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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1903)
, i , \ . , , , , . lUd 1.1..r n. " 1iI1I1I1\a , II I I - . . . . . . . . . . . . . , " , /1/\ / . , . 'i. ' I . : ; ' , ' USTER OUNTY EPUBLIC N . . ES1'ABI4ISHED 1882. 1'IIE OFFICIAL PAPEH Ol cus'rER COUNTY. 14ARGEST CIRCULA1'ION OF ANY PAPl l IN 1'IIE COUN1'Y. - - - - - - - - I . VOL. XXII. BROKEN BOW } CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA } THURSDAY } OCTOBER 15 , 1903.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.18. t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - . . - - . - - - - . - I r 'r/ ; . f ) , } jJV , , ) I III ! 'I . ' I t 11 I r tl . ( II. . " 1 , I ' , - - - - , , _ . . - . Hyc trouhles arc a\'oilcII ! hy ' I r thc usc of propcr glasscs. Thcse : , ' ( : all he ! II\11 hcre in quickcst ' , ' . \ , time alll111t UIOICrutC ! cost. ' , 1 . Eye Tests . are mucc frce. 1\Iodcrn SciCli- ' . \ tific illstrumcnts arc USCI ! . SciCli'i 'i I t . climillatcs 1111 possihlity of er- . , i rors. Hcadachcs cause ! hy cyc straill g'c much troullie to U I studcllts 1II1 ( ! schoo ! childrcn , ' I II' , ! Thc tcmporary use of glasscs of . thc right strcugth will gCllcra ! Iy J'e tmllediatc rclief. We sdl these at low prices , , . : I , i J . . . . , . . . . . . . , . - - - - _ _ I School Books. Ta hlets ' I. I o'Jf".r.r.r.r.rJ"n -ANH- , ; i . ' . School I. SUlp1i"s } , I -AT- J. G. Haeberle's. f , , . _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - t I I j I t j , . , \ tI' t ' I' I'f. . The Office Safe , \f. \ N is 1111 right forl slIIlIl1 I\InO\lIIt of . N ' I money I hut an \ ' sum abovc that rc. Squired for t1 e dllY's cxpenses S 1 8 should hc dcpositcll with thc 8 ; I Custer National Bank j : 'l'hen are spccial facilitics hcre for " , S tllking care of it , Paymellt hy S 'I chequc is far morc convenicllt thall S payment hy cash. No IIcel ! to huy ; .1 I moncy ordcrs or postaluotcs. : N H. LOMAX , Cashier. j' ; . .o'.r.r..o'Jf".r.r.r. : : o'Jf".r.r.r.r.rJ" " W n : : : : : : ; : : : : : : m ; II I I . Grccn post ofiice has bcen ( hs- continucd. Joseph Sittler of l\lcma , mad" the HHl'UIII.ICAN onice a business catt li'riday. S. K. Warrick went to I4incoln yesterday to attend a mceting of Htate hanlers. Mrs. 1\1. D. Catten , north east of the city is reported quite sick with a s Ige of the 14a Grippe. F. 1\1. 1 u1 > lec and n. 140max were at I4i nc l n 'l'uesday a ttend- ing a meeting of the state 1 > anl- 'I ers.F. F. M. Olmstead of Custer Cen- tel' , 1S cnjoying a visit from a I sist'r of Kansas. who arrived last week. 1\lrs. Dave 1\T cCracken of Cus- I tel' Center , f ll ofT a wagon Monday - day and'brolie her wrist and sustained - tained other severe injuries. W , G. and E. H. Purcett went to Lincoln , Monday to attend a meeting" of t.he executi\'e board of the State Press Association. Curt Dean of Ryno , was a sociable - able catter at this ofiice Priday. lIe informs us that Geo. Pelky lost t.wo head and he lost live head of cattle in his field from corn stalk disease. gd. Koch of Callaway , and Miss Cordelia Ii. King of Mason City. were married by Judge Armour yesterday. 'l'hose pre- scnt to witness the ceremony wcre Levi King , A. Koch and 1\1 iss Ote Kluntp. Arthur Anderson ofVester - ville , catted Saturday and ha l , his name enrotted for the Rn- PUIII.ICAN. Mr. Anderson is running' a threshing machine in his l < ; > cality and reports the grain turning out fairly wett , but not so. , , . . . 111' . . slast'year. t' : . . He savs , / . a { ) .pbr.cent. of the corn 111 that \ ' cinity was damaged by the freeze , ! Jut there will hesome good corn. . - - - - - - - ; c'rJ : " : ; : rJfJO : : o' : N I ' T I BOOKS I I . Arriving at the Post 8 Ofl cc Store. N Gift Bools , School BooksStandar Bools R and.T4ate . Copyrights. S Heltable goods at re8 liable prices. H. A. Watts , Broken Bow , Nebraska. tb : : o'o'o'o'X'I'Jf"J.or.r : : : : \V AN'rItD-'I'O hirc two men that have families. Houscs furn- ished.WHS1' UNION MU.T.ING Co. 38tf West Union , Neb. . . . . . . , . ; : : - : . Ii " ' ' ' ' ' . .1' . . ' ' ' . ' . ' " ' " " "I1I".IIIII' " ' " " " " ' " ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' 11I11I"1" ' " ' ' ' II' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " "III"III" ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' . " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' . iW . . . ' 1 'Q."I' . : : t- : : t' ; 'f < : tiJt : ; : t < : tJ16 : : : N : " ! : : i ( 6t : < ; : t : : ! > ' ' : t-1 1 : t-1 ; 1.t < : ' ' & : t < ; . . . ti . - f' ; = \ I. i - ' \ \ Heating Stoves . 