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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1904)
. , . . . : a " . , ' " . , .h nt. . Lnuar1lt& :3..tttr : . . . I . " ' ' . " USTER' ' ' OUNTY' 'r' , EPUBLICAN. J . . , . ES'l'ABLISIIED 1882. l.'IIE O 'FIUIAL PAPEH OIi' CUS'l'EH COUN'rY. I4ARGBS'I' CIRCULA'l'ION 014' ANY PAPER IN 'l'lIE COUN'l'Y. t. : ' . ' . - . . - - - oc : - - : - "V0L II. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JANUARY 7,1904.--EIGHT , PAGES. NO.30. . I (0. r. (0.r. ' f ! . : , " . r t Glasse.s for the Young Ihuu1l1 mO ! t carefully pur- chuscd. t'pOIl the r proper J sel clioll 1IIlW l 1U ) ' l1cpend u great denl ia \ , nfter } 'ellrs. Do not fanc ) ' tltli , . .J.rope .gJllIses J cun be had h trying'ou u few pair atlll , hi Ig those which may . suit. eye I und ' requ t ! u separate glass the glnsiles that suit one c'e . ' ) ' MII/lf'the othl"r. As o Icinus f tuudiug an reputation - tation we ate : are to ex. undue eycs alll give all expert opinion us to the kind of glasses required. Our charge for glas. ses will be within your means. : 1:5 'JMd - - - - - - - - - - - - School Books. Tablets - - j , NO- I , . . , ; . -AT- . . ' . " ; . I. ; ? / 't'e ' 'C' lS - 'C''I ' I ' ; ' . Saving tllne , 1' ' I Y 31Ul worry 8 . . is a part of tlu : f.jvict : tht : 8 ' 1M. ) CUster N ional Bank p / . ! 'reuders to it1 aurgt : aud growing f I Hl't of dcposHol's. I f you hav no I bank accou f.f'oll ' shollld humlll Ij. there is uOtlletl r time to hegin I . . thim noi' . ) ifvo lI the worry of : /J keep ng h rg Muns of money in : J the hou e ! ! ! .Istore. If you losc it ) ( throUg.h .re . or thdt VOII mil \ ' he ' ' ) \ ' . ell or mluell. / , : . I S H. fgMAX , Cashier. . . . . ' . " . . : .rJ".rJ".r..o--.rJQ . . , . ' 11' . " J I - - - - - = - r.JlSH ; , 1 ' J . III jlJ J , . ' . JftrHC"J1llill > 1 JEglm ! ) ! ! I _ _ . " or &litH " 'tar npcriCLl'c. l'rJe , aa11l8 amI IIIl1l.e , , _ pecil Iy Dr 611clloncerlnl : Dr an , 'III 8e. . Cal on or W.1I111110 lOt IIrolltHI lJow , ' NebrAska , , " r (11111111) ( ' 110111'11tlJourlll'd. . . - oi , , - - 'l'he Board of Sup n'iRors ad , journed sine die last Saturda eveI ing. n had planned to holt \ lover until the se\'enth , being 1tn. ! _ der the impression that the ne\\ ) 'board would convenne on tlla' ' I 'dat'e. On lerning that the ne" J board would not meet until t111 second 'ruesda ) ' the ) ' shortene ( their session. 'rhe closing hour ! of the Ression was de\'oted to th4 \ ' reading and diRcussion of a reso ( . luJion offered by Greenwalt comphlllentary to the retirin ! f' , \ members of the board , the deput' t 1 county clerk Pigman and count : } ( fl attorne ) ' Humphrey for their em ' ' Rervices with the board. / , . M ' 1. U. A. Meetilig. 'I'he regular ting of the M i } B. A. lodge will be'rida . , Ofllcers fo evening January 22. the ensuing- l ar will be itl I' stallcd. ; , \ , ; .wy. ndot Hoosters , 50 ccnt : ; r 'Phone 178 , It : 291f MRS. WRJSnNRRDRR , ( . ' \ , . w ; : : : : : : : : : : : mi . . . . . , J HOI" Ii' . M.Iurrie , . . . " of Sargent , was a city \1 ! : ! or C" UtH 1 ay. . : . L. J. Hf-ccl f Merna , was a busincss call1J1at thisotlice 'l'ucs- II a ) ' . II John Pinus of Merna , waR a uusiuescaJ'ter ! at thiR ofl ce Iol1- day. li'arlll If tl , Chaltle Mortgage and .iVarrrlt : ) ' Dcell hlat11 { at thh' ofl C' ' " , J . tl'he-r gular meeting of the ) , ' : : " \ster ( Jo11nty l ditorial Associa- 'ti' 1'1 wll1 ve 'heM in thiR dtv the w , l : W f ' ' I. , Bow"Bu 'l'I "ken Bu iness Colleg'/ ' / : " ' .1. 