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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1896)
u fl IS 1 M l! i n U IIEMINGFOUD HERALD. TUOS. J. O'KKEFFE, J'ntilUkeft IIEMINGFOUD, NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. . A srmtTKi) religious revival is In progress In Beatrice. Tub water In tho Bluo river Is higher than for three years past. Boyd county boasts a calf that weighed 175 pounds at birth. Tub Washington County gold find is attracting a good deal of attention. Pini&OKAb taxes in Nonco county aro to bo collected by distress. Everything goes. Wakefield will havo wide open Baloons this year. Last year it had tho "holo in tho wall" system. The populist state convention to nominate stato ofllecrs will bo held in Hastings some time in August. Toiiiab trustees have passed an ordi nance that no barb wlro fences shall be harbored inside tho village limits. On account of illness ex-Senator In galls of Kansas was compelled to can cel his engagement to lecture in Hast ings. A sew biography of tho later years of Col. W. P. Cody has been begun by Col. Prentiss Ingraham in tho Duluth Press. Hkavy rains In tho vicinity or Far nam did considerable damage. Tho It. & M. railroad was badly washed in Eovoral places. An unknown man was found uncon scious on tho roadside near Uarada, and died boforo medical aid could be summoned. Tub Oxnards havo contracted with Hall county farmers for COO acres more of beets than wcro ever beforo planted In that county. At O'Neill tho case of Dunham, charged with cattle rustling, was given to tho jury last week They returned a verdict of guilty. Behnaii Kkuman, one of tho early settlers in Holt county, is eighty-seven years old and mentally and physically as vigorous as anybody. Rr.v. G. W. Damon of liottlo Creole has rotlred from tho ministry for an indefinite ttmo and notifies tho public that he has become an auctioneer. Hamdv was visited by three young tramps who had been offering for sale various doslgns of jewelry. They wore placed in jail to await developments. Lkn Hunn of Aurora was arrested by United States authorities for opening letters personally addressed to his part ner's wife, and gavo ball to appear for trial. At Nebraska City a runaway team jumped onto a buggy in which sat Mrs. Kjeldln. Tho vehicle wub badly dam aged and tho occupant seriously in jured. Miss Edith Stkininoek stood on a high chair to remove soma looso paper from thoccillng. When shocamo down, it was with sulllclent forco to fracture her arm. N. F. Petehson, a woll-to-do Dane, living fivo miles southeast of Mlndcn, cut hia throat with a razor while In sane. It is not certain whether medi cal aid can savo him or not A fish story comes from Mllford to tho effect that Mrs. Norton of the Resort hotol went down to the river edgo to look at tho Hood and scooped in a seven-pound pike with her sun bonnot Wm. M. GitnnKB of Hall county will boa candidate In tho republican state convention for tho nomination for stato auditor. Friends are strongly urging his cluims and aro hopeful of SUCCCSB. Little Goldlo Stoltz of Beaver City was burned to death last week. Sho was In tho field with her father, who was burning stalks, when her clothing caught Dro and sho was fatally burned beforo her father could extinguish the flames. Tjik city council of Lincoln has adopted a resolution instructing tho city attorney to begin suit upon the offi cial bond of Elmer Stephenson, who, a8 city treasurer in 161)3, lost 830,000 in the Capital National bank. Washington dispatch: Judge Strode's bill for the pensioning of General Thay er was today signed by tho president. The delay of several days which occur red between the receipt of tho blll-nt tho White house and the signature gave rise to unnecessary fears as to the safe ty of the bill, but tho signature settled the matter permanently and satisfacto rily. Buhglaiib robbed tho Postoflice at Howe last week. They secured a claw bar by breaking into tho Missouri Pacific tool house, and a drill, sledge, and other tools from a blacksmith shop near by. They opened tho safe, get ting about SOO worth of stamps. lt is supposed tho parties who broke into the depot a few days previous were tho robbers. County Judge Gaklow of Grand Island in writing to the various county judges iu the stato asking them to meet at Lincoln the latter part of next month in order to confer with each other about sumo necessary changes in tho laws more particularly affecting that office, Mr. Garlow expects to have quite an assemblage present at that time. The meeting will be held the latter part of May. Don't loaf around tho corner grocery arguing with your neighbors abont the best tool to use In surface cultivation, but buv a new Pivotal Frame Captain Kidd Disc Cultivator, which will render it easy to dodge the crookedest corn and unnecessary to dodge tho