1tjmo itt B _ I " 3 ! -AND- I : , ; a .A.aT : : < : J.rss : r \ ' ( J- : I. f This fall we will have a good supply of ; \ II is , , e1c > rt Oaks. me . :11. : Ilns ! s the stove we hac ! such It 'gl'cat eemaucl Jj' : ' ! ? r.1ast Wllltll' ; and eould not g'pt enough of , them. ! , j I IllS stove wIlIIHlI'n Hlack ( 'oal and hold fire the I I 'i , ! same as a hard coal burner. Call and see them he- ! i. fore they al'e all gOlH . Don't he put off by a stove' 'I I i called jUH as guod aH tho. I'otort.V abe have a i number 01' uther makes ! ' leatol's WIlle ! solI.m ' i : l o } } wo solI. m ; I ; cheap as the cheapest. \ \ e hay ( ' tlw r ( hahle Quwk 3 i I .Meal Hteel Hauge ; also the 1\lalll'uble Htl'el Hauge , ! . ! the most dUl'ulJle l'ang" maclo. ' II I I Old Hickory Waons. i . :1 Peoria Corn Shellers , Bugg'ies , 11 al' whl'e , tji . H a I'ness a ud Haeld les-tho hl1'gost Ii ne in town , . . ( \ i ) I. . G. W. Apple J 'i t . . . x . . . .ti : lm . . . . . . . . . : t\P . , .1) t ; : j , . l' . . . . . i'ki , JJ..or.J. : . . . { . . * . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . rot. . . . . . . . . . . , ' . . , , _ .i : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . i' . ' . : . . . _ . . . . . . . . : : ; ; : . - . : . . _ . ' P. G. Grecn of Green , was a fricndly caller at this ofiice Frida ) ' . Henrr Kctley of Ansclmo , was a frienl1y ( caller at this ofiice yesterday. W. J. Woods went to 14 ncotn 'l'ucsday morning. as d legate to the K. P. state con\'cnhon. Philip Johnson of Ortetto , l < ndly rcmemhercd this ofiicc SaturdaJ' with a friendly call. II. E. O'Neil of Omaha , is in the city thh ; ' wcc ) ( looking after his int rests in.Custer coun ty. 1\Irs. Sage , north cast of the citJ' had an arm broke last week hy a board being blown against. her. 1\Irs. II. F. Kennedy and 1\Irs. 'V. E. ' 1'albot went 'to 'l'almma Sunday to visit their mother , : Mrs. Hattie ' 1'albo1. Nicholas Smcts of Green , call- cd Monday and requested his paper changed to Broken Bow on account of the Green post ofiice being discontinucd. S. H. Reed of Merna , called at thi ofiice } riday and had his sub3cription advanced. Mr. R ed is one of the RHl'UBI.ICAN'S valuable subscriJcrs ! who always kceps his subscription paid 'in ad'ancc. . Mrs. Jud Kay returned Saturday - day night frol11 1\Iissouri where she was called sOlUe two weels ago b the serious illness of her father who was hurt with a run away team. Hc is still in a very precarious condition with but littl hopes of recovery. H. 'V. George returncd Sunday night frolU California where he had been the past two mont.hs visiting. Hc reports havlt1g had a pleasant visit and having gain. ed a great deal of information about that country that can only be sccured bJ' seei ng it. He visitcd Salt I akc and Denver and othcr points of intercst on his return. Mrs. J. S. 1\IcGin of Ansclmo , died at thc homc of her sister , Irs. ' 1'hos. } i'inlen of this city Sunda ) ' night. lIer funeral was preached in the Catholic church yestcrday and her rcmains laid to rest in the Catholic Cemetery west of town. 1\11' . McGin and family havc the sympathy of thc community in their great be- r a velUent. Dr. W. II. Cole , a veterina rian surg'on of Monroe , Nebraska , has located in the city with the view of practicing his profession. Dr. Cole is a graduate of Chicago Vcterinary Collegc. He treats diseases of all the lowcr animals. His ofiice will be in Wilkins' drug store. lIe solicits the patronage uf the puJlic. ! See his card in this issue of the HH- PUBLICAN. - - John Robinson shippcd a car I load of corn fcd cattle to the Omaha market the nrst of the I week. It is 1\11' . Robinson's first I experience in feeding cattlc in the spring and sttlluner season , atHl thinls it-is so much better than f eding during the winter season that he will hcreafter adopt the summer feeding. ellr ' ! 