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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
. . _ = _ L - - - r FLOYD LIVINGSTON . .UmiUttnnmrtimmnnmUOOimOOnUWimnWMUUltUi ! - - - - - - - - - - - - CllAP''J.m 111. 'I'h ( ' tcnrll were /lcnr'cl ) ' 'et Ilrlc t , 1\"lIIch he hnd tlhed O\'l'r hili mt'lhcr II rollin , when Cousin \\11I cn\1le 10 1111 , nnd In on ( ' cornl1.r of hili jr'cn , 0\111 trunk tlll'ro Iny OJ tn' of I\oft browlI hair , , which he hnd I\\'cred Crom thnt mother'/ ! bend. tIc \\1\11 the I\on of 111) ' mOlllt'r'1I oul ) ' I > i ter. who , 011 hrr denth 1 , , tI. hnd l'O\1Imlltl' < 1 hlll1 to the gllnnUnnllhlp oC mr Co'hn , ollklnj ; hlll1 \1'alll'ntl ) ' wllh her \\1ywnrd ho ) ' , for bcnenth his Cnull ) ' utl'rior thl'rl' Iny n mine oC ex'dll'ncc which nnuht : SO\'C wortls of ) o\'e t ouhl fatli m. It wns nlJht whl'n he renchl'd Sunny Bl\nk. nnd'n In l'd , but thro\l h the closl'd doors 1 couht ! the 11011I1\1 nt hili , "ol'c and In nu IUlltnnt 1 l'qwrlt'lIccd ! a e sation oC delight , ns if In him 11 .houll1 lind n kindred spirit. 1 cOIIM IIOt wilit until morning before 1 snw hll1l , nnd , rising , IIoCtly , 1 gropett my wn ) ' dlw,1 the dnrk stnirwny to n kllot hole , which hllli more dum oUCQ done me scr\'lee whcn sent frow the room while \11) ' u10th. u nnd her compnuy toM 10ll1rthln 1 , vns not to heRrl Ile wns slttlnjt so lhnt the I Iht of the lamlJ Cell full upon his face , which , with Its h lh , white brow , azet eyes nnd mnss of WI1VY hnir , Itcem. etl to me the most benullful I hnd I\ ' ( r een. Involuntarily I thought oC Ill ) ' IIWII plain features , nnd Baying to m 'IICIC , . 'He'll never like me , never , " I crept back to bed , wondering If It were t1'no tl1at homely little girls mnde lIomethnes handsome women. The next morning , wl hlng to IJrodnce os fl1vorablo on Impression liS pn3slble , I was an unusually long time mnldng 10) toilet-trying on one dress after nnoth. er , and finnlly deciding upon a white cnm. brlc , which I never wore eXCl'lt ! to 'church , or on some shnllnr occnllion. Glv. Ing an extra brush to my I1nir , which 111111 rrown out and so ver ) ' curl ) ' thnt Charllo called me "Snnrly llote , " 1 stal't. II ed tor the breakfnst room. "What upon enrth hns the chillI Jot IIn ? " was jrnudmn's exclnmntiou , while knother bade mo "go atrnl/ht , bnck nnd change my dress , " nsklng "why I hnd . . put on my very best. I "Sollln' h r cav for Dill , I Guest < , " sur , : . , ested Ohulie , who , bo'like , WnA nlrend ) ' pn terms of great Inthuncy with his UJlln. More angry thnn grieved , I went back to my room , where 1 pouted for hnl nn hour or more. Then. ! ! electlng the WO\8t. looking dress I had , I ngnln IleSCllIlcd to the dining roum , where Ohnrlie l'l'e. ' leutod mo to Will , telling him lit the lomo time "to spare nil comments on m ) ' npvenrance , as It malle me mnddcl' thnn ' . Mnrch harD to be called ugly. " I "I don't think she's ugly. Anywny , I . , Uko her looks , " snld Will , smlllnl ; down pen me with , those eyes which have Iinco mndo many a honrt bent as mine did then. . Will had alwllYs liv.ed In the city , nnd 'bow , nnxlous to see the lions of thcoun. . try at once , he proposed to Ohnrll" n rnmble over the fnrm , Inviting me to nc. compnny them , which I did wlllln ly , ' not. withstanding that Chnrlio muttered somo. thing nbout "not wnntlng a got IItuck along. " I In the pnsture wo came across old BOlTe I , whom Will suld he would ride . lilt they did In a circuli , If Oho.rllo would only cL tch him. Thill was an ensy tnsk , for Sorrel , suspectiug no ovll , como up to us quite roadlly , when Will , lenlJill upon his baele , commenced whoopln ; ; IIntI bolloolng so loudly that Sorrel's multlo 'was ' up , and for nearly an hour ho rnn quite as fast as his rider could wish. Thill wall hla first dny's adventure : tl1t1 lied one was a IIttlo different. 