Sheriff next Fall If you use the Captain Kidd, you will have money to pay your bills, and won't havo to dodge. Write us for .descriptive circulars and "What Others ijay." Nkmiaska Molink Plow Co., Omaha, Neb Fobtmastek D. F. Davis and wife of. Columbus wcro notified by wire to om to Chattanooga at once, as their Jittle daughter, stopping with her grandparents, was at the point of death. She has been troubled for 6omc months with valvular heart dis ease. S. FlfAjTca, the merchant tailor of Beatrice who went to Atchison, in search of goods stolen from his store, telegraphed that he had found the goods and that the burglar, W. II. Browning, was under arrest. Requisi tion papers will be produced and Browning brought to Nebraska for trial. Uirnor.AiiB forced nn entrance to Bnroehouso Bros, general merohnndlso storo at Adams about 1 o'clock In tho morning and secured $10 in cash and a fow articles of clothing. After drilling tho safe they wcro frightened away beforo they had tlmo to blow it. Dumno a storm lightning struck tho High school building at Cedar Bluffs, sotting it on fire, and but for tho prompt action of tho flro department tho building would havo been burned to tho ground. Tho loss is estimated at 8100, fully covered by insurance. Lightning also struck tho fine new residence of Georgo Young damaging it about 8150 worth. Jonas Reynolds, who was arrested for having assisted Kingon and Winne gar to break jail at York and make their escape, was tried beforo Judge Wildman, who ordered Reynolds to bo held as charged for trial in tho district court under a bond of S200, in default of which ho was again put In jail. Rey nolds admits having hauled the prison er away, but denies having rendered any other assistance. In tho district court the city of Lin coln began suit tho other day to fore close its lieu on the Lincoln street rail way, including equipments, tracks, franchises, etc, The suit grows out of tho non-payment of taxes. A number of years ago when tho city attempted to force collection tho company enjoin ed it, and for somo technical reason injunction was nllowcd, and tho case is now pending in tho supremo court A Hot Simiinos (Ark.) dispatch says: Tho twenty round go this afternoon between Danny Daly of Bangor, Me,, and Georgo Stout of Omaha was one of tho ocst events over seen here and at tracted a crowd of three thousand spec tators. Tho men fought twenty rounds, all of which wcro lively throughout In the last round- Stout dislocated Daly's arm with an uppercut and tho decision was given to the Omaha man. Tjik safe in tho postoflice at Waco was blown open and robbed of SI- In silver and about 8100 in stamps. Tho building was generally ransacked for plunder, but nothing elso of any par ticular valuo was taken. Tho tools used for drilling a holo in the safe were taken from a neighboring blacksmith Bhop. Tho explosion blew tho safe door completely off Its hinges, and strango to say the nolso was not heard by any one. P. J. Fai.ino, ex-treasurer of Exeter township, Fillmore county, it is alleg ed, is short In his accounts about S-2!". There has been some prospect that tho township board would prosecute him for embezzlement, but It Is now likely that his brother will furnish him money enough to make up tho short age and that the matter will bo settled in that way. In any event the town- shin is not lllccly to Ipso anything, as Ills bondsmen aro perfectly good for tho amount Si'KAKiNO of tho Nebraska Club the Kimball Observer says: "We feel the necessity of such an organization. There must be something dono to counteract the efforts that are being made to entlco our people to leavo Ne braska. Sharp business land specula tors havo taken advantage of the dis couragements of a great many people, on account of tho short crops two years ago and low prices of farm products this year and aro holding out every in ducement for thorn to go south." Tiiehe was a meeting of tho execu tive committee of tho Nebraska club held at Lincoln, at which E. A. Barnes of Grand Island presided. A commu nication was read from Omaha In which tho progress of tho work of raising tho 85,000 pledged for that city was de tailed. It was decided that the secre tary should write to corporations out side of tho statt which do business here and present tho objects of tho club, with tho view of getting their sub scriptions to tho membership fund. Inteuest in the matter of tho as Bault on tho Dawson family by tho Vic McCarty gang in Sarpy county In July, 1804, has been considerably revived at Alliance recently. Hon. R. C. Nolo man, attorney for the Dawsons, is in receipt from the British embassy dated April 2. 