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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
" ' ; , i1i. , . . . ' 1 ; 1 ! " : : ' " " ! r" r _ - - I I I . . . . . - ! 1"i. " ' "j" y' \ W ' ' 'j . " , . , i.t : j " > . _ , . - - : ' ; k , } . , J , , , ' . . - . . ? - ' , " . iJ. 1 ' 'Y' II I , I I I \ I 1 I . I I Mrs. Hughson , of Chicago , whose I letter foIlo\vs , is another woman in high \ . .positionvho owes her health' to the use of t , 'Lydia ' E. Pinkham' Vegetable Compoupd. \ "DEAR US. PI KIIAI ; - I s ffered for seveml years with geneml \ ' weakness and bearing-dom1 pains , caused by womb trouble. : Myappe- tite was fitful , and I would lie awake for hours and could not sleep , 'until ' I seemed more weary in the morning than when I retired. After reading ono of your advertisements I decided to try the merits of Lydia ; I E. Pinkllt\I11's Vegctable Compound , and I am so glad I did. Noono ! can describe the good it did me , I took three bottles faithfully , and ! besides bt lding np my geneml health , it drove all d ease and poison f out of my body , and made me feel as spry and active as n young Ifirl , , I J\frs. \ Pinkham's medicines are certainly all they are claimed to be.- I ) .t Mas. M. E. HUGIISO , 347' East Ohio St. , Chicago , 111. I" , IlUrs. Pinkham Tens How Ordinary Tasks Produce Displaccments. I Apparently trifilng incidents in womans daily life frequently produce. , I displacements of the womb. A slip on the stairs , lifting during InenstruatioD , standing at II. counter , running II. sewing nmehine , or attending to the most ordinary tasks may result in d lplac ment , anda. train of serious evils is startcd. The fir t indication of such trouble should be the fiallRl for quick Retion. , Don't , let the condition 1. > ecomo chronic through neglect or II. mistaken idea that you can overcome it by exercise or leaving it alone. More than II. million wOlDen have regained health by the use of L 'dla E. . Pinlduuu's YCg'etablc Coml > ound. . ) If the slightest trouble appears which 'ou do not umlerstaml 'I write tors. ! . Pinkham , at Lynn , l\Iass. , for ber { ulvice , an a few thnely words from her win show you tlJC right thing to do. This I u vlce costs you nothing , but itnmy mean life or hapI > lneBs or both. 'I ' Mrs. Lelah ; ; towell , 177 Wellington St. , Kingston , Ont. , writes : 'l ' , " DEAR : ? IIns. PINKITAn : : - Yat , nre indeed godsend to and if they aU knew what you could womenh em , there would be no need " of their dragging out miserable lives in agony. ' "I suffered for years with bearing-down pains , womb trouble , nervousness , and excruciating bead- acbe , but a. . few bottles of L 'dia E. Plnldanm's r Vegetalle Compouml made life look , new and promising to me. I am light and , r\ hapPYi and I do not know what sickness is , ane I now cnjoy the best of health. " L ' ( Ua E. PinkJlam's Vegetable t1 Compound can nhvays be relied upon to restore Q fI " ' health to women who thus suffer. It is a. sovereign cure for r W" r the worst forros of female complaints , - that benrindown feeling , wcalc tJ \ baclc , bl1ing and displacement of the womb , inflammation of the ovaries , and I ; all troubles of the uterus or womb. It dissolves and expels tumors from the ffi uterus in the early stage of development , and checks any tendenc ' to cllneer- O\1S humors , It subdues excitability , nervous prostration , and tones up the l entire : female liystem. Its record of cures is t.hegreatest \ in t.he world , nnd I " 6hould be relied upon with confidence. FORFEIT It0 cmnot forthwith produce the orljtlnatlett n and algnatur.a 01 ' . $5 0 00 abo" , testimonials , uhleh will prnvf\ their ab.olntEt ll"ntlln ne8 , , ( Lydia : t : . l'Jnkbam nedlcln. . Co. , Lynn , ! I. . . . \ , I ] 'ermnnenUyCurcc1 , : tonto ornervouene.'k"C' ' fITS fir.t Clay' . uo. . o ( Ur , KlIne'o lI t Nerve H& rorer , tJnd lorJ.'JUa : ' .oe"l1aJ botl.lelU1c1 tN' . . " . . . . lt. n , It , IUOI 1 II. nl' . . . HI. . I'lllnll..I"ht. . . I. . . . I ! Purltyor mlud and conduct is the 'l' t glory of n. w.oman.-Madame de , tael. f The log cahln , built In St. Louis ounty by Gon. U. R Grant , In 185-1 , J laS been transferred to its now loca- \t \ on on Art ITllI , at Ihe Louislallll " urchase Exposition , Some of the I , ! pg , sbow the ravages of time and i l11e clements , but the structure Is yet. 1 turdy , Its present owner , 0. F. Qlanko , bas dtJcldod to allow the Iistoric cahln' to remain In Forest V i rark after the World's tair closes. Evertlred ] ddle-I beHeve , Phlllio. dat w tever I kin git In de way of eatables is best fer me. "The Klenl1 Keel , Kitchl'n Kind" Is the trade mndc on stovcs which ennblo l ro.u to cook In comfort in a cool kitchen. In the decorations at the World's { j alr GroundD In St. Louis at the DedicatIOn - catIOn Ueremonies there were used 200 U. S. bunting flagsfrom 12 to 20 feet In lengthi 600 flags of all nations' from 8 to 14 feet longi more than 6,000 yards or draperies and t'estoonlngs , and hundreds - dreds of trophies , shields and coats of arms of the dHIerent states and na- Ions. Frittering Phll.-Eddlc , do you'se beHeve a vegetable diet is best fur yer health ? , . - - ' - - - - - - , , ! ' : : . < . m 1'1. ' " ' ' ! " "p""fl . , LOVES THE : : PRAlftllS- XI. . Anna Or. , . III Delhrhted'wUk H. . We. tern CanRII. Home. \ Anna O. Omy is n young lad" t l'f werly of Michigan. She is nuw a rH- Ident of Wcstern Canada , nnd the tal. lowing , published In the Brown Olt , . ( Mlcb. ) Dnnner , nrc extracts trom n friendship letter written nbout March ,15 to one of her Ind ' trlemls In that vicinity. In tbls lctter Is given some ill,1l ot the cllml\te , soclnl , educntlonnl ntlll religious conditions ot Alberta , the benutlful Innd ot sunshine l1l1 happy homes. O\'er one bundrcd thousnnd J1lcrlenns hnvo mnl10 Western Cnnnda their homo within the I'nst five yelus , nnd in this yen l' upwards or oooo will tnlte up home ! ! nlere. Miss Grny took bel' lenve tor Dlds- bury , Albertn , the homo at her siliter nnd other rclntl\'Cs nnd friends on Jnn. ] 0 Inst , nml after n two months' so. jout'tl In her Western prairie home writes of It ns tollows : "I know I shnll gro\v to love the prnlries. Wo have II benutltul view or the moun- tain8 , nnd it seems wOllllertul to mo to see hOl1le nfter home for miles , nml It Is beln thlcltly settled nil nround us. With the exception of the Inst tew dn 's , which hn'e ueen cold ntlll storm - , we hnye hlld bemUful spring weather e\'cl' since I came. The days nre benutlful. I call this tbe 'land of the sun , ' ns It seems to be nlwnys shining ; the nights nro cold nnd trost - . On nrrivlng here I wns so reatly surprised - prised In e\'ery way. Dldsbury Is quite It business little town. All the peo. pIe I meet nre so plea nnt nnd hos- pitnble. 