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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1904)
. . - - - - CUSTrR COUNTY RrpU UCAR . - - - - Dy D. M. AMSBERRY. . - - - - ImOKEN now , . - NJiJnHASI\A , , - Brief Telegra s I Chinn. lItul lit Ilresel11. abuut 800 mllell ( 'if rallrolleJ. I A.'csIIel dl'lLwlng tfln fect rlReR two InchCR In ImlJl lng 11'0111 fre/ih / watm' to salt. 'fhe BUllion Amf'rlcan l(1a , ; o hnso hall team IlRs gOlle to : 'Ilacon , Ga" tor ; Irncllcc. Lord Strathcona hOH I\'l'n $20,000 10 Ianltobn. Unh'CJ'llty to extend 11'3 "cl'nlillc01'1 ( . In the cllY oC WashlnAlon ther ( ' nre 1,1100 : : Jlownl : ! , lliUOO SmlthR , HOOO , Iohnsons and 1,000 , JonesclI , 'I'ho toys uscd hy Queen \'Intorll\ . wlH'n a child will he on fxhlhltlon ut the Worlel'lI Call' at St , l..oul8 , Jacoh HomclR. WIIO aer\'cII the 'J'l'nth Ohio dlHlrlcl In congrcss In 1HS to IS88 , dl(1 ( nt hlH homo ut ' 1'0' Il'eo. ! ' In the Pro\'lnce of Samllra , HUlsln. : ! , .fllliOOO persons gll their Iuhslstenco : ! lrom less than three aCl'es of lane ! per cnplln. : 'II. M. Boothman. con'l'essman ' from the Sixth Ohio dlstrlcl In the Flrtloth and Flct ' .flrf\l congresses , died at hll : ! home In Brynn , OhIo. , John A , Creighton hils gl\'en a fur- thoI' Hum of aboul $2IiOOOO to Crelgh , ton Unh'erslt . . a Catholic Inslilutlon , at Omaha , Neh , Steam launches with glass holt ems are now fit the servlco of those who wish to view the marino grow about Catalina Island , California , ' 1'ho Ser\'lan government , Intends es , tabllllhing a consulate at New York cllY with a view to Increuslng and facilitating trade with the United States. It III roportell from Dem'er lhat lllrmB ha\"e heen prepnred In that city' ' lor an extension or 121i miles to the Union Pacific raIlroad In Colorado and \ \ ' 'omlng , Colonel " ' . A. Mclnlosh , general counsel of the Postal Telegraph company - pany , II : ! dead In Jamaica , whcs'o ho wus spending his vacation. His home waa at Atlanta , Ga. Senator } < 'alrbanks was shown n " " that he published "dlsII tch" stating had "decided to hecome n candidate for vice-president. " He declined to rnalw anv statement. Marchioness Spinola , who heCore her marrlago was MIRS I IIIY Pagc , dnughter of Caplaln Page , of Richmond - mend , Ya. , Is dead. ! : ; ho was ono of Iho oldest American rellhlents of Home , , George n. Cortelyou , secretary of = ommerce find lahor , and Senator Aid , rich were the IIpealers at a banquet Df the Now England Jewelers' and b'\lversmlths' \ association al Provl , dence- . I. Charltablo Institutions are le. queathed $200 1)00 ) hy 11rovlslons of Ihe will of Sarah Schermerhorn of Newport , N. Y. Of this sum , the homo of consumptives at Denver re. ceh'es $611,000. Commllunoners appolntell to secure funlls for the representation of the state' ' of Connecticut at the St. Louis expollltlon have abandoned the } JroJect on account of lack of Interest of tLt.1 people of the state. General Kuropatkm , the command. I er or the Husslan army in the Far East. was n. . personal friend of Slwbc- leff , with whom ho serve < 1 In the Itusso-'furltish wat' and the Telke- ' ! 'urocman campaign. The charred slwleton of Dralwrnan , Neven was found , but tlto body or Conductor Shoemalwr was enUrely consumed In the trelght wreck and I 111'0 In the tunnel' on the Missouri Pa . clflc near JelTerson City , Mo , Emperor William having call ell the ! \\'ork of the ImlreSlllonlsts "gutter rirt , " Hen' Uullct' , of the Helchstng , retu1'l1s the thrust by calling thu group of Bohonzollorn statues el'ected by the kaiser "monumental II1l1rblu qunrry , " 'Vorll hnB heen recelvml at Fargo of the death of Hlchal'd t ) 'ICs , thu IRrgest real estate owner In the statu or North Unlwta. Ho went to Eng , land last fall on a IJlcasuro trip and 1S rCIJOrted to IlllVe dlelt at Mala cbester . Congressmlln Klutzz , of North Care IIna , who refuses to stand for an B' sured re-olectlon , comes from th ( sarno district In which , In IS11i , [ I United States senatol'elect refused te servo because he "d.l ) . not propose te ride to Washington In the mud , " 'fho sale of II.IUOU ! ! tlclwls to th ( St. Louis expusltlon cummencClI March 9. The Ilrst. 