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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1904)
. _ _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ ( UST R COUNTY RfPUBLlCAff . . . - - - - - - - By.D. M. AMSDERRV. - - - - - - DROKEN now , . . NF.UHASI\A - - . ! Brief Telegrams I Huusln. hna fift"HO\'t'lI WII 1'lIhl III ! lit. lorl Arthur , ' 1'horo nre l.J.1.000lormOllfl : III the United Stlltes. ' 1'hero 11I'0 11.110111 11,000,000 CnlhollcH In lho United Slutes , The pensloll luslle InRt 'ear WIIR lho Inrgost. In tOil 'ears , In 1 < 'llIllIl1d l'ellllecl' ! nl'o worth ollly $ iIiO It. head , 0110 of I heao IInlmals J'eccnlly co\'crell JlO : mlll.H III II. da ' . Prlsslnll , rnllwlIY CllrR hl\\'o only abollt threo.tellthll the clIl'I'ylng ca- ) J clty of UIOSO used III the Ullltud Stn.tes , Sennlor JlusRell A , Algor has been sued COI' 'It ! f'OI' falllll'o to Cllt thu weeds on propcl'l ' ownell b ' him In Knnsas CIt . ) ' . In the Unllf.111 I\lngllum ] nst yenr 8,600.000 [ ; ) Hl1Inlls oC tohocco pasllell' throllgh the cllstom hOllse for homo conRumptlon. There nre 22 , lenll pencil faclorlell In Germnll ' , which el1lpoy ] 2,81:1 : per- Ilona , nnd expOl't cuch 'cor 1GH tOIlR , of peuc1s ] , worth $2.000,000 , 1.IncolIuhl1'e ] hns lho hlgcst English farm. Over 2.000 ncrcs 11.1'0 unllr 1)Ollgh. ] 'rho IH.H OIH ] Inrl'ellt III nenl" Coldutream , In Northumherland , ' 1'ho horough of 1 lIlham , Londoll , hy the U80 of Its gurl1l1 e 111 the fllrlluce : i of the munlclpul electric lighting Iant ] , mnkes a Ilroflt of 8:1,412 : a 'ear : Professor { ( ) ( : , of HoldehCl'/o ] / ; ' , III , the only Instrllctor of nny unl\'crIIlty , In German ) ' who lectureon JOllrnnl. Ism , lIe hus for se\'ernl 'eal's lec. turell thel'e 011 t hlB IIlIhJe\t. : A largo amount of ha ' Is 1)ln/o / ; ' pllrchased In NO\'lIdn for Immedlnto shipment to Snn I l':1nclsco , It Is Dtated thnt the ha ; ) ' Is helng IlI1rchns. cd tor the Husslon goveJ'JJl11cnl. I 'I'ho olIest ] IIhll ) III the worlll , the mull schoon or Vlgllunt , rllll11ln Into St. Croix , l , W. I. , IIlIhonlh now 1111' dol' the l rench lIu/o / ; ' . WIIS built of Essex oue at gsscx. MnHs" In 1802. Owing to the dernoml of the 10 v- ernment for a ElIuruutec dellOslt upon : Its ] ega ] resen'o fuuds the I ljllllablo Lifo Inlllll'RnCO society of New YOI'c ! has unnollncJ(1 ( lis wlllllll'll.wu ] from Japan. Itny ] Is aool1 to celehl'll.te at Aatl and Florcnce t he centenary of Il grout. tragic poct , Alfieri , lie Is burlcd at Forence. ] Alfieri , nnnowly escupcll being ul110tlned In Paris during the rovoutlon. ] 1\IIs8 Alice N. Hall , II. gruelunto of Mount IIolyow ] college and who holIn ] n mnster's degree from Obm'lIn , Ohio , 'has been olectell usslslant pllstor of the Congl'cgatlona ] chlll'ch In Fonll . du Lac , 'Vis. , Mrs , William I , Chlshom ] , a widow of College Point , Ii , J" hna set asldo n plot on her estnte for the Imrlal of her dogs. Mrs. Chlsholln's ! lon.ln.lnw : Is n of lho pl'csent Dulw , og 1\Iarlborough , 'rho New Yor ] , Dally News , which 'about R . ) 'ear ago abandoned the after. inoon nowspaJlm' tled ] and became n , morning llllhllcntlon , hUll discontinued : lts Jlnbllcntlon UII n mornlnl ; news. , paper , und wl11 allpenl' as an after. l lOcn pUlOr. ) Miss Vaentlno ] Smith , I' Roclety woo 'man of Chlcnga , hus wdlten un Interesting - teresting ode on the centennla ] cele. bratlon In that city. She has heen u writer of poetr ' slnco a child. anll James Whitcomb Hllc ' 15 one of 1101' 'warmeRt admh'cl's , Several Chinese cllies ha\'e erected tcmlcs ] In honor of 1.1 IIl1n Chan , tIlls tomh also has the Corm of Il tOIll' llo. ' 1'wo of Its Inscriptions IIJ'O : "All conntrles In the worlel mourn Jllm , " nnll "He changeel hCln'oll ancl evolIt1onlzell ] the ourth , " SecretaI' ) ' 'Vllson , Iho farlller 1II0m. : tJor of the Hoose\'olt cuhlnet , In 10' In ( ; sOllth to mal\O a lIel'lHlnal In\'estl- gatlon of the colton cro ! ) for the I'CS' ont year. There ha\'o been so IIIUllr con lctlll l'eports on the sllhJot ; from oI elu ] alll1 unotl1clul sOllrces 'that ' the secretnlT hns conclIdell ] he may bo able to 10:1I'u 1II0re b ) ' Ilm'sonul obser\'atlou , 