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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1903)
. . : : ' - 1IJM.ttit. ! . . . . . .1) tI I\/ " : . . t - , . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ 1& _ _ _ _ Custer County Republican i . . H. AMSI1RltJlY , 1tDITOil & . rum.18lWJl I . . ffinOKEN now , NBUUASJ\.A - - Death Wl'nrR n IdHll'I' , fllce l1Imy : times thnn liCe. Doln nothlnJt fOI' othel'i. ! I the lIn. ( lolng of one's setf. In orl1er to Ilcclul1'c wcnlth the den. list 11111SL Itccp phlj.j.llIg nwn ' . = = = It Is lrupoRslhlo to plense the womnn \vbo doesn't kllow whnt Rhe wnnts , The pawnhrolwr ocsn't bnvo to Rhut up nB long ns people wlll put UI ) wlUt hIm. LlIllnn HUR\'II h n mother-tnln " . . , LIIIIU1l , tnlce cnre of 'our. lelt. It d ' 81)Cptlcs would only II1n1'rY good reels hnlf the trouble In thIs world would be elimInated , The II1nn who hns hey ConI' every fonr ou ht not to teel that ho will meet nn ' punishment In the futuI'e. About the time love lJe lns to wane n womnn olllht to learn to ho n first. clnlls cook and ever 'thlug will be Jertne , One ot the unlleosallt , Centures oC Ute \Incedonlu : Is the evol'-prescnt posslhlllt ' ot moetlng n Bnshl-Bn1.oul , II } an all ( ' ' . \fnssochusetts : pnslor I os resIgned eeauso hI" " church wouldn't rnlse his alllry ahovlJ 1 a wee Ie. 'Xwelve tlollnrs Is n lot or money. The puget ound fmlll10n crop Is reported - ported to he alll10st n totnl fulluro. AlaR for lhp. massPRI With salmon hp 'ol(1 their I'caeh little thnt Is while will be Icrt Cor thom. A Germnn adol' has been sent to jail tor ettlng off stuJo joles nbout the emperor. It they were nn .thlng lIIee the .Amcrlcun stnge jokes we can't blnmo the e1 lperor for shutting hIm up. A PhiladelphIa millionaire has recelv. ed two hUlldred nlld t went ' - fi'e thou- som1 dollars for the rent t hIs. steum rac t In the past fifteen months , Uappy thought : let us all rent our , team yachts nm1 ot rIch qulcl. . Oanadn hns been dIggIng cnnals to "omo purpose. ns the dlv rslon of rnln ndo trom Atlnntlc lOrts In the UnIt. ed States to Montrenl sumclently at- tests. The fnct tllat Cunadn Is so Cal' north thnt her canals uro tro1.en up . urlng many months 01' the 'cnr hils not induced the Canudtuns to rel ' sole. Iy upon rail transportation , l'he - 11.1'0 reapIng the reward ot theIr courn e In oponlng their water wu 's , whIch orvo not only to Induce trade , but to modlCy ra tC , Assuming that the people at ChUl'ch Sn the mornIng nnd evening arc not the' ' 6amo , ono person In ever - tour and a goes to ehurch evC'r - Sundny In London. The London Dally News has nscertalncd thIs nter a cum'ass of sIx l11onths. It has dlRCO\'erod thut the Ohureh ot Englnnd leads In totul at- endanee , tbat the non.con1'ormlsts 11.1'0 econd and the Itomnn Catholics thIrd. ! rho non.contormlsts lead In the at. endancc 01' men , with a hundred and wenty thousand In church every Sun. fay , nintnst nhlcty-elght thousand men 1n the Ohurch ot gngland churches. hcro Is not seating uccommodatlon In the churches tor a quarter ot the popula.tlon. I..ondon and many , It not nll , Inrgo AmerIcan cIties dll'fer In thl8 respect trom many smnll villages , where the churches are BO numerous hat they could readily hold every mnn , woman and child In the place. No one need find an 'thlnlf pnrndoxl. cnl In the tn.tement thut cooldn ; ; . 'whIch ' Is one ot the oldest or temln. ine qccupatlons , orrers a' new protC ' sIan to women. It hi true that women have alwnrs cookell , hut not In the model'll sense. SUI'\'e .lng Is the Coun , dation oC civil engineering , 111Id Wush. Ington lutd the reputation or heln u gooll SIll'\.ror : 1H1t 11' ho wel'l' alh'e 'to.dny , und were put at work hORldr. n young rnduate of n technical school , the ohllnces ure ten to one that the -oung man would easily outelll1\8 tIlC father ot his country. Cool.lnl ; hnf gene through somewhat the saml' Iin or evolution ns has ch'll englneel'lu " 'Xhe kInd thnt mother used to 1I1ul.e' "s " a term ot pleusnnt remlnlHcl'ncl rather than a descrItIvo ! accurae ' Tbe ndmlRslo11 comes hn.rd nnd 80Ul1l11 , ungrllteful , but truth demnnds It , Th toUler dny 11. 