'hcy Imve four churches In Didsbury-the Bnptlst , Presbyterian , E\'IUI ellcnl nnd Mennonite. 'be Evnn- gellcals bnve just completed Il band- some church , , 'ery In.rge nnd finely furnished - nished , costing $2,500. They hnve n nice literary society bere , meets every two weeks. They fine musical talent here. Your frleml , "ANNA O. ORAY. " I "Yes , my dear , onelcould lay down rules for tbe charming of tbe otbeL' sex , " said an old but very successful belle to a debutante , wbo , in spite era beautiful face , Is , it must be ad- 'mltted ' , a failure as far as popularity goes.II0ne could lay down rules-l03 "f t1tem , all good rules , too. But tbero 'HC two that I'd remember If I were you , and you can afford to let the ot.llers take erne of themselves. The Urst Is , when talldnK to It man never 'run down' another woman. The sec- ond-and even If you forget. the first , please remember the second-i ! ! , never pra.ise another man. " A Tight Sqnoere. : ; lll'llzlls , Ark. , : Uny 11.-To be snatched from the Yer ' brink of the grave Is a somewhnt thrilling experience - ence and one which Irs. M. O. Gnrrett of this place has just pnssed through. 1\1rs. Gllrrett Buffered with aCero- bro,8pinnl affection , nnd had been trented by the best ph 'slclnns , but wltllOut the slightest Improvement. For the Inst twelve months two doctors - tors were In c nstnnt attendance , but she enl ' grew worse nnd worse , till she could not walk , alJd did not have an ) ' power to move at nil. . She wns so low that tor the greater part of the time she was perfectly unconscious - conscious of whnt wns going on about her , nnd her henrt-broltCn husband and : fl'iends were hourly expecting her denth. he doctors had given up all hope and no one thought she could poss\bly \ 11 ve. In this extremity 1\11' . Garrett sent for II box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. It was a Inst hope , but hupplly it did not fnll. fnll.Mrs. Mrs. Garrett used In nIl six boxes of the remedy , nnd Is completely cured. She says : " 1 IIIn doing my own worlc now nnd feel ns well as evCI' I dlcL Dodd's K1I1ney PIlls cCl'talnl - saved me from dea th : ' TheOlty of St.Louis was unanimously - ly chose'n as the place for holding' the Worl 's Fair by a convention of dele gates apPJlnted by the Governors of the States and TerrItories witbln tbe original Louisiana Purchase. St. Louis Is the fourth city of the United States in the point of pop latlon. It is noted for Its beautiful rcsldehce districts. It leads the world in many lines of indus- try. , M , ANNUAL SALE r' ' 'IO.OOO OOO BOXES , Greatest in the World A MILLION AMERIOAN BEAUTIES keep their blood pure , their complexion BOrt and olenr , their breath Bweet and their whole bodies o.otlve and healthy with OASOARETS Oandy Oathartlo. The quiok effects of OA8CARE'l'S os system oleu.ners nnd blood purifiers : their promptness In ouring pimples , bolls , blotches , liver-spots , blaokheads , and In Bweet.enina 0. tnlnted breath , have beoome known through the kind words of ladles who have tried them. Hence the aale oCnearly MnoLION BOXES A MONTH. The tluiokost , surest , way to beauty . 