1\11' . Beaupre , Unltell States minister , to Colomhla , lms t1'l\nsmlttel ] to .tho stnte dOII rtmont a copr of a ] uw cu. nctell hy the Colomblau cvnTcss , 11)1'o\'ldlu ( ; Cor the Isolation of Icpers In each department of the rellllhllc , "One of the Iravest questions con. .fronting Coom ] hln t hese lIu 's , " sn 's i , Mr. Deallilro , "Is the terrlhlo one of leprosy. This awfll ] disease has In. vaded the cOlllltl' . to an alarming extent - tent nnd extraol'lliuar ' meusllros have becHno nocossal' ' to clICCI , Its 'progress. ' " . I The state lelI l'llIIent's onswor to 'Genera ] He 'es' Corll1nl note , seltlng Iforth Colomhla's nllegecl grlC\'Jlnces. has been pl'epnrecl nt the l1epurttncnt /Recording / to Secl'otar ' Hn "s Inlltrllc' 'tlon , anl1 the dl'aft mOll1ol'andulI1 18 in Mr. IJaY' hunllll for 1111.0 ] consll ! . . orntlon anll re\'lslon , r : I Count Max 1.0 Coeppoy de ] a For. cst , secrelal'y oC lho houl'l ] of health i nnd a director of the wutOl' B 'stem " ot Pnrls , Franco , Is now re\'lewlllK the Plko's Peu ] ( rcglon and gutherlng ; t tlBUCS I'ogal'dlng climate and the t. ' tamous water 8uppl ) ' of Colorado r S1. ? II Ii' , . . . . , , - - - - - - - l-RIAl SOON OVER DIETRICH AND F'ISHER FOUND NOT GUlL TV. THE INDICTMENTS ARE QUASHED Court Dccldcs That the Senator Was Not I Member of CongretiG When Contracts Were l\1ade--He Is Therefore - fore Not Guilty 013 ChLlrtd. ! ) .o I lI , , -'I'ho Dletr\'h \ trial III tM fedUl'nl < ' 11'1:1111 : l'Olll't Is a Ihllll ; of till ! pIIsl , 'l'ho HennlOl' II/HI / ( ' ( ' fOllnl1 1I0t ' of ' ' ' hl'lho hall the glllll ( ( ( / : a , 1I1111ctml'lIls of cOlIspl'ae ! ' IIg'1I1ISI , him ( I II n r ; II.H I I'pallfle I he cOllrt helll he coulc ] 110t he ehnl' ell Iwleo with Ihe snlllo orfC'lII'e 111111 wnB rello\'c(1 ( fl'Ol11 dufelllllnit hll11st'lf III t hc ehlu'ge 01' ( ! II' joYing a 10lHU : wll h the govcl'llment IIflon thc motion IIf Ihe dlsll'lct at tOl" lIe ' , Hllmmt'l's 1'fIltHHI ! In 1IIIIIw an ' HIlIln. II1cnt lifter lho Il'lal wus 1I\'m' , 110 salll "I hl\\'e flll'lhol' . : \ \ no fltutumenl. .to I11l1he'-lIolhhll ; 1I100' ( ! to Hay , [ thlnl , , " "I ha\'I ! not hlng 10 fllI ' , " Halll Sl'lI- alor Diet rlt'h , "hl'YllllIl l hu fact t hnt [ wus willing 10 WIII\'O IIny It'chnlcnl. It ' III orller' to HOClIl'e II 1'1111 tl'llIl. M ' allorlleYR all\'lHl'd nl ( ' , 111111. I helle\'e , I ( ! OI'l'oclly , I hat I hn co1I1'1 wOlIlII not 11.1. low the cuc to go , III Ihe JlIl'y , COI' the l'cnRon Ihnl HlIl11nJI'S ! wo JlI1 lIol HIIII c01I11I 1I0t PI'O\'U I hnl I WIIS a lion. nlol' when Ilw Inalle wus J1HlIle , 'l'he ] ease was l11udo hofm'e I \\'all e\'n cleclo(1 ( Renutor :11111 whllc I \\'UII HUll I go\'erJ1or , SUI11J11m'fI IdleW I his ! Ind ] ( I\e\\ ' t hnt hla eaHe wOllld not he ai- lowell to go 10 thc JIII' ' , hilt he pel" Hlslell In his l'fful'l soll'ly to hesmlrch Iny namc , " At the S31110 tllIIe In the COlIl't 1'00111 Senalol' Dlell'Jeh wan HIII'rOlllllleli b ' a grollp or fl'lenlls anxlolll > 10 IIhal\C his 11111111 IInd tll say that cven I hOllgh lhe pJ'OHecllllon losl out hecallse It had 1I0t heHII HhuI1C1i III cllnfol'llllt ) ' to law , they WI'I'O sallsfll' ( ] 111111 lhc 80natOl' WIIS gulllloRs IIIC'I'all ' IIH wl'lI us tech. J11t'ull ' . Ills dall hlel'IIHR Ut'I'll'lllle Dlell'lch , was Iho ccnlel' of n Ihl'OlIg of WOllll1n , omlllnl ; IInd talllnfreely / ; for the fll'sl lime since the 11'Iul he. gen , Posl masll'l' , Jal'lIb ] lshCl' of JInHllngs , who ulso was fl'eeLl of Ihe chul'gcs Ilending agalnsl hll11. was ox- Ill'esHlllg his sltJsl'aelfoll IIn(1 ( slIylng lhllt he IIld not Ollre HO milch ahout the 1lIlIlell11ent. hut thllt It wns "his girls" I hnl werc t he most ooncorned o\'el' I he IIInl tel' , A 11105t lIo1l1hle assemhlugo of ] 11. . w- 'ers heol'll I he Ilell\'el'lng of .Judge Vall Dentm' of lhc Iwo declslolls , hoth of which ueLUel1 Ilolnts lIe\'el' be. fem rnlser ] In Alllel'lcun Jurlsprullence , the IIl'sl a8 to whethel' a senator Is a memh'r of lonll'ORH when tHa ] nfter he IH electell OJ' upon 1IIlting the onl11 of omeu. I1nll the lJcOIlIl IHJlng on the cOlltentlon thut n Icut30 with the go\ " ' ernment mode by II l11emhCl' of con. gl'css before ho hecol11cs such Ill ! om. ( 'PI' Iloes not opomlo to cuuso him 10 fmcturc the ] IIW hCCUUEO Its pro\'ls. Ions 111'0 ollhel'ell 10 anCl' the leaser becomes a pUhllc o 1cer. 