I tione concerning real estate. J. C. l\'Ioonn , 35 tf.Bonded . Abstracter. r : : : : fE : NTE : : : : ] ' , . . ' I J. W. Hart ofVei sert , was a ; frIendly caller li'riday. li'ranlc Brown of Berwyu , made the RR1 > RDI.ICA office a business call Monda ) ' . C. W. Lincoln of Sp1' ngCreek , kindly remembered the RRPUBI.I- CAN office with a social call Fri- day. , Miss Mabel Decler of Call- away , is assisting Miss Pearl Liggett in the trimming department - ment of the J. adies Bazaar. Attorney J. B. Smith of Exeter was in the city several days looking - ing after law business in the county - ty court. He went homeyesterday. J. M. O'Neal of Lincoln , was a city visitorFriday. Mr. O'Neal has the endorsement of the Lan. caster. county convention for State Auditor. . \V. ' 1' . Cannon , formerly of Garfield township , who left here about ten vears ago was a city visitor : M nday. Mr. Cannon has been visiting with his broth. . er , S. L. \Vesterville , for some time and has about concluded to locate in the county again. Miss Pearl Liggett has just returned - turned from St. Louis where she purchased a new and complete line of Milliner.v , Notions and Ladies Furl11shing Goods of the very latest styles. LOlJk up the large , new sign of the Ladies amar : ! and visit the opening of spring millinery goods in Realty Block. J. ( } Carpenter , foreman in the Broken Bow Steam Laundry , of this citl' has bought the laundry at exington. We understand - derstand he is to have possession the rst of next week. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter here are sorry to have them leave Broken Bow but their best wishes go with them. MARRIED-At the First - Baptist - tist church in this , city , Re , . . Morris officiating , Mr. , Andrew , D. Cl1ristensen .was joined' 'in marriage to Miss Stinna R. Vis- trup , on 'l'uesrlay , March 22 The groom is from Callaway. while the bride's home was about nine miles southeast of Broken Bow. Mr. and l\1rs. Christensen will reside at Caltaway. J. C. Dowen returned last Saln.n1ay from New York state , where he has been for me time at the bed side of his father. He'as \'cry much improved when l\I r owen came home. He saYR ha\'e had the most ' ther \ se\'ere wititer cvcr knpwn in that lucal- ity and that the ground is still frozcn six feet deep and freight trains in se\'eral plac s are buri. ed in snow drifts. _ _ . _ u _ . _ _ _ . _ _ / . : IIf1J'C , . tOllt , Disturhances of strikers are not nearly as grave as an indiddu l disorder aft he syst ern. O\'erwollc , loss of sleep , ncn'olls tension will be folll'wed by utter collapse , un. less II reiiable rcmcd V is immediately - ately cmployed. 'l'here's nothing so efiicient to cnre disorders of the Lh'cr or Kidneys as Elcctric Bit. ters. H's II wOI1l'rful tonic , and effective nerl'ine and the greatest all around medicine for run down systems. It ( lispels Nervousness , Rheumatism and Neuralgia and expl ls Malaria germs. Only SOc , and satisfaction guaranteed by Let' Bros. , druggists , Droken Bow. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . " , " , " , " " " " " "tt't " ' i"'ttttt' " ' ' , tt'ft1t"tt't1''t1't"t1't1't1t't' ' " ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' , - - - : . -a. ; 0 . , .N : r' 0 " II loa = - = . I Look Herell : : : : : = = - - E We will' ' give the following prizes for the persons :3 : ' 5 bringing us the largest amount of eggs between this and :3 : E the first of May : = : E 1st prize-100 pounds granulated sugar. = = E 2nd prize-100 pounds best flour. , : : : : : : E 3rd prize-one case tomatoes. = = _ 4th prize-10 pounds coffle. : : : : " ' . , " = = 5th prize-one dozen can of corn. = = - - E And we will also give the one paying us the most = = = = money on account , or for goods or both , between now and : : : : : = = the first of July , $10 In c < Jsh. = : : : : : : : \Ve also have a lot of nice Queensware in transit , that : : : : : : - : : : : : : we are gOlUg " to give away to our customers. - : : : : : : , 5 Yours for business , = = , The Star Crocery Co. : ? il11111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111 Miss