100 were reservClI for the directors. Pl'eslclent li'ranch purchased olsht. I nch tlelwt has 184 coupons , ono for ench dny that tll < exposition will bo open ( Sundays nol bolng counted ) und on eUl1h coupor must bo a photograph of the hoMer 'l'ho pholoSl'Ullhs 81'0 mlllio at the ex llense of the exposition , 'rho prlc ( of the season t Iclwt III $25. 'fho relll1bllcan CUIICUS of the Ne" Yorl ( leglalut1ll'0 f\elected 111' . A ndrm\ S. Draper , \1I'esld \ nl of till ! lllllloll unlvOl'slt ' nnd fOl'nll'r IIII'pll'lntendolll of 11llblle Insll'lIctlon , to ho commls " sloneI' of educutlon for the Inltla : term of six ) 'eUI'R , He will ho (1lectCl nt tL e jolntlHsslon ! of the Il'glRIl\tlll'O Owing to the gl'eut'Iso In thl ! 11I'1e ( of wheat In the Sllunllh rnul'lwtl ! , Ihl go\'ernment hus III' sentl'd a hili II' ' the Chumher of Deputlell which 111'0 , vldelr 10r conaldel'llhlo r111uctlun ! 01 the Import duties on wheut und Ilour ' ! 'he Japanese ua\'y Is now He\'ontl omens the na\'les of the \\'ol'hl. - . - ( FIGHT , ON WATER SHARP NAVAL DATTLE NEAR PORT ARTHUR , - RUSSIAt S ATTACK JAPANESE The L tter SaId to H ve LOGt One Torpedo Doat-One RussIan Ship Sunk and Another Destroyed by the Enemy's Shells , . ' ' - H'I' . PWnmSnUHG-'I'ho Ullsllan : ! torpello heal flotilla left POl't Arthur I at hl"Jd da 'I"ht 1.'rlelay mOl'llln ! ; and I altaclwd the , JaplIICs : ( ) IIcot , One JaIl' anoso torJlCdo hURL Wl1 : ! Html , al1l1 ono Huafllan 'rorpt'elo boal Ilestroycd. The Boziloahtehndni wa ! ! sun ] ( . 'rho fale of the latter'l : ! m'ow I , . not lwown. Admiral lalcarorr InauguratCll hlR IIRDumplion of Ihe command of lho Husslan lIeot at POl't Arthlll' hv a eomillete change of tnellcs , AI : ! Ioon : ! ati ho allilearell he ordel'ed the remov. al of the halUcshlp Helvlzan , which WfiS sll'l1ndeel ut the month of the harhor nnd hal'l'ed the l'IlRnnel at cer , taln stnzes of the tide , mallng the ( Ogress of hattleshlps hnllosslhle , 1 , 1'1- Ilay mornln tiC dlrectel1 a sortie of the torpel1o heat lIotllla , SUllpol'ted hy a IJart of the HUMslnl1 squadron , against the , Japanese slual1l'on. ) 'fhe l1etalls are not "et Imown , except lhat the encounter resulted In the lOlls of one , Japanese tOrlCdo ) heat , one HUH' alan torpcdo heat nnd one Husslun torpedo - pedo boat destroyer. 'flte complete story' of I he fierce 1IgOt err Port Arthur hetween the tor- IJello lIotillas , whwh occnrrel1 'Ved- ne111lar , allli the bomhardment which followe < < 1 on ThurlHla ' mornhll ; , wall not gl\'en out here until altcl' mill. nlht. , 'l'wo omclal messagea fl'OIl1 vlcero ' Alexlert' hall hecn received during the duy and In'eHentell to the emperor , hut the public had remained ' In suspense. When the texts appeared It hecame ovldent that the collisions between the torpedo flotillas hnd occurred ac. clclentnlly during the nlgnt whllo the Russians ' \/el'O scouting In search of the enemy. I.S far as Is Imown hero this "is the flrRt time torpedo houts ha\'e engaged each other at sea. Although the mlds were against the Husslanl : ! , as the , totlila. . wall sUllllOrted by the cruiser squadron , the Ilussluns made a lIerolc dush for the fee anl1 al\par. \ ently han the hetter of the attacl" . sinking a .Jallanese torpel1o boat , until the cruisers got within range , anl1 one of the latt r's shells crl11llied one of tile Husslan hoats. The gallant action of Vice Adrnlrnl . /Ialcarorf Is transfort'lng his lIug to . tne fas. cruiser No\'l1 ( anel sailing out In the face of the en my In un at , lempt at rescue recel\'cs unstlnted praise , stamping him at the outset of 1I1s command as IL man oC ! OI'CO an action who Insists on helng In the \'an 01 the flghtlns , HEARtNG OF DIETRICH CASE. ( nqulrlng Into Charges Against tHe , Senator Begun. WASHlNG'fON-The Inlulry ) Into the charges against Senator Dlelrlch of Nehraslm hegnn fo'rhla ' befom the Sl ) ( clal ommlttee In Senator UOIIJ"S commltteo room. 