'I' I It' 110lnt 11f ! to the nXl1cl time a ) lerSOIl ] ) ( 'comes a membm' uf congress was ralsell b ' ( I en e I'll I Cowin IInl ] argnee ] b ' hoth silles , 1l hul ! hoen untlclputell I1S a'ltll ] fClltme of the brlberr cuso anll the .fllllges hull III'e' ) lured fOl' It. 'rhey wOl'e I'oull ' , thel'c , fOl'e , with the lIechllon : , allhOllgh , as Jullgc De\'untor snll ] , thc l'e:1fmnln : hacl not heen rellucJe ! lo I hc form In which It will IItl1nll upon Ihe court rec. ol'lls , "FI'om the conclusions. " ho said at the encl , "wo must hHilrllct the JIII' ' to finll this defCl dnnl not gulll ' . "Gontlemen of lho jury , It reslIlts from that whleh has heen just snlll III 'Olll' III'eSenc ( ! Ihllt , It' ull the e\'I. dellcc which the IlI'osecut 1011 hns In hllnll nnll which wros lIesCl'lhcll wore l10W Introeillcoll and heforo 'ou , It would oJlpelll' thaI thc II'fenllllllt Iwe ] lIot IIttulllt'e ] thut olllcial l'oll1tlon with t hI ! UnHori StaleH which wnH l1cces' surr he Rhoulll hll\"c altllillel ] In ordel' to como within Ihl' Inhlhltlon of t 'I3 ! IItalule , 111111 hence wo must Instl'lIct 'Oll 10 flnll the lIefendllnt 1I0l Iulll ' , 'I'hc c\'ldcIH't' has hl'en r'llIlcrcII IICC- ( ! ssur ' nnll It Is 'our lIutr to IIn ( ] thl' dcfCl1tlnnt not gllllly. " PORTO RICANS NOT ALIENS. United States Supreme Court so De' cldes In Old Gonales Case. WASIIlNGTON-ln un oJllllon h ' ChicI' .Justlce Fulll'r lIH' HUI'Cme C01ll't of the Unltell Stutes IIl'clllell that the clLlzens of Porto Hll'lI al'o lIot ulIen3 of thc lnltOlI Stlltes anll thut thl'Y uro t'nUtled to entm' lhl ! , COIllltl' ' without ohstl'lIctlon , 'fho olllnlon WUII 1l'II\'l'I'Cll ] In the case of tht' 1'01'10 Hlcnn woman Gon. Znll'g who , In IJO ! , wus refused : \1111118. lilon to the 1101'1 of Nl'w Yorl , on the 11'011I11 ] that she WUI ! Illwl ' to hecomo a lIullllc churge , The eeclslon ] was hased entlreh' on lho Immlgl'lltlon nct oC IS91 111111 too ] , tlw grolllll ] that the Porto Hlcans ewe ulleghl11co to the United Stutes uIIII to no other go\'o I'll' ment. F'rance Will not Interfere. I.ONDON-Daoschner , tlrtit SOCI'O' tnl' ' of thl ! [ ' ' ( ' omhas r , In un In. tervlew ] < 'riliay SI1\1 \ ] I hut the ] Ircsent alTangl'ment het\\'oen 1 'I'anco unll Grent 111'\tuln \ were such thnt It wou1I ] ho Iml10881ble to dlBturh them , 'I'ho BeCl'etnl'r said that o\'en If Korca end China jolllel ] Jnllun they wOllld not ho conslclerell liS Ilowel's within the meanlnl { of the Frnnco.Pruslilnn treaty and that , thel'cCore , It wi : ' not bo 11\\0. \ Iy thnt FJ'anco will he callctl on to interfero. . " , , 'I\ ' ; , U& . . _ 1I I CURTAIN WAS DAD , i _ I , S:1ld to H:1Ve Fnlled to Work at Pre , I vlous F'lre. I CJ IWAGO , - g\lIellcl ] ! showing I gl'lJliscr crlluinnl lIeJlIgPl1I'1' tI'un nllY ; pl'e\"lolIsly lle\lollIll \\'aR gl\1I1I unrler loalh In the UI'O 1I-/IIrll1ll'nt'lI Innmtl. I Jatlon : of I he l1'oll ( ell ! 1101'1'01' , I .105l'llh ] ) Ull hl'l'I ' , whu hull chnrgo of the cllrlllln , 1'1\\01'0 ' Ihut two woels ago IhlJ'III ! a IIIl1t IIwl' lIel'fOl'lIIl1ncc III'f ! WUH n fll'l' on tin sta o und Ihnl. whell 111.1 1Iltl'I11pldli to lowm' thc allJCsloR ! : clIl'talli II WIIK fltopped hy the I sal1lo OIIHII'IH'loll ! , a projecting Illanl ( pilleol ] for II lallll'l'lI 8IrulI ] . Ihat lIre. vlItell ! II II opl'l'allon IIIHt Wpdnesdn ' , the flliol IIflel'lIooll , 'fhe ( 'III'tlllll 1I1111lngel' lIeclarcs thot ho IU'ol < 'Hlml 01 that tlllll' . hilt thnt 110 IIltl'lItion wa ! ; pall ] 10 his Wl1rll' lng' , In hili oplnloll , If thc cllrtaln hlllJCJPII \ 1'1111 do\\'n dlll'lng the fnlu ] lIIalillPe , thc Ih'es of II1UIl ' , If 1I0t ull the \'Icllllls of thl' dlsastel' . I1Ilght , hU\'e beell Ha\'CII. It'as enl ' h ' thc ! I11I'I'PII. OhlllH'lJ Ihut a pUlllc was nvert , e(1 ( as the l'e1I1l of Ihc first fire , The sl , 'IIght at that lillie , hc said , wall se. clII'elr dosed. Aftt'I' Ihe IlItpl'\'lew with Dallgherty A lIorn(1 ' 1 IIIIcl'silJl ; Hair ! I he 1'1111101' of a III'e\'lolI ! ! tll'e at the theater had hcen 1I1\'t'sllgal < ' (1 ( se\'cral days ago , hill as II hur ! IIeen denied II ) ' most of lhe alllhol'lllcH , IlIcJIIIII1 ( Will J , Da\'ls , he had hoell ( 'omlwllell to he. 111.1\1.1 thut the 1'01Iol't hnd no proper IInll18 , , "So fRr II ! ! I CHII learn , " sail ] At. tOl'1I0 ' Jo'nll\Ol'l1oll , "tho fire two weel { ago wus In II. Illle of comhllstlhe ] mu. terlalJlle \ ! ; of tbc stogO Hnd wan ex. tIIlL nlshl'(1 ( wll hOlll olnrmlng the I\IH1I. I'II ( O , 'rho fire cllrlaln fnlled lo wor ] ( , 111111 why Ihls warlling was disregard. 