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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1903)
' . " ' , , . f , . ' , I . - . } , . - ' , . .L I ' " Foundation . , . : , . . ' . , , : . i' ' , . ' . : . . i'd . , ' ' , . . 0 0 ; . . . " , . . . : , . AboVe A'II. ' ; . ' . . ' " , - Food that forIns the greatest rfund of " . . , : ; vitality is the food that contains th tgreatest ; : , amount of strength-giving properties. . . . " I The grain which makes the flour wh.ich I , rnakes Uneada Biscuit , nlust possess to a high degree the elements of nutriti Il. , This is necessary , not only to reach the highest standard of fopd value , but to maintain . the'sal1te degree of excellence without any deviation - tion in each and every baking. ; . . ' . ' - For goodness that does I good Uneeda Biscuit belongs to the family of bread and meat. . Sold in the In-er-seal - - Package , . identified by the fan10US red and / tU \ . white trade mark design. i NATIONAl. BISCUIT COMPANY I . . . > ,1.\ . I I " , - - - - - - - - - . - . - . . \ , ( ) ml'I'I' 1 ll'ch'll. At the regular mceting- the Masonic ludge of this city last . Sahtrllil ) ' night , the following " oflicers were electcd for the cn- , , suing year : C. G. Brel1i er , W. 1\L ; W. r . Bruce , S.V. . ; g. R. . , Pnrl.cll : , J.V. . ; J. G. Haeberle , I. ; . . t reasurcr ; HeGeo. . P. 'I'ri tcs , . .i -Sec. C hlll'I'h ) l1'llIe'atlllll. . - 'l'llt CURtel Center U. n. church will he Ilcdicalcl ( Sunda ) ' , Ma ) ' , t ] 7. I eVm. . ( ' : . S 'u1t , D. D. . 'J ' prc idL nt of l1H York Cottcg-c , : . witt tJn'ach the dCIHcaton' . Hcr- \ \1 \ mon at 10:30 : a. m. HcI . I4. yr Eple ' , prc il1ing elder. and other t\ \ formcr p storH are expectel1 to hc prcHent anll aSRist in the serccR. . t The Custer Center pcopl < ' arc I planin r a11l1 expe til1g a hig'day n ' . . . . . . _ ' . . _ _ _ _ v- . ' " . . . . . . . l' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ; 1 i Opportunities in the South , I . . ! No portloll of the Ullltel 1 'States hus mucIc grcatcr progress ill the . lust ycu ' or two thull the South. Northcl'llmlll forci :11 : cupilul is rnpillly illvulling thllt scction , : \lllin I profituhle ill\ ' S lIIcllt ill I .j thl'urions ! indnstrics unll fuc. l ! todes that un bcill llly lIe. nI\J \ I ! \'clop 11111\(1 \ ( hnill. ' 1' IC greut lA inHnx of setllers is crcatillg IIn increuscllll nHlIICI fur hllllls of 1111 kil\ls ( al\l ( prices urc gratlu. l ully tllh'lIlIcillg. as the ) ' will for years to come.'ork is - l fululldl'o\'crl ) ' pn.lCtical yII. \ . ! IWllwn. AlabulIlII IS supplYIIIg' coal utili i\'lllto all lhe worlel. I , . More mOlle ) ' call he mlule mill \ with less lahor ill lhe raisillg of . smull fruits allil herries 11\111 in ll'llck patrhillg 011 lhe ( II1f Coastlhall ill all ) ' olher IIlale ill f lhe llnioll. trawherrics from ; Aluhullm rt'ach lIorthern lIuu'k. cts h fo\'C those flOm the stules 1 ill the southeasl. Callie CUll he raiscll wilh greul profit. lIlerc J. . hdng millions of acres uf cheup r , rallge IUlilln. If your arc illter. ; eskll ill lhe SOllth IIlIel its re. sources mill 11esire informlltiul1 011 elllY suhjlct ! , aclt1ress . a. A. PARK. . \ Uenernllnchllitl'lnl und Im- mlgraLlon ARent , l.olllRvlllu & NUlhvlllu ! It. Il I.HIUIt"I..I.I ! , u : , , ' . t - . - - - - - h. r and a good timc. Man ) ' gooll dinnNs in the g'ood homcR of the comUJunit ) ' will he scn'ed , after the feast of g-ood thingat the chm'ch. . Y DU are 11\'i tcd. . Come ! Bri ng with JOu the Hol ) ' Spirit , your apetite and Jour purse. W. Ii' . PI\(1\ ) ' . l.u1II1 SIIII eimllglll ! ; " ( hnw , , , JeJTcrson Dagg-ett iR enc of the many who ha\'c conch\llcll \ th t the only way to invcst i ! ; the laying - ing away enc of the choice Custer count ) ' farms. While in town on 'VcdneslaJ , hc closed a Ileal for - farm crcek. ' the lIug-hes on Spring 'l'hiR is enc of the pretty quarters of laud that makcH Cm\tcr 'county famous. We congratulatc. Mr. Dag'gctt on his good for.tunc in securing- Spring- creek farm , as 'this ' is one of the best- sections bordering Callaway.-Loup Valley - ley Que n. Ii' . \ V.'ans , one of thc firm of \'ans Bros. , just closed a deal through W. Ii' . umhrunn for the Pancalcc land , the NW { 15. . 1-23 , which is ahout five miles north of Callaway. Mr. Evans informs us that thin makes them seven quarters of land and that they arc Rtill in the market for more. 