'ollng W01l111n WU ! ! np . ! pointed omclnl dlotlclnn .to the city 0 : New Yorl" , She sits nt a bIg I'OIl.tol desk In the office or the department 0 charities , and h ' moans of the tele ph0110 controls nIl the cools In nil tIll ! } IOSJlltnlS nnd other Institutions \111(10 1110 rule of the n111nlclpnl uutJloritl 1 ! iShe owns her posItion to her 1010\\1 \ e not merel ' ot the 1)\'I'Jlaratloll 0 food but the chemlsl1' ' . ' ' : , .or It. 'I'm follogo gIrls , after a thol'O\1gh CCiurSI rt study relating to foolls , ha vo 0(11'11 ( lll1. bukery. It Wl18 theIr Idea to mule , I\Dd sell a beLterIJtlt { , oC bl1ll : Uln1 ho ordjna . 1111.1er . pI'ovldes. ' 1'I1e ; ro doln It with so much S1ll'CO 'i thu tile buslnC s hns alrend ' outgrn\\"n th plant , and an ot.ollslon ot their bull " , g Is neeellsa1'he8e nrl ! II\1 111 tnnces ot A tendcncy which show , tsel1' In wnny wI1 's ; tor exn1l1ph ! , I he hundre < 'l ' ot "health tooels" whl ! ! 80 ceneral1y I1d\'ortlsud unll s "Yldel1 Bold. The ireatestroducer - - P. - - " ; ' . . . . r - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . * _ - r.t. . . " ' " ' " " , . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . - . . . . . . - - - - . . - - . at thn IIIl1tol'lnl of Coull In tIll''OI'lel , AuwrlcHlIs 1III\'e ! Jccu hllclnvllnl In tI.o I1rt uf IlrC'I'"I'luJ"t ' It 1)1'ulol'I ) , " for IISl' . lR1Ieclall : ' Is thlH t1'UO ( , r Iht ! rl'll11lry , nltholllh POllulur opllll..u 11I1l ' ! JI' to th" eOllt1'nl' ' . 'rhl' schools 111'1' gl\'lnJ. ! . good trnlnillgIud' tlwl'e 1oI ! nrtd ! ot It all. " 'l'he lellld thut 11.1I11l1tor 1I1111 ; < , ' ! ! " 111n3' 'et l'I'placo thl ! oh1l'r IInd 1I10ra common Ihrnse , As n result of dletal' ' oXIWrllllC'llts canlod 011 III Ohlcu o I1wl othel' clt Ie ! ! the I1CIIIlrtUll'nL of ugrlcnltlll'l ! at'lIl1h - Ington Is II hlo to IIlInOllllCp. ROnl ! ! In , ter'stln faC'ts I1S to the eost of liv- Ing. Aithouh ! livIng eXJellfws ) ure notorloufily hl h , It hns l'ounc ! that Clunlllos ma ' be mnlntuluell In com , IHuntlvo comfort nt a HllrllrlHlngly low eONt , 'l'ho obRel'\'n t Ion or the fooel consumed b ' ono t/lllllly 1'01llIlrlslll ; ' : COUl' adults Rho wed a total expcnso ot $ : i.m : for the InenlH of ono week , thC' hili ot tlU'O Includllll ; sirloin iiI I'll I , . I 1IIu1ton chops , pork , lIsh , I' ! ; S 111111 II val'lety of ycgelnhles , A Cllmll ' of six , two of who III were chlldr'l'n , ex- Ilt'llIl'd $0,18 fOI' the food RIIJlJlI ' or ono week. ! n IIl10ther hOllfJl'holc ! thl ! weel's fooel sUJ1f1I ' fOI' thu jlllrents unc ! n"e chlldl'Cl ) cost enl . $ : i.I. : A I. (0)'ther ( ) the cXIerlnwnls ) sho111111 the : CIIHt oC dlot for each IwrHon ) ) el' dll'm vl1l'led Crolll H ; Cl'ntR tot : : ! Cl'ntH. tJl ( ! \'I'l'n o behl n hout : : ! cl'nls , 11 Is , or co Ul'Sl ! , of no ef'llCclul v/llne 10' . Iwow for how s1llull I\n nmount hUllllln he. IngH can live , Indeed , no oX1lcrllllcnts I\ru Iwetled to show thnt nL a pinch 1IIUII cnn IIvo COl' n IIUIII much smaller thun 11lI . menlloned In the lIg'rlcnl1urd : dOJal'tlllent's ) rellOrts. n ' reslrlctlng' hlmselr to the cheapest Cooll IInd 1111. . Inl ; the mlnll11um IImount neccssu' : ' to keep hOII ' IInd 80ul together a 1IIan might keep ullve Indefinitely on n few cents It dlhut his cXlwl'lmcnt would bo vnluoless , It Is of Impol'tl\nco , ho\\ ' ever , tllllL men 1\1111 wOlllen genOl'III1J shouhl Imow how so to nrranj.o tll < : famll ' Coed supjll ' thl\ the la r ( lRt lQsslblo benellt ma ) ' bl ! der1\'cd frOl I whutover sum Is to bo expended , ' 1'h < : ohject should ho not to see how Chl'lIf1' I . fl1mlllcR clln IIv.c , but how wI'lI th cun lI\'e UllOn such sums us tlle ' ( 'lIn I'ensonnhl . nfl'ol'd to expend , Studlcd wIth thIs end In vlow such experl , ments us t.hoso now mn e hy the dt. p:11'tl11ont : of ugrleulture may bo rl Iurded as holllfu1. B ' II voIding Wl\sto and using good jud l11ont In bu 'lng' the fnmll ; ) ' lIuP1llles man ' fa m III e" cou1l1 enjoy a Il\rgor 111111 1II0re'arle ( \ bill of Cure thun the ' do now und with , out at nil Incl'l uslng the expense. 