1)(1 ( Is a ml1ttm' that lIainebody will ha\'o 10 explllln , " Dallghorly'H slatemellt waa I11ndo 11111101' oath. Speuldng of the syllght ] on the IIIY ] of the IIrst fire. ] ) l1l1ghel'l ) ' Ilccllneel I hut I he RIYlighls aho\'e the slage were closed , I1S were the ven. lllators hetwecl1 the HylIghts. ] 'l'he latter were 1I0slgll0l1 to C'eute an 11f1' wal'll drullght In case of fire , 'I'he venlllatorR wCl'e opemtef ! hy a. loyer , hilt Dal1gherty lIeclaroli no attempt wus I11l1l1e to olen lhem 1I111'Ing the t mglc fil'o which calJ1c a few days ] ah.I' . 'I'he velllllalors were In 1101" fect COli II II lon , he Sl1ld , alld hall heen OIICl'llel ] a IIl1mher of times eIII'lng ] tht' ollgagcment ot' the llIlIe Beul'Il com , pun. ) . . lIe co1I11I gl\'e no explanation a8 to why the yents were not opened when the fire hrolw olll , HcclII'I'ln : . ; to lho Cl1l'luln. DUlIghert ) ' InBlsteel thnt It'aq 110t a light on the llroscenlll.1I l1I'ch. hut the lI\'o.foot Illan ] ( which \\'aH I1sell ns It lllat fOl'1J1 10 HIIRtnin hlH "Hlmt" light which ob , strl1ctcll t 1C aslH'stoH clII'tnln , CLASSIFICATION OF MAIL. Bill Introduced Providing for Sweep. Ing Changes. WASHNGTON ! - Hepr < , sentatlve Dalzell of Penll8 'h'allla Inll'ollnl'ell a hl1III'O'IIIIng \ fOl' the eonRollentlou ] or thlt'll alld fonrlh < 'lass l1Iull mntt.el' , to he allmillell at the ! 'alo of 1 cent for eaell two OllnClJH , 'I'he hill numl'r- utes In lIetnll ol1'h lIJ'tlcle 10 110 all- mlt tell In this ( 'laSH"IIIPlul1ell In whl'h Is " ( lnCen hem ! . when III'opCJ'I : pucwd. ] " He also Intl'Oellll'C'11 a 1111anthol'I1. \ - Inlho postmasler Ienel'al to uect'pt all 1'0 nIUl'I ) ' IS8ul'el llUhllcations for tl'ansml8slon In Ih ( ' mails at n hull , rate of Ii cenls a pOllnl ] . when not les : ! than 500 pOIIIIIS ] 111'0 PI'OSt'lltel ] ul 0110 time. allll that thl. ' IlUhllcalioll shall hU\'e 110 lesR thuu fonr ! 8snc : ; 0 'eal' , ullll oneh l'Op ' "hall wl'hh at least olle and one.hnlf Olll1CeS , Section 2 o Ihls hili stnles : "That l'ogulul'r ] lri' suell Il1Ihllcntlons. liS herein Iloscrillcli os second.elass mil II 01' , shull hl'reaf tel' be dpsllnatel1 flfth.l'Ioss 1I1att < 'l' I wilh IIImlBslon ] to the malls us h ( > rl'ln state ( ) . " HI ! also IntreulIl'cII ] a hill III'o\'ldlnJ. : thnt at lensl :1,000 : lIenticul ] IIIN't.s or thll'l ] 0111 ] fOlll'th class mallei' muy he l1el''lltl'l ] fOl' tJ'nnsmlssloll thl'ongh t h. mnils wlthoul posIngI. ' slumlls ll1lix'el , pl'ovlceel ] thl' postnfe shall he Iialci In filII thereon , . - - - - - - - - - - - - - WESTERN MEASURES ARE UP , The Nebl'aska RecresentativeG Are Heard From. 'WASlIING'I'ON , D , C-HepI'esenfa- tI\'o llllrClt ] Int1'OI1I1 < 'eli a hili pro\'I'I- In ! ; for the ) layml'nl of losses SIlF- I alnell hr lIulon sollllel' < ; In IUl\'lnr. theil' OI'ms , IICcolltpl'm'nls aull < 'lolh , Ing tn\On ] from 1I1l'm h ) ' the rebels Iurlng ] the civil WUI' , 'rho hill 1)luceli the IImollnt or $ :100 : liS the limitation to he 11011 ] In anr 011 < ' Inell\'lIlnlll case , Helll'espnt ul/\'o / ; \1 cCal'l ' I'ecom. 111011111ll1rlon ] ; ] , Hlchardson 10 llll allllOlnll'l1 lIe tmnfitor at Clnr1er. , : [ . riel , cOllnt ' , Nehrnsm ] , Hopl'csontal/\'o / "Ial'tln Iutroelllcell a hill In set allllrt n 1101'1 Ion of'CJ'n. . menl ] alld 111 the Blucl , Hills ellstrlct to h ( ' ulwll liS a Jlnbllc pnrl , und 111 cOIlIIpCl/ulI / wllh thl' Soldiers' home at 1I0t Sln'lngR , S , D , 'I'hls par ] , Is to he ] WOWII liS the BllttlellIIlI1tnll1 : San. ltal'lum Ilnl'l" Free Admission of Coal. WASHNGTON ] - HoprOSf'ulatlv ( ' WilliamslIos ( : , ) Introeillcee ] a hl1\ \ III'o\'lcllng : "That from the time nnll