11'lndln ! ; a co , , ' ! II the lane , ho jtled the exp rhnent of ) nll ln , succe dlnss " , -en thnt when lit I1llht Snlly came In with her half.filled pnll , IIho declnred that "Llnobnck 'vii \'Iryln nt' , for sho'd only given a drop or .0. " For thlll and numerous other mls. demeanorl , Will also rO ( : lved IIbsollltlon ; hut when , on ii " econd Sahbnth after his arrival , hQ nnd Oharlle both were . . mlssod from church , whither they bad ' .torted a full half hour before the relit of our family , father lirew fidgety , hold. Ing hIs hymn book 'nong IIlde up , and sit- n , ' In. ! Qt stnndln ! : , durlll the prny- ! f thing ho was novel' known to do before : Ho was very strict In the ob. Bervance of the fourth commnndment , ns ludrod were mOllt of the citizens of Sun. ny Bank , It being an almost Stnte pritlOn offense to stay Il\vny from church on the , anbbath , or spenk above a whisper until \ aft' . . . sunset. I J Fer a long time the comIng of n circus j I ' ' had been hernlded by fiamlng hanl\bills ' : 111 red nnd yellow , one of which Will I ' plnstered on to our rent barn door , from \ which conspicuous post It was removed br my father. who conscIentiously turned bl bt ck upon men and women rid In. ; on their hend. , declnrlng It an outrage upon .11 rules of propriety , and denounclnl : clr. cuses and clrcusgolng people ns utterly , 1. low and vulgar. 'rhus from my earllp.llt ; " , , romeD\brnneo had I been tnught , and still I' my heart would throb faster , when ver , with the beat of the drum and the sound of the bugle , the long procession IIwopt pn t our door , and more than once I had Itolen to the top of the hili , whence could be seen the floatIng bonner and wn'in canvas , wntchlng from afar the eVIl ] dared not npproach. Great , then , was my surprise , when on the morning of the eventful dny , WII Bugestl'd ; Ulut Charlie , John , 1.11.10 ant : I shoulll run away In the e"enlng nnl visit th "dolllgs , " 1111 he cnlled It. I Will shoclcctl that ho should IJropose my oln. to sueh II pi lice. "It wns low all\ ! , 'ul gur , " 1 told him , "nlltI 110 one went tiler. but lonferll 11I111 rowdh's. " dut hu nSIlIrel,1ue tltut 1 was mlstnle U 'en , sn'llIg that "soll1e of oW' JUost reslle , 'tnble pl'ollll ) attr.ndcd : " and then been , 'drl'tl "how I Wll8 e\'er to know anythh11 unlellR I ort < , : o In a while went to a circus . or 1theater. . 01' somethln& . Ie IVnB tier fl.ctl ) ' ridiculous , " l1e said. ' ' 'f0l' , taiher tl k OIJ UB COOllcd up ut home. Nobody 01" , ( litl" tlo. 'l'herq WRII Lawyer 8mlth' dl\.lIhter , pnd Judge Brown' . niece wh , olwlI1went. . Ilud If It didn't hurt thell ' .1 . It wOlildn't hurt me. " " , t , 'J'I 18 Will reasoned , persuading mo n ; \i 11111t : I1nd just at t1a1'k , Lizzie amI I , 0 : , l'I'I lt'lj ! of Iolng to bed early , went t , I ' ( , r'rlllltl1 , clrl'1I8cd ourselves In our bcsi 1111,1' tl" " , " wh"l1 we were ready , Iotot ou . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 111"11 till' rooC oC the woodshed , tIellcelld. ,11Ii , : thencIJ by menn oC u IlIddo1' which I Will nllli Ohnrlie brollJht Crom the barn. 1 hnlt the utmoHt cOllfidence In Will , end 'et nM I tIrew nellr Iho tent and 8n IV the rnhhle , whoso nlJpenrllnce fully eq1htl. ( ' \1 III ) fnther'lI dl'scrlption , I wlMhed lilY' . .elf nwn ) ' . .T1I9t thell the bnnd Insidu strllck " 1' ' , nlHI I : h'llI m ) ' Cenrs to the willel , I IIrejllell ! forwnrd , once Involun. tnril ) ' tllrnln ! ; 111) ' hend nsldo ns I heard a /111\11 nenr thc door exclaim , "Doucon Lee'li chlltlrclI , nil 1 IivlJl Is the 'va rid cOlUill ! : to UII cnll ? " Itltllnnt1r 111) ' fnce 11119hed , Cor I felt thut Injllslicl' was dOlle to IU ) ' Cuthe1' , IInll my tirllt 1I1IIII1se wns to ( 'xonernto hllll Crllln nil hlnmo b ' , ' explnlnlll ! : thnt we hnll run nwn ) ' : hut'ere 1 couhl clo so , " 'III IllIlil.d me along , nnd In a Iiloment wo were In the c10ge , hented atl1losllhel'e oC thu'nllt nrl'lIn , where weru conlregated 1II0re thnn u thonsnlHI p'ollle of 1111 nes and conditiollB. I wns conConnded , for It Rcemed to me thnt ench nnd every ono wns polntln ! : townrd Ul ! the linlur of scorn. We hnd he en but n short time lIented when Will nudged my elbow , nnd Ilohitln toward a "roup just enterln , snld , "See , there's Squire Talhot , his \viCo and dnughter , Dr. Grlllln nnd lols more oC Sunn ) Bnnle arlstocrncy. Kow , nln't ) 'ou ! : Ind ) 'OU came ? " I enjo'ed It vnstl ) ' , nil except the rid. Ing of the girl , who , I fnncied , hnd on her IIttio sister's dreslI , nnll when ! 