'rho Inquiry. which was InHtltutel1 upon the demand of Senator Dloll'lch , is CO\ \ ' the purpos of pl'ablng the chargee on which the lJnator ; wiis In. dlcted laHt fall In Nebrasla , and which wera dlsmlssel1 on del1l1l1'rer. The commltteo consists of Senators Hoal' , PJatt of Conhectlcut , Sllooner , Coclrell und Pell\ls. \ All of the members of the committee - tee except Mr. Spooner Were present , SenatOl' Dletl'lch was In attenllanco with hll : ! IIllol'l1ey , H , A. Hatt ' , of Hastings , A numllCr of wltncsses \\01'0 preMent. 1\11' . Dietrich Iopeateel ; his wish that the In\'cstlgatlon should bo the fullest possible. LeOIJold Hahn , postmastel' at Hast , Ings from ] 8J7 ! to ] ! JOJ , wns the I1rst witness , - BRYAN HAS RIGHT TO APPEAL. . Executor of Bennett Will Does not Waive the Right to Co:1test , NEW HAVEN , Conn-By a deel. slon hanllell down II ' JUdge Gnger of the Huperlor court , on u demurrell to - anHwers to an appeal by William J. . I' 'nn fI'om a decision of the Ilrobnte court , which rlltell ngalnst him In the Philo S. Bennetl will CIUIC , MI' . Drynn has the right to contest 101' the $ lill , . - OUO bequeathed to hltnHelf In the "seuled lotler , " ' 1'ho court says'In suhstaneo Ihat the action of Mr. } Jr 'nn In IIccelltlng the ollco ! of executer lIoes not call so , him to relinquish uny right that he may ha\'o In llll , nJlPl'al to establish the \'alldlty of cc\'tuln ' 1lUIICrs aR a IlIlrt of the will , ' 'I'ho court su 's that when a lottoI' Is presented to the IlI'obalo courl the question Is whether the letter bo 'lIccoped IJI' I'ojectell , 'fhe question of right of apJloal can , not bo IlUssed on by the probllto court. People ruled by the mooll of gloolll ) attl'l1ct to thom gloOJn ' thlnls , Patriotic Woman Is Dead. BI I.I'IL.I [ , 1I1.lrs , Alfrell p , Bnlll ! ) ' , who hefol'o hel' malTlago utul 1'l'1I1 U11 I of roshlenco to Cl\IlIuln , 0\01' ' I'eu I' ago , II'ell here , hlJl'\'le.1 . here from \onteal \ ! ast weel , that hel' chllel might bo born citizen of the United States , She Wll8 acpouched of 11 lrlllgnter ! 'I'hur'Hlny night , anll dloll eal't ' 1i'rltluy , hut the Infant lI\es ntul thl'l\'os , Mrs. Ballo ' wna 21 'ears . of UI ; . She hall come here to'Islt her sister , : 'Ilrs , Mcl.oury. The hua , ballli hns heun nutlled ) h ' wh'o anll 1 will ' for the ' { 'OIllO I'omalns. - - MWROFF SEN A REPORT , I Gives an Account of the EnJl1gcment ( at Prt Arthur. J\1tJJII'N , lllllle'hlll'llL - All III I 1'1\1 [ ulm\'orr , ( 'Omlllallllllll : the HUllllian lI'ot , rOJlOl'l1 : ! 1"011I I'lII't Arthur as fol , lowl ! : Six tOl'/lCelo / IlIlIItH wllle'h wellt to Iea : ! : 'IILI'ch [ 10 , rOlli' h'llI lIIulel' the gell. eral COII1 IIJII 1111 of Captalll : 'Ilullousso , vlteh , ellcolllltol' d tho. ellemy's tor. Iledo IwalH foIlO\\'OII hy cruillers. A hot action ( 'l1auell In which the torllCdo heat dl'lItroy 1' Vlaslllli II's. chargnll 11 Whitehead torllello and sanl ( one of the IJllOmY'H torllodo boals. On the way hacl ( the tOl'ledo ) IlOat dc , stro 'er Stol'l'Julchtchl : ! commnneled hy Lieutenant Siergulerf , sustalnell dam. ages , Its ( 'lIgllle helng disabled , and It hegan to fOlllHlor , B ' 8 o'elock In the morning II vo of OIJl' hll'lJcelo boat de. stroyerH hn returlleu. Whn ) the el'ltical positIon of the Steregullchtchl becamc e\'ldent I holst , ed m ' flag on the ( , I'lIlsOI' No\'lk and went wllh the No\'l1c and the Qayarll\ to the rescue , But as l1\'e of the cne. rnr'g cruisers surrounded our destro ) ' . er , and all their hattJoshlp slJuadron was nllpronchlng , I did not succeed In la\'lng : ! lhe StercJuschtlhl ! , wlllcn foun. dered. I'art of the crew were made IIrlsoners and part was drowned. On the shills whlcn partlchJllterl In the uttack ono officer was serloush' wounded and t.hree others were slight. . 