'Iclict At the republican caucus held 1\IolHhl ) ' night under call ot Ii' . .1\1. lublee , chairman , republican candidates for the city tic1 < et were nominated. For Justice of the peace , I. D. Glaz ( ' and B. G'Sclnvind' . For constables , \V. II. Shackelford and P. M. 'l'owslcy. 'I'ho Ha'okcn How Jhl llltnl. Since Dr. Job and Mrs. Baird have talcn charge' of the city hospital they have had it re. novated throughout an c1eaned in fine shape for usc. 'l'he ladies will be pleased to .have the cili- zens of the city or count\ ' call and inspect thcir quarters antI' ' satisfy themselves of its sanitary condition. 1'he hospital will be open to all physicians and they arc solicited to bring them their patients. that needs special care by experienced tlurses. Dr. Job , the supcrintendent of the hospital - al is a graduate of the mehcal department of the University of NeJraslm. ! Mrs. Baird has had eight years experience as a hospital nurse , which assures that patients entrusted to their charge wi11 have the best possible - sible care that scicnce and experience - perience provides. - . .UII' IC HAI.I . John Hopkins of Berw'n , wi11 ofTcr at public salc ' 1'uesday , October 20 , 1903 , commencing at 10:30 : a. m. the following described - ed pJoperty : 1 span of brown mulesS years old , H , hands high. 1 of ba ' mules span ) marc 15y hands high. 4 tVO year ol col ts. 1 extra good ) 'earling marc colt. 7 wel1 broke milch cows. 4 yearling heifers. 8 spring calve . 1 yearling Hull. I 50 head of stock hogs. Free Innch at noon. A credit of seven months wi11 be given on al1 sums over $10 with intercst at 10 per cent. Ju Ka ) ' , auc- tioncer. Sl'nlna' )0'001111111 ' ) ' ( 'nlll Oa'gnnlzl'H. 1'he Senior football team met on the athlctic lield yesterday at chapel time to elect a captain and a coach and discuss the situation. Edwin F. Myers was - - - - "t"t"t"'tttt"t"ttt"t"t'ttttttttttttttttttt"ttttt " " " " " " ' , " " , " " ' , , , , , , , , , " , E WAR ! WAR ! WAR ! - - - , Oll BuO"O"y Prices ! - E F ARlVIERS ! - - E 'Vhen you see strangers trailing buggies through the :3 : E country with thc purpose of selling t1 cm , hink ofl the :3 : : : : : : : Home Comfort Sto\'e people , whol by their nusrepresenta- : : : : : : : : : tions , induced you. to pay almost two prices for ranges : : : : : : = about two years ago. 'l'hc samc deal is being played in the = = = = buggy line in this count ) . by strangers claiming to bc from : : : : : E Iowa , whom ) 'OU will never see again after they have in:3 : : : : : : : duced you to buy a buggy. Now , if you want a B ggyor : : : : : = = Spring Wagon , do not buy of them whilc in the country , = = : : : : but come to towu where the ) ' leep their upply and make : : : : : = = them compete with your home dealer. If you will do this = = = = we wi11 makc them sell you a buggy for = = - - E - $20 L..ESS 3 = = than they will ofTer you one for in the country. As long as = - = E men who have lost the contidcnce of the people in their own : : : : : : : : town to such an extent that they cannot do business there , :3 : = = stay in our midst with the intention of disposing of a douht- : : : : : : : : ful stock of buggies , we intend to 1 ght them .md 1igbt them = = = = to a standstill , rcgar less of what our formcr prices on hug- : : : : : = = g i s have been. .Now , if you want a ! Juggy comc to town : : : : : E al.1i do your buying and get tHe benefit of the scrap , for we :3 : E promise you that no tax-shirking peddlers can do business :3 : : : : : : : in this town at a profit as long as we have a buggy left. : : : : : : : : : And we also promise you that wc wi11make these tax-shirk- = = = = ing peddlers sell you so low that you will get back some of : : : : : = = thu moncy that the Home Comfort Sto\'e p ddlers stole from = = = = you a few years ago. Come to town and get thc bcneHt of : : : : : E competition. :3 : l . SOUl RES