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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1904)
J - - - ' , . , . - - - t. - \ - - . - - - - X'-- - ' X'.n. - ' . . X'r 1111'1101 Llbml.11 o.Ilr } \ I. _ , ' . I. . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'o' ' - ' . . " " ; ' . , : . USTER .OUNTY . EPUBLIC N " ' ' - D 1882. 'l'IIE Ol FtCAL PAPEH OF . . , ' ' ES'l'ABLISI-II CUSTER COUNTY. IARGES'l' CI1 CUT.lATION OJi' ANY PAPER IN 'l'HE COUN'ry. . . - - ' . - VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER . COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURS.DAY , JANUARY 14 , 1904uEIGHT PAGES , NO,31. . - - I ,1. , , . \ . I . . . . ' "I11l.III' ' ' ' , , i ' ; . I I " ' 1\ \ 1\\7II\\\\ \ " ' " ' ; " , ( I . , - . . . . . . . - . - - _ I' ' . I J The Face Value " of our jewelry i much greater . Jl than the prices we are asking J for it. This , howe\'er , does 110t : , . imply any lack of valuelin our I 0' goods , On the contrary , every article is fully guaranteed as to : . qualil ) ' . Your own e'es will . tell YOlt that it is all that IIrtis. .1 tic taste and the dictates of , fa Won can dernatlli. H\'l'I'Y- I thlllg IS HERE . in the jewelr ) ' lilltc' allli the prices have heen ! 'o reduced that you have no excuse for not making ) ' 011' " ' ' a 1"senl. . \ ' I , I . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . t , \ , - _ _ _ _ - : School Books , : J .r Tahlets j " --4NO- t School Supplies , I . . ' ' . -1'- J. G. Haeberle's ; i I GONT- A book of inter st mor ahsor ) iug than the most thrilling work of S fiction is a bank hook. Its tale is 0 never too long , or its pages tOCl R many , and the long lOW of figures so dry in oth r books are intensely R int restillg ill this. Hut in ot/ler N to enjoy its pages ( 'aeh lIIan lIIust 8 own his own hook. The way to1 do this is to open all IIcrount with 8 th ' ' s r 'N'a l nal Bank which numbers alllong its deposi. tors many of the rirhest IInd smurt. S est men in the cit. , . us take II mre of your mom : ) ' liS we .10 . theirs. 8 H. LOMAX , Cashier. . " " 00"'JrJ" , - - . 1\1. ASH , ' J . 'IDD 'JW ' ! > Jru1E1mI ! ! Ot th"ty yur8 uperlCDro. cries salcs alllllllllkl'B . 'pecillty ot auctlonoerln. . : ot "II dlse. . . Call on or wrllo 11I0 lit UroluJolow , NelJralika ltlarket lCeport .or TOduy. UIIAIN- UIIAINW lllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . ! Jarlo' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! tI.IS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : :5 LIVE STOOK- 001r1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 90 tHeers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 3.5U Cows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f .51 @ : = .75 l'oULTRY- lblok"n I per \IOn11d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O Turkoy. , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O PKODUCII- : Untter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Egg. , per 110zeD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MI CItLI.4NJOU8- : l > olllto08. per busbel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . u IInluos , per lJnsbal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 HI' , p..r ton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 lrRwper cwt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Saiar , Oranollted , pltf owt , . . , . . .5.,0 6.75 Iwpertcct lodlJteHUoll , . Means les ! ' nutrition and in con- a\ \ { sequence less vitality. When the liver fails to secrete bile , the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties , the digestion becomes impaired add the bowels consti- IJated. Herbine will rectif ) ' this ; It gives tone to the stomach , liver and kidneys , strengthens the appetite , clears and improves , the complexion , infuses new life and vigor to the whole system. 