after the IlIIssnge of this l1't 110 dnt ' shall ho le\'led 01' collected IIlIon cool uf any form 01' descI'lJltlon ItnlloJ'tCl ] Illto the Unltl'll Sloto'l from forolgll conlltrles , " Also a bill 1'0q1ll'Ing ! the seerotar ' of the tl't'asur ' to mnO fnll rel1.1to of IllItics 1111\11 \ Oil all coa ] or o\'er. ) ' description ItnIIOl'lCl ] Into the Unltell States from forolgn countries Cor the Ilcrlotl or ono 'car. , LI _ " " " - - - LOOKS LIKE WAR : OPINION PREVAILS THAT IT CAN. NOT BIZ AVERTED. - RUSSIA MAKES UEW DEMANDS Amerlcm PILln Subject of Intercst- Dlplomnta Wonder What 'Course thin Country Will Purtue In Acla-Japan Pleased With Marines' Landin ! ) . LONDONo-The Dally : \Inll's 'l'olclo clII'I'esllOJ1 < lent ] ( , /II'ns / thnt HU9Ia ! : ! hag mnde new denllllul > > which It will he Impossible for .Iallllll lo entertnltl IIIHI practlcnllr remo\'cs nil hOllcS of pa. cille Helllemenl. 'l'he ( Orl'CSIIOlulont HIlYS that nil the powerll lu'e landing troolls III ( 'orca and thnt the British blue jnclwls ] alldm ] nt ChClllupo ] n1'C cxpected to IO to Scoul Im1Tledlateh' . . Conslant lelegroms nre pnsslng be. I twecn 1\1. Pa\'lol1' , the HU31JIau minister i to Coren , Duroll De Hosell , the Hnssluu I mlulstor to , lalIIII , and Viceroy AI. exleCt. PEKIN-Genernl Yauu Shal 1\11.1 . , of the Chinese army l1ud na\'y , sent his fOl'ulgn nd'i \'Iser , Charles Denhr , Jr" to Pe/n ] / to lu\'osLlgate the I'eport us to the proba. I hlllt . of war , Mr. Denbr haR reported that nccordlnl ; to the hest opinions oh. tllluable , hnIJod on dlpomaLlc ] Infol'n1l1' tlon , wnr cannot he I1\'OJ'ted , PAHIS-Ofllclal and dlplomaLlc re- 11l'esentaLl\'es bero claim to he with. out InCormaLlon regnrdlng the contents of the Rusulan I'eply to JUlIan , but the tone Is dlsLlnctl ' pessimistic nnd there ure hnt 811ght hopes of U peaceful exit from the poslLlon In which Hussln and , Iapan find themsel\'es , 'l'he diplomats nre matlng ] Inljuil'les ns to the attitude of the powers In case of war , that to be ndolted ] hr the Pultcd States helng regarded as pnrtlclllarlr Important. ' 1'0 the Associated Press the Japancse II1lnlslOl' said : "Tho attitude of the United States will menn milch , It has negoLlated a treat . wllh China fOl' the opening of three ) Iorts In Munchlll'la to the com. merce of the wOJ'ld , ' 1'hese ports bavo heen Occllilled h ' HlIssla n.nd thus tbe trcaty rights have been \'Iolated , Jalmu II ! not guided hr solllsh mo. tlves , hut Is actlllg In the Intm'est of all nutlons , 1 hope the Cnlted States will clearr ] understand our petItIon and will favor liS with their support , " 'I'ho cOJ'J'esmnelent ; aslwd the minis- tm' If he had lost all hope of IlCnce , "I ne\'er lose that hOlle , " bo replied. 'J'he Chinese legutlon claims to be wlthont ! nformatlon III regard to the . attltndc of China In the e\'ent of'm. . Jt wns tlale ] that at the ontset. It was certain thnt nelltrallty woud ] be pro. clnlmed , hilt In case of . .JalH111ese'Ic - torles It'Ollhl not snrprlBe the ] ega. LIon If the Chinese shonld cast their 'lot with .Iupan , 'fhls wo1I11l scrlousl ' embal'l'uss Hnssla , not hecause of the Importance of thc Chinese 11.8 a fight. Ing force , hilt hecallse of the danger of the Interrllptlon of the Hnsslan com. n111nlcllLlonll , The nctlon of the United States In sel1lllng 111111'Ines lo Seoul , Corea , Is 1'0' garded hero as ] lOlng a "significant In. dlcatlon of the trend of Its S111patll ' , " and It Is ] mown to he gratifying to .TnDt.n. hecause It estahlishes n prece' dent which llw .Jalmnesc can follow If necessary In deharltlng a strong force on the llenlnsnln , LETTER FROM GENERAL WOOD. One Received by Magazine Writer to Be Used Against It : ; Author. WASHNG'rON-The ] senntc com. mlttee on military nffalrs has recel\ ' . ell from Hur Stannard Bn01' ] , the maguzlne wl'ltel' , a ( 'op ) ' of a ] etCl' ! which Genei'll ! Wood Wl'oto to him just 111'101' to I he ] aUer's appearance us a witness III the \Vood In\'esLlga- tlonJr : , Uowr ] told the commlttce of the leller when hc was on the sland and was thcn asl\Cd to send Cor Il l'OPY , 'rhe ] elll'l' dlsclIHses the Hlln- cle Ineiliellt end hr Inference suggests - gests lhat11' : . Bam' ] rcfl'esh