'l'hese bo's arc g-etti ng togct her one of the finest ranches in the country , their land llilTcring from the character of mOf t of the ranch property inasmuch aR their land is for the mOHt part Ic\'cl , while IlW ! of the rancheR an' rough. Loup ValleQucen. . I..r I. ' " ' . 'I'he following' is the .Ilend letter list for the wcel. ending 1\1a ) ' 12 , tlJ03 : Mrs. Clark Allen , Nancy Cole , Wm. John , Ii'Y. . JohnH.oil , Mis Lela Kirkpatric , K. C. 1-4eonard , Mrs. N. 'L' . Pottcr , John Palmcr , 1\1rs. Amanda Shorcs. Parties calling for the ahoyt will please sa ) ' advertised. L. I-I. JmV1t'i"l" P. 1\1. - - - - W A : ' 0'1'10:11. : .tleulll h\llcutrlulI III raolls II tJllcll allil" to lr..v . 1 tur 11011' " ullllllllbll1 ! "I"el 1 " 'Ud L < I with" 111'1 : " callIlIl. tll call UIulI mer 41h.ul. aud IIKelits tor dUC .tltlil IIIILl I'r"nlelill II. . " . l'ew.II"lIt IIlIg'je { umt Wo ! kl1 elll MlilllJ'1 ot 'It ! IIIILl .11 trivelllll ! 1)I:1' : u , , , , 1111 < 1 1I0t 1.111. IIdfllllCHll cub wellk. Kll' , lonol IIU' . . . .ellLl.I. Mllotlou nluo1lcu 1111 < 1 t'licio. ft II.ldIUlid tnVtllOp . 'rli. N4TIONU. , :13 : U lIrlJOru t. . Ll1ledjlI { , q THE P. D. SMITHCOMPANY , . . AIwain hava thnIIiHl . \ quality 0 . Ilumher 1\1\11 otlll'r ItllildlllK Ina , I tnrial at lho I.OWIHlt PI iOI'H. I . ' \ , ; 'Phont ! No. O. > > if . Ii' , O. It JUDKINS , .Manager' . . .ot7 ! , . . : . _ _ , . " . - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - , . - . . Ihlllli l'1'ugrluIIJlIl' . L'hc following is the program for the hand concert , atllntay c\'cning , ill the park. Nil. 1Ilfch. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UI H"1111"ell t ' 1111'1'1" . : > " Nil. : I-Ih'"r\llr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lolol1do Milh'r. NII.3-2.SI. . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1Ialll. . IIII' 01'1'111111 'l'hlllllas. Nil.SOIiIf :111,1 Ballc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J\I:1 lid 1111 lIa Klep..r. Nil. 5CakeVall ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cn'nlen"l111 1.:111I1" ' . \"hlllUII1I ( Chllrl ! ! ' . I-iTHKIISSIO-i. Nil. 6-'aues ! Cnl1c..t..A Jln':1111 of Ue:1v..11 nailer. Nn.7-J\Ilrch. . . . . .1Jllhlersll ) ' IIf 1'1'1I1I'Ilallla . Sellll. Nil. tI-nl' crhltl\'t. . . . . . . . . 't'hl ! JlIlIy 1I1:1e\iRh\h \ \ r.o" . , ) ' . Nil. 'I-Nu I 11111 I AII' . , ' . . Prof.l .A. arlichR 11ircctor. . - - - - Lh'l\ry lllU'lI eilltugmi IIIUIIIH. C. U. Hichardson sold his ) hi- er ) ' barn interests Monday to Frank Engles. Mr. Eng es gets two tri-weeklr , mail routes in the dea 1. 011I s'tlh'I' ' HI'IIUlulI. 'rhe old scWers reunion of the southcast ljuarter of the count ) ' will he held at Mason City , Wednesday - nesday , June 7 , 1')03. I B ) ' an1er of Committee. $ .170 ' ' ' 0 Call'rll' " , ' "cl " "ek. V'a U..r'.Jt. . . . Routt. ' . POl' lhe Gencral Assemhl ) ' of the Pre : ; " hytcriall Church ill the U. S. A. nl J.os J\lIgt:1es 1\1u ) ' 21st to June 21111. ' 1'ickcts on sule Mil ) ' 3rcl IIlIcl1\1a ) ' 12111 to 18th ; limitecl for relurn to July IS , 1903. Slopcwers.nllowed III 1111111) ' points 01 interest . Ask the ticket nlcnt : for particlllllrs. . Church " 'ervlce. . . PR I\SJl\'T } : RIA CII URCII. Ser\'icc $ next Sabhath in the lIIorllinl at II a. III. Sllbjcet. "All trnlilllitcl I uh'ulion. " R\'ening service lit 8 p. III Suhjccl. "Tht" e\'en Churches of A ! iu. ' Y. 1' . S. C. H. lit 7 1' . III. ' 1'0 thes services the Plllllic is cordiall : : hl\'itcl1. H'ISC01'.U. CIIUItCII. . . . t. John's Rpiscopal service SlIIlIln : Mil ) ' 17 , Ho atioll SUlldIlY. : II\III \ ( , , scllClol IU n. m. Mornillg prayer aliI serlllon II a. III. Hvcning 1'myel' ' IIn I sermoll 8 p. III. Thc puhlic : is curcliall. I invitc.l. . \ \ ' . 11. X U1tRS , Hector. II. 11. CllunCH. ' ! 'here will he 110 services of CUI ) ' SlInday 1II0rninl : , ncilher Sunday SchlH . or preachillg. owing 10 the c1cllicution t CUlter : Cenler. ' ! 'his will 1-1\'e : all u ' . opporrlluily to ultcnll thc 11cllicalio serviceJ. RcW. . E. Schell D. D. e \'ork will preach in the c\'lming at o'clock. \Vr P. PERil Y. , . CHIUSTJ.\N CHURCH. Ned Suuday mortling the subje t 1 the s rmol1 will he "N brakll' ! Need , A special rClJuest is lIIadl : for evcry III I : brr to he prest'nt. In the c\ening ; , 1I thellle will hc "l\lirllclcI" ! , 'iewell from r llihte slunllpoinla1ll1 in II coulmon sell light. If you lire illtt'l'esh'c1 in this Nil - jl'ct , We hill you romc. lIihle School al C. H. III 10 II. III. allli 7 p. 111. Icspcclh'e ! Miss I1azt:1 Non'lIll will 11'1111 lhl : ' C. ; meetlnt { . All invi clllu nllcnll. 