1800, in which the ambassador, Sir Sultan Puuncofotc, states that the case has been referred to the commit tee on foreign affairs of the house of representatives with a favorable re commendation from tho state depart ment The case Is brought for tho sum of 540,000. GnowtNO out of tho experience had at North Loup last year in tho way of planting crops exclusively for seed purposes, W. A. Prentice and a number of others will enter on the same line of farming this season, the gentleman named having contracted with a Lin coln seed firm to put In a quantity of peas, beans and tablo corn of choice varieties, tho firm agreeing to take the product in tho fall at n stipulated price. With irrigation within reach it is thought great success will attend tho enterprise. Jamks W. HANI), who has for yenrs been a resident of Nebraska City, ended his life by taking "Rough on Rats." He bought two boxes of the poison and took the same. Every effort was made to savo his lifo, but without avail. Ho has held several positions, but owing to the poor condi tion of his health was not able to keep them, and becoming discouraged, took this method of putting au end to his life. He was in fair circumstances and the act seemed uncalled for. He had a life insurance of 2,000. Dh. W. H. Cuius of Nebraska City was in Fremont last week for a few days, under instructions from Secreta ry Morton, to look up und verify or discredit a complaint which had been filed In headquarters to tho effect that scabby sheep had been shipped from that vicinity to Chicago. Most of the sheep have been shipped, but at the ranch of Mahoney & Sullivan he found about 400 head which he reports to be In a reasonably fair condition, and ex pressed himself as well pleased with tlie manner In which tho gentlemen have cared for their stock. Tiik Prague Farmers' elevator was burned to the ground. The cause of the fire Is not known. The elevator was insured for 81,300. This makes the second time inside of eight months that the elevator has been on fire and as there was nobody running the ele vator since it was built, it makes tho affair somewhat of u mystery. Tiei'Cu a German aged about 50 years, made a probably suc cessful attempt to commit suicide at Plattsmouth by shooting himself through the windpipe. The weapon used was a 32-calibrc revolver. He had been unable to secure employment and i became despondent in consequence. ftLTGELD TO CARLISLE. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SECRE TARY OF THE TREASURY. IS SHARPLY CRITICISED. The Illinois Governor Replies to tliu Address of Sir. Cnrllslo Ilocently Delivered In Chicago nn tlio Monetary Question Makes Charcot In Regard to the Iloml Syndicate. SrniNoriKi.D, III., April 27. In an open letter mado public to-day Gov ernor Altgcld replies to tho address on tho money question which Secretary Carlisle recently dullvered in tho Au ditorium in Chicago. Tho letter is as follows: "A teacher should bo will ing to answer questions. At tho close of Mr. Carlisle's speech n number of gentlemen arose and asked for further information, but he turned his back, nnd slipped off the stage and by direc tion of his managers tho questioners were hustled out by policemen." Mr. Altgcld quotes at length tho oft-quoted speech mado by Mr. Car lisle in 1676, in which he declared that the demonetization of silver would ultimately eutnll more misery than wars, pestilences und famines or tho destruction of half the movable prop erty of the world, and declares that he can not understand how Mr. Car lisle changed his views when ho be en mo a member of President Cleve land's cabinet Ho also refers to the chnngo of views of Secretaries Hoko bmith and Herbert, who had long denounced silver demonetization nnd declares that, unlike Saul of Tarsus, they havo been ashamed to discuss their conversions. He asks whether they were "scoundrels and nirtnitdc ' iit-ittl Minir rrrxi I r lin nul ttinn und the tinsel of cabinet positions not 1 1 only made tliein honest, but gave them brains. He asks Mr. Carlisle to ex plain why for 200 years, despite vari ations in annual production, gold and silver held tho market ratio of 'M to 1. Explanation is asked of the state ments of Baron Rothschild and other eminent financiers in 16C9 that tho sum of the two metals taken together formed the measure of values, and why wherever silver was btrlckcu down it was by tho arbitrary act of govern ment and not by commerce or busi ness. Mr. Altgcld asks Mr. Carlisle if, when the volume- of money was re duced and property values fell corres pondingly, but debts, taxes and In terest were not, a great crime was not committed against the debtor and producing classes and how either debtor or laborer can spend ns much money as before, thus Injuring the great homo market. He holds that as rises in prices arc dependent in' in creases in volumo of monoy. stagna tion must continue until the volumo of money is again restored. He quotes from the bank reports and the treas ury statements that there was only 8227,000,000 In gold In sight July 11, 187t,as u