'he cnme out I looked Cor a plnce whl'ro to hide my hend ; but hoarlng the spectator ! cheer louder than e\'er , 1 cnst furtive IJances nt these around me , dlscoV\J1'lns ; . to my nmazemont , thnt they Beemed more delighted with her thnn , vth ! nnytl1inj ; else : while , to crown nil , I henrd Will telling a young mnn that "sho was a splendid rider ; thnt he never snw but ono who cOlild beat her , " Then turuln : ; to 1lzzle , he nsked If she would riot like to ride In thntVn ) ' ? With on Invohmtnr ) ' shudder I threw mY' nrm round my slst < , r , nil If to protect her from whnt I felt 'vould be worse thnn 8 thousnnd deothll , I felt that not nil the wealth of tll'e In. dies could trmpt mo to fill the post tbat that rider did. Modomol ello Glaralne wes just finishing up her performnnce by riding around the circle without tIther support U10n the poising of one foot on 0 m ti's shoulder , when who should ap ear but our father ! Ho hnd missed Will and Charlie Crom fnmlly llrn'ors , nnd hod troced th\JUl O ! ! far ns the POVIIIOII , where Ule fee rec h'cr demnndod n qURrter ere he would II110w him to enter. It was In vain that rntll\Jr tried to oxplaln motters , saying "ho never nttended a clrcns In his IICo , nnd what was more , never should ; h 'd only come for two boys who hnd run aW8) . . . . 'rhe door keeper wns incorrhible. : "Ho'd lIeell just 011 honest looking men , " ho snld , "who were the Jrentest chents In the world , nnd If fnther wnnted to go In , ho could do so by pnylng the nsual fee ; If not , he must bUdge. " Finding there was no nlternotlve , Cath. el' yielded , and then mnde his wny Into the tent , scanning with his keen jrn ) ' eyes the sen of fnces until ho slnglcd ( Jnt Chnrlie , who was so nbsorbed In stomp. Ing and hallooh11 ; nt Mndemoiselle Gla. rnlno's lenplng through a hoop that he never drenmed of fother's presence un. tll a rough hnnd was laid upon his shoul. der , and a stern \'olco tlemunded of 111m why he was there ? Perfectt ) . thunderstruck - struck , Charllo stnrted to his feet , but before he could mnke nny explanutlon , fnther discovered Lizzie and me. 'Twall the first suspicion he had of olr bolns ; there , nnd now , w11e i i wus ho iiir . ed pnle , nnd fled \ ns If smitten by II ienvy blow. IIad he felled mo to the llir. . d have hurt 1110 less than did the expression of his face and the t nes of his voice , as he said , "You , too , Hosa ! I never thollcht ) 'OU would thus decelvo me. " I began to cry aloud ; .0 did Lizzie , nnd In this way we made our exit from the circus , followed by Chnrlle , John nnd. . Will-tho Intter of whom , the moment we were In the open air , began to talee the blnmo all to hlmse11' , snylng that we never wouh ! have thought of colng bllt for him , anti f1ur estlng thnt , he alone sl10uld bo punished , as hq wns the &ne most In fault. I thought this wns very mnsnullimou8 l Will , nnd I looked up In futher's face to see how It ntrccted him , but I could discover nothing , though the hand that beld mine trembled viohmt. I ) ' . I presume he thOl1Kbt that In thlll cuse corporal punishment would bo of no u\'oll , for wo received none , but In varl. ous way were we made to fcel thnt we hnd lost the confidence of the fnR1l1y. Per Cour long weels we were each night locleed In our rooms while for the lSome of tlmo we were kept from school , Lizzie nl1l1 I recIting our lessonR to our mother , while Will , Charlie nl1l1 John , to UIIO their own words , "worked from morn. Ing until nhht. " But the worst pnrt of It nil was , the tempornr ) ' dlsgrnce which our nct of dls. obedlenco brought upon father. A half- witted fellow , who saw him enter the tent , end who knew that we were ther ! ! , hurried away to the vlllago wIth the stnrtllng Intelligence that "Deacon Lee and nil hIs family were at the circus. " l.'he 110WS sprond IIlee wlld.firo , until b ) ' the tlmo It renched us It wns a current report thnt not only wus fnther nt the circus , but \rnlldmn \ , too ! This was more than the 0111 Ind ) ' could bear. Slxtnlne YOlln hnd IIbe 1I\'cd without ever 11I\\'ln : ; hnd a word breuthed ngalnst her moruls , nnd now , just as her life's Run wes f1\1t. till ! : , to hnve IIl1ch n thing laid to Ill'r . Chnrl:6 was too much , nnd she nctunll ) ' worried hl'rsclf Into n fever which cun. fined Ill'r to the house Cor sIJ"ernl Wel'r.s. ACter thlll ud\'I'nturo It Lecllmc n tlerl' . ous qllestloll In fntl1l'r's mind ns to whut . ho should 110 with Will. who kpt our heretofore quiet hOIll > eholll In n stnte oC , lJerpetuul excitement. Nothln. : seemed - to hnve the lenst effect ulon him sl1"e the mention of hlil mother , and that Cor the time being would subdue him : ) .nt whl'n temlJtatJon came , he h\\'arlably ) 'Iolded , and Charlie , who wus I1n IIIJt 8cholar , was pretty sure to tollow wperl ! his \Tlld , dashing cou.ln led. l.'hero waw scnrcely any boyish vleo to which Will waa not moro or le88 addicted , and "neli. con Iee's sons , " who hnd oCten beeu'held up RI patterns for their companlouB , be. gan lOon to proTe the old adaiO true , EJ : ift " c - thnt "evil communlcntlons corruttood / rnnnnet . " After a long consultation , It I was decided thnt he should go to sun , and the next merchnntman bound for the East Indlos bore on Its deck , as a com. mon sailor , our cousin Will , \Vho went from us reluctantly , for to him there \\1\8 nllu\ht \ but terror. toll and tear In "n liCe on the ocean wave. " But ther ! ! 'NOli no other wny to save hIm , they Raid , nnd 110 with bitter grief nt our henrts , we hmlo ndleu to the woywnrd ooy , IJraylng thllt God would gh'e the winds and waves chllrgo concerning him , and that no dnngcr might befall him when afar on the rolling billow ! ! . - OHAl'TElt IV : Almost from my enrllest remembrance ten ching 8chool had been the ono great subject which engrossed my thou htll , and frequently , when strolling dowu the shady hili aldo which led to our school house , hnve I fancied myself the tcach. er , thinking thnt If such were really { he , case , my firllt nct should be tile cha tlse. mellt of hnlf a score or. more boys who wel'O In the dnily hublt of nnnoyhfg me In "nrlous WII'S. Nvery word und nctlon of m ) ' tencher , too , wus enrefully noted nn lal awa ) ' ngllinst the time when I houlrl meet them , nnd which ( ) nme l1Iuch IlOOllcr thnn I nlltlclpnted : for OJH ! ralll ) ' 11101'11' Ins ; when Lhzle nlld I were plu'lng In the 1 o\'erheard ' fllther " garret , \ 111) IIn Ing ther\ ! was u chunco for Hosa to'toaeh school. "Whnt , thllt chllcll" wns my mother's exclamntion ; but ere he could reilly , "tho child" had boullded down two pairs of stairs , nud atOOlI nt his elhow , ntlltillJ ; , I "Who Is It-whero Is It ? And do ) 'OU I . suppose I cnll. Jet a certillcate ? " "You teach schooll You lo'ok like It ! " snld my sister Jull < , t. "Wh ) ' , In less thnu three dn's ) 'ou'd be teetering with the girls , If Indeed ) 'OU didn't climb trec/J with the boys , " This climbing wall undeniably a Cnll. Ing of mine , there beIng scarcely a Iree on the farm on whoso topmost limbll I hndn't at 80mO time or other been perch. ed ; but I wns older now. I wns thirteen . two da's before , nnd so I reminded .Tu. lIet , nt the sume tlmo begJlng of Cather to tell me nil nbout It. It nppea1'cd thnt ho hnd that duy met with n Mr. nandall , the truatee of Pine District , who wall In quest of n tencher. After leurnll\ thnt the Bchool wes smnll , fllther ventur. cd to propose me , _ who , he said , 'Iwns cruz ) ' to keep school. " "A dolinr a week is the most we can : ; Ive her , " returned Ir. nandall : "nnd If 'ou'll tnlce up with that , mebby we'U tr ) ' her. Nnw beginners sometimes do the best. " So It waR