1\1. It , cmmCII , I Satllulli } ' 111111 Suullay wl\1 \ be the c : elisioll ( If ollr third quurtcrl ) ' IIIcctltl . The conference will meet in the lectu . , . - - - - - - - . . JJ 't. . . . . . . . room of the church III S p. 111. Slituretlty lh \ ' . D. \ \ ' . Crolle 1' . H. Ilrc\ ! I\iIl \ . 111 C ) l\lIccliOIl \ with thi ! ! J1\CctllI \ the clectioll of In ) ' delegatcs will occur. SUlldar sl'r4.'es. . SlIlIdu ) ' School at 10. 1'reuch. hlg allll acnllllcllt 11) ' RcCram' at 0. 111 thl' c\'clIl 1J. ! Itt 8 the Hpworth I.l'a tIl. will l'l.IL'llmtc i q AlIuh'erNllr ) ' with Itll 111'1'\111'1 \ iUtl' I'to-rcull. ! : GHO. 1' . 'l'IU'l'W ; , 1'nstor. - n..l'.tsT cmmcn. 1l11(111) ( ' 10 a. III. lIihle Scholll. I I u. m. l > iv lIt ! wllrRhip , sel1l1l1l1 h ) ' the pastor , " 'J'hl' Rcwa\'l \ of Optimism. " J p. III. Jllllior II. V. 1'1. \ . 7 " . III. SellinI'll. V. 1' . t' . S p. 111. Gospd "renchlll sc\\'lce \ , lepletc with helpflllOllg ; , :11111 : hn\'illg Ii brief , comlliOIl sellse sermOIl. "A Re. \iuhle \ Report" will he hcarcl ctt this tllllc. Wchlcslla ! ) ' S p. m. 'rhe s asoll of "m'cr , prlllse Rllll sOllg. 'l'hursdu ' 2 " . 111. lhe 1.l\Ilies Aill Society. Fr l ay 4 p. 111. Thc lIo's 1 rigUlle drills. Sntunln ) ' 7 1' . . m. ' 1'eacher's 1IIeetillg. - - - - - - - Attontlon Sunday Sohool Workora. - \Vo , the oxol1utivo 1101\11\1iIIAn \ \ of thu ClIllcr 0011 II ! . ) ' SlIlIcln ) ' Rchool t\Ilol1inI elI , hll\'o I\rrllnIJll # for 1\ 1101lIlt ) . 1101I\'onl on lo ho holll in' thoM M I . ohurl'h , of 11t-okl n Bow , 1101\1. \ I\IUlIl'ill \ Hllnt1I1Y , M "Y : U aI , Itt 2 :80 : ) I. 111. 111111 nil elllY .June 1111. BI'lIlIre /tJIIINOJII1 / t 1\0 elnltJgntoR froll1 Iwcry SlllIdn ) ' Iwhllul ill thn MUllt" . In t.llwliuK tll.h' lItlll , plnlln ! OIt'I , . pOl"I I KOIIK illttlrc ! ! tccl ill YOllntr Peolllu'tI' ' . . t't -e\loIIOK ( 01 I I to cOllnty , IIfI WII hll\'o illlpnrlllnt. hllHillOlH to hring bufore lhom n thifl L IIIl\ . , Yo 11m to hIL\'O the sInH , worcors ) .with 119 nllil \\0 111'0 gC1 ng to 1\It\'o \ II oOll limn , if nil who 1101110 will pr/l / ) ' for itfl fl1I11C111I9. Also hring IL ronlrihlltion from ( ' \'my Rohool few the ! lllIlo 1\1\11 \ rOllnl ) ' worlc. thing yonI' hihloH 111111 Ponhwo8tnl hymllnlu. B. , J. PiltnWfty , HIII\'Y , , . .lIuhvlClt Un'cc i an Imported Shire Stallion , coming threc years uld , weight 1800 pOl1nclR. witt stand the ensuing - suing season a the C. I . Grabert farm , near Merna. C. Ii' UHAmm'l' . . , , DANmr. SWHHNJW , } Owncrs. G.V. . KmKl'A'I'uICK lUnrlce.ICc.'Iort .ur ' . 'ortny. ( IliA IN- INWhnat ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . lI.rI01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 1111111. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 n'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Cnrll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1VIC STOCK- . 11011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 70 HII\Cr. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .OO COW" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f.5' : ! ( \ :1.\5 : : \ l'ol1lrn\- : \ - Chlckt1I1 : .llt'r 1'(1111I.1. . . . . : . . . . . . . , . . . .11 Turkl''II , IH'r IHlI1n.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O ' . ' 1'lloIJUCY.- IIl1lter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 UKg'Wr"o1. II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 MI I'K' . , AUO\l8- : \ 1'lIll1toell.I'H hllsllul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Cllllolle. per LtIlHhcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 1I.llI'r tOil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 11.00 Hltllwlt6r l'wL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS I'II\nr. ( Jrtllllllaled.I'l'rl\\yL.