contradiction of Mr. Carlisle's statement that there were 8000,000,000 of gold in America, and asks why Mr. Carliblc makes such mislead ing statements. In closing he says: "A year ago Mr. Cleveland sent for his former law partner and closo friend, and through him Cleveland and Carlisle together mado a secret contract with another friend, who was a former client ot Cleveland's, by which that friend and his associate speculators were enabled to make gl000,000 or 810,000,000 out of the gov ernment in a few weeks on a small bond transaction. And the reason given for this extraordinary and even criminal procedure was that tho spec ulators and sharks of Wall street had agreed to protect the government against the 'gold reservo until the following November. Following that, the wealthiest, the most enterprising, most powerful, most Industrious und thrifty nation on tho globo paid trlbuto to a small band of speculators for protection. And when the month of November arrived these speculators withdrew their pro tection and then the government pro ceeded to issue another 8100,000.000 of uonus, increasing the uurtiens ot our people. Now, Mr. Carlisle might, havo expatiated on this, and pointed out to tho American people tho lofty charac ter of the statesmen involved in these transactions, for, strange to say, many of our intelligent people aro utterly unable to comprehend it While Mr. Carlisle does not seem to have been n success in tho capacity of a bunco stcerer among the laboring men of Chicago, there aro many points tipon which ho could be very Interesting, and I would suggest that they bring him back and let him talk about mat ters In which he Is at home." A Divorce In the Aripy. Leavknwop.tii, Kan., April 27. Mrs. Virginia Brady was granted a decreo of divorce from Lieutenant Jasper E. Brady by Judg'o Myers of the District court yesterday afternoon. The ground was gross neglect of duty, and thero was no contest Mrs. Brady was given the custody of their 2-year-old child. The suit was en tered luto Thursday night and an effort was mado to keep the matver out of the papers. Tbey aro both well-known In society and army circles. Senutor Stewart's Daughter to Wed. Washington, April 27 Senator and Mrs. Stewart announce the engage ment of their daughter. May Belle, to Mr, Pay son. The wedding will take plnee at the Stewart Castle, May 16. The young couple will reside in Balti more, where Mr, Payson is at present engaged iu business. Many Mexican Miners Hurled. Ei. Paso, Tex., April 27. The Santa Eulalia mines of Chihuahua caved in yesterday. Seven miners have been taken out dead and thirteen wounded. Forty-four others ure still in the mines. A COMMERCE CONVENTION Tariff nnil Consular Question to Ho Con sidered nt Hctrott, Ilef-lnnlng Jane S. Dktkoit, Mich., April 27. A circu lar letter of invitation to tho national commercial tariff convention, to be hold hero beginning Juno 2, 1800, ad dressed to nil citizens Interested In the subjects to bo discussed, has boon Issued over tho slgnaturo of S. B. Archer, secrotary, chamber of com merce, this city. Tho objects of tho convention aro htatcd to bo tho discussion of moans to take the tariff question out of poli tics, to Improvo the consular service, especially in Central and South Amer ica, to consider tho advisability of recommending to Congress tho crea tion of a department of commerce, manufactures nnd labor, and of form ing a permanent organization. It is stated that tho convention will bo non-political and non-sectional, PERISHED IN FLAMES. Death Chosen hy Insurgent In Prefer ence to Cnpture by Spanish Soldiers. Havana, April S7. Ofllclal advices recolved hero Btato that Colonel Aldca whilo in pursuit of parties of insur gents, encountered soveral bands of them on the Carmen cstato, near Sabnnllla, In tho province of Ma tnnzas. Tho Insurgents were fleeing from an attack which had been made upon them by tho Rey column. Tho troops charged upon tho Cubans from nil sides, forcing them into tho cane fields, which were burning fiercely, and many of them perished in tho flames which they themselves had started. Tho troops continued pur suit of the fleeing insurgents, killing many of them. Cardinal Rampolla's Letter. Chicago, 111., April 27. Tho long looked for letter of tho Papal secre tary of stato has been received by tho committee on religious liberty for Protestants in South America, and it will be read at tho Chicago Methodist ministers' moetingnext Monday morn ing. The lotter gives the result of the investigations of Cardinal Ram polla, tho papal secretary of state, concerning the marriage laws of Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, and also the religious liberty that iB accorded to tho people in those countries. Furthermore, tho letter announces what the Holy See proposes to do In the matter. Rev. John Lee, chairman of tho