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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1901)
i WAITING FOR. A REPORT Wnttlnt ; for U.e n port from you ti-gaul- ' lujr Hint unit li \i > n nonl' ' iou've tliuiRlit iiliout It ninl tilKcd IlllOIlt 1C "tlui H noil. " will 110 Inliiiur iliiin tills dnv i'f i nlurpilKO mill Atn.Tluin jmfli I'l n in in lu > I m n\rr iinicrt u re. linliln time pieru ins tnUrtil Imlf tliu j.HH ot Illc I knwMilrlirn f nm the f.vlory to my CIIPO. In luiyir tr In iv i on trc i my crjiiT- lun t mid In ht jmli'i iiii-iit , < v i tu enuiu- tluiiL ; hut inBl * puililii" 1SQ1 Mt ? ® driuhmtu ot tluiaju O'.itlmlmlo Colloqc. School Books , \ Tablets . AND School Supplies , AT J. G. Haebcrle's : Fourth dl' .luly. All Kinds of 4th of July goods nt n&worx'n. Flass , Torioclos , Rock- ota , PibtolR , CrncUors , ( Snnkor. ) In fact ovorythiiiK Qt ! . C. isowon'tli G-2O-21. Nothrto lluI'lihlii - Owners of oily properly sio herdiv nolilud t' ) out the woods OH lliuir loin ami Mtrcctn : uid HUVO c-OHt. Jf lut frtand until cut by the city , tlio oxponsp will I P olmrged to tlic iroit'rty and added in your tax. G-127 if. P. M. TOWBLKY , ' Marshal. There xvill ho a marling of these intrrocti'd in the Uuntor County Roll of Honor , wholhor inoruhorH or not , \Yidncfiilay , .Inly 10 , hi 2 oYlook p. iiUi at jny ofno o. Please coino or send n rt-prf eontntwo 7-l-lt" fJll. C PlCMCKTT. tip At ir.y iIaoo of u-Hidonop , ton and ono half union uorth ot Broken Bo\v , Juiio 13 , 1001 , ono rein oow. with whitoHpots ; dchnrnnd ; X brood on h'ft l > i | > ; in ix or fit'vi-n ypsrs old ; hnu two wcilsa old t-alf ! > y > O.viu-r can hive Hiuno hy pritving pruiiortv nnd paying costo t'u it G. \VAKIJIN < J. a ' For Dry Goods , Groceries , Boots and Shoes. , /fi our Royal VVoroostor Coraots 'p , Hnvo No Siiotiorr. | For Eaao \ ' ' and Comfort. Local Mention , Erank Nauk called Monday tind had h's Mibsoriptiou credited up. Senator Currio hnR gone to Texas 10 invt'siiyaio the oil excilemtinl. , John Fredotitks ml wife , < f J allaway , were city visitors Mor- ihy. ihy.F. F. K Wellington and wife , of Spring orcok , wore iu thocUy Mon day. i Judge Illmer , of Kearney , was ' tl'o city , Saturday , attending court , s C. 1) . Konkle , of Weissart , was a friendly caller at this ollioo Sat urday The ooulily republican ccnlral committee has been called to meet Saturday , July 1'J. The Evangoliuo panlomimo tjiv- t n at the Opera house Saturday night wan well attended. EK'or ' Moore , the second son of Franco Moore , la vibitini ; in Liu- ooln with hiu grandmother , Mrs. Muhbel. Mr. and Mrs.V. . P. Ucnman , of CiiHter precinct , nni the happy par unt of a girl baby that was born to them l.iHt Monday morning. Mrs. M. Kelsey , who has been visiting with her -laughter , Mrs. Da'dy Coon , at Manly , Nebr. , for several weelrs returned home lust Saturday. Farmers have eommenoed har- vcbUng their urop ot email grain , in ttiu Hjuthoauleiupart oi the state. Oats are reported to be short and light. WG. . Puroell and family re turned irom their visit to the Pau- Ameiioau exposition at Butialo , Now Vork , Saturday morning. They report a pleasant trip. Mrs. M. E , Loason , of Ottumwa , Iowa , \\an visiting in the city last woelc with the family of ye acnbo Si o was Ncc.ouipauied by Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Dady , of Masou City. A lively interest is manifetit in the Broken Bow Business and Nor mal College ; a largo mini her of students having subscribed for scholorshipa during the past WLM k. C. W. Mathowp , formerly tele graph operator t this place , is till ing the phi'io ' of