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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 11, 1901)
nn VOL , XX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 11 , 1901-EIGllT PAGES , M ) , 4 It will jioy ynn 10 tieur me ID mlndwhuu In ccetl of anything HfUftlly ftiiiud In u tint class Irwehjr store. Hear mo In tiiltit ] alog wltli thu coming wedding I've got ju \vliat vou want to give , at Just Hie iircojou wniit to pay. Utarmeatm ihUln inlud I Itnd , nev er fallow , In quality ot goods , In low prices , In treattnint of my customers Graduate of Chicago Outlialmlc School Books , Tablets AND- School Supplies , J. G. Haeberie's ; PURE Pickling 7mcg > ? 9 * t J. C. Bowen'e. Attention fompnuy M. Order No. 10. July 8 , 1001. Thursday , July 18th * , has been the date fixed by Co ! . Trtlbot for general inspection of company and company property. You are therefore commanded to report at Armory in Broken Bow , a * . 8 o'clock , in.tho forenoon , on July 18th , for inspection and drill. No man will be excused save for sickness. The day drill heretofore ? et for the lotb of July , is postponed un til the 18th. Every soldier'will make it his business , as it in bin duty , to report and aid in making the inspection , target thoot and rlrill a Huooess. 11. F. KENNKDY , Capt. PURlf extracts at J. C. Boweu's. Nuticoto the Public. Owners of city property are hereby notified to cut the weeds on their lots and streets and save cost. If let stand until out by t he city , the expense will bo charged to the property and added ti your tax. P. M. Towfluv , Marshal. Headquarters For g Dry Goods , f Groceries , | Boots and | Shoes , ; Our Royal Worooator CoraotB ji Hove No Superiors For fcaao and Comfort. ? 8 Lpcal Mention , The county board convened m adjourued session Tuendny. H. E. Brega , of Callaway , was a friendly caller at tuia , oliioe on Tuesday. See \V. D. Blaukwoll at Farmers Bank for Fire , Cyclone and Tornado - do insurance. Wiltuot Brandenburg and wife i\ro the happy parents of a boy , who mndo hiH appearance at their homo ant Monday. Mr. Edward Ooffman of Thed- ord , was in the city noveral dnya us t week visiting with the family of his miclfl J , A. Farrell. Riimah Ryeraon and Ilorburl Watls have bought out Al. Book- lauker'ti news stand , The Ropub loan predicts HUOOCSH for tint > 0)TH. Kditor WiHoly , wife and two children , of Ansley , were city vis- tois Monday , returning Tuonday , ftlr. Winoly attmulert the Editors' n uiini { Monday night. ThnHe who wish to take ttwiihtirj to boanl during the iuatitute which will begin July 22 , HO report to the county superintendent , giving the number that uiin bo actiomodated , ) rieoH , otu. , Rev. B.V. . Richards left Mon day night on' a month's vauatioo , aooompaniod by hiH daughter , joltie. Their objective point IH Dounldtioii , MinneHOta , where they will vi.sU Rev. Richards oldest sister. Walter "luiih'n boy , of George town , wan thrown from a home , the 4th. , and sustained a fracture of ono of Ian fore arms Mr. Smith is a brotli r-in-law of John Daveuop , aud , recently ame here froln Guthrie , IOWH. Col. Vf. U , 'Talbot ? nd family came down from Ualaey Woduea- luy bV last wuo rtu" iyend the -1th. Monday morning the colonel start ed out on an inspecting tonr of the several malitia companies of the state. His that atop was at Aurora. i The 4lh waa auiet in Broken Bow. A number of the Sunday School children had a picuiu in the Monk grove in the north piirt of own , but otherwise the day was more quiet than Sunday usually IB. All thu young ppoflo who were able to get away celebrated at some one of the towns in the oounty. Ausley drew the largest number as t was the moio easily reached by the railroad. Fully 800 wont to Ansley. StiAi-ili' Anuatraug has a fiue sup ply of what in supposed to be liquid , stored in hiH offioe at the court house. Ilo siezod fixtoen boxes at the de-pot on Wednesday night before the -Uh. , on papers is sued by Judge Armour , on applt- cstion of County Attorney Kirk patrick. Tlu- night agent , Lafay ette M. CarStonseu , wan arrested for handling the goods unlawfully , as I'XprunR agent. The preliminary trial of thu case will be held