comtvittec, declines to state in udvanco anything further concerning tho details of Cardinal Rampolla's communication. A Flro at Leavenworth. Leavknwoutii, Kan,, April 7. Carl Hoffman's Chickering hall and his wholesale nnd retail music house, the largest In Kansas, were damaged by fire early this morning. Tho building was valued nt about S25.00P nud tho stock and fixtures at $20,000. The loss on the stock and fixtures is Sl",- 000 and on the building 8,000. The building 1b insured for S13.000 and the stock and fixtures for 810,000. Many pianos und other musical instruments were either consumed or ruined by heat, fiinoue ana water. xno tiro started in tho shipping room in basement, and was not controlled three hours. tho for No Treaty With the Oiafjes. Iniepi:ndence, Kan., April 27. II. D. Gorman, nephew of Senator Gor man of Maryland, who, with W. M. Traskett of Arkansas und Judge Rook of Georgia, was appointed by tho gov ernment as a special commission to treat with the Osage Indians for the purchase of their lands and allot ments, passed through last night on his way back to Washington. The commission did not accomplish any thing and tho limit of their appoint ment has expired. Antc-Kaptlal Announcement. Bi.oominoton, III., April 27. Infor mation received from tho family of Vice President Stevenson at Washing ton Is to tho effect that Miss Julia Stevenson, elder daughter of tho Vice President, and Rev. Murtln D. Hardin of Danville, Ky., will bo married at the New York Avenue Presbyterian church In Washington on May 28. Tho Invitations are not yet issued. Tho bridegroom is a son of Hon. U. Wat Hardin, the distinguished Ken tucky Democratic politician. Sum Conk's Silver Views. Mexico, Mo., April 37. S. B. Cook of tho Democratic Stato central com mittee says a small percentage of tho sound money Democrats will vote the Republican ticket, bnt the loss to tho party from this source will not exceed : 0,000 voted. Ho thinks on tho other hand the clean cut, unequivocal plat form adopted at Sod alia will not only bring out thousands of Democrats who were disgusted In 1804, but It will bring to the Democracy two votes for every gold standard Democrat who loins the Rcphblicans. Vandcrhllt liurs the Defender. New Yoiik. April -it. Mr. William K. Vanderbllt. the head of the syndi cate that built, equipped and raced the Defender, has become the sole owner of that yacht Mr. Vanderbllt has bought out tho interests of the others, as it was agreed in the plans that he had the right to do any time after the America's cup matter had been decided. What Mr. Vanderbllt will do with the famous craft IH mere ly a matter cf conjecture. Au Indian Oratorical Contest. Lawhenck, Kan., April 27. The In dian pupils at Haskell Institute held an oratorical contest last night, tho first of the kind, so far as is known, ever held iu the United States. There wcro ten orators nud the programme was Interspersed with music. Ilonnrd and Cable Are Convicted. Topeka, Kan., April 27. Frank Howard and Frank Cable were found guilty In tho Federal court ot robbing the postoflice at Ulysses, Grant county, and Judge Foster sentenced them to the penitentiary Howard for three years and Cable for fire. FAYOR FREE SILVER. THE WHITE METAL, WING NEBRASKA DEMOCRACY. OF Proceedings of the Stato Convention In Lincoln Cholro of Delegates to tho Chicago Convention Faith In Free Coinage riedged Anew In the Flatform of rrluclples The Trans-MlsslsslppI International Exposition. Nebraska Democratic Convention. DELEGATES-AT-LARGE. W.J. BRYAN Lincoln O.J. SMYTH Omaha W. 11. THOMPSON Grand Island W. V. O.DHAM Kearney DISTRICT DELEGATES. First District F.J. MOIKJAN Plattsmouth C. 6. JUNKS Lincoln rccond District JOHN A. OUrUQUTON .Omaha O.H. IlltOWN Omaha Third District ed UOLLKNDEOK .. r remont U. A. LUIUAHT aorioiK Fourth District O. J. llOWLDY Croto E. O. MtlGUS Seward Fifth District F.A.THOMl'SEN Clay Center 1 WALSH McCook Sixth District , , JAMEBO. HAUL-MAN Chauron DR. J. 0. I1LAOKHUKN Atkinson Lincoln, April 23. Tho free silver democratic stato convention was not called to order until nearly 3 o'clock. The delay was caused by tho Fourth congressional district whoso delegates occupied tho hall until a lato hour, olectlng their district delegates to Chi cago. Chairman C. J. Smytho rapped tho delegates to order and Secretary Leo Hcrdman read the call. A committee on credentials was dis pensed with and credentials wero hand ed In to tho secretaries and accepted. Tho chair appointed the following committeo on resolutions'. W. J. Bryan, Lincoln; W. H. Thompson, Grand Is land; J. O'Connor, Omaha; James Sul llxnn, Columbus; Matt Gerlng Platts mouth; Ed Fallon, Falls City, and H. C Rlttenhouse, McCook. JIEKOLUTIONS OK SYMPATHY. The following resolutions were mov ed by C. J. Smyth, and unanimously adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, Hon. Ed