his mll1ll along emtaln lines Indicated hy Genera - era ] \\'ood , 'I'ho ] eller hn.s heen or , dercd prillted a an alldenda to the proceellln s hl'fol'e : I he committee , ' 1'he I11lnJ'It ' members of tll ( > C0111' mltteo who ho\'o voled against the nomination will arplIe ; to the senalo Ihat the 11111'pose of Goneml Wood's lettel' was to preJlldice the witness , Contested Election Cases. WASIHNGTON - Honso elections ( 'ommllteo No , : : fixed Fohl'1Jary 15 for hearing argnments In the colltest- el ( ooctlon ] cuse of HernolIf1 ] against BlltlCI' , from the Twelfth dl trlet of : \lIs80llrl. ' 1'ho committee tool , up the Colorallo cose of BOII'ngo aall1st Shafroth , Chalrmnn Olmsteall nil- 1I0intellI18SI'S. : . \1111'r , ClIl'I'lm' nnll SlIlIIvnn as a sllh.commlttec to In\'es , tlgate the hallots , . She is Victim No. 591. CHICAGO-Tho lI'oljllols theater fire calmell I1nothel''Ictim 'I'lIeslo ( ) ' , ma ] { . Ing the total numhOl' of Ioath ] li91 : : \tilis .Joscphlne 81)'n0 ) was ono of these sc\'el'clv hll1'11ell nt lhe fI"e " , Shl' was fonnll b ' I'elntl\'es allll tnlwn to her homo , whOl'e she Ilell ! Tueslln ) ' , Acquits Customs Officers. iANlJ.A-Ballunlh1f' : Inl ] ! lllIIcl' , ehal'gell with eIIHllh'a ( ' ' to defrnulJ the customs h ) ' flll'lhorlnl ; Ihl' IIIcgol enlrr of an ( 'xempt cluss of Chlneso , ha\'o hoth hoen nCljulttlH ] In the cus. toms court of I1PllCnlH herol'o Judges Crossficld anll HOXI1S , W , D , Bollan- tlno wnR an Insll'IIII' oC customs nt the time of his alTest Co I' the Issllnnce of nllcgol ! Cl'I\udulnnt Chlnoso COl'tltl. catos , and .John T11I01' : [ . hnlillentoll with him. was a Cormel' Inspeclor of Immlgmtlon. I . . " . . . . . . . / . " . - ' , ' " - , " . ' . " ' . \ . . r. . _ _ I THE NEW CANAL TREA V. Presld l1t Sendc to Congress a Special Message. WASIIINGTO--Presl.cnt . ] Hoose , velt sent to thc lienote nlll ] house on l\londn \ ' II. sp'clnl 1I111I"age " In rogord to the lIew I'nnnmn canRI treat . , lIc troots t he In ' ' ' , topic c\'cr I'efpecl ! at gleat ] ength , I'Ocltlllg 11 history oC the Ismlthlan comm'rce In BUIIIIl't of recent - cent nctlon The Ul1Ited Stntes , ho sa 's , must control the cunnI. An oh. IIgatlO1 rests Ulon ) lhls nation to sc' Cill'O unl'eHlrlcted use of llw Sl1me , He details I1t lI1uch ] cnglh 0111' . ] eallng3 wllh Collltuhla , onll sa 'R that the nogo. tlollons In which the United Stl1t03 was jllst nnl ! generous were I'ejectcd h ' the SOlllh American ro\'el'nment. ; . In the course of hlg message PI'es' Ident Hoose\'oll says the Cnct Is hl'ought homo that If a canal Is hulll to connoe ! Ihe Atlantic and PaclJlc oceans the United States Is the enl ' country that can hllllll It. 'rho oct of congress ] II'o\'irlng ! for the waterwu ' . he malnlalns , favors the Panuma 1'0llte , wIth Nlucaragun 8econdarr , at least , If not a ] ast l'esOl't. 110 pre. sents n mass of dO'lImentnl' ' evillence hearing on the re\'outlon ] golnl ; to IlrO\'e that thlll government In no wny Instigated i. , hilt ncted t he part oC deCender oC life nnd IlrollCrtr , and car. rwd out Its trenty pledge to the wol'ld to presc1'\'O free transit , aCI'MfI the Isthmus. Coomhla. ] lhe IITt sldent says , hrouEht ; ahollt the rlslllg b ' hOl. own hall fnlth towal'lI the United States , and disregard for the pleas of the sc'edln peoille of Panama. Fl. uall . , sa 's the president to congress , the question resoh'eR itself Into the plain Ilroposition : Shall the new lreat . wllh Panama be I'atified : shall the canal be hllllt ? FAILURES OF LAST YEAR. Bradstreet's Reports 9,561 : with Lia. bilities of $154,277,093 , NEW YORK-Thero were ! J , GS failures reported to Bradstreet's In the caonllar ] year 1903. with 1Iablll. ties of $1ii-li7,093 : ! aull nssets oC $8. . . . OGO,4ili. This ml1rled a decrease In numher of jllst 1101' cent from 1902 nnd ot' 8 lieI' cent from 1901. With the excoptlon of 1899. the In. i crease over which Is 1 A ) IeI' cent , the I 'ear 1903 shows the smallest number of failure casualties reported since 1887 , Lll1b III ties , however. owing prl. marll ' to the Increase In susflenslons of financla ] Institutions , hut also he. couse of lhe heav ) ' number of manu. facturlng l'oncel'11S suspcndlng. were 1 larger by 4 lIeI' cent than those of 1902 and the heaviest In Cact since 189i. ' 1'hero were ! HiG failures hlYo\ ] Ing $8,328,362 of ! lahlllties and $ : : ,85 : ! , . 