B. it M. agent in the ubhonco of agent Orrusby , who is upending three weeks vacation iu Milwaukee. Mrs. Dry , who with her children , have been visiting with the family of llov. S. W. Richards , the past tss-o weeks left Tuesday morning lor Terry , South Dakota. Mih Florence Kiohurds accompanied them. From the Callaway Courier we learn that C. O. Lind , chairman of the CQiiuty hoard will be a candi date before the county convention fur resistor of deeds , and that a Mr. Stevenh of the Houthwect quarter - ter will be a caddidato for she i iff Mia. A F. Elliott in visiting in the city with her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lowe. Shu has been : t- tpiuling hJiool at Peru , the past year and expects to leave for Wy oming next week where her hus band is located as agent for the B % & M. Fred Ptnuoll and John Smith , two Callttway ity * , who have boon phounng olipcp at Casper , Wyo. , the past two iiii'iithH , passed through on their way back to Calbway , Monday. Mr. Piunell i-xp'-ots to return to this oily next , week , lo attend btimnnr tuhool. J. A. Evans , of Spring Creek , was a friendly caller at this office Monday. Mo reporte iho crops looking fairly well in his locality Mo informs us that the Evans Brofl. have recently added three more quirters of land to their pom The last quarter bought , they had to pay 81500 for. They now 31)00 ) anrea. Mr ? . Kale Mil If , nee Djoley , who his been at Spokoae , Wadiii fnrscycral monlh8 , is reporl- ol 10 have ja-Rud ihrougl the city Monday evening with hoi lamily , on her xvay back to Illinois where they expect to remain perma nently. The WfHt hpomfl to have buen Hooded this year , with poopli from the past , and not enough work t' supply the ur.mds of people wh ( h\ve gone to the western Htatis ThnHosl > o have friends east , who uill furnish them mouuy to returu are going back , This is the day wo colel/ratf. Mr ? . Eil MoComaa wont to Oina ha Monday night reluming.TUPH day nigh * . AH the count t y east of Gram IrtlutMl was viaited Monday night by a heavy rain. Charley Robinson went lo Grand Islard Wednesday moiningto celebrate brate iholib. . Mrp. F. Youiii ! went to Tabli : Knck Sunday ni [ hl rolurniug Wed. nesday morning. BudCiou loft WoiJnesday morn , ing for Auburn , Nebraska , where ho expects to r emu in permanently. Ovvirg to Iho moving of the ollioo last week , the Republican was a little late , for which wo apol ogise. J. T , Linohack and wife of Finnkfort , Indiana , are hero visit ing with their daughter , Miv. E. A. Knight. Broken Bow will ho represented today at Anslov , Morna , Now Mo Icnr. , West Urion and Arnold in celebrating the 4th. Andrew Weaver and Newton McAdams , of Mason City , who are allending the summer school , wont homo Wednesday evening to spend the -1th. Gla ddjs Kelepy who has been keeping houro for S. C. Waldron , on Stop table the past year , is spending a few days visiting in the city with her parents. Mrc. Thorpe , mother of G. M. Thorpe , who has been vinitini : in the city with her fen for uome lima returned to htr l.cmo in iho taslern part ol the stale Tuesday. W. M. Wailaoc , ofCouneil BlulVs , was friendly caller at this ollico yesterday , in company with W. 