before Judge Armour on the ] 7lh. Monday of last week , R.ihen RauiEuy , of Ansley , and a daughter of It. 11. Parker made application to Judge Armour fc-r a marriage ItfiMico. AH the girl elated that she wan oplo sixteen years old the judge rofupcd to insuo the license without the written consent of the parents-.They loft with the supposed intention of securing the written consent of the parents , but to the present tune they have not return ed homo It is probable that they wontturther north withthe hopes of finding a magistrate who is not so strict in his adherence to the law. We underoiund the parents olaira the girl was not yet Buteen. Rev L. Q Brooker , a former Evangel'oal preacher , who worked in the southwest part of the county several years pgo , committed sui cide at Kearney , Wednesday morn ing of last week , by shooting him- a'elf. Ho had rereutly returned fiom Oklahoma , wbere he h < ul been preaching. Ue was arrested by the hh-riffof Hall county , on cam. plaint of Mins Uarriet1 Long , unto , of Grand Island , who charges him .with being the father of her illegitimate child. When the sheriff had made the arrest he loft his prisoner with the view of get ting Forao one to guard him , and Rev. Brooker improved the oppor tunity to end his own existence , Samuel VanBusldrk , of Merun was a city visitor Tuesday. These desiring a good business education , attend the Broken Bow Business college * Judge G'Sohwind John Johnson and Harry Day went to Gram : Island to colehrate tliti 4Hi. Those who attend thu Broken Bow Business college next wtutei will certainly lone no time. A. R. Humphrey and wife are visiting at Callaway this week with the family of Chas Humphrey II , L , Ormsby returned fast right from I'.IH throe weeks' vacation in the north , His aunt Mrs. lllod < gott accompanied him home. About three hundred of the cit izens of Broken Bow went to Ann- ley to celebrate the 4th. The Broken Bon Band was among the number. J. A. Kollenbarger and wife , ol Uerua. were city visitors Saturday Mi. Kellenbarger attended the meeting of thu Slock Qrowert' As sociation , f C. II. JffTonlrt and wifb , Mit Ama Amsbeiry ami y scribe at- tenriod the old settlers meeting held in hiadloy'a yrov ; near Aaseltur yesterday. U. L. Ward has loafed the Grand Central barn formerly run by BroiiK Loo. Will Qrgat has' leased lh ( Richardson barn which Ward vaca ted yesterday. J. F. Brynon , of Upton , was a friendly caller at his oQice today , lie reports the spring wheat in his vicinity will bo very light from various causes. ' M. M Parkhurnl , of Rose Val. ley , was a friendly caller Saturday , Pie reported the spring wheat poe tically destroyed in his vicinity by the chinch bugs. William and Harry Kollenbargor of Dale , were in the city Saturday. They each tiled on a quarter section of government laud lo-jated in .Ke Kellenbargor pasture. J. M. Kimborli.ig left last night [ or a two or three weeks visit with relative in Iowa. He will vinit at DVB Moiues , Marshaltown , Knox- villo-and Mtlo while gono. F. E. VauAntwerp was a fnond- y caller1 at this oth'ue Monday. Flo came over to bring his sou Allie back to the summer school , who went home to celebrate the 4th. Tom Wright and A. U. Burks , publishers of the Ghronioh and Citizen respectively , drove up 'rotu Ausley Monday afternoon to attend the Editorial Association. G , B. Mair and Roy Barnard , publishers of the Callaway Courier , Dame over Monday to attend the meeting of the Caster oounty pub- iishers held in this city Monday night. Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Talbot arc the proud parents of another boy who was born to them on the 8th. lust. The Dr. kindly remembered the newspaper boya with Dalbey's best cigars. A telephone is in accoBs ful oper ation from Atkisaon'a ranch , near Anselrao , to the Tiernpy ranch , a distance of twenty-four milen. Thu line includpH lh Kullonbarger and other ranches along the route E II. Dalboy , promoter of the Broken Bow cigar factory , treated the members of the Cnsler County Editorial Association , Tuesday ni ht , to a box ot his best ton ornt cigars , which was very highly ap preciated by those who indulge in the weed. ( J. N , Rawaoti will leave in the morning on an outing to the Black Hill country. Last year he spent his vacation in Chicago , but it is too hot there for comfort and ho will try the mountains again for a change. Ho will visit Hot Springs Dead , wood bpeurtibh and other points of interest , lie expeotft to be gone about u month , Lega ! rates will oo the prices charged for all legal notices pub lished in the Republican as well as all other newspapers in Custer oounty In the future. This is a class of advertising that has been done for onc-foiirlb to half thua \ gal rates in this county , while the publishers have be-on competing with eauh other for this class of printing and diinsr the work for less than they oou'd afford. The ofll- cials and others who furnish this olass of printing have invariably , ae far as wo have been able to learn demaneod and reuHlved all the law allows them , Old Settlers Meet. The old settlers mooting of the northwest quarter held at Lindley'a grove yesterday wan largely attend' ed and a pleasant time was enjoyed , 'I lie program was a good one and the music , specchec , papers and reo- tationt ) wore all good. The Liudly grove is one of thu finest in the county and is an ideal place to been on a hot July day. Resolutions were passed thauk- ind J. M. Podge , president , and G. 0. Joyner , secretary , for the ex. cellent program they proyided- The officers elected for the unsuing year wor.o 0. H , Jeffords , president ; J. M. Fodge , JaM. Liudley and Sam Liter , vice presidents ; G. 0. Joy- ror , secretary ; Mru. H. It , Atkis- ann , historian. For lack of tune wu arc unable to give a personal mention of those who participated , ' The program as published , was in the main carried out with several ad ditions. The Republican expects to puhfiah ono or more of the papers read , in the near future. Hells. The homo of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Conrad , of this city , waa the Hcono of a pretty wedding Wednes day evening , July 10 , IOOJ , when their daughter , Mias Emma 1C , , Conrad and Mr. Allen 1C. tfaidley wore joined in the holy bonds of wedlock , Rev Knight , of the M. E , church officiating. The house wan appropriately dec orated with cut ( lowers , and a pan el of lace and green foliage decorated - ated the side cf the room whore the bridal party stood. At precisely half past seven the party inarched into the room to the strains of a wedding maroh played by Miss Mabel McMurphy and the young couple wore pronounced man and wife in the presence of a "large circle of frionda and relatives MIKH Edith Armstrong acted as bridesmaid and Mr , Wilbor Hoi- comb as best man. The beautiful Methodist Episcopal ceremony wr e used In which the bridu and groom knelt during the last prayer , which made itwory impressive. After congratulations were offer- ud an elaborate supper was served , the bride cutting her own cake * The bride wore an elegant gown of white silk and carried a boquot of bride's roses , and the groom wore the conventional black. The bridesmaid was dressed in white Paris lawn and the best man in a black suit. The young people are well known in this vicinity and tx host of friundu join the Republican in wishing the young people a long lift ) of joy and liappincss , , Among tl.e out-of-town guests present , was Miss Irene Faidley , of Denver , Colo. , the sister of the groom. The happy couple loft on the OS50 train Thursday morning for a few .days' visit with relatives in the eastern part of the state , after whio'a they will go to Deuver , the beautiful Queen citj of tha west , ( o spend a fortnight of their honev- rnoon. They will h ? at home to their friends after August 1st. following is a list of the presents received : Water set , linen table oloth , lacR curtains and two hundBome gold pieces , the brides parents ; nut set consisting of cut glass nut bowl , solid bilvor nut picks and orack , Mis Irene Faidly ; moquolto rug , Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ormsby and Mr. and Mrs , C. B. Cox ; ater set , Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Towsloy ; linen towel , Mrs. Maupin ; fanuy uakb tray , Ida Griswold and Eva Cay- wood ; fancy pocfumn , John Mar- Bliil ; stand cover , Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hntohinson ; fancy match holder MIH. KaHtham ; silver b rry spoon , bulltr kuifi > , and augar shell , Mr and Mr * , D. W. Thompson ; oentro table cover , Mrs. Hall ; glasa dish , Clarence Towsley and Florence Biirk ; glass table set , Edith Arm strong and Wilbur lloloomb ; silver butter knite and sugar ahull , Roy Thompson , Central City : pair vases Sarah Snyder ; glaea not , Mr , and Mrs.W.SSwan ; towe iand natXtina , Mrs , Hagadorn ; white center piece , Mrg. Hutohinaon , and decorated table sot , Mr. and Mrs , Willis Cad * well and others. Cltiircli HervlcvH. CHRISTIAN CUUU011 , The following is the Endeavor program , Sunday , July 14 , 1801 : Subject , ' 'Individual Work for Christ , " Acta 8 , 20-40. Special talk by Prof. Gunn and Chau. Boal. Rotiironcu and short talks by momburfl. Bpooial militia for thu occasion E. E. Daggett , loader , v These that were abflont laat Sun day mipBoa a treat. Brother .Jan. A. Whitehead give a very Suturust- ing and instructive talk on Religion and Patriotism ; a I bo Prof , Gunn gave a short address which was very much appreciated. A good nltondanco is expected for Sunday , July 14. A cordial invitation ia extended to all. Ser vices promptly at 7 o'clock. UNIOtf SKKV.OKH. Union meetings will be holrt in the park at 7 o'olooK Sunday evenings - ings during the hot woathor. Thorn will bu special sacred musio quar tettes , fioloH , etc. , and sacred muaio by the band. Rov. H. E. My or. will preach next Sunday evening. Other pastor's taking their tarn latter. The young people's HOOIO- tioa can arrange to hold their meetings - ings in their respective churches at 8 o'clock Lot everybody come tea a cool , pleasant place to worship next Sunday night. Bring , Pente costal Hymna No. 2. Lecture ami Entertainment. A lecture by Rov. E , M. Wheol- ook , of Austin , T exas , on "Trusti and Monopolies" will be delivered by J , C. L , Wisely , editor of tbo New Era , at the Broken Bow opera house , on Monday evening , July 22 , 1001. 1001.The question of Tihats and Mon opolies is the all-absorbing quei < tion of the hour. It m of vital Importance to you. Come out and got some now idoan on this subjoot. You cannot aflord to miss this lec ture , ae it atone will bo woith more than the btuall admission fee , After the leotnro Mr. Wisely will ruoitu about twenty aolooted POOIHH by the most celebrated au thors , See the uillu and you will find that a rare treat is m atoro for you if you oouii1. Remember the date and oomo. You'll not regret it. Admisaion : Adults Ufio ; school ohildreu ICo. Seats on aalo first of next week at Bowon'a and Haober- IO'K. Among the poems Hditor Wisely will give after the lecture , Monday evening , July 2'J , will bo Mark- ham's celebrated "Man with the Hoe , " which made its author faui- OUH , .It * The following ia thu dead letter list for , the week ending July 0 , 1001 : Mr. Fred Cheney , Mr , Mat Dur. pin , Mrs. Anna Emuierson , Mr. U. T. Lowia. Parties calling for the above will ploaeo say advertised. L. II. JICWKTT , P. M , The Broken Bow Equality Club will moot at Mrs. Chas. Jeffords , Friday , July 12 , at 8 p. m , A full attendance is desired. Miss Jur.iA WILUS , Seo'y. THE BROKEN BOW BUSINESS NORMAL SCHOOL' Opens Monday , September 2 , I9OI. . ' * , Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete. We can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand Department is complete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you desire to teach , attend our Normal Department. Pen Art , and Telegraph } ' , is also tauglit. Write , or call and see us. us.C. C. W. ROUSH , Pres. $ E. L. BUNCH , JS Headquartorn for BEST $1.00 A DAV HOUSE IN THE CITY , _ I il I ! . .uoivniaiiDDiDO i tin Dnnifltu ] > AT LOWEST PRICES North Side of Public Squftro , - Broken Bow , Nebraska. > . . , . . . FOSTER & SMITH LUMBER CO , Always have the boat quality of Lumber and other building materials - f ' v terials at the Lowest P/io ja. 'Phone No. 79 , W. L. RIJLE , Manager. Per a First Class Smoke Try the I i : Martial and Corona Grande' 1 Ciars. MANUFACTURED BY LH.DAL8EY , J Broken Bow , Nebraska.