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About Hemingford herald. (Hemingford, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1895-190? | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1896)
r& if-'Vta - . jt&f-'iE!. JVV VOL. 2. HEMINGFORD. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 8. UJ96. NO. 11 i - wy 11 BI (ft M V 51 U W!r W(Ja ; i h w . it ft. K, W r Ifl'JM t- The Herald. OFFICIAL PAPER OF BOX BUTTE COUNTY. PabliMinl every Friday nnd entered fit tlio post-oilico in HcmlncfoM. Nt-hrnskn, ns Rocitnil elasn mall mutter. The Hkiuli) is lovotl to tho internum of llemluijfurd and llox Hullo conntjr. THOS. J. O'KECFn, Publisher. BBBsenirno hates; ONE YEAU 5159 MX MONTHS W COUNTY OKFICEttS. F. M. , .Clerk. A.M. Trrnatiror. J All. . It. HliWETX ...JadR" E.P. Sweeney-.... Sberi. H. F. Uir.VAN Attorney. Miss A. K. Nekland Buperlntundcnt. rmn.UnA.Ntf Surveyor, Dn.W.K Coroner. Tin. LhW.Howman l'liynlclan. James Haiuiy CoramiHfllonor 1st l)It.t. JAfl. Hoi.UKnAKE. ... t ' l)it, O. W.Duncan ... ....CotnmlsKioner.'InlUlKt. New Short Line to Helena, Butto Spokano, Seattle and Tacoma O. X. Ss "W. O. Tina Card. KAUT BOUND. No. 42. imstoncf r Wrles iH 1:1(1 a. in. " 4t!frellit " i" " 18 frolj,'lit nrrlvoH ut 10:iu u. m. v VEST DOt'ND. No. 41 jmsen(ornrrlvesat 4:15 a. in. " 5frolcht " 11:55 p. in. " 47 frnlKlit arrives nt -jus i. m All trains curry pasientrors. W. II. Copuland, Agon Hew 'Spring and Summer Millinery. Hats of various lands, Tim-" mings of laces, Ribbons, Flow ers, etc., of latent stylo, and prices to suit the times. Thanking yon for past favors, will try to merit acontinuanqo of same. Miss L. Adams. R. McLeod is in Council Bluffs. J. C. McCorkle went to Omaha last Thursday. Miss Mary Collins visited Mi's. Burlow Sunday. I. E. Tush and Master Charlie visited Alliance Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Iodenco visited Alliance one day last week. Mcsdames 13. Gerbor and O. A. Miller visited Alliance Monday. Phil Tierney came down from Rapid City Saturday via "bicycle route." A neat park is being fixed up and seeded down on the depot grounds. A. H. McLaughlin of Mars land was a Hemingford visiter Saturday. . '' Sheriff Sweeney and family visited their ranch near Alliance yosterday. Miss Barbara Mclntiro of Alli ance is spending a few daj's with "Mrs. Copeland. Postmaster Atkin of Box Butte was transacting business at the county scat Saturday. Jos. Eckl departed for Rice Lake, Wis., Monday, for a few weeks visit with relatives. C. L. Snedekcr of Box Butte has recovered from his recent ill ness, Ho was in the city today. Sign the remonstrance. It is the duty of every conscientious citizen to do so. There aro now over GOO signers and the schem ers will bo turned down this time just as hard as before. To the Ladils of Hemingfokd and Vicinity: 1 will bo at Hemingford Satur day, May IGth, with a splendid line of. TR MMED HATS and MILLINERY, at PRICES that will SURPRISE YOU I have Children's Sailors as low as 5c and 10c, und Ladius' Trim med Hatp as low as 50c and Si. 00. One day only. iMiss Hattib E, Brown. Miss Lulu Blair and Miss At kiu of Box Butte, wore visiting friends in Horaingford Saturday. The, children's missionary band will sorvo ice cream and cake Saturday in tho Gerbor building. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pickens and son, of Alliance, woro tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Killeen Sunday. Rev. Father Porrig of Rosebud agency said mass at tho Catholic church this morning. There will also be devotions this evening. Several of our people attondod the closing exorcises of tho Bdx Butto literary last Friday even ing and all speak very highly of the entertainment. Tho Alliance county scat com mittee has disbanded and shoul dered the whole menagerie on one poor old broken down "representative business man," who pays no taxes and has noth ing else to do. E. S. Kendall ono of tho pub lishers of the Chadron Signal- Recorder, visited his brother, :Rov. Kendall Sunday: Ho re turned Monday, accompanied by his mother .who has been visiting here for several days. Our former citizen, E. L. Beedo has received tho nomina tion on the peoples ticket for clerk of Harney county, Oregon. Mr. Beedo is an honest, upright gentleman, well qualified for the office, and his many friends in this county hope to hoar of his election. Mr. Pat Collins and Miss Mary SHk woro united in marriage April 20, 1890, by Rev Father Haley. Mr. and Mrs. Collins aro among tho first settlers in Box Butto precinct and The