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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1900)
HAS n full line of Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , otc. Store on corner of Fifth avenue anil Main utrret , Broken Bow , Neb. ? ' Commercial Hotel 1 } HORACE P. KENNEDY , Prop'r. I * S'jtilli\vot corner Square , 1 BROKEN BOW , - - NEBRASKA. 1p ? & i Ss m The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished throughout. Sample rooms for Coiiiinerical men. Bathrooms SsI rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. ' ' til I LIVERY IN CONNECTION WITH THE HOTEL , w wm Try us once and you will come again. m 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 19 r .v--'gf ? * : * f ! * * 0 - : : * 0 ! * * : : ' * r * * : ; jk % ? ' * " * if'Vjj. ' 0f ' : : ; * j , ; % : : ; * Z.&fa&SMtt&x$3& ! & CHAS. K. FOll ) , rrosldcnt , Omahn , Neb II. O , KOOEHS , Oashlor , nroltcu How J. M. KIMHEHL1NG , Vlce-1'rcH , Ilrokon How. S. 11. IIOYT , Aes't Cashier STATE BANK BROKEN BOW , NEB. General Banking Business Transacted , Cbas. K. Ford. J. M.KImVicrllng. S. II. lloyt. II. O. UoFore. V. 11. Cnldttell Make a apooialty of loaning money on cattle. E WANT to Pay to the Puhliu lliat our health in fairly good , and hav- ns' ( ' ° OIir winter clotliCH , ' ' ' 1 ft "i * lak ( < n ° ff ° "r high collar and saeill , ! ! ! . ' ' ! with our PVCH turned in the di ii 9 i iiili/lli / rection of - husinosriva are to servo our customers with the heat of LUIMBEH , LATHS , POSTS , in fa.t ANYTHING usually kept in u FIRST CLASS LUMBER YARD. Wo make our own SHINGLES and wo know tliey are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh "ay ! Try our $4 00 COAL for cooking. Remember LUMBER GO. PHONE 79. BROKEN BOW , NEB. WH A NEW FIRM.E * Wo have purchased the ftock of BICYCLES , etc. , from Edwin F. M ors. Wo have moved just across the street from the old location , where we are bolter situated , have more room , and can show you what we have. In addi- li > n to our stock of S , Sundries , etC. , we have employed the BEST GUN REPAIR MAN this fmle of Omaha. If yon have an ohl gun that won't shoot , bring it in , and we will fix it for you. Wo htill have a few EAGLE BICYCLES loft , and can sell yo-i ono on easy terms. B Also wo have a full line of AMMUNITION. Repairing of all kinds , Bicycles and Guns for rent- ' ' ' ' I IV'l'l'I'l Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best "Workmanship. C. B. BUTTS , Lel" ST. , " Cam © 1 gas4 $ We want Garni ) In anvqnnn'lty 1) . . , Triinr& lnmc' O.MAHA , NlCHH. , ' , ,1/ f- . OUAIUNIKKSATIBl-iCTION. t MU'hcst Mirkot Price , urnl 1 I ( i 1 I VT 1J , 1)211161 ( X LjlllllS. , ! I'llllftllClphm.l'tt. C pltnl $ .H,000. Hciercnct-,1' . & . Butter and Game Egus , Poultry NaVl i nk , or Your EipreBs Agt. , The Trusts nnil the 1'coplo. ly Her. Sam 1' , Jones. i [ Prom tbo Mauufartnrcre' Itccortl , UMtlrnorc , ] ' The large ( rusts and combinations ' already formed and being formed by aggregations of oapilnl , are con sidered hurtful to the masses and the common people , This is n theory. Theoretically , a thing maybe bo so , and practically it may bo very untrue. When wo npoak of trusts and combines , wo think of the Standard Oil Trust , the Sugar Trust , the Tob&ooo Trust , oto. When Iho Standard Oil Trust was formed I was paying forty cents a gallon for kerosene oil ; I am gottiug it now for ion cents a gallon. I was paying twelve and one-half cents for sugar several years ago , but when the combines sot in wo got it nt five and ono-quartor. When the Whiskey Trust was organized I was in hopes it would put up whiskey where the poor devils couldn't get it , but they have seemed to cheapen that down to where they can pay Iho government § 1.15 a