$5AO @ fi,511 . . - - - . , . - - . - - - - - U. S. I..nnd ( ) ffite. JAMRS WlIl'l'KlIltAO. . . . . . . . . . . . .J..It.'glHtel . . . . .11. YOUNO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itllcel'ot IEO I , AUYltIt'l'UmMlt'I'rS. All IIllferll ulllollh ulI"er till. h01l11 will he chllrgllLl ror lit 1'11'111 rlittH. vl& : II.m I"'r IIllllllr tor I1rllt IIl-orl1oll. IUIII Wc I'cr ' 1IJllllro Cor IIlIcll 1IIIIIIellou.'t ' In urtJolI. A " 8'lullrll" J IUllllnu or rractlon thureu' . - trlllt , II t.ltl. 1.111111 OnlCI' . l IIror"l'u 1I0w ," . May n.IIIO. ? f Notll't'li hereh , ) ' rlvllI Ihat tile tolUllvlllK nnul' e.1 , , " 'tier hll rIIl.llIlIlIce ! . ot hllllnt"tlno In wilke Olldll'rooC ' III ' nr hili Clllllll , nll.1 'hat llihl pr..u' " 11111011I111 / e lIeCur. . lIeI"Ir : allli IIlIcclvl" lit IIrn"I'1I lI:1w. N lJrukli. ou Jnllo 1\1. \ I'JOJ. : viII : tllzallnlh : I\IIIIII' ot New 1lI'lelin. Nl'hra"kli. till Ih" IW ) IIPi. ! BIIi ! nW ! . lIe } . { IW . tlectlun I , 'l'o\\'lI bIV 111 N. , Jlalllo : 21. W. lie mille" Ihf tllllowilltr wltllrBde l llr"e hl COUtilillOli1l rO'lI deuce IIpon .1111 CIIIIIVRllou or 1\ILl : hllul111 ; O cllr A. HUlIILt of Nllw 11..1,111Neh. . . Wllllim 0 Ullley ot WI'HeleDa , Neh. . 'l'lmo h ) ' Itoherta 01 New lhhma. Nlh. ! . .lobD YuuIIKI1alll . .t Merlla , 4S.1-Ii ; : . .JAe811'IIITKUEAIJ Hcghler UlliteLl HII\le" f..ll OIllCA. l Jlrc.kell Uuw. N lIrll kl , Allrlllfi , IfJOI. : f Nutil' " I" hUfllhv J.h n H at Walllr ! N. Jorllau . heIr BIIII tur hl'lr" or Marcia A. .lcmlII. ! dlcelU oil. CUIIl'r l'/lrk. II ! 111111111'11 Iiollco ot Intolillm 10 III Ilk I' 1I01l11.ruot IlI'toru lIe/lel..r / 1111,1 Jlecu'vll ! lit hl ntl1cII III IIrol.l'lI 1I11IV..NI'hrIlI lII , 011 thu 23 < 1 .111) ' flClav. . I'M3. nil 1I..her . clillufII 1IIIII1cIIIIIII Nil. 7Ir,7. fllr IIwl.II" " . 01 8eCllnlll1.ln IOI\'II IIII I N , rllllll"1\1 \ \ \ e tblb 1' . M. lie 1I.llle,18It IIIJ..IJIl. .I rry W. lIIellll. lit klllllert"fllI , AIIIOR N. Wutllrnnkor 1I."kelllloNth I.ern : W. . tbropk ur HUIIIIII Valley. Neh. 1.'r'lIk JI It IIheht ot l4nlllllrrllnl. l'l'h. 'l'dlllmllIl1 or oll\llIIalll. tn h" lakoll LtcCl\rll III c'lnrl ! III Ille eOIlt "I Jullel.111 COlllltv. III U..1\I-2t1 \ .141111/1 WUI'UIIIIAII. : Hllter. : - Ulllte,1 Htll'I H 101111I1 Onlc , ' . , IIrl'kl\n \ lIow. NehrlllkB. April -no 1\11I3. r I ! NlIllco I. IWfI'lIy IIlvI thut the C..j . IIWill1 : 1111I11 II ! l'lliur 11111 liIe.1 110 tI Cl ! IIf hl IlIlulillolI t lIIaku 1I111111.rOl\rtll . ' ' 'I'Iorl or IlK cl/llm , NI IU' 3. IIUII'hllt allll'roolWIIl be md" herllr" Jel gl.h'r ' " II neelVH .t IllUkell lIow , Nellr AklIII .IIIIIO . 1'10:1. : vl7. : Wlillalil I1t holl. 'Nuw Holel" , . "ullrl\.ltli. for Ih" II ! . IIW" ! : IecLlllo 3S 'J'ow II III I I 1\1 N. Ihll1:6 : II. W. t.c Mh I' . M. 110 nallloa th ) ' r"llllwlI willi U oI 10 l'rOVO hla COlltllluoll1 roa : Ilence UPuU IIllIt cIIIUntloil at Md,1 Ilind. vh : 1 ! fJpy WUIIIIIIH : 011lh.rllll. N\ ' ! ' . ; I''rry Iolt. : . III II lit Nelv 1I.\ellll. \ NlJh' OIlv"r Swick ot Nu' ' 111111)1111. Nuh. ; IClIbl'n l.rrctlr 01 Nl \ \ ' lIu elll r "hlluk. . J4alr. " WIII1.ItIlr.AII. 4.51-3 11I\I.tcr. \ Unllell HInt" " 1.lIlId onlCl' l Llilcolli. Nllh , llrll ( , .1110:1. : f Nn.lro ' 1IIIC'r lIy glvl'lI t ut the tllllowlng lIall UdKIIIUllr hu 1111111110tlce IIr hllliltelitlull tlllllal I 1 tll.lllrollt 1111111'1'1. or hla claIm. IIn.1 th.t Hal II 1I100r will III ! 11I11110 : he fore County JIILltu .t IIr 10"11 IIIIw. Nllhrankll. 011 MIIY 23. I'IOJ. TI : II l'AIII/I'uN A. IIUlrtlW" tor the M ! . IIw1. 1111 IIli .W lit Hl'cllulIll 'l'lIwlI"hlllllJ. 1t'II n 20 I \I \ 11. . 17.\18 116 1I1I1I1t1I1I11' tolloWlllg 11'11111"11' to "rovo hi. routlIIUll\ldfU lllllnct ! IIl'nllllll1 I'ull 1\1 \ VlltlOIi or ulLl hUIlI. vi" . J.WII.O' . AUIMh rry. I ) f IIIUItt'1I lIow Wlllldw J WIIiLlIIII I" lit Jlrn" . lIuw ' 1'.II"t U 110rrlll , .C IIrllk..1I lIuw. II rill 8 Norloll ot Urukt'li Uuw W. A.IlIlIeIN. H ! j-25 lIeullll.r. UIIII LIlalea ! 1..1111 UJ1J. . . I IIrokeu 1I.w. N"hIlULII. "rll : ! t , 1903. I Notlcd I _ IJurll ) ' jlv..u Ihat IIrMUIl J lillIllh Df AIIIOIIIIII. tII'lIbk. . 1..111..11 11011(111 p' IIIIIHIIII lu wilke 1111111 proot t..1r" rtyl 'lIr allt , .c lv I" Mt blatII' , \ III IIroklin UOIV. N' IJra.kl.oll 'I'hul . 1111)11111 Ih .1. ) ' ot , I II lie. 1'J\1J. nil Umller cilitu n. ' 1IIlIr..lllu . II IA" ; . rur I. ue } . ( , IJ I IIW' , IC li cUoli Nil. 2 .lu to"lIIhll' No , l' n , UUIlI1 N : I21f , H lIillUU II. wlll.el"n ; ( 'llIule _ 1o' u. Ii . . II ot Au""lwo , Johll'UUIlI.1dl or Alllfl Ifl1wlud Ulltbr , , , . .r Atrlll& , It''UJIIIIIII JOhll. , \ e , 'C lIo..I r. , IUlllii \ \ UITIIIIIC 11 , h. fJ 51-11. ; 1I1.tIMltlr "I . . . . . . . . . : . . . NOTrOR ' 1'0 NON.IUtIDI ! ! T URJI'RNDANT8. MllhpW TMwnn aUlI Uo .1Ia SW' " bu , 'lItl aUlI wIC" . wI \ Ilako MUee 'hilt 011 Iho :13th : dllY of April 1903 , F' , M. Ullbleo , lll.lnUIT hercili. DIed hl llellllol\ the DllUlct Conrt of CuMcr connly Nnllrlllka. .gdn. ' Iho IInlll etalltl " \ Intl1lelllled wllh nlhorH , the ollJcd anll pra'or of wblch I. to Coro'lou a Lorlllin mortK'le 11"011 necnlot II ) ' the lIatel Mnt1 > A'i' . S""II 111111 notalll tiwnll 10 nlllllll C.vor of the NClhruklll\lnrlfnllo ! 