'llell ' husi . ness Monday morn i' t1 r wI. an InereaS 1 I at- tendc ri'ce. . r-l' ' : llHl Mrs. .James Ledwkh retifrlled Monday night from Onfaha where they spent several d ' , fvisiting in , .t ie metropolis. .irs. Willis Cadwell returned ' day night from Morris , III i- IlJi , where she went the tirst of las't week to attend the w dlling hfj a hrot her. tit. ' S. M. Dorn has , pu chased a I iocation for Ins blacksnnth shop ! ' n the east side of the street , outh atll east of Hycrson & i George's store. ' . . , Mrs. Ii' . H . IIux'tabte ; v lO has b en visiting in the vicinity of. Westervill ( ' and Weissert for the past three weeks retl1rned home . Monday night. ' . U. A. G'Schwind of Chicago , who had been visiting his brother Judge G'Schwind of this city returned - turned home last 'l'hursday. 'l'he brotherR had not met hefore in t\.enty years. Mrs Chal Maupin of Omaha , who has heen visiting in the vidnity with her sister , Mrs. W. G. Moore , and friends through the , h lic1h8S , returned home last S turda ' morn . ) ng. I 'red G.ier of \ \ eiert - , went I to Hastings last Saturday to take a business course in the Commercial - cial Cdl1egc of that place. Oeo. Boggs frmerly of Weissert , is \'ice..president of the college. John Scott of Westen'ille , was a friendly caller at this ofiice Monday. Mr. Scott reports that ! he has his corn husked ami shelled - i ed and that the plant d corn averageel forly hushels to the acre. ; Prof. J. G. l\linick and wife : returned SatLtrelar . from f-4odi , : where U"ey " spent. their holiday vacation with the family of B. : W. I-4owe. Mr. Lowe is an uncle of Mrs. Minick. Ill" accompanied - ed them home. Mrs. S. P. Morris entertained her bible class , the Willing \Vorkers , on New Year's day at the Baptist parsonage. Refreshments - ments aud amusements maele up the program of a very s1IcceRsful afternoon party. Mr. Kom er's are now entertaining - , ing Mr. Koozers sister. Mrs. Einspahr and family from Kene- saw , Nebraska. 'l'hey will return - turn home some day 1cxt week whcrc r-lr. Einspahr's husinesR is digging'l'ubutar wellR. I. A. Henea1l has purchased _ Has. Anderson's lease of the real estate and abstracting business , and again resumed hu ! iness at _ the old stand. 'rhe linn of He- nea1l and Moore will make a strong team. and wc predict for them a thriving' Imsilll'ss. < . : . 14. ' 1'1II'ner. iormerlr matl- agel' uf the Dierks llumber Co. business of this place , who has been located at Alliance for some . time past was a city visitor the : first of th\ week , accompanied by his father-in-law , Mr. Ureen. - Mr. Turner is thinldng of engag- ing' in hll iness for himself. [ f he u s he thinks scriously of locating in Brolen Bow. _ II arry Osh01'lle and l\liss l\Inule l.'erris were married at Cheyenne , W > 'oming , New Years day. 'l'he brule was formerly a teacher in the Broken Bw Rchools and has a large numher of aeh 1 ring friends . in this ' ' ; .vicinity. 'l'he groom r grew up In Broken Bow , where 1 _ he has made his residence until two months ago , when he accepted - ed lucrative position at Ceeyenne , \Vyoming , The RHI'U IICAN extends - tends congratulations t.o these e.l1ma e young ped\ \ . OHTltl.I.O. , .Tc\se ! \ I < lJlhree was cnrollell as a pnpil Monetay. Miss I.411Ce returned to hcg-in hcr school work this wce } < . Hachel Beals'isitell Mrs. Gar- ton at Brolen Bow , last week. Mrs. B. I. ' . get wards and Jennie were visiting in Eureka Valley last week. , January is attempting to make us rcalize itg presence hy presenting - ing ns with gome cold \ \ eather , l\lessrs T-4yons and IIostick with their families , from Merna , ate . dinner I ricla\ . ' with Ii' . C. Embrees. Phillip Johnson and wife went , to M son City l st wepk to visit I relatives. 