'l'lu. exporhnont should be conslclel'ed ! l' this lIJtht an as nn nld to bottoI' lIv Ing condItions , 'rho wOl'hl's hest worlt ers , UIO most Intolllgent and Iu'ogl'es sh'e lUon und the best developed chll dren como from h0111ell where teed II : nutrItious , well cooked nnd ample In quantity. MAN WHO DESERVES PITY. He Who Is Comllcllcil to l at He.toU' runt lIrenkfn.ta to Bc Con.olell. A pleu for plt ' Is entered b . IIn eust- el'll journal ou behalf of thl ! unCortu , nato l11an who , through the SUlUlllor' ' 1110nths Is forced to uut a resuml'lllJt lIrolllcfust or walt uutll hmclll'on time to bl'eule hIs 1'ust , Audthe l.'OllImhera. tlon Is sollcltl. " becuuse 80111l'Oue l1ns compll1luc thut restnul'Ilnt IcccpCII's do not gl\'o tbe U1110unt ot attention to sorvlng the a "s l1rst menl that the ' do to the two III tot' o nl.'S , 'here ure no bUl' und fllst 1IIU1'OS at baud to Pl'O\'O that tbls , Is so , but It Is rnther a geneml conclusIon that left-overs trom the da ' beroro url ! used for the llrst comc1\ ! and thut thIs Is hardly squure dealing , ' 1'hen , besIdes the matter ot teed be. Ing nonc too fresb , tho1'e Is cOl11plulut thut tboru Is much of solUns to rlgbts In the restn urants during the hour one wIshes to take brealctust , wbkoh I.Te. utes u con1'uslon culculllte < 1 to mukc even un appetizIng meal un ujo 'able. Sweeping , dusting , flIllng of snIt , pl'P' per uud'Ine ar recexmCleB go onIn' del' the ' ' ' while the pntron's'er nose , waltel's dl8plu ' n sung 1'1'Old that tells hIm , or IIpJenrs ! to do BO , thl\t he hus no busIness to eut In strllnge plncce , thnt If ho hus u homo he 8110uld be In it and that Ir he hnsn't a placl ! to call home ho Is n'er ' poor spoelmen , Indeed , nud not worth . of 11101'0 con , sldel'ilUon Umn ho Is reeol\'lu . WIth tJI\l' coll1plulnts ut IlI\nd , then , It tJoems we shl1l1 ull hl1\'o to tllle 11 I Cor ! "I'untod thl\t thel'e'B n fOUlll111tlolJ ot tnet for them 111111 do what we CIIII , to hUIH'ess It upon l'est\\ll'll1t : I'eepol'f tJlI1t theIr nrst dul ' in 8ummer Is t ( 110 tholr shurl ! towllrd mnld\l 111'1 lleaSl\llt 1'01' thl ! sl'I1'-sac1'ltlclng mal who Bcuds hIs tamll ' to the countr whllo he Rtn 's behlud 111111 enrns UII ' ' tbelr bills aud hIs 1ll0ne to llI1 own An u w'l\lwnluC' to thIs duty swolr ' 1III'ouh ; the runls of IIUl'\'e 'ors 0 : I life's IlC'cC'Hsl\l'les nnd phaa1ll'o 'e.\n J aJ.o : nnd Ule resultli hlVC bel'n Uf ! sat Istaetor ' as sUhBtltutes , or , wo mlgh say , compcnsatlons could well he , 1.0 the restaurunt Icelers join thIs ball ( of homo missionarIes and the desertQo ( Imsbnnd ml\Y l1nd 1'hl1 t dcsCl'ton ! Isn' nil 'Ule bad things th.1t some foils de clare It to be , 'l'hll Compo'llto 11011110. Wlll'n i'lr. Sublmb built n nest III whIch to house hIs bride , lIe borrowed Crom hIs friends till ! best Idcous the ) ' hlld tried , IIo borrowed here , he borrowed tllere- Smith's frieze IInd GrN'n' veneer ; lIe borrowoo Jobnllon' IJOrte-eocbere AIIII Coop r'lI cll ntlcller. lIe horrowed Wlllon' . water tnnk , Pnrk'g pnntry , 01'11)11 trllI ; And then he borrow d from the bauk ' 1'111'1 cmw to poy Ule bilL -I.lllplncabt'll Morulne , No ml1u' . Ignorance ever'proventc , him trom i'lyJDIr adT1r.o. , , . , 1 J . . . . , . . . . . _ . - V'J. . _ _ . . _ , - , . - - - - - - - - - I CANDY AND CANCER. An Inetlon Arm , . O 1cer' " Thcor , . . 01 he Hrcnt ! HIc"c. ! In an 1I1'lIele III thl' 1I1111ull GAzette , Cnptnlll ! oJ , It , ItOfot , 1. : \1. \ R. , attrlhutes till ! 