Sadie Norcutt closed her school at Green last Frida ) ' , B. C. Empfield of Ans lmo , kindly remembered this office ) 'es- tel'day with a friendly call. Peter Beck of Geor etown , I was a social caller at this office Monday. The Misses Hunt came up with him. One of the girl rcmatned and will worl ( for Mrs. B. E. Predmore in the millinery department. A Platform 'l'emperance meet. : ing will be held in the M. E. church Sunday night at 7:30 : , at which a numb r of our citizens will speak npon local issues in the city cnmpaign. Among the speakers are L. H. Jewett , A. P. Johnson , C. L. Gu ttel'son , S. I { . Warrick and James 'Vhitehead. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'l'aylor will render an instrumental duett. Mrs. Adamson will s l\g \ , and other special music will be ren. dered.Ve invite all who can , to at tend-Geo. P. TRITHs , Pas tOl' . Edwin 11' . Myers of 'Brolen Bow , has been honored by receiving - ing a place in the cast of the Senior play at the University of Nebraska. The cast was select. cd by a committee before , vhom a large number tried Qut. The part to which Mr. Myers was as. signed is one of the most difficult an important in the play. The play chosen this year is Oliver Goldsmith's , "She Stoops to Conquer. " Mr. Myers being assigned - signed to the part of Squire Hardras'Ue. The play will be given in the Oliver Theatre , Wednesday , June 8. The Senior class has hired Miss Howell , a graduate of the Emerson School of Oratory in Boston , to coach the play for $150. The aste will practice three nights a week from now until the play is given. ' Mr. Myers will also act in title role in a play wIiich the University - sity Dramatic Club will present to the Lincoln public shortly. Further than this he has achieved - ed distinction in the fiehl of de- bate. He tried out in the pre- , lliminaries a week ago and was . one f the fifteen that were chos to constitute tlie Interstate Debating - bating Squad. Those whose were in htgh school with Mr Myers well remember him as a member of the old Broken Bow Dramatic Club and a successful debater. We believe he debated on t11ree different occasions in high school and was always victorious. "lED. 'Vednesday , March 16 , 1904 , at her. home eight miles north east of Callaway , Mrs. Mary Cool , wife of JacOb Cool , age 33 years and 25 days. Mrs. Cool was formerly Mary I Worth , she was born at Center. ville , Iowa , Febr ary 19 , 1871. , At the age of twelve she moved with her parents to Custer county , Cliff 'fable , where she grew to womanhood and where she was married to Jacob Cool , Septem. ber 13 , 189 ( } . , She was the mother of five children , four of whom with her husband are left to mourn the loss of a loving mother and wife , the youngest , an infant , was buried but a week before the mother. She was a woman highly esteemed by all who lmew her and the cOlUlIJun- ity feel her death greatly. Among other relatives she leaves to mourn her departure from this life is her mother , and three brothers , J as. , Will and Porter. The former now lives in : lU 1 > OlT o ' TnE' ' ONDlT10 OF 1'11& Broken : Sow State Banlt , oc DrokclI DoClIartcr No. 540. Iucorpor\tel ! III the State oC Nebraska. at thc clote oC bu l. . lIe88 March \ itllm : ItRSOUltCCIH l.onu9 aUlI DIcouuts. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $189 051 IS Oerdraft8. ecuffl ! nlll ! unaecured. , . 1 3Q o JJalll1I1 ! : hOU90 Curnlture I\Ull1htures : m 00 Due froulatlou:1l. : . St:1te : aliI ! J. > rh.atc 111111k111111 ! bl\lIkers , . . . . . . . $37 4SO 41 Checls nnlltcmloC cxcllallle 466 as J Currellc ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 15'l00 Cllol1 I COlli. . , . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 W. 99 47 2. . - - ' 1'otal ' . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . $237 9-19 .51 LIAlItL1TIEB : _ Capl'nllltocl ( Ilalllll1. . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 20 000 0 ( ] 8urplull fulld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100000 ( ] UIIlHvldctl pr06tslIet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1,5 6.J : Inllvlllul\l depolts subject to ellecl ( . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . $167 120 .sg Demalld certificates . oC tie. . posit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37919 ( ,1 Due to state nutl prlt'llte I banlc8 :1111 : ! ballkers. . . . . , . 443 iO 483 8 - - - ' 1'otnl. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , t.37 ! 9 51 ST.\TI > 01' NUDNAS"AliB . COUNT01' CUSTER , f ! I. S. K. 'V\RIUCK , cashier of the nl > o'c 1I:1l11ed : bank , do solellllllY swear that the above Rtnte. mellt Is correct aliI ! n true copy of the lellorl ' 1II"le : to the Statc Banlclnll' BoaI'll. . S. K. \ \ A'RRIC" . . ' j J. M. KIMDERLING , Director. \l1eI' $ IS. J { . \V AIIRICK , Director. Subscrlbp.1 ! nml 8worll to be Core me. illls 23rd day of Marcil. 1m. ARTlIUR w. IlOLCOMD ( se.'lL ] ' Notan' I'ubl ! c. Missouri but camQ to attend his ' sisters funeral. Her remains w'ere laid to rest iil the Ed y Cemetery north of . Callaway. The RnpuBLlcAN joins with the friends , of the deceased - ceased in extending sympathy to the relatives in their great be- reavement. Horticulture Society Meetlug. Saturday , March 26th , is the date of th Horticulture meeting to be held in this city , afternoon and evening- . All interested in horticulture are urged to be present - ent and help make the meetin a success. The evening session will be of interest to the resi. dents of this city , and all residents - dents are especially invited to attend and talk up city improve- ment. DI IL 11.11 lEU. WHITR-MATI.OCK-At Browns- ville , Mo. , Wednesday , March 16th , Ed. White of Broken Bow , and Miss Idella Matlock of Brownsville , Mo. The bride was for a time a resident of this city. 'She.i ' a lady of refinement and enjoys .the esteem of a large . circle - cle of friends. The is one of Broken Bow's highly esteemed and Industrious young men , who has grown to manhoo'd in our midst. He is a nephew of Senator - tor Long of Kansas. He is engaged - gaged with his father , D. R. White , in farming near the city , and is making it a success. An infair dinner was prepared Tuesday - day by the mother of the groom of which a number of friends and re1atives participated. It being Mrs. White's birthday , , the oc- asion served the double pupose of commemorating his mother's irthdav as well as his marriage. The RnpuBLlcAN joins in extend. ing congratulations. CaVCY UCluth. VI . .r . .lid Tonc. Herblne is a boon for sufferers from aneamia. By its use th ( ; blood is quickly regenerated and the color becomes normal. Th ( ; drooping strength is revived. The languar is dimjnish d. Health , vigor and tone predom111' ate. New life and happy activit ) results. Mrs. Belle H. Shirel , 1\liddlesborough , Ills. , writes.B ] have been troubled with liveI complaint and Ioor blood , an I have found notlung to benefit m < like Herbine. I hope never to be without it. I have wi hed thai I had known of it in my hus. band'1 ! iifetime. " SOc. Sold b ) - t"'t"'t"tt'tt't"t"t"t" " " ' " " ' " ' ' " " " " " ' t"'tttt'tt"'tt't"t't't' " " " " ' , , ' " " ' ' " ' ' ' - - Ladies Bazaar ! - - - - - - - = = Having just retur 'led from St. Louis : : : : : : with a complete line of Notions a.nd : : : E MillInerv Goods-everything new and = = ' = = up-t -da'te-you will be interested in = = : : : : commg to the Ladles Bazaar. . . . . . : : : - - - - - OpeninlI , of SprinlI Millinery ! - - = = We also have a new and complete line : - : : : : : : : of Ladies Furnishing Goods , which : : : : : E : are of the latest styles , and will very = = : = = much please YOlt. 'l'he ladies are : : : : = = especially invited to call an look our = = - : : : : stock over. See the new sign of the : : : : - - - - - - . L1\.DIES BAZAAR. - - = = Realty Block , South Side Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. - : : : : . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111rl11111il111111111 { 1111111111il 1 "t""t"tJY"'t"'t""t't'l't1' " " " " " " ' " ' " " ' ' ' ' + t"'t'tt"t"'t't"'t'"t" " " ' ' " " ' ' " " ' ' } " " " " , 'Phor ' . . e 77 1- . . . ' I. , . . - - - - ' - : E : 77' t 1 l I' . to Cll 11 up' if. y,01l = = I : : : : : want to buy a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : : : : : : - . . . , . , , , ' - : : : : : : 14 Inch St rr nJ.f Plow for. . . ' . . " . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . . , ' . . $10.00. " : : : : : : : : ' I : : : : : 16 Inch .Shrrlllg Plow for. . . ' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 14.00 : : : : : : : : : ' ' : : : : 14x16plSC Harrow. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2q.Po , . : : : : : 'I' : - : : : 3-Secholl Steel Harrow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . 15.00 : _ : : : : : I , : : : Good Set of 1 Inch Hartless. . 01 . . : . . \ : , ' : . . . I . . . . . 20.00 : : : : : : : : = = Good S t of 1l. ( Inch Harness. . . . , . , ' . ; f. : . . . . ; . . . : . ' . . . . 2 . O 3 ' Good 1 } ( Inch Halter' with 'l'ie. . . . ; . . ; . . . . . ' . . .j . .75 = - = Good Hame Strap. . . . . . ' . ' . . . . . . . , . : . . . . . , . . . : ' . . . . . . . . .t ' " . . 7 , ' c .3 - _ I E You will U 80 Hnd if TOU- call.up . th.s . numb r" ' 3' : : : : : : before bUYIng und get o.ur prIces that we are : : = " = = 25 pOl' cent lower than any other dealer in' . = = : = = the county on Buggies , .Harness , vV gons , = . = = nIl kinds of Farm Implements. On , saddles . ; : : - : : , ve can evell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ : : : : : - - - - = = Do Better Than 26 Per Cent , . . ' 3 . . - ' ' : : : : : E as we have one of the largest stocks ever' - = = 'E seen in Custer County ; there is not an urticJe , e = = offered that is not fresh from the factory , , .3 : E New and Bright and Fully Guaranteed. : ; . = = - . ' - - - ! E " "The Dealer That Saves You Money , " I - : : : : : : : C.S. MA'RTIN ' , MflI.Agt . - 5 -AND DEALER IN- : - : : : ANTI-TRUST GOODS. 111111111111111111111111111111111111 + 111111111111111111111 11'11111111111 ' _ - - - I . r- I Ed. McCnmas , Broken Bow and Merna. I The Ladies of the Christian Church wi11 hold their Easter Market Saturday , April 2nd. Dinner and supper wi.11 be served and a nice line of aprons , sunbonnets - bonnets and fancy work will been on sale. FOR S'ALIt-A number of thrif. . ty pigs ; 3 months old , " a. 'calf 2 months old. Enquire at Rxpu. . LICAN office. . . . . . J M. ASH , - I . & 'WC I mm. . , Of thirty JUTI ! .xporlc , co. cries RlIIIII and mat. . nft r. lpoclalty n. . . . . . . . ar . . . . lIuctlonoollo . ' " ' Ihnbt1n "n ! : _ or .11 1I1..h..Io. ' : " S . . . 01111 - - - n. - , I vw w . . .w _ w . . .w.Wy v. . . . , . . w.uau . _ . . . - , . AGlE ROCERY . . . IIICroceries and Queensware , , . ' ' We' . carry . a : full and com piete . . 1. e 0 f. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' , : ' . . . ' . . ' . . ' Cv.nned Fruits , ' Canned Meats , ' . : Flour , . and Fish : . Graham , Hams , . . Breakfast Foods , Sausag . , Corn Meal , . Bacon , Pan Cake Flour , . ' Sweet and' Sour pickles , Fresh and Dried FruIts , and everything in the staple" and f ncy grocery line. Come in and see 1is Everytbi g fresh and . ' W. . George & 00 : , ) I North Side Square , Broken Bow , Nebraska. i.A _ _ LA . L 'OC Y'J.Y'.r : or-J" . # J" , # .cr . : : o" .O" : Harnessl r We are now selling a Good 1 Inch Farm Harness , made : of well selected stock , that other dealers would Sily flre wor.tb : . $28.00 , for the low price of . , . . $19.00. ' . . . . . . . . . A Good 1 } ( Inch H rn ss , made of selected stock , ' , big ! 1 $25.00 va.lue , but our pnce IS only $ . I . . . . . . . Irti These Harness have not been bought to sell at these . S ! ridiculously low prices , but have been selected with' ' 'a : knowledge - 1 . ledge of long experience of Harness Leather , and wi'th a pos- I R iti ve knowledge that they'will please our customers. We are I I making these sweeping reductions on Harness to protect ourX i\ selves against bankrupt stoclts , which we will do at any cost. ' X Don't believe that we will allow anyone to undersell us in the , . \ , R Harness line. . A On Saddles we are right. ' . I See our line of Cow Saddles for the spring trade. , Q Our Motto-UUNDRRSRI.L. " # it . , ]