'l'be.y returned the first of this we k. 1(0 ( < , Mr. alHt Mrs. Hunt entertained at their homc New Year's e\'l' , about twcnty young people heing present. 'l'he e\'ening passed ' pleasantl.y in playing pillow-dex i and \'arious other games. Delicate - cate refreshments were sen'eel. A party of young people went to I'd. : Day's ranch New Years Day and had a jolly time , Mrs. Day Rcn'ed a delicious three- course dinner , co\'ers being laid for ten guests. They spent the , ddY in pleasant chat and games and dro\'e home in the early c\'en- ing feeling that they had 'had a delightful time. 'l'hoRe present were' Misses 11unt , Day , 1"odge , Ashbaugh and IIunt , Mcssrs Harry Kellenbarger , George Hughes , Ii'red Day , l . C. hun- clers an Harry Ashhaugh. The "DeMoss Lyric Bards" . . - - - will appear at the opera house , January 14th , 1'104 , under the auspices of the Christian Church Choir. Reserved scats , ( IOC ; gen-I eral admission , 35c ; general admission - mission to SCHOOT. ANn SlTNDA Y RCBOQJ , CIIIT.DH1\N , 15e. 'Pickets on sale at It. O. Store. ' 1'0 as- surr ourselves of the ( \xcellency ) f this company T ha\ ' ( ' corn > s- poud d with rdia le IJ.trlic ! : > : WllU are , personally acquainted with them and an.wers ! have heen l1attering in ' he extreme. l AMAH 1'HHSON. 1 . ( T4etters helcl for inspection of any . , douht r. ) - - - - I'W .r e'llI"ft nil ) ' . 'l'he afternoon of New Year's Day was one long to be remem- hered by a large numher of the citizcns of Broken Bow , who received - . ceived as well as their guests. Open house was kept by (1. ( W. Appte , F. l\I. l ublee , 14. H. Jewett , g. C. House , George Willing , H. A. Hunter , Alpha Morgan , J. J. Wilson and II. n. Squires. ' At the Willing home was represented - , presented " 'l'heMidway"with attractions - tractions startling. "l'he Hunter home represented a ranch. 'l'he furniture and carpets were removed - moved and the lioors ' were co\'er- ed with straw , calves were tied on the poarch and about the premises , J.4uncheon was Ren'ed at each of the homes and the ladies were given a hearty recep- tion. Mistletoe , vas largely in evidence. ' 1'he ladies were equal to the occasion. ' 1'he ) ' went in partics of six or eight in each part . v , adopting a nonde-plune char.acteristic of their part of the pIa ) ' . One party adopted " 'rhe Sah'ation Army" another " 111110- cence abroad. " 'l'he receh'ing parties had their musicians , in some instances to assist in entertaining' their lady callers. Most of the ministers of the citr were associated in re- ceh'ing' . 'Phose associated togl ther in rrei\ ' ng were as follow : AI'I'I.I IIO lIi. ( . \ \ ' . Apple , J. G. Haeherlt. . j. A , Armour , J. 1\1. KilllLerliu , . K. War. rick , W. H. Peun , Dr. Chntoll Day , \ \ ' . O. 'tholllpson. ! lI'IRl\S \ II ( ) " ' : . II. H. S < " , A. 1' . Johnsoll , Andum IInll COIII'IlI \ Snyder , Dr. R. D. 1\Iullins , , Hli A rlllstlOn lIIul j. n. 0,11011111 , , \\'II.I.INr. IIUMI' : . < h'u. Willing , R. \ \ ' . Wilkins , F. \ \ ' , Huyes , H. A. Garlich , H. B. Dmkt. , W. A. George , A. R. HUlllphrcy , Dr. C. I" Mllllins , Elt. Pllrcell , C. F. 'i'iernc ) ' , Dr. W. H. 