nrrnnJ.ed that I was to teach fifteen weeks for fonr dollnrs per 1II0nth , and board ronnd at that ! When Mr. 11andull came to see me , calling me Miss Lee , nnd when I wes really engnged , my hapIJlness WIIS complete. In n couutry neighborhood every Item of news , how. o\ ' ? slight , sprends rnpldly , and the fact that I was to tench Boon became ener- nil ) ' known. creuting ql'to a sen8ntion. Ono old gentlemnn , who , 'times Innul11or. nble , had held lIie on his knee , feeding IUY "nnlt ) . with finttory , and my stomach \vlth sweetments , was quite ns much dr ! ' lighted as I , doclnrlng "he alwaY's ' knew 1 was destine to make something groat. " . \\lI1t Sally Wright , who looked upon me us a "pert , forwnrd piece , " nve her opinion freely. "Whnt ! Thnt young ono Iwep schop\ \ ! Is Deacon Lee crmy ? . \In't Rosa stuck up enough now ? But He"er mind ; 'ou'll see she won't kcep Gut more'n half her time , If sJU ! dge. ! " Irs. Captllin ThoU1 son , who was blesl ! ' cd with an overwhelming sense of pro. prlety , was greatly. shocked , &a.'lng "she'd olways thought Mr. Rnndoll knew just cnongh to hire a child , " . nnd onsol. Ing herself with the remurk thnt "It was . not. nt aU probable I'd Jet a certificate. " On this point I wus m'self a little fenrful. rrrue , I hnd been " 8cnt aWIlY" to school , and hnd heen flnttered Into the belief that I possessed Cnr more book Imowledge thnn I did ; hut thlB I lcuew would n\'nil me nothing with the formld. : IIble committee who held 11IY' ' destiny In , .thrlr hlluds. I rnnsncked the cupboard , where our school books were kept , all of which were for da's my constnnt com. lIanlons. nnd I even slept with one or moro of them under my pillow , so that with the earliest dawn I could study. I waR just beginning to feel strong In my own abilities , when one Monday morn. IlIg news 'vas brought us U1at at three o'clock that afternoon nil who were In. tendln to teach were to meet at the houllo of the Hov. Mr. Paries to be quell' tioned of wbat they knew nnd what they didn't lenow. I was further Informed thnt ns there bael the rear provlous been s we trouble among the school Irspectors , the town had this ) 'enr l1.n/ht to obvl. utI ) the difficulty by electln ninel Ono wns hnd enough : .but at the thought of nine men In spectnclp.tI my heart sunk within me. In the midst of ( lur trouble , Aunt Sally , whose clothes on Ionduy mon11ng were nlways swlnjinJ ; Iln the line beCore daylight , came In , nnd nCter learnln , ; what was the cause of my lIushed chocks , said , by way of comfortIng - Ing me , that "she didn't wonder an I1tom If I felt Htreakeel , for 'twan't no wnys likel ' I'd pUSII ! " , 'l'hls roused my pride. and with the mental cOlUment that "I'd pass for nll her , " I got myltelf lu rendlness , .rullet lending mo her green' veil , and Annn hur tine pocleot lutndkerchlef , while mothl'l"S Ioft , warm shawl wns w.'alped . lovingly about mo , nlld Lizzie slipped Into my 1Ioclet the Multiplication Tublo , which ilihe thought I might mnnage to 1001. nt sl'I ) ' In case of an emergency. On our WilY father r.ommonccd the exnmlnntlon by asking me the length of the Mlslils. 1III'pl , but I dlln't lenow I1S It had a lenl.rth , aud In d slJalr hu gave UIJ his questioning. " 'hen , at Inst , the eXI\lnlnntlon corn. , I founel , to my great delight , thnt leograllh ) ' wnll the subject Intl'o , duced , und my heart bl'nt high , Cor I thuIIht ; o ( the pnges 1 could repent nnd ardently 101lcl1 ! Cor 11 chance to dhlplny I Unfortunl1tc\ \ . ) ' for me , the ) ' merel ) ' qUl'fj. tlonl'tl liS from the mnp , 111111 brelithleHtll ) ' 1 awultl'd m ' turn. At length the ) 'OI1l1S ; lad ) ' who snt next to me wus alike. } , " \\'hnt two rh'ers unite nnd Corm the Ohio ? " I looked at her sldowa 's. ' .rho bloom deepened on her cheek , nnd I was IIlIre she hnll Corgotten. hwolnntRrll ) I felt tempted to tell her , bnt did not , IInd Mr. Pnrles , looking Inquiringly nt me , s:1ld , "Perhn\IS \ the next one can. Ahem ! " I poke out loudly and tIlstinctly , "Aile. h.ny Dnd Mononglhela , " glancinr at my Cathttr just In Umo to catch a nod of I encouraaement. "The Nine" were taken by Burpdse , and Instantly three pain of oles with , laaliOll and six palra without ICluses w < < xo brouiht to beDt' upon me , t' For. tea. S\nA belt known to themselves , ther a"k. , , cd lna 11 eat varieD' 01 auuUons. aU of - - - . : ' ' ; : : , ' . ' ' ; S I . wblch I answered correctly-at leMt : they made no comment , and were eTI dontly vastly amused wHh their new , sl1eclmen , asking mo how old I WOl , and cJtchanilng smIles at iny reply , " 'fhlr- teen , tour weeks ago " One of my fellow.teachers , who sat near me , whIspered to her noJtt , neighbor , "Sho' . oldtr ! than that , I know ; " for which Ie- murlc I've neVl'r quite forgiven her. Arithmetic was the lallt branch Introduced - ed , and as mathematics was rather my' ' forte , I had now no tellrs of failing-but I dldl A question In decimals puzzled me , nnd coloring to my temples , I roplled , " [ dr-n't know , " whllo two undlmlable tears dropped Into my Inp. ( To be continued. ) HEAVY RESPONSIBiliTY. IrlllbUlnn 'Tbou ht Mnn'lI ! Ulllner , IJlIls 1\1ult Be Lnr c. A public school principal of New Yorle OIty , who , In the summer time , tnkes purUes of Bast Sltlo chlldl'en Illto the countr ' , tells an amusln story In connection with a clnss of girls to whom he gave 11 dny's outing. 'I'hey were all dressed In their best , and the llrlnclpnl , who told the eXlJe- rlol1ce to a reporter for the New York 'l'hnes , said thut when he had boarded the cal' alld had gnzed down the 11110 of the girls' unltod hnt.brlms , he felt. . ns if he hlld' got Into the hanging gar.I I dl'lIs of llab'lon. ' lIe soon noticed that the other pns. sengers were casting' glances 111 hla dl. rectlon , nnd since then he hns wall. dered how mnny of them received the same ImpressIon from the part ' ntl ll nn IrlshlQan who occupied the scat bohlnd hIs. After they hnd been spinning along Cor a while the IrIRhnllln leaned for. ward nnd touched the principal's shoulder. "Sure , 'tis a Caine big fam'ly yo have , " he observed. "Oh , they are not mine , " the prlncl. pal said. "Ah , ye needn't be ashamed of 'em , man ! " he said. "Sure , they're Caine , healthy girls , Ivery wan of them. " 'IBut ' ' " r they don't belonA' to me , peated the principal , laughIng. l.'he Irlshmnn lenned bacle In his , seat , clearly un convinced. lIe survey" cd the clouds of ribbons , lace and fiOW01'S which fioated above the bob. bing heads of the eight girls , and pretty soon he rose to get air. But on the step he turned. "Sure , ye must folnd It comes high In mill'n'ry , " said he. llo Didn't Lcnrn 1\ln011. "And what Is your age , madam ? " was the lawyer's question. "My own , " she answered , promptl . ; "I understand that , madam ; but ho" , old are 'ou ? " "I am not old , sir , " with IndignatIon , "I bog your pardon , madam ; I mean how many years have you passed ? " "None ; the years have passed me. " "How many of them have passed you ? " "All ; I never heard of them stop. : ping. " "Madam , you must answer my ques ! tlon. I want to lenow your age. " ; ' 1 don't know that the acquaintance Is des red by the other sIde , " "I don't see why you Insist upon refusing - fusing to answer my question , " said the lawyer , coaxlngly. "I'm sure I would tell how old I was If I were asked. " "But nobody would nsle you , for , everybody kno"'s you nre old enoughl to know better than to be askIng al woman her nge , so there ! " And the lawyer passed on to the next question. Rnow How to Qulot the Daby. "An 'ono would Imow that , you were a marrle < 1 man. " said , the matron on ) the train that carries commuters tOI Yonkers. "You know so well how ' handle babies. " t01' He had just stopped the howling of , her yearling by a method all his own. , He was a young man with a strug. , gllng mustache , and the woman's noisy appreciation mndo him redden. . "I just know you have a dear little ) baby of your own , " continued the matron. "I just know you have. " Tho' 