'J' . Shorr. Mr. Wallace is hero visit ing his son , Frank , foreman in thn Chief oflioo. Mrs. E. A. Moore , with her son , Carl , of Alliance , who ban been VIN- itiug for the past t-hrec weeks , with her parents at Sowanl airived in this city Tuesday night to spend the week with relative F. C. B. Belts , the painter , and family , will vinit the coist states taking iu San Franoi'on , Los Ange les , Portland , Seattle , Spokane , for the. purpose of obtaining new ideas pertaining to his profession. The double heiidod calf that Mr Nelson , of Lodi , advertised lo ex hibit hero last Saturday , died on the road before ho reached heri1. Wo undcrKtond ho will have it mountP ( ] and will have it c-n exhi bition later , Wo received a cftrd from Dr. T. W. BaHF , fiomSiu Diego , Cal. , re questing his prpor discontinued , stating tint ho was oom'ngbiok ' to Nebrahki From this wo infer tin Dr's second imprecision of C < ilifor nii van not as golden an on hie lirat visit. Ortello is soon lo have a now church edifioo. What hotter evi dence of the present pro pe-rily and fiitute prospects of the people of Ortello Valley could bo presented ? I he enterprise is strictly in keep ing with iho progresbivo spirit of of the Ortollo farmer. C. N. Watson has his rehliurant now in running older. Mo is lo. oaled in tlo buiMing f imerly oc cupied by S'aok Bro . , first door north of llaebeile'ti drug sloro. Mo has his IOOIIIH tncoly iiniched and they ant in ulegunl bhajie for the aacommodation of the public , We bespeak for him : i liberal share of the public patronage. South Onniha Street Pair. The South Omaha Street Carni val oppiic.l July 2 and will con- tinufl until nnd including July 13 , Moaday , July 8 , has been designat ed ai- Grand IiUnd , Mablirgs , Broken Bow ami Custpr Cuunty Day. Tlio exhibition in purely a South Omaha enterprise and is do se Y'Hi ; of the liberal p Urjnago of Oualer county people lor the rea-ou that ihe sirck dcalcri' and ciiisers of South Omaha have alwa\a cxhib ited very friendly feo'ing ' toward the people of Ciister county. Beside side , making frrquent and highly oomphmonlary nolicts of our oiti- /ens , they were very liberal con. tributors in a material way in Ib'j.v when our people were rendered dcH tituto by the prevailing conditions over which wo had control. Il is a very busy lime with our people , but notwithstanding this fact , wo hope Broken Bow and Custe county will Hud our town aiu county well Miptesuutod at the street fair on thai day ns an evi dence of our appreciation of the kiudross shown us. 'ntuttlay. Junoai , IWH , Mrs. LMiilraA. Hnae , ncolloUoinb at firuM Is'amt , ujjo 8 ! TCirts , I month * ntidaJilJJH. The deooaaod was born in Gibson county , Indiana , Fob. 3 , ISI'J , near Piinc.cton. She was married to Alexander Bass on the Oth of November , I"-Kl ( , She moved with her hus band an.l family to Hamilton coun ty , Nob. , iu the fall of 1383 , and from there to CuHlor county in February , 181)0and ) to Grand Isliind in 1 ! )7. There were born to them ton children , two of whom died when small. Wight children , her IIUK- and aged mother , Mis. Vick- Ats , and one brother , Jan. II. Mol- oomb , survive her. She m ule a profession of religion iu 1888 , nnd joined the Primitive Biptiril church June 25 , 1800. During her residence in this oily the deceased made many admiring friends and won the obtooi.x ol all who know her. Her remains were shipped here forbuiial Wednesday night. The funeral services were conducted in the Bapliitt chinch at 11 n. m Wednesday , by Rov. S.W.Richards , paslor of the Baptist ol'iircli. All bur children but two were present at tlio funeral , Dr. T. W. and Gifford - ford were unable to roach hero , the former being in San Diego , Cal. , while the latter was somewhere in Missouri and could not bo reached by lologrraph. The children pres ent at the funeral were : Elinor , Roe , Rose , Adrian and hilhe. The funeral was largely attended by her former friond-s and neigh bors of the Molcomb settlement. The Republican joins with the many friends of the family in extending - tending sympathy to the relatives iu their great boreavomon' . ClUIICll Mer\IC 'H. HAI'TIBT 1'IIUliCU Prraehing mrvioes next Sunday morn in ir at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. , by print or , Rov. S W. Richards. Sun day school at 10 a. m ; Junior B. PUHE teas at J. C. Boweti'd. flSHSS 5clSiiSclSasasaa5S'i3ESHa5HS5 ! ! 