'flllhot , F. It 'ta'lor , Harn' Bangs , Chas. 1\1l1ftill , R. j , Mortoll , J. A : Farrt'l , , HII. 1\1cC. olllas , H. W. George. RUJoI.HH ; J/o\m. : F. 1\1. Ruhlcc , I , . H. Wilson , C. I" Gillterson , J. R. Dean , W. B. Halthalll ! , W. G. Purcell , Willis Cud well , J. H , Allalllson , It R. Pnrcel1 , n. R. Rockwel1 , . . : lIORG.\N' I/Olnt. : Alpha Morgan , Geo. U , Muir , Georgi Jurc l1 , D. V. Jo'ner , Ras Anderson , J H , l\Iol'lIeaUX , john Reese , Willialll Gillings , S , j , Iollcrgau , 1M. Stuckc ) ' , W. H. Xnnllers , J. J. lIohllts , Will , D. tofTlllau , G. Dencker , G , I. . Xl1llllers , J , C. Bowen , lIur ) ' bunl , F. H.'Oll . II\'N-rl\lt \ IIO\/li. : R. A , lIunter , H. S. MCCOllucll , C , \ ' . talllpbell , S. F. Cla .toll , J. l . l.t'onalll , 11. O. Hultou. H. . Holcomh , ' 1' , I. , Farnsworth. A. H. Alutetsoll , JIIS. : 'lIe- Millcu , W. S. Plh'k. W. H. A\'cr ) ' , H. A , I.Clllill , \ \ ' . H. Willllrct , eel ) , < lIthri'c , Victor Beck , C. W. Wahl , It Fl't'r : , \ \ ' . CofTllllln , II , H. tUlllphcl1. I \\O : 110\11' : : . j. j , WilSOll , j. 0. Wilsoll , HOlllcl' Hlltfielcl , F. t. WilSOll , I. . W'ilson , JO lII , I nllt. ) ' , : 'Ilm'c Forscyth , Clydc WllsOII. J 1i\\'Ii'I"I' 1/\II\ : \ . I , . H , jewett , j.L : Betts , t. II. 1101. ( , olllh , H. F. : 'Ilctllln , RcS. . I'Iol'ris. : . C. ' 1' , On , Rt'D. . A. hetlcr. Rl'j j , R , ' 1'eagunlclI , Rev. Geo. 1' , Tritcs , HOIIH : I/O\lIi. / : H. t. lIollse , I. A. Rencall , j. . Squircs , \ \ ' . J. Woods , O. 11. : 'I1l'\'i. ; , C. I I. JrfTonts , 'tOIll Fiuliu , " 't'lhUut : 1I..lIs. . 'l'lte marriage of Miss 'I'l'linl : 'Ball ) ' and Mr. Ii'ranklin J. WoeHI- ruff took place at the homc of the hric1l ' parents , Mr. and MI's. John Bail , ) ' in the north west part of town on WCllneslla ) ' e\'I - ing Dec. 30th , 1')03. ) 'l'he marl'l- age ceremon , ) ' was most sotl\mnl , ) ' and in pressi\'el ) ' pCI'formed h ) ' I the brother of the bride , J CR. . Cooper Bailey , Ph , D. of Bennett , Nebraska , assisted 1 > ) ' Hc\ ' . George T-4ongstaf ' - of Ashton , Nebr. , who is a brothcl'-in-law of Miss Baile ) ' . ' 1'0 the strains of a wedding mardi , the happy conple proceeded to the parlor where a beautiful canopy had hcen - strncte 1 and a II ug W edd i on-I Bell suspended , a11l1 while standing - , ing under the hell and supported i . by Mr. John J. Davison as hest. man anll Miss gdith Da\'ison as bridesmaid , the contracting parties - ties pledged their oath "till death us do part. " After con- gra t ulations t he party adjollln- cd to the dinning1'00111 when' an excellent supper had hcen prl'par- cel which was enjoyed , white speeches by Dr. Bailey , He\ ' . 1-4ong talt and others in felicitons r\'rltl lIaflctilt' fl'lsl : of ( )1I1 alld How 01 rca on a timlto be' long' rememhered hy all who partici- patcd. 'l'Ill' bride wore a dress of hro- caded silk of steel gre , ) ' color , trimmed with silk Chiffon , Medallions , and applique , while the bridegroom was attired in a iancy hlack cloth suit and whit ( . silk necktie. Yery man ) ' of the presents were e'titl' } costl ) ' and included - cluded quantitit.s of Silverware , glassware , china , furniture , houschold li nen , lam PS , ki tchen utensils , needlework and a check. . from each of the onkiating clergymen. , 'l'he young pcople are hoth well and fa\'orably Jmown in this section and the I HPtTlIT.lcANjoins thcir numerous friends in extending - ing sincere congratulations. - - - - - - - - - - - - We understand. that Miss Ii'annie Dral < e of this city has resigned - signed her position in tlieschools of Sargent. Miss Drake was well li1eed as a teacher. ' 1'1e' : ' Sargent leader in speaking- her' ' resignation says : It is reponed that Miss l.'annie Drake has resigned hcr position in Sargent school. 