10 to cleanse the blood , for Beauty's Blood Deep. The first rule for purityina the blood Ie to keep ' " the bowels free , gent1y but positively. OASOARETS Oandy Oathartio are the only medloine to do it. All drullgists , 100,250,500. Never sold In bulk. The 'enuine tablet Btamped 000. Sample and booklet free. Address Starlina Remedy 00. , Ohi08lO or New York. j I , ' , , . . - 't ' : _ , . . _ c _ . . . . . . . . . ' , , . J..t. . . : . -J.lli\ , . " ' " : .L. < > .IoI.I. ! . . . : . _ . . _ _ _ . . l . . .iW.tI. ' . " " , . : ' c I..JlllUt , . , . . . . & . ! - - - - - - . , , " W' ? " ' ' 'F. ' ' ' -rr.7'Ii'x ; . . : ! . . t'l' , ' . . , ' 1 It' , t' . ; , I , , r.t I .1'IJ , . @ [ ? ( mI1 I r , ; . . . I ? IilLl' ' . - - - . . : : : : : : : 0-- : : : : : ; - IIUl\lAoi IJD1t'l'\'l'lU S. Or ICI' . J mcI MacL aIII , 'IAlld thl'l'U'us " Hen ' . \\'us 110 1I10ru scn , \ n : 1 , III thllt WOIllICl'rul vliull of tlw behl'I'ell nlld the lIew emth which lohll the lIelo\'l'd ' I > I\W we hn\'e n I'ol'- tl n1ll of whllt 0111' 1l1'n\'Cnl ' I.'uthel' 's ' 11'1.111\1'1111 ; foII ! ! : a 1Il1 , Hmo 1I01l h , It lalw SOllie of these \\olllierflil "Is lUlls 10 Iteep us fl'lllll hecollllu { liscol1l'a 1'11 \t tllIles. Life lit Its IH'st Is 1I0t ull u : ' ; ' 11 of I'oses , 1101' hlliecll , woulll It he \I'ell \ for 115 If It were so , We lIl'C to ! ntlle with life' ! ! 1)J'olll III ! , IUIIl WI'c8th' bllghtll3' with Its t lI1lltatiolls to 1111111. Irr liS fOl' II Illlice IIlIIong the "O\'l'I'COI11' tl'S" whu shall sit 110wII lit the 1II1II'I'lage 'Ullpcr of the l.al1lb. Llfc's expel'l- UCCS cOlllill thlclt lIud fnst 1111011 us lire Hod's 1I1)lloIUtl'll ) ' , lIIeaus or gl'aee , to ihow IW how to gO\'CI'lI ollrsel\'cs 'liS t-hlhh'eu of the Ktu ( : . The wOl'ld hils. . k right to eXllect II l'o ' 1\1 bearlllg In who II\'ofe5S to serve the 1\llIg : of Ilea \'CII. 'l'l1c AIJos.tle .T olm'h 01' e whole th ught was for the spreading of the ! : o pd on the l1Ialllluml'us n prlsoller Dn the Isle of Putmos , whclI he SIlW the \ 1lon I'ccol'l1l' In the Uo\'eluton. ! lie IIlust ' 1111\'e hel'n , slldl ' dlsco\\l'lIgcd nt ilncs , belllg hemmed hi on ull shIes y the scar III. ' woulll of tell gnze out 011 , t ! ! weulth of wntel'H , nllli WIRh thnt ( Jlllehow he could he sph'ltell I\CrOS6 r.ncl get hnclt tn hi ; . : wOI'I , . ' 1'hl' Ben hllel L COI\Il' his 1II'Ison Itel'Pl'lIJl'e'cntlllg all t'osiblllt ' ! . of l'SCllpe. No womler thnt In his I'ccol'll of what he snw ho shoulll 110te thl' fnet thnt "thel'e wus no mol'c fl'a : " nud when , trnllsllOl.tell with I'IIP' hu'u at whut IIwnlts those who III'U f.llthful II lit II llenth , In , the I'cJC'f\SU from ra\'th's galling \'C'stl'lctlons nllli el1\'h'on- meuts , he woulll be st1'engtheucll to h ; > nr up n little longer. " [ y gmce Is wlllclclIt for thoe. " You uml I hll\'e our IImltntiolUi ; ) 'OU nml I lIeed the IISS\ll'nnce that tlwl'e Is coming II glol'ious dn ' when thel'e will tIC "no mo\'e seu. " Our own luhl'l'l'nt lI'enlm ss , nnd the welllmes. of othel's , will olle llY be lifted fl'om us. Our "sill which doth so enslly beset us" will thell hu ve no llomlnlon ovcr us , It we nre enmlhlates for Ilen\'enl ' Zion , city of om' God. lIen \'e11 , howe\'er , Is 1pre - IIII'l'il : 111111.0 fen prcpurel people , nnd \\'Ithout prepnratlon we wouilltind our. e1YCs out of plnce nnd III nt euse , In Ihllt home of the blessed. Its people , Its 11I1Igunge , its elllplo 'lIlmltB , woulJ 1:11 : be dlstllsteful to us. AmI 0 , m ' In'othel's ntlll slstprs , what will " 'e l1S