5BSSI3 'A'IIWOL ajj > \ * TO MY - PATEONS The ST. PAUL Finn AND MAKINH INSUKANCH Co. , has Hi been engaged in the Hail business lor the past seven teen years. Within that time it has paid lor losses by Hail over three-fourths oi a million dollars. This of money has been | paid to the satisfaction of the claimants. The Hail policy issued is sj the fairest and most cquit- ij able ever issued by any in surance company. It care- ' lully protects the' interest oi 3 llm insured and provide- | just method for arriving- tlie amount of the loss in | case the crop should be in jured by Hail. This is the only Stock Fire Insurance Company in g the United States engaged in the Hail business , it has ample assets to cover all lia i bilities , and it p.iys its losSes promptly and honestly. Don't be humbugged by irresponsible companies and agents. I solocit your busi ness for I9O1. f D si M i Ui S | sj At Farmers Bank , | Broken Bow , - Nebraska. ii'i i < s.y ush5& - " - : rr V , I * . II at 2.SO ; p , m , Senior B , V. P. U. at 7tOO , VI1 NJ CO 1Mb OUUHCII. Sunday .Inly 7 , gorviops as naual at lOt'Ifi n. in. All are cordially invited. WALTON I FA LI. DOUOKTT' Uootor. Old Settlers' Piciric. The Twelfth Annual Reunion of the Old Settlers of Northwest Cnster count ) * will be held in JAM1JS LiriULUPS UltOYti Ansohuo , Weiliicstlay , July 10 , 11101 , PROGRAM 10:30 : a. in. Music . Merua Band hONG Invocation . Rev. Ilaney Add ress of "Welcome . . jr. K. At- kis son Responses . A. C. Towle , C. II. Cass , S. M. Luce , Jas. Wardrohe and Florian Ja- cobs. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Address Pres. J. M. Fo'dge T Music Meraa Baud ' < * 12:00 : M. % ' M DINNER $ 2:00 : p. m. -A * i v i Music Merna Band Business of the Asso'ciation. * ' Music Mcrna Orchestra. Address Hon. J. D. Ream 'ft1 Paper "Educational Advantages of Pioneer Children , " l : , . . . Miss Grace Tailor Recitation Miss Belle Footer \ \ MUSIC $ "Memories of Twenty Years" . ' . I. A. Colettiaa 4 Poem ( original ) Miss Njplly \ " Taylor ' - , Vocal Duet G. R. Russom. and Daughter. V Reminiscences of Early Days. ' . C. IT. Jeffords , Stillraan Gates , J. R. Baker , Frederick bcurey- er , James Limlley and others. THE BROKEN BOW BUSINElS NORMAL SCHOOL j' . OpoiiB Monday , September 2 , IOOI. \ Prepare to be with us. Our departments are complete.We J * r can give you a thorough business education , also our Shorthand Department iscomplete and up-to-date. " ( Pitman System. ) " If you. desire to teach , attend our Normal Department. \ Pen Art , and Telegraphy , is also taught. " ? , ' Write , or call and see us. " * C. W. ROUSH , Pre $ . \ .A & E. L. BUNCH , Jik U5/"IIuadquartorH for ST Sl.OO A DAY HOUSE IN THE CITY. & u /miinniiiiiaiiriiino IJLJIJ AT LOWEST PfllOES y North Side of Public Square , - Broken Bow , Nebraika. f-J J\l/ \lx \x \l/ xlxl / \ lxlx \lx si/ \l six \x % ! / MXlx fr-M-- . . * V A lV. I KEEP OUT THE FLIES1 -1 With the Adjustable and Self- Ailing WHEELER WIN DOW SCREEN. . Screens for Whole or Half iv Window. i CANNON CITY NUT X The Bi'Ht Screen Sold ! COAL ALSO. in the C'ily By I ; slur k Sniih LuDi Co , . IT , ! , % , . 3RUXK , Manager. For a First Class Smoke Try the Martial and 1 Corona Grande'I * ars. fc MANUFACTURED BY E , H. DALBEY , HrukclIlDW | , , Nebraska.