1111.1 Tnu' Co. , "hpeb , Ihey colInTclt the b.U ot the ftollifl OIIlIt IJllllrler ofSectton 13 III 'I'own.hl11 .zo Norlh nt I1 IJJtell : Inlt , nlltl Iho ' , cat Ilirlf of 'he MUlh WClt qutrl..r of 8ectlolll ! ! III Town.hll' 20 Norlh of UIIIIII 20 weal , to .e\luro the PI\yment ot II eMU'n ' mortlrlllo Ltonll dllllll nil the I\1LII \ a'r M.r. A. O. I OO. Cor IhllllUIO oC $ bOO.OO. l1u" .nd " , ) 'cllf Crom Iho 111\10 Uloreof Tlloro 8 110" 11ue ullon , nl < ! homl nn uortllIgo ( tbo l II l'rlncll1nl IInm of IbOOOO tOll'lhu ' wlUI three ; Ihl\rl'.t nOlel In thll RIlIn ot " 11.00 , tor which , 11I111 R"'eul RIIIIIII wllh In\iru' \ 111.lnUIT I1rll'cR ror Ill'croo thai clcrclIllAnl 110 tf'1lulrI'11' to IIRY the lIalUO or thn' , "lIllltemlll"- . . . ho 1I01e1 tc UI'eCf ' the amoullt tOllllLl t l Lto IIUII. You nro roe 1II11rl'l to nllK\\'OI 1111'11 ' (1utllloll Oil nr before the tllh lIar IIr Juno. 1903 ) Iah'll this : Z'JLh tiny of AI'rll. 1903 F. M. ! tunt.XIiI , l'I.JolllI. 6.4q3t 111 J.UIIII LKIJWIC1U. ; Allorney , Nl'lnJ To NON.n. . . lmN.rH. 111 the tllSlrlot Ollnrt nf CustcrCollnty , Nebtllftkll' A. A. W lI , l'l.lntlll , ' v , lI nlYluckerl. ! . ct III Uolon Innl. . 'rh" IleCcn ant , , loun Stllckert. litre. Henry Hluckert. hlR wUe , Goorazo tuckllrt , litre , GeorR"o SLllckert. hl wHe , 1I1Innlc IlIol\ch Mr. 11 ( ' ( lalli , her 11II811u.ll. : Mar ) ' . 1'0t'1. Mr. 1'1' \ ' h\r hn.bllo.1 .Tohn Hlllckort. Mr" . Johu Stllcknrt hi. Wlto , l.t'ol'"tdltnckert ! : an I\Ir. . Leonl\rcl t-toukcrl. hll wHo. 1I llIg the helr of I.conl\n1 HtuCkp.rL I do. CeilIOlI,1'.II. AlarillY RNI J"hn Terhllllc "III IlIk. 1I0tice Ihct olliho 25th Ilay of A\ltl1. 191.1..1. the 111.luUIt A. A. WO' ' " . 1111',1 bls (101lUOn ( III UIII DIRtrlc COllrt of GUBler cOllntv , Nebrlllkll , IglllnAt fOil .n.1 unch of you ne IloC\\Illlallt , Iho IIljuct , allll'raYH ' of "lIloh er. , 10 loreclo.e II celtaln tnx 01'rltl1eato ( lined hy the trol\lIurtr til 1I.1c1 ( 'lIeler cOIIII'Y. on tbe t.'Oth.llav of \ < "ehrullry' 11101. of wllld , the IllnlntUt Ia 1I0W the owner IInll hol.h'r thuroor. tor the urn ot $33.35 lIull ooycrilli ! thll I < , lIowlng dcecrlhoLlJlremlftulI : North half or Iho lIorlh 'I'CUOII ten (111) ( ) TOIVllllhlll15 , North , ltllllKu 17 W. 6Lh 1' , U . tllI.t Cllnllty , , ,1111 UI'OIl which haB been \11111 "lIullftl"llIellt" tax 1111 \ rollow8 : 1111 Iho 201 dAf ot 1IIn ) ' . 101H. for Ihll vpar 11100. tbu .um of $1 M. 011 th. . IRt II"y nfIIY. ] \ . I . CUI' Iho'I'.r I'JOI. ' Iho 8\1111 oC $ fJ ( ,3 cal'h nt which aUloulltR draw 20 pot cunt IlIlurellL Crorn theIr r\Apec1\\'u \ tinteR. 1111 of whl.HIIduu 11011 un- palLl. 1'1"lnllff Irayes II dccrplI ot Cotl'clmurll ot 1I111 cnrll CllloR IIlId recGlpl RlIII .alu of RIIIII or .IIItII'rrllll c . You ere reqUlrel1 tn .1I.\\er 81\111 III'UtioIlOIl' betoro MOlldny the Ih Ilay 01 JUliO 1'103. ( lIILc lit IIrokon UIIW , NnllraAkl\ . this Ih. ltay oC Allrll. 1903. A. . WXLLH. 1'llIlnUII' . ( ' . \J-2'1 \ 11y ALl'UA MonoAN. 11111 Allorney , fll tlul Dlstrlcl Court ot CuRter COllnly. Nohrllllhn , In 1110 nllt ! lor of tlllJaPII'leallon oC lIe1ltY IlIlIny. A.hlllllilltrlltor oC thu elllillu of JClftllll1l " 'roeltl n , Ilec.tllletl , for n lIelllllO ! to ell relll e.tllto AIIII . II0W IIn tlds 71h (111) ' ot May 1"(1:1 ( : , thl. 1'111180 c'u. . 01110 II" honrLl at ehll1llh"rA upon Iht ! IIPIIII. CIIl\OIl \ or Hcnry Icllcy , nllmlul trnlor or the uellltll otolhull l'reC1llall . 11I'COMell. tur 1 IIcous" tCl/luH the toll owing IleecrlLte rlJa I o a.nto. RII\lI\I. 1IIIIn ( Jllnlor Connty , Nohrn8kll , tClwlt : 'rlll ! 1 < : lIlt hair nf Ih outh.l'lI@t Ilnltlur 11 \i \ SoH I Clt Mectl'II'I'hreo [ 31 anlilhe \ \ Ollt hall IIr the Mouth \Vost 'Iullrter [ W , ! wMl or ectllJl'l'wn L I nil III 'l'owIIHhlp n'llctuen l1\1lltllllJII twenty two : ! : ! 11I111 thlJ unrlh IIIIIr of 11m R"nlh l'n/lt 'Inllrter [ n ) . .o ! ] nnll Ihu nurlh half of the eonth.