P. Smith has been ono of the ablest and most loyal cham pions of true democracy in the state of Nebraska; Whereas, Tho hand of a terrible dls easo presses heavily upon him, and ho has been, and is, suffering excruciating pain; therefore, bo it Resolved, That tho democratic Btato convention, recognizing his valuable services to tho cause of democracy, and deeply regretting that he is beset by an awful affliction, sends to Hon. Ed P. Smith words of cheer in his manful battle for life, and tender to his wlfo and children the assuranco of Its pro found sympathy. THANS-MISBIHSirPI EXPOSITION. Resolutions endorsing tho Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition were adopted as follows: Whereas, Delegates representing tho twenty-four states and territories west of tho Mississippi river, at tho Trans Mississippi congress of 1805, adopted resolutions providing for the holding of an exposition for the purpose of exhib iting the products, manufactures, arts, industries and capabilities of these states, and territories, and Whereas, The said congress voted unanimously that said exposition should be held at the city of Omaha, Nebras ka, in tho year 1808; and Whereas, Tho common interests of the states and territories constituting this great region will bo greatly pro moted and benefitted thereby, and the great state of Nebraska will bo espec ially benefitted by such an exposition within her borders, therefore, be it Resolved, By tho 800 citizens of tho state of Nebraska assembled together as delegates to the Nebraska democrat ic state convention, held at the Funke opera house at Lincoln, Nebraska, on April 22. A. D. 1890. that the holding of said Trans-Mississippi Exposition is hereby heartily approved, and that our senators and representatives in con gress are requested to co-operate with the senators and representatives of the other trans-Mississippi states and thor oughly nnd actively endeavor to pro cure at this session of congress the pas sage of a bill giving national recogni tion to said exposition and providing for nn appropriation for u national ex hibit und the necessary and proper buildings to contain the same; and be it further Resolved, That a copy of tho forego ing resolutions be certified by tho sec retary of the convention and sent to the senators and representatives in congress from Nebraska. Mr. Bryan, of tho committee "on reso lutions, presented the following report: We, the democrats of the state of Ne braska, in convention assembled, renew our allegiance to tho principles taught by Thomas Jefferson nnd courageously defended by Andrew Jackson, and de mand that the great problems now bo foro the people shall be solved by tho application of these principles to pres ent conditions. We congratulate the democrats of Massachusetts upon tho candor and frankness which characterized their platform utterances of yesterday. We rejoice that they no longer quibble about the ratio and holding out the de lusive hope of international co-operation, have at last consented to submit to the people the question, whether the United States shall have monometal Ism or bimetalism whether the Amer ican people Bhall deliberately adopt the English system of finance or restore the gold and silver coinage of the constitu tion. The Massachusetts demand for a single gold standard and for the re demption of all government obligations In gold alone presents tho paramount issue of the campaign, and we welcome the contest We endorse the language used by Hon. John G. Carlisle in 1878, when ho denounced the "conspiracy" to destroy silver as a standard money as "the most gigantic crime of this or any age," and we agree with him in the declaration then made that "the con sumation of such a scheme would ulti mately entail more misery upon the human race Ah an all the wars, pesti lences and famines that have ever oc curred In the history of tho world." We are not willing to be parties to such a crime, and in order to undo the wrong already done and to prevent a further rise in the purchasing power of the dollar, we favor the immediate re storation of tho free nnd unlimited coinago of gold and sliver at tho pres ent legal ratio of 10 to 1, ns such coin age cxixted prior to 1873, without wait ing for the aid or consent of any other nation, such gold and silver to bo a full legal tender for all dobts, public and private. Wo aro opposed to tho retirement of tho greenback and demand that tho secretary of tho treasury, Instead of Is suing interest-bearing bonds for tho purchaso of gold, shall recognize silver as money of redemption nnd cxcrclso tho right to redeem greenbacks, treas ury notes and all other coin obllgatlona in silver when silver 1b more onvcn lent Believing that general laws Bhould not bo set aside by privato contract, wo favor such congressional legislation as