1'IHI' III Cllllrt'I' lI101'tllllly io an I11CrCIlHl'11 elHIHulIIlltloll of SUIIII' , In the (01'111 of fweelllll'lIts UI1\l otlll'r ( lollcllcles of 1IIoclrll ! cOllfeltlollery ! , hill 11 CUI'I'P IHllllllllg ttr.II1UllolI III the " of uJt-IIl'efel'\"ed lu'Ucll'R of diet. Uls thcOl' ' Is thl\t lIIulIlIl\lIt ! dlRellHc IA paJ'lIsltlc lu OI'IJ.III , 1111(1 ( If ! IIIIU to the IIIVll81011 of t he IHlII ' h ' n sncl'llll1'Olllr' Jete , the II'owth of1I1'h Is \'ol'el1 IJ ' ltleURI' , hut 1lIl1lhlll'd h ' tiub. ItlllH'es l'olltnlnhlJt clllol'hll' , I\ml olll ' tdllllR81hlo wllclI thl ! IllllOUllt oC chlo. llIe In the hell ' falls helow 1101'1111\1. \ SOIlll' of his eXIIl'I'IIIIPIIIs. whl'h hi' 1'0' wI'lIK In SUppolt of lhls1 0 \ \ ' , l\I'e ruth. er 1'ellllll'lmbll' . lIe hus cultlvl\tcc1 SIlC' ' 'Cltcs fl'OlII \'lIrlt ' tIC tu. ehlll'III ( n \ ( ! 11101'11 011 strl'lIl' ca 110 SUIU I' , II 1111 lias tlso pl'epIII'l'd whnt he dl'II'11I1'1I 1111 "n tl1111 of t ' " h ' IH'I'M'l'\'III ( " UIIIII1' ja III , \ IIUl" tlolls of tUlllors III the ali1C' lIIC'dlulII. HecllollH 01' thlR "jalll" Hho"llle tu. 11101' cell IIH USUI\I , hut the Maccllaro. rnycet's 1I1JOUllllhll ; 111 UlIII hl'll'PII thelll , " lIe ) llIssl'll l'Illol'hlt' ) : as thl'ough his cut\1l'es ! of'l'harolll ! " Celt'H , 111111 foII II I tllal It "rapllllIllkll the orga IIhmls , I\ull It Is e\1I10Iltl . tIll ! chlorille t 111t Is the 1\1 h'e 11 l'lIt , " Accordlll 10 Caltlllll Itmit , Ihe guill , III Ilrlllclple 111 the tl''atllllut of 1'1111' cer should he to dl1ll11l18h lho alllOUlIt of hl'uSO III t hl' hol1 ' 1\11I1 hlcreaMC 111e 1\1II0U1It or ehlorhw , t hel'l'h ' I'ell- 1101'1111- t h ( ' 1m 1I1'1I t's 1Ioll ' U 11 UIl fa01' . nble cult1ll'P lIIelllum fOl' till' Sllcl'llle mlerool'g'IIUhiIlIS , He lias IlIlt this tlleol'Y Illto 1'11lctlco UpOIl 11'11 pllllellls , hIs tl'l'allllcllt cOlIsls1l1lJ. ; "lIr'Ht , oC a s1rlct IIluuollc IIlet , a 11I1 , sl'com1l ' , of plllllg lu 80111uIII ehlI'hle ( Illto the holly , 111111 III'C\"Cll11I1g its excl'l'tloll as much 111'1 ' Isslhle , " ' 1'he rcsults III'C Euld ; to hn'e h'eu 1II0St succcssful , hut , ullfortullately , Ihe plltlC'uts tllI'lII' solves do 1I0t UIIIeal' , to hn0 Ill'eu uUl\ulmous liS to the nc1\11II1nJtes of the tl'elltmollt the ' WCI'O recl'l\'llIg , slllce Cour out or tholl' number 1'\11 : uwa ' , xpel'lmonts wel'O ulso h'led UpOII uul. 11111 Is , l'1l1ICc'rous ma tOl'lal und "sacchn. l'omycetes" ohtl\llIcd b ' clllt11l'e f1'01l1 cuucers helngHWII for Inoculation ; yarlous lesions wel'o 1)I'oducell. anl1 In Fome Instancl's the Intluouce oC u snlt diet UIon ) the uffecled unlmllls WIIS 6tul11ed , In Imltntlon of the hU1l11'111 pntlcnts , "one Iulneu III ! ; a1ll1 ono cat nbscondcd , " uPlmrentJ ' before the of solllum chlorIde hud been /lccorded to them. 'he announcement that sweetmeats predlsposo to ( 'unCCI' , If It IIl1ds Its wuy Into the cheupcI' seusatlonal jour. nallsm , mllY 111'0\0 nllll'mln to sun. dry juvenile und Cemlnlne renders ; but If It checks thelt' nllpetlte 1'01' contec. tlonery It will at 1lIst Impro\'e tholr dIgestion ; and , ulthough thc IIHe of RO. dlum chlorllle 118 un Ilntldote would engendel' n thIrst whIch mlJht ho slnlcd ullwlsel ' , there Is lIttle fear 01' 50 unlmlatnhle It 'remed ' hecomlng popular , Stili , we thlnl. that Oaptllin Host would huye been wIRe In deCer. rIng the IH11JlIcntlon ot hIs theol'les until he hall estubllshed thcm on n somewhat bl'oader scIentific husls.