\Y , , t qllnrlur In ' w1 ! oC lIoctlon twenty tnllr [ 2t ] tOWII/lhll' 11'1 i' HIIII\ ( " twenty ae 1 1 tJr Ihltl'nrllcsu . nrllay. hll't. hllllllowe 61(1I1uSL the uslnll' of JOII 1111\ lrreelllall , docl'l ol. It 1/1 thoreforu oldurr < l thllL alll\l rtClIIlllllclIJlled III lIahl e hlo. 1I\lIuM Lter"ru IIII ! lit III ) ' time. III Ih" oily IIf IIrnken 110NehrRllk. \ Oil thl ! nll I day of Juno. 19OJ. nt 10 lJ'clock III Iho turlJlltlnll eC IIhltlll.y. In how caaeowhy alll1ellllulholllll nnt I. II" to RlIII allmtlllRtrntor 10 " , ,1111II111 rual ellllio An'l apllly tlm Irocoeda to Ihc MtiSCIICtiOIi ot the deLtLs IIlInwed 'Inlll t Rllhl ollnlu. It I. tllrlher Ulrocle th' ' " this urller bo huhllRh. el tor tllur (1) ( ) eonleclltiTo wcekll In the luft.lJr : COlility JloIJULtHc/UI n weekly nowaplIlor , ot 1I01illt' nll'lrcullltlnllla lalll 001lllt1 4 .5-:17 ! : CUAm.K8 I. . ( ) uTTlCnRoN JIIO / of 1 > 18tllet 0011" or Cllell'r COllllty. NIh. ! OltDlm TO : mow CAUHR , In the Ulshlct COllrt of Cu.tllr County NoLtraAkn. III the 1II.lter of lho e tlllu of Wlllium If. 1I0Ltlltll. , Io'cl'n eLl. 'l'hl OIlU/lO comllll ; Oil Cor hourln\tullon the Iletitlon or 8a"h 11. 1I01l1lt8. 1(1I1\rtlinn oC Ibo IOlnor clilldroll of WIIIIIIIII If. I1nhlll . Ilectll ol , , ) , : tor IIcell80 to 1I 11 " 11 111II1Iv1l1e,1 0101' hnU nterA.t In alld to 11m followllld.lcrlllPel ( rcal etitllte. 111111 UPIIho follnwlllJ , : h\flllI. lo.wlt : I (1) ( ) ' 1'h" lIolllh hair ot lhl' lIurth ell t qn.rter. th. , lIorCh uIIHtl\llIlrll.r \ ( If thu soulh oaJL IIOlirler IIIILl thu , outh IJnst qUllrlnr ot Iho nortll WeRt 111I.rter nf RucLloli rloerf ( III ) III 'l'oIYlIshlp tOllr I tevn I H ) North 11 1111 go twolily olle (211 ( We.t oC th. . 61h l' M. . OURter couilly. NUllrukR. tor ( jOO 00. nasb. ( t ) 'l'he south h.1f of the 1I0rih welt IllIUler .11 < 1 thc lIorlh hlllt lit the .oulh west clIlIrLer ( or 81'cl\nn \ 'l'hlrty two ( :12) : ) In 10wII blp fourleoll (14) ( ) North. lIuugo twenl ) ' " 'nlJ (21)08t ( ) oC the lh I' . )1. . Cu ter cOllllty. Nubrn kn , CorIOOO.OO cl\sh. (3) ( ) l'arcelln thn North O t Ilullrt.r or " ' 1'C. tlon twenty 01'0 (211 ( 'l'uwlI.hll' SOVOUlneli (17) ( ) l'Iorth. nnllgo twuoly nvo251 Welt or tht ! 6th. 1'.111. Cu.ter conulV. Nohr , ka. IIcAcrILt"11 Ir.ore IllIrtlclllarly 1111 tollo. K : ComlllllIColll1 : at the 801llh I'llat corner oC the norlh C"Rt qnllrlur nC p.ILl scctUIII. rUlllllng thellc.o WCllt twonLy ho (2 ( 111II1I 2'17 ' 1000 rll,1s. Ihcllcl' ' ullrth twenlY II" . 111111 : I. III (25.3) ( ) ruLlR thcnco IIIIst twollty avu IIIII : : ' )7 IO ) t25 2n ) to.le . , lIullcl ! soulh twellty vn allli :110 (25 ( 3) ) rods 10 ullice IIC " " 1:111 : II III ! : . c.mlalll' Inl { four len II. nnd P/IIIIII / 1I01llg IIIl1ro 1'lI.tlcularly ' tlc.crl1l1' In IIleuernl Wllrrallt cll.11 of l'OIlI'.y. allco ellCUtc. ! 11I1 < 1 IIellverClI hy William \ \ ' . Ifr > "ler 111I11 wlt , ' 10 WlIlIl\m II. lI11hlltll 011 11111 Ih 118' ur AllglIst 18 7. nll rreurlh ll In thu Ileell roe cmllR nr uhl Coullty on th" 30Lh , .IIIY or AUltulIL 11' ' ! . 7 .111 1I0nl ! 511111(0 2 : ! . ( ) 'I'hlltllIreelln the , . orl'lwept corllor lit I ho lIorth wellt 1IIIIIrll'r of Iho 1I0rih 1' ftL IIUnrll'r of OCtioll tUIi (10) ) ef ' 1'owll hll1 'Ut-en ' (15) ( ) North , Jlall ! : " twenty Ihrco (23) ( ) We.L at ( 'Ih I'M. . CUllior COUIII ) ' . Nl'hrRekli. moro II , tfculllrlYllelcrlhplI liS Cullow8 ; Oomn"cdnll nt 1I01llt tlxtoeli hun. Ilrcel ( , Ighty ( IGRO ) teot W"8t of Iho IIntlh olliL cor. lIer ot IInl,1 enL\on \ lOll (10) ( ) uOII 011 the IIlIu ho. tweell pecLlon lun (10) ( anll lhrelJ ( : I ) lit ute ! , 'l'oWllftt.111 IInli 11.111 : " . runnlllj ( Ihollco HOlltb IIvo hllllllrclllwolity ( r,20) ) toet. Ihellcn weat COllr hllullrl'd tou (110 ( , tCOI. Umnru Norlh lIe hllllLlred tIVollly(5O ( : ) teet. thnno ell8L t IlIr hlllulroLl twonl , ( nil ) feeL tll Illaco uf Ltcgnll ! K. IS ) Iotll thlrluen alll , rourtceu In lIlock l1C1nor III Ihn orlll.lnlli lOWIi of Brokolillow. ellra'kll. For thllIIrllOOo ot furlilshlDg " , ean. of ellllcn tlon. clllth \lIIrllOOo \ IOlIlnto..allOO ot n1l1 warclllllUt . IIIllIora. 'l'he pcronnl Irollerty lit lall , odlnll hlil'SlIlIlmc" oxh.uelnc1 all 110 tlllllia hellll : llvall aLtlo tOllarrav nld oXllell el. It IR lI.erofuro . orderell thllt 1IIIIIcnolii Ililorosl . . .1111 nhl cstn\o np'ear hoforu lIIe 011 Lllu 151h dill IIC Jllnu. at 111 o'clook In lhu fOrellU)1I ot SIIIII LlIIJ - M.lh t'ollrt roum IlIiJrokon HON. NoLtrllBkl\ ohow ouso why IICOIIIIO ahouM 1I0t Lto rBIIII'.11.I . Buhl gllllrdlllntu Roll thu IIboVtIloecrlbell rllil utllll < IIf MhlllceuliBud to r'IIY for 111111 Cur th \rl1. . koel1lnl : ! lnLl t'l1ucalloll ot 111 , I ward . 11.1011 thllllJlh llY ot May. A n. I'IOJ ' CII4ULIB I. . ( JUTTIIIIION. 