197 of assets In the Dominion ot' Can. ndn In 1903 a decrease oC 12 Ilel' cent In number anll 11 practically Idcntlcul total of liabilities , WHERE DIFFERENCE ARISES. - Korea Is the Bone of Contention In the Far Eat. PARlS-1t developed Tuesday that the greatest difference between Rlls , Bla and JalJan arlsos from the 1)1'0 fl' osition made by Hllssla that neutral. Ity shaJl b ostabllshed. extending from Ping' Yan In KOl'ea on the south to the Husslnn frontll'r on the north , The Husslan government has eXIII'ess. ed a willingness to reco nlze the pre. pondering Inlluence of' Japan In the remainder of Korea , and the Ilrlnclplo of the Integrlly of China find or Korcl1. .Japan. howcver , aw no reaGon wh ' the ) ) reposed neulral zone Blould ] be estnbllshed , hodlng ] that the entire penlnsl1n. ] should be subject to her preponderance of Inflllf'nco , The ut. l\tl1de \ of RUBEola 15 hello\'cd to he due to the fact that If .Japun controls Korea S1O will thel'ehy be abe ] to moro oUllllr mennce Port Arlhlll' as well as Vladlvostol , FRANCE IS NOW DIPPING IN , Would Prevrnt the Tr < lnsfer of the Canal PI'operty. WASHNGTON-A ] dlslmtch to DI' . I1errnn. Colomhlan l'harge d'arralres , received fl'om Purls. said that 11 I.'rench l1'lbunlll had heen apII ( > l1loll to h ' nil agl'nt of Colombia with a view 10 preventing' the tmnsfO ! ' of the Pall , ama Cona ] COIl1II11I1 "S rights 011 the IHthmus to th ( ' American O\'el'lIment without the ( 'onsont of Colomhla , CO\1ns1 ! for the Colom hln 11 go\'orn' ment , accorclln to III ( ! dlspl1t'h , al ! ' Slll'd the aJwnt ho thonJht : there was good { ) l'OlInd fol' hellevlng the errOl'l to IlI'event the trnllsfel' wou1I ] he suc. cessful. 'fhe stell. It Is salcl. Is with the filII cOlnbmnco of lho Colomhlan au. thol'ltlps nnl ] wus lustltntl'll - h ) ' I1n agent cf lllf' o\'el'nmont , who Jelt the Unll'd Slates nftel' ( 'onfiultatlnn with Gelleral Ro 'es 11111 ] Ik HCl'rnn , 'I'hl' end souht to he otlnlncll Is to fl'llstrate the ! lalo of ( 'oneesslons , franchlles nnd 111'0rI' : ( ' of the cana ] comllalW to the Unlte ( ] Intts. Irell' aratlons COi' whll'h nJ'l'ad ! ) ' ha\'o h ( > lm 11I1101' ] war. the nmount to hn palc ! h ' this go\'el'lIl11'nt helng $40.00UOUO , I Navy Estlm < 1tec Reduced. I W ASHION ] , D , C-Secl'elnn' of lhe Na'yIoodr. : . with the \'Iew ( ; f I usllng congress fOl' sllch SUIl1S on ] ' as I1re reljllirod COI' lho ' ' nnfor tlte comlllg ' ( mr fol' conslruetlon nnd mo. chlnol' ' h ' H.OOOOUO. and has ellm. 1I111toli the $ ,100,000 CO ! ' equtllnmt ! of \'essols under lhe same helld , 'rho atl. plication fOl' consll'Uclion and ' m' ' III 0 one maehln'l original elin ales enllell COI' $23 , . 000,000. , - _ L. - 'NO ' SAFE DEVICES j - I MANAGERS OF THE IROQUOIS I THEATER ARE EXAMINED. NOTHING DotlE TO PROTECT LIFE Testimony of CornpLlny Offlccr ! > Shows that Eleven Exits Were Locked and Dolted When the Fire Occurred. CHWAGO-Br their owu o\'honco ] I gl\'en before : \Ionroe 1 IIJ\wl'son \ , who ' condllC'tlng the fire dellll'tll1ont In- 1" \'esllgntlon Inlo the 1I'0luois ] theatcI' : h01'l'0I' , the ) lropl'lctol's of the thcater , sl1oWt'd thut n worse ( ,01l1l1tlon of af. full's existed thnn hnd heretofore Iwen thollght posslbe ] , Will J. DI1\'ls , Hul'l'y Powers and 'I'homas , J. Noonan , active manugerH of the Iroluols Ihentm' , wel'e e omln. ( 'I ] by ' IJ' , l IIJ\cl'son \ Wodneslar ] , All of them pleaded Ignol'ance of any lire. cautions tawn ] to prevent loss of lire hy fire at theh' Ihentol' , They admit. t c ] failure to InGh'uct employcs In fighting firC' and fnllllre even to 111'0' \'Ide Bultable uppllanees for use I ngalnst flam os , Their slatementll wel'o COl'I'ohornte(1 ( h ' the tetltlmollY I oC t\\'nt . emlllo 'e3 of the theater , ' ' heen loll ! hlR none of whom hod e\'el' dllty In l'UBe of fire , Noonan. who 13 wOl'ltlng manager of the thealel' . IInelel' direction of Da. I vis and PO\\J's. ! admitted that ele\'ct of the theater xlts were loclwd and bolted. ' 1'\\0 of