13'voulHlell ; two soldiers were killed and eighteen wounued. PAYS PENALTY OF HIS CRIME. S'f. , JOSEPH , IoIarlc Dunn was hangel ! hel'e at 10 : 40 Prlla ! ' , Dunn went 10 the scaffold attended hy He1. . [ . Geode of the Christian ehlll'ch. Doctors had examined him and had sahl hll : ! condition was such that there was no reason wh ' the ex- cmtlon should not proceed. The result - sult was telegraphed Go\'ernor Docl , . ery and he said he would not Inter- fem. On the scarrold Dunn mudo a statement chal'gln thllt his con\'lc- tlon was the result of u conspiracy and that I.'entlon was shot by a man named Cy Fisher. 'I'ho murderel"s wife was In l. , Tos. eph and nppeared at the underlakel"s soon aHel' the body hud heen remo\'ed there to ho Ilreparerl fOl' burial , Dunn's neck was brolcn by the dl'OP , The mureler for which : \Iark Dunn was hanged was that of Alfred 1.01\ . ton , 11 wealthy young Cllrmer of HUBh. \'lIIe , this county. : July 20 , 1902 , He " \ > as sentenced to be hanged : 'Ilarch 11. BUFFALO BILL WANTS DIVORCE. Colonel Cody FlieD Petition Asking Severance of Marital Tics. DI' ' = NVI H-A Ietltlon for dl\'orce lIIed In the Itlstrlcl court of Dig Horn county , W 'omlng , , January ! J , Inst , h ' Colonel William I. " Cody ( Buffalo 011I ) , has just be n made public , The COmllalnl charges cruelty and aleges } thllt on Decemher 2G , 1900 , ! \Irs. Cod : attempted to ) Iolsun , the .plalntlff. Anothel' fI'ound on wbleh the plaintiff asls a decree Is that the marital relation has been made un. beamble to him by his wife's refmml 10 entm'taln his fl'lends at his formel' homo In North Platte , Neb. : \Irs. Cod ' , who Is at North Platte , denies her husband's churges and will contest the sull. Colonel and : 'III's , Cod ' were mal'i'led at Sl : Louis I arch ( i , 18lili , . \ Some Records Unprintable. WASHINGTON-At'the executl\'e sessloll of the cOlIJmlttee ccrtaln 111'0' ceedlngs from the dl\'O\'ce \ case of Apostle Teasdnlo were put Into the record as evhlence , The admissions made In that caae were offered hy the prosecution to com hat the testimony of Prefddent JO/iOIJh / F. Smith that Teasdalo was married to Lillian Hoe ] ( for otornll ' only , IInd that she WIIS not consldm'ed us ' 1'easdale'll wife when ho contracted the mnrrlnge. 'rhe testl 1Ony Is unlll'lntable , Corea Nullifies Russian Grants. TOKIO-The , JnllUnosoCorean IJro. tocol was IJllbllshed at Seoul hI an extra edition of the Gazette 'I'hul'sda ' , 'rho Co\'enn go\'oml11ent will 1IIIIIIIely announce that the Iluhllcation of the Ilrolocol nullll1es the concessions granted to HURsln , such as the non. alienation of coni mining at I\.och 'o Island and Hose IRlluHl and the for. estry concosslons In the Ulloungdo. 'l'umlln and Yalu'ulleys. . Are Laying for JIpanese : Ships. PA1US-I'ho oml11aniler of the } < 'rench' stoamel' Saghallon , from PI , rueus , Greece , 011 url'l\'lng lit 1\Iar , sellles 1 < rlcta ' . l'elWl'ted that two Hus. silln CI'UlbOl'1I : and one torpedo boat de. atro 'el' wel'o at Piraeus about to Imt to sea for the IJlII'IJOSO of Intercepting Jall\\lCse ! merchant ships , Six of the lallot' are u1. . lIavro , Nllntes and Dol'- deaux allli others are said to he l'oul. Ing at Encllsh IIOl'ls , Great Loss of Range Cattle. nEI I..E FOUnCIIE , S. D-Condl. tlO t3 IUnong range cattle In this re , HIOIal'O nhnost beyond I'ollef. Not shlco IS'8li hns thol'o been so much sulTel'hlH and If Mnrch contalnues I with IUI ' sO\l'lIy the percentage : of loss will bo unusulllly large. Net Increase of $506,000 , W\SIIING'l'ON-Senator Porlclns of the commlttoo ' ' ' ' , on 1IJ1ll1'OIIl'r\tlons ! 'I'ues liar I'epm'ted the ( OI'lItkation lilll wllh I II not Increase of $ C OnOOO 0\01' the hili us 1H1l1sed hy the house , and male- the tmal of the hili IlS repol'ted to the sennte $7li37,1fI2 , 'rho 1II'Inel , pal Incl'enses are : For IlIIl'chaSff of luhlllal'lno tOI'IJolo IlOnt (01' use of Iwhool of lIuhlllurlno dl1f1S0. . 