7.51-35 Jullgu oC thl ! metrlct Cuurl. IIcttcr ' 1' rll'H. We hlLvc hcel1 uhle tu I\Iltk Ilelle terms wilh the puhlishcrs uf the Swill lIere1. We cun now furnish YOII the Ill ! 1'1J1J.ICAN ! IIl1d Swine lIei'll for $1.2 ( Thi ! IIpplies to rcncwul ! ! liS well liS t , . IICW snhcrshers : : to the RtI'UlU.ICAN. ' - . . , . . . UI" . . . . . 'I't ' ! . - " - 'f'f' ' 1 < 1\ , _ I J NOTIOJC 'fo : HO 'KK8nJ N'1'Li. ' . . III &b IUstrlrt Court. ot CUller Oollnt , . Nltr. . " , A ( A , Well . l'I.lnlllr. VI. . I , I . IItlr ) ' Kel1l\Y Roona" . .tat. DoC " ' , The 11UreltilabIB Mary Ke11 , . . dOeorll } { oon.n bor hu.bllnd , ,111 Ia" . . ton tll , Sib < la otfa , 190.1 , thr . . . . .41ttl At'.A , "erl. nlOlt hr.111111110n In the DJMrI < &t 'r1. l Caner cunntyljollr. . kll. aKllu)0. . . . . . eMb ot II nR IloCend.llts , the obJnc' AItd I.ra.tef of whloh .r. II ! Corecloso a cotlAln tal : " , ' " . . .telun.,1 ' " , be 'reuuror ot .a1l1 CUllcr MQ.'y. on tb. 20tti da1 flf F'ahruu119QIof wblchho plnlnll ! I. lOW Ihll nWller IIQI holder ' ' ' -reof. tor tI. . IUI8 of 813 ( , ( ) .rlll coverIng tM fttllowlr'K duorlbed III 1l1U1 e' , the eatt hlllf t " 'e ' Rortb flut qalrter ot dccllon . . TOI.shlp IS N. Ringe 17 W , 6th P. I" 111\111 Connty 118(111)1$8 "hl b hili bOOD paId II SoblleqaeDt" III folio" . : 011 the Gut dar of MAY 11101 fet the ) 'eAr 1900 ; 'be Inm uf'I3.06.'oa Iho Ilrllt It 1 of MAY , 1902 , tor the , ear .1jI. ( ( .tlte AUIII of $3.4"Ach ot "hick amouaWJ ! raw "b ) oCII' Mlltlillorol' trent tbelt reRuccUve d. . . . . . all or which I. dlle RIIII unpatd , PI.lntllf Pf' . , . a dl. creo of toreclollire of lall1 ceTtUlcato and rOCtlpti anllinio or sal premlle. . You Ire requlrel1 to anVor sal petition 00' or .boloro MOndllJ , .b ISlh , y ot Jnuel00.1. ' Dilled a' I1roken ! low , Nlbrl\lki , thtllh dlyof lib. . . 1903. A. . WKf.LIl'lalntlll. MO-33 lIy ALrll.MOMAN , JIIe t10rney. OOUN'l'Y coonT u'rEIWou , NTY , .HKDJl.8KA ' 1'0 ho hclrllblt ll xt of ktD or Xi-Delt A. H , . . ler UcclJlIlIld. - . . . . . . 11011 are hereby notll1cLl tbaV. . L. Rocelor. flther 0'11111 decoR ol1. lIaRl1Iod hla , poUtJeli , tl IIaltt COllrt , asllln" thllt he may bll a polntod Kd. 'nlnlstrAtor ot tbo ollaLe of X.rllelt , . Jtoealer. decI'lU"II. Salel nllltior 11101 been ' 0' for heulde ror June 11111 , 1900 , lit 10 o'clock a. 01. . . at. tll. COl1nty C8urt Hoom. III1IrokcII1 nqw. NolitallUI , \vhen 1\11 artlu m.y IIPllo.r IIDet ho hl'aul. Uatell the 9Lh dllY of M.y , 1903J. - J. A. ARMoua. " ' : ; O-l6 : [ BEALl Co oty Judll8. NOTrcE TO Ol 1DlTORS. . tu County cOllrt , Wllhlu alld Cor Cusler COQII . Nebralkl. In the 1II111L1\f of thc Ktille or Alethl. HCIlIlr.K. O.cullloII. . . . ' 1'0 thu Creditors ot aJd tht te : You IIro hurtby 1I0llaod , ' 1'IIu& I " 111 .It It .tk. l'lIltllty OOllrt roe 111 , III IIroken 116" . In.14 County. Oil the 6th I , y of JUliO , 1903 ; on the.Cltb i lIay ut AUluet , I\IOJ : an 011 the'1th . ) u ) ot No I vllmber , I9OJ , each It 10 o'clock II. III. .ot .eaela " 'Y. tit reeelv alll UXllwlllO .11 'CI.IIB& ' 1I/C.tl111 / 8I\llustuto. wllh 1VIIlIV tit their , .djnMtuIIIDt\.1IL \ $ allowance. Thu tlwo IImllell torthu preselllaUII. c't tll\hn , ' IIIII.t IIIhll'ltale I. .lIlx lI\oolh. rtoas , Ihu 7Lh da ) ' ut lIIl\o . 1003. an tlie Umllihuttlld'r"r ! 1"Y1DI'IIt of dcbt , llano year from ' 1\111 d.te. . . Wllnea my hllllll nnll the Heal IIr 111\111 CouIII , COllrt thla 211111111f ot Allrll , I < JOJ , I' .jj.50-3t [ 1111.11. ) J. A. AlueOUlt , Coullty Jadle. " A. . . . - . < : - : : : - r. . IBURI n 'TIME f Bf' BHOkEN flOW. NIC . 1.IP\colu , DcitV r , ' Orunho. IleleUR , ChlcnKO , 'Duttc. . ' . . Ht. JOIICIIII , I.oru".d , . . . ' 1C"IMa" : cu. " , . Halt "aka t3h1f. tit. I.OU'H. Allcl HII1 rr"" , \,11 . .0lrltH UnMt Anll 'An I.ulae. A..el HouU , . 'VCNt. , . No. 4Vo llbuleI1 ! ! SIra. . dally ! Ltnw\n \ , U..a. \ . ba , lilt. J08111h. Italldl" Olt ) . 1st. Loul. J. 011.1 eaRo .n,1 all 11011111 un.talll1.lInth..1I6 . .tII. , No. .4-LooI\I IIXpron IhlIy. , Llllc010 , 'Olll . Chlcn'O , alill alll'oIlita a. . ' and 801l'h,1O 50 . .JIlr No. U-VeIULtliloll OIIllro.lfll.lly. l1olll , l , ' H'a. " LIB , lIutte , l'ortlaml and 1111 l'aclRe Uu. . , \'olnt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1104. . . . No. 43-Ioca1 eXllre a dAily , Alllallc" 1" . , IntermedlnLo. volnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lI a pm HIleplnlt.III1.IIIK 11011 roclllllllg chalrcau ( . . . . . . 