gallon reve nue on it , nnd yet soil it forl 27 , which demonstrates that they are making it and letting the public have it at about twelve nnd one- half cents a gallon. There is no doubl about the ag gregation of wealth , with brains controlling it , that they can manu facture any article cheaper than it ie or has boon manufactured on a smill ficalo. The great railroad combinations , many think , will eat us UP blood rare. Occasionally I get on a little jerk-water road , that is not in Iho combination , aud I want lo double my accident policies and bo satiefiud with a 15-milo-an- hour gait , and console myself with the idea that I can ride all day for H dollar , but when I got ou the Pennsylvania or Vanderbilt system of roads , with ihoir schedules forty miles an hour , vestibule trains , with parlor cars , sleeping cars , dining ears , I have n hotel on wheels car rying mo towards my destination , and all this for about two cents a mile. Give me the road that is in Iho combine to carry mo where I am going. Public sentiment is the safeguard which is Ihrosvi' around iillaggrcga- tioiiH uf wealth and all combinations of iulorest. The Slandard Oil , thu railroad combinalions , Iho Sugar Tiust are as sensitive to public sentiment as the snow-bank to the rays of the HUH. Trusts and coni' bines will not hurt the public , but stockholders and bondholders may tiffer later on , when these groal , julky institutions become unwieldy ml fall with their own weight. Fifty thousand men in the United States , perhaps not more , are inter- osled in the great trusts of the country. Those 50,000 men know that Ihoro are 70,000,000 of other > eoplo in America , and their wisdom leaches them whore boundary lines pro , over which they cannot go without peril to themselves and disaster to their business. No com- binutioii now says "damn Iho pub lic , " bul ihoy have their weather cocks out on every piomineut cu pola , watching how the wind blows. Of course political capital can bo made cut of such formations of wealth , and focial orders may raise the black fhg to fi Jit them ; but 1 am a thousand times moro afraid of demagogues and politicians than 1 am at raid of trusts and combines. Good governrnciil which moans nol only the well-being of the citi zen , bul Iho overthrow rf all that will hurt the citizen depends upon good men in office , and we had bet tor pay lees allenlion to what wo call trusts and combinations and moro attention to those whom we elect to office in the municipal stale and national governments Mr. Steed , in his book ' 'If Christ Cdino lo Chioauo , " speaks of Iho "Big Four of Chicago , " nnd says of them that 'their methods are clean and their transactions are honest , but that in the road of their success lies the blood and bones of the vic tims over whom Ihoy have inn lo success. " The successful man or combination means the downfall of other men and other combinations. Ono preacher is preaching lo 5,000 twenty preachers around him con * sidcr seventy-live ft full house , anc n hundred a perfect j'lin ; one phyni- cuu making $10,000 a year , ant forty little doctors in the neighbor hood not making their grub. A Wauamakor soiling $50,000,000 a year moans many little merchants applying for clerkship in his store. It is the survival of the fittest it may be. Whim God mndo the world Ho made mountain * towering into the clouds nnd valleys below the lovwl of the ROB ; ho made lakes and oceans ; Ho spread out the prairies of the west , and piled up mountains around the litllo valleys along Iho ranges of Iho Rookies and the Alleghonics , In Iho ocean's waters wo find whales and some very small tiahos , and when the whales come along the litllo fish have lo hide out. I have travelled over this country ironi oooan