21iO 000 ; fOl' nmlllullition and slIlllllIes fOl' ilia. ( 'hlno and J\utollllltl ( ' Guns $100,000 ; for nnHllunltlon for sea coast Call1lOI1S , _ $160,000 , - - - - ISGO'UTS RETREAT - - RUSSIANs MEET JAPANESE AND ARE WORSTED. , ARTHUR IS AOAIN BOMBARDED Shelling Bcglns t Midnight and Con. tlnues Until Mornlng-ViceAdmlral Kamlmura Thinks that Rusnlans Are Becoming Demoralled. 'I'OKIO-Hu8slan ami ,18)UIH ) ' , $ ( , mounted scouts mel nOl'th of Pllllg \'I\ng , After 1brll'f cngaJelllenl tlt HUH31ans retreated. No casunltles arc report'd on either sld ( ' . POH'I' AIlTHUH-Tho .Japanese lIect appeured oII this harbor at mid , night and bomharded this ell ) ' Inter. ' mlttentl ) ' until 8 u'clock In the mont. Ing. ' 1'OIIO-"lcc Admiral Knmlll1ura , reporllg the hombardment of , "Iadl. \'ostoe ] Iarch 6 , sa 's the atta'k com , menced' at 2:10 o'clol'k In the after , noon ntlll the tiring was Iet ) up about' ' forl ' mlnutt's , He helle\'c the horn. bardmellt was effectl\'e a:1Il demoral , Izlng to Ihe enem ' . 'I'he Russian forts did not reJII ' to tlte Japanese lire. _ Japanese crulscl's subsequenl1r reconnoitered - onnoitered Re\'eral adjacent places on the coast , hut found no trace of the enem ) ' , The full rellort of VI co Adml , ral Kamlc1Ur says thaI as they alJ- Iroachcd the cast entrance to Vlaell\'o. slok on the morning of Iarch n the enemy's ships were 1I0t scon outHlde tlte harbor. He Ra 's : "We allpl'oachell lho hatterles Oil tlte northeast coaat 1'1'01\1 a point be- 'ond the range or the hatterles on the Balznn pl'Omontor ' and Dosphorus strait. Acter hOl\1bal'lllng the InnOl' harhor forty minutes , from J : O o'clock In the nrtel'l1oon , we retlrod , I hell eve the bombardment effected co slderablo damngc. Soldiers wore seen , hut the land batteries dl not rely ) to 'our fire , Blacl , smoltc was obsel'\'ed at the cast enlrance to the harbor about fi o'cloek p. m. and was thcJlight to be trom the enemy's ships , hut this smelt grndual ' disappeared. "On the morning of Iarch 7 we rec- ounoltered America. bay a d trolol { bur , hut saw nothing unusual. 'Yo ap. ) lron'ched the cast entrance to Vladl- \'osUolc at noon. 'rhe enemy's shlpa were Invlslblo and lh . batteries elld /101 fire , We turned toward Posslet huy , hut , not seeing the enem ' , re , tlrell , " RUSSIA ACCEDES ONE REQUEST. United States Officers May Accom. pany Army to Oboserve Operations. WASHINGTON.-The Russian arm ' formully has grunted the request or : the Uillted Stales that certain officers of the American army bo permitted to IIccom)1uny ) the Russlall troops amI witness tloJr operations In tlte war with Jalan. ) AmhassadorlcCormlc1c , , In a ( ahlegram Informing Secretary Hay of this fact state3 that the offi. cers cunllot jolr. the Husslan army hufOl'o April Iii , or the Husslan calen. dar , 'rhe officers who haye Ieen deslg. nated Cor this ser\'lce arc Colonel J. D. , Kerr of the general slaff , Captain Carl Relchmnn oC the Seventh Infllntr ' , Caltnln George Gatley allli Captain William Judson of the englneor corps. All of the abo\'e are In 1\Innlla except Capuln ! Judson , who Is Inthis city und who leaves at. once for St. Peters , burg , SYMPATHIZE WITH RUSSIA. Irish Nationalists at St. Louis Pass Resolutions. ST. I..OmS 1\Io-'l'ho Irish nation , allsts of St. Louis at their celebration - tion of the birth of Hobert Emmet Sunday nlghl adopted resolutions up. holding ] hissla In her way with Japan and expressing "s 'mIJl\thy with Chris. tlan Hullsla against thlll I III grn horde , " 'I'he resolution concluded : ' ' ' ! 