IIeuat.d joins their many friends in wish ing them a life of happiness and prosperity. Wo are informed by persons who aro in a position to know that there was a big steal on the water works plant put in at Alli ance. If thero was. a new court house to bo built there, no doubt there would bo a greater steal und the majority of .the people of this county knowwHo wblild'get tho rako off, too. '' Mrs. Howett visited in Hem ingford last Saturday. Tho Judge might just as well follow Sheriff Sweeney's example first as last and move his family to Hemingford, for ho certainly will not experience tho pleasure of seeing tho county seat at Al liance during his term of v office. Jos. Wanek, one of tho first settlors ,fji" the county, who left here fotir years ago, returned Tuesday and to stay. Ho has lived in easteVn Nebraska and travelled through tho southern and western states and now says that Box Butto is good enough ..or him. Ho will reside on his farm west of town. There is no place like Box Butto after all. Mr. and Mrs, Ole Gilbert of Box Butto precinct woro trading with Hemingford's entorprising merchants Saturday. They made this office a pleasant call und showed us a hon egg which measures 7x8 inches. This is tho kind of eggs.Box Butto hens lay and corroborates the state ment made by an overworked Express messenger on lhi lino a short time ago, who said that "this is the greatest place for hen fruit I ever saw; I believe tho roosters in Box Butte lay egsrs." The egg' is now on ex hibition at this office. OLD PAPERS 5qts a dozen, at Titn URRAi.n office. What's in the Paper. The Smith-! ''0,s,loutrovor- sy s. Show-alter, Voice of , ? Joseph i in tho is .. ..f.iuvn sues" of todbVr1 f Proceedings of tho democratic si ate convention. Capitalists to aid Cripplo Creek. Annual report of tho Sroto Banking board. Judge Westover appoints a re ceiver for tho Chadron Banking Company. Rood men soro at Proctor. To shut out convict goods. Report of the general confer ence of tho Methodist church now in session at Cleveland, O. Shah of Persia killed. Arizona republicans split; A sequel to an Oklahoma di vorce. Dawes county murder, and other uows. As per announcement last week, tho county Sunday school conven tion will be held in the Methodist church in Hemingford on Satur day, May 23. commencing at 10. a. in. It is desired to mako this not only an interesting session but ono that will be profitable in stimulat ing Sunday school work. Each Sunday school in the county is urged to send a delegate and to furnish to tho Secretary, Hon. A. Sherwood, a report of the school. The program will appear next week. Tho Ladies Progressive club gave si party at tho residence of Mrs. Bean Saturday afternoon in honor of Mcsdames Huot, Waisner and Libby who are soon to depart for tho west. A very pleasant time is roportod." ... Those present wore:' Mesdames, Reynolds, Gerber, Christy, Hammond, McCorkle, Lehr, Nichols, Waisner, Bushncll, Trout, Kendall, Uhrig; Goodenough, Gilman, Jones, Iodenco, Huot, . Libby . Sherwood, Broshur. Howett, of Allianco Mibses, Adams, Hamilton Beroa Soro.piti.g3. On Box Uutto land 'tis good lu dwnll, as hero we r.'ise uverytiiliiK t sell, Sucli as wlit'Ubaml barley, rye and oats, Slicep and cliickens.calves and shoats. Liain is pnnrl g down in streams, And all aro liappy. so it septus, . And the goad old times will be here again, All on ii:cunnt of the heavy rains. You eastern people with a good strong nrm, Come out here and get a farm, For h-re is plenty of homestead land, And we will lend you a helping hund. Yon eastern men who strive and toll, On the ungrateful worn out soil, Come otit on Box Hutte's Virgin soil, Where you don't have to work and toil. '" For here a steer will pet fat as mud, My nibbing his nose on a cactus prod, And potaies here, prow almost wild, And can be picked up by any child. With silver and gold sixteen to one, Wheat will bo a dollar soon, Old my what times it then will be In this old Uox Butte couutce(y). Box Butte coi.nty now has peace, The county seat tight, as a bad disease Is now muted out, root and all, So don't be scared, but come next fall. 5 Nuff Sed. The Hemingford base ball club has organized for the coming season and would like to hear from all clubs wanting games. H. F. Goodonough was elected captain, L. B. Fenner Scc'y and G. M. Goodenougli manager. Tho boys havo sent a challenge to Alliance for a match game to bo played hero on Decoration day. FIRED TO SAVE HIS LIFE, W. R. Welch Kills Glen Santeo. I Both Well Known Hero Wo re produce tho