- BritIsh Medlcnl Jour1lul , AN HONEST MAN. I lie Hefnwctl to Profit hy CQrele'"csll ' In Hccorlllnt. : l nrly TrutlBfer8. An IncIdent , whIch exhIbits the stol'l. Ing Integl'lt ' of a man who could withstand - stand the tomptutlons ot weulth rather than do t.ho smallest act of Injustice , Is told In U1. : . Ohlttenden's "History ot Steambout Navlb'atlon on the : \fls. souI'I Hlnr , " 'rhe prlncllml uctorous ono of the eurly Bottlers oC St , LouIs , II [ r. LeBnrge , who had purchned 11 smull tract of IlInd tor whIch he paId twenty.five dollars. l.and was then ot very little mluo , n11l1 LrunsCers were ofteu mlllie wltllout dced and with no more tOl'lnalltr thllll In exchnlltln cnttlo or horses. In thIs wuy1' : , LoBnrge tl'adNI hIs land on whnt Is now Olalr street , St. Louis , to Oha11l'ln I.ebcau Cor a hOl'flC , Long rears I1ftcrward , when these trnnsactIons were almost forgotten , and the II1'Op01.ty had bet'Ome "er ' Vl1hll1ble , 11 lu wycr prescntell to the old gentlomlln anll uskr.d 111m It ho hnd e\'Ul' owned any land enC C 011 11.1' Rtl'eet.11' : , La 11 u rJl' : l't'IlIed III the atllrmatlve , und desrrlhed Its loral. Ity. ' 1'ho la w ' ( 'r tll'n nslt ( him w'hen and how hc dIsposed of It. IIo coulll not nt Ih'st I'ccall , hut 11's. LoBargo rOll1emlerell , the cll'cumstancl's Ilnd rl'- latud them to the law 'er , at tile Rame tlmo remul'klng to hel' hushllU thnt that WIlS the way tll ( ' ' got theil' horse to Bet themseh'cs up on the furm with , ! ' 1'ho Inw 'or theu IIss11l'ed [ r. I.e. Durge thl1t the title to thIs IIrOH'I'tJ' } was still , "ested In hIm , IInd thnt ho could hold It IIgalnst all comers , for there 'WI1S nbsol1ltely no recol'd ot the conve 'nnco lu exlslence , 'l'ho 0111 gontllluun ! , wltll 11 look or Indignation , asled tbo luw 'er 11' ho tool , hIm for 1 tllle ! . "I troded that 1111111 , " snltl he , lito Chl1urlll Ll'1leuu (01' 11. horse , whIch wus wOI' h 11101'0 to mo thnn tIlC luud wns , 1 shull Rtnnd by the bnrgulll now , It < : ha\11'ln Lehcnu's helt's have no title , toll them to como to me I1n(1 ( ( will multo them a 11ued before I die. " . The TI'UHt QUIJltlon III Gormany. 'l'he Gel'l an Imllcrlnl BOlli'll ot frade hns I'Cluostcd ull chumuers of : ommorco to l'elort mlnutl'l o ull tuots Cor or n alnst the orgunlzaUon ot U'usts. Juc the Yoftr Armllul. rXllero Is a poInt nenr the famous fHon ' ca ye , III the Cutsklll Moulltnlns , " Iwhere Ice WilY be found on any dAy t the year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . -J _ - . . . . . - - - LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA. RIOUS HUMORIST8. I'lcnlInt ! Incldcnts Occurrlnt. : the " 'orld lh'CI'-8u3'hlUH ; tltn t Arc CJccr- I rill to 0111 III' YuuIII.'nnllY Selec. tlon ! ' ! thu t YOII Will l "Ju'y. " ' ' " ' ' thc hrhlo of two "llOIl1' , whlo'I'Cl'tl ! ' ( hO\1l's. " 'ou 110n't rogl'et Inll1-I' 'lng me , CVt'n 'l't " . . o , arllng , " rCllIed ) Henr ' . " ot e\"en 'e1 ! " The tmln sled ) on , U1HI Rhe was hl1)1' ) p ' COl' l\llothel' fi\"e mInutes. A I.JttJo IhIAC. ; \I'S. WlthCl'ly-1 bought Ulls rug Cor the bl1.h ' to ) lln ' on , Wlthol'I-Well , don't lel her Iell0W It. HoIII ! : 1118 Shnrc. A n I' ) ' } , 'II t hel'- Young mun , 'ou nl'e s.lttlng'1)1 ) too 11to with m ' 11:1\1)h. ) [ PI' , Lnst nIght I hel1l' you Idsslng 1111' : . . f'ull'I'ton--.cll , 511' , me one hus ot to , o TltJc't. " " ' M"I . . . . . . III b. " , . _ lr. . . . . \\11110 Wlnlel'mnn-And ' ' - so 'ou won't ' ' ' ' ? lI1al'l' nll' : \fnlllle ) [ ontnnlt--Wh ' . how pel'fect. I ' ridIculous : rou I1re , WillIe. " 'h . , ) oU'l'e nothIng but un Amol'lcun. WII ) ' It 'I'ntted Hlttcr. A ph 'slcll1n had occasIon to prescrlhe quInIne to 11. patient , un clderl ' Il1d ' who was not used to modcm wa 's of ndmlnlstel'lng IIIC1Hclne , The quInIne WIIS ol'derod III Cllllsules-tweh'e , each ( 'ontalnlng foul' gmhls. About It weel , latcl' the doctor was call1'd to altem } a daughter of the old IlId - , nnd he 110- tlced what he sUlposed ) WCl'e the quI. nIne CIIIsulos he had Ilroscrlbcd , 'urn. In to the mothot. , ho I1skcdwhy she hllli 110t tul.en thc medIcine , "Sure , doctor , do 'ou mean that bIt. leI' powder ? Yes , I tool. It , lJUt hud hal'd work getting out of these HUlo gluss tlilngs It wns lIut up In-Phila- delphla Leder ! , I'rct'lctl. "Wh ' , how r11lnJled ! 