I' Zl'st fOl' the jo 's of heav n , ! lito thc 1'Itlent ' : endl1rance of the cross thnt 'Ul' ' lIeavenl ' l"uther mny hllve lulJ upon l1S ? Wh ' should we seek exemp , lion from the common lot of ever ' t1'UI ) liCe ? Wb ' shoul wo shirk the Cl'l1Cl , Ilxlon 0 $ our deurest desires ? Why houll1 we fenr to treml , hi n mensure , thl' path which our Mnstcr hus hlnzoll' Pll out for US , knowing thnt ul1 thesc hitter experiences but lend to the fuller , the risen life in hell ven ? ' 1'hcre lire some things which eOllllJ lute our lives U8 IndlvldulIls which werc IIm'er mennt for us to bellI' . [ Ilny of the thln s hnrdest to benr nt the tlmc ould h wllrded off trom l1S llid We 1101 tpt thcm Injure us. In t1 e words of the IOet , 1'111)1) Is IIJnllr n trouble , would brenlt lilw a hl1 hle , AmI Inlo the watcrs at I..ethe dl'part , Dl WI ! lIot rehearse it , an tClHcrl ] ' 11111'81) It , AmI give it a permanent place in th henrt. ; 'Inr Goll Ive l1S all shoulders hroael I'lloul-h ( to benr the burdens which r.-ht. full ' nre ours to benr , and grace to cas1 no bl1l'clen on our wenlter brother wh haR nil he cnn possibly do nh'c-ndy , Christ Is the great burden-benrer. I'UB IlNEIL OF ) ) lSASTER , ' r Rey. n. S. Mackay. In spite of the vl1.unted progress 01 the 1Iineteenth centlry , we ure just nf much the slaves ot vulgnr ostentutloll I\S our fnthers were when tbe IlIsj century wus still young. Nowhere IE the complex lite ot luxurious pleusure. seeking extravagnnce so visible I1S II' this metropolis ot the New World Everywhere the drags are off nnd tilt wheels ot commerce n d society 111'1 running wild. When the stoppnge wll come-as come It 111ust-or how It wll come no one clln tell. Alrendy till shrewd , bardhended men In Wal street are scenting the appronchin anger trom the commerciul stund point. They tell us that the limit ot ovel capitalization and hend.strong speculn tlon Is reached , and tbe reaction , un lees It comes grnduall ) " , will spel panic from the Atlnntlc to the PncUle How true thnt mny be fiS n commer clal prediction I do not know ; bUI trom the tnndpolnt at religion , In the Interests of morality , tbo evil resultl ot tbls over elnborated mode ot lIv log , common even nmong the poor al well as the rich , are already with us Tboro. can be no lite of wortb ) " thougb where existence Is loalled own wtl ( the vulgarities ot luxury. The twc moet illiterate clnsses In socl ty to Clay are the I1.bject poor , who by necos slty must think of t e needs ot'UII , bod1 , and , therefore , can thtnk 0 , 2I1Oth1nll else , and the Idle rlch. , who bJ _ : . . _ _ _ Hi. : ' . . c.c. . . ' I. . . . : : . . . , : . , L ! , L ' : ! l e holl'e tll''oh''l'r ' hour of the cln ' to thl' tr"'lnl Ilroblcm of whnt thl' ' shnll I'at 1\1111 \ whnt they shnt ( 11rlnl : anti whl'l'l'wllhnl the ' shhli bo clothed. 0111. ' of the ClIlIReN of thl8 O\.l'1' clnb- orI\tlolI In the Il1l\tcrlnl comfol'tN ot 111'0 II ! the 111I Rlon for luxur - Itselt. , WeIOlst \ nhout pUr hlxlII' ' ns SOllie. thlll tllla IIf1N UH nhon' other natlmlR , . \ Rl'COIIIl ( 'I\U ! ! ( ' II ! the llh'lt or l10elnl COllIlletltlon. Clnjts \ ' tS ! wllh clnRs fill' o'lnl RIIIII'I'IlIIH' ' , 'l'lwre Is n VIti. IIl' IIll1hltlou C\'lI' 'whN'o to ' 1:0 one bettl1r' In thl' IlInttur of functlolls nml l' ' n t I' 't III n IlIl'Ut H. Ilome life Is c1ellhl'rntcl ' , ) 'eR , and , l'I'lll1lllnll ) ' . " 1Il'rlllcCII fm' the socllll life. Allcl IHl'llil ) life , HO chosell , " 'e- ' comOH the \'IRtlhl1le ! thl'ou h whlchi Il1l1llr II ) 'OUIlIt hU1Ihllnil I\IIHRlH Into , thl' 1)I'I80U ! ollRe of c1l'ht. A Ilirgo clt . beconH'R ' ' ' l'\'l'uhl ' Vnnlty e\'el' \ n'IISt 10'11 h' , wlll're Inutlonlll 11I111 too otten c1t'Hncll'll ! pleaR\1\"e lures men nnd women h ) ' the thlll1slInll to Its gilded Rhl'llIC , IInel hefore that shrine high thlnltln nml 11111 In 1I\'lng are nightly Immolllted , 'L'he Ilonr IlInn , unn1lle to Ahlll'e hi these wllnton cxh'n\'n lIm e8 , l'hnfeH bellcnth the restrictions , nml hntt'ell of his IlIImperec1 tJotters bites n t the rOllcs of sCllIIl'ation. HNLF-CULTunl ANn FAITH. oJ' ICI' , John 1I "rr arrow" D. D. ' 1'0 know God Is 1t10t mel'ely to bOI con\'lnced of Ills exlstcnce , or to hnvo ) el'nrl ' 11ellnC'd nrguments for tbe (11 ] vlno being , hut besldcs nil this It Is to hn\'e a henrt I1CllIl1lntnnce with thel , lIea'enl ' I'ather , to be III sympntllY' ' with His m01'll1 CJunllties nnd Ills lo\V Iy 1l\1I'IJol > es. Self.clllture , Independent ot such ' Imowlcdge of Gol1 , Is U Rnnre , n delu. slon and a dlsnPlJOlntment , nUll woeful - ' ful clements mn ' follow oven the , flnest nnd " 'tlobll'st IntellectulIl tJ'alnlnl ; I\lnrt ] tl'OIll the hellvenl ' ImowlClge ] which ChrlRt 1Irln s to the Boul. E\'er Rh\lent of hltol' ! ' will al-reo ( with 1Ile. thnt the Ohrlstilln re\'olntlon ot GOI hils lJeen a mighty nlld upllrtlng force hi the culhre of our rnce. It hns. willunell the domnltl of hUl1lan though nml 1Irouht ; new fllcts IItHl forces for , the l1iumlnlltlon nlHl uhlance ot tbo humlln Slllrlt. Whnt trnnsformed th old ] laglln wO\'ld \ which the APONtI Pnul decll\red to bo without God Int the moll ern , Chl'iRtnn ! world ? I relly. ] It wns n Ittlowled e or the divine on- turo ; It waN nn IIclunlntnnee ) with ouq Fnther In IIIH onClIess , Ills ! ! ] llrl unIltYI nnd Ills rcolonmlng mercy ns revenlod , through T esus Ohrlst. Lord nnl'ot hns Instructed us thnt It IR better to hllve no conception of God thnn ono I that Is unworthy of IIIm. Holiness 19 God's eUadem , the cl'own ot His per fcctlolls. without which power 111111 , . wisdom nnd love Itself lose theIr hl h. cst ' ' . 'J'he Chl'lstinn glol' lIleSCn ! I ) Insh'ucts men that the God who nllw coml1lnnJeth nil to repent hus neVIr ! committed tlie slightest wrong ; thnt 1111 IIls' WII 'S nre righteous : thllt 1111 Ills ncts nre pel.tect , IInd thnt If nny vice existed In the chiu'nctCl' ot Oed the worshiping UII"'cl'se II1USt bQ dUllI b. It will he enR ' to Illustrate fl'om fn. mous 111 ell , 11Jte11' : . Glnflstolle , ror ex- ! 111111111. ' , lilt < ! : \111 tOil , Newtoll nlld Dl1nte , ! whnt the recoSlIltlon : of tile Chl'lstinn , 0011 hns dOlle fol' them. Ifut I thlnlc a moro useful lIIustrntion would hO , found In the lives of pllllll , common men nnd wOll1en all uhout Ufl , who , , . : ettlllJ ; their Imowlecll-o ; of God from , III ! ! wO\'d , by Illfl lllrit , throu h Ills 8011 , huvn fllt thl ) 11I lIlt ' of theh' OWII , manhood lld WOlllllllhood , have beell ullwllllll to soli thclr Houls with sin haye been nble to beur dlsUlllJOillt : ment plucldl ' nnd to go through SOl" , I'O\\ sweetly , feellll nil tile while thl ! comlll1nlollldllp nlld tllo cousolatlon of Dlville lo\'e. BVEIlYTJllNG HAS ITS } > ) tIOE. Dr