'young man shook his head. "You're' married , tltough ? " . . "Not Yet. Bold the man. \ "Oh , myl" exclaImed the woman , and she reddened. , "But I had some baby brothers nnd ! sIsters once , " he explained , and the commuters tor three scats up andl down the alsle smiled. Breakfast Food. The Eskimo stood betore his wlte , wrapped In her turs , with a look of d spall' on his Cace. . "Tho blubber. Is gone , we've eaten' ' the last dog and my boots are too thin to make soup of , " said the cltt. zen of the far North. "Starvation' ' stares us In the tace. " ' 'I But Mrs. Eskimo smiled serenly. "Not 'et. " 8ho answered. "I ha\'o been reading the advertisements In the magntlnes nud lenow the "aluo of pat ent breaktast toads. " The husband looleed puzzled. "Wo wIU hllvo ,1' nJee dish of fiaked snow tor brenl , fasU" concluded his loving wlte trhlmphumly.-Olnelnnau' ' Commerclal.Trlbune. ' JUI\Jcl by Idul'n Htnnd"'rtl. " . - \ . magnificent wOl'k , his latest stor1 , ' ' ? " ' 'Ot1 sa "Mngnlficent ! Why , It's the finest stor ' thllt has been pUblished this cen. tury. " " 111l1eed ? 'What's the general Idea ? " "Oh , halt.morocco , gold or uncut edles , cloth edition , finished In tour colors , with lUun nated pages to every chapter.-Baltln 're News. It Is true that I\cbl'lors are singular fellows , and It Is also true that married men lead double lives. Even In a thorny path a man cnn avot 8teppln OD.all. . . the Ulorna. J f rf ; r'i r . _ . . . . - - - - - - ' " - - PRETTY NEW NOTIONS . 1 . - 7 : ' _ _ - : - : : : . : = = : ' : . . - . . . . . , , , , ' . ' ' ' . . . . ' . . - - , . ( OUCHES IMPARTING NOVEl.TY TO SEASONABl.E GET-UPS. : Uta Trlek. for Introtillcln Color COl1trn.t.-l\lnn , . 'Vn7s III Which Skirt. ! In , . bo Trlnlllletl-TJlc IJolero' Jacket AJeul11 lit Decld tI l nvor. ' \leU' \ York correspomcllce : AltI.Y theru or , ) , shown new tricks for hltroduelng collu' cOlltrasts In spring nnd sum. mer dresses , alld this sllrh1's ! IIhow. Ing III Ixtremely Interl'stillg. 1 n mlillY CliseR the dash or coldi' Is dellcllte , but soUle' thiuof / the sort Is etlpeclnll ' dIJ. "irahle. owinl ; to tlw n lny nil Mllte Jet.u\s \ , nllli the dilTt'rollt WIIYS oC mlllllt inl : the color elTe tu nre n'r ) ' uumerous. ume new mute. rials Include the , , . . cOlOr 111 tile renve , nnd In many of these the t1ntll Ire xquislte. Ono of the \'ery prIJtt ) ' QlCS is CUI broidered fi uretl'olle. . The ren"o Is thnt of plnln vollo , but till ) ' l ' \ . , I.l I ' . " , ! , I , lots of color nre embroidered on. A Icnutiful example of this wus in a tnn ' : lIlIle , IInd the embroidered dots were a I treer tlln , pink and green. These three Ihades arc \'ery hamlsoUle together , aud f'e ; to be recommended because a mnterial If this'llort gives 8uch n wide choice Cor ; IW color to mllke the seeds up'with. . i'iured ; chllTons nnd grenndines huve hclr own daint ' wa 'H of Introducing col. 11' . nlld emuroidcred "rench mulls may I hnd ! jet off b ' an ) ' fashionnble IIhade. \\'hls cotton mllterlnls hu\'e delicate lines of color thrown on them. os w ll It ! datil , and the dots may be of differ'nt lizes O I the same mnterinl. ACter stud ) " Ilg such fabrics , It seems ns if the new t JllIls were so tIressy of them elves thnt t wOllld be nlmost impossible to alld \lueh trimming , but walt till the dl'eBs' ualer Is done with the gown mul there ; :111 be a pretty bill to pa ) ' Cor Its deco. 1ltlon. 'l'he vnrlet ) ' of wa 's in which skirts ' ho trimmed leuves for ' IIt1 room e\'ery l1Ie to be suited. If one dcslres to nlld 1d ht to the figure , she mny use lines If Insertions going np nnd down the Ikirts , und the yoke nt the top of the IItlrt cut in ono with the front breadth tlves line lonr ; lines 1111I1 Is yery st'lIsh. - - , . , ' : ' ' : " : ' _ ' : _ ' , . . " . . " , , . ' : ' . " . . : , ' oJ . _ , ' > ' , ' 4' ' I from wIde embroidered ounClngR. AU- .over"embroldorcd gownR nml waists arc t -he numerou , oome of thl'ln so elaborate - rate odd elog ntti l to be fl1lrly sta ger- \ Ing. . . 