50 cents a bottle. Sold by 1 1I. McComas , Broken Bow and Merna : : : : : : : : : : J. C. Prcdmore of Walworth , was a city \'isitor ycsterday. John Muh'lney of . : rason ity , was a count" . . Sl at VIsitor 'Illes- Ilay. \Y. n. Osborne , Jr. , was rc- elected janitor of the court hou c by the county hoard 'L'lIesllay. . J.II.Caywoodwho i ! ' one' of the instructom in the I.'rcmont . Normal , is homc on \'acation. . wIll return next week. 'I'hl' Klump post oftice has ( li5continued and the peo- pIe of that \'Icinity are heing . -.uppliecl be thl' rural route. At the mceting of thc county hoard 'ruesda.r John Pirnie was rc-electccl slIpcrintenllcnt of the county farm for the l'nsuing year. [ 'dcI' 1'el'son 1 , assistant in McCollla ! > ' 11"rug store for the past .rear or 1I10re , has gone to Chicafo to take a reg-ular course 111 Pharmacy. Purcell Bros. wcre awarded the contract for furnishing the supplies - plies for the county by the new board Tuesday , tlH'ir bid being the lowest. 13. O. Swcazy of Omaha , will [ 'cad the RRPUDI.ICAN thc ensuing veal' : w a result of his \'isit to the dty last week in looking after II is busi ness here. l uth Cle\'eland , tl\ \ ( . oldest hild of the ex-presidcnt , died at Princeton , N. J. , with diptheria 'l'hursja \ ' of last week. She was twelve y an 01 < 1 last October. ' [ 'he T mplemcnt Dealers Con- \'ention held at Omaha last week was well represented by Brol\en How. ' 1'h05e attending from this city were G. W , Apple and C. S. Martill . , and .I. S. Squires. J. B. Klulllp of the west tahle , was a pleasant ca11er at this 01'- lice Tuesday , He says that he gathered his corn this year by. . turning 400 head of cattle 011 it. 'I'he hail and early frosts made it unfit to gather. 'rhc Ansley Chronicle sa's : " } wIr. anll Mrs. 'I' . C. Gibson went to Broken Bow 'l'lIesda ) ' night. 'rhe ) ' expect to visit there a few days before leaving for the sOllth , wherc Mr. Gibson goes for the . bencfit of his health.t \ , C. R Krcnz a 1111 Con. l"lesh- I ' man of Dale , were dty visitors 'I Monday. 1\11' . Flcshillan says that sOl\1e \ of the corn in his yi- cinity is not worth gathcring owing to the hail and early frost. He had enc field of com that was thus effeetecl and one lield of wheat tIt ( ' hail completely de- . stroyed. 'J'he Cn lIawny JlIeen says that " \Iiss Edith Stc\'ens , who resigned - signed her school in the Sterner district , north of town , is now holding a placc in the ofiice of register of deed \ at rokl'n Bow" in the place of her sister , Miss Ethel , who is staying with her mother in this city and taldng a 'much nN'lll'd rest. " Capt. II. IIasldns , a representative - tive of the Sah'ation Army , with headquarters at Omaha dsited this city last week soliciting funlh ; for the Hupport of the work. He reports Brol < cn Bow the banner tOWII in the stah in proportion to its popul at ion for liheral t \ ' . He informed the HH- PUDJ.I AN that tIw contrilmtiom , made b\ ' the citizen ! ; of Broken Bow w s flllly thr'c tillles as much as is IIsually contribllted by lowns of the iopulation of Broken Bow. 1\1ore than enc contributell 55.00 and sc\'eral 52.50 anll S2.nO. 