IShop Samuci Fa I/o ws. Thnnlc God , It Is true ot COUllt , less multitudes of mell , 118 It was of 011 ] when It wtis suld. "You CUll 8001\ 1 - - - - - - - - tl1l'1l the SUII froll lis Coursl' thnn 1"11 bl'lcllls ( rom tlll IInth ot houor. " No all leglsll1tors nu < city nldermen cnI he bought hy melllls , though tl\ ( temptation muy bl n gWJlt one , Clltist ! nnlt ' ISllot n tnUur ! In dl'lIlnlllIlllg obedl : , DlSIIOI'F L WH , ence to lis prima moml rc.lulrI'IIlent I 'he Incorrulltlble mnll does' receh' , . the price for his Integl'lty. It Is th\ \ IIpprovllI ot hlfl OWlI conl'lence ! lIud tIll approbutlon of his God. ' 1'hat treasurl r I'll' cnn cl1rlJ' with hlll1 ut denth , wheJ - a ] ( the wnges ot wlcledncss must bl - lett behind. Disense.-'l'ho rIghts ot unborn gen . crutlons Is II hrr1ch , ot ethics whicl hns he n Inrgel ' Ignorel1 , hut whlel ou ht to form II PUlt of our mom lIhl1oRoph ' without n delllY. If , III II I - hus no right to polson his child wltl nrsenlc or strychnine , he certAinly ha ! . no right to bring 11 chUd Into the worl with the 1I0ison ot n heredltnry dlseas ( In his blood. In either Cl1.S0 he 1.1 elually responsible nnd rcpreheDslbl. - -neVe J , S. Scudder , Oon egntJoDll14 . 1st , Jersey City , N. J. ' .rho amount Invested in the BlberlQ RnUw " II $4 1,700OOO. ) , , . . _ ; ' _ ' _ " " - _ , . . . . _ " . ' ' ' ' ' . ' 'k . . . . - - , ; ' ' 'J1f' ' ' , 1. ' , ' " ' i ) ! ' , " : .n Tired DRCk CO"1 < 1 tQ nil whq Ovcrtax the kidneys. Don't negl t t b nehlng bne t Mllny I d n C el'ous Itilinoy trott- : ble9 follow t in I ! I wnko. I frs. C. n. l'nl'o of Co. lUU1pln n vc- , nue , GIns- gow' , Ken- tucwlto \ ot C. n. I'nrIJ. " n i 'oiili l' f brlclt h\nlllifilcturer oC that city , sn 's ; ' ' ' { Vhen Donn's Kldne , 1'111"'J'e Urst brou ht o m ntten. tlon I WIIS NlilTerlng from n complication - tion at It hI nC' ) ' trolllJlh-1. J)9Ides tl1l1 hlld bacle which tlsulfy'efmtts } rrbm Ilthlne ' cOIl1llnlnts , I hl1l1 a grent tlent of trouble with the se'rcUons , whlcb were exceedln ly vnrlnUltJ , sOl\1eUm excessive nllli lit othel' UU\Qs scn nty. 'J'he color wns hhh , alll1lI\RII1 \ ! eSVeL'o nCCOIl1IJl\lIle1 with n scahllng sellsatlon. Doan'a I\IIlI1l' : ' l'lIls soon I'e ulatell tbo Ithh1C ' sC'cretlon8 , 11111 Idn their colot' ' uorlllal , amI banished the lufilln\mntlon whll'h cnu8ed the Hca\cllng \ Hensntion. 1 elll1 ! 'est well , 111 ' Imclt Is strollg ntHI sounl1 , ntHl I fpel much better In ery wn ' , A ImIDE 'i'HIAT ) ot this grent Ithlne : ( , melllcine " , Weh c\ll'cd : ' [ rs. Pnrl. ! will ll { ' lI1ulled to IIn ' pl\rt at the Unltc.l . 8tlltC'8 on 1I111111l\tlon. Address l"oster- Milburn Co. , BulTnlo. N , Y. I"or snlo ' , by 1111 dl'llgglsts , price 50 cents lIeI' box. ' < Selt.luueatlon abounds amonl { the unpollshedi hut uothln ouu stamp , ; ' n lUan moro sharply as 1l1-bled- , . , Duxtou , + Oheolfuilless Is is lIIcu money .vell , expended in charity ; tbQ' more wo , : ; dlsponse or It , the greater our pos- ' scsslons - Vlotur Hugo , N ! \fen \ are so constituted thut every : .r + one undertakes whitt ho sees allother successful In. whether 110 has optl- tudo fOI it or not.-Goelh . Wby the ItlnA was Roturned.-She- . . I SlIppOSO It a prctM I ! Irl eamo along you wouldn't care anytllln . ' ' about ruu I1n ' Inore. " I1o-"Nonsen ! e. Kato ! What do I . ; " " care fur gOld looksil You suit 1110 all , . fight , " -Ihlludclphlu Pless , ; : ' rl'ho rarest at t10\VClS Is cnndor'i ( tllctle. ! A Hope of III ! 