'our shIrt wnlst 15 , Edith ! " "Dcal' me ! and It has only just been IIl'essed , too. " Edith was l1ulto us selr-possessQol as eVC1' . nut St. John colored deepl ) ' , She Kllcw 111m. lIe- When did , rou be ln to suspect I J wus In lo"e.lth 'ou ? ! I ho-Tho da ' 'ou told me I could ha\"c un .thlng I wanted on the bill of CUl'e , - - Imllortant to YOllnIcn , A ! ; h'l would 1"11 thN' 11110 a hul : ! Jouncl of .10-cout cnllll ' In a fl1ncy 1I0x with 11 I'od 1'lhhol1 1'0ulld It than n ) lollnd of'SOcl'nt cl\l1l ' In a lnper bag. -Some1'\'lIIo , Tonrnal , A Common Af1l1ctlon. "How's he fixed 1" "oh , he hns the usual sh'awherr1 all' potlto and pr\lne Income.-Puck , ' \0111.1 Fix It , - - - I } 11 s ltl1'jllll\-Yo\1l' company Is < 1ls. ta"teful to IIIC , ( 'ol'lol'al ) Plnhead-'l'hen I'll resign f"om " It. 1 don't IIko beIng n soldIer , r i\ll 'WIlY , er"Pllt8. 1o'h'Mt IIousewlfe-Somo du 's I undo IIhollt o\'el. .thlng the 80r\'nnt docs , oeollll 1I0llsewltl.-Grnclousl IIo\V do 'ou dl\re'/ / IIcldlld the fccIICI ! , Swcet Sin/cr-'ho / trllglIull BaYII In coming' through the RI kles on a train last wlntm' he couldn't see out ot the wlmlowt ! , : -tubl"Ctto" ' 'CI'I'lble snowstorm , I gUl'liS. SWl'et Sln or-Box car , more 1I1cly. I III III HIht , Count Yucum-\h , cot Reoms znt zc rIch . \lIIerlcllll ll'ls lIl'e gotUng scnl'COI 111111 ' ' Cm' sem'COl' us , COllllt IJoll-'es , monRleur , 1111 zc ' et'I'leh'lulck' COnccrl\i \ ! are recei\"lnJ. : hl\rll blowtl In Amol'lcn , . . . . - - - _ . . . . . . . . . .t. . . . . , _ . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . _ , . . . , _ _ . . , . - - . - . . . - . . - - - TIllie to Unit. Sl\nd ' - Why 11.1'0 'er I'ullnlng so lnst , pn-d1 : Clncters-Dere's n lynchln' mob be. hllld mI ! . Sl\ndy-Dey don't wnnt to lynch yer , do dc ' ? ' CInders-No , 1Iut dey wnnt dls clothcR.lIno I'm wearin us suspenders fl'l' do rOlle , Hchclllc 1'hllt I.'nllcil. "Slexclulmod \ the 11Inn In n hOlll'se wlllllller , liS he mcL his wfo } at the depol , "didn't I telegraph 'ou not to Ill'ln ' 01ll' Illother' , " "Yes , " UllS\\'t'I'Cll shc , "huL she open. cd tlw IIII'SlIng'1 ! uIIII Inslstcl ( on comhlg IIlung to In\'cHt1gllt-Chlcngo Dally Ne\\'R. " ChnllJc of 0111111011. "So ther 1I11111e(1 ( 11. clgur nfter 'ou ? " "Yell , " IIl1s\\'orel1 the sporting 111an , in II II uhlou ! ! tOile. "Quito II eompllment , " "I thought HO till I 811101.011 one or the \ImI'll. , 1'hon 1 coucluded It was n libel , " FCIII tnlnc Ch"rlty. , IIc--\lIss : Bldol'lclgh ccrtuinly has n \01' ) ' l'XIII'cRsl\'e fnco , RIIL'- Yes , 111lleed , It's the \'er ' best 1II0ut. . can bur. OllC ofInll ; , . Hubberton-Dld , Tones lo without n \\1II ? DI' . QUllcl.em-Xo , Indeed. He dIed ' \'el' ) ' 1I1uch 1lIlnst hIs will. . - - Tcrrlhlr. to COlltel1l111utc , Ln Iontt-l see sone ouo hus Im-ent , ell II IlI'ojodlle In the shupo of 11. clga' ; . thll t , , ' 111 I1nulhl1l1 te nn arll1 . . I..a\Io . : 'ne-You don't sa ' 1 I het U tllI' ) ' mlllle It lu the shnpe of a rncln u utolllobilo I t would Idll twlco as lUun ' , Qnitc Anothcr l\lnttcr. "Herol'l' I gi\'o ) ' 0\1 mr unswcr , " slild the lIuffllIllre < l summer girl , "I would like to Imo.If 'ou I\re In a posltioI1 to Ie. el ) mo In the st 'le to which I hU\'d nl wn 's he.'n nccustomed , " "I f the f't 'les don't chungo too OctOIl I nm , " replied the wise 'outh , "Other. wIse the odds are In fl\\'or 01' my .goln brolcc , " A SC\'crc 1'c t. er FuUler ( protestlnglYou ) wlsll to lI1urr ' lI1 - dnughter , ohWhy , sh hns enl ' just gradunted ! SuItor ( mngnuulmousl ) lenow It I And 'ot I 10\'e her-1'ucl. ! , A COIJIJlnr18on. r- , Stout : \run-llullol You look as II 'ou 11:111 : beell rhllng on a barrel. llow-Leggod nuu-You look liS It YO\ had swnllowed one. IIc0 > 4 n Hllilclnn. ; . "John , " suld the 'oung wlte whe prides herself on helng sensIble rlgh UII to the limIt , "just notice how eI.lR ' Jittlng l11 . now shocs ure. " "Yes , I