'l'he 140llp \'alll' ) ' Wu\'en tells of a prairie tin. tifteeu miles sOlllh\\\'st of that town , two weeks ago in which several tons of hay and enc barn wa burned. 'rhe tire is reported to have been start < ll by II. C. West , who was raking ha ) ' and started the tire to warm 111l' oil with which to oil his rake. Among' those who are hca\'y looscrs in hay are E. S. Woodruff , John Uilniore. Nels Jones , Dick Vincent and Mr. Hanson. Geo. Mills lost his harn and hay. 'l'hese men are said to have'a largc number of I cattle and horses that thc hay was intended for and it leaves I them without hay or range. I ! J. tl'ooley of Anselmo , was a city visitor yesterday. . Bcn Predmore ofVest UllioJ was a ci t ) ' visitor yestcrday. A. H , Humphrcy WCllt to Ia on City yesterday 011 , leg-al bus Iness. 1" " , A , Amsberry of Mason City , was looking aftcr busitless at the county scat yesterday. I Judge Gutterson IS having an omcc built on the block t ast of the comt house , just south of Holcomh' ofiice. J. S , 14yons and I" . IIm tick of i\Ierna , w'ere city visitors 'l'hur8- Ila. } ' of last week. This ot1icc acknowledges a social call. 'l'hos , 1\1. Oaks of Berwyn , was in the city last 'l'hursday making - ing prooon his homc ! ea(1 ( before - fore tht register aud reee't r of the lJ. R. lanel ofl cc. 'l'he A. O. U. W. lodge of thh , d t y ga'e an oyster su pper 'I'ues- da ) ' night at their hall. 'I'he mcmlJers and their wi\'es participated - pated and a vcrplrlsant : time was enjoyed. . ' 1'he ncw l'ounty hoard convcn- cd rr1l11esday amI' reorganized by electing U. II. ' 1'horpe chairman. It is Mr. 'I'horps econd term as & : hairman. He is well qualitied and ma1 < es a g'ood presiding' officer. ' 1'he Woodman amI HOj'al Nelghhors of this city , gaa banquet in contlection with the public installation of their ofliccrs for the ensuing year , 'Ycdnesday night of last week. 'I'he attell- dance was large and a pleasant time was reported. I.'loy . 14'er11l0re has een clect- ed to till the place. of li'a'nnie Drake , who resigned her position in our schools. It is Ii compliment - ment to Miss Livermort to be so imployed and we belie\'e she will not disappoint those who have trusted hel' ahility.-Sargent f-4eadpr. lIick lttllills of ( ; Ienruck , Wyoming , who had heen visiting his father , 1 > 1' . H. B. Mullins of this cit.r for a short time , returned - turned to Glellrock the lin t of last w'ek. A reception was gh'- en 011 thc evening prior to his leaving at the home of his father in which it is reported that about tift ) ' of the young people of the city partidpated. A pleasant time was enjoycl1. 'L'hose who have charge of the bridges along the l\fiddlc 140up rh'er should see that they are kept in good repair. ' 1'he Sar- gent hridge is down again , and it is a great inconveniencc as well as a considerable loss. It will be econoll1.Y to build these hridges strong' enough to stand i s'curel ) ' . Somchodj' has heen negligent in examing the Sargcnt hridgc or this accident would not ha\'e happened. If this hridge is not fixed SOOIl , we suggest that the r'cr be dammcd ahovcVest Union and turnedthroug-h T oulld Vallcy.-Sal'gcnt Leader. 