to ocean , pud from Montreal to Gal. veston , annually for twenty years I have watched the progress of avonlB and the processions as they marched. I have yet to know of a single instance where combines and trusts hurt the masses or perma nently raised the prioe of any prod uct. I am n thousand times moro willing to deal with the trusts nnd combines and purchase their piod- uots than I am to pat my money into their institutions nnd imperil my holdings , conscious of their want of stability , and fearing their final downfall. Of course these great combina tions affect legislation , if they do not control it in many instances , but while thi'y may procure legisla tion in their own interest , yet they have ono eye upon tha public senti ment all the time , conscious that they can go juat so far and no far ther. Hero nnd there ihoy have shut down a manufactory or closed up an institution and affected some individuals , bul wo are not looking from that standpoint. When wo look at the 70,000,000 ot our popu lation , wo say they arc only pro curing cheaper and buying for ICHB money thoHo products than they could have done under olhcr cir cumstanoes. Will ) the final disintegration ot trusts nnd combines which will inevitably ooino when financial dis aster and shrinkage of values shnll come of courne , the surplus of their product will bo thrown upon the market , nnd only the stockhold ers in theno combines and trusts will .suffer. As stiro ns that the sun shines , whenever any institution becomes unwieldy because of its si/ ' * and bulk , it will finally fall of its own woigtl. I am an i > xpansionistand I believe lhal ono of Iho causes of Iho slrin- genoy and shrinkage of values in this country is because we have not gone out over the seas with our products as wo should have dono. While there is a demand for our products of the farm and manufac tory of this country , there will al ways be plenty of money ; but when wheat and corn and cotton and all kinds of manufactures are a drug on Iho market , and no demand for them , then wo have slringomy nnd iard times. But when the high ways ever the sens shall bo laden with our products inlo foreign countries , and the gold is brought bauk in the ships , then wo shall flourish perennially , These great combinalions are Iho only powers in this country tlmt can do thin thing fur us. A negro and an old mule can make corn and cotton ; a fellow with a Iwo hundred dollar saw mill can make lumber ; but only aggre gations of wealth can build nhips and open markets in foreign lands. Now Is The Time To Subscribe. The State and National campaign for 1000 is now on. Every body should keep posted. The National campaign at < well as thu state's bids fair lo bo both exciting and interest ing. No body who has any inter- e-t in iho result of the campaign should be without , a county and sUto paper. In order that every citizens in Custer county may keep posted , wo have decided to make n special price ou the HKI > UULIOAN so as put it within the reach of ovorbody. To all now subscribers as well as to a'l ' who pay uparrearges wo will fur liinh the Hi TUHLICAN for 25 cents to the first of January 1001 , or the Hiti'UiiucAN and Stale Journal lo Jon. Isl 1001 for 50 ; Iho How York Tribune or Bee and liui'UuucA.N for 05 cenls to January Isl I'.IOI Kansas City Journal nnd KiU'uuuc'AN l > 0 cents. TIME TABLE. BROKEN BOW , NKB , Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Uhlcato. llutte , St. Joseph , Portland , Kanaaa City , Bait I.ixko City , St. Ijonlg , mid all Si\n Franolf co , polnti cnit nud eoath. anil nil points west , Mo , 4'J Veatlbulod oxprcf > a dnlly , Lincoln , Onm- ha , St. Joseph , KamuaClly , bt. LouU , Chicago cage and All pilnta enat.nmltiflnth. . . 