'reo ) nil Ihrol\h ! tr.IIIR. 'l'lclcoll lold aDlt bar" ( { lIgo chockll to . nn ) poln * In tit Unlto.t l4t. . aliLl Call1d. . of' llIform.Uon , mllp'l thnu tftblal IUtl tlcko' CAn OD or write to 11. 1. . Ormilly. 'aillnl < , ur J Frllllch. O. I' . A. , omah"il NebraaJu" . . " , . _ " . .L.Oaue8"'Aron' . ' " . "m - . . ' .Y ' .r .rJ".f. ' .r.QJ' . . 1 T4ist of Lands ! S < . I : F-c > r Sa,1e in Custer . J CountyNeb. o I > . . 1) ) o TltnMII-Ollo.thlr : < t cAlh : bllallce 01 8 cloforred II.YlllontR , 7 IlOr' CIU Intcrfllt , ' S Wu.r.UMH-WJJ , w fno" .WC ) o : H.II:1:1. : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .t 000 o 8TE1'II"NBoN-Se . aw i , III' 7. lie , , ) o 6. lots t IIDd 2. , cr. 7,14.U. . . . . . . . . . . ! tOO o 1I0ucIIIN-SIV nei ) , I IIwli And . . . , o nwill"i.2-113.21. ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l00Q o ( ! AI1TLKIIUIIII-"CU.25.13.17 . . . . . 2000' ' ) o JOLL-WI-t M ! . o nw , ( , I : : 14.\15 l1J1'O o II 1l0wN-No ! . ,19.13.18. . . . . . . . . . . see : ' .1 o 'I'III1UI'O'i-H" ! , 8WU. i II .oU , o 26.Ui.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700. o HII4111'It-MeU .II.I-H.IK. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00iJ o l'IIKwnfol-IIJI ) allres III .rctloilB 1 o 7) ! ! . HI , 1\1. \ to"n hlp H. : II , ooll tor " " ' cnttlo r'lIch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ 11QO' \ ) MYEllft-NII ! . , 21.14.111..1 WO o NK1"ONNe5.14.18 : \ . . . . . . , . I SOO (1 o ( ] UHWlJIOK- i. 4.13.23. . . . . . , KOO . - o n4T1E , IIOU , "W , uu i , 17013. ' , : ' o 211. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IJO ( ) I' o Br.XTON-NwU.31. 13.711. . . . . . 800 > o WY."TOM-NH , SOB\oS ! , \ lIoi. ! 12-15- o 1' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KilO o 1II0I1RIHItY-Sol4' . I. 19 , ' ! . . . . . . . : < < 10 o W'\I.ltY.II-SW ! ( , 1120.111 . . . . . . - o I.UUIA-lIw : .II"lIw'ile'ot. } ' , , o I , : : ; 1.14.21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 t - o HomNHlc-N IW . .o i IIW ! ( , ' 5 ; 10 ! IO4' , ( . .1.18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 ' UTTIIIUACU-Nu ! , . 10.17 . . . . . . . 1 IJO ( ) : 8 8 Ne ( .Z.1.1R ) . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 1' ' S 'I'h" 1110'1 IllIdl wi bo lold .ubJect to t oxltlnK I'alee. NnW YOUr OI'llrunlt ' A hlCoro 'hI prhlG8 au .dalcll For I'lr. . t lllarR. clI on or lol1rou thla olcl. f , . . ' J - - - - - - SOHEDULE OF DROKEN BOW MAILA , Jouch Cor woot wi chiI at 8 p. m. , oxctlJI 8UlillY whun I will 110"0 lit Oill I' w. Ionch , elldt tor tr.ln lo. 4 0118.1 I a t. ailt to' No.4" clool nt.I. : a.m. Mall tor Au.t. , . alllllollltR No. . east of ( rall 1llull c.rl".1 01 I Irala . Oonlo TI ! ot 1)11 Inll ' 'uckorvll. . dully 'e- ' Clllt ! 'umlay cloRo8. at 1 am : returnllll R.III lay / , Mc'IUlllor , Call1w/IY vII tall excet tuudlJ clndud It 7 . III , r tlrllnK SIUlle .y. Huull VII" , vl Urun an.1 Eton clolo lt 7 I 1..ToeldIY , 'l'hnrd.y .ld Iltllfdl ) , roturDllr 8.IUO II.y. , 8ulior , Ia ClrA y , Oeor/ot" / " alll Uitoa .t 1.3. TUelll1a 'I'hnrada ) allli I.tll artVOd llY ruturlliK IlIao. tt 1,3 .awe Ilay. OIIH hour. tml I.II a W to 8.0 III. IUI' , 111)8 Ctll 6tl : I' . I. to O:4r : I' . m. 1.IIIhy opel r wt : k Ll.y. CrOPI ' 1. D. to I I' . t. SUlilaHI 8:1 : a. . to U . I. Uellorll elvur noL O ' 11 lnu' t. morln. I. . . hlrel.roro. I. . 1.J."t. l'.M' RlllmUI Anderlon J. C , Moor. . , . . . . . . 0..10. . b" ' " ANDERSON & MOORE.b" . , . E1.llIlls for . pile Ilt , rOllt 1 ( uter rOlllt ) ' , llull . 1.olnIIlK . COlllla. Rljultlel nl' morlit. AhstrllL ' hnllht 1\11'011. Prllll'll . ' ) 1IIIIullt I.Ll Ulcu-Anln Streel , letw 11 .lh 1111 ! th AVIIIIU' . Urokollow . , Cal"rcouuty. : N.llr.s1l. . - ' - - - - - - - - - - - . . - ' " - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - . -'i" Jmrm t ; - \ II ' 'G t Jr- = . " : . . . . , . . , . . 111 or I Ul1 Before You ui I :1. Consult. . . ' : j PAPINEAU & DRAIE , ' : : : ! Cent ; actorl and Builder. . 111 III , ! i Etmates li'nrniRhcd Iirc ( Wih Plans and Rp cfcnton ! . I UIJI _ .J ' _ UIUUII' ' ' . , , ( " . - ' IUltW . - _ . I I II _ _ I , I " . t I : : - . c - rc ! f' ; . . ) " "iU ! : t ! . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . - - . . , , _ . . _ _ _ y. . _ . - " , , ' 1 , . I' To Cure a Cold in One Day ) 11Tae aatve' Brome Q nine Talet. . P . . . oJ'eV " : . . ' . . ' . ' : { .g. .re IS.Ve Mon IUXH aod I pst 1 : ibnts. Th sigatt ( .C / 'I' .flr:3S . '