'J'hc semi-annual mceting of of the Custer County gditorial A sociation was held in the city Mondaye\'ening. At the con- ' clusion' the scsion an oyster supper was enjoycd bj' the lilem- bcrs , at. the expense of thc retiring - tiring member G. U. Mail' , the newly elected Clerk of the District - trict 'court. 'hose present at the meeting were : ' 1'om Wright of Ansley , H. H. Barnard , F. W. Conley and 'V. H. Daily of Call- away , C. W. Beal , E. R. Purcell , E. 1 . Wimmer , G. B. Mail' anll D. 1\f. Amsberry of Broken Bow. W. II. Daily f Callaway , and 'Wm. Greenlee of l\Iasoli L ity , madl' a pplica tiOIl for lI1elll brr- . , hip and were elccted. 'J'he Callaway Courier states that two young men , Uscar ' IIutrhinson 'antl Paul Hutfmall who l'c l north Wl'st of Callaway carried away from Middle Swart's ; livcry barn in Oconto 'fuesday 1I10rning of la t week , two plush rob's , whip anti a horse hlanket. 'l'hey had stopped - ed O\'er night and as they were gotH' in thc morning the missing articles were chargell to them. 'l'hcj' stopped at Joe Savages Sa\'ages harn in Callawa ) ' at noon and he having recc'ed a telephonc message form Middle Swartz had tbcir wagon searched and found thc stolen goods.rrhe young men were let otT by paying $4,00 and giving up the goods. . , . \ Gco. Ors of Sargcnt , was a busincs visi tor Sa t urd a ) ' . Arthur Dcan of West Unioll , was transacting busine s in the city Saturday. Judge Hostetler has appointed ' 1' . IIermonson 01 St. Paul as his court reporter nlld he is said to be an exceptionally good one. l . M. Cmric n 11 < 1 wife and Fr d Clltntllillg6 alld wife of Sarg'cnt , attended the la\\\'crs hanquet . . at t ! . Ie l'l'iInll Centrnl Satmday . mg I. . A ttomers H. g. Breg'a and wife alltl A. Moore and wife of Callaway , attclldell the lawyet's hanquet at the Orallll Cl'utral Saturdaj' night. l . Weisel1redl'r is rell\OIlIing \ hiR hou e south of the Baptist church. When compll'tcd it will he one of the bt'st lJuilding : ; in that localitIt will he a story : \l1d a half \vith \ fol't' rooms al\'l' and helow each. 'l'he lost purse ad\'l rtisecl ill the r Hl'lT1Ir.ICAN last wcek h\ ' Mrs. Putllmcl1 was left at thi's oflice today by Wtll. Stewart , north emt f to\vn. \ 1\11' . Stewart yerj' generously declilled to accept - cept t he reward oO'cred for the I return of the purse and its con- tents. A. ll'olllla of Oconto , alld Joseph I'ennilllore of CliO' , wen' seated as nev members of the county hoanl 'l'lwsday. 'I'hc boanfis now composed f G. n. 'rhorpe of Broken Bow , J. n. McGuire of Amold , Georgc Greenwalt of Wtoll , G. Hiser of Mason.I.rl' . Arthur of Com- 'stock , Jo ) > eph li'ennimore of Cliff , and A. Fonda of Oconto. All the nwmbers exccpt l\IessrR li'onda and Fennimore are old memberH , 1\1r. Greenwalt succeding him- 5elf. The experience and ability of the individual memherg of the board gives the count > ' the assurance - surance that the busmcss will not sutTel' ill their care. . - - - - - - - - - - - I : \1. U. . \ . "llt'lIl1. . 'rite regular mceting of tlte 1\1. B. A. lodge will he held Frida ) ' c'eningJanuary 22. Omcers for the ensuing year will he in- . sta.lled. . . _ . . _ _ _ _ _ Oh _ _ Church Hervleen , 1' . II. CIIlJIlCII. Preac hing next SlIIulu ) ' 1II0millg : uu ! evening. Preaching at Custer Center ill the c\'ening also. All the services of thc rhurdl at the usnal hours. I , . I , . Hple ) ' , Pastor. ) 'IlHS1l\'THllJAN CIIURCIl. Sen' les next SlIhhath 1II0ming lit II a. III. Suhjcct , " IO\'c for our Hnelllics.II Evenillg service at 7 :30l. : } III. Subjcct , " 'fhe Spicery of Relirion. " V.I' . S , C , E. lit 6:30 : p. tII. Specilll lIIusic h ) ' the choir. Miss Florence N. Sheller will ! 