will, without Interfering with valid contracts already in existence, prohibit for tho futuro tho making of agree ments for tho payment of any specific kind of legal tender money. Wo are in favor of a constitutional amendment authorizing tho collection of an incomo tax as a part of tho feder al revenue system. We aro in favor of tho election of United States Senators by the direct vote of tho people. Wo are la favor of a liberal pension policy. Wo aro in favor of tho Inltlativo and referendum system ns an aid to sccur- . ing a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The democratic party has ever been, tho party of religious liberty in this, country. It has always been and is. now opposed to tho union of church, and stato in any form or under any pretext whatever; it is opposed to tho imposition of any religious test for office; it is opposed to all secret polit ical organizations of every kind or character, or any open political organ ization based upon religious prejudices, as contrary to the spirit and genius of our institutions nnd thoroughly un nmerican. It stands by our public school system as a means of popular education and Is opposed to any diver sion of public school funds to any sec tarian purpose, but it recognizes tho right of parental control and the rights of conscience in the education of child ren as in accord with the fundamental doctrines of tho democratic party, that the largest liberty consistent with tho rights of others insures tho best gov ernment On motion of C J. Bowlby the chair man declared that nominations for del-egatcs-at-largo wero in order. Selec tions were then mado in accordance with tho result given at the commence ment of this nrtlcle, W. J. Bryan and some others being selected by accla mation. A resolution wns introduced by J. C Dahlmau declaring that "the democra cy of Nebraska presents tho democracy of tho nation the name of W. J. Bryan nnd recommends his nomination as can didate for president, and that the Ne braska delegates be instructed to for ward his candidacy." Tho reading of tho resolution wns received with great enthusiasm, but Mr. Bryan 'asked that tho resolution be withdrawn, and this was dono by the mover. Tho convention then adjourned, and moved away in a body to the Burling ton depot to meet Governor Stono of Missouri, who spoke at night in tho Funke opera house. The speaker vig orously denounced tho administration of Grover Cleveland at 6hort intervals during his entire speech. BITS OF KNOWLEDGE. It costs four times as much to gov ern American cities as Is spent for tho- -same purpose In English cities. A new steamboat, Just launched for tho Hudson river service, will cost $1,000,000 and be provided with engines, of 8,000 horse power. There aro nearly 10,000,000 children, in school in the United States, nearly 14,000,000 in public schools, and nearly 400,000 teachers. During the 900 years that the Pekln Gazette has been In exlstenco 1,800 of its editors have had their heads taken off for having exceeded instructions. Tbo children of tho poor in Japan aro nearly always fabelcd In case they should stray from their homes whilst their mothers aro engaged In domestic duties. The longest paved street In tho world is Washington street, Boston, which 1s Eoventcen and a half miles long; tho shortest is the Rue Bio, Paris, which Is barely twenty feet long. In England and Scotland milkmaids believe that if they forget to wash their hands after milking their cows will go dry. This superstition Is diligently fostered by the owners of the cows. In Nebraska farms average 190 ncrcs, In Massachusetts SC. But In proverbi ally thrifty Holland tho average Is. thirty acres. Seventeen-twcntielhs of all the farms in Holland are less than 50 acres in extent. Japan claims tho oldest wooden build ing in the world. It la a log storchouso In Yara, which Is now used to shelter some of tho Mlkndo'B art treasures. An ago of 1,200 years Is claimed for It. Some of the logB aro nearly worn away by the weather. To send a telegram to London from New York and get an answer takoB two hours. The mescage goes through Causo, Nova Scotia, and Penzance. When special arrongomenta have been made to clear the wires, fifteen seconds will suffice for a message ono way. RAM'S HORNS. Any kind of an unrepentant sinner Is a lost one. Bible promises wero made for Blble lovlug people. Only those who love souls can learn how to win them. A negative sinner is as suro to be lost, as a positive one. The slave is no less a slave whose chaln 1b made of gold. In a cold prayer meeting tho back seats are the warmest. The office of temptation Is to teach us our need of Christ. There is no greater commandment than "love one another." The grateful heart has music in It that, angels cannot sing. Whoever belleveth God's truth gets God's reward for doing It J A' i tfvJ.) T- t : i H L '