'rhis will hC' vcr ) ' unwclcome news to onr people and it is hoped the rcport is untrue. Hilt III'n.l'hilntht'lI N4'Y 4'1l1'S 1'lIl't , . . On the e\'ening of the New Year's Day the members of the Philathea Young f..ul es Hi hie Class of the Baptist church re- ceh'ed the memhers of the Baraca Bible class ( : onsisting of the young men of that church at the home of Dr. and Mr' . Clinton Day. ' 1'\1e \ spaciou rooms were prettily decorated in the colors of the two classes , pink and white anll bluc an41 white and the class name of the guests was formed with glianuim lea\'es stretching t ntirelJ across the tahl'I'ht. . > innocent looking mstll'toe : was everywhere in e\'i- dence and aided in the merriment that > . vailed the pn. during even- ing. 'l'he Philathea's prO\'ed themse\'es ! ahundhntl r ablc to manage their leap yar affair .1/111 / the Baraca's wert' ha ppv martyrs in their alienated right. Music and games I1llell the spee41- ing hours with pleasure. In , l < eeping with the traditions 01 , . , the year each young lad ) ' select. " e411ier associate for refreshments "and ulhered ! her choice to a seat : in the dining rooUl , Here dainty . vial1d\\ \ and laughing repartel : ' - - - - - I , ' . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - - " - I ' --Jo I ToJ . fI" , ( ; rt ; I ' . fit' ' .f . . . , ' < ? I > . . , . . / . . . . . ' . " ' ? W' ' : AJ" EVE'NT IN TifF : AWUJA li U1JJmI. ! OO@lfJJ. ' 1t'@m. 'IW { l . 'll'1HtM. 11mm. .L . 34:5 6 , S 10 A 2 3 4 5 .1. 7 .1.8 .1. ) 20 21. 2 24 25 26 7 28 29 l 5J. ! : its'- ' ' cold lJt the nd [ 'hc predicted wav ) appearance un , hut fortunately this locality did not shar in the e\'ere storm that was expericnced in the l'xtreme east. An occasional doudy clay in the week past , hut no snow to spcak of. On the 5th the wind elrifted to the north cast and for a shon time the SIIOW tilled the .nr with every indication of an old time snow stonu. 'I'h ground scarcely was covered until the douds passed away. Yestcrday th lith was \'eritahh > autum day , and t'ontinuc warm as we go to prc' s tlHlay. T HICKS' PREDICTIONS. , 'coIHI Slorm P\I' ( ) ( IH id < s pn'tl idH t h ( ' Second Slorm Ii l' l'iu will e lend fwmlllc ilh { lollay ) tu the l:1lh. : ' 1'1Il' c\I\\ \ ! of :1. ' . ' the greatest storm probability , he fixes for 8th , 'Ith. , illth and 'llt . , .J ; As we enter this period he predicts "a change to the \varmer in the " \ we t , winds will shift to outhernly and casternly anll the tiaro- , \ : mcter will fall. Ahout the 9th storms of min and snow will et in and during the 10th , 11th and perhaps the t th , tlH.'Y will march castwardly accross the countr ) ' . 'J'he western to ccntral states will ' he in the grasp of a high harometer and cold wa\'e hefore the storm center has reached or cleared the eastern states. 'l'hird Storm Period---'l'he 'J'hird Storm Period is predicted I rom the 14th to Q1e'lMh. 'l'he prevailing cold will soften about the 14th and the harometcr will fall in the west bringing' a renewal of rain Oi' snow , mostly snow as the wa\'e work eastwartl eluring . 15th and 1th. It is a rare thing for storm conditions to hreak up imuediately ) preccell ng a IH'W moon. As a rule the warmth and low barometer , .lIul hcnce precipitation in Home form arc almost sure to continuc until after the conjunction of moon and sun is past. " matlc all formality impossible. , 'l'he parting words of the entire gathering were that this cvening was among the happiest e\'er slwn t. 5n.n . 