11ln 19 the bellDUing , of ; loss.-Detnocntus. : . . I : One "oldon clay redeems II weury . .t , vear-CeHn. 'l'haxter. Mra. Winslow's SOOl'lIINO f\'lIUl' for ( ; hll- , , . " : ' r..n tl.'eth\II , wrtcn the I/nl1l , f'dllces IIIII - U1&tOI1III1 ! ) 'H 1IIIIn CnrCh colic. l'l1co 2 1l1Jdttlo " ' An emergency hospltul was estab- , . , Itshed by Me lcnl Director Laidley } In , the norlhwest entrance pavilion . 'f' of the Education Dulldim ; during the dedication ceremonies 'at tbo' t. Louis World's nlr. . 'Illo pavilion , . " temporarily converted Int , a foom hy , , closing the doors , Is 50 feet squaro. I - - ' - - , ] IJ lInelorlnJ : the DI\bY' Clothes. . Man ' mothers arc Ignornnt of the serl- , DUB injllrr that ma - rcsult from wlIshlng the elolhluJ ; of nn Infnnt with stronK washlnJ ; IlowcIerl ! nnd Impurc EOIIl' . l"ot : this rellflO\1 It shoulcI he Inunc1cred at home under the mother's directions and only h'ory Son II used. 1.0 throw the little - tlo garment/ / ! Into the or.llnllry . .wush shows JrlJllt cnrOICIRnCf ! > 'I. ELIM.NOn. n. . PA.UKEU. She-Papa. has an absurd notton tha you have money. I lIe-1 suppose we would better 'le . blm think RO. She-Yesi but we've got to "ot marr rled some time. All creameries use butter color. . . WhY' not do liS they do-use JUNE ' TIN'I' nU'.rTEH. COLOR , . ; . - . . " - - - The value or a smlle"7who can tell ? , : I Like the sunshine , It is harp to estimate - mate Its value , for though It costs , the giver nothlnK It very likely means ' all the dllferencc to the reolplont between black despair and cheerfulness - : ness and hope. A kind smllo is beyond - . . yond price Lo the erring but ropentillg , .I\ and cheers them to struggle baok to / ' the paths of right and duty , from , ) " which they have diverged In PUfRUlt ( . , of p cas\Jre \ and folly , while to tbe ser fI ' rowful , tIle desola.te . and the forsaken ' It bas the happiest effect , dissipating . . ' the thick clouds and fog which sometimes - . , , times entirely obscure , fall' land- ' Hcape , A smile Is a token of warmth ' wIthin ; It shows tbe Iclnd heartot tbe . . \ friend , tbe affectionate brother , tbe , : 10v1Dg clllld , or tbe happy husband. : It adds a. . charm to the plainest face , ) " .It enhances the beauty of the most well favored , and It makes the gontle. ) gracious woman appear a veritable angel In the eyes of him who loves her _ Idleness Is the key of beggary , and tbe rOJt of all evll.-Spurgeon , All through our llves the.partln . s come , III fortunes come , and temptations - tions attack us In our weakest points that our hearts may be softened anl1 / reflned and onalled to understand the i' ' glory that Is In humanity , tlJe beauty : tbat Is in goodness , and tbe happiness " that Is In self denIal. r , EL Y'8 Lt QUI } ) CJtUHl1aJ. . II prepar&d for aulTer.u rrvlll Dalal eatanh who ua. . . . atomllerln apraylnlr tlledl. . ealed membraDtI , AU U4 beal1l1 and looth\nc properw Uea of Cream alm Are retaIned - ed In tile new prepAration , It does not dry prioe.lnoll1dln apralluiliul. . 760. . . .tdrupIIaU : : or 1i,1 : 11I'a , 60 Warren St. , N , y. . & 1\,11 , U , - - - - . . - . . . . . ' . N.N.U. 771-20. YOI\K. : EB. " - - , . . . . , ' . , " , ! o ! . " ' ' - ' , _ ' " , " : i- "