see , " uuswl'Ted , John. IIAnd Jobn , " she continued , "do YOI Imow why I nlwnys get my shocs 51 Iargo't" " " tlle othe "Oh , replied 11ngnllant hnlf of the slectcll , "I SUIpOSe It's be . l1a\'e such feot. " causc .ou \ blr ; Her Only Comlllcnt. IIXc\'crthelcss , m ' dear , " saId tll < mnRcullne 1I0l.tlon of the comblll ( "there ure u 11\1111ber of men In th world who l11'e m o 111'u1nl luferlors , " " .Tolm , " rejoin , d the wlCo of hI 1\8 sbe lookoll hIm square In th eJ'e , " 'ou we'e I\I\\'u 's 1cont rmel crnlc. " Ont lit First , "Sr ; , " hegl\u thl' ' 01llIg man , "I cam to ask ' 011l' daughter's hllud In mill rlnge. I feel thnt I am 110t worlllY 0 lieI' , but- " "YOU11g mnu , " Interl"1lllted the stcr : pareut , , ' ! Cl1l1 ' agl'e ( . ' with 'on on tl1n pol11t , uud there Is nothlug J'mther t be sl\lcl on the subject. Oood.e\'enln { sir. " I XICIU lye J.uxllrlc" " " \"e1'11. IIltol1e--'WIlI 'ou I.eep YO\1 promIse und 1'eslgll from J'our club jm as soon as I hecomo ' 01l1' wl1'o ? Cnl \lettc--1'1l : hu ye to , Couldn' ' ufford both , 'ou Imow. An crnl" " . Pete-Dey tell mo dat hully wns a. wnys comIng 111'0\11111 here 1001dnl : to scrups. DId 'o' accom1l10du to him ? . Ah hIt bh Snm-Shoull1 su so. wId n howl ob hnsh , Thc Ncxt Bellt Thin/ : . "Polell\ll1ter tulls nhout makIng It ' In automohlle , " Arctic t1'll ) 1111 "Whr , ho coull1n't teuch the pol thnt wu ' , " "No , but he coulll como back I1n tell how ho dll1n't , " lint Urnft. ; \nhoolo-.Aln't yez th' 'Wtln tllI towlll 1110 nlver to dhrlnk 'W'nther wll , ou t 1I011ln' ? Ph 'slell\lI- Yes , sir. ! ) Iahoolc--'fhln OJ hov 1D10tnd 1 : murllll'r 'e. 01 11111'iU11t boiled ' ' ' ' 4th. . a WII I\l1uosL hUl'lll < l me mouth ott. . . " . . . . . " - . . . " " ' - ' - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . _ . , _ . . . t . ' , - . . . , n.-- . - - _ _ T. ' . . _ . LIKES THE ARMY LASSES. 1\1I1lIonolr" MOllnfncturcr So , . . The , " Arc III. . . l\lnllc'oh. "Ilero , mIss , tnlte thIs monoyl l"or the 10\0 at heu\'en , don't go awny I without tllldn/ / , ; this monc ' . " So 'ellcel , T , C , S , , Jollllslone , nUn. ; . lIel1polls manUful't1ll'er ho ' , as 1'1111 through the cOl'1'lclor of the AUllltor- hUll , "Illl0 ) 'OU secu h'l'7" ho demnuded , liS he I'ushell. to the ( leRI , 111111 uccostel1 Clorl , hafl'I' . " \\'ho' , " hll1ulred the lalter. "Wh ' , the ah'atloll AI'mr mlSR thnt y I Just passl'll through. " " \ \ 'l'l1t'I'l' 10 the AI\ncx , " uliRwerod' r thl ! cll'rlc al1d the lInnenlOlIlI 111l1n 1'1111 thl'ouJh the tunnel. "Ua0 'ou Reen hl'l' ? " he quorled of lhe Il1'Rt hellhor ho met. "Who ? " InqulrClI the hollho ) ' In I1I1Hlzcment. "Thl' Sal \ ' tlon . \ rlll ' IIiRS thn t col- I cls mOlll'r , " " , TURt g'OIW lip the sh''et , " IInRwCl'ed the lalter , I1ncl thlJ lIIali from [ ) nlle- apolls I1lIg'ht hlYl borll IICl'n chuRln : ; up the ayellUo a IIII11UtO Intcl' , Ho cau ht 111'1' just a8 she rcm'hed , flld.sOIi houlo\'llrll , "Ucl'e , talw thIs 11011111' , " he RulliIS lie pushecl 11 hili Into hrr hnl1el.III don't Imowhlt \\'ould hn"l' 110111) 11' 1 haell1't el1u ht 'ou , " :11111 : then he l'etu1'lIed to the hotel. "I'd becl1 11 ) luUllt'r In twel1t.fout" hours If I h11l111't givcn thut girl S01l10 1I10ne ) ' , " ho eXIlalllell to 1ho lIcoll ) I\'ho hl\d wa tehcd the chuRl' , " 'J'he . 'ro . 