these exits Ieulln ! ; to the fl'Ont oC thc theatcr on the- gJ'Ounel floor were ] oc\Cd ] , thl'eo addl. tlonal t'xlts on the nOl'th shiH WOJ' ( ) . bolted , three exits on the norlh side- of lhe' thealer In the first balcony- I" . . were bollee ] and thrHe exits on the , north side of the Iccond ! balcony wcro holled , The great est loss of life In the fire was In the first alH ] second balconies , whore hundl'eds of people were suf- focoted t hl'ough theh' Inl1bl1lty to Jct out. 01' wel'e trampled to death whiln trrlng 10 do so , Hud these three exits in each hulcnllY been \'allable , ac. cordlnl ; to11' : , Full , erE on. the loss 0 ( ' life must ha'e heen groal1 ' ( ! lmln. Ished , Noonan del'al'cl ] ] that no person hall been named h ) ' the theater manage. ment to IHiperlntenel the operation or YenlllatOl's of the theater In cases ot fire , and that , III consequence , the' flamcs hnd b'en pcrmltted to sweetl lhe plal'e , Insteall of seeking anal u. ral outlet through the 8tage roof. ] t- was sa lei b ' Noonan that George : \i. DII1enbel'l'r ! ' , the head usher ; Archl. , hald Bernorc1 , chief electrlC'lan. and' j the thealer engineer ] mow how to 01" I erat ( ' \'entllalol's. . It was flroven h ' the e\'ldence of these men. how. e\'cI' . that two oC them ne\'er went. upon the stage and that thc other hne ] ne\'pl' hecn told to nssume charge of the \'enUlators In case of fire , Dusenherrr declared that his lIut ' ' as usher l\Cpt him In the front of tht ! house , The englneel' was always he- , low the slage attenellng to his englno. \ \ . and Bernarel , the enl ' one of the three- , ] mowlng how to operate the Yentll. ators who was upon the stage ellIrltl/ ; , the ) ) erfol'lnunce , testified that he hal ] ne\'el' heen told to assume charge of them. \II' , Xoonan 11ccareel ] that the two balconlcs , Im'udlng ] seats and people . . standing , hl'leI 88 ! ! people , The total numhm' of fatalities In the fire Is to . I dnte Ii ! ! 1 , or whom three wel'e killeel on the fI.'st . floor , 'I'hls would make , accOJ'dlng tn Manael' : Noonnn's ntate. mont , liS8 dHalhs Ollt of 8S9 ) ) eope ] In the two halconles , Will , J. Davis tesllfied that he had I given no o.l'ler& ] to place a fire alarm hex In the t heatel' ; lhat he had gh'e1 no 1\J'JcUon ] \ to plnce a pllmp on ho stage be 'OIH ] the fact thut anr apar. ) , ntus Ihe firemen wunted should he PI'o\\IOI \ ( as soon as lJOsslhle , He de. clarod he coulll not sar as to whether the hul1dlnr. had IlCen finally aecot ) . od from the FIIJlI ! ! ' ( 'nmpany or not , I - - - - - - - ' - I HARRIMAN NOW THE HEAD. : , Takes the Place of Burt as President 1 of th" " . : ' Union Pacific , ' NEW 'iOfiK-Dlre'tors 0" [ the Un. . Ion Paclfc ! rul1wa ' met Thul'sell1Y , ae. cepted the rcslgnatlon of Horace G. Burt us tln'sldent of the system , unl1 elected T , } I. Harriman as his SIlC- ( ' ( 'SSUI' , 'I'ho olllce of ( 'hnll'll1l1n of the hoal'l ] of dlJ'CctorR \ ' , hlch 1\11' , Harriman lias held for thl' past thl'eo ' ' ) 'eal's. was nhollsl1cel. l' , Burt will continue to Ben'o as a Ilh't'C'IOI' , There Iii a'nl'anc ' In the I10s tlon of gll1l1'n1 manager of the Union Pa. 1.11111' , which Pl'cslllont IInl'l'lmnn'ls ex- pocled to fill wllhln Iho next few ela 's , No Intimation hils heon gl\'cn us to who will he appoilltoll. He will hardly alliloint himself. - - - - - - - - - - Sustain Hammond Suspenclon. ST , LOUIS , : \Io-'I'he netlon oC nlQ CallfornluIelhoelst ! gplscopu ] cOlIl'e.- ence In IIlIsppndlng tll < ! Hov , .J. D. Hammond In Snn Prancisco fOl' ono 'ear was. h ' It'ot e of ten to nine , nd. jUdged IlroJlCr hy the committee , - - - - - - Deport Miners' Leaders. TELLUIlIDE , . Colo-'I'welll ) ' men ul'I'csted hero h ' the I11l1llal' ) ' author. Itles , Incllllllng fOl'lnel' Attorney Gen. em ] I II cne Englo ) ' , coul1sel for the ' 1'ell1ll'ldolInel's' ; \Inion : Guy , 1\111. ] er , llreshlent of the union. and .J. C. Williams , \'Ice 111 esllcnt ] or the West. ern } ( 'del'ntior. of1 hWl'S , were placed on houl'e ] n northhol1tll ] tra 1 enl ! talen : he 'Ul1C ] t he boundaries of Sun 1\1 Iguel county under mllltar ) ' gun.rd. 'rhor will not ho allowed to return while mnrllol law Is In effect. ,