following special telegram to tho Stato Journal ' from Chadron. May G. W. R. Welch Bhot otid killed Glen Satitoo ttt 7 o'clock lost night near Ida postofileo. Wolch immediately drovo to this city, ar riving hero about Uo o'clock this ' morning, and gave himself up to j tiie sheriff. Tho story of tho shooting as told by Welch is as fpllows. Santee, a man twenty years old, camo to Welch's home about dusk tuid demanded payment for u trowel that Ho claimed Welch had that belonged to him. Mrs. Welch with whom he was talking, asked him how much tho trowel was worth. Just then Welch, who was in tho room, spoke up und said that ho knew nothing about tho trowel, and that Suutee must jxo to a nian named Baker, who was then plastering a house into which Welch was to movo. Sunteo then '- struck Mrs. Welch, knocking her down and stepped over her pros trate body and approached Wolch, saying: "Give inn that trowell or I'll kill you," applying a vile epi thet. Without waiting for a reply Santeo struck Welch, grabbed him by tho throat and continued to pound him on tho face. Welch defended himself as best ho could, Uut was no match for Santeo, and finally fearing that Santeo would kill him Welch drew a revolver und shot Santeo dead. Welch is twenty-nine years of ige, is married and has two chil dren. He came to this country six years ago and began farming. For the past three years ho has been teaching school and has been in the photograph business. R. San tee, brother of the dead man, was Welch's partner in this business until his death some months ago. Glen Santeo, tho dead man, was a guest in Wolch's house from tho 5th of lust December until tho time of his brother's death. Mrs. Welch says ho was always treated as a brother and everything was done for him that could bo. After tho death of his brother Santeo claimed that Welch was responsi ble for his death, although Welch was sick in bed at the timo Santeo died. Tho dead man is described as a man who was inclined to bo surly, and it was thought thai ho was not quite sound in mind. Welch had been warned that Santoe intended to kill him. Welch's face Bhows marks of a hard struggle. His face is badly cut up. There are marks on his forehead, cheeks and chin that looks liko tho work of somo blunt instrument. His lip is swollen so that ho can scarcely talk and ho is pretty well used up. Tho old soldiers met at the court house Monday evening to consider holding of decoration ser vices on May 30th. Jas. T. Pinkerton was elected chairman and Smith P. Tuttle sec retary. Mrs. M. E, Hammond was elect ed chairman of committee, on dec oration, to choose her own assist ants. D. K. Spacht was elected chair man of committee on instrumental and vocal music. A. M. Miller was elected 'Ureas. Ira E. Tush chairman of com mittee on speaking. E. P. Sweeney, marshal. R. H. Blanchard, A. M. Miller, I. E., Frank Shitnek, E. P. Sweeney, Jus. T. Pinkerton, and Smith P. Tuttle, wore clouted as a committee on general amm ga in en ts. Calvin J. Wildy. Always Leads and Never Fpljovs ! WE SELL WE SAVE WE MAKE Come and see ub and get tho best, the latest, and the cheapest. Dry goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Glassware, Queensware, and Provisions. We aro always pleasod to have friends call vhothor to buy or other wise, and especially invito strangers, transients, and city visitors to call and if wo have no time to show you goods nor quoto you prices, wo will be pleased to havo you admire our windows decorated with tropical and foreign plants, all steal slips) so whonovor at tho county seat always do ' your trading with your old reliable firm. Yours nnsious to please, . '"''" . JS3 & Ks z2 this Space is Reserved HL -wH A RD AMTO PIONEER- Hardware and Tnrc Oldest Establishment in the County . Charter Oak Cook Stoves, Genuine Round Oak Heating Stoves, Paints, Oils, Glass, etc.. Special Agent for BAKER PERFECT Barb Wire the Best on Earth.' H. II. Bellwood, M. D. W. S. Bkllwood, M. D. PeLLWQOD & PlLLW.00Dt Physician" atxcL Surgeons. ALLIANCE NEBRASKA,' H0Room8 3-4-5-6, Opera Block. H H, PI Proprietor of Livery Wo have first-class stock and double and single rigs, which wa furnish at reasonable rates. Our facilities for accommodating boarder ore unoxcelled in tho city. Give us a call. fiST Stable Corner Box Butte Avenue and Sheridan Street. YOU GOODS. ) YOTT MONEY V YOU HAPPY. 1 in full bloom (but pleaeo don't :C. J WILDY. yon 353. O-rEBEZESIKF, 'V f3 WARE . .-i.ii.. "',i AW.VJtVkb. Feed Stables, RIG Saddlery. ERCE T---'. '--;- kyfcCl.:.m'OTft;T7iiri I jm"M'