'orllnllU , "I'C , " "CI "C'eIl'1I On III'COIIIII of thc Allllllal COlI\'cntion of the Naliolllli Wool.Growcrs 1111I1 J.ivc I tock J\ssociut on the Burlington will ell t cketf : to Portland , Oregoll , a 11I1 rc- tmll ut thl' low rntc of $ so.1JU Jllnnury . H , ' .I und Ill , Iiheral stopover \'ileHcs-allnwt vc .1 .1'erse routej-rcturn lillnt , Junuary 31. \011 l'all inch\lle \ an Frullcisl'O in tilt' letllrn trip for 13.Su additionul. For inforl1lation us to sleepillg 1:111' : rc. . , ervations , twin scrcc , etc. , n k thc agent or wrill' J. PIlANCIS , ncnernl Pussenger Agcnt , Ollluhll , N < hmskn. : 'II. I N , . On Sunday mornIng December 10th at the closc of the preaching serce in thc 1\1. .g , church , the rlas ! > leader D. W. Cory stepped forward and in the name of the circuit presented the Pa.tor ! , Iev. W. I . Mathew with a beautiful SJH.OO racoon fur ovel coa t as a Christma present. 'l'hl' gilt af1'ectcll t he pastor , who replica in a few appreciat and touching - ing words , Sinc ( ' thcn he has heen often stopp d on the streets. . hy frien s who desire to examine I the coat and all unite in words of admiration , pronouncing' it a beauty. , On Chrbtmas l'VC thcre Wl're exercises in the M. I . anll l\l. P. chnrclH's. A t the tatter it toul < the form of a cantata. At the l\1. B. a musical was rendered closed hy a drill with I hey and 12 girls , Ii'or 30 minutes the young people went through their marches , , mu\'emcnts ami evolutions with- lout a single mistalee. And the ) ' had only 10 days in which to pre- 'pare. 'I'he audicnce were 1011d in : their praises , , many eclaring' it . I - - to he thc Jinest thing the ) ' had e\'cr seen young' peqple do. It is e : pectcd to reprollucc thc drill at some time in the near future. 'l'he c\eht \ of 240.00 left over from the building of the M. E , church is now paid. 'l'he church has liCjuidatC'c\ \ almost e\'ery debt al1l1 in a few wC'eks at the most expect to show a clean h:11ance sheet with money in hand. BP. . 11. ml'cts CHlll'e'I'II. 'l'hc Annual husiness meeting of the Baptist Young Peoples Union was held at the Baptist church lagt Frida ) ' evening. He- ports from the standing committees - mittees showed the society to b in most excellent condition. 'l'he membership committee ha\'e proposed - posed new members e\'ery month during. the year. 'l'he attendance ha\'e heen exceptionall ) ' large. 'l'he 5lHrituai condition is regarded - ed hy the church to be unusually i . high. During thl' year a nuru- her of memh'rs ha\'t been baptiz- J cd. 'l'he omcen , elected for the -of coming ) ' ( \ar are , prsielent , 1-4. D. j George ; vice-president , Ama -4 Anisberry ; treasurer , Jo ) ' 'lhorpe : ; secretary , l uemont PIg-man ; I organist , l'\'a : Cadwell. ) Cured - I..u.bll&n. , . ' : A. B. l 'allman , thicago : , writes March , 11)OJ : "Having h en troublell with 1-4umbago at different - ent times and tried one ph'siciau 'j after another ; then different ointments - i ments and linamets , ga\'c it up altogether. So I tried once morc and got a hottle of Ballard's Snow T inament , which g'a\'e me ) . almost instant relief. I can cheerfull ) ' recommend it , and will adtlm\ ' name to your list of I iormer sufferers , " 25c , 50 and $1. Ii'or sale by J d , McComas , Broken Bow and Merna. , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . ' - , . . - d _ . : ; . , ; : ; -r.- . . "