111 muscotR , these Sill \"II tlon AI'III ) ' tasRes. I know t ha t I would 1111 ye hlel1 I hoodooed 11' I hlll1n't caught 111'1' . I'll I II been broke sUre. " lIe wus sllcnt 11 long tllllo , "UII\'on't seen one iu tell 'eIU'8 without glylni . her moner. " "Sullcrstltlous : " Inqulretl Ol1e of hIs CI'IOlllls. "Call It that If 'ou wallt to , hut It's u conviction with 1110. } was SItUIlt ; J. rIght h'l'e IIbout tl'n 'elll's 11):0 ) whell Olle of the1l1 tapllel1 1110 on the sholll- Ilel' IllHl IIslwl1 we for a contribution. Hnd 11 dlmo In m ' 1)0clct : 110 mOl'e , fUlt ] 110 job. Ii ung'r ) ' and 1'00111 rent . stnrlng me In thl ! fuce , V..ollderlng whnt I would do with that dIme , I Didn't see wh ' I shouldn't us well h& hroko us ha'e 11 dIme , 1'10 ' I turned It oyor to her , "Thnt left me without a cont. TIll } \ . Lord \\'Ol1't 1'00'got , " shc sllld , , " 'l\elthel' will I , ' 1 IIn8wel'ell , only I meant that I wouldn't forget thnt t was brolw , . \ lIIan hat ! just turned ll1 down for a job. Turn ell me down cold. I WIIS wOl'r 'llIg , hut I had time to wu teh that girl. I saw her strike thlr. teen men without getting u COllt , ami I auw the fOUl'teelith mlln glYO her $1. ' .rhere wns a Icssoll tor 1I1e. I got U1 > IInd tried that slime man agnln. I hnll resolved to tI'j' him Comtccn times , It nece8Hurj' , But It wllsn't. He n\ " ( } me a joh beeuuso ho llIee ! ! mj' nel'\'O. and I want to tell you that I ha yo. lIeon mlghtr IH'o"lwrous e\'er sInce. " . IIAlmost u mllllounire now , nln.t you ? " . . . "Well , closc onto It , and all 1I0cnus& , ! thut II'I lIalllllnell to strl1to mo thnt nfternoon , And sInce then 110 Sal\"a. tlon Army ) :11'1 has o\'el' Ione a WilY- wIthout mnr'lwn I was In th& lIel h hOl'hool1 , "lIeroufter I won't o to sloel ) when 1'11I In this ueck of the wool1s , " hI } eontlllue\l. "Thut girl clIme 110nr Iot. tlu 11. WII ' fl'om me. If I hadn't cought her I know thnt I woulel hu'e 11 tele. grnm tellllll ; mo thnt m ' Cilctory had becn struck b ' IIghtnln , Well , furo. 'ou'wcll , " 11l ! sulll , liS ho wallce a wny , "But , Rnr , unr time thut 'ou sen ono 01' tl1oso gIrls give her somothlng , " wus tha tluul InjunctIon , "Best In- \-estllllnt you UVl'r mIHlo.-ChlclIga ChronIcle. ltoa < l Across the UC8crt. 'Vork Iii now In progrCRs In southern CalifornIa upon IL 1I0ulcvnrd Intended to PUS8 through th Colorado desert In a strl.lgl1t IIno from the 1l1'ojected town or llockwood to Cnlexlco , on the i'Iexl- eun hordeI' . It will he 100 feet wlt1f IInd thlrt . .tlve ml1i ! long , Alona clthel' sIde of thl ! lIDulo\"u1'l1 I1m1 down the contOl' will ho rows of trces to shut elf th0 glnl'e or the deRert sun. AI o on elthm' side will bC' Rmall cnn. . als , whIch will not onlj' Irrigate till ) shudo tree : : . bllt 11180 will h utilized to Inj' tile < < lUlit wilen the roael Is COUI. o , pletcd. It will rCIIIre ! olll ' tl\'O lIIen to cure f01' the l'IIt1O t.hll"t ' .lh'e 111118 , 'l'he rapll gl\\\'th of trecs In th , dcsel.t CLlUlltl'j' will in8lu'c a lIlugn ! i , cent \011 Ill' In 11 'ver ' short tillie , At thl ! Intematlonnl lIc ! : 14'lIlOnth-old wll , . lows uro g1'owlng on the hllnls or th , ' " Il11pel'lal canal SCV'II ( Indlcs In I1la1l1 ( ) tct. I1ml tllll'l ) ' feci high. The boul ! ) ' .11.I'd wl11 gl\"e accus to 1he towm of lloekwood , B1'ILwl ( ' ' . Imp.ol'lul , Sills. lice , Onlcxlco , Iex'aln : , Ioxlcula an mllll ' now YlIIlI m : , . . - - - - - ' 1'ho } i' . ' \\'It" .l.u\'tloulu. . , A certaIn splustel' In 11Idlnnnpolliit SU ' 5 the Jou1'llnl 01 llint cll ' , who hat 1I\"ld uloul ! In hel' hemtlCul and stnto- I ' 11011I0 fOI' mlln ' J eal'H , I. > one of the cll "s 1II0st lIola lu hUllsewlvos , Xo ] I cl1llllsh ! Ilnglrs ! hll ve e\"el' mnrred Ult brlll1:1llce : of h'l' mirl'ol's und wlndoWI or 1I1nred hn"oc wllh the hnndsomf bl'OnZl'8 111111'ISe8 In t he dnlnt . cured for dIning' 1'0011I'1 A t the home ot hOI I' lIrotbel' , when ! seven chlldl'en rom ; from mOI'nlug ulltil night , ns mny be ! Imnglncl1. the 1'I111e : OXlulslto ( perfl'o lion of houseleolling Is Imlosslbl ) Onl' dny lieI' small nIece returned I home nUt'I' a tca IlIlrt . at nuntlo's , und I 1 , In 1111 IIwI'd"olce imhl : " [ umu , I sn" } . - I 11 tl ' In Aunt Inrln's hOllsO , hul ! ( thollt.httullj' ; ) It wus wushlng Itseltl j , 'l'he slllnll bo ' ah\"n 's wonders It 1111 motlll'r wHl eYQ1' et o\'cr being Bur Irlse ( ] nt the things he doea. . . - " - " " ' - - ' - - - - - . . . . . . . . . - . . - . - , . . - . . . . . - - -