'hat the slleclal 1.hanlm . of the ex. lied children of the 'llcatlCl'ed Gael' be extended to the Husslnn go\'ern- ment ro\ ' her worlc done In the Intel'- ests of humallity by her ollllosHlon to the lleslgllH of gnglnnd In Persia , 1'urlestan , 'fhlbet alul othel' Asiatic coulltrles , therehy IJre\'enting the extension - tension 01" Bngland's 't 'ranny o\'el' , helpless Ileollle , ' A eOIl ' of the resolutions will bo senl to the Husslan l1Jtnlatel' at Wash. Ington. Leaves Much to Charity. NEWPOIt'1' . n , l-tnarltable : Institutions - tutions ure bequeathed $200,000 by SUl'Ilh Schermerhorn , daughter of " ' . C. Schel'merhorn of New)1ort ) and New Yorl ( , whose will was filed for pro- hate In this cltr. Of this sum the home for conlHImlltives : at Den\'er , Colo" receives $50,000 , The remalnd , er Is dl\'lded nmong 1111111 bel' or chal'ltablo societies In New 101'1 , cltr Ready for Reciprocity. l\IEl.DOURNE-Premler Releln has announced III the House of Hellresen. tatlves that the fCllernl o\'ernmentls IJrOparoll 10 ulter Ihe tal'll. In fa\'ol' I11'Haln sacl'llIces If of Great , malelng , necessar ' , to secure reclprocnl lIreI' , Cl'ellces , Luetwln Needs Guns : : Ind Men. BEilI..lN-It was said In Holscllfta ; ell'oles thut Colonel I.uetwln , governor general of the Southwest Africa col , ( ) n ' , hnt > usleCtl fol' relnfol'cclI1ellts to the nllmhol' of 800 men and two moullted .haltel'lell. lIe has fOl\nd \ the HOI'rol'oH to ho ' 11101'0 numerous and botlel' llI'med than ho sllllilosed and they IWCUIJ ) ' u Rtron posltloll which the ) ' 1\1'0 fortlf 'lnJ. ; . . FIII'thOl' , Colonel Luotwln Is expoctlng I1ll11culty In IJrO- ' the ' from ' . ' \'entlng enem l'e.entol'lng the IlurtR of the cOl\ntl' \ ' he has ai , 1' nd ' cl'nre\ . . " . . . , " , , , I CONCENTRATION OF CHINESE , Russia's Motives In OpposIng Mobili. zatlon of Troops. BI HI.IN--'I'11l' I'ngohlatt puhllsht's n Nlnh'lIleut I'cgnrdlllg the lIIotl\'es o HUNln III ' 1I'ltl'slln ngalnst the con. ( 'ontnttlUII llf { 'hhH'NO troops on the Inlwhllrll\n rrontl I' , aUII Intlmat < ' . 8 thnt It llrlthlllt ' wllh thl' RURsiun l'lIIhl\I\r III U"rlll'I'hl' ( 'ol1ll1l\lnlcu- ( ton ntlmt till' nR ullllltl9n that Ih111ln wn hll\l\I'nl''ll \ hr IJolltical mo. th'l'I. ! III'h n l'hl'rllhln . dcslglls on Chhl H' hlrrltorr , III making this pro. ll'st. l t'rn\lH'OU $ . } lei' motl\'cs were lI\1r'I ' mllltnrr. Ihlssll11 ! 'l'II\\'lnccd ; : that she wilt soon O\'l'I'l'Onll' the Jnrl1tnCsl' . ne\'erthe' less she l'annot' ' Ill'rmlt thl' olleratlon of troop1 ! , 1101' can she be threatenell br dlsturhances III h'r rear. The prescnco oC Chlnesc troolls on the [ anchurlan herder might resnlt IJ1 IIn. pleasant occnrrences , 'fhe St , Pe'ters. llllrg government Is full ' convlnce that the Chinese go\'ernJl1ont Intends to maintain a strlctncutrallt . , bllt this concentration of troops wouM endan , gel' neutrallt ' , ' 1'ho Pel < 1n go\'ern , mont Its 1f II : ! not aure of Its troops , Yuan Shan Kal , the Chinese com' mander. wouM not .Hsohey . ordel's , hul It Is dlffer > JIt wilh Insnbordlnatlon anlong the Ioldlers , J [ Chll1ese troops ar ( ! now stationed on the frontier there Iii the danger that. at some fa. \'O\'ablo \ oJlPOl'tunlt ' the ' will esert and join the Chunchlls , 'Thls would male It lIecossary to detaeh Husslan troopl : ! fl'om the f'Ont ! 'to fight the mJ. ral\lel's In the I'eal' , hence Russia Oil' \loses \ the co centratlon , . LOOK FOR BIG BATTLE ON LAND. Russllns : Think crlsh : on the Yalu River Is Imminent. . . . . . . S'f. PE'fERSBURG-1'he only Il'lece of Imlortant ) news U)1 ) to this hour 1"1'011the seat of wal' was the AHoclated Press dlallatch from Port Al'thur announcing a freah attack on that place II ) ' the , Japanese lIeet. The .lIslatch . ) contained no detnlls , Another telegmm to the ASloclated Press from Vlalll\'Otol , has been re- cel\'ed , 'It malws no mention of fight. Ing and II Is assumed thnt all Is ( julet tbere , ' 1'ho l'oportR that , Japan has en , tered Innch\ll'la west of the Yalu rl\'er and has I'cached Feng Huan Cheng , on the Pel.lng rend , which Is the Husslm : line of communication to the Yulu , cannot ho contil'med , If the Information 1ll'o\ls true , a lanll engage. ment of Home magnitude Is imminent , It cannot