BROS. ; illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllllllllllill11111 111111111111111iS : , . . Read this : . Arc ) 'ou from .l\1issouri ? If so , I can show you. There is a buggy concern that just unloaded a car of buggies , with the expectation of trailing t.hem through the count1' ) ' . Now I havc told ) 'ou all this summer in m ) ' adds that I could sell ' ' than ) 'ou a huggJ' Cheaper you could buy it . the United States , and 1 meant e\'cry word I saul. Now 1 want to mal ( ( you this proposition : 'l'hat I will sell ) 'on a Buggy , Spring \Vagon , Carriagc or l oad 'Vagon 10 Per Cent Cheaper than this cncertl that is trailing buggies through the county. Now this is just a simple business proposition. You want a Buggy and you want to buy just as good a Buggy for as littlc money as yOU can , antI all I ask is thc'chance of showing you uiat what I say is true. Now when the ) ' call 011 } 'Olt , don't complete your dcai until you come in and see me. 'l'hcy have b tggies here in town and thc comparison as to price , vorkmanship , material and tinish can be made. 'rIte time to buy anything is whcn every body else is wanting to sen. Now if you win give your home dealer a chance , there will bc a hot. time in thc Bugg ) " bustness in Brolmn Bow. C. S. MARTIN , Mfr.Agt. ! -AND DEALElt IN- ANrrI-TRDST GOODS. elected captain and C. ' 1' . Borg coach. Mr. Myers has been enc of the most faithful men at halfback - back on the scrub team during the past two years. In Mr. Borg everyonc will recogn ize the Varsity center , who always makes his opponent wish he had not come to theatne. . 'l'he tcam will greatly 1111SS JOl111Vil - son , who was captain of thc team the past two years and led his mcn to inter-class championship last ycar. Mr.Vilson is sufTer- iug from a badly sprained knec , which it is bareiy possible may be wen in time to permit him taldng part in the c1ass games. Other Scniors who arc counted - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ H _ _ H _ . on to help retain the championship - ship for ' 04 , arc Coat. , Newton , 'Valton , Melick , Bell , McDonald , A11en , Prichard , Chase , Elliott , A. 1. Myers , Lcwis and Hewitt.I I Scveral new men will have to be dcvetoped and practicc will be begun soon.-The Dall ) " Nebraskan - braskan , I4incoln. - - - - - - - - MMf f fliMflif M M MfM , f"f fl'MMM Mf f. . lI : S. P. Gl OA'.r & CO. ' : . Embnlrnoro and Funorol DI- II roe ' , ro. "u lI.vl ! UndOrtl\ltlUlt 0011I11 : IllId \ lIlIurllt ORr , 01111101011110110 63 lit m : IInv 1I111-lloy ' or "I bt , ! 1t2 a : s. P. CROAT & CO. , a a : IIrokoli 1I0lv . . . Ncbro'kn S g r w J ; , 'W 'Hln'jil ' \ m' ; 'j k'jj 'W ' ; ; ' BI _ _ . . _ , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " " " " " "t"t"'tfftft'ft'ft"t'ft"t"'t"'fft'f""t""t1J " " " ' ' ' " ' " " " ' " ' ' " " " " " " " - - - - - - - - - - - - j- - - - - I Car Load I - - - - - - . , . - - - - - - - - : : : : : ' : : : : : - - - - - I Barb Wire I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Early next week . E we will ha""J'e a g . : ; full car load. 3 , / Don't buy until E you . l1ear ot our 3 - - - = = Jrlces. . = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - S. P. Great & Co. - - - - - - E II arclwal ( : . Furniture. Undertaking. 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111il11111111111111 1111111111111 , . .i1 : .'iI'M , . , a'll' : ' " fll'lM ltff' ; . 't.'tt : { 'ja . ta' ' ' It " ; 'l1ltn" n It ( )1t nl1 " Im rm1 li'i rrnriir.l1ii nt 1 1ii rllm lI'l-i Inri rlTmm < II rrrrll I nrrrrll rn 111. II 11 II If IT rr1 ir/rrrmn11iit1 / 1ffirl1il1ii IIII'I1 : , T ! . SAVE XOUR HOG5. BX U5X : iG : , : ' I ; C . t . : wl : 1..J" ij : k V . .Ji4ure a aCClne. . llog t holera Cure Preventative , m C act I . I ' , . Jts average record last ycar IS n pcr cent. saved of aU : 5 hogs treated , regardlcss of the condition of the hogs at time . > > m of treatment. 'l'his rccor is not equalled by any other ' . . . . . remedy on thl : market. Per further particulars , address , m. . 8. T. L0NER8AN , , t : Brokell Bo"v , Nebr. k\u\W" \ j.PJ 'iJjJW \ J\1W\3 \ \ J\S'\Y\J'\Rru \ Jrow \J'u ij