10 El pin No. 44 Local oxprcta dally , Lincoln , Omaha , Bt. Joseph , lUtiHos City , 81 , Ixmln , Ctilcnco and nil point * cant nnd nonth 0XAin ! ) No. 48 F.olRht dally , Uavcnnn , Uraud Inland , Aurora , Ucwnrd And Lincoln 0Knm ( ) No. 48 Frolght , dnlly ozcopt Sniulnj , Havonna and intvrtubdlato polntc , 115 pin No. 41 Vcstlbulod oxpreta dally , Holotm , Hi'iil- tlo. llrttc , 1'ortlaud nnd nil 1'aclflc Coait points 414 am No. 43-Local oxprocs dally , Ulftck Hllli and Intermediate polnti 4.53pm No , 45 FrelKht dally , Anielmo , HnUoy , Scnoca , WhllUiau and Alllauce 1068 am No. 47 Freight , dally ozcopt Handay , Sinoca aod Intermediate polnti l:3t > pm Slooptne , dlLlugand reclining clmlrcnrs ( nonts Irco ) ou tnrouKh iralim. TIcki'B sold and b K * gage checked to any point In tin United SUvten aud Canada. No. 43 haa mnrohnndlao care Tuoadayt , Tuura- dayi and balurdftyn. No. 4& will carry padnongorn for Autolmo , Hal ley , Scnoca , Whitman uiul Alliance , No , 40lll carry im orK"ri < for Havonn * Qrand Itland , Seward aud Lincoln. luforinatlon , mapa , llino tiibloa and ticket call on or write to H. L. Ornntby , agunt , or J Franoli , O. 1 > . A. , Oinnh . Nobraaka. U. Ii. UiiManr , A ont. SCHEDULE OF DROKEN DOW MAILS. Pouch for west will close nt 8 p. in. , cxcepl Sunday when It will ole o at 7 p in. Pouch , onnt for train No. 4'Jolonfla ntB.30 A ra and foi No. 41 cloccs at , II n in. Mnll for Andloy and poluta east of Grand Inland curled on train No. 41. Oconto Tin of llyno Tnckorvlllo , dnlly ox ccpt Sunday clones , at 7 n m : returnliiK nnmo dny Callaway via , Mc'Klnley dally except Suiulny closes at ? a in , returning onnio dny. Hound Valloj vlii Uroin nnd Klton oloio nt ? n m , Monday , Woduoidy and Friday B , returnlii ) ; BAIBO day. Suinnor vln nurnsoy , Georgetown and Uptoi arrrlvos at U 30 , 'L'ueeilny Thundny aud Satur day , roturnliiK lonvosnl li.IlOi'umo iluy. Onioi hours from 8.00 n in to 8,00 p m. Hun- day 8.30 to U.30 n. ui. Lobby open week day * fron 7am to.H p m L. . H. JBWBTT , I'.M. ,1 E < iunliy ( , Ik'ononiy , Scrurlly , jj'jft TUB 0111(1 INAl * § 8 " Bankers Life Association , M ! < ' / ? : ? jfcjjf OV : * . $ JJOB Molaoa , Iowa. /aft EDWAIIU A. TCMVLK , President , Organized July Itt , 1S7J. 1 ii5 : # GuamityFnnd for rnfoty. i HurpliiH Fund for protection. II Suporvliod by 3,600 depository hanks. Becurl lea deposited with the ottito dejmrtniont. ConaorvatlTe motbodft. Preferred Hla -Low Itatoa. Quarterly I'aymenta. For rates and full Information , mil ou or adilrosa 1 n J , A. HARRIS , Audit for OiiBtor County , Noli. OIUco At FarmerH Hunk of Cuclcr Cocnty , Urokon How , Nub. § We Have Added , o our shop a full line of wood work- np machinery , and Ihureforo would aak a part of your patronage in thin ine , in which wo can H.-IVO you money. Also nek oarpuntorH and oontraolors lo lot UR do llioir job work , Buoh a planing , ripping eoroll work , in fact everything that is done in a first ulasH job shop. In our old line wo aru upto-dato. Wind Mills. Wo carry all Blandard gradon , Pumps. Wo carry a full and complete Block of all stylet ) . In pipe and well material wo alwayH have it al 10d IOWCHI pOHRihlo price. FitliugH and brass goods , IIOBO , belling , lankti feed grindorH , horne powers , in fact everything that belongs to out trade. Wo carry in Block the I.ITTI..I ; JACK ox ? A .t.TiiiiiCri : (2AHOI.INIC ICMO1NIC for pumping or power. Alno scc end hand gasoline engines , Btean engines in which wo can give you ; bargain. In hydraulic and oafiii'1 ' wells we have the best and quickuRi machinery lhal is manufactured in this day and ago of iho world , am can guarantee our work in this line Yours Very HeBp'y , 0. H. COUHAD , U.S. : Land Ofilce , JAMK3 WIHTKLKCAks - KofljUtcr ' . II. . . YOUNG. - - - Land