long be delayed , as the Hus. slans ha\'c n hea\ ' ' force south of the line , hetween Llao Yanl , and , lukden , and the ' are also OCCuIJ 'lng strong po. sltlons along the Ylllu , A , Tapaneso column hetween them would be In n deslerate ) stmlt unless It moved by the lIank to tale the' RusRlans on the Yalu In the rear and was energetically sUlported ) by 'IL forward , Japanese mo\'ement from C < ? re , REB.ELS ARE , AINING JCTOR ES. ' - ReJ:1ortc : from San Domingo SIY : Gov. ernment Is Repulsed. SAN , IUAN , Porto Hlco-A seml.of. lIelnl lollel' reeel\'ed here from San Pedro de Iacorls , San Domingo. dated Februar ' 29 , gl\'es dot ails of the born. hardment of San Pedro De : 'Ilacorls } < 'ebruRry 27 b ' the Dominican war- shlls ) Presldente unll Estrella. 'fhe calltaln of the Presldente , u SlIanlllru& and slxt ' men on hoard of her were l\llIed , only six of the crew osca\ling \ without InjurleH. In 1111 se\ " ent ' .folll' men wore Ie 11I0 11 and twent ' - Ih'e were wounded on the two shl\Js \ , The Insurgents lost thlrt ' .slx men 1liIed 01' wounded. 'fhe Preslclente was drl\'en a.way . at da 'hreal ( I' ebruary 28 , the Insurgents ha\'lng brought UII a field 1)lece dur , Ing the night and unexlectedly ) Ollen , Ing fire on It , Se\'eral defeats of the troops of I'l'esldent IoralCs. with heav ' losses , hl\\'o heen reported late , Iy. General , lose Amll , r , who cl\ptnrell at San Antonio Dc Guerra Quantltlefl of pro\'lslons aud clothing and $2,000 In cash , Is now a ) lrlsonOl' at San Pe dro De : 'Ilacorls , FARMERS HpLD LESS WHEAT. Sell Closer Than in Former Years- Less Corn and Oats. WASHING'I'ON-The l\larch repOl't of the bureau of statistics of the de. partment of ngrlculture shows the amount or wheal remaining In furll\- el's' hands on : 'Ilarch 1 1.0 have IlOen about 132GOO,000 bushels , or 80,8lei' \ cent of last year'.s crop , as compared with 24Ii per cent of Iho crOll of 11IJ2 ! on hund March I , 1903 , and 23,2 Ill'l' cent of the crop of 1J01 ! on hanel on JI\I'ch 1 , 1J02 ! , 'fho com In fnrme'rs' hands Is eHII- mated at ahout 83JOOOOOO ! bushels , (1\ \ ' :17.4 : per cent of last 'ear's Cl'Op , against 41.1. ; 11er cent of the CI'OIJ of 1J02 ! on hand on : : 'II arch I , 1903 , and : ! ! J,2 Iler cent of the crop of 1J01 ! on hand on March I , 1J02. ! , Of oats , there are reported to ho allOul 275,700,000 hushels , or 3UIIeI' \ cent of last 'eal"s CrOI ) stili In farm. ers' hands , as com\lared \ with 3nU )101' ) cent oC the croll of 1902 on hnnel nn March 1 , 1J1JJ ! : , and : IOH Iler cent ot' the crall of 1901 on hand on March 1 lUO : ! , Victim of Poison Is Dead. pmnH , S. D-After II. weel. of hI' tense sUffOl'lng : 'Iliss Hmlll Nelson , thl' , , , Ictlm of 110lsonel1 cnrhl ' sen t fmlll. . Boone , Ja , . died at hel' home six mll ( " ; , north of this clt ) ' from Iho offcl'ts 0 : the drug , 1"1'01\1 the first the altC'lul InIlh / . 'sl lan Il < 'ld out no hOlll' , and whllo the 'Olll\b woman herself he- lIevell that aho'ould recover thl' ph ' . slelans who had been cnlled In'oulll gl\'o no hOlle. 'l'hat she held on 10 : ; long with the suffering Is attrlbutf'd to her health and strength , she boln II largo an strons 'oung woman. t > e , , . . ' " . . 1 u ' . . II . . . -ii. . . . . . . - - How's This , ? We oter 000 Hundred Doltlm Reward fer a DA.IO 'Ot Catarrh that cannot bo cured b1 lIall. Oat&rrli Cure , . : r. .T. O1tE EY Ie . CO Toledo , O. 'We , the nnderafgned have kno."n t , J , Ohener for the IIIU 15 yellU , IIna belle'l'o ' blm perteCII1 hone orable In an bUltne. . tranillctlo ! : . IIDd ODanelal1T lobI. to carr , out aOT ObUlllllloDa Inade b ) ' hll linn. " ' .ALDINO , KINNAn ) tADT/If , 'Vholeulo DrOIUlIu , TOledo O. nan' , Cat Irrb Cnre II taken InternallT , act ! DIr direetJ1 UPOD tlIO lllood 1I0d mucou. IUt1'OCU of Ihl ' , ICem , TMllmonlnl1 lent troo. l'rleo 7 OOD' " pu bottle. 