'l'he bolero Jacket 1galll Is In decided fnvor , nnd It npIears In so many dlf- CIrent ways that It sometimes Is hnrd t ( ) recognize It as a bolero. nuy new ones have vcr ) ' loose fronts , h nlly any at them have collurs and they are verT. . 'iluhorlitely ' ! trlnulled , for qlC most l1artJ Often a wldo box.plent alpenrs ! In the .j center of the front I1nd back with fonr or five slde.plel1ts under the box to ! ; Ivo \renter \ Cullness , Sometimes ribbon trim- IIIlnl ; edJ : s the lower part of these boleros - ' leros , I1nd most of them nre , yery short shwln three Inches above the waist i line. 'L'helle extremel ) ' short , onel ! ere a- deal prettier than those scen a few years no , where th ( ! ' sO n/lrro\'Jy / missed Ule wnlst 11m ! thnt you wontlered 11.11 the tlmo ! , whether the ' wIJre Intende I to como to It ! but b ) ' a mlstnke In' cutting , fell short ! of It. " . " ; : , : l'he nccorupunyln : ; pictures lIIustrato : , I sOllte of thesl ! fancies anti suggest other ' lIew 1I0tiOllS thnt hn\'II1' ! hnd mention ; 1 here , In the IlIltlnl Is seen a jacket that' 'I ' some I'rcfl'r to Iho mo1'O abbrbvlnted btoo leros. 'l'hls wns tan cloth stitched In. hlnck IIlIk nlld wnll wltlt btuck panno \'eh'et girdle. The outsldo two gures , oC till' IIrst group show exanlJlles of the gowns thl1t I1re better Cor tull. slender Iinres ! , but wflOse Ht'lIshnesll Is so great. . thnt the " 11 be rlslted hy stouter women. 'I'he lirst wns naturnl colored pongea' trimmed with I1ntlllIe lace of the snmo : Rhade nnd with hlnck lIilk ornoments. ; 'rho other was black chilTon velvet andl insertlolls of blncle bruges luco overJ I I m' S.UIPLE SU DIER DRESS.UPS. u _ _ _ _ _ . ' J white silk. This blnck lace on black goods Is a stylish trick , the white or fuint color beneath the lace gIving It : distinct chnracter. The model betweeIl : these two Is of interest because of Its ' " 1 jacket. Its components were coffee colored - " ored voile , narrow pnsscmellterle In embroidery - broidery design IInd wide \/lssementerlo \ / . in set design.lan ) ' compnrath'ely simple - ple suits are IlCing mnde with jacket of showy cut or linish nnd thus nro render- I I'd dress ) ' In nppellrnnco. 'rhe really ; tIresY' outside gnrment for summer Is I liIeel ) ' to lie white , . So fnr ns' models now Indicate the " 11 be remarkably num- erous. 'l'he ' nrtillt pictures one here--a white eta mine loose wrup finished wittl insertion , embroidery and IJlnck silk cord. I Some of this 'ear's blouse fronts stick ant surprlsln\I \ ' , It It ! as If the exaggerated - gerated extenllions beluw the waist thnt \Jre\'alled two summers ago were made up for by building out straight In front. 'rhis notion appen1's variously , novelty- l'vell o ditbeing songht nfter. Be- cllnse of this senrch for unusualness the model the nrtlst reserved for her Inst sketch would be deemed a fine suctess. It comhlned oddly the new blouse effect , surplice finish end bl'rtha , nnd hnd It deep 'oke besides , Gray volle wns Its . , , , , ) ' 'II ? . . . " I TIlE STYI.ISII II1."l'I W'RAP AND A BRAND NIV BLOUSE. rlen if 11 lilelldcr womnn .Ieslres . to make Lerself 1001. 11 IIttlu shorter , she can have er sldrt trImmed rouud with the clrcu. br h111ertious , or she cun have It cut bto rulltes or 1I0ullces for the whole Itnth or Ilnrt of It. Some new skirts t 1'1' ml1do III three 1I0\lucet ! of the same . lI'hlthIud with clJllllll1rnti\'IJly IIttio full. tl > tlS. tllelr circular cut In urlng llerfect : t. Skil'tll of nll'0\'C1' I'mhrolderlell mode ; 1.1 Ihls wa1'0. \ eli Iwcln II ) ' Ilretty , and It ' .iIo ltlulu to ha\'o u whule gown mltde. . , I stuff , tha ) 'oke being tuckIng nnd gra , Ince Inscrtlon. A dressmaker In show. Ing such 1\ model to a customer woul recommend It Cor Its sloping shonldel effect. And In this It would bo admirable 'i. . . \ . provided tha &houlders Insldo It wert suited to such frank outllulng of theh true lines. , English mohair In a very fine quality It to be much used In the crention of verJ swa"er tailor Iowns. , , . . a