onico nt. Ilrokon Dow , Nolir. . I July fllh , 1CW. f Notice In lierolir Blron tlmt Iho following mined pettier hug illoc ! tiotlco nf Ills Intontton lo nnko Until proof In support of lilt clivltn , niul lint sfttil | ituof will lie iiimlo Ixitoro HoglMcr and ( vco'vrr ' , nt llrokcu llow , Nub , , on Sopt. litli , VXX ) , viz ! JOII AU.HHIOHT , If Ilrokcn llnw , M hr. , for tlio fw > i BOC 12 , twi ) IS north , rjsoSl west. Ho names tlm followliiK wltnoMCH to prove Mo rontlnuouH renlilcnra upon nnil cultivation of cild Innil , \ \ * : MlnlorV. . Snlilcr. of Ilrokon low. fti'lir. , Leo Wlllmutli nnil Henry SolmoUlcr , if Mourn , Ncbr. , mill I'crry C'ollmnn , uf Now ( claim , Wobr. nuUal30t JAMK8 WlUTKIIKAl ) . Hoglgtor. U. B. l.nml Olllco. Ilrokon How , Nobr. , I AtiKiut 7 , 1000. f Notlcn U burnby Klvon Hint OlIAHLKB ( WA1IKHT linn 111 I'll notion of Intention to maka flnM pront liufora Iti'KUtrr nntl Iteci'lvor , nt tliclr olllco In Urokun llow , Nobr , on Krlttny , Hie 17th day of vent wher , low , on tlmlur rultiiro Application No. KNSO , for the neVi iifoccNo.'JI. In twp No. 17 north rn No ! M wont. Ho tiMiu'H Mllm > sc : Dnnlol Bwnanoy , \Vi rron I.HIIII nnd | jn\vla Ijiunhert , of Morun , N l > r. , nml .lolin Wboulltiu , < ) f Hrnkuti llow , Nobr. JAMKS WIIU'KIIKAI ) , Iterator. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage. Notlco l hcri'bv given , Hint by virtue of n chat tel mortice , tinted .Mari'h let , IbilH , nnd duly flioil for record In ttio ollico of tlio county cloik , of Cuntor county , Nol > r k.i , Atiunxt Uth , HHA ) , unit L'lrcii by Win. HraiHiurn , F. M. Hilling nnd 1) . 0 MimtRomory , on thn following doncrlbvil property , tn-wlt : Ono , T I , I'nuo Separator , No , i4748. coniplutu ; onu buy luinu nix yoftra old , 0110 ffrny luirto ten yours old , tire porrclnmru ton years old , ono tnoiiao colored ninlc ton 1 onra old , to to- euro th i pnyinunt of tbolr two certain promlisory noted , onu for tlio mi in of $140 , nnd ono for tlio Biiniof 813H.M , ench duo Jni.imry lt , 180' ) , and mch drnultiK ( light per emit Intercut pur fiinum. Snld noU'K and inortuiKii Rlvtm to tlio enlil J. I , Cnso TlirenliliiK Alnrlilnu Compnny , and by It duly ns'luiiod to 8. 0 Hlocn. who U now Urn owner anil lioldur of tlio t nine , nnd wnn before tlm maturity of until notou. Dofnult hnvliiK been nmilo In the pnyniotil of Ritld notOB , nnd tlii'ro bolus now duu lliurcnn tlio xnld BUIII of ftfTV 'M , with oMit per rent Interest Iboroon from tlm IstUny of .March , 1888 , tlio nlil nsMKiino will offur tlio nboyo ilo- ( crlbcil propo ty ul public sale , nt the ronr of the ctororooui now occupied by IV. . Thompson , In Ilrokon How. Nobr. . on Snturdny , tlio ± M day of Soptnwbor , IIXKI , ut'J o'clock i > . in , of Mild dny , to tbo hlRhffit lilililor for cash In bund , to pntlsfy tlio mid notes nnil Intercut , Trtlcoii Aa the property of tbo cnld Win. Hruilbtun , K. M. Hilling * nnd I ) . U. Montgomery , null In favor of Ihu paid 8. C , Ho ! n. Oiitod nt llrokcn llow , Nolirusks , thli iOth dnr of AimtiHt. HXK ) . H. C. BLOSS. njiKU ) Uy hli > Altornoy , Alphn CoutuHt Notice . V H Lnnd Olllce. llrokcn Haw , Noiir , , I .1 uly ua , 11)00. ) f A pttinclnnt n 'titcnt nllldnvll bnvlng beun filed In thlft ollico by U'mileH O. Vocol , contcfitnnt , ncalnst tlnibor cnltnrii entry No. R.'U7 , mndo Alarch LMth , IhSi ) , for nH nwU , nnd n',4 ' wl.i , ice. ! it ) , twp 17 north , rgo'JI west , by John O Vnn- KloHt. contuntoo , In which It H nllORcd that Ibo Hiihl ViuiKU'et lias fulloil to brcnk , cnlllvnto nnd plnnt to triiuii , true needs. iuit or ruttlnfiD , ton ncri'H of paid trnut nn required by law ; tlint no rcpluntliiK I nft beun done on bald Intel fur moro tliiin Ncven Ji'iirn Inut pimt ; Hint HHlil entry IB devoid ot n growth of treurf , nnd no nltompt him beun niudi ) 'iy ' Iho paid ViiuFInit to promote n ironth of troun thvri'on plnuo nutuliiK of mild cntiy ; that nald intry luu lieeii nbniiiloned for nioio tliun ten ycnri > , mat thnt nil the ilofoeta ul- logeil huroln r.Met nt thin dnto. Snlil p.trtlos are luiri'hy notlUeil to nppimr , rvetond niul olfor uvldiMico toncliliiu nnld nlli tittoii ut 10 o'clock n. in. . onStpt 17 , 11KH ) , before the rcglrtor nnd ru- celvor , nt th U M. mud ollico , In ilroken How , Nebrnikn 1'hu cald contorttiint hnvlng , In a proper nlllilavU. Illcd Jnno V.0 , IDUO , t-et forth fact * which nhow lbttnftorduudlll ! < oiieiprriloiml service of tlili * notice cnnnol bo iniulv , U U hereby onlertd nnd directed that ttleh notice bo niven by duu nnd proper piihllcntlon. I KUANIC H VotlNii , Kvcelvcr. SPECIAL , MASTER'S 8AL.U. Dnokct I1. No. 4PO. In the circuit court ot the United SUti'h , for tlm dlBtrlct of Nehruska. IteeveH&Cdiiipiiny.aCorpuratlou.Coiiiplttlnant , ) VH. > Kred I.elbort , ctat. , DefundnntH In Ulmncory. ) | -OIIBOrolUIIIC Of .MOHTdAIIU , Tub Icnoth'o In luiroljy given tint In pnrtuianco nnd by TlrtiiHdf n ilecrco ontoivd In thn lUioxu cdii ! > o on tlm lid dny ot July , 1UOO I Ono. H. Thiiniinol , special lime tor In clmnciiry of tbo cir cuit cooit ot the United 'JUtoi , for tlio illetrlct of Xobrn lii , will , on tlio L'ltb ility of Hopti'inlior , 11)00 ) , at the hour of 3 o'clock In thn , ifterno.m of iwld dny , nt the front door of tbu Cnxtor county court hoiiHO bulldlntf , In tbo city of HroKon Haw , Cii'ter county. Htntu nnd dlHtrlct rf NebrnnKn , fell nt public unction for c > sb the follow ! K decribtd i enl eetate , sltimio In ( 'lifter county , rtobrnnka , Hiid ileoeilhcd ft fnllowH , to wit' The iiiuthwc t iiiirter | ( S-4) ) of tlio norlbcudt quarter ( U ) , the Houtlr'nst qunr'ur ( } ( ) of the northuoHt iimner | ( l/l ) , the northonHt quarli > r ( U ) of thu coutliwint quiirter ( M ) . "i.d the northwest (4) ( ) of southeast ( W ) of section tnotity.threo ( i'l ) , town- Hhlp twenty ( " ( ) ) north , ot runuu nineteen t ID ) woHlof thoHlxth rrliiclpnl Merldlnu , c.iutilniliK n no hundred and sixty nercH , nlxo I will , on raid Ulthduy of Heptomlor , lUtM ) , nt the hour of H o'clock In the forenoon of nahl , ilay , at tbo re l- ( lenco of lid Sllllvnn , on the fW.i of Hec. 33 , Tp. 20 north , rnni'o 18 west , In ( Juslcr county , uoll nt iiuljllj auction lor cash , ono Iteovon wind Blacker , No. 10H ) , 0110 I'nreoiiB foedur , No. HWO , ono Hem wolchtr No. : ) IU7 , ono I > . 1) . tanlc pump , ono bolt nndono tnrpuulln , onu No Ul ) lo. ( voi oiiulnu , niaiiiifucturcil by Ucovea & Co. , with nit flxtureH mid iippeiulnKOn with or lidloiiutuc to tlm Mime , and one 7b'J Iteevon Heparator with llituri's , maim- fntturiHl by Koovoi & tJo. , with all ilxlnrcs and , o tint mumi. THUMMKI , , Special M us tor In Uliniicorv. McOllton & , HerrliiK , Solicitor for ( 'cniplalimiit. J M SCOtt Attorney at Law BKOKKN Bow , - Dr. E. M. . . . Hogan , Graduate Dentist , , Olllcu over W. H.SWMII'H Groocry store. Broken Bow , - Neb , H W . .ATHQ'V'SON. . OONTICAOTOIt AND HUII.l > Klt , and eslluintos on nliorl no a tluo. Itroknti Row , Neb. L'KNN & DOURFS , HI.AOKSMITIia. . All KlntlB o ( work In our line done promptly and In llrsc-olnas order. Red on the corner , went of Uio Olvoua a trial. J , J , SNYDGR , - Notary Public anil Jiintlcc of tbo 1'CAre. Sprclnl Attention clr- cn to collections , DcpoKltlons tnkon , jwHi-lon voucher ) ncntly nxrcntcil unit till klndu ot legul impord wrltcn. ORlcr won blilo rquaro , Ilroken llow. Noli. Lund Counter , E rvinUoy , Prop'r. All kinds if soft drinks. Best brand of cigars. Isl building east of Farmort bauK.