80ld by Jlf1IItKIIU \ , TAk. nail' , ! I'amUT 1'1111 tor conetlpaUon. Bomo Infants mlcht cry loss it theIr mothers " , , 'ouldn't nttcmpt to vocalize. - Faith Is the hnnd wherewith 'Wo ' tnko o\'crlnsUng lIfo-Lalimer. A woman who 1001s ahead of limo I wonders It she \\111 bo as are other \ { . ' Did persons. THE WAEASH KAILROAD. East and South. Special rates on sale dailY' to nl1 Winter resorts of the South. Ualt : ' faro round trip plus $2,00 on first and third Tuesda's ench month to many ; points SO\ltb. 'rho only \lne \ with Its own statloa nt main enlranco of World's Fall" grounds. The Wabash rune on Its own rails from Omaha , Kansas CIt . , Des Moines , St. Loulu and Chl ago tl > Toledo , Detroit , Niagara Falls and Buffalo with through connections be- yond. All agents cnn route YO\1 via' th Wabash. For World's I < alr descrlp. tlvo matter and n11 Information address - dress , HarrY" E. Moores , G. A. P. D. . Omaha , Nebr. A fault which humbles a man Is or maI'o use to hIm th n good nctioD which puffs him up with pride. Glittering genera1\tlcs \ are as lIlel ? " to hurt the devil as tissue paper bul- i lets. - - To the housewlto who haa not yet become aCQuai'ntod ' with the noW' things or everyday usa In the market. and who Is reasonably satisfied with the old , wo would suggest that a trlo.J o Defiance Cold Water Starch be at once , Not alone because It Is guaranteed by the manufncturera to be superior to any other brnnd. but bccam.lo cach 10c packllSo contains - tains 16 ozs" while all the other kinds contain but 12 oZS. It Is safe to say that the lady who on co uscs Defiance Starch will use DO other. QunlltY and : quantity must wIn. Bachelors wonder how married mOD manage to put by any portion of their earnings. . 1\1utual Insurance Is the most 1'01'11 ; lar. Ten years ago there was about $10,000,000 In the state , Now , over $1GOOOOOOO , one-haIr of aU the FJro Insurance In the state Is In Mutual Companies. It Is also the oldest In. . suranco in the world , and Is cheapest , .alest an best , and no company bet. tel' tban the STATE l < ARMER'S MU. TUAL INSURANCE CO , of South Omaha , Nebr" D , R StoutIer , Secro tary. In the conduct of lIfo habit counts for moro than maxim , because habit Is a living maxim and becomes fiosb and Instinct. , ( Clear 'Whlto clothes r su that the housekeeper uses Red Cro6I : lll 1 Dlua. LarKo 2 oz. package , 5 conts. - - True happlnells consists not In tbe > multltudo of friends , but In the worth and cholce-Jo1nson. The con11lct with self and. selfisb- ness must uo fought out.-George . Dawson. A.k Tour Dealer Fo ! ' AUen' . l'oot.E. . . . A powder. It rests Ibe feel. Cures Corns. Bunions , SwelleD , Sore , Hot , Callous , Acbing , Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. AileD' . Foot-Ease makes new or tight sboe3 easy. At all Druggisis and Shoe slores , 25 cents , Accept - cept no substitute. Sample mailed FIUUt- , AddressAlleo-S , Olmsted , Le Roy. N. Y. It Is wlen men as with borses ; those' that ao the most prancing make the' \ least progress-Daron de Stnssart. Knowledge Is a trcasure at once- priceless and Impcrl bable.-Glad- stone. Every houselteeper should know that If tboy will bu ' Defian'e Cold Water Star"h for laundry use tbey I ' will save not only nme , becltlll > O it novel' stlclts to the I1'0n , but beca\ls each package contains 16 oz-one fult pound-while all other Cold Water- \ Starches are put up In 4.pound pacle. ages , and the prlco Is the same. 10 cents. Then a aln because Deflanc , Starch IrJ free from all Injurious chern. Icals , It your Jrocer tl'l's to seU ) 'OU n. 12.oz , paeago ! ; it Is because he has n stocl ( on hand which ho wlslcs te > dispose of before he puts In Defiance. Ho lmows that Defiance Stal'eh ha 11\'lnted on every IJI\clmgo \ In large letters - ters and figures "Iii OZ8 , " Demand : Defiance und SIl\'O much time and money ancl the anne 'ance oC the IrOD sticKing. Deflanco no\'or EtlCItS. Good breedln Is a. letter of credit all over the \VO\'ld. \ , . , - . -r- , . . ' I- I , ' . 1 !