'ing II solo , both mornillg llIul e\'ellillg. All ure welcolllc. II. Augn'tns ' Shetler , Pastor , cmus'rlAN CIIUHCII. We shu11 cn.lcllvor . to tllllke these services helpfnl 1111I1 CJIlifyillg to ) ' 011. Choice alll appropriate IIInsic ill imtrn- lIIental in our worship. lIihlc Sl'IlOol lit 10 II. tII. COllllllunion Ullll serlllon II a. III. Voullg ' ) prayer tIIeeting 6:30 : p. m. I'rnctica di'course ! 7:30 : p. III. Prayer lIIeetillg lit 7 :30 : evt.ry ' 1'Il\1rslll1Y evcning. VOIlIUC , 'orrJinlly inv ll'fl to he prc cn t , I t each service. Jec's ! : R. 'feagllrccn ! , Pastor. M. H. CIIURCII. r.ocat t1 in block west of Court JIousc. . The following sen'ies : will hc helll SUII- da ) ' : 10 II. III. Sunday School. I I u. III. Morning serlllon. 12:15 : p. III. c1as. ; lIIeet- ing. 6:30 : p. III. Hpworth I.eugue mcet , ing. 7 :30 : H\'ening sermon. 'fhe lIIid. week prayer ! 'ervice at 7 :30 : p. III. 'fhun ; . do ) ' . We extcnd a ( 'ordial invitatioll to ull to wortlhip with II ! ! , Stran crs c.- p ciall ) ' wl'lcOlnt' . nell. 1' , 'fntes , Pu"lor. U.\I"I'IS' ! ' CHURCH. 5111111a ) ' January ' 7 , 11)0. ) . Bible 1 > 1:111.)01 : ut 10 u. m. Un'ine Worship at II a. III. Topic , "True Stren th. " Junior H , V. 1' . 11. L'lIIlel' the direction uf Mrs. n. l\t. AlIIsherry. Senior H. V , p , 1\ CIJo : p. III , l\Ieetings of unusual interest and spiritual power. 7:30 : p. III. Gospel preal'll n scrvice , orchresm uceompani- mellt , hnght song ! 'el vice , the serlllon , "WhichIontla : } ' 4 p. III. The Bo's Brigade UrilIs. Wednesduy 7 :3u : p , III , lI1Iek ( pra'er tillJ . Thursdu ) ' 2:3U : p. III. ! .adies Aid Sociel ) ' at the Churl'll. . - - - - - - - - - - - I"orjo 'l'o 1I1'11I ! : ' 1'111'11I Hacl. . A young man by the name of Juhn 11'01' < 1 , who had hecn husk- ing' corn for Art Dean an others in the vicinity of Wl'st Union for several weeks was a county seat \ ' sitor Sahmla ) ' c\'ening' , the guest of Sherin Hichardgon.I I I Besidps mortgaging property he did not own , and ! ) elliug mort- - ' ' ' ' , - ' " I JfJ t " , " ' 1 . \ i1j , , " ( f .t , ( , . J ' . ' \ " ' , iff 'l 4 ; " ; : ( If' t ' 1\ \ - . t . . . . t , > " . . 1 FONIJST cJJ.&J UJA 1r 1WmI. OO@1ft. T\YJro. \ Iir : . 'U'IHIM. W1Blie & . 'jfo . .t. 2 345 Ci7S 10 1..1 .12 1.3 J..4 .1.5 .16 .1. 7 J..S .1.9 20 21. 22 25 24 25 2 : ) 7 28 9 50 51- - - - - - - Out. weather predictions lagt wl'ek , that it would rain or snow on the ( ) th came tl't1t. , yet no severe cold weather was expel' enced through the storm period. Hicks tells us that as the moon is nearing - ing the celestial equator that higher temperature and barometer will in all probability produce a disagreeabie spell of rain ) ' , nowy and sleety weather on the 15th anll 16th , that will extend into the following storm period : HICKS' PREDIC'rIONS. . ! , 'ourth fHorlll Periotl-Ull'his period iH cenl1'al on the Oth , l'xcII 1ingJrolll the IHth tc > thl' . ; \'II. ' Tht' prohahilitieR : II'j ; ' ( r at most parts of the country will be in a pcrtruhec1 if not a stormy state of weatlll'I' . A marked inereascd of warmth will he noticeable about the 1rJth. 1400k for rain ahout the same time , tllrning into bliz- I .7.ards , snow alul slel't as the storm travels l'astwarcl across the countl' ) ' the 20th , 1st allli 2211d. A high hII'CJlneter , stiO'north - wcsternly wind arul . a l'old wa\'c will pllsh close 011 the rear of these storms. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - gaged property , hc borrowed a horse and h..rness of Art D'all that he forgot to return until the shcriff jogged his mcmory. 'l'he man and property werc found about sixteen milcs northeast of Ansley. Owillg to his former g'ooll rcpll ta tiOIl he was released and g'en IIntil Wednesllay to straightcn matters up. Plin Metcalf of West Ullnion and J. l . Orof Sargent held lIIort- g-agcs ag'i : i nst proprrttll at ht' will he required to account for. ) IllIt ( ! , . . \ . . . . , Slll County Assessor TIaulllont tilell with tllC coullly hoard yesterday , his deputieH for the sevcral town- , hipg. 'l'h ( ' following is the list : Ansley - . ' ' Wrig-ht. Algernon-Gen. Mulvancy. Brol < en How City-W , .Bo.rce. Broken Bow 'I'ownship-W. . Vannice. Myrtle -Frallcis Marsh. Sargent-g. W , Da\'is. glimJas. . Chittick. Clit'f- . W. l icc. 'l'rillmph- m. Wanell. . lJouglas U rove-C. H. Si ms. Delight-Lewb McCreary. Wcst Uniou--J. C. Predmon' . 1-4i1lian-Perry l\1l'tr.alf. Carlielll- . D. Knight. Westen'ille--C. ' 1' . l-4eadl. Berw'u-.I. n. 'l'aylol' . 1 11 < Creek - -.I. 14. Smith. l-4ollp Nc Gcorge. Wood \'er---lIenry Browu. Urant-- . C. Nixon. \'ictoria and Hayes--W. I . li'o t'r. " 1t'1I' 31t.t.t1I1 s ' 1'he speakers for the Sunday I . afternoon mcetings , heltl at the. Gymnasium from 3:45 : p. III. for an h011l' will hc , January 1 i , S. P. Morris ; January 24 , Judge I Armourj Januar ' 31 , .1\11' . n. . - - 1-4omax. 'L'his will form .1 strong serics of llIcetingR and will un- dOllhtcllly prm'c'ery helpful. li'or lIIell only. ; \ . HI.cellll Oflcr , We havc lice II allle to : ; ccure the Globe Delllocrat of t. I.onis for cluhhing pur- poscs with the R HI'PIIIICt\N lit Il discoullt of :10 CClltS ovcr fonller rriccs , Owillg to the WorM ! ' Fair heing hl'll ! ill St. I.ollis . this year c\'erholY ! will want the . g..catesl . Sf. Ionis newsp"per. The Glohl' Delllocral i : ; puhlished twice II wccl : alII I we will funllsh it with the RI\ \ ' 1'IIII1IC.\N to < < lIncw 0. . . old IHibscribers fo. . . 6.'i pcnts. 'rhe price of the two pape. . . . . , the RII'JlIIC.ancl ; / GlOleI,65. . ( 'utln' ' ) ' lIullrll e'"l1ll1lttl'I' . 'l'lw permancnt committces of the cOllnty board for the ellsur- ing year are : } i'inance-A. I'onla ; , Ceo. Creenwalt , G. II. 'I'horpc. Clai1l1s-J. II. 1\lcGuire , J ' 1' . Arthur , C. Hiser. Oflicial honds , road anll road claims-.J. 'J' . Arthur , J. II. McGuire - Guire , Joe l"enni.more. groneolls and Deli nq IIcn t 'I'ax -C. Hiser , A Fonda , .I. ' 1' . Arthur. Poor farll1 , court boust , and jail supplies- . n. 'I'horp , Joe Fennimore , J. 11. McGuire. ridge and bridge claims- Ueo. Ure'n walt , < : . If. 'l'horpe , A.I'orula. [ . J udlciary-.1 oSl'ph li'ennill1ore , U. niseI' and Ceo. GrccIwalt. ! 1.lluatll\CI. A. B. l.'anman , Chicago , writes . ! \larch ' 1 , 1)03 : "IIadng bcen troubled with Lumbago at diO'er- ent lime and tried one physician after another ; then different ointments - ments and linamets , gave it up altogethcr. So 1 tried once more and got a bottle of llallan1's Snow 1-4inamcnt , which gave me almost iustant relief. I can t heerfully